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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1904)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. OCTOBgR IX . STATES WILL ERECT BUILDINGS AT FAIR new i one ana iviassacniiseLLs icuuc iu uuuu av Lewis, and dark Exposition Names Given j , ..' 1 ... Vfc.VMA ft tTAM ' ' Hew Tflrtl Mi MuMchuMtti have ; decided u erect atate bulldlnxe at the LU And Clerk fair, and hv notl- . commissioners, at Bt Louis. Mr. Mo Issac writes: "Aitnouirn mar Terers wnBiNion ce evr exposition has not yet been ap pelated. It has practically been settled who will Da namadt and sswral of Uioaa selected are here. It baa baaa decided l bat New Tork will tract a building, tha lower floor of which will ba occu pied br axhlblW and tha upper floe a anartem for tb commissioner and a plaoa in whloh la entertain Hew York Mni aeate Building. -Mr, Fairbanks, executive commis sioner of tha Massschuaetts' cotnmleelrm. - im tha UlUlrhnMlU will erect a building, and practloally tarry ut tha urn Diana aa outlined by tha New Tork commissioner. Tha com missioners from all tba Pnclflo eoaat iu(M that to. thoaa states which have mad approorUtlona. ara all working for and recommending that atata build ing ba rctsd upon thla same planJ ' lutti from .east of tns Mississippi. whose legislatures have not mat. ara all desirous of participating In tha Oregon exposition, and tha aommlaalonara repre-, sentlng thoaa autaa ar getting busy, and ara ready, and wllllnc to assist In gsennng uia srste arm one. New Tern nss appropriate ee.vw. ' - Li.k i aaa a AAA IU tt ihmiI an a, building, lfaaaachuaatta baa ap propriated lll.m and will raiaa S14.04 jnora. tne xirai wproprauow wim aaffielant far construction of bar bulld- . Tha aal action of a aft for tha Maw ekuaetta buUdlng waa naada by Praatdant Oooda yaatarday. Tha apaoa m la tha adra af Cantannlal park, on oonuaandlna: tarraeaa ovarlaoklnc Oulld'a laka and tha ontar harbor af tha Wttlamatta rtvar. Tha buttdlnff will fa ca "tha lor oabm of tba aianta,'' tha aacond bltraat ruatla atrartura la tba world. Fivn of tba axhlbltlon palaeaa -ara flalahed and ataff work aomplated, and tha tntarlora ara raady ta racalva for tha aaaaOD'a atoraan axhlblta frooi aaat arn aUtaa at Bt. Louta. At l mattlna- bald today- namaa that Eava bean nndar oonaidaratloa for tba yarlooa aranuen, oourta, drtvaa and other polnta of batrraat In tba Lewie and Clark ajrpoaltloa arounda ware finally dla cuaaed. and namaa aelectad. The mala antranca will ba called "Colonnlde En trance.' After paaalnff tha turnatUa tha vUltor will enter Paolfle Coast eourt Tha broad n venue faeinc tnia and rua- nlnc eeet and wit Am Lawla, and Glaalt boula-vard, - Tba nark In tba vlolnlty of tba water Vii'kdaa in w , m ivu BamaUV OP ITS OV OOASV CBBTT OP SPA' Th largest fish hatobary op th Pw Olfle ooaat. loan tad at Ontario, Or Ok th etoako rlvor. Is now In somplst run ning order. Tb sm ploy as bars begum tha fall Boaaoa's work of gat baring ohi naok salmon spavwp and placing tbam le) the batebary. "Tain hatehary 1 a fin so and of great ampacity." amid U. O. Van uaen. Stat flab waxoan, who was at tb Im perial last night "W or now operat ing two hatcheries in Oregon one of tbam oa tha Salmon river and th other at Ontario. Tba Salmon rlvor hatehary Is only one-fourth as large as ths Snaks river plant We bare a capacity at On tario for hatching tO.M,af fry. Thar la room for handling ft,. sggs if w needed tt Tb only other hatehary 1 know of that somas anywhere near tha Ontario hatehary in capacity ts located near gaoramanio. Cat Our new hateh ary is eomplets success. We hatch from M to 94 par pent of th aggai Last year, tb Ontario hatchery's first sea son, wa took U.eOt.MO eggs, and from them ws hatched St.tM.M active fish. Tnoy are ail ohlnaok salmon. Tho sll varaides do not seem to tbrlv 1st ths Snake river." ... , Tba hatcbery system la vast Im provement over nature's way of sup ply lag salmonv "1 am quits sura that not mora tha ft par-cant of th esse that are deposited In th rivers and batched la tb natural way ever become full-grown flab," said Mr. Van Dusan, "Tb other H par cent gr devoured by other fish or pro de stroyed la other ways." :' Ths State employe 40 