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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1904)
THE OKEOON BUT - AT JOURNAL PORTLAK to U.CT..tfCAG TO KEET THIS S EEK A wW neld of wortt will be fina by reporte that are to be beard at um ' tweatr oocgnd anneal ontwUw of the WoMn'i Christian Tmptnac Union of Oreoa. which Speae nest Tusa toy m Camber land Preebyterlaa ehurch. ni Bast Twelfth Ud Taylor streets. Tsae pruM work isoof mWm, sailors, railroad ami luBbwVM, MtaMT ra formatortee as prlaatis. te (he lee latwr and UMMt fomign-spaahiag' na tions. wtU be rrktM4 by Pant duinm. mm iiwumi eps see Mo. T g HUM III (W a the Ore gon walon are; Mm llilan IK Harford. prwtfMt; Mia Ba C. Wbeolof. vtoe preettee - larva; Mrs. Henrietta Browa. eefToapanaiac eaoresary; Mr. Ida. r. Maetera. record secretary; Mre.' Hmm A Shane, traeawer; Mr. B. L. Hojrt. ry T braacfc. Vice presidents Mm MUutl Tonne. Baker; Mn Ida r. Master Ifcfeslaa. Mra. JEve C. WbMlr, Lane; Mra. Alice rietcher, JJnn; Mra. Jmi M- Morrow. Malheur; Mra. Rabakab M. Steele, Marlon;, Mra. Lucta P. Addltoo, Multnomah! Mra. Chloe I. Bute. Polk; Mra, C B. Olaa. Sherman: Mra, Tassejr Btawart, Uma tilla; Mra. A. & McOee, Union; Mra. Ida M. Courtnajr. YambUL Chairmen of Standing Commute as Mrs. U. J. flbana, nnaaoe; Mra XX B. Hyde, reaorutlonai Mra. JU H. . Addl aon, a tat pepera; aeneral officers, head feuartara; Mra, Henrietta .Brown, eUOe mlautea. Chairmen of Convention Committees Mra. I H. F. Addtton. general ebalr u; Mra. Jsag M. Donaldson, eld Fre mont etreet, entertainment; Mra. B Lnj reoeptlea; I- H. Harleart-Bd-warda, aualo: Mra. Lain Honraav. doo araUoa; Mlaa rranoaa B. Ootahall, badaw Mra. Emma MoManbauar, luacbao: Mra. M. A. Bbaarar, satwral tn fonaatlaa; Mr Marsam McFartand. JUaratura; Mra. Dalay Bortroaoh. poat ea; Mlaa Oartruda Burdtek, Uma kaapar; pacaa, Vana Wbaalar (plMr form), Floraaoa MUaarar. ToMdar. tha apanlnar day. will ha d votad to ooramlttaa raaatlnca. Tba can oral ofnoaro wtU naat at 11 a" dock; tba MBaral oAoara and oountjr prMidnta Maat toaotbar at t o'clock, and tbaaa ara jalaod by tba aanaral auparlBtand anta la a raaatln at o'clock. All aoaaloiia of tba ooayaatloa wtU ba fraa, axoaptlnc on tha wttlnm of tba grand cold Modal oontoat, Friday Blent, whaft It aaata admlaaloa wUl bo eharvod. Tharo ara many partlclpanU to tha con test tbla yoar. Tha oounty nnlona hava durinf tha la yT tW -fUw and sold nodaU for tha boat oraaftna on tomparanoa oubjacta. and tha wlnnora of thaao ooanty alili Uko part la a atata oontaat -foe a pTand cold modal offered by tbo Orocon union. Toae day ovoalnca aoaalon win ba tbo formal epanlnc of tha convo&Uon. and la known na "waleomo nlrht." Tha program for this and oueooodlnc aaoolona of tba ooa TaBtloa wUl ba aa followa: Friday avantne. o'clock Mualc, 11aw Firm tha Foundation: Morlptaroa, Rav. William B. Baadalli aolo, Tou Ara Walooma," Rot. B. Nalaon Allan; "Your mrtionahta.- Mra, Hanry Waldo Coa; "Fellow 010800." Mra. p. J. Mann; "Comradea," Mra. Loela P. Addltoa; -Wo Thank Tou.4 Mra. Blaeta Adama; -Tba Valua af Gold and ailTOr," Mua Praneaa M. Ootahall; praaldaat'a Annual ' addraaa. Waoaaaday.. a. m. C5ooaaaratlon hour; opanlrur ooBTontlon; hymn, "Rock of Asm;" roaponstvo reading, Craaadc Paalm, 14t; prayar. Mra, Holan M. Ba bar; raadlng mlnotaa of mid-yoar aaaom- . tiro: raporta; oorraapondlng aacrotary; troaanrar; aoMtor. Mlaa Martha Cooper; or an agitata. Mra. Loulaa Painter fRouod. Mra. Ellaabotb V. WHaon, Mra, M. M. PuUltovo; aoonUdo prayer. Wednesday afternoon- Mario; dorn ttona, Mra, U P. Bound; raadlng mln tea; reports laotura bureau, Mra, Mary V. Charlton: Work Among Foralga