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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1904)
1 . THK OK3QOM PV: b AY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 1C, 1904. JUDGE GEORGE IilAY GALL GRAND JURY ':';.vv v---; r r-'.,v. ' Members, of Qroxit : Court Said to Be Unani- 'ffiocslyln Favor of Such Actfon -District At-1 torney Kefuses toFdeGampiiaglntormation , . Tha fraud Jury will be nailed to ' neet during the November term of Um circuit oourt by presiding Judge Owrn U looked upon as a eertalaty br offi cials h at a e position to under stand the eoadltlons obtaining; M the present time. , It la admitted by the prssWHnf Judge that ha haa recently conferred with tha other thraa mtabtrt of tha oiroult oourt in regard to tha advisability of oaUInf a fraud Jury tor tha November term. While ha ears that ha has reached mm definite conclusion as lo tha impanel In of auch a body, , ha makes a fsw eommento whloh tend to show that h la favorably Inclined toward such na tion, - h ' : m . It is known that tha other three mem bers of tha court, Judge Fraaer, Judge Sears and Judge Clelaad, faal tha ne ' cmlty of auch a step In vl-w of tha conditions governing gambling, and two of them have expressed themselves aa believing that a grand Jury should ba called. 'It la true that 1 recently oonforrad with athar members of tha eoort relative to tha advisability of calling a grand ; 1 Jury for tha November - tarn," aaid Judge George yesterday. I Buy state t' that u rM 1 have reaoned no daflnlta conclusion aa to .what action X a hall Uka in tha mattar. A grand fury may ba -Called at any tlma tha presiding Judge feels that tt would be for tha boat Interests of th community. No ' regular practice obtain so to tha oeU Ins of auch bodies. V "If I dactda to call a grand Jury Ms .1.. ot seven astro Juryman wilt bo Impsn r clad for tha November term of oourt. , Thla la ta addition to tha extra Juryman . , that wf 11 ba lmpanalad In order to- make - allowance for sickness, and exeueee for ' not serving, which may he accepted by the eourt after tha llat la mad up." . Taken ta oonneotlon with tha action ' of tha oourt In bavin- a llat prepared la order to determine the dlapoaltlon of ; a hundred o mora orimlnal eaaea dur ,. tng tha last year, and tha osomeut - paaaed upon a. number of oaaco relative tn which data haa already beam secured. T' What TP regarded as the practical oar- j (emir os a. irana jr mm the November term' of oourt is viewed as having special significance. . It la known that aa unit th mem bers of tha oourt are not disposed to look with favor upon tha action taken by too district attorney's offloe In slot maohlno coses! refusals to file Informa- Uona whan arassts ware made by Sheriff Word and alleged obstructive Uotioe in relatloa to tha lesuaaos at search war rants to enter gambling establish ments. ' Thla feeling ta intensified by the re fusal of tha dlatrlot attorney's office yesterday to file informations ta the olr suit eourt tn the ease of the gamblers arrestsd at si and flit Second street Thursday night by Under-tborlff Mor dan and several deputies, fsdsja MffM larab Wajranam. Tnm refusal haa led to tha discovery of a secret which waa until yaatarday sealously guarded y all the officials Interested that Judge Fraser. while act ing; aa p rest ding- Judge last weebr Issusd two search warrants as a aaagtatrate, armed with whloh the sheriffs man proceeded ta break Into the gambling; stronghold at Hit Second street and caught players seated at tha gambling table. Five men, with tha money wag ered, gambling' apparatus and tables wars taken possession of aa evidence. Tbo return on tha search warrant waa mads directly to tha circuit oourt and Chief Circuit Deputy H. C Smith now haa charge af all tha evidenoe. Appli es t lea was made to the district attor ney's ofOes Friday for tha filing of in formations directly In tha circuit eourt. out af which the search warrants Issued. Deputy Adams expressed a willingness to file Informations la tha Justice court, but to thla tha sheriff demurred for several reasons, bin Adama aald ha would consider the matter and glvs a daflnlta answer yesterday.