men at ths On tario hatchery during the chlnook sal mon spawning season. Tba spawning ground, which la about SM yards long, and th full width of th river. Is in slosad above and below with racks stretched serosa th stream. Tba lower rack is a kind of trap, with pllabla fin ger pointing Inward. When th fleh om up stream seeking a spawnlng piaoe, passes between these fingers, which doss gantry behind It and prevent Its getting back. Tho rack further up Stream la mads of pleksts, sloss enough together to atop the further pro areas of th fish. Th salmon stay la this water oorrai and spawn, .' Tho oggg ara gathered, fsrtUhwd fcnd placed in ths hatchery. Th period of batching depends upon th weather and the 'tempsraturs of th river. As tha tittle ones are batoned they drop through Into the troughs and are kept until they pre large enough to take car of them pervss. Then they ar turned loos la tha rlvor. They ar small enough to permit of their passing through ths packs at either sod of ths spawning grmind. By tb operation of th hatch srtee now established It Is ei pec ted that th supply of chiaook salmon on tha Pa cific north weat coast will not snip so kept up, but wsadtly Increased. u rup1el raapewk The Jsnraal.) Potaerer, Weah.. Oct 14 1 4a Colo man dten yesterday after a rawklanos In able section of mora than ft ysarar Shs V 4 boon blind for many years. Shs -s s graduate af tha Flint Instltuta rr tbs Mind. Sbs leaves a bssbaad "ad asmerins otnor relatives. , . . nilPIC towara at thd weat atde of tha irotnida Cantannlal park. Tbroufb it run a number of avenuea, and theaa have ben narad In honor of Oreroa, Waah inrton. Idaho, Montana, Wyoming and Vtrrlnla, tha Uat named ataM bainv bonored aa tba birth plaoa of Lewfa and Clark. Tha amuaeroeat atraat will ba known aa 'Tba Trail." , k - Tha old Bt Helena road akh-ttitn tba waat aide and run nine down Tha Trail la named Astor Drlva, In honor of J oh a Jacob Aator. who aeat tba Aator "pa rtition In U10 and 111 to aattla Aatorla. A broad pathway nwnlac along- tha laka ahora la aaHad Laka Boom Saplaoada. In the nortbaaat part of tha groande two atreeta form a Juno t Ion. One of theaa atreeta ta called Tonquln Boule vard, after tha ahlp that brought tba Aator party to Oregon, Tha other atraat la named Gray Boulevard. In honor -of Captain dray, who commanded tha ahlp Columbia, the flrat ahlp known to have entered tha Columbia rlTer In 1781. Tha aunkea garden facing tba mala entrance will ba known aa Columbia Court, In tha oenter of whloh la a fountain, tha nieea da reeletanca of which la to ba a atarue of Aacajawea. atandlng on a padeatal, with bar faoo toward tha Pa otfta ooaaa, - Hany Otto name nil an. ' . Iaadlng towarda tha laka from thla aiatua la tha main stairway, whloh will be known - aa JLakavlew Tarraoa. Be tween and around tha various buildings will ba tha following: Benton Plana, named tn .honor of Sen ator Thomas H. Benton, of Missouri who waa wi of Oregon's gtaunebast Mnn Phua. named for Senator Lewis P. Linn, a colleague of Senator . Baar towi--' Jeffarson Court, named bt bono of President Thomas Jefferson, who In spired tba Lowia and Clark; expedi tion. Monro Court named for Praatdant Monroe, who first applied tb Monro doctrine to tha Paolne eoaat. . ; 'v . nsss How wsiian, ' A high point of land between Can tannlal park and th mala landing of Lakevlew Terra oa will be known as Ob servatory PotnL Tha, peninsula, where tb United States government athtblts ara to b astabllshsd. la oallad Govern ment Park. An esplanade extending along tha south aide of tha peninsula and facing tha main view of the exposition grounds, la named Roosevelt avenue. There remains a large pleas of ground between Agricultural and Miehlriery butldlngs, and this tract will be oallad tha Plana of SUtea. In It will ba lo cated tha buildings of those eta tea that have not been assigned ground a yet HOSPITAL INSTEAD ' OF PENITENTIARY Whoa Circuit Judge Sears learned ys tsrday that .William Ickea, aantoaooi by him sight months ago to serve Ave years la th penitentiary for assaulting ll-year-oid las Oster, had not rat boon sent to Salem he waa astonlshsd. Investigation showed mat I ok as la at tb county hospital, where be waa sont by Presiding Judge Ooorg oa recom mendation, of District Attomsy Man sing. .. . -. !.'