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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1904)
. ... , . , aaaBBMa --jaappBBkBiaaajBBWBiaaBBWBjBajBaafc. caaBaBaaMaBaaBaBaai DRNINO, OCTOBKR It. s ia Ksmlous Rcvclwati V crlcTs FcciaGr LI ;t j J ' CLAIRVOYANT 4r& FdrMHHHHdj 1 ai aBaaBaa" " " CIO Complete Life Readingo kp " ' i . Si ' . f fJJ Vi v i as a BERMQIE r. 9wmmv tun ' : BUDAH Bam WitH Double VllBiicatww la Occult ScImc la Egypt a4 ladla The Veiled Prophetess itm tov na nw mv ,to C3UX AST OOVTBO&. ( a m&anr Ba poaitrve I ef sty mii mi .jm Kit preeest and fatare SAdUMUf M at l knew, that I will tlt ,.S ;f . HO DHABOS1 . MO OlIAmoW - Satoei Toa aetata perfect eeUetsctloe end tod bm Mpartor te all MEDinka, CLalBTOXABTg ad rAUiim ti tkii dtyv Tke fallowing Mat shows Barely 7y that Buaab aWrnieue. "THB . ""ft rROPHETHflB, ku bees osaealted by tke MMt pepnlar'and awst noted sms Bad woven ef tke world. Md tor reading ef Itoir Uvea ,tM tNtMIMi tol flldtrtWI Jnlta Marlowe - rwMitl BmHm . Pr .Brrshardt " w rreallnt CleveUad ,: 'fella b-fU WflaME Archbishop Iretaad . Helea Ooa Id kSeootor DepeW - Bon. C. H. Burl ess Yeeator Hidm .... f President BeKlnley . .' Bfnator Pnraker a i Teeldsst ImmmH ' - senator spiwsss to Store setabis affairs than eke. la stoops aad America ato ku sdvtsod tboaeasda U varioaa walks at Ufa. aad Biases to thex? a l TeU Yoor Naow" ' '"' Thrt OOCCLT WONDB ta placed Ib a claas by bar If, towering , a aad and bouldars ovar mnr livH, and la raeontsac by tfca PROFESSION aa BHIOUTXST STAB. ! DEAD TRANCE MEDIUM : - - aaiu mimm5Sam KTcrrr. cob. nrT mmt anatart aa talla what t aaaw w Waw pa atlaf a wara: omb bm aaa ibbi v aw roar travbla au ba. n.n Twiil aadda roa tta aartalnW Ushar tajia BUM! aawaff. tm ha, , m aao. ttM aateaew Ttm; arwwrt J: Tha hapiliaT of four fatnra lit . A Mad oaoa taa rlakt aolatlea aad aropaa adttea E aid- br tha ami aad wtodartml aaad traaaa X aaattiaaL oa mmm wkh a ftaW Iff H tJ acnaaBN W aTtoaaaa la to toaa. I mi atoftof to w W todartaMatt-' "C.d f aMato V w wtoaa atf iuTx Vw tofar tar-tol aj WMUir - "Can I traat W Wasdar' , t . J "Whoa afaaU IjBarryJ" ' ' . i How cTtM BtD 1 mtrrjri-- y.-; . "ibH I aar b dtweatfl" -Dofa aatbr akaM tka am to I abxn ta ajar "Ami levad ta rjrtarar wYm akail mr lava atalT toraalaaaa to Wbratoll ffj datoaatle J?Ht. ' Hrwtoa faMM air f JJkeV5,Jf r "Wban akall ms ba frUad ratafar - ,,Wfcr dn I aot rai a tottarr. , fMI wta BV toajBafctrr, i, . OPPXCB HOURS 10 A. at TOIP. K ' t SUNDAY AND DAILY. 9aiL tvfmi?iMM Merrr. rAD. Firm at. -aw-,L- r II I 1 I c 1 "V -l ' v ' scraps - ' i. Jie -fiogus J Gount! Je ;f Mbncade :Gt Him aa m. nrofaaMaa waa adODtad by younger aooa az noDia lamiuwa Franca la 4ba ttojbttoata oan- inrn Whan lakao. II tM . 