The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 16, 1904, Page 8, Image 8

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Naughton Discusses, Current Pugilistic
Events Oakland . Defeats San Francisco
Nins-Artful Wins Ow Eclipse Course.
Journal's Pago of Sports
Junior Elevens Fall to ScoreEastern
Football Results Rain, Prevents Sound
.'Ball Qames Racing News Boxing Notes.
East fry -J.A.HOHAN
- n v. - v
(ImU Dhiaeten IrtMHt W ere Wl JisjiiIJi
'! lu FnMtm Oct 1. By Ha uneut
BMM dSClsMU llfflMt tbS grant
ing of a, Octet permit to Um Shasta club,
the police commute of tbo euperelsors
m cleared the pugtttesis vaNfim
wonderfully. Ths feeling to general now
that Gens-BrUt eoatest wUl take
place a edrerimed an Ito assume of
October IL
Tow la atffl another bridge to pass,
of course, as the board of auparrUora
must paaa upon tha recomnmndatloa.
AaiooS sporting men wb have kept In
touch with audi things, however, tbo
idee prevails tliat tba Shasta club baa
no reason to fear unkind aotioa at the
lianas of tbo eity fathers, .
Tbo argument Is that ever Since tha
present pugilistic ordinance baa boon
la offset tbo board baa Indorsed the ao
tioa of tbo police committee Is ait met
iers per tat nine to boxing permits, while
.In this particular instance It Is pointed
ut that many of tba supsnrlsora have
1 ready said la Interviews that they wilt
fee guided by tba Report at tha panes
Still another point In favor of tbo slub,
cpordtag to -'round, town discussions,
la tbat many supervisors when inter
Tlowod referred to tbo fact that unusual
Interest was being manlfestsd In tha
Srttt-Oans match by tha general public
Supervisor Booth's interview. It might
be mentioned, to considered the model
one, aa bo started odC by saying tbat
the flght should bo a "corker." U than
mentioned tbo treat Interest that la be
tas taken In M. and winds up With: Tha
report of the polios committee wilt de-
iCldO M"
,' Up at the headquarters of the Shasta
dub tonight the greatest bustlo pre
vailed. A foroe of clerks was at work
folding and sealing circulars, while
Matchmaker Coffrota was sorting out
mall and telegraphic applications for
rlngaldc reservations, Brona the demand
for seats ss far It Is very evident that
the general run of patrons are satisfied
there will be no hltob In tba arrange
meata for the contest- The early olamor
for seats alao sunsets Uiat tha bout will
be one of tbo biggest attractions of 'its
kind that has ever been bandied la Baa
yranelsco. , .
Billy Britt and Al Harford overlooked
the fact that they are rival nmnegers
and exchanged mutual congratulations
last night oa the Improved outlook for
tba world's championship encounter.
Britt said that Jimmy would return
from Ban Mateo tomorrow.
. "As soon as b oomeft to town we wfU
. decide upon quarters, and then -be ,wlU
begin t raining. said William.
"What are yon talking about f Inter
rupted- Herford. "You -mean ho will re
sume training- Why, your brother baa
been training quietly for weeks. )
"Wall. Jimmy Is sa athlete and Is al
ways doing something at tbo Olymplo
dub, murmured Willie, "Whatever es-
erclee he has taken has been la aoeord
anos with his usual custom, and be
mas. Mr. Herford. However, If you tike
It better wo will say that Jimmy Britt
will select quarters and continue train
ing. I have no doubt, by the way, that
Mr. Gene lent neglecting to prepare aim
-self for the event on the Slat."
"Ton can bet your life be Isn't." said
' Herford. "He was out oa the road twice
yesterday and once today. He would
have gone out twice 'today only far the
rain. '
After this exchange of oourteales Willi
Went oa to say tbat wbUe Jimmy would
la all probability locate at the Beat Book
. a definite decision bad .not been made
la the premtota.
"Ton sea, bo like' CroTTe gardens,
.and for tbat matter nay place across the
bay, explained Willie, "dan forestalled
blm tbto time by going to Baa Rafael,
and as tbo club wants to have one of the
men training oa the Baa Francisco side
of the water I guess Jimmy to it. Any
bow, it won't take him long to decide,
and by Monday his work will be la full
At Herford will attach himself ts Gene
camp at Shannon's Baa Rafael gym
nasium today end will superintend the
colored fighter's work until the data of
tbo contest comes around.