.- : Ickes ease la not even oa appeal, and thoro la no legal reason. It is said, for his not being seat ts Salem long ago. As matters now rest, ft Is admitted by tha judge that If Ickos should make bis escape, th responsibility could bo fas tened on no particular ofBclal. no mat tar on whom moral censure might faiL tokes was tried in last November be fore Judge Sears. Hs wso convicted and a .motion for a now trial waa tiled by Attorney Ed. Msndsnbait This motion was denied by Judge Sears, woo there upon in January sentenced Ickes to serve v years for tba crime of which he has bean pronounced guilty. , Attorney Mandsnhall afterward pro- pared a bill of exoeptlona on appeal. This appeal In embryo was never urged by ths district attorney and tho bill of exceptions .remains naslgaed ta this day. In ths meantlm ickea was kept tn oonSnsment In tho oonnty JalL Last July District Attorney Manning waa In formed by County Physician Geary that a ancsr on Ickes faoo waa growing dangerous. Tha oAolal thereupon re quested the sheriff to ssnd tho prisoner to tha county hospital. rSheria Word refused to do this with out an order of eourt Judge Ooorgs signed ths order on request of ths dis trict attorney. Ickea has been at tb "county hospital since that Urn. There Is a hospital at th state peni tentiary, where such oases ar treated. Judvs Clsland sentenced ens of ths men who attempted to hold up ths Ore gon Railroad Navigation Co-'s train near Troutdal year agfl to th peni tentiary, though tha man wag a weak from a wound that he had to bo almost carried Into sourt His death was prophesied but he was treated at ths penitentiary hospital and ultimately re covered his health, t Judge Oeorge hag been Informed of th facts as to Ickes and action br him Is expected next week. USES FORCED ORDER ' TO OBTAIN GOODS Complaint waa made to the police yesterday by Meter A Prank that th Arm had been swindled of gooda aggre gating $11.1 hi value by a colored man giving the name af John Reese. The goods were secured on sn Order signed "O. M. Smith," which ths Arm asserta was frgd. ' ' Investigation shewed that Rosss had been m the smplosuof Mr. Smith as coachman. Ha was discharged yesterday morning by bis employer. Reese hag not yet bean apprehended. Ha la sntd ta be about U years old. five feet 11 inches In height and weigh WTXAKAnl I0KBS, SSSTSSUMB 0 xmmm sp rrrs , ThtAM wtmmv , OOVMTT MOSFlxASi V TnTZS SAT about 171 pounda. , , ((i d. . . , j . . ,! ..,". ' CLACKAIIAS CCONTY COMMITTEE filEETS non miTiv nr um n bxsis rom ma ajtb cum OMAJOSATXOV AJTB AJ- fomur mil at OiT.T., . (Iseeta! Denamk t Tbs eaarsaLl Oregon City, Ost 14 A mooting of the general committee In charge of Clacka mas county's exhibit at tho Lewis and Clark fair waa bold at tho court house this afternoon. Organisation waa per feetsd by electing Thomas P. Ryan chair man and B. & Brodle secretary. Judge Ryan reported that he bad secured ft by 44 feet of space at ths fair buUdlnga for Clackamas county's exhibit th hvg- nst aaaoe vat allotted to any county, On motion the chair appointed a noml- natlnn oommlttee. oonalstlng of H. ML Cross of Abemathy; Henry Oans of Os wssro: Mary S. Howard of MuUno; J. a Vaughaa of Union, and T. P. Rran of Oregon City, for the purpose of nominat ing an executive com rait tea. Alter abort repass tbs commit us reported the following nominees who were declared elected by the meeting; Henry Oans, Oawesoi J. T. Aooersen. Abemathy; W. B. StaCord, Xlri Mary & Howard, Mu ll no: J. W. Thomaa, Molallat Oeocg Iasella. New Kra; Jennie B. Harding. Oregon CHyt J. Vf. Roots,' Boring; H. O. Starkweather, Mtlwaukls. Th exe cutive oommlttee choaen will meet at th oounty court room October 14 at 1 p. ul. for the purpose of organisation. The naoeUng adjourned subject to tb ceil of the chairman. j, Swaa fss 4tvcee. ' Jess Is B. Rlngland nied a suit tn th circuit sourt' today asking for a divorce from David U. Rlngland, alleging cruel ty and desertion. She ssys she M com pelled to work at a. restaurant for (20 per month In order to support herself and two ehUdran. . - - Aska fos Sssnakaa. ' a I Barber today Bled an action In the elroult eourt against D. nV'Lsland end