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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1904)
.Or" VsLr r ?U PORTtAK. ' " 'DAY VCNINO. OCTOBER U, lttC POLICY KING MAY -; ; LIVE IN EUROPE School ICcrcL:: R4 ib4 Elne Bor4ert . 6 for 5c Bcnn:r Pcttcrns For r'wiiber H 10c-cnd Sevfjntii Stret, BetwMa Morrison 4 AWer '. t t A Grand Sals E3gins Here Tomorroiv ' . r ' , . , - 1 1 , ! . , f-i - " 4 w, ., , . ; . M I. V.. ' ' P '" " IIJT ml Ml. IWHO I I " IIIIIHMWM ! i 1 ' i A .' , i ; . '' i T t ;. ? sassssasss - s-osaawan J ' ADAM NEW TORM POLICY KINO. - , ' Ubareal Snail aw .) i New York, Oet 1. Al Adams, the pol ler ktes. who mimi gaUMon from tho pennies a tho poor and was last .TmiJiy rdHMd fronr Slav Sins, whtw Im had MTMd wmnei. Cor gambling, today seutraeted far thavsslo of eeveral of hla largos land holdings. Thla Inua aotloa la take aa proof of tho statement made some weeks ago that ba would dts- Cm af his holdings In thla oountry and y a oastla la Europe wherein to pass tha ramaindar of hla days. , Adams himself la not la orldono to any of ate old haunta and haa not oven -tatted anr of tho its aoraar aaloona owned by him la thla elty. Immediately after hut departure from Sing: Bln ha was mat by his family, the members of wfcomrnd by him with front loyalty, although until tha Una of hla arrant ha had kopt frota thorn tha knowtedga of tho souros of hla wealth. In hla runny ha la a kind and Indulgent fatbnr and paraonally haa no vices. - Tha dlaoharSad oenvlot haa gassr.d' tho greater part of tho waak la tha prlvata offtoe of hla bank tn consultation with lawyara and rami estate not! and It fa believed hla departure from America will taka plana within tba not faw day. Albert Adama, Jr.. a promistnf lawyor and aoa of the 4-wraoed man. today hrefused to dlaouaa altbar hla father's plana or tho oontmcta for aaia of realty. "My father." ha said. haa served oen- tanoa ta prison, haa suffered groat noto riety and oorreepondlng humiliation. It la tlma that tho nawapaparo dropped him and hla affaire which are no longer of oonoarn or Interest to tha reading public. Both ha and I ahaU steadfastly decline to bo Interviewed." . : CHIEF WILL SEE T0 PROSECUTIONS VSUOWIsT IMWII - Chief of Pol lea Hunt Issued orders to tho patrolman yesterday morning never to secure warranto for tha arrest of any person without - flrat havln . gained hla oonsant Tho chief addressed tho poHoaman as they stood hi lino at headquarter. Bach of tha thren shifts war made to undor ataad that In times pant thatr chief had boon grievously wounded by what ha termed Imprudent arreatg and prose eutlona by hla patrolman. In tha future, ha said, be would -not permit Individual efforts tn tho linn of prosecutions. Ha must flrat bo consulted, ba mild. If ha thought tho case should ba prosecuted, ha would viva hla permlaalon; It not. nothing: must bo dona In poUoa elrclee this la 'regarded aa perhaps tha moat arbitrary order ever Issued in thla city. It la looked upon as being a scheme of Chief Hunt to per fect 'a gyatem whereby only those ha wishes prosecuted may ba ' disturbed. Tho city attorney mad district attorney, In thla manner, would ba unable ta have any hand In tha issuing- of complaints, unlaaa tho chief aaw fit to grant hla permission. . t It Indiana goes Republican, Bryan wttl get tha blame of it- But tho Republican committee won't-pay him anything WHAT DID THE WOGGLE-BUG SAY? ItS WORTH $50-TO KNOW ' WMfN tm lb- Beg. wtae from Os, waem eaveahwaa era r sue sf tae aerty - m Ihm mM annnlaBABt of The BuAbt 1mm ! uiawm t aeaatlM mrf St week. The MOer m left to dleoever hie imwit. The pictsMS ak encrtptlTe metter