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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1904)
AY J JSAL. PORTLAKT), SUNDAY- "MORNINO, OCTOBER 1, 19Ct W5 THE OKOW. T 'V "4 T. , 9m 'mfC U...J It. kl3 4 Columbia. ....... ..."Sowing the Wind" r-, Cordray's "For Her Sake" Star Vaudeville Lyric 7... I... Vaudevllls Jm ads Vaudeville "HBUou Vaudeville ' When you think of the Ball ay Oat Bart think of a staunch, strong, flaat and comfortable steamer. Th Oatsert cer talnly la th personification of parti tion In river craft, and has ooma to ba regarded a tha "ever-reliable." Tbta handsome lttmv leaves Alder Street wharf every Monday, Wednesday and Friday akornlnr at 1 o'clock for tha trip tip tho magnificent Columbia to Tha Dallas and way polnta Steamer Regu lator, anothar staunch Regulator Una boat, laavoa mum wharf at aama boar on alternating days. Either ataaaBar will givs yon a speedy and afa journey. Pnon Mala 914 Bad at ration deputies at Comity Clark Fie Ida' ottat ware kept busy yeatarday. There warn lOi relatrUona af voura up to I o'clock, and many arrived at tha onto after that hour, two daputiaa ba ins on duty until t o'elook butt eight. Up to date there have bean about 0 new reglstratlona and a large aumbor M tranafara of voters on tha booka owing to flhanaaa of residences. Tha of fice wUT remain open until o'clock Monday, Tuesday and Wadnaaday alan ines for th accommodation of those who are unable to leave their employment daring tha day, Tbs books will oloas at o'elook Thursday aftaipooa. Robert Stewart was arrested last, ' Bight and a chares of assault and bat - tery placed against him on tha blotter ..- at police Jieadquartara. The complainant la J. W. Thompson, ex-eecretary of the Fraternal Building association, and at present proprietor of a rooming house at Third and Clay atresia. Mr. Thomp son declares tha attack to kavs bosa un- ' warranted. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart agree -, , In their statement They claim their landlord for they oomor npartonsnta la bis hnn I si ul tad Mrs. Stewart. . , . The data for the oonrantloa of county clerks and recorders Of the state has V been sot for N oven bar IS and SC. Topics i for dleoueelon have bean assigned all who are expected to ba present. Copies of the assays an tha various subjects ere -to- ba printed and distributed. A - circular giving: full details was sent out yesterday by tbs aub-eommlUee baring , the arrangements In charge. Tha oom- mlttee oomprlsea County Clerks Fields. Sleight and Stevens and County Auoitor V Brand, . - ' .t .' " Tha oarraat event department of Wo inaa's olub was entertained, by Kra Charles B. Andrews at bar apartments la the Portland boteL, Mra NewUl j talked, aa eurrent topics. Refreshments T. ware served. Those present wars "Mra. a Nswlll, Mrs. D. M. Watson, Mrs. Charles Runyoa. Mrs. B, S. Pagus, Mrs. V HjibbsU. Mra Bdwarda. Mra. Nina La " rows, Mrs.- Shafford and Mrs. Cannon. - 1 The regular meeting will ba held at Mra. Hawlll'e Riverside academy tomorrow, ... " - Prof. Andrew Jackson Davis sod his wife, the "blind musicians,' wlU give a , ' . concert next Tuesday rranlng at Atlsky ball, assisted by local talent. Professor : Davis plays the violin with rare ability and is accompanied by Mrs. Davlfc on the piano, A stage has been erected for the occasion so that speelaltlea stay bs added. Mra Nettle Hughes gives aaa of her original skirt dances, v, -"Tadrreoeahle airl: s"' ; - What tt Ukea to make bar; " ; ; What tt aukos to take her. ' ' Witty and brilliant lecture Vy the -' famous Dr. Matthswa Ths White- Tem , pie, October St. Reserved seats. I osnts. Bala opaas Saturday, October ltd. It