others alleging that tn 110s be leased the defendants 41 sores of land on their agreement to set out three acres of hops together with the yard now oa tho land. He says they have failed to keep ths agreement and asks that tha lease be declared forfeited and that b b allowed 4L04 dnmagea. ' Oregon Otty Voaa. Articles of Incorporation of the Clacka mas Orange Patrons of Husbandry were filed la the omoe of tho oounty clerk to day. Tba Incorporatora ara: Arthur C Da via, Anna M. Mooney and Prod Brass. A transcript of appeal waa yesterday filed In the circuit court In the ease of state against Otto Ksteb, who was re cently found guilty of assault and bat tery tn Justice Alspsugh'a eourt at Bagle-I Creak. Defendant through his attorney, J. U. Campbell, appeals, - Marriage license were Issued lata thla evening to Thomas Trimbath and Verdle Mayville of Oregon City and William Cant well and Ella Armstrong of Canby. A plan Is being suggested by some of the attorneys of thla slty whereby a good working library might be secured to ell of th profession with mush less cost than at present. The plan la to tn- duoe poms with ths means to build a substantial building with ofnoea above. Including a large room for a library; the attorneys are all to offlce In this build ing and form a atook company through which a suitable library la to be in stalled. Thla will do away with ths plan of sack attorney keeping up g oemplat library. P. S. L. Bagby, manager of th Bagby Lumbering company of Aurora, transacting business in town today. Warren GreenweU, Democratic mltteeman from Damascus p redact was In town today. Joseph Hsrleos, a prominent fsrrasr ofl MoUlla, scoompanled by his wife, was in town today. Hon. B.' P. Moreum.- an attorney of Wood burn, was attending Judge Mo- Bride's court today. Judge Copies of Portland waa transact ing - business at tho oourt house to dsy. Victor tHcksy. n school teacher from Molalla. was In town on business to day. Circuit Judge Thomas A McBrlds held aa adjourned session of oourt In cham bers at tbs oourt bouse this afternoon and granted orders tn a number of minor CHEHALIS TAX LEVY FIXED AT 30 MILLS -'.-a ' h'-'.A " rapeeud IMspttch a Tss JearaaL) Chehalla. Wash., Oct. 14 Ths City council has fixed the levy for ths elty for tho oomlng year at 14 mills. Ths estimated receipts from licenses Is 4, 700 and 94. Tl Is to be raised by dfrest taxation. Th otty ha bean making a levy regularly to pay oft Its old general fund warrants and some of these ar taken up each year. The council ha fixed tho license for vaudeville shows at 1144 n year, payable quarterly In ad vance, A vaudeville has recently opened between hero and Centralis, dividing time between the towns saoh week. Tho council has recently purchased a reek crusher for th city and will build some stone streets, . A rock quarry has been secured near th channel change out near Xryad and rock- will b shipped from there by tho South Band road. . REM MINE OWNERS ? OUTWIT UNION MEN (Special rsnpate. e The Jsafact.) Seattle, Oot 1. El even . mors tnea have been added to tha working fore of the Seattle Bleotrlo oompany at Its Ren ton mine. Slowly but surely th mines are being reopened,, but in snob a way that the union strikers are unable to hang around and fight tho matter ar pro- vent the oompany from reopening. All th men put at work, since the re sumption of limited ; operations tw months ago, have been brought from a distance and It la understood the asms policy will be pursued uat 4 a full foros has been obtained. STONE'S NOVEL PLEA i; FAILS TO FREE HIM 4spMlal Ovaaatah ft The Jesrsal.) '. Taosma, Wash., Oot 14 Herbert M. Stone, who wss srrestsd near Taaoma with a counterfeiting utflt In hi poo Oftssleui had a hearing before United States commissioner Bridges today and his bond was increased to IX.eC. Stone mads ths novel plea that So h tended 4 make slugs to cheat slot ma chines. A half dollar meld found In hto eosseeslan. oontradlctad this and the man waa held to await tha action of th grand Jury. . ?, i HAY POOTQ Til ' COLIEIA IVER At AJfOOn vj PABVOP ' (Pseetal IMspats. The Jearaal.) Vancouver. Wash- Oct 14-la ths near future a bridge la to be erected la the military reservation. ' Too const ruc tion of thla