are avlaai OM Oiottoa ef tae prMMei. m euenioa eflwini er mi eee (met anrwer. ra uraeet aaaixr er corren er aeerv owiiot amweii xee owul effen SN f erlsei to be gtotribuwd as mlktwet Per graebMt nsbv af emit efesmte. i). ..aja.oa Par the mt lerret sambir ef oamct nri. P3.00 f.00 , trw the thlre brrat asmber ef emt 4hitmi. tXBO 1.M . war in irarn wnnt mbh- ui Bwm. , a. for tbe tea ant lerfMt aennera ef onrrm eeewm, ll ffi tin .,H, 1800 a. yu the tea sort tarnet mnhwi ef oorreet , tl.oo eedi 10.00 em ieet Foerul C Far the eleven mat largest nana we ef ewrett amwera. aba each., S.M o.oa Oct 16. TJa trim Coupon Only. No, 16 ' - iT i Ta tha WOOOLKBUO BDITORl - y -.. .. .' t -. THB SUKTJAT J0TJKNAL,-10XTLANXX OBBOOH ' V Tho answer ta tha question aakod of tho Wogglebug la tha ntaga- ttno Seatkm of tho papat of iUNDAI, OCTOBKR 1. tMtt'MftNltWMn(iMitttlniMe a , .... , treat and Tnmbert.uttrMM Vowtt or Clty.i... r ..- tata RULES Or THE CONTEST tm eat ma earn esasoa. aha tae eeasea to M meal oetly fa The Soenwl mtit Setorur, OctnbM- a. TUN givee r mtvr aanrtw m answer uw OMenm wm SppMra Is The nanasy eariai oi uribcrr m. nrrp nunaor irn quMTioe ikkttX. The nerr Is U be wmi ee tih eeepn priema om rail aag na am inwi g lftwlr ?Zii the blrhrst svejber ef mart sewer tae met ertm f ami he aiTieeeeaieg them ta slsnlec mam tae etaer prism IU as suaiUrlr aiji The eaaeaw Oet" am feowsHyely minuend, end amt Im alag ta eee m Melope. ta aVmrrWI erter. HO TWO fflUPONg IN AN ENVBIPg MUST BHAR X (umIiub Mi urkr if me ere Hlm-laa eoepoM dallr (ram morn thaa m eae S af ThatJonrnel roe aimn siiciom na - emu vni tamopt. at OniNwtente iMwd eo wrtte th Mm en m wwipow. To marwrtte, I AffrrTlWre- rrr OT. wl IVhIUBU, TBI LARQggT MUhtBSB Of OOBaKT ANflfrpBd WIS. emstsve af The ute ev sMsibsv aa wagfteyee Up at aUewet ft f tti IMIIMMIIMMWjwIMHlaWimWMi Lece Co!l-ir$ ' A sample line of wide Uce collars came to us Saturday from our New York officewhite, ecru pjid black. fan sale tomorrow at . . - . " 88a, f 1.48, f 1.75 and f 1.98. w 'ft intend that the last half of October Shall be tha biggest, grandest exhibi tion, of low pricea sttached-to-merchandisoodneas that bas ever been at temnted in Portland. A storcful of bright, fresh, dependable goods- "bought right"-ahd the firm determination to arwaya undersell competition, is an absolute guarantee that our late October sales will be full of opportunities for the economical We are prepared to do big selling; to handle tha crowds that come to take advantage of advertised specials. All will be promptly and courteously waited, upon and no one will be disappointed. Values will be exactly as represented and money instantly refunded for any unsatisfactory purchase Special offerings all over the store. Sale begins tomorrow morning. ";: ; ; Outing Flannel ; V Grades worth np to 15c at 10e 8c grade, this week, st 64f ' V'. Light snd dark colors In both lines. Stripes, checks and plaids. These, are excellent .values.-. ', ' ' " Tailor-Mads Suits For CirmcDU Worth to $30.00 $10 Saved on Every Suit v Saturdays express brought us some rich bargain plums from New York. Sixty brand new Tailor-made Suits made to the yery top notch of style nearly all differ em-not more than 3 of any one; kind. Blues, browns, grays, fancy mixtures and blacky Every suit a new fall make Three quarter and nip length coats, silk and satin lined handsomely made and trimmed great many with belt loose and tight fit ting. Skirts walking length plaited. This line of suits represents one of the very best buys our New York office ever made and we are indeed fortunate in getting them thus early in the seasonas are our custom ers.; . ..i,,. : -...