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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1904)
hnr biaGoii ipnpat V touioae, 'ydynaam ;surtPAY' morning, c TO SUPPORT SCBOSL o oriTon. Cut an Wee. Portland district Of , J tt Epworth iMfut, in annual oonven- at Mount Tabor yesterday afternoon. ' pledged hearty support to Willamette university, the denominational school at Salem. Reeolutlene endorsing tha In ' . atltutton, and calling upon tha young people of tha church to aaeiet both , ' men-ally and financially m Ita upbuilding. wre draft ail by tha committee, and '- adopted by unanimous vote. - Dr. U B. Rockwell, presiding elder of tha Baet Portland dlatrict, addrasaad - tha convention ooncernlng tha school. .' Ma totd of Ita maay tnurgle for as wmnc 1 thla field and asked that tha league give It all possible support, , Which, M aald, It needed badly just bow. Perhape a aouveatlon never before mat under aaoh elroamaUncaa na thla ona. At tha annual oonrsranoa of tha ' church bald racantly at Jbgena, Blabop Bpallmayar dhrtdad tha -old Portland district at thd WHuunatta rlvar, making Xast and Waal Portland dlatrlcta. Thua tha district laaurua bouadariaa wara . otaancad. . Tha rasa It waa tba feraafclac up of tha old, and tha oraanlslnsT of two . new distrk-m, to anfann with tha ra lar boundarlao raeanUr-dbtad. Ona of tha district occupied tha Church proper and held Ita saaaloA, ifblla tha otbar. taok up if labors In tha laaua room. O 01 cars for aaoh wara alee tad. Both district ado tad raaolu ' tlotta Introduoad by Huh i Krtua. a dal anta front Snnnyalda chap tar pld-lna tha district Isan-naa to support two Blbla woatan In a foreign ftald. to ba aa - laetad by a oommittaa appolnfad by tba prasldlna; alders and to aatabllah a elty ' mission la Portland, to ba eonduc.tad " pd aupportad by tha leaua. Qttr htbimin Waam.- : Two plana hava baaa ousTaaataA Tba Brat ona la for la cues to taha chara of tha mission now bain oohducted on .Vanoottrar aratraa. A saw ohurch la oon ta ba areetad. tbsra. Dr. BockwaU aTora naaslnsT H "Bhvworth Church." : Tha aaeond plan la for tha laauaa to epan a room In Taylor (treat church. Tha plan la to walooma Ttsltora al;htlj. Ut praaant tha ahurcb haa no. elty mla lon. ,,.. - ; ; 99m Vaaav'Vtfht.:. Owing to tha dlatrlet tana-la, traafnasa . ajras out abort. Reports from many ehaptara wara omlltad, which waa tha eausa af eonaldarabla eomplalnt from tha ehaptara allcbtad. Boma of tha da le gs tea said tlma should hava baaa ooew pled by these raporta laataad af lone -Tha anWrs for tha Baal Portland letrlet aroi - . Prealdent. P. M. Ckidfray. Central Bhurctft first rlea-praaldaot. Mary X. hYar, Bunny side; aacond vlca-preal-dent. Addle dlrapsoa, Lebanon; third vloa-praaldent Miss Carter. Halaay; fourth vtoa-prealdant, StaUa Garner, Xbanon: eorreepondtnp; acretary, Omca Doueherty, Oraca etroroh; reoord lns; aarratary. .Lehman, tHr )Mlle; treaaurar, O. rtynn. aalam. , j, j . - Want Portland dlatrlet ofnoera: .President. H. F. Johnson, Taylor pjfkvot: first Tloe-prealdent. Mrs. R H. iCteanhalmen Oraea: asoond Tloa-praa-tdant. Mabel Ksselthie, Grace; third vlae-praaldent. Uaaaa Belknap. Forest Orove; - fourth, vloe-p resident, Lena ton fa. Dsllaa: eorraaaondlnc aaeratary.; ifr. MsUlda Weiee. Taylor atreet; ra-i swrdlnar secretary. A. C Brssea. Taylor' .sjtreet; treaaurar. Nellie Buaay. Aatorw. Sdoday Bates m the CL. W P. Not WltMriwi. i f It la raraored that tha a W. P. haa Alaoawttnuad Its Sunday troUey trip raiea. The public wUl ba rally advtaed. through tha praaa, whan any ehanao from pi Mint ratee will ba made. Tha Sunday rataa and aervloa WUJ be tlnued for the preaent ., Delay Rot in' Correcting Your SIGHT It means the use of stronger gltuues. . Promptness will ' remedy this by weaker ones. At the same time, experience alone, can only give the right results, so as to keep your vision permanently normal and , eliminate the high-power lenaes. use of Our Optician Employs only the best meth dr of science. . Details are pointed out with wonderful alertness, so that, nothing 'will be left undone to satisfy visionsry' defects. Tr ' Complicated Corrections ft Specialty. ; - s X&CFddeahelmer . Gar, TbM m4 Wsmmagtea , ' . 