a. ; m., at Alien A QUbart-Rsmaksf Cex's Musio storo,,. ., - -- -: j f 1 : Mra Sukhoda Banarjea, tha native , missionary from Calcutta, India, will V speak this evening at Centenary Methodist Splscopal ohurcb. corner Pine .v- and Blest Ninth atresia As Mrs. Banar - Jee leaves for India la a few daya this . f will be tha last opportunity for hearing the story of bar life and rescus work la India, tHstriot Attorney John Manning ra t turned from the east yeatarday after a ' month's rest. Mr. Manning and bis wife ' were passengers te the Pullman sleeper -which plunged over aa embankment -into Cow creek Friday night. - Both were ss- verely shaken an, bat eeoapad without serious Injury. , : V Sample bottlee of Dr. Xllmer'a Swamp Root, tbs great kidney, liver and bladder ' remedy, are being dletri bated hers from 1 booss to house. If by chance you have - not reserved one write Da Kilmer as -Oov. v Bingham too. N. TH who will gladly send yon by mall a sampla bottle abaolutaly frea lf ;-( A valise aontalnlng clothing and other srtlclea valued at ITf, tha property of JUT. W. B. Bleak nay, was stolen from ' Calvary Presbyterian ehuroh, KUeventh -. and Clay streets, Friday night Tha theft was reported to the police yeeter - - day. No slew was left by the burglar. V . Mra B. 9. Kynea, scalp and hair " gpeelaJlat; dandruff posttlvely sured; 1,000 HORSE ron INMAN, POULSE & CO. When it comes to as wins: ceded that the shove concern holds the record. . They f nstursilv take pride In their oiiprernacy and propose ' t to hold it, and therefore decided to put more power t into their sawm : r' : IiLIbL J If.lLKL i t 1 y They wanted a better engine than could be pur chased in the open market, so placed tha order WUH VS. ... THE HINT 13 WORTH i . timn 'i,-1-- WHO IIirvIinUTV 'MACHINERY LD'S f a IS n c: 3 BY FAR FATtmaSXT Wltl . VXA . OS VTA1 A. Veldenhelmer has returnei from an extended visit to the east. Mr. Falden helmar left this city August IS and paid a long visit to ttte St. Louis fair. Hs says that ths sights there are wonder-. ful but there la altogether too much to sas and It would tabs a person several months to see everything. , '"It la grand, ha says, "but It tires one, I paid a visit to ths Oregon build ing and the exhibits of this stats and found that they -compare favorably with tha others although they are not as arand aa Callfornla'A." Mr. Feldenhelmer oa his way east rial ted Yellowstone park and other re aorta. ' He combined pleasure with huslncsa In his visit to New Tern. "It Is wonderful.'' says ha "bow much building Is going oa In New Tors, The chan aaa there la a single year o hardly be described. I found things la the Jewelry business there satisfactory. although there are some, drawbacks on account of tbe presidential campaign. In New York K aaems to be tha opinion aenonar'the business men that Roosevelt will be sleeted. The Impression Is that if will ha a warm race la New York etate. Z am alad. res. to get back to Omaaa." " s Mr. Feldenhelmer waa aocompanled on his trip by Ms wire. feat vaatorad te formal color, bald- noes and disease at scalp treated wlts suoosas. .Room IS4 Aiisay sauoxaa. phone day aa. - - , 4 , ; y Baainnlng today, tbs permanent en- tranoa to ths fair grounos a xwenty slxth and Upshur etraeta will bs open, and It wlH bs the only entranos through whiok persons or oarriagas may pass hereafter. - .. . , t t . . , A fire ooourred last ntght la ths heat-lng-room of the Hammond Packing oom pany'a plant. Bast First and Water streeta The firs department quickly ex- Ungulshad the bias, The nominal, J damns maim rha Hatal Portland barber tiAH HAtiriaa tha niihMo that on and after Thursday, October is. said snop win no kept open for business from ocioca a. m. until IS o'clock a-m. , .:, . ;vi . .