. At the outset It looked as though ft
damper would bo oast on the affair 'by
Brill's eenmlnelir ltuiBritnele Aaananrie 1b
connection with the purse money. Britt' s
covetousness appeared to many to be aJ
etga of weakness. It was thought that be
, recognised la Gens his master at the boa
t"m sin w i in vwn iwmui
ahead he wanted big money as consola
tion for the hiding that was Inevitable.
This Idea has been dissipated. A little
reflection shewed tbat in asking for the
lion's share of the prise money Britt
Mmply 'followed the lead of champions
tbat were older and wiser tbaa be. There
are fashions In saatchmasjng as la every
thing else, apparently, and those wjio be
veled Britt for aog rt Knees are now com
mending him for business sagacity. They
go atlli further and give expression to
the belief that Britt will forget sH about
the puree apportionment and fight like a
Turk when the time eoraes. It seems as
though the fact of being JUtad by Britt
lias flurried Young Corbett. If Corbeu
should book up wrth BattHng Nelson
and the son test comes to Baa Francises
It will draw a big crowd to the ringside.
There are some pugilists tbo fans of this
rtty never tire of seeing In action and
Cerbeu and Nelson are among them. Ir
respective of what the Nelson go holds
for him It might be a good business move
on Corbett part to aoospt the Hayea
Valley club's offer, as It will land him
right sa the ground with bis rival, Jimmy
Brttt, and enable blm to keep up a little
ajrt tattoo
la regard l
to bis match with the
native son.
No one here supposes tor aa Instant
that Britt Intends to chisel Corbett out
f his return' data. In taking oa Oans
first Britt reasons in a logical, though
perhaps mercenary, way that he has
mapped out a sebeme which will assure
him two matrbes, while K be gave Cor
bett the preoedenoo ha might bare to
content himself with one. Bo f nr as Cor
bett ts eonr-erned ft Seems to be a ooa
dnion of affair wboa "the toast said to
soonest pserded.
if he to wise he will grab the Kelson
' tr and bike himself to Baa Fran--n.
If be does this about the only
q that eo Id keep him out of the
, with Briu would be lbs fact af
tha bitter neing aa roughly handled by
Oans to necessitate retirement from the
game. And this Is a rather remote prob
ability. Old Timor." writing to mo from the
arange belt, rebels at the criticism nuu
to would bo foolish to rematch tua mo
Coy and Twin Sullivan. He says that
tbo deotolea In the resent oontest
wronged Sutllvaa and that there would
have bees a big rumpus over the award
only that the sports wars afraid of hurt
ing the boxing gams, which had lust, re
ceived a fresh Impetus In Los Angeles.
According to "Old Timer." Sullivan was
la not - pursuit MAfL '.'Tfae Petered-Out
Hoostor" la the last three rounds, but
only succeeded la striking blm a few
times oa) the back. .
Bars bet "Sullivan was never la real
danger during the flgbt. al though suffer
ing from a bloody nose and black ey.
MoCoy, however, was nearly gone la one
round from a wicked hook In the
stomach." "Old Timer" declares the de
cision . was the rankest he had heard
from a referee since the Jeffrles-Sharkey
-round go In Baa Franotsoo. He says It
was fooetved with groans and hisses and
that "the bulk of the Los Angeles ngnt-
goltUT public would prefer to see Sullivan
and McCoy clash again to sains; McCoy
fight any other man." -
Aa I was among those who decried tha
Idea of a return match 1 think It but
tight to allow "Old Timer" to air his
views. If there are many of bis way sf
thinking tba Loo Angeles promoters will
certainly be Justified In sending McCoy
and Sullivan together a second lima. ,
Home Bun Joe Marshall of tba Forb-
land team la now leading slugger of tha
Pacific Coast league, having passed Bmll
Frisk, whs has held tha lead nearly all
season, until supplanted reoeatty by the
Portland man. There are now U Const
league players bitting over the .lot mark.
Seattle has three, Taooma, Portland and
Oakland two each, and Baa Fraadsoo
and Los Angeles one each.
The averages are aa follows:
Plsysm , A-B. lB.aV B.A
ICu shell. lorttssd
,U 15 .1
frisk. Seattle SOS
tat .M
1T .31 T
114 .SIB
1M ' .
fell .106
WO- -
ltrs .sos
iw .soi
suo .300
00 .aoo
Sit- .T
1H ,3
M .- Ml
m .me
1H . .23
' .1X2
17i ;- -ina
ISO - .183
8 .381
. in t. ,m
us jrra
-107 .373
1W .S73
4i .rr&
14 .sev
Itordrke. Taeemt wo
liuhler. Seattle 7t
McCreeate, Portland .4NS
Kdien, Tacoms ......... .H0
nuBSeeaaiB.. earns oua-
oVliarnj, Oakland
Bt-r&ard, Los SJkgelM ..SI 4
Hlldebraad. Sas TraacMwe. . .90S
Uraoaat, Oakland 17
ueicbsety, neatus ..lis
nbeeAaa. Teeonte .- 965
Tan Berea, Sas -Prsseune, .