1 JcwcJcn 'v vSuVcrsmttu 1 THIS YEAR'S CROP, IS A Portlsnd greatest crop of-bablee la Wine produced thla year. Tbara baa never b anything Uka It nrtba la ltd ta October 1 aumbarad l.llt again I.M for the first aiaa Month of laat yaar, or an Increase of MT. Judging by tha monthly birth rata of tha pest nine mouths tha blrtha ia thla elty for tha yaar wtll register !,, or aa Increase of MT over laat eeaaoa. Tha monthly birth rata f laat yean January, Ill: rrbrmary. It: March, 142: i: May, lit, June, ltd; July. It; August, lit! September, tt; Oetobar, 1M; November, lit; Oaeam bar, lit. Total, 1,111. Tha Hrth rata thla yam January. 141; February. Jilt March, lit; April, 12t; May, lit; June, "lit: July, 114; Auguat, 44t) September, lit. Total, tilt. - vary Month of tha peasant yaar tha WINNERS OF THE ; t WOGQLE-BUQ PRIZES 'r vfi -' ' ii i ' Par wm reason ar "other' It haa proven tnanrmeuatably dMRcult for tha reads re ad Tba Journal to pusale out precisely what tha Wolebua; mid That eredlte yonns ' vtaltor from the land of Os navor failed na matter what atransa olroumatanoo hie party found Itself ta to tell precisely what waa apt Generally It waa quite aa little apparent ta the'avereare reader aa it waa ta tha visitor from Os and moat af tha former seem to bare flvea It np ta despair. A telesjram from Mr. Baum lvao the following announoamant of the puaala: First, The Stadium athletic Said at tha Louisiana Purchase exposition. Second The Cascaded at tha Louisiana Pur chase onpoalUoa. Third The German WILL HELP STRIKERS (Continued from paa Ona.) rain. Many aouaht abetter. Those who were not drawn down town by business or pleasure remained at home laat nUjht. The aaturday night area aueein ua streets. But through tha wind and rain atooa the pickets that had been posted by the telcDhone srlrla. At Park and Alder atreet tha crowd of atrlkera raaaalned lama nntU lata la tba afternoon. Then when darkness oama and tha eteedy rain began those who had gone ta tha place throua-h armnathy far tha atrlkera or curiosity deserted and only tha pickets were left. At the east aide atatloa also pickets vara posted. Faithful ta u duty they had undertaken they reaaalnad at thetf peat until lata laat night. - Tbara waa no dleorder. Throughout the day the etreeta ware thronged m that vicinity and police officers wara kept constantly an duty. Thara waa no at tempt to prevent any girl from working and no arrests were aaade. When Mhn Cooper, the aerrtea aMnager, wha la aaM to hava bean the enuaa of a great deal of the trouble, left the building aha did with two escorts. They walked through tatigltnao of watchers who peered at her, but not a word wad aaM. Ka ef fort waa made ta tnteroept haa hot wwra there taunts or eera. ' 4 . , . , Chief of Fallen Hunt waa In ehargo af the situation during tha day. Ba arrived nat tha r scene oarlr la the morning and detailed half a doaea ofttoera and eevareJ detoeUyea to the work. With rows ot braaa buttons glistening and tha gald hand around his hat ahlntng tha Chief waa ready to take personal chaiwe of the system In ease his eerrloes were needed. WelklnsT Into the efnee oT suaagar Thatcher tha chief Informed that official of ate high standing aa a peace officer. It la aald that Chief Hunt informed Mr. Thatcher that in case the strikers used any violence toward. tha gvia who were haorktng the patrolmen had been in structed to use them aa may woum men. "Clear tha sidewalks." ordered the chief aa ha left tha telephone of doe and strode across tha atreet. "Thaaa people standing around here hdva na bus! rises on the walk," "Expecting any trouble, ehwfT" asked a friend. . . Girls are not man." was the pniia- aophle a newer, "and ona cannot tall what may happen. Of course it la always best to keep a sharp lookout." ,.f With the evident oeeire ta meet tha girls who had noma Sown from Seattle nearly tt of tba striking operators want ta tha Scott hotel at noon yesterday. "Juat want to make a friendly call," aald ona of them. "Ton know. It's polite to call on strangers eomlag to town and bid them welcome." "Suppose yon would like to meat Clara Blgaina would yon notf waa asked. Clara Biggtna atated that tha Portland operators were "fiat-footed coward.' "Well aee," ojulckly a news red a atrlker. "If we meet any of those operatora who think wa are oo wards 1 am of tha opinion that there will ba nomethtng doing." The operatora walked by the hotel stfveral tlmaa, but made na demonstra tion. Two gliia sitting In tba dining room were queetioned but they proved to be waitresses who said that they had threatened to refuse to