- Miss M. J. Wlagett. T. W. C A build ing, ill Tenth street,, physical culture for ladles and children. Private lessons. TH Olay elreeC Red need rates to T. W. C A. ' - v, ,. ;v - Wa-Hoo Tenia The great blood puH. um tanho and liver regulator. Just what you need these days. For gala by all druggists,. -'. . - r x Dr. Bchleslnger. the famous psychic Artisans' hall, Abtagtoa building. Third street, near Washington street, as 1 to-, Free foV this ad tho oslof of yoar fu tnra 'husband or wife' a .hair. Wanda, tho busy palmist. Fourth and Salmon, 'Socialist Metstro by Iraao Smith today S and"s 9. m.. o Davis street between a ma ane. wm. . ' y Cbew Den-Tnl-Oum. have pearly teeth and nrevent decay. : For sale every- Both foot treated. S1J Fletchers, ahl ropodists, 111 Allsky Bids. Bsd I0IC Mr. and Mra. H." D. Parkins of Tha Dalles are guests at tho ImperlaL R, n., Tate gnd C ft Loomts of E Ma ristsrad at tho Perkins. . W. L, Robb of Astoria Is at ths Xm- parirV ' v j. r. atsUy. and wife of aistpa sxa to Portland- over Sunday. Jamas Crawford of PendJetoa la la the city. ' - if r. and- Mra J. B. V Havely and daughtor of Dufur, are Sunday guests to tha alt. . . ' , H. - C, McAIllater and wlfd" of Tho Dalles ara at tha ImperlaL Mrs. Colena and children of' Baker City ara at tha Perkins. . Mr. and Mrs. Bdgar Canfleld of Mo MlnnvlUs are regta tared at tho Im perial. a L, Starr af Dallas la at too Pr- ktna William ft Col of Hood River Is la the aUy. - C. &v Oaddig af Brooklya la at tha Perkins. Ben)amls Young of Astoria Is at the ImperlaL ' v .. A. M. Cannon of Salem Is a Sunday visitor in Portland. " Mrs. Frederick B. Dtma of Vugen la registered at the Imperial. ai.i, SMMtw Wllllan-Muvhsndell has returned from a month's trip la tho oast Hs arrived la this city last night, and will leave this morning for big homo at BugenO, i . ,. it III? POWER ENGINE A. V". hunber It is gencTallr con IfU UUI .UUJ1 f MONEY TO THOSE .1, iirAuia .... -Si WANT , , SHE WILL SURELY . BE MIGHTY ANGRY a disposition ' like sill be aa angry wo- Unless ah has "Sunny Jim" there man In Portland whea Mra B. R. As- grlth of Newcastle, el. 9- W.. arrives. Bba.La few bubblea tndtoatsd where It bad Is now on the way from the antipodes. Hearing of ths salubrious climate In far-away Oregon she decided to oast her lot bare. The British ship Bskaaonl was lying at that pert, and her house hold effects were hastily packed up and placed aboard. When tbe ship arrived at Portland tho goods were not dis turbed anUI she was ready to depart oa her outward -voyage. - Aa the vessel was preparing to leave yesterday morning h captain thought of ths household goods en true ted to bis oar and ordered them taken ashore. Tho gasollns launch Fox was alongside of tbe big Brttlab trader te receive them. A hug box containing One linen And wearing apparel was ths first to receive attention. As It was being pushed over ths slds ef the eraf t the men engaged at T MUTE COULD ASK ; FOR CARD HE LEFT . Adolph Hoofaorgar Uvwr at M Berth Twenty-fourth street. Ba sat la his library yesterday after noon wondering how to get rid .a his money. A knock was hoard. The maid opened tha doon, A maa atopped in a rough looking man, who waa remarka bly adept in the art of gastfoalatloa, by employing which he mad the girl think ha waa a hypnotist. But suddenly the stranger produosd a aard. It announced that he waa deaf and aumo ana weni on with ths usual request for anaaciat aa- sistanca. - : Film PR03LEH -' TAR FROM SETTLED SsTsmifli BJmnurs OF TSTBD WAS OO A. M. Ttmha a ship owner with largo tatarosta in the PhUlpptnes, arrived ta