-i. . i. v-i. . -. The suits go on sale tomorrow as noted -above.;- ; ; . , ;. .-. '"r- Millinery Bright and Winsome Tomorrow's Offerings Last week's immense business sadly de pleted some lines and yet with extra help our energetic milliners have arranged a num ber of specials with which to begin the new week. There are still a great many hand some pattern hats (displayed in south win dow todav) and . these will be . -- v One-Fourth Off Tomorrow Only More of those tailor-made toques and tur bans at $3.48 will be ready by 10 o'clock. They will be similar to those that caused such excitement Friday and Saturday. Also special offerings of children's hats. - - , aia . i- va -- l . ms ,4 f !. tl New Raincoat These are also Saturday arrivals. Cravenettes in the popular tan color light weight, jinlined, fulL sleeve with cuff; plaited back; Grecian belt; small shoulder capes; trimmed with but tons and green velvet ; sarin piped seams. All sixes 3S to 44. Quality such aj you will notice in other stores at $23 to $25 Our price is 918.50.- i L fur Scarfs Eedaoed $S black coney scarf, with tails and silk cord. Special at f 2.69. Stylish scarfs of fox, rac coon, opossum, minf squirrel, tc, in beauti fully blended colors trimmed with tails, che nille and silk cords and slides.- Some of the very finest sable and Isabella fox with heavy bushy tanWworth $33 to $38 selling now at 923.45. ,'. . $2.00 Sbirtwaltta $19 . :.'v Ladies' colored waists of fleeced goodsrichly and stylishly made pleated front and back, pretty collar fuIT sleeve with cuff-hroad shoulder. Regular$2 grades tomorrow f 1.39. High grade waists in flannel, granite cloth, lustre and silk all are specially and radically reduced.:' ' - - - Comfort, and Blankets - -' fl.49 for $3 comforts. Silkokne covered cotton filled full size. This week only. ' -f 2.98 for highest grade $5 comforts. Best quality heavy satine covered rich handsome patterns sanitary cotton filled corded edge. .60) for 10-4 Un and gray cotton blankets. 8$d? for white ' cotton blankets ordinarily $1.26. - ' : ' fl9 for cotton blankets worth $1.75 and $3. White gray or tan with fancy striped borders. All full double bed size. Girlt.' CoaU Large center window partially tells the style story today. . We've hundreds of new natty little coats in all sizes from babfesr to young ladies'. A fourth off the prices of all coats will be allowed this week. All colors choice of cloth. Extra or medium length. '' $3.75 tomorrow buys $6 coat. .' 9.00 buys an $8 coat. $B.4& buys one of the finesfc-r $12.60 coat . iwgaiar la and j fast Vadlam weight, grey color, peart bvltoaa, taped; alaea up ta St at... 25d V to 14 ai, ... 85 r'" Catorag Waists st 35e Agea to IS. Peroala and nannatatta. attaahad and detahsd oatlara; worth S0 to 7o; oboloa aSe -''kMMrts 3e ." . It UT14, eelored. attached collars: . and fad grades. Stronc aarrloeaUa oolora. abort VWat SsMs Good Seaae! Svtta ta agee aa la II yaara; dark aoiora; douMo breast ad atylea. Taluoa to IS. $1.00 Km Peats 9o All ataag t to II. Plata eolorg and aatstaraa. Soma with double goat sod hnaa. Oood serrloe abla ohool Paata, T ...' 