BKlth, C, Seattle SM
Beek, Pertlasd SM
Waldroe, San IrsaeUMe....,730
Measy, Sea PraaeiMs sas
Ciaej. Tacoms S3S
ShU Ida, for tlsad Sssttto l
uauier, untune tis
rraaher. Seattle. I a. eon
sIoakUBSB. Oakland Sat
Sittto, T.t Loa Ansvee..v,..6T
Uiase, IM Angeles MB
Haeae, raruand , (24
Tboaus. Tacoms 103
Corbett. lUa rraneleee ...... SS
Van HalUrm. Seattle TOB
Ball. R.. Sittl I.08T
lrwla. sma rraoelem e- ,031
ITS .364
14 04
vtnteier, ias a
os -va
Wilson, a,aiae.naD rraa...l.CA , illJbJ
McLottfbtltt, Tacoaw Oflo 170 .T&
Flood. Loe Anseles . 31
Jfls .367
17 ,SM
Lynch, Taooma .SOS
Orasam, 0., Tsobsu K4
Cravatb, Los AoelS 821
Freaks.. Oakland ..,.,..i.S
Ouslery, Osklasd V.;..,...47T
Drennea, Portland ..fi0
99 .3M
IM .3&4
T ,.303
130 , ,3fi3
144 .390
Krufer, OakUnd 900
173 JBO
nuta. P
Portlaad ...364 . OS
Barber. Seattle Saa baa i3
40 r .317
Morphy. Port tee tile ...... .1SS
DoIe. Teon , BOs
OesieeBaa fraadsee ......3s
Strelb, Oakland ...L 615
Uoes. Loa Anseles .4. B&4
DeTereaax. Oaklasd ....... .e4
UolUnd, Portland 4S
Baser. Lea Angeles ...... .1K0
Brrnes, OakUnd
Anderaea, Saa rmaehes 4
Hucbsa. Seattle 1
Tomas. Lee Angeles ....4.S.M0
Haatlnra, PortUnd 41
sWckesseld, Portland ...... ST
Spies. Los Aacetea aj
Tbaleu; saa rra&ciere . .... .1ft
Leahy. Baa Fran. -Seattle.. ..8W
Sehmist, Oakland .....lot
Hosaa, TsrfMns .. SOS
WllUaaw, Seattle 184
Keefe, Tacoms .........,134
Stark. Oakland Of
44 J4S
144 .341
. M .340
' 146 . .rw
lai J3
440 ; ,S
10 .133
44 .281
IN .327
31 .3X3
IM .32S
. , 1 . .323
; , .si
10S . JIT
. 14 ,31s
84 .too
Tl ' .203
is - .200
1 .SCO
Uebllng, Brattle
The difference of opinion' among Ore
gon City Presbyterians regardUS the
Rev. Mr. Mlxsell Is at an and.
At yesterday's session of tha Oregon
Presbyterian synod the oommlttee In
whose bands the case was placed report
ed the action of the presbytery aa regu
lar, and the report was adopted, which
amounts to a confirmation of the pas
tor's retirement. Rev. Mr. Mlxsell is
out. ; . , . ...-.
An overture was presented asking the
board of aid for Milages to ooattaue Its
present aid to academies, sspeolally on
the Pacific ooast, oontrary to the amend
ment made at the last meeting limiting
aid to colleges
Rev. and Mrs. William B. Gilbert, of
Calvary Presbyterian church, gave a re-
oepaon last evening for tha members of
the synod at their boms.
There will be dovotionar services this
omlng at t:tt o'clock at the church.
and at 11 o'clock the visiting clergymen
will supply the pulpits of Portland Prea-
bytertan churches. In the afternoon
there will be a communion service, and
la the evening union Christian Endeavor
services and union meeting will be held
at t:3t and T:39 chock. Monday morn
ing the business will be concluded and
the synod adjourned. Sermons win be
preached in local Presbyterian churches
by the following ministers tomorrow at
19:19 a. nv: Flret Presbyterian church.
Rst. Dr. John Dixon, assisted by Rev.
Dr. Ketchum end Rev, P. K. Zartman;
Calvary, Rev. Dr. W. H. London, former
ly pastor at Calvary church, and now
one of the professors at Baa Francisco
Theologies! seminary; Third. Rev. t. B.