Bpaaktng People, Mra. C. A. Oearhart; Haalth and Heredity. Mra. Kmlly C. Lamm: BclontlBa Temperance Instruc tion, Mlaa Sarah A. verm ore; Sunday u-kAAia. Ufa. Biiaabath P. Moreom: Lit erature, Mra. B. Memorto Lawi Labor and Christian Cltlaonahtp. Mra. Sarab D. Adama: Pari lam en Ury DtiU, Mra. Ada W. Unrab: Preaa, Mra. Acbala M. Mor rla; Antl-Narootlca. Mrs. Mary Kera Leo; Medal Contests, Mra Helen C XJrkt vocal bom. "Face to Faoa," Mlaa Bdna Isabel Promatani Mra. Ida: IX Berkley. vanirlletta; Qoorloa. iplnlons Expreaeed; recepUon by tha general e earo to members of the eonTenMoa and frmnda. In obarge of Mra. I H. F. Addl toa and Mrs. Margarat Houaton, Wednesday . oranlnff M uate ' TWla aoia. Mlas.Oraoa Molben; Berlptnra and prayer,- Bar. B. C Lap ham; muaio, eoe tralto aolo. Mlaa Jeaete MoConnal; addroaa, Rot. J. H. CHaas of Lao Angolea; "Ow Hops for tha Fntare," Mra. Clara BX Tiffany; "Lawla and Clark World a Fair." Hon. Jefferson My era; "Dthloa of Labor.H Mrs. L. H. F. Addl toa. national araanlser: "Tha Bffaet of Woman goJnraga aa gean by One Who Want Through tbo Campaign for It la Colorado and Wyoming; Rer. D. U Ra dar editor Paclfto Chrlatiaa Advocate; hlmoa. Mm, Haaato J. Shnaa; muam; banadlctlon. Tharaday morning Praise boarf panlng convention; mvaio; gorattona, Mra. Clara Bowaya; - raadlag mtnatai; Byetematle CHvlng. Mrs. I U Whltakor; Penal and Reformatory, Mrs. M. Blaine; Work Among Railroad Employee, Mrs, M. B. Pugh; Among Soldiers and BaUora, Mrs. Biiaabath Dalglalah; Among Lum SYMPATHY Yon don't bssr much aboat sympsthy In dentigtry. Do you? Peopls usually spssk of dsntists as cruel snd ctUlouscd to tha . pnln tfaay Inflict. That Is bscaost our methods hare, not bsen tried. We are so conndent that we can operate successfully without peitt m any instance or under any conditions' that . we ask for a close investigatioft of our methods. , As to. the durability Trf our work, we invite mrestigatkm also. " . Cr. D: t Vrighrs Dciittal Offices UByi Waahington nkreet. Corner Seventh. Oehoa nowrs t ft. m. to $ s. : PHOKS bermen. Mm Paani Millar; Among Mlnersk Mra. C M. KaUoca: Sabbath Ob- aarvaaoa. Mm Sarah C Roberta; Poe. Mercy. Mm L. P. Ronad; Purity, Mm if m Master: too lei and Rod Letter n. aire. Merararet Houaton: Flower Mission. Mm Mary B Townaend; Falra and Open-Air Meetings, Mrs. Klvtra C. Mathany; Leglalatlon and PeUUon, Mm Bglaatlna Gear; noontide prayerj Fraa obtae; Mm Louise A M Thursday afternoon Memorial mr Tloa. oondaotad by Mm R. M. Steela; reading minutes; constitutional araead menta; raporta of standing aommltteea; County Preatdanta hour; Mm Minnie B. Toung Baker; Mm Ma F. Maratem Dougtaa; Mmlary A. Stanar. J" Mm Bva C Wheeler. Lane; Mm Madge J Meam Lino: music; Mm jean Morrow. Malheur; Mm Kbokh Steele. Marion; Mm Lucia H. F. Addl tonTMultnomah; Mm Cblao U But Polk; Mm C B. Oinn, Sbermaai Mm A. a MoOea. Union; Mm Taaeey Stew art. Umatilla; Mm Id M. Cottrtnay, XamhllL --- Tharaday evening -T. 0. T. V. and U T. U Bight;- Sorlptum and n a w ninnir: ZsOyal Temperance' Lea-ion. ' demonaratlon by Sunnyaldo and Mt Soott; I T. I. to oharga of Mm Mara; raH"j Lena Parker, winner oi medal at Oladatona cnautauoua. hwi, mvale, U T. L.; Toung Woman's Chris tian Tomparanoa Union, proaram u charge of the stats eeoreiary, ears. m. unw Butated k Hlsa uartruuw ow dlek and mean be re of her union of CoV- Uaa. Orove, Oregon; collection, Gertrude Dickinson; soprano eoio, miaa Klla Hoberg demonsireuoa f oopan- manta. . . . Friday afternoon music; oevouoaw. Mm M. B. FulUiovOi paper, -vaiua oi Mothera MeoUnga," Mm Louia isare. dtaouaalon; U a program an w w Meeting? discussion lad by Mm M, Jt Quick) nnflnUbed