Portland yesterday from Manila after aa absence of six year. Ha m on his way ta Baa Francisco where his family re sides, and will remain ta thin oountrr until !w at mil absolutely . demands hi return. . . ' , - " "That hi unless this sold oarrles mo oft." remarked Mr, Tlmkav n And It neosssary to baoome ra-acollmated sad am sugaring right now from tho most severe oold of my Ufa t contracted it coming through the oold eurrent off the ooaat," Mr. Tlmks came oa the Bmpreav- of Mapan, which landed at' Vaaoonver two days ago. On the same aoet were ww ard Harding Davla, his wlfa her maid and four doas: Fox. ths photogrsaher. and aeveral noted corresnoadents who dult Toklo In disgust beoause of the Im possibility of getting reliable war news from Japanese souroea -Mr. , Da vis and others told ma" nsld Mr. Tlmka, "that all the information given out by tbe Japanese Is unreliable They exaggerate then victories and sup press sll reports of their defeaia -The Associated Press dispatches from Japan ess polnta can hot be relied upon, Tho situation was such that both American and Kngllah war oorrespondonts bad to abandon the field. The beat tbey could do was to write descriptive articles oa life In Japan. Mr. Davis was ths most disgusted maa I ever saw. Hs left for New York on thcSrst train after arriv ing at Vancouver. I Imagine that ho will writ a sensational article showing up. tho exaggerations of the Japanese. Ths noted writer received 1,0 a week while la Japaa and was ashamed to take the money, so llttl oorreot Information could bs obtained. Butt at least b. se cured material for a new soveL" . Of affairs la Manila Mr. Tlmks had nothing to say. "Commercially, affairs have reached a state of tag-nation." said ha. "What little business Is being don is between tho big English oonoerns that have been established there for or a yeara X attribute the condition not to the war, but to tho absolute worthless ness of tho natives. They will mat work. They do not know tho meaning of en terprise and Industry. With sll that fine agricultural sou at thetr disposal, actu ally Manila Is compelled to send to sn English settlement 00 miles distant for its rios. Prospectat Well, the situation -could not bo worse than It is, and it surely, must grow bettor. Ths govern ment mad a ten-strike brought Filipinos over her to study sad observe American ware. A groat deal baa been aoeompllshod la a short time, but Uncle Bam ha a long way to so before the Filipino problem will bo settled." . fyOODMEN WILL HAVE ' ; WILD GAME BANQUET ; - . - Multnomah lodge Wo, TT. Woodmen of the World, ia making preparations for a wild same banquet to be given at Its lodge room some time during December. A communication has been received ay J. w. Thompson from his father, who la at Nashville, TenjL, la which be guaran tees to provide three dosen Tennessee possum aad a barrel of yam for too vent. -' Letters of Invitation have been sent out to all ntomber sad- every member sendtns bow application will bs entitled to a seat for himself a wall aa the applicant. -- - The last Friday af this month win bs ladles' night and wives, mothers aad sis ters of Woodmen will be Invited to par ticipate In tho entertainment provided. NARROWLY ESCAPES ' . THREE BIG WRECKS D. J. Caswell, of Caswell and Kelly, has returned from a tour of the United States and is thanking his lucky stars for three escapes from railroad wrecks, each of them by a narrow margin. Com ing out or St. Loul a train lust ahead of that upon which ' Mr. Caswell rode. was ditched and several were killed. Near SO Paso,- Tax., eight Uvea were loot by the wreck of ths train ahead of him. And leaving San Fianclsoa, Jio took tho train