5 . . t3 DrwsS Skarts SOo Bhlrtg toot mto om'i Made af fast oelor Madraa Cloth, seat atrlpea aad flgureai ozUa aoUars or anfa, - . $1.50 Brass Hats Mo Black. Tan and Pearl Bederaa and plata round, ourled-brlm atylea. BTxoaUectt ajrede fait aU a.OO Lwaw raat Scslta $5.45 v Randaoma. sen hieablo olothtaeT ta aaer otyllsh fanor saixtnraa and plain eolorg. Military out; aquaro ahouidorg. Toons; aeea'a a lass up to SS m m : - -1 Ad.iwllsetfVwaCooa oDoe Danrains uniinuea un tvwas - i. . -v' IbMra VkfiAl SKaca Sl.iS Sizes up to 2's Same shoe in larger size up to 8J1 St 9165 These shoes are all solid leather no "paper" counters or insoles. Matt tn atarid achaol bovs' hard knocks. VDOers Of calf and iuu..l..M. ihuuI -mm'tirY, atrwlr Kut erft. 5snlra of Kl ltl mutCI liiuuirt. kwu first rate oak tanned sole leather double both nailed and sewed. -H O - Carta Srhoal Shoes SI. 68 . : Pretty? "Yes, but the principal talking feature about these shoes is wear. They are made of specially selected dongola, vici, box calf and Telmar kangaroo; soft,, nice stock, but leather that has service. Double or single soles sewed lace uppers.. It to 2. Regular $3 grades wherever you go. Here special at 9168. , . r Babies $1.00 Shoes 69c Soft fine black vici kid leather soles, no heels sizes t to 4 lace or button. Regular $1 grades. . . . ' ChJMrtnia Re4 Shoea 98c Sizes B" to 8. Regular $1.60 grade extra fine soft vici kid neb red color (fast), foot-form shape spring heel st 98e. ' ' 75c Shoea for 47c .' ' Odd lots in children's shoes some of them running to 8's black and red varied kinds. Choice 47s). .: Saaaet Shoea $3.00 This shoe is not discounted but deserves a place with all Spe cials, because it's the equal of any $6 shoe manufactured. We are under contract to not sell them less than $3. Perfect fitting, hand sewed, stylish lasts, long service. Those are the points. $3.73 tadJea Shoea at $1.98 - " :; No better wearing shoe sold in Portland. Genuine via kid stock soft and fine but strong and serviceable extension soles (will not "squeak") or light, thin soles. Wide foot-form last or nar row toe ; Cuban, military and opera heels. Patent leather and kid tops. Laced. Best of linings, fitted without wrinkles; uppers stitched with silk. Shoes that are cheap at $2.76 Special at , OM UdSeV Shoes $1.39 - - Low or high cut soft kid, with flexible soles, broad, plain toes and low heels. Laced or congress rubber in sides. - ears, - II 1 ' MER OF FIVE GOES RAVING MAD S. AtfaWt TO VAXB m OOtTsTTTi fAXS) TM &VSS SdTuWat. , WKefl tha time earns to romovo Mrs. P. Carochlno. a demanted woman, front a cell at tho ooontr JsH yaatarday to send bar to tho aarluia for the, Insane at Salem, aha fought like a tigress, siting-. o)a win and striking- at ovary person within her reach. It waa found tmooe- alblo for one asan to plnoe aer in a atralt-Jacket, and Sheriff Word and Un der-sheriff Morden had to go to tha aa letance of Deputy: Cordano. After a hard etruggls tho unfortunate woman waa hound, and. ac reaming at tho top of her voice, waa started for Salem tn ahargo of Mra. Dougherty and a aaale asatstant. Th. mm af If re. OerettlnA tm sue at tha aaddewt drawn to the attention of a cnaajr. There's nethlng like dome a ' thing thoroughly. Of all tha Salrea you aver heard of. BlKklotra Arntoa Salvo fa tha beat. It aweepa away and euroa Burns, gores, Bnilees, Cuta, Bella, Ulcere, Shin Braptlono and Pllra, It's only lea and gaaraatead ta sire aatlataetlea. tha aathorltlaa ta many month a aha ta tho mother of fJvo young children. Attention to her oondlthm waa first drawa to County Commissioner Light- nan County Health Offloar Bvana lie toned to tho otory told by tho wom an's aolghbora, and after oonaultatlon with Mr. Light-tor decided that aha should be sent ta tho oounty hoepltai. tn tho hope that root and quiet under changed 'oondltkma would prove benefi cial. On account of bar pitiful pjeadlnff two am all children were allowed to ao company her to tho Institution last Thursday. k Instead of hnprovlng, bar oondltton became worse, and thla morning It waa found nooeoaary to bring her back to tho city and Incarcerate her at tho