nuainaoaj amjoiuar- ment; moating or tna new " Friday evening orans goo me oontaat: muels, banjo aim. rrmwmmf Long and Mr. Bradbury; prayer,. Rev. F T. Young; vocal solo, Mlaa Mae Don aldson; program la oharga of HUSu perlntendent Mm Helen C. Kirk. Back oonteetant has won tba W. C. T. U. sll- Tor and gold issdaia; mumtm, ( oongregatlon. . . . ., . ' From tha Philadelphia Public Lodger. a follower of the raoee ana bis mwi took dmner togathay recently at s prom inent aeaslde hotel. , "About how much so yon naonlly grra tha waiterr asked tba friend aa they sat down V the table. ' .' "WaU," returned the raeetraon ssan, "If ba eervea ma wall I gl him a dol lar, and If ha serves ma pooriy a giv him tip on the moee." ; Of oourse tha Port lenders bad a ftn time at Walla walla, it w one m um best towna slmoat ararr raspaot on the Pacific ooaet. What Sulphur Does Body te . SsftHB .and Tha mention of sulphur wttl reoaU to many of no tm aariy ar we mot here and are nd mothers gave na ouri dally dose of sulphur and ay classes every spring ana-sati. It waa the universal spring and fan "Mood nurlfler.' .'tonic and cure-all. and mind yon. this old-faahloned remedy was not without merit. - Tha wen waa goon. bt tna ramooy en muU and unpalatable, and a large quantity had to ba taken to. got any f feoi. Nowadays we got all the beneficial ef fects of sulphur' IS a pel table, concen trated form, aa that a single grata la far more effective than a taMaapoonful of the crude sulphur. In recent ream lesaeich tag snpen- ment hsve proven that the beat sulphur for medicinal use la that obtained from Calcium iCalelnm Sulphide) and sold m dma- atorae under the name of Stuart CeJolum Wafers. They are email ehooo- lata coated pnlmta and eonUln the ac tive medicinal principle of sulnhar In ft highly aonoentratod, affective form Few people ara aware of tha value of this form of sulphur hi restoring and maintaining bodily vigor - and bcaitn; sulDbur acts directly on tba liver, ana excretory orsmns and purifies and ea rl chee tha Mood by the prompt eUmine- tloa of waste material. v . Our erend mo there knew tbte when ther doaad ua with sulphur and molasses every spring and fall, but tha orudlty and lmouritv of ordinary flowers of aulohnr ware often worse than tha dis ease, and aannot compare with" the aTod- ern oonoent rated preparations of sulphur, of which Stuart's Calcium Wafers la un doubtedly the best and moot widely used. They are the natural antidote for liver and kidney troubles and cure constipa tion and purify tha blood In a way that often surprises patient and physician alike. ... Dr. R. M- Wnktne, wtifh aapailaient Ing with sulphur remedies soon found that the sulphur from Catalan wmm su perior to any other form. Ha eaye: "For liver, kidney and blood trouMee. especially when reeuttlng from constipa tion or malaria, 1 hava been surprised at tha results obtained from Stuart's Cal cium Wafers In - patients Buffering from bolls and nlmplea and oven deep seated oarbuBolea, I hava repeatedly aeen them dry up snd disappear in four or five days, leaving tha skin clear ana smooth. Although Stuarre Calcium Wafers Is s proprietaay art tola, and sold by druggists, and for that reason ta booed by many phyetclana. yet I know of nothlna so oafs and reliable for constipa tion, liver and kidney troubles and es pecially la all forms of skin Claissaa as this remedy." - - At any rata people who ara -tired of nil la. cathartics and so-called Mood purifiers," will find tn Stuart's cal cium Wafers, a far safer, mora paJutable and effective preparation. m, ; Suadaya, Ua.hU MAIN till, r, BtissjigBsJkmH. etmh 615 OVEllSTS H EEAL ESTATE -Permits. Transfers. 