Immediately ahead of tho one which contained tho oar. wrecked hut night at Cow oream . Mr. Caawell spent a wash at St. Louis and while hs enjoyed what he saw of the fair, he says tt Is altogether too big for the. ordinary mind to oom- prebead la ae brief a sorted r - , - ths task Nst their hold and tho boa fell Into the river. It sank to the bot tom la about feet of water, aad only found a resting place. Hugh Rrady was employed to roeovor tt. With boataicme and tongs he ar rived oa the spot shortly after the ac cident ooourred. Aa hour later he had reoovered the lost treasure and towed It ashore. The box wss taken ap town and opened yesterday afternoon. Bvery article of ths contents wss wringing wet and mors er less soiled by the drenching. la the wardrobe there wars flne silk and eat In drassea A large collect km of booka wye also found la bad ahapa. Tbey were all caMfully spread out to d.ry, but soma of them will never again bo readable. Ths olothes wars gathered up and sent to a laundry. An effort will be made to have them looking presentable before Mrs, Asgirth arrtvsa "Walt." said tha maid, and took the rd, to Mr. Neuberger. He examined oarefnlly, looked out of the window, remarked that he didn't like tbe feUoWs appearance, and refused to donata Sadly ths mats made his way out of ths front gate. Mr. Neuberger resumed thinking what public bequests ho should make. Another knock. Sams maa, Neu berger went to the door. - "Well, what can I do for your gruffly. "This." said the deaf muta "You havs my card and I need it!" Mr. Neuberger is stlU wonderinc what ts dd with his ooln. MAY ALLOW SLOT. MACHINES TO RUN ear VAjroa aro to as oxAjraa mvt uoa eTQBoav At tho otgar stands and ta the sa loons tbs story is current that tha em bargo upon tbs ni ckle-in-lhe-slot sard machines Is soon to bo lifted, Gossip says that ths oouncllman hayi At- laawhich- you probably -oarey -wfr come to tho osncluslo. that they mSWV a aertous Blunder in oroenng tne potios to suppress thess machines Ths pro teats from both the wholeeem and the retail dealers In llcuors and elgars have been so omphatlo that ths oounoUmaa realise that they overshot the mark, v Ths action of the council bora with espsolsl severity upon the cigar stands. With some of them business is said to have fallen off i per sent since the machines were taken out. Ths value of ths oard m t- tr- lies simply la tho fact that they ara "aalesmen." The proprietor -of one down town stand says that for a month be kept oaraful tab on the business dona by his machines; ne found that the number of cigars won oa the machine during tho month was 7.of and ths to tal amount of money played ?nto the machines was with In Tl oents of what he would have reoelvd If he bad sold tho cigars at ths regular price of ltH cents a pleo. Slnos ho was obliged to take ths sHaehtnes off bis counter hi business baa fallen off about one half. John P. Logan, vao Is attorney fr many of ths elgmr dealers, is of tho opinion that tbe machines will soon bo allowed to rua again. Ba said yastar day: '. "I think the onuncHmen realise that they mads a mistake. -The suppression of tha oard machines " Is hurting busi ness vary badly and the eouncll. I feel aura, will adopt a more liberal policy. It may aot rescind tha resolntloa It adopted last month, but tbs polios will get an Intimation that they seed not In terfere with the machines. They will do Just aa the dlatrict attorney does when be doesn't want to interfere with tho gambling house the ordl will not bo enforced." - - CLYDE SCOFFINS v CANNOT BE FOUND . Clyde 9. Soofflns of dffl Williams avenue la missing and kls relative fear that he has either met with foul play or