watt en Vie gneets from the north, Strlhera assert that petrone of that company will ba asked ta reaseve tha telephone now In use. Late yeoterday afternoon a committee af atrlkera called at several raaldenoea Bear tha oentral of fice and aaked that tha- telephones ha taken eut Tha girls state that at aaoh house visited they were promteed that the telephonee would ba ordered out the first of next waek If the company did not agree t take back tha atrlking opera- tors. 1 At all the homes af thd striking oper atora there are telephonee. There are nearly 190 operatora now on atrlka, and the telephonee In Iheir homaa will ba ordered out, tt la aaM, today and to morrow. '!:' "We Only A BsOo Portland. Or., Oct. II. Te the aMiter of The Journal I wish to state sosee facta about tha telephone office, t am an operator wha has worked faithfully for the telephone aompany for several years. Ta beg) a with we hava never rebelled against proper discipline In the omca. When Miss Smear-end mter an, Mr. Bar eon had charge of the switch room, there was seldom any fr lotion. Thla Is not be cause they were too lenient toward tha operators, bat because they had etrict rules which wa knew how ta obey, and did no willingly becauae" wa understood that they believed In treating ua like human; beings and not aa paid depend ents and Inferiors to be trampled on at their pleasure, aa Miaa Conger and, Mr. Rob! neon da. - . 1 Of course they ere svppoeed to aee that we obey all rules aent by Mr. Sa nta, hot tha company does a great wrong la treating na no harahly. Referring ta tha salary; H ta matme that they keep uw same actoeduie. For .. AV OFsTATOjVS XsTW Was fesmW thaya wart. (3ABY aanMBHnaB .if. nnmbar-of blrtha hi tha efty neve beeu much larger than tba oorraapoadlibf men tha of laat yaar. Tha Urn la oraaaa waa In February whan thara wart Just 41 mora beat bora tbi season than laat, Taktna? tha nbovo atattatloa Inta oon- ldaratton It la anally aeen that tha population of Partis ad U Memaelug matarlally. Howivtr. tha daatha hava to ba taksst Into oontMsratlon. let yaar thara wara l.lee daatha In Port- Und a 111 laaa tha tha numbar of blrtha. So far thla yaar thara hava bass ttt daatha, which takan froaa tha numbar of blrtha leave a balaoco of tit. tha actual Ineraaaa ta population var and above tha daatha. Accord ing to thaaa Sgures tha Inaraaaa In fopulatlott each asonth baa averaged At thla rata of Ineraaaa a month tha population will actually Ineraaaa ttt thla yaar. naval flag, -FenrtbTha aqoirUmg oueumber. ' Of the answers reoerved tha one) most neaity eorraot. aad even that fell abort in a t rifting respect, was aent In by R C. Badmaa. 11T1 Oreeley street, Port land, who arlna tha drat prise of tit, Tha eeoeod on the list la Miss Queen Johnaon, 171 Fourth atreet, Portland, wha eepturea a tt prlsa. Tha third prise of II. tt goee to B. M. Toung. ttl Bast Salmon atreet Portland. Melvlne Fra aer of tit Durham avenue. Woodlawn. Portland, captures the fourth prise. The Aft prlsa of goea to Ban Harmood. Bock Point, Jaekaoa county, Oregon. Checks for tha amount wlU ha sent to theee addrassaa. . hwtanoa, thara Is an oaerator who has worked for tha aompany eeveral yearn, and by tba oM rule would ba receiving t4t bow tnatead of That rule permittee Sve glrla working the looaeat number of yeare for the eompan to draw tt salary, and no Sunday work. There are only two operators reeetvlag thaaa privileges at the praaant tlsne. Mlaa Cooper also deprived the oper tere of their vmoatlona. We were for merly allowed one week and received our salary Just tha same, but thla baa been changed since Mies Cooper arrived? Black marks, searching, etc, may be for children, but not for young ladles who hava good home eummndings and teachings by Christian mothers. We do not ask for much, only the old treat ment such aa wa received from a noble man and a noble woman, Mr. Bacon and Mlaa BraaaL Thla morning tha aompany had a num ber of operatora ta take our plaeea, la tha two days wa save them to consider, they proved their honor in thla manner and then rerun ed to allow ua half a day to consider. I trust eur subaonbera. who hava been no kind to ua will understand our saotlva clearly. .We anjy want Justice, . . - ; ' - AM OrwUTOh. To tha Bdltor af Tha Journal: The young lad lee of the telephone company wha want out on atrlka thla morning, did so only after thoughtful tm id ra tion of to