1I.141.M ' 1I.S.M ,- l.l7.e Monday lussoay.. . 9Ft.j Wednesday ( . , Thursday ,..... Friday.... S.T1S ,70S S.OOg .ioa .M 15,117.81 Saturday IM7t-T Totals for woak,.l ll,H 4, .! Tstaia last wsak...-lS9,i U,T.J7 There waa heavy gala tn real-en- tau tranafera of last week over those of tba preceding period. The total aaloa amounted to 104, 444.4a. agalnat 11, 67.17 n weak ago. Real aetata dealorg report ft much terser number of Inquiries for property and number of big sales on tbo tapis. The Influx of eastern people baa caused n very heavy demand for farm and sub urban property, and many of the saiee recorded during the past three or four months have beea of' that character. Property of all kinds Inside the city lim its Is shawms- ft healthy Increase m O. F. Paxton, tha etreetoax magnate. en extensive purchaser ox saaw Island property, sag acres being sold to him by Benjamin F. Shaw for a consid eration of tie.eoe. Ha also purchased l&S acres of land tn the J. R. Bwltaler and George w. Foros donation land olalm for IM.Wt. It Is underetood that tba property was bought for the Port land Railway company as an Investment Of lta surplus funds. r John F. Shea, tha plumber, purc&aeeo tha southeast cuarter of block SO. Couch addition, from William M. Ladd for 111.- eOv.WtUlam Sbgshy waa tha purehaser of lots t and , block Ml, from Elisabeth Bokerson fog M.frCQ. Tha dead for the sale of block T, Bast Portland, to tha Willamette A Columbia River Towing oompany by tba Soottlah-American In vestment eompany was filed during tha week. Tha consideration wag IM.tOg, Ravel L. Lova aold.ta D. J. Buckley ft parcel of farm land for' a aortstdoratlon of $l,O0t. An undivided half of lota I and C, block 81, was sold for 2ff,oa to Louis RusseU by J. B. Barbour. - mama. ' During tha weak there was much bor ing of aotrarbaa property br workmen on tbo Ins tail meat plan. This Is ceasing property of that character to so up In value Tory fast, especially la tha north-. eastern portion of tba city. There are many Inquiries for Cheap homos that sell for 11,00 to 1 1,1 0, end wnloh can ba purchased by ft payment of from SUO te tt down. ' A short time ago thsre was grant daa) of this property on the mar ket, but evidently it baa been all picaea up, for the real estate mam say they can not find any mora of It. ' i The news that tha Haniman system was going; to build ft lsrgs addition to tha present Alblna sar shops has caused a heavy demand for property In that lo cality. Tha new shops will giro em ployment to several hundred mora men, and homes will be needed for almost all of them. Central Alblna property ia fast Increasing to value. . There was not muajt. dotng irV the building lln during' the weak, tha first rains of tba season acting as a damper en new enterprtaee. CHIEF HINT IGNORES THE "JUDGE'S REQUEST - Chief of BeUos Hunt yesterday gaorn. lng Ignored the request , sent him through Bailiff Oolts by Municipal Judge Hogua, to permit all boya hroughri la my polloemen for wandering about In the north-end district to eome before the oourt, Frank Campbell and Frank Jack son. mtnom were arrested by Polloemen Baty and Burke for being In disreputable houses. The ohlof released thorn. Judge Hogue has ordered that oomplatnte be filed and that they he arrested sad brought before him for a bearing. When Judge Hogue requeeted- the chief te 1st boys be brought before him, he said he thought perhaps the chief weald grant the request, but yesterday be waa angered becauee of tba chiefs actions and ordered complaints filed. He says he does not propose to permit boys to run around the divas of the north snd district without