ta a St of despondency has ndd hi own extstenoa Nothing ha been seen or beard of him alnce very early last Sunday morning whoa bo left sev eral com pan lone at Woodlawa. At that time ho waa la a despondent mood. It 1 said that bo had aeoa hav ing some trouble with a young we maa residing la Woodlawa. Ha lost hi posi tion several days beforo. Hie sudden dlsappearanos without leaving any clew a to hla whereabouts has greatly excited hi brother. Claud I. Bcofnne, ,who oonduots a oonfectlonery store at 471 Williams avenue. Claud Soofflns said last evening that b had aot seen- the missing man slnos last Saturday night. Inquiry ha been mad of the police but they bar eeea or heard nothing of the young maa. TABLE SILVER Oar stock of solid stiver and plated tableware comes from the best silversmiths In ths country. AH designs shown here are new; .many of them are exclusive with us and ths quality of each single piece , may be relied upon as being may do railed upon as oeing the best In Its class Knives, Porka. Sues. Salad - Forks. Pie Knives. Ladles, aTapkia minge, Bby SpooaA, Sal Peppers, Bread Tray. ' ANWUIGHT 293riOPRtSON-ST OWA JEWELER Now's Henry 1 72-1 f4 FIRST STREET -r-::'r"'AN ABBREVIATED SERMON : You'll probably be hearing another one soon so ws won't take up much of your time and make you lata Our little sermon when condonoea the .sub- PAtlLONIZC UtdON. ' Analyse this you'll bring oat many topics, any one of which would prove a proline text for an excellent dla ooursa Patronising us means tha ex termination of tha saw-tooth collar, con sequently equanimity. We put a finish on yoar work which stamps yon taste ful in your dreea If we launder your ourtalns your callers exclaim with ad miration. Really, a thousand and one thing more could be aald. Paramount, however, PATRONIZB Union Laundry uwmb asm oox.' Taasahoaa, atala . j1 i" ' v' f Calumet - 'i Rcstiant 149 Seventh Straat WUsei eaB-tb stawtlea af the Kb lie te the excellent dtaaar sarrid llr awsi 4M u a, bk Cm M Abo tb datir (Mept smasxr ttlr (stesst Sssaarl a Il ea a. avita S i eaata. seen steal Roa ' p, av. Csr af Oar every efftvt Is ewerted gMag aeriset aatktasuaa, LITTLE GIRL'S STORY ' OF HER' TWO PETS Toby la a browa dog and I bave bad htm ever atnos I waa a year old, and now I am 11, so you awy know that a Ida M ! Iflg Is a mtie kitten mat I round aair way up a Br tree. U waa mewing and mowing very loud. X got blm down and carried him a little way, when h got away, out I oaugnt aim. ana weni to me first house I saw and asked tha lady for a paper eeca. ana gave it to ate, ana I put His ta It and earrled him home. Toby and Nig are good friends bow. Ths otas? day I and my brother bad a oooklo apleoa Toby sat down oa ths walk tn front of us and began to aeg for some of our eookis, and be was wagging hi talL Nig saw Toby' tail moving and oam up to play with It Toby dM not like that and he stood apoa hla feet so that Mis could not play with bis tali. i ITjOKHNCB BARTON. ' . Si Tenth Street. . Pet Grant la looking sorrowful Ths Blaster boys are sad, Shakespeare la downhearted, ' And Drioksoa la mad. . hat tha orphsum the Simoa boys . Are feeling very sore, - Tho cause of all this troobt 1 that gambling la no aora ' SBCONTJ SPASM. - - They shut up all tho faro Tho eras game are all son Tha have knocked out aU Joint Aa well as twenty-owe, . They have taken ail tho "Jot laaohlnea And ehoked off all pool sale This svenln Journal also ear!, They're going to ptaoh ths soaloa. . THIRD 1NJBCTION. They put poker oat of busiaesa, The Klondke gama Is eold. And oa their great big race wheel There to plenty of Has mold. 1 Ths roulette gam to off watch. And the dealers to a maa Tbs