- Ha oalled up tha eourt houas yesterday and said that after a consultation with District Attorney Manning It had been decided not to file Informations la tha oiroult oourt Judge Fraaar was in formed f the stand taken by tha district attorney. Matters are now JlLaheyancaJ but Interesting development are prom ised for thla week. - - " MECHANICAL AID " . . fOR "AD" ALLEY KASTBTAOm WOmX BOaTB ' ST V igojiuiiJai erisdTom aM-gajnisv rf " fut sufm as aAsznr o n, -V-.ta araAXBMT aUfm aOaV . A new typeMklDsT aasehlae. larly understood aa a. type-setter. Is known aa the Monotype, bain, dla- .. trnguiahed from the Lanotype In that H ' casts Individual ttpa, rather than a Una of type. Its office la not to supplant the Mergen thalei but rather to supplement It In diaplay work. Hew ever, ta thla ra- . epest the Monotype la doing- duty on straight com posit ion. aa the Hew York Sun uses battarjt of that Use ot me . efalnea. ... ' ' ' SoMagol Moore'a job efttos tn Pore land baa the now maeiranlcal wonder. Thla maohlno will set from a Ave to a 94 -point type. The eaetlaga for thla 'type are at the rate, of It lettera a minute. The operator at 'the keyboard can keep about two easting maehlDaa buey. Thus, on the ene-aaan unit of labor, one and a half men can put up about 4O.009 erne. Mergenthalera so above thla speed materially, whoa la the hands of swift operators. ' The Monotype la in separate parts, the keyboard being Independent of the casting spparatua. For tha keyboard ' machine no power la required aave that Imparted by the tapping of the operator - en the keys. There are M characters represented by these keys, bee Ides two ' rows of keys for spacing. Thla once , fatal stumbling block to all mechanical typesettta machines haa keen ever noma la the Monotype In a moat la- , genlous manner. Aa the operator acta L hie lino, which may be up to tt ems In length, there la a mechanical computer at work within, and aa the end ef the line la reached, thla device Indi cates the exact spaaing required to nil the lino out flush. Two strokes on the ipM keys aooompllehee the Work so far aa the keyboard may do so. - All that ta done by the keyboard ntn- . chine tp tha perforation of a paper roll which unwinds slowly peat tha operator. Touching key drives a email punch through the paper. The border of this roll is notched so as te kept It perfectly la plaoe. There la no dlfferenee la the also of the punch holes, save between the space and type keyev each being per fectly round.- The paper used is a plain, ordinary grade, eosting; no more than high-priced news. r ' This perforated roll, when finished, la taken te the seating machine and axed for unwinding-. While unwinding It passes through a thin shamber oarrylng aa air pressure of it to it poonda, thla pressure being maintained by a minute compressor operated by a one-half horsepower motor. If there were no perforations In tha unwinding roll of taper, the air would be restrained and apt within Its shamber. but as a hole eomea Into the none, compressed air passes through and Into a shannsi which has the effect of raising a peg on a plane ever which movee the type matrices. There la a peg for each of the ltf type matrleee, and aa a hole punched by a given key passss over lta corresponding air channel tha pee; at the ether end of the channel rises to limit the movement of the matrix chase to that point. The matrix desired la thus brought under a easting mould, and tha type ta made at the rate of 1K0 pieoea a- minota. After tha typo la formed It passsa out Into a galley, the entire movement being- automatic. Sunday Exairsloi .. W. Bales M tatO. Twenty-five cents to Oregon City: tt Oents to Oreehemi 10 cents to all points beyond. Including- Satecada. Dinner at the hotel ftO cants. Cars every 10 min utes te Oregon City; every two heure to Kataeada. Leevs First and Alder streets. Where tickets, should be purchased. Coasr county erch-n arms agaituit the c- suts are il Guoth. P In SMOOT'S ENEMY . VISITING HERE SaV VASnv ajy ftA&T MAM WHO tMAVwtrmATMB BATTUl ASi . OV SBDJ TAOAXOM. i ' Dr. Wtniam M. Faden, pastor of the First FreeoyterUn church In Salt Lake City, and prima Instigator of the fight against Senator Reed Snoot of -Utah, Is In Portland te epend a portion of his vacation. Whoa naked an to that one, he replledV Wi have our evidence all in band and oaa show the senate tnveetlgmtlnr eommlttee that many new polygamous marriages have been contracted. In other words, we oaa keep this thing; go ing against Senator Btaoot as long; aa he wants to fight It But I dent care to talk further on the subject. I left Salt Lake to get away from polltlca. My fight M against Apostle Smoot repre senting; Utah In the United States sen ate, and I did not want to engage tn the other three cornered mix -up Were I to be there at election time, I should vets the American party ticket, the anti-Mormon ticket, wherever