bridge will be under the direct supervision of the officers in the military post and the work will be done entirely by the soldier. It Is to extend across the swamp close to ths old fort im ths bottom arounda. This fort Is tb one that was erected two year ago by tho officers stationed hero as a part of their school work. Tho bridge to be erected la the aame vicinity la a part of tho military drill for the soldier, This bridge le to pe 41 feet In length and wlda enough to permit th free pas sage of n troop of artillery tho same as if it wars to be hastily constructed for such use la time of war. Two treat lee will be part of th bridge, and Its strength must be such as to permit a battery of artillery to cross It either at ft walk or a trot ,- . To vs Siinssassn tmnbsn, The timbers for the construction of tho bridge will bo failed In tho govern ment forest reserve here and trans ported by ths soldlsra to the arte of tho bridge and erected by theov under the dlrct supervision of eortaia aoalgnated officers. Whils Ut United States government Is making ths barracks as oomfortablq as possible for its soldiers, tho work above mentioned Is la line with Its Intention to thoroughly train ths troops In all details of work neoesaary to make aetaal campaigning successful. : After the finishing of ths bridge ft Is owectsd other specified'' work will be undertaken, Whils tt la not decided. It is believed that la the near future an order will be forthcoming to pontoon bridge ths Columbia river between the barracks and the Oregon ahora. The oounty commissioners thla after noon failed- to award the contract for the construction of LaCentor bridge. There were three bidders who made two bids each. Back man mad on bid as to tho construction of a single stick piling bridge, resting on mud sills, and one on ft double bent timber bajdge. The lowest bid was 7at. Prom that tb bide ranged up to U,44. All the bids were rejected by the oounty oommhv Bianers, and tho bUT Left to .atstttjuw until the next meeting. The bridge w to b II foot high and 144 feet long. Incorporation papers of tho Great Northwestsrn Oil eompsny have been filed with tho oounty auditor of Clark oounty. Tho oompany has ft capital stock of $. 4,00. -Tho Incorporators are H. H McCarthy, Otto Roober and A Pomn. Th officers are H, Ja. McCarthy, president and & IV. Norton, secretary and treasurer. The object of th corporation m to handle gold, stiver, ooal and otnor mineral producing mine, also ooalou wells and to develop tho same. Th oompany already' has large holdings In Alaska and elsewhere. The -refining of metals, minerals and oils will also bo a part of ha business of the new oorporn lion. ' fcuagast Bead im Pttao, -" There was filed ba tho oounty nodi tor's office today ths longest deed out side of railroad right of ways thai has ever been filed la the oounty office. Thl la a deed given by D. K. Abnua to Charles Sears and C. CsOrldley as trustees, Invorvtng SI tracts of land situated In thla oounty. , H- Chanlaln fi. J. Smith, wlf and eon re turned to Vancouver barracks today after an extended leave of absence, dur ing which time the eh ap lain and tola family visited friends la the east Frank Buhl baa been engaged eeveral days in fitting up ft nsw engine and other machinery In the moat market of BJuerock A Co. . . SAY THAT TITLES ? ' WILL BE WORTHLESS (Special fneaateh The Soarael f ' Baker City, Or., Oct II. Referring to the dispatch aa published from Washing ton, n. C with regard to tho methods being pursued by certain parties In locat ing homesteaders on government lanas two or three well known business roes yestsrdsy said that a oouple of promo tare ware one rating in Baker City, and locating for the sum sf 410 each, home steaders or horn eekers on the proposed Malheur Irrigation government tract These business men nave even before the publication of tho Washington dis patch warned au tnsir xrienaa to aeep out of such Investments as thslr titles would not be worth ft five sont pleat to locations made new. TO BUILD ELECTRIC : LINE TO TILLAMOOK (aseetal Mepatm tt Tss Jcsrssl.) Tillamook. Or- Oct II. Tho citfsona of McMlonvUlo are bestirring- themes! vee over the construction of an electric lino from McMinnvllle by way