nunlehment. If ho can prevent K, and he thinks he can do so. Henry Champo and William Made- find, minora, arrested three days ago by Policemen Baty and Burke, returned, te ooort, aa ordered, bringing their fa there along. Judge Hogue had ft heart-to-heart talk "with the parenta. explaining that the aruetloe of yearns running to divas tn the north and and else where moat ba stopped. The fathers agreed to see that their sons kept away from them In .future, and tbo oaacwaa continued for sontenoa, pending the good behavior of tha. boya. . BAT From the Waahington Poet. The roar of the ootrlch resemble the roar of tha Hog because the ostrich stole from the lion this sound, oven aa one playwright Steele from another plot.1 An oiithologlst made that add, saser Hon tn a taxidermist's shop. Me weal on to elaborate it as follower 'v- "Birds from tba ostrich down are Im itative. Tha ostrich, where ho lives alone, ta silent, but In S country where lions abound be roam WhyT Because for centuries, admiring the majesty and grandeur of the llon'e roar, ba gradually learned to roar hlmseir. Believe me. It Is fine to sea an ostrich throw back his little heaeT and- emit ronr like thunder. "Buntings Imitate plplta, and t finches Imitate yellowbammem They seek their food In the winter together. and they gradually ateal each other's calm. . . The lay ts aa Insatiable Inrttator Soma Jays wUl Include in the repertory not, only the whoo-oo of the kite, the scream of tba busaard and the boot of the owl, but also the bleat of the hno and the uelgb of ft horse. "Even the nightingale tmltatee. Ia nightingale perfect aong I .have often heard tha tip-etp-elslels err the wood warbler and tha buh-ub-abble of the aathateh." r s Some of the country editors at Rood River, while enjoying the fine apples Tory well, might like ft tittle elder te h 'em dowa with. - ' a A Theegnafal Bras. ' 's ' It. M. Aoetrn of Winchester. Xa4. knew what te so la the hear of need. HM wife bed suoh as unusual aaae of stomach and liver trouble, physicians oould not help her. He thought of and tried Dr. King's Hew bffe Pills and she got relief at once snd wag finally cnreeV v, ' , t i .... ; j ASUIUSTSB S MRAAXiF A BtUM BSll WMOVUAM9 SOUABI SfOBB rmAM wnx sBrsTevsgag nrsv TT BY STVnaTaAB MAtlAn . nj s '' THE l ' rifTTififrT and, - v i ; f -. . ; - , i. oJP.-ej'-.-.y i ' i t October 2 'lilC 'ad Good ' ' t . - Take this V'-'-sv'. VV -'v - - ' The TlcKet ejawft f ;: l "TIW-awemK M. gut aacn snoum ao nis dssx air W.V mW ssa M imDrovinfif OUR METHODS. OUK JUSKtHAMmsK,: uuk Furniture ' Garnets v Stoves Should Intorast twry lousekep pries wo quota oft our goods permit The terras speek 7 C- .v. ; , m ' Special easy terms on larger li 1; h is II ! H li Don't put off tin trnporrow . . . . 1. a i you wnen you wisn n. a est, gusranteed. Frtces are EASTERN 4- TL. Wkneift ft UW vnwa W v v m-mm w nvgagfcgfcabj CRAY KIASE CAUSES'. : LOTS CF TECOE . A gray mare reesnUp nnrahassd for tbe eltr water werfcs or Supt. Prank T. Dodge for lt$ from Bid Brum of III Jeff arson street, ana srfaloh wan retsrneg after few Aars te the aiaX) from which it was eriglnallr takes br Um hostler ef the water works, Is. still gUhsnt aa guperlnteiment Iodge toM the tale ef hie deal with Mr. Btumet a reosnt meet ing of the water hoard .and aabnowledged that he had seen heateA In the trade. He Imalored the board for aselsmnos. Re stated that ha had given Slum sn L 0 U. for fit for the mare, and that tt had been oaahed hp Ashlar A KomeMa. the brokam, who were going- te attempt tfi uasouae wscxsf smmoaujarm mw -' WAemm-WOSina BUPSmUJI eaMlasmTg? nartmsTMn nr .BrnAjnKiga man ov aoa s t. o. . msm If V October 2, ...i- Are the Next and Final :.. Special BIG FAIR -l AWB TO OTHIR inlllXIUUl UX1U lUUiwl iw.pvei all tickets will be good on the as weu as on citner oine oiner Tnrougn irmins - v ; v . yr . - a . .. , - ,.rr - f ".',-. -:- t.;--e-erV!.:.w -- . -4 -,-,;. - . , . , .