possible, even though I am a Republican- I would do this because that ticket Is a rebuke te ehurcb lnterferenoe la political affairs." When asked aa to the probable out come of the election la Utah, Dr. Padea said he thought Roosevelt would carry the state, that Cutler, -who Is regarded aa the Mormoa church candidate, would be elected governor on the Republican ticket and that If a Democrat were elected on the stats ticket, tt would be Judge O. W. Powers Tor congress, Bis reason for this belief la that tha church authorities will assist Powsra, on the theory that the wily Judge oaa .do them more good In congress than Howell, the present oongTseaaean. and If defeated, he oaa do the church more harm at home than Howell oaa do good la Washing ton. Powers was once a hitter antagon ist of the church, .jt - ! , In Salt Lake City? added Dr. Padea, the eltuatlon ta perplexing. I believe the Democrats will lose more votea than tha Republicans' on account of the anti Mormon . ticket I raw away from the situation. It m altogether too Inter esting for n minister." Dr. Pa den will spend several days here batons gome te California, : CATHOLICS ARLvTO i OBSERVE OCCASION The eeml-eentennlsl at the defmttlon of the Immaculate Conception by Plus IX will be observed by CatnoUea In this cHy In solemn service. The belief wae proclaimed te the world on December a, 11M, and It waa ordered by bis holiness that -throughout thla year' ths eighth of each month be made the oooaalos for special service, ths grand culmination being en Decem ber t, the exact data of the proclama tion. Arohblshop Christie is already beginning- to outline the eslebration, , The eel eb ration of the season haa al ready begun la all the churohee of Rome sad en December I the pope will hold a special eonsHtory far ths canonisa tion of near saints, and will orewn the statue of the virgin In ths Chureh of St. Peter. The pope will receive a golden crown oontalnlne; II diamond aura Tha flrat of these stars Is four Inches in diameter and contains sot dlamopda, the osntral one beln worth tl.tea. 1, mmiiii i il Inn - V A Hew Plai Roue. - One Of tha finest and mrgsst assort ments of planes la at present being- in stalled at T4 Slath street, where Auguat W. Meyer, formerly ef Spokane, Is open ing hie new plane wart room. People Interested In pianos will not only find there the Instrumenta of some of1 ths oldest and moot famous houses in the country, but will find them at nrlcee will be a revelation te alL . . . seact:ie tot SELLS 0 'fRISCD FOB asyirsAT aWaHIUaVawTFB FIlAt mjapojigji FO AJb- tajiom d pi st mitm f unMetal Uesatea br Leased Wire Tat Jaaraal) Saa Franolaoo, OcC 1. The eastern and farelan speculative asarketa ad ancod today, but the looal market made only a feeble response The early and heavy rains In this stets. being; indi cative of g-ood crop conditions, have caused local operators to est oautloualy. as they are dealing; only In distant op tions. Ths eloalng hour today waa Ho pet eental blghsr for December and o per cental for May. There was no change In spot quotation . The day's receipts were M6S centals. December barley opened at per cental end closed at Max closed at tl.ot asked. These wsre lower prices than previously obtained, fjpot prleee were fairly steady and the mar ket waa quiet, There wsre receipts of MU eentale. Ones' Wens Quiea, 6ato were quiet at or about previous prloss. ' The receipts were 1. 1 to- oen tala There wsre large receipts of corn, amounting to 4.30 oentals. and the mar ket had sn easy tone The demand haa been better, however,, than appeared on the surface. Steamers sailing- re esntly have taken some fair quantities for Central America, and today the New port took out t.101 1oentels for that country. Beans were at 01 buoyant and had an upward tendency, there being a atrong speculative demand owlns to inereaeed crop damage by rain. The market waa steady for flour and easy for . fsedatuffa. Aa receipts . were small,,'. - - . v.? SsasaaabU FraMs Would SafL Had the market been better supplied with seasonable fruits of ths desired quality end condition the demand would have been somewhat better, owlns te the return of fine weather and extra re quirements for Sunday trade There was a better supply of table grapes, but moat offerings wsre wet or other wise ttndeslreble. Lsrge boxes were somewhat weaker, those from Martlnes going at a general range of 7tcfftl.0. and Stockton at eOfJtoe, the latter be ing wet Wine grapea wsre mostly In very bad condition, being; about de void of