of Sheridan, through ths Grand Rondo reservation. The elevation to be surmounted baa been ascertained to be not more than l.fto feet Prom Dolph there- would be a very easy root along Three rivers and Nestueea river. There would be po ele vation necessary to cross betwssa'Dolpb and Tillamook City. After leaving Dolph the entire line will run through sn anor mousiy rich dairy-farming section. y ARRANGING EXHIBIT ; FOR THE 1905 FAIR V' "-r 1; '.V':..;; ' rSpMtal Mssah Tee JbsrseO Baker City. Oct M Both tho Cttt sens' and Development leagues today received glass Jars for pecking fruit and vegetable exhibit for the Lewis and Cark fain both organisations working for ft large and typical exhibit to be packed here hi preserves. Arrange men ta are also being made for a large exhibit of Oninerele from thl district LVtOsTS (SsovUI Mepete n The morse 1. 1 Tillamook, Or.. Oct 14 The Tilla mook Lumber oompany la regularly shipping yellow pine to the Sort Fran cisco market It contracted with the TUlamook Logging company this week for 4,440.094 fast nf logs, and tho amp opened today. The Trurkse Lumber company will fee urn operations two weeks from today. I; . . tt , One Hav Dn 5pent Whan wo nnrahasod th fight to Llauoaona. ww decided bo buy tho first oottle and give It -fro to earn sick one wo learned of. W puoilsn uia offer hi nearly every newspaper w America, and LI40.004 people have ac cepted It In on year It has cost us over ons million dollars to announo and fulfill th offer. Don't yon real las that Si product must havs wonderful merit to make such an offer possible? Wo havs never asked a soul to buy Llquoaono. W have published no testimonials, no physician's endorsement W have simply asked tho sick to try H try R at our expense. And that I all ws ask you. If you, need It ., : v . -' Kills Inaid Gemi, . - . t Uqneson la not mad by ocn pound ing drugs, nor I thorr alcohol in It. Its virtus ar derived solely from gas largely oxygen gasby a process re quiring tromens apparatus and 14 days' tlrnev This process has, for more than SO years, bean th constant sub ject of aclacnUflo and cnomloal re search. " - Tba rosmlt la a liquid tha does what oxygon does, tt la a nervs food and blood food th most helpful thing in ths world 4r you. Its effects arc ex hilarating, vitalising, , purifying. . Tst ft Is a germicide so carta In that we publish on every bottle an offer of II, 404 for a disease germ that It cannot kill. Th reason Is that germs ar vegetables; and Uquonon Ilk an x HILLSBORO SINGERS - IN A CANTATA fSpmUl Dweemni at Tss Jesrasl.) HlUsboro, Or., Oct 11. The following singers win take part tn the cantata "Queen Esther." whloh win be produced at ths opera houss la thla city October 14 and 111 Soprano Mra Howard Balrd, Greco Bath, Bva Cornelius, Jennie Oreer, Lucy Humphreys. Bula Hoyt, Mlanls Haldol. i Oertrudo Kendall, Sua la McK Inner. Mra Gertrude Patterson, Amy Patterson, La this Ruble, Mra Blsls Sohulmerleh, Myrtle Sabta, Stella Tilbury, Maude Wilson, Jaura Waggoner, and Jren Toung. . Alto Bstolhi Boscow, Mra, Ida Brown, Graoe Ballard, Rosa Bowser. Anna Chalmsr. Pay 'Corwln. Mabel Gilbert Arab Hoyt, Mra Mauds Hoyt, Gertrude Kirk wood, Grace Robinson, Flossls Weatherred and Bva Weat barred. Tenor Ben toa Bowman, M. B. Bump, Clauds Cata, Laurel M. Hoyt, Chi ran ce A Hoyt H, A, Hlnahaw, T. P. Kendall. W. P. Walt Baas J. M. Brown. J. C. Oreer, How ard Balrd. Chsrlss Lam kin. Gilbert Til bury. Lloyd Tilbury and Prod Troo- nu. ' "'- ' TWO AFGHANS WILL NOT FACE A JURY - k i , - (npMtst nemetcb to Tke JeoraaL) Seattle. Waafa. Oot 14 Beoanss the evidence In the possession of ths state ts unreliable and weak, and could under no etrounutanoaa result in a conviction. Obabshah and Nasstr. two natives of Afghanlstans arrested In Portland, will not have to face a Jury for th killing sf Amsr All Aden Khel near Woodlnvllls two years ago. Since the doss of ths preliminary hearing the state's wttassses havs told reputable persons that then testimony was perjured and waa part of a Slot to wreak personal vengeano on aasir and O babe hah. Until Prosecuting Attorney Scott had, osoosas convinces idki uw swry win oy the Afghans was falss and would not be believed by s Jury h was taking steps ts bring th