subject. It waa decided laat night by Mr. Robinson and Mms Cooper thai they would not tolerate n union. "Why need the telephone oompany ob ject to a union so strongly? "If they were treating tha operatora as they nhohld, why need they tolerate all but thla one point? - Tous womsn who hava their own living to earn are not going to take such a aerloua tep without a good eauae. "If tha brothers and fathers of Portland- need a anion for protection, why can't tha daughters hava tha aaaae privi lege? The preen of au country quoted our good prealdent aa earing that "well or ganised labor la a bl easing to any ocun try." "One of the largest department atorea In Portland haa a clerks union, and there are certainly no better friends than the clerks of the daylight store' and their employ ere. "When an operator enters tha service of tha Portland Exchange she work on an average of every other Sunday. She must report on duty every holiday, and work through the day; possibly she may get off for b couple of hours, hut no longer. " True, aha works enly Ttt hours a day, but an operator w under such a nervous strain during that time that R would be Impossible for her to work longer. "We are more than surprised that tha o aerators who have coma to Port land ahould have done so, as they hava had serious trouble of the!; own with thd company. "But wa feel that ir tna situation nan been presented to them In Ita true light they would never hava come to Portland. "Wa Intend to stand by our union ana we feel confident that tba aym path lain g publM will stand by na, "aw uraaATun." To tha Rsslaese Men' of Portland! Stand by tha telephone glrla; I for ona understand tha situation thoroughly and therefore nan speah tha truth. I nerved number of yea re for tha telephone company and know positively tha glrla are aaklng for nothing but Justice, Tha schedule foevwhlch tha girls are asking was given to the operators permanently, but several of tha oldest girts gradually oult tha employ and then the aompany out down the schedule and began enforce inn hinder smrtn rolee until tha oper ators could stand it na longer. The oper atora are young lad lea gad expect to ba treated as aaoh. If tha operatora do hot hold their hands just no. or happen to tunr around on duty, or any vumber, pleaee" instead of "a umber.- and so on, they are checked and ao maay oheokg ta a month mean their dismissal, r , ' They station a floor walker behind every eight girls to tattle on tha oper ators at any provocation. The operatora expect discipline and always have, and expect to treat the public to fhe boat af their ability. Bus they do not want to ba dogged by theee floor walkers, or tettle-telee. In other wordt. I am not working In tha tele phone employ, but I am In eympathy with the operator and 1 think tbeJlne men and bualneea men of Portland ahould stand by tha operatora an faith fully as they did In BeetUe a few years ago, when the operatora were forced to strike for being over-worked and similar treatment " The buetaeeg mm took tt m hand and hundreds of phones 'were ordered out dally nntU tha telephone company met with the girls' demand. Justice la ail they aak and Justice they ahould have. AJf OLD OPttRATOR. : tURli A11BMJ1S UHIXDB .; (s,iiq rasa teh b The searest.) ' La' Orande, Or., Oat. Mv Mlaa Emma Mtcheeon, a young girl who resides near Wallowa, hi Wallowa county, attempted suicide by -taking strychnine. Her life waa saved. . Me onus hag been -given Wor tha deed.- .... IMADY SENATOR PATTERN VP FCMTIOAB SUUTISO p pe-OOXOBASd) AJf PBABOJJY .. . (gseewl bfemteh m The JeareaM v Butte, Monc. Oct ItSenator Thomas Patteraoa of Colorado waa tba orator at a Democ ratio rally here to night, the largest and moat enthusi astic rally of Ita kind aver held In Montana. Senator W. A. Clark pre sided and on the stage sat Senator Pax la Olbaon and leading official of aha Amal gamated Copper company. Senator Patterson declared Peeped y lam la Colorado and Rooeevaltlam to the nation are the aame. Tha p reel dent, declared Mr. Patteraoa, had aupportad Governor Peabody In throwing Justice and the rtghta of hu manlty to the wind. In ruthjeealy tear ing tot minora, from their wives and children and at the point of bayonets la the hands of soldiers who were paid by tha mine owners, deported them from the .state. Senator Patterson aoered the president and Governor Peabody throughout ale addreaa. - An