Snyder; Fourth, Rev, Andrew Carrlr-k;
Marshal?. Rev. Robert Tweed; Sellwood,
Rev. 3. R. Lansboro; Mlapab, Rev. W. N.
Van Nuya, assisted by Rev. Dr. W. T.
Wardle; Mount Tabor, Rev. Dr, B. J.
Thompson; Westminster, Rev, T. B.
Oiiswold ; Forbes. Rev. D. H. Hare; Pled
reont. Rev. J. H. Barton: First United
rVMhyterma . church, Kev. Dr. H. H.
Brown. '
Tha Beilfountaw nelghborheed, tn
Benton county, has A new 3,toe ehurob.
A47TB traT, SUB ia mat's sutxmav
. VAIaTSAX ;;: , , 'V.-' , t . (.
JkKIJLBr snusav
atOtJsTT 1
SseelU Ptsseteh eyLreeea Wire te The Jem ssl)
New York. Oct. It Weather clear,
track fast.
Sla furlongs of Withers mils. I-yesr-
olds Jim Beattle (O'Nell), to L won;
Tha Claimant second: By Buela thlcd.
Tims. l:144.i
Champion steeplechase, about three
and a hall miles Good and Plenty
(Ray). I to L won: Wootgatherer seo-
ond; Ragged Cavalier third. Time, 1
White Plains handicap, iCcllpse
course Artful (HUdebrandX t to 3.
won; Dandelloa seoond; atorlflar thud.
Tims, 1:03. - ,
Msldea 1-year-olds, Ed Ipse sours
ITArkls (Davls, Svto , won; Bill
Bailey second; Oxford third. Tims, 1:19.
The Morris Park handicap, two and a
quarter miles, weight for age. With era
course Short Hess (Odom), to s. won:
Ounnre seoond; Afrloander third. Time,
:MH. t - '
One and three sixteenths miles, handi
cap. Withers eourso--parbuncls (Red-
fern), 4 to L won; Molly ursnt ssoona;
Orosa rast third. Time, I.ei. .
' 'At WSStB. f
Chicago, ' Oct. I. Weather - alsat
track fast. . - - '
One mils, selling King af the valley
(allnder). S to 1, won; roar Leaf Clover
second; Barkalmors third. . Tims,
1141 1-a.
Viva furlongs, purse Jade (Shaver),
It to 1. won: hturtsmaa seoond; Stiver
akin third. Tfma, 1:U.
One and a quarter miles, coiamnia
handicap, M.009 added Bad Mews
fHalmrannV 1 to 1. won: Branoas SOO
ond; Mies Crawford third. Tims. :.
Six furlongs, bandlosp m. Johnson
UnintTMl. t Ia 1 won: Ahola second:
Cigar Lighter third. Time, 1:11
Two mllss, selling Charlie Miner
runffmant. t to l. won: Btxosntral seo-
ood; MsJakotTTflTrff: " v '
One mUew-Corrusloata (Romaneltl), I
to S. won; Copperflsld second i Waioa
moloea third. -
ffU. Leula. Mo. Oct. li. Weather
clear, track fast. . -
One mile and It yards, spiling
Tangible (Dickson), t to 1. won Phlora
second; Madoa third. Time, t:tt. ,
stve anM a half furlsnsm. selling
T. Whits CMunro). 1 to i, won; Wake
ful seoond; OUle Burnett third. Tims,
BUt fuiiongs IVTIth May (S, tMek
ssu), I to 1. won; Braden soeoad; Arlena
third. Time, 1:11 t-
St furloaga, tba - Laurel handlcep,
ll.SM added Xoewatsr rMuuro), even,
wont Anna Burls aeoaad; Mala tor Ulrd.
Tims, 1:144. ,
One and a sixteenth miles, rmadl cap
Poo tlighta Favorit (Olckaoa), to ,
won; Commodore second; , Antollght
One mils and TO yards, selling -Tverula
(Leader), IS to l won; aflap
Boa second; Bengal third.
Six furlongs, sailing Pickaway, 4 to
L, won) Crime second; SL Daniel third.
- (Spaslal Dtseateh b Tee JosraaLl
Seattle, Wash., Oct U. The Oregon
Aarleultural College team of Corvallls,
Or., easily defeated the University of
Washington team today by the over
whelming snore of M to a. The Agrloa
mads a runaway match af the flret half
when- they scored most of their points.