men to trial. BUY EXCLUSIVELY OF BOYCOTTED FIRM (BseeJal Bhaato. ts Tb Jvrail. -Spokane. Oet 14 The members of the American League of Independent Work men have pledged tbomselvss to support the boycotted firm of th Weleer Bot tling Worka It is proposed tn this way to offsst tha boycott declared tor th unions. Members of th league, who are own ers of saloons, groosries. snd fruit stands which handle soda-water, will bug exclusively of the Weieer oompany. - STy.T.dMOOR PZAJrS BJLatlSla1. gaeelsl Btapawb to The JesrssT) ' Tillamook, Or., Oct 14 Ths business men of Tillamook ar plsnning a Tilla mook oounty sxblblt for th Lewis and Clark fair, and It I expected that within a month ft oommlttee will have the mat ter well tn hand, Ths exhibit will Mk ly be limited to timber, dairy and agri cultural produeta AN EXTRAORDINARY Id order to Introduce still mors sxtensHrely ths merits of "Journal Want Ads.w Ths Journs! win giva with sveiy cash "want ad." for tha Daily or Sunday Paper a Is re;, package of C D. Smith ft Cos Premier SAYPO Washinf powder, sold regularly and all over the city - 'V. to GWe - Llquozone of oxygen is deadly to ysgetal matter. There Mas th great vara of Ltquo one. It is the only way known to Idil germs In thp body without killing th tissues, too. Any drug that kills germs Is a poison, and It cannot bo taken In ternally. Medicine la almost helpless in any germ disease. It la this fact that gives Llquoaone Hs worth to hu manity. And that worth Is SO great that after tostlng th product for two years, through physicians and hoa pltals, we paid 1100,004 for ths Amor loan rta-hta, t ' " . Gnn Disowvssis . Thee ar tho known germ dlseasea All that medicine can do for theas troubles la to help Natur overoom th germs, and ouch results ar Indi rect nnd uncertain. Llquoaone attacks th germs, wherever they ar. And when tha germs which causa a dresses are destroyed, tho disease must ond. and forever. That M Inevitable. -. - asmsm i Kldsey CHameea -Ray fiin I Le Ortppe , , Lraerrlka Uer Tnalilai f UalarlaNearslgta Moor Reart TrouaM Pi Us PiMDSien la At-scas . BrMtctaltU Blood polsMI -Bright DlMSS Bovl Troebtes Coetski Colds Cmwnnptioa ". Oellc Croua - r leori w Oulaav pstlae Bbeantsasai efUrpauM . Sals Diseases p 8 toBic6 Troabe Thrast TreBalei TabercakMls J . CiUrr Pj eenterr Dl Da adrn ff Ovopvy iap-peia ScsMBsr-sryalpikHl COW DEVOURS SKIRT f j OF POSTMISTRESS ; , . - . ' (baeeUl Maeetek w Tea Hersal - Seattw, Oet 14 All because a oow So voured a now skirt belonging to th postmistress of University addition, whloh she had toft, hanging- an a Un tho pound limits of tho city has been extended to tho boundary lino of tho city. Tho tale-was told amid tears to tho street oesamlttee yesterday and Chairman Mullen, aonflnned bachelor, oould net stand snob conduct on the part of oet tie. A petition for such extension has been before the oounoll on and am for three years past but heretofore aa turned down. GIVEN CUSTODrO LOU GRAHAM'S WARD 4paeW Dkaatak to the JoeraaL) Seattle. Oct II, Ulna Dslmas, tho ward of tho 1st Lou Graham, has been adopted by an satploye of th Seat Us peetoflloa Late yeatsrday an agree moot was en tered Into whereby the mother signed awsy bar right to the girl. After this pro see ding an agreement waa entered Into whereby Charles G. Bnydsr, ths Canadian Paolfle engineer, under arrest oa tho charm of abducting tho girl and bringing her from Victoria to Seattle will be oismlsssd of ithe charge. . t ; INDIAN WOMAN IS FOUND DEAD IN BOAT Taooma, Wash., Oot 14 n Indian found dead la a boat at LsmnHm's beach today. Word was brought to Taooma and Acting Coroner MeUlngar and Deputy Sheriff MeColloh weat to make an tavsetlgatlea of the oasa Lemmon's beech hi wast of Tacoma. near the cleotrM Un runslag to Stsila oooav ; y fl BAKER WON'T VOTE ) : ON PROHIBITION - (gserial Dlspamh to the Jeersel.) Baker City, Oct 14. Th county oourt today ordered that the prohibition gusa ttoa be not put on the ballots at tbs oomlng election from aay of tho pre olnots In Baker oounty, aa th petitions filed from Basis Valley, TCxpreaa, Halaea, Pin and on and two Rook Croak and Unity ara legally defective. ' flurtal rnsyamk to Ts JeerssL anooavsr, B. C, Oct 14 Advice to day from th north say that ths Yukon river is about closed and tho ssasen is nearly over. Recent arrlvala report tber win b hard winter at Pairbanka, as It la not thought that the supplies now om hand there will be sufficient to feed tho popu lation of 1,040 ail through ths long win ter. . , - - i ior wvc per pacuge. , Just a Word Abbot ? ''? :Ssypd..V'--V-.'4 . ;r'-v: Washing Powder tt is the pureet because It contains no , ' narmful Ingredients and will not injure ' ; K the finest fabrics or the hands. 