attempt to break up the mVettng by a number of hoodlums was prevented by Mayor Mulllna, from the dtaga eaU tog number of ofnoeas to tha eosam, . . BAUIET EXPOSED (Continued from Page One.) and buy up all tha little bills against ih ulna and when em awt the aherlnTa deed, then all tha stockholders and ev erybody else will have no title ta trie mine. They nan have at oak, but ua als nr aBaa will aee the mine ' Tber can awn tha company and wa win own tha "Now. 1 hava tha nroxlea from moat of the stockholder, 1 will guarantee that I will (not) redeem tha mine, ana it thMi who hava stood bw ua and helped ua In the matter we will give stock for what they nave paw in na in new aompany,and wa wtll put the mine in n new company and take care of our friends. It will take about ttt,000 shares for ua to take earn of our mmh and eh will aive na tto.004 shares for our little .combination to di vide among ourselves. Then ua aeven people will own tnree- fourtha of the mine. Wa oaa take the whole buslnees iff andr -ttrm It to work on tha 111,000. and all the klokera and grumblers and people who gave their nroxlea ha other people will be out of the mine, and wa wtll own the mine, and they will not be la It, and Z will protect overybody who given ua their proa lee, and I will atart tha mine up, .k t will ha tha Bunerlntendent and you aln people to Wabash oaa b tba company.. ' " N "I caa make that Ulna proauoa se, aaa Miwih til OOO of which will ba net profit, and myself and the she peo ple In wabaen will own uiree-xourtn a ( aad that will abont 117.000 profit ta divide amongst ua seven people. Tha difference between vn.eve anu - aag wlU ro to tb email atocanoioers who stand by ua when making the deeX To make a deal like thla wa are perfectly safe, because should they redeem they would have to pay us all the money back and Inter eat on the same at It per oeot. a h him ma not worth a nfekat. we aould take ttt.ttd worth of ma chinery and sell It for t.o ana mane three times our money and abandon tha mine. Bow. da not give tnia away, nut just think about it until the doctor goes back - N" " ntkM lattan written br Ball let. amed- dtng light on hie device, and a number of his printed circular were Introduced aa evidence. Tha trial WlU . probably laat several days. v'' 'J HERRERA IS HERO OF A DARING RESCUE " ( (HyeeUI Dtamtch t Ta Jearaa1. " '-'Butte Mont Oct. lt-Aureilo Hat rara figured la a daring re sou thla af ternoon that has earned him the grat itude of Tony Hoytey and Charles) Har ries, both residents of South Butte. The fighting Mexican- reeeued two children of thaaa mea from death, or aerloua la Jury. '. ; . Charles Oil feather and woman ware thrown from a buggy near Stiver Bow park and tha horse dashed along the road and when near the Olympla brewery collided with a telegraph pole. Herrera'a training auarter are cloae to the spot where the horse wrecked the buggy, and the MexMan waa standing tn the door of his Quarters at tha time. Right at the pole where the horse atruck two little one were playing, and hardly a second after Kerrera bad anatched the children out of tha way tha maddened animal dashed over the spot where they had bean playing. . Ou Nickel lie, a well known resident of South Butte, avers that but for Herrera'a presence of mind tha children would have been killed, Miekeilis waa aa aye witness to tba accident. , . t ': . mXTTSsT VTMAI BOdh ' (eaehfl IMsseteb te The JsureaU ' r Pomeroy, Waab., Oct. it.- Mlaa Bmma Noble waa badly bitten, on the leg and foot by a dog belonging fn John Wald her yeaterday. The dog waa mad, The bltea were burned out with caustle but It Is feared they may prove fatal. ' i If you let at eorrect ymif ere 1 defect with our accurately fit- : ted gianeea. It will Insure per- -j feet sight. Our prices are IS to 10 per cent lea than e there. ' itommfnatton free. . . CEG$N OPTICAL CO. ITS Feerlh V. a A. armllam. mmm INSURANCE KjLtJ-U nl ' f r JMCailii iiU Mia No. 0. Single wall, rubber ft! M rv - Cabinet, made from a medium weight mi terial, foldt in one inch space; complete, in ; eluding; No. 8 Heater (alcohol stove, metal wc1p anH vtnnr tuin and direction . Na t. Sirrgle wall, rubber Cabinet. Folds in one inch space. JTie cover , ing Is the best cabinet drill, of an attractive u printed desipil complete, including our No. . ': I Heater (improved) and directions, .f 5.00 No. 4. Double wall, rubber, steel frame