auger and almost wholly un suitable for wine. Some fine end dry Zlnfandsts brought IS 10 It per torn, prices tot exceptional to quota. gttxwwberriee ta Xrfuys SPtr WatsonvlUs strawberries wsre hi large supply, 117 chests having arrived from there, with a large part In poor condi tion. Other berries went at generally good prices. Cantaloupee. nutmeg mel ons snd watermelons were almost neg lected. Some pomegranates of the "Wonderful" variety were held at 91.35 Ot per box, according te number In a box, but these prices deterred buyers aa other pomegranates were going at some what lower rates. There were no good" flgo la the market. ' . .. - : . etoed amoeban Ssntea, " "' y Peaches of good quality ware searce and high. Nectarines from cold storage wsre offering; but they received little or no attention. Five carloads of Ben Davis spples arrived from Colorado. r (7 0 ' . j V7 THE. LfhU STORE I66-16A THIRD ST ' MOHAWK ELDG. WILL BUY AT THIS STORE A SPLENDID ... rfc -"l . " I Ls lassn Itae- JUT Suit Overcoat 6r Rain Coat EVERY ONE OF THEM A $ 1 2.50 VALUE THS SUITS sts In single or doublw-bressted styles; blue, black or fancy mixed; in Cassi merea, Worstedt and Serges. They are in ths latest fall cut and fa all sixes. : ;i V ' THE OVERCOATS art In medium and heavy weights ; short, medium or long styles, some with belted back-- large rarlety of cloths, and colors to select from. r V ' , ' J THE RAJ COATS are In th long-belted back atyletrthey can be worn in rain or shin; Wo show 'em in nobby dark plsid patternssplendid stylish futnents. ' r; ; J : r ' W have a first-class tailor in ths store who will make any necessary alterations: ! Wo further sgre to keep clothing bought of us in good repair, .also pressed and sponged for" one year. ' , ? :. V i-' ' '"' . " r YES, SIR, THIS IS A SAFE STORE TO TRADE WE ARE OFFERING SPLENDID , VALUES IN ''r- ' -; m 9 ... . 1 . ', They come In soft and stiff shapes and in all the newest styles. V EXTRA SPECIAL - VALUES : IN '.' MEN'S v'-' Trousers at This season's garments with ths cele brated "Dutchess" guaranty. The market wae Burdened with poor and wormr apples. Thee waa a moderate demand for pe- tatnea and an am Die BUDDlr on hand. with prloea ruling: gensrallv eaJy. Two oarloads of sweet potatoes arrived ana the market weakened for tnem. unions oonttnusd firm. . Tomatoes were tn snessstve snpplrand mostly poor. Choice string, was and Lima beans were scares and firm, oreon pees of good quality ware sea roe and green eorn waa In right supply. Mar ks MnnAltlana MiMlned aa orevloual V outlined, the usual difference amongJ dealers exletlng as to quota we pnoes. Business was Usht throughout. Monday will show some of ths results of ths Open season for game. , Boms snips wsre offered, but other game was scarce and higher. But IHUe poultry arrived and the market waa quiet. , COAST TRAFFIC MEN , MEET AT VANCOUVER (gpeelal ntssatsa te Tee Iasrn1. Vancouver. B. X. Oct. II. Th Faette Coast Assoeoatlon of Trafflo Agenta was la aeaalon today and the attendance was large. The business discussed related how to handle to the nest advantage the eranl numbers wae will visit the Portland exposition neat year. The question of .ratee waa net dle oussed. The next meeting of the asso ciation wUl he held January next al San Joss, CaL WIFE NOT NAMED, ' . SHOULD CET ALL Though the Intention to name) his wife. Amanda, hla wlU te apparent, l K. afeHolland. by an Inadvertence, drafted It without making: her legatee. His property la valued at 1 4.00a. After leaving; l to each of bat three etaUdran,. he wrote as follows: T give and bequeath all, my real and personal property. Including bind' and houses la Multnomah county, stats of Oregon, to be her own. tp sell and dis pose of aa aha seas fit." - A petition for the probate of the wilt waa filed yesterday , morning; with County Clerk MAm' J - w Good Fishing ra the Upper Clackamas. Good atrlnge were taken the pest week. This Is the aeasoa for salmon trout. Rates en the O. W. ft seats round trip for Sunday. FALL WETNESS 1 1 : Need not be feared when you have a GAS iBut in your house. , This is the ttime of when heat is often ; needed quickly. you want it under your control. ; With a GAS HEATER you can heat, more heat, less heat or no heat at a moment s notice. . This is also a time of the year when there's CL ClLai UUU VI UUIIUMACI VlAt X .a,J. CAa v M time for us to call attention' to our magnificent and large display ot " f FIXTURES Whatever r oraana uras FIFTH AND YAMHILL' STREETS can supply. I : Compar T1 S '