1 If you - sought it, you'd get more for the same . y ' . " aoney than any other. It will clean any- J 1 . thing and it does Its vvork thoroughlv. your home Isn't complete, without it. laypo Washing Powder Is a Pacific coast K . product (made ia Portland) and one you y . TBturally want to use. ,;. , - v Rmwital cash " Vwt Ada,9 or Sit&Ly ibtni. 1 . Fr to th SlcK. rivtie - 011 f bums Twra Plesej - r Qoaorfb Qket : osMa's Ptmism All Mseases tast begta wits fever -eP tn BssiBMuoe tu atam an eeetariees auesi ee eU the raealu f IsiDare er pulsoosd blaod. la sarvroa rt h'hty L.uwosmm ictf ee t vital ar. MSiiemlblilig waai so en-js Mk 50c. DottU Trmm. ; If yon need Llouooonsr. and hav never tried It plaaae send as thla coupon. Wo will then mail yon an or der oa ft weal druggist for a full -sis bottle, and we will pay th druggist ourselves for It This Is our free gift, made to convince' you; to show you what Llquoaono Is, and what It nan do. In Justice to yourself, pleass, aoospt It today, for tt places yos undar no ob ligation whatever. . f,J Lrquogsno oosts Sfta and IL ' ' r CUT OVT THIS COUPON tor tttta affsr suy sat apfvar agsm. Ptn eat the Nash indfc"n " tt Uoald Oeoae Oa, 404 Wabub aa Chlsapa, . Kr Hms Is.i.. I save sever tried IAflaeacHM, bat U res win tapplJ sw s 0e bottle mse X WLU lake It, , . m$ Vtmt' tM sidiam arlW 'UhUy' Aay ahyslelaa w bcepiui sat yet ssiag pss wp ba glaaix MpsHed let a test WIIS03I ATTACKS M , DXEE TliRIR OIAUV MaTBmfcSMd W ATOM OP faint ,4: ; SsmUl'Sliilm to Tss JeareaL) SeatUa WaalL. Oot 14 John L. WT1- tn addressing a pellUoal msstinsy last night made a personal attack on ; S Qn yiiayaiP Hfwliiy 1 ,,. th contract for the construct ioa of the -batUeehlp Nebraska, Wilson claimed -for himself the credit of securing the award for Moras Brco. and In reply to an Inquiry aa to th work- that. Tumor V did. declared! t t- ' 'Wall, ho made an argument, but "for a 1104 fa, aa be did down In ths lag isle tu re for the railroad eoauaiaaioa. Today th attention, of Robert Moraa . was called to the statement made by v Wllnon. aMI tnnlns aa hla tfinnaiaaker Moraa MUttataa aha tellnerlnan - "Neither Senator Turner or any other v t representative of this ststs In Pash- ', mgton ever asked or received from my ' .u oompany any fee a payment for ser vices rendered la eecurtng th hatUs- ship oontraet or any ether contract from . the United States government ' "ROBXRT MORAN." Secretary - B- K. Meikl of the chamber of oommero brands th ststs msnt as falss so far as tho ssmmsijilsl ergaalssUon Is eon corned. , . OEHLER MURDERED ' ' ' SAYS SEATTLE JURY A . ' " . . - ..;'': rSserial fsapaWh to Tto JearaatV ' Seftttla Wash., Oot 14 Tho omonoi'g Jury this aftornoon returned verdict that William Oshlar, tha Georgetown brewer whose body was found on th tide Sets October 4, am to Ms death ' "by axtamaJ vlctsnos upon tho head. eauss unknown.' Doctors Turner, Wilt si and Buckley testified that Oehlar was v some tlm before bis .body was thrown, oa tho tide flats. . J. M. Houssr. a bartender, toatlflad that Oehlar, ft few days before his death. toM him ho had been robbed In Uia J. Young's houss and that bo was going o' back to get hie money. Peter Sokuck v saw him going to ths Toung house, p. Golvln testified to tbs discovery of . blood stslna oa Llla Young's stairway the day before the finding of tho body. No arrasto have yet boom ssaoe, . WASHINGTON WANTS -: : JUVENILE COURTS - (apsttol Pasjateb to lb JearaeL Taooma, Wash., Oct 14 At ths next session of the legislature a bin provtd-' lng for the sstabtiehmsnt of Juvenile oourta In Washington will bo introduced. Th Stat ' Bar aeeooiatlotv women's clubs and associated charities ar beak of th movement - 1rp. fr with far Tl Daisy Sros oli "want 4 . T'