Cabi- ae. walla nnruahanrhenl. j 'Remember We pay the V; Quality and Rule at our dispensing case, : Every prescription -we fill contains the best . that 40 years of expet 't ience can gfve. We know that our . prices on pre- T scriptions are lower than , others. Try us and be convinced. -: 1 "', . CITY IS "ROTTEN MANSER" '"- - I, - ' Sd' SATS QU USUI I. West ffnifT.aj. TOTS rhaeM mrm .aaade br Wed T. lferrin. councilman from the Third whrdagalnat his colleague in the ooantfu ana etnere who -dictate tna policy of tna aity ad minlatratlon. He. aevtrely erltlelae their hlgh-nanded machine methode and makea tha bold statement that they are not working for tba bast Interacts af tha taxpayers. He declarea that ha la not a member of tba "aolid aeven." but ataton that no la In favor of the pool, room ordinance and will vote to, oaa It over the mayor' veto when tt oomea again before tha council. t -There 1 no ol 14-seven.' ao Car aa I am concerned." eatd Mr. Merrill. "There la not even a aelld two with sne. I would not ba ft party to ft uolld aeven' or 'a, 'aolid six unices t considered we were working for the inter ta of the taxpayer) of thla elty. Aa far aa the poolroom ordmaaoe la concerned. X did not know of It until I went dnta tba council chamber laat Wednesday. "It la my opinion that the council as a whole are not working for the beat in Urea ta of tha taxpayra of this city. There m altogether tod much "on the fence business with this council. Tha majority of them are neither for nor aratnst a proposition until they get their heada together and flgufv out how maay votes they have. They do not bother me with their cliques nor their so)id sevens' for they know X wUl not ba with them. . Ta s xneettca Smaleaa ' voted aanknat the box ordinance enveral months ago becauae 1 knew the majority of tha councilman were bluff ing and that they' never Intended to enforce it I regarded to passing of the ordinance at thai time aa ft trick to pay off a few election promise with no thought that any attempt would be made Ao enforce It on October 1. "1 voted for the poolroom ordinance becaua 1 thought It Waa for the beat interest af the city ef. Portland before the coming of the Lewis and Clark fair, and 1 shall vota to 'pass tba ordinance over tha mayor a veto If It comes to an mas In the council, even tf Z urn tha only ona to do ao. 1 dm not carrying water an both ahoulder. It a a case of right or wrong with aa la auab mat ters.' , : , y f f.f "v. . : ' - tm tn was stole. . Councilman Merrill tatee that tha council 1 responsible financially for any deficiency accruing In the elty expendi ture over and above estimate, and that a deficiency 1 now staring them in th face annua some reduction la made tn polio or fire departments. "At the earn time, th radical and ao oalled reform movement la driving tlto,. tot out of th city each month," aaM he, "and damaging the bustneee of the very pnple who are paying tha running as pens of tha elty. Oa the other hand, the landlerde ar increaalng tha rente ta such an extent that thousands of buat ness men are unable to meet expenaee, and this an th eve of the lewle and Clark fair, when Portland should b ex periencing th busiest tlma 1ft Ita hie tory. - Th etty official know thla, and their actions at this time are nothing mors nor lees than grandstand plays to get into th good graoee of th reform ale stent for future vatea, beHevlnrund correctly, toothat rlbdral'mlnded poo. pie will forget all about It before an other election, when they will loose ap and vote for thorn again. That th way they havt don tor fear past la Portland, "If anybody doubts thl statement, they can aatlafy them salve by having personal conversation with tha elty of ficial wb are dictating th policy of tna city. "A far aa 1 am ebnoernad. I dm not afraid of them, and a hall continue to he aa Independent and vol In th council aa X thtnk best for the.lntcreeta of tha taxpayera of Portland. ""Putting mea int affloa wh hs SU emw s5l?TtmCwSrr gsames valepbana absssi fust mwnk ttaea dam ten satis Tna amly aeesa iHsag Qani tlan misir a full veam W00DARDC RUN ' . An' lnarwya.bla MtCOJ -o .urelv brinar W00DLARK VAPOR BATH CADINETk WVilrK arlmiiiara th 'avatem In millions of pores in the skin through which impurities are car- 1 ried off and medicates while doin-T it. ' - , . , It docs not weaken but adds vivor and strength.. Brings a rosy glow to pale and