Washington braced considerably In the
last half and played better than the Ore
gon soon, but the lead acquired la the
earlier play ares too Sreat to bo over
The flahlng asason this raw In ths
PaelOe north west la tha tongest la the
history of ths business since tows rugn
laifng ths salmon catching season went
Into effect Ths first two months sf ths
season wars nearly a failure, but .In An
gus there was a good run of salmon,
and by permission of ths flab commis
sioners the canneries continued to take
Can. They have not yet entirely ceased.
"As a result, nearly the usual pack has
been secured," said Samuel Schmidt of
the sannerr firm of Schmidt Bros., As
toria. Mr. Schmidt was In Portland last
night to attend the Elks memorial ser
vice, and to stopping at the Imperial.
"While the pack is ' still somewhat
short," says Mr. Schmidt, "ths effect of
this will be better prices, and on ins
whole Paclflo ooast canneries finish the
season satisfactorily. There to a good
demand for fish from all directions. Our
plant packed 409 tons of eel mo n. and It
to already sold. I understand that the
Alaska packers have had a fairly good
season. Ships are now bringing down
ths last of their season's pack. The
Alaska canneries had a . good deal of
trouble. There was d strike of fishermen
early la the season that delayed work."
Reports from Rogue river are tbat
the canning season there, although very
late, resulted "atlafactortly. R. D. Hume.
a cannery man frast'Wedder burn, will be
la Portland today. -
Dispensary tor Out Door Patients. ,
That worthy poor may receive surgical
care, there has been established a free
dispensary at SL Vincent's hospital.
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday of saeh
week have been set apart for treatment.
1 o'clock In ths afternoon ths hour set.
The dispensary was Inaugurated for only
those who ere in need of medical atten
tion, but who are In reduoed financial
circumstances. It la undoubtedly a fine
opportunity to those who need such oars,
and ths city may well smile upon the ad
vantage. The dispensary to conducted
by soma of Portland's beat professional
aA0si nr wrnxosi
apTam 01 BAsroBxiobT An
babxt mrmxw mum a VAZLtnta
rxax ztr Avrnvmr sbisobt bb a
i i
During s continuous drtesle of rain yes
terday axternooa the Junior eleven af the
Multnomah Amateur. Athletic club
made a' futile struggle to defeat the
crack Portland AosjOemy , team. The
score at the oonoiusioa of the oontest
was nothing for each team, neither being
sue to fores the pigskin aver their-opponents'
goal Hns. Both teams displayed
lack of practice. Frequent fumbles and
off -aide plays cost sack team many yards
la penalties.
During the first half Multnomah found
the academy line almost Impregnable and
mads most of their gains around the
ends. Oa the other hand, their opponents
nlurured through the lino for yardage
quits frequsntly, Clark, of the academic
team, being sent through repeatedly for
gains. Austin, who succeeded Murray at
right half, distinguished himself by mak
ing a aVyard run around Portland acad
emy's right end. In this plsy be was
rded by splendid Interference.
Multnomah worked the ball to within It
yards of the academic team goal, but
on an and run Owens tumbled. Clark
pounced upon H and the Tigers' goal
was never in danger sfterward. tor Cook
punted to safety. I
Sereaaous, Allen, Seeley and Fotoy
played aa agar nasi vo game.
For the academy. Cook. Williams, liar
vet, Clark and Huriburt were the stars.
Another gams will undoubtedly be ar
ranged between these two elevens, and
by that date better team work should be
la evidence.
P. C. ' Position, M. A. A. .
White.. ....m...L. & ft..... Bsrsanous
Polhemus.. L. T. K. Beeley
Olds U..L. O. R...v...Bterllng
Olesy C...V Callahan
HurlDurt....M....R O. U.Jeffrtoa, Wiley
Cook....,.:.....-R. T. L....t Allen
Whittlesey .....& BL Montague
Reed Q ...... Harder
wuiuuns........lV H. R.. Murray. Foley
Clark.. , R. H. Lx Owens
FlaveJ F .... v. . .Foley, Austin
Referee -Mr. Goodrich. UmpireMr.
Kerrlsaa. -. . . .. .
rspeelal I4amteVt The Jeurssl.)
Oct. liPortlaad and Ta
oema played aa inning and a half today,
whoa the game was called oa account of
rain. Mike Lynch was knocked unoon-
setoua by a pltohed ball from Pitcher
Hogg. Ho was struck an the temple
and bad to be carried from tha field.
Two games will be played tomorrow,
which winds up tha season la tbJa elty.
' in-
sAOxno ooas lisvm.
Tiesmar ....