eounty jail. On examination by Just lea Baton and two phyalclano aha waa adjudged In sane and waa ordered ssnt to .tha Salem aavlum. It la probable that tha two younger children will ba given Into tha care of tha Boys' and atrle Aid society, whllo the other three will ba givsn a home by friends.' Deputy Sheriff Cordano haa Interested him self In tha case and will endeavor to raise a fund for tho oar of tho children. TRACY DYING; MURDER MAY BE THE CHARGE ' Lofgh Tracy baa never regained con sciousness since being at ruck over tho right temple by a largo glaaa tumbler In tha hands of a -man at fifth and Davie atreeta early Friday night. Ha was re moved at oneo to tha Oood Samaritan hospital at the order of City Physician Ban. and ho atlll remains thera. Hla nhanooa for ronovory are so slight that Uvere lg praoUeaily ao hop Aa pubtlahed yaatarday, Ouy Foster and Theron Buah are under arrest, charged with tha deed. Municipal Judge Hoguo yesterday declined to fix their bond until tho oateome of Tracy a In juries la known, Tho police have no Idea why tho at tack was faado. Both Foster and Buab ere said to have been drinking: that Off They Go! U There is such a demand for ovf hav araeraa that keeping them any length of time la out af the question. It Is bo cmuss of the diet I active character that our Jlqutfrs possess. Wa have tha flnesfe tocV of table wlnaa and whtaklaa to ba found la tha city. Full Measure House MS Btttk Bona mmA SS Vatla SMS, Bt. mghtL Tba largo tumbler with wntea Traey waa struck, tt la said by the po Ilos, they aeoured from tho Brunswick emlooa, Tho glsaa waa found in fta maata en tha pavement bealdo Traey. Tha plecee were gathered up by FoHoa man Baty and Burke and preserved for evidence. - - - ;....-;. World's Filr bcirilm. Additional da tea ef aala for world's fair tickets have boaa announced by tho Canadian Pacific Oa October ST, tt, 1. special round trip tickets to St. Louis and eastern points will ba on sals at vary low rates. Tickets good for stop-over privilege and a choloe af routee returning. For full particulars, call on or ad dress, F. ft. Johnson. F. F. A, 141 Third street, PortUnd,Or. , , ; Stof For CelllBS Hot SprlBts. ' A covered platform haa boon erected by tha O. ft. M. Immediately appoelte Collins Hot Springs for tha aooommoda tlon of passengera who deelre ta vlalt thla resort The Spokane Flyer, tnmlna I and 4, stop at thla point ODflaeT to take on or lot off paaaongera. A oom modlous launch meets and oarrias all passengera aad bacgngs aoroas tho river to tha hotel. Ripe Strawberrlrt at lescrvt Ir Part If you're m tho market to, any a home of your" own you don't want to buy be fore you've been out snd seen Reser voir park.- You ought to go out and sea tha strawberries ripe and In bloom, anyhow, fteoervotr Park Is a alghtlv tract onty a short dlatanoe south of tho 1ft. Tabor rsearvolr; tho ground la level and In cultivation. Lots are soiling for IIH aad upward, " TEETH Boston Painless Dentists Known' in www wur. mrw dentists In Portland having tha lata bo tanical DISCOVERT to applr to tho gums for EXT R ACTING, FII.LINO and CROWNINO TEETH WITHOUT FAIN, and guaranteed for TEN TBAftB. ' mts ...w y .sua rs 81 .us ota that St ftowv ...... a 5 8351 3 'OFS'S hi due to our PA .J- SUvar FUUnga ...w... Bold riUlua FuU Bet Teeth old Crowns Bridge Work I.rsa MKTHODS. LOW PRICES ANI OOOD WORK DON BT SPECIAl.Ttng In each department. NO STVPFv j n tha office, illl work done PAIN IJih LY hv SPECIALISTS of long raare Hence. Qlva ua a oaM, and you will Sod wo do Juet as wa advertlea. Boston Dental Parlors Ftfth aad svontsoa aeasv sBBvaaaaa efaaBbjawsBBBBBBBB "asfssBaaafSBnB