sallow laces ; make! the eyes bright J soothes and steadies the nerves. ; I . t. . t v It is the lowest priced bathing appliance known, y 'f 1 . . Treatian on Health and Beauty with every Cabinet Free.v ' ' Improved methods of manufacture enable Us to offer the .best cabinet ever made at Qrt&tly RCdllCCd PfCeS, lined, steel frame lined, steel Iramfe ' trermDfoof and and directions freight onXWnets to any railroad price Pure aafa and oegtalji n aC aha brallh, ; Voodlark Pairs Norwegian Cod thref Oil,' in pint bottles ....;.......,....65 In stone- jugs, protected from light and '" air . TIV : "Woodlark" Chocolate Emulsion, relished by ( children, an elegant - preparation, pint bottles .. - '.. 8dJ , WoodlarkH. Wine of Cod J-iver Oil, eromatic and appetizing ,f..:...............i.85e With Pepto Manganate of, Iron,' for thin- blooded people X.00 CLARKE & CO, . ' i 1 1 1 i never made auooaa In any buslnees la where the property-ownera fail down. Portland ahould bo bandied tn a atralght. baalneee-llke manner, with all polities, sentiment and fnotlonal feeling entirely eliminated. If ouch waa th oaa a. thla time, th elty of peruana wouia o h. hut i-ii wast of the Mlaaourl river and we would have a Ore and polio de partment unexcelled In America. "Summing the whole matter up. Porte land la run In ft rotten manner. That's the best way to rrpras tt from say point LEAVES PURSE ON BAR v SOMEONE STEALS IT J. Barter, th agent of Chicago firm, bj snaurnlng tba loos af a puree contain ing tit. It waa stolen laat Friday nivht fma a. AAuntar of tha Oem saloon. where Barter lent It while ha waa em ployed la repairing ft eaah ragiatar. Tba theft waa reported. to tna poiioe yes terday. , While Barter waa repairing tna reg ister be took off hi coat and laid it ah tha has-k ban Br the aide af tba coat ha placed his purse. When he had finished ble work ha put on am coat ana started down th street, forgetting bis puree. ' 1 ' He had reached Stark street, when the thought flashed across but mind that' he had left hie purse at tha salootk Ha burr led back to the Saloon only to dis cover that tha purse had been stolons The employe of the place aaserted that they bad seen nobody behind the Loountar. . - - - , . DEMOCRATS READY & ft FOR THE CAMPAIGN R. O. Smith of Qranti Fuss haa writ ten to th Democratic elate oentral com mittee that be 1 willing to go on the stump wherever arrangemanta are amde for holding campaign meetings and will welcome Joint discussions. He reports that an active immpelga will be waged In Josephine county. i B. W. Strong of Roaeburg, chairman of the Zmuglaa oounty Democratic com mittee, wa ta the city yeaterday. He aid that Douglas county was in line for Parker and Davis, and Watson would not poll any vote to apeak of In that county. He had not heard f a sin ale Deaaoorat In Douglae county who Intended t aou for Wataon. 'i,- . . ! dp.. - :v; an mtvtm st & ' , , Prom tha Philadelphia Idgr. When John Redmond talk of th dying- irtah race, tt 1 evident that he has ot read the census report of Boston. AND TUMORS V. Dr. J. L. neeaaaea. tats et tea treactaee. well haewa throuftwat tae west m the, vnat lestreeiive aad sacesNful sane specialist hi Awsrlea, baa IsnwoT fete SMtboos aad smdl rim til he ml sew wearlwr any eaacer. ta war, mngested flaed m mallgaast grewth ta Ism mea nor wsetsa. with Us satttarfM rtntedy, dtstroylag the vims sad every Bw t tae dlseseed freWth, which tspUead with smithy Usees la a chert tuae. He ears to all teas Where me Inasethle gUass at hoses am set erfeete, ta waay eases afterward, hat It nt estrebl w havs trmnaeat la ma eerbeat satgea powlbtaw when s ear caa a wad apsstlk aad at tat laaat wet. V Why treat wun m T-ray r ChrtsrUa M sactl They are amdaaiaed by ma beet sa thority, aad every si.dlnel Jeerasl la Sa hind aad Aaterlca eeurteroes the se ef tae knife la mncari aad tamors. The plaster doctora hare tilled away tnd win aoon put yea t an bjcsraUe on Allies boM T bev tbeat treat yea. Or. Sohaa una ehallenses tae world to eroeam a esnd-er rrweay arar aaaea tha his, aad mere ta no ether ate wh has lu recaeay s t 1 win It today, Dr. BnlMniwa wttl eetihhsh perWaseat rearer boeplUl ta Pwtland ay fsmiarr 1, satiated hf ear ef Perthiod's best SBysl- '"pairmwheaai d aMltuea free. Cam guaranteed ar taoney refaadeo. Writ far pamphlet sad treat! sa'easeer. Writs or salt Dr. J v I- Behasaoa, at Wlt Basel bid.. 1M