ITT 49
Los Admka
ui rrai
Portia ad
' rapKlil Btsaateh te Tee JosrsaL)
Colfax, Wash., Oct. 1. The football
game between the Garfield and Colfax
high schools today resulted la a score of
it to In favor of Colfax. Garfield was
much the. heavier team, but lacked train
ing and vim, A return game will
played at Garfield next Saturday;
fSMecaal nteaateh a Tae: Jeerasl.1
' autti. r..h Aa it. rw.-
Angelee-Seattle gams scheduled for to
Though A. WiMmaa was robbed of a
shock for 1371 yesterday, bank officials
were acquainted with the theft In time
to prevent the thief from cashing It.
Tha thief ceiled at Che bank to secure
the money sailed for and was asked a
number of questions. Becoming -Sus
picions, ha abruptly departed and be
fore a policeman could be summoned
bad disappeared.
The check was given Wlldrnan, who Is
engaged la business at 331 Burnstde
street, la payment for a bill of goods
by Ingram A Bush. It was made pay
able to him and was drawn an the Clt
Isens bsnk of Bast Portland. Wlldmaa
left the shock lying oa the oounter for
a abort time while be attended to a
small detail of bis business. When ha
looked for ths piece of. paper It was
He Immediately called up the bank
and informed the oaahler of ths theft.
Instructing him not to honor ths check.
Shortly afterward ft was presented for
payment by a man 'of medium height,
smooth shaven, who wore a salt of dark
clothing. He was evidently a tyro as he
had not forged an Indorsement on ths
check and had taken no method of Identi
fying himself. -
The theft wag reported to the polios
by Mr. Wlldrnan after learning that an
attempt had been made to dash ths
obeck. - No trace of tha thief has yet
bees discovered.
Snday Kates to EsticuJi by Trolley.
Fifty osnts pays the transportation
for the round trip through Gresham and
along the Eagle Creek valley. Good
fishing and hunting, a good dinner at
ths Hotel Bataoada.
' (Sprial fWeseatb s The esnal.)
Taooma, Wash., Oct. lv The freighter
Btthu Thomson, due tn Taeoma harbor
last Wednesday, has not been sighted.
Her owners say that (hers is no cause
for alarm, but they cannot ' explain the
three days delay- , ;
. 'SAsTK pFFiUIASsB. ; t m , .
Ths Browns wtnd up tha Taooma base
ball see sen today with two games, pro
viding old Jupiter Pluvlus doss not butt
In. an he has la the past two days.
Should Fisher's men capture both games.
as seems likely, they Journey south to
engags Oakland In a two weeks' series.
with a lead of something like 114 points
over the Beattle and Loa Angeles clubs.
the nearest oompetltors. Pete Lehman's
crack Oakland team to picked by many
to be the elub that will eventually dive
ooma a run for tha pennant honors.
These two clubs have not aa yet met
during this half of ths season, and tba
next- two weeks should produce some ex
citement tor the fans. A recogwised au
thority oa baseball on the ooast to quoted
as earing tbat In his opinion ths Oakland
club was a much stronger team than Ta
ma, In only one department does Ta-
eoma excel the commuters, ana that, le
vt uia is), nv phi w rvtv tnr
man, the acknowledged premier back
stop, been Injured during the first half
of ths season It ta extremely doubtful aa
to whether Oak, land would have lost out.
when they held the lead for some time
Loh man's Incapacity mmi when his
club was at tha top. and mads- It neces
sary for him to t try out youngsters In
that most important poeition -catcher.
Byrnes and Stark are fairly good back
stops, but they lack the generalship and
agsressrvsnesa sf ths grand old man of
the Coast league, who has Instilled Into
his men, to a certain extent, that never-
ear-die spirit of his, which has won
many a game for Oakland.
Oakland now has a percentage of .BB,
acquired after months of trailing along In
ths .396 and .est elass. From a percent
age of .304 on August R) Oakland has
steadily fought its. way up the ladder.
Quito n contrast to the work of the Port
land team which an that data had aa
average of .41. and now has an average
of .set, or a toes of nearly lot points to
Oakland's gain of nearly dob. -
There yet remains six weeks mors sf
play before the final curtain shall be rung
down on ths UM tea eon, and oven with
this enormous lead the Tigers are not yet
gsrtabt of pennant honors. .
(Spenal Dispatch ts -Tee feeraeir '
rtalfez. Waah.. Oct. IK. The Whitman
osunty fair closed today. Rain damp
ened the enthusiasm ana lessenao ue
attendance from former days. . Races
were won as xouows:
niMraii. Hunrv nr liter five-mile re
lay, Clsud Smith; glrla' bareback quarter
mils dash. Miss Baird; chariot, Tom
Ringer; bucking oontest, Henry Ganty;
three-eighths mHs dash. Molly Inbred;
ladles' half mile daab, Mrs. Carr. , .
vTals lTByraouss t. .