-.J,'- . . ,v' Jfi ; .. far '.Return ;;t 5 ' 1 -t Vi L I Stop'Over Privileges m well aa on either ofHhe other through trains 1 41 .:vi; . .a opportunity to visit we rair iVitnda, to come to the Lewis ' ':and com .via" ttie . s a umce at roraana is.&t zdd muKKuUii 31., P xFor iull Petfticulairs-caJl on or , . ......v1,. A. D. CHARLTON, .Asaistmnt Oeoen wWWwW1 e JaW 10 nnpcwrv ui wnmni os nv cannot ba beaten by any other for hsinsehrss: X 1 0 Down On S 1 00 Worth of Goods $5 Down On $50 Worth of Goods . 'V : $1 Down amounta. . No ntersst charged. Av WORD ABOUT HEATERS :t what you can do today. ?Buy your heater NOW and buy It HERE. Well haVe It put up lor; ii S - . 1 . J t m.I a.J m 11 11 if mi 11 m rhniua tmm j Tf f rw Mmm eh fliaaft ' f S wb nn twu mauuwa right Deyona question. ,--x-'V; Vntfl aHeeansitft fa r.AAfl m ww 13 statsd that Mr. Blum aald tbe heree waa perfeoUy seuad. Kr. Blum denies tba. He Btnted.peB terdap that be newer told Mr. Dodge tbe heree waa Bound, bat said he bad left word with the hostler at Marshall Bros.' stables that ha would rather sot sell the horse to the water board. Be said tha boras was taken from the barn nnd kept, thtfa Interfering with a trade whloh be had In view, and that he would have pre ferred that the heree had not been taken. Mr. Podge has appealed te the aftr at- tsraar for seslstaaoa. Mr. Blare ears h4 has heard tba board Is going to sue him for avterspreaentstlon, bag he ssserts he sen prove hla iQtieoenee. Merer WlUlakne stated at tbe heard meetlag be was ef tbe opinion that If the heree Was sot worth I Hi eotae ar rangement might ha mftde with Mr. Blum whereby a portion of the menea might be refsnded and the horse retained br the water beard. Mr. Blum will not ooneent lo tbla. He sftga he asked 1SI for the horse, and Mr. Dodge paid him thte amouat without any objection. The grnjr mare la tU eating Marshall Broa.' bar and Is running, ap a, big board hill whloh somebody will have to par be fore the mare la taken from the barn. tag .la r a baaeUr Bettered bp - pHr RSI 20 and 2v Dates for V J; ' AT ST. LOUIS POINTS EAST wma w vAitau uuvihju w M NORTH COAST LIMITED OOINO AND ITURNINO at ssl, lwouu) ana wnue mi CBs dark Fair at Fcrtland Wctihm Pacinc . : a e m IIAnntlAtl write. ... 1 Aatistant General Passenger Agent PORTLAND, OREGON we wva. P4i.awiiwi, vur imhs. ths msilest pursa to bars store in tbe city .The selections On $10 Worth of Cash prksa. www. . s : rV-..-.y-:vsv'i,-'-. r;- -,4.X' - x;X, ' '-f r -,o n: ,x OUTFITTING October aSBSbv Sm Sunset Magazine Califonlia Oeneral MaeArtha aad eiher wny enVerd ieaortbe She reoeet ' . ' mllltarr saaneurers la California, snob artlele being profaeeri r . Uloet rated with halftonae, and eolored drawings br Bdward Cvouel. Interesting ftrttales eft California and Oregon. "How Olive OU is Made." "Hew Almonds are Orowa. and Sna dsseriptlens - ef nwu and Svtter, twe area Oallferals, eeawUes.- SS gagsg Sf arUohm; western sterlss. akeeabae and f ' 10 Cents a Copy U YOU CAN BUY ' ,", "'. SUNSET MAOAZIN3 ' r AT ALL NEWS-STANDS J v . , .V t "- y t ww. um i w eaas a , .. tor. ir-.m pp; bj mu vvwimwiy ; ;r XX X a eomfortabla homa. Ths tj are as large aa our space will y fc ' Goods r , a j F M CO. -'x'r;; o 'x - - r -. t V lYl . . 5X:XX,v;.H 390 Washington Stroot '.A ' '''"t'lI.iV-X " ' ' ,-: 'J : . ..... e X :j ... Life a aa ' Osly tie. ae sum Cram tne eUv Ma alas r f