onlr thing that's running wide la Chinatown fan tan. F. w. MANirrmn. , - - - - Sriaa tamt the Time o Jenniiig ' . F-jmltura Carpetm Stoves r Out of Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry and Optical Goods Of the host makes aad totsst aeelgnsT ' X aaa show yon what WAli BAROAm means la a watoh, a diamond, a ptoe of Jewelry, wr In any SmVkePt in anratlass Jewelry store. No exorbitant price, necee-ary u Lot rent and small sxpeass enables me te undersell all legitw maST oVnJSStKo! SI around indTet ua got eooualnUd for YQUIl oway Daneflratlefactioa guaranteed or yoar money cheerfully refunded, ran watox sun ssllsfassliia AXBXBd) A CHAS. W. AJTB OTTZOXaaT, Sl -DIDNT HURT A BIT- BY OUR Q We are sasewd to erweet fresi ess Bf S teeth at one aula. Beelnvelr sad absolutely wltaeet pels f Sad after etteeoK rwjple la selkate aeaha are am S fnr. m ear BMthed extraettnf ta saaltlvelf aafe aad assa- beofnU eleaallBaei Is ear toetta. ' a emwa sad bridge work wtV set pala. Oar IT years' Mpefieasv to elite work eaeblea m . T aoem r .fnrtiblr. Te best Is the eseasat thexead. We have awttage as awk wSb" BROSa, DElNTISTaS Ml.tlt FAIL.TKO BLIX1. Open evening till a. rner THIRD ANDvmNOTON STSL STORES ' Nsar stath lNofrisoi with iaasl $1.15 wl . worth RefMiking and Recovering . BEGON C0NSEKYATOBT OF MUSK SCHOOL Of anraTO, taelsalag eleeatloa Isaseai sad a catenate tnsraea. Tbe eepartnMats re ao4lee aeieet iBStrectora, who aaTeete4 tbetr Uej te tavtr Derttcalar work and are so oalr srednetaa, bat TEACH ah la everr enea ef me wok. Opea the rar 'roaad. Stodloe aad of&ce. Waablngtos aad SeWBta. jBoardlng WDertSMfits Collfte and Tweiita. rs itprue- pectus sad eatalosne sasrass L. X. mi aX-SO WUOi rortlaae, .Or. Magnetic Healing Her Id tb edenee that cures all forms of disease, chronic or scuta Rheumatism, stomach, kidney, liver, bowele, nervousness, sexual troubles. AUL diseases yield to this method. Mrs. Hart Is Portland s leading healer. Her aucoess has been phenomenal. Doctors are astounded at ner results Sb has cured hundreds after all others have failed and she CAN cure YOU, Con sultation FRKK. A been t patients taken. Writs or oall oa - ( t ' MRS. L. H. H, ":T all Taaray. Fkaaa Sft r ' Branch sfteel rod, s" Yccr ; You have your heater put up. The weather demands a little heat indoors and you begin to think about a stdve. u: - i. ' ' i . v, ' '; '. We want to call your attention to the fact that we have an immense' and 1 complete line of heaters, stoves, ranges, etc and can save you money on your purchase. - V, , We have one particular stove that Is especially adapted to light house keeping. It baa two lids, furnishing; a convenient space oni' .Which to do ' cooking. We'd be glad to have you call and in spect our Stock, r 'v; , Sons PORTLAND, OREGON the Hih'RentDistriaJ Juaf a nttls extra walk tor you. But .what of that. Just so you BAVB money and BIO money.' too? Why not oall around and as aty alasant atook of -. . ; ( Eyes Tested free of Charge GOODMAN 15 WHAT THEY SAY METHOD ? i Sunday from t a 1ft. . . Phaao, Mala Mis. Hum oa? Consumption SanateHum traatmoat to tha and only quo ess ful treat- it for tuberouloals. It oa- ststs prtnelnally af Ufa ta tha open air, rest, forced feeding, by-dro-thorapy and mssaags. , Tho baths st this Institution aro sup plied from - natural hot mineral spring, tho waters of which ex ert a marked curative Influenoa Patients from the west aids of tho arountaln ara especially benefited by the change of climate. Tho dry sir af eastern Oregon and M feet at altltad stimulate tho aa petlts aad Improve nutrition. 9e. Bay gqayaat. Ass re as by mi. 12.1 L r O Y-: Ge Blue Mountain Sanatorium .- ssBssssassss3ssn