1 Annapolis 10, Princeton t,
Pennsylvania , Brown . Vv ' S,
Purdue t, Wabeeh t. . ,; '
Cornell S4, Bueknell If. ' - . .
Harvard 4. West Point
M. A. A. Q Juniors o. Portland aoad-
7 ... .
H1U Military 11, ingene-Tiign sen 004 9.
University of Oregon It, Willamette A
Amherst it, Columbia 0.
Wisconsin II, Wot re Dame a, '- V ,
Chicago 4, Iowa 0. .
Illinois , Indiana . ; '
Mlshignn Ohio A .,;;;
Mlhnesota 10, Ames ' ; ; f
North wee tern la, Bel alt ,,-,.;.'.,.,
,-,, 1. . -
ISaerlel Dtssaaeh te Tee teersaL) 1
Baker City, Or., Nov. lA Notwfth
wl ths tending a rainy Bay, Ursa crowds
attended the county, fair today. A bronco
busting tournament la scheduled far to-
Mondsy wttt be ths closing Say of ths
fair, with the largest) list of races.
Plans are already eing laid to ae-
sommodate tne overflow, of stqdento nt
ths Portland high school st ths opening
of the spring term In February. At
that time between 100 and 1U students
wilt be ready to enter and there is no
room la ths building for them.
There are between tto and 1,000 schol
ars enrolled this fall and every available
dees room le taxed to Its utmost es
paeltyv It will be Impossible to aocom
modato the classes which will enter
next spring.- Several rooms In the At
kinson and the Ladd schools will be
fitted up to accommodate temporarily
the overflow of students, but It Is ap
parent that a new building will bare to
be erected before another year. .
Thd proposition of erecting a new
high school building sornewnere on -the
east olds la aot forgotten. The directors
and -others interested are planning to
place the proposition, before the tax
payers at the next ' annual meeting.
which will be In December. The chil
dren have to have educational faculties
equal to the demand and the accommo
dations at ths old building have so out
grown ths demand that a new high
school building Is neceaearjc
During the past. week the registration
of the Atkinson school pupils at the
Couch and Ladd school portable rooms.
where they are meeting. Is about 400,
or two-thirds of the numbers of .pupils
regularly registered' nt this school, Su
perintendent Rioter said yesterday tbat
ths Atkinson building would be ready
for occupancy during the last of tbto
week, sr six weeks after the opening sf
the fall term. ' )
As soon aa the portable buildings at
the Ladd school are vaoant five of the
buildings will bo moved to the manual
training eenters and ths manual train
ing schools will start. ' All the sup-
piles, have been ordered for this depart
ment and they are expected any day.
acb-So she to vary oolA Moat bo n
regular Boston glrL
Tom Worse than that She hi a rot
ular Fairbanks girl - .
scdo:l IN SPRING
wvnmm W sruBBsii wtxk bb
laABB AMB ATXZyrBOa- aXlMOOTdl 1 1
" -T, -.1 . - -. '
' Ths cadets of Urn Hill Military acad
emy yesterday morning defeated the
visiting eleven from the Eugene Hlh
school by a score of 10 te 0. Ths gams
wm e- Trr oibbs onav Jitiis n ia
to be taken out for Injuries. Ths Bjfi
H. at had acme advnntssre In superior I d
strength and weight, but on account of
the Inexperience of some of their players
was lacking tn team work. Ths cadets
on ths other hand play a very snappy
and aggressive game. They were us
ually able to prevent their opponent)
from making ths necessary yardage, and
when they themselves had the ball their
attack was well placed and determined
ly earried out.
McCoy. H. M. A.'s speedy fullback,
was probably tba star performer of the
puna .Hefnade several long runs and
scored both touchdowns, Holman, tha
cadet s field captain and right half-back,
followed a oloss seoond. He handled the
tsam - with good Judgment. Harris.
French, captain and right tackle, played
a smashing gams both on offensive and
defensive and his side of ths line was
practically Impregnable. The - other
players show great Improvement slnos
ths last ammo and promise well for the
For tha visitors Brown, tbo High
sc hoofs plucky quarterback and captain,
put up ths strongest gams. Ho dlstln-
gutshedMrirmself especially In handling
punts. Dlmmiek at fulrbaok. McCully
at tackle, and Cstlm and Pender at half
back alao played a brlllant game.