MadW. cor. rrrat. port, bad. Or., where ba wSl W eatU iaasary 1. rhea Beat 1M), GANGERS and there Is nothlntr which will them Into the home as i X Nature's WIT. It MSTU the space; complete includjng our Noc-l Heater (improved) and directions V. e?84M No. 6. Doubl wall, wood' frame Cabinet, frame made of thoroughly seasoned poplar, t will stand either dry heat or vapot without warping; air space of -one inch, between ' walls which are non-absorbent, germ proof,, - and easily rendered aseptic i folds in six inch space; jcomplete,? including our" No: 1 Heater (improved). No. 1 face , Bleacher ,w rfte'e- f 10.00 station in the northwest. Cod Liver Oil COURT HAY DM W UW CURE yrrosa atueitrB 6 mO TM fAW IS lBarm aad hlghl saaoh effsawd tm a ahees ysada f 1 flab eU. and, be no medtatnaT Hiaaa, We tnmanbaa ear nod ttvev eU to be awre Twwegmst asm yawpaaud hen fseab aad 111 ma It mafcaa fleeh earn bleodf- a . Vunldpal Judge R. W; Hogu dSv'N under eororideratlon ft novel pia cor the : reformation of drunkards who pea f: through hm eourt. It la th combined application of medicine and judicial power. -In other words, ba would oompei by Imprisonment If neoeeaary, and ' carerul medical treatment, abatlnanca from alopholla Uquora, Ha believe this ' -process. If the proper preecripttoa can ' be aecured, will work wonders la bring- f lug about reablta long sought by thoee engaged In tha work of reclaiming men , and women ' from th drink habit. ' - Tha plan propoaad la new tn Portland. ft faaa bean tried la aevaral cities of the waat with auooeea. Judge Hogue aee no good reaaon why It U1 not da , here "what It hag done for" other eltlee, ,' and wanta to try It If h cat soeur th aeelatano of other ofnolal. ' Judge Hogu state that h wtll 4 hid part t bring about reaults and hlg part la no email portion of the treat-' ment, aa It la applied la tna aaat. Hun-' : dred f Inebriate pass through th. , munlolpal court every year., Some ftp pear for tha first time, but .many are .'; there repeatedly. A eoor of habitual ;. drunhmrd are brought Int Judge , Hogue' eouK on an average of 10 Ume a year. These are tha one upon whom the new treatment ta to b tried, . ' The treatment would hardly ba com ' v polsory. but there are aald to be many men aad not a few woman wh would embrac an opportunity to rid . them eelvee of tha liquor habit, when brought before the eourt they would be aeateneou to ft term of perhaps tt day. They might net be sent to Jail, but could ba paroled and kept under . -surveillance by th police. During thl . term the medicine that play ft par, In the reformation af the prisoner would; , be administered. A physician, probably -the city' employ, would ear for th patient, looking after their welfare closely and reporting t th eourt th V oondltion ot bach one. One ft week the prisoner would hare to report to the court In person. At any time, ao cording ta th plan, ft patient wh warn . found to have been neglecting t take the medicine prescribed for him oould be aent to prison and mad to aerv hid tarns. r- This la th plan used fn th east. Be. v Suite are aald to hava been mora than , . at Sral anticipated. Judge Hogu bay b I anxious for the matter to ba oon. 4 sidtred by th ofttclaJ here. B3b amy h wlU do all ha can to alp raferm Porte ' land's drunkard. ' ' " 1 ' FIGHTS AT CONEY; W SEE PICTURES HERE ; v-.-. '"A: TkM ramnhetl fa master of transporllM o Hon of th "Wlatrd of OT aompany. He went into the Bijou theatre Prtday afternoon and aaw himself in th moving kinMNi- Ha aaw hlmaelf flahtlnar with Brneet Will lama, valet t Xyrl Bellewf who played "Karris nere last wee. s Campbell la from aotham, latat Sum h wa Induced to noee for oleture in oonnaetlon with the glgantl Br pro duction In 'DreamJand,' which ahowed at Coney wand, xm picture ui up poaed to repreeent Herald ' aquar In Hew York. Campbell took th part -of ft bartender and Wllltame that of an whoa tongue hung out for want of ft drink. He walked into Campbell's salon and ordered a drink, then refused to pay. Campbell undertook tha Job of throwing Kin nut and I ha ftaTht that followed la reproduced m the amoving plctursu. Th occurrence aao ajmoat ueen tor gotten by Campbell m hi work. H never aaw the picture whan lhv were prodaced In Wew York. Ha traveled across tba eontyteat to th Pacific coast. happen into a vawaeviiie nouee in Sixth atreet and saw himself fighting with Xyrl Bellew's valet. i. ;.. (X.