Ths teams will meet again on Thanks
giving day, when the cadets wtU go to
Kugene, Tba lineup; - -
H. M. A. . Position, - B. H. A
Runey ...a.a..L Rt....... Lookey
Loom Is, B. L T R. ... Hondernhott
Totgt .......... L G R. Donbart
English C Mitchell
WlllUuns R O L. ........ Farrow
French, H. C)..R T L McCully
Mays ...,R B I... Partington
Pease Q-........ Bean (C)
French. R. ....... L H . ........ Catlla
And Taylor
Holmes ...(.,.. R H L Powder
McCoy F. ........ Dlmmlck
Offlotals Referee, H. O. Boyd. Hi M.
A. : umpire. W O. Rudy, P. H. A; head
Unssman. Bruce Kate, it- A A. C
tors and ths University park football
team resultad in a tla Both teams
played welt . Moore, ths University
Park cap tarn, retired after the first
half. Tba final score Was ta A , Ths
Une-up: : , . . - ,
Columbia. " unrvurslty ram.
Leavr ... R L...... M. Deady
Roach ..R T L. ...... Texas R
Xreba .......B O L. H. Deady
Weber . ...O Kenr
Man Ion ......L O R.,
Sam nek
OBrten T R.... BUndish
L. Mayer .......L B B I Whit ten
Carsh ee .....-.F, Watoh
Souffart .....Jt H L. ....... Taooma
Barry ....V....LHB Moors
Wllksnssn .... Q. ........... Boyle
Versus Others
When AjiyStore Promises toSaveYftu $5
Or more on your suit and overcoat, as wt do you should
know HOW AND WHY this
11 e Damaam
vui lAcauii 19
BY A feECIPROCnY ARRANGEMENT with two of th r
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large quantities of our woolens, we select from their Unes
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Suits 'and Overcoats of Today
xliJliv&J'lz mill 'r'iit!2
65-87 Third St., One Coor North Chamber of Comniercr
eert jc:;es eukx$;
(SBsetal DesBsem by Limit Wire te Tee Jeerset)
San Francisco. Oct II. Bertie Jones
did seme star work today at Recreation
park as the bender artist for tbe Athen
ians. He walked none, and bits front
im were as scares as Republican oaa-
dldstes In Texas. And so tbe Seals werg
shut out by' a score of t to nix. The
AB. R. H. O.
R. H. O. A, B,
(j t i
a 1 i a m
Oanler, rf .
Francks, sa
Dunleavy, If
Schlafley, lb
Krugar, CI
Btrelb. 10
e i o t it i 0
Btara, c
Jonss, p
Totals ......19 I ? 17 u
Aa sl h. a
Van Buren. lb
Hildehrand. If ......
Waldroo, cf
Meany, rf
Irwin, lb
Anderson, Sb ........
Oochnaur. ' OS, .......
Poultney, 0 u.
Wheeler, p .;M
Totals i.ii 0 4 14 it
.n Francisco ,...f 1)111 M t
Base bits v...- ! 1111 1
tkland 0 f 0 0 f I t -J
Base hits , litliiai --T
San Francisco ...
Irror Schlafley. Stolen pases Van
Buren, Waldron, Oanler. Francks, Dun
leavy. Kruxer (t). " Two-base hits-
Jones. Bacrlnot hltnHaany. First bass
on errors San Franolsco, 1. First bass
on called balls off w heeler, s. JLrt on
bases -ban Francisco, 4; Oakland, A
Struck out By Wheeler, t; by Jones,
t. Hit br Ditcher Devereeux- Passed
balls Poultney. Wild pltch-i-Jones.
Time of game 1 hour. 4B minutes. Um
plrss Buchanan and Whales. .
' Rain does not seem to bother Tommy
Traoey tn his dally routine of training
for -his coming bout wtth Charlie Mo
Keeves. which is scheduled to take
place before ths Willamette Athletle
chub ofNthis eity November A a
In order tn usimlt his ftlsnda le.
watch his work. Traoey has aeoured
enclosed training quarters at tbo corner
of Fourth and Burnslds streets.
Charlie McKeever. Traoeys opponent
tn the coming bout, h engaged la active ,
training at Ban Franotsoo, wbero .ha la
dolas his srsUmlnary work, r
- (Bseetal Dbaetek to The Jtoemal.) !V'
tTnlMraitv nt npasma. Buarena. Oct. 1L
The state 'varsity eleven had an easy
time defeating the wwiame-tte univer
slty team of Salem today when they
won tha gridiron contest by a score of
it to 0. Tbo same was piayeo on a
aloppy neld. No Injuries were recorded.
?' " " t
is possible. v, - , t, v
C!mmIa Aat Dieses
omipitj aiiu nam
order at . :; " ' H '
1 w
1 ' -i!