5 thorltr of rla Uvaa could -Omraand It, Inatsad of dylni on tha f-Vowa or ba v m brokan e tha whaai, thaaa aabla , v raacala war aalpaad ta tha eddonaaa, ; j Vhmn, uUr. thay baeama to tar tha A ioundn af faaa tHaa roud of their an- caatry, and many of . vttoaa werabara j ubaaqitaUy atulnad f araat dlatlao t tto in eocnmarotol aa4 other affalra. - An lnatama la palm la that of tin 4 : " yana Tuat da Jioawada." Hla real nama waa aevar koowa, aor u ha tr aapturad. Na had aU otf tha talent ' raaatarful forar, raroarkabla lla - ,uUt. and waa capable df aaaumlng any - ' ola hta mtoraata mlchi dtctata - In tha early year of tha eighteenth i oaatarr tha Marquta da Satot OHiea waa Spaaiah anbaaaador at Tbd Hasuex In J1a yoath ha had bean an bittaaate friend jpTof tha Count da Monoade, a traadaa of wpaln and on of Ua rtcheat nohlaa. K Abroad tha lttomrto of h ple 'i -, 'biatk eervtee of one of tha two tnnda -' by bad aot act for 10 or ra yaara. -A fbw aaootha after hla arrival at Tha ,W HaeTUa, tha aaaraal reeetred a 4tar ' from tha aaont. wbo. tft raoalltoaT tbalr .former asaoclatton. aakad bias. In tbaaa wards, a great aarrloe. i ' "Tott knew. ha wrota. ."the) dlatrtoa It bad oauaad mm not, to be Wa ta er ';" aatuato tha na - of Moooade; but ; J thanka to haavan. a yar or mord after you bad pM abroad my prayer wove ' .ni I bKHM tha father of a on, who mm ha grow to manhood ahowod hlmeelf worthy of hla birth. Cnfor . ti-m bit tn lova arlth tha moat i famoua aetraaa of the theatre of Toledo. ; I cloeod my oyoa to tble Inclination aa , my oon bad prerloualy oonduotad blm - V u ... hiIn aMtlafaeUoa. But. laamlnr that paaaion bid lad him to tiro a .rMiaa or Mai I ! w ritma v tha donna. I naked tha king to Imprlaon him. My ooa. Informad of ttrla Inten : ; tloa. antlolpatad the order of arrMU Ha - : eloped with tha woman, ror tha past mix month! I haro loot all traeo of him; . but I bav roaaon to believe ba to at Tha Hague. I baa;, my dear marqula, that :; you will exheuat arery effort to Joarn kta anrhiiM ha oorreet. and If bo I - aak you tolaav no atone n turned to return Mm to ma it ta out juat tnai i bla onmpanloo) anall bo liberally ln 1 awmtriftod provided a he bo Willing- to . tAirrmdor the written promtaa of mar ; rtega. I aivo you full authority to pay bar any amount you may thinb ad ' viBable In order to aecura tha rallnquleh- 1 went of tha Inlqultoua contract. Ton wilkalao equip my aon amply In money - and af facta necesaary to hl prompt re turn (o Bpatn." Thla letter contained an accurate daaorlption of tha ton and MO miatraaa, r , , - ' The marqula had no sooner read hla communication than ha sent confidential awnta to ovory Ina hi Rotterdam. Am sterdam and Tne Hagnae in toe nope oi aattlna trace of taa fualUrea: but BO olua wad obtained. He bad commenced to dea pair of auoceas when It ooourred to, bim that a bright young French pace in ,hle sarytca might solva tha mystery. Urn aanl1 llai' HaIIV Ifl BMrT ' BbU f publle resort at Tha Hague, and at night to tha theatre, prom tain g a largo rowsra la nf iiuMMfnl MtMulta One evening at tha theatre ho saw ta a box a young couple who answered ex actly tha deaorintloa of tha lovers. His oloss scrutiny evidently alarmed than f Hi' TKC VAUIC Of CHARCOAL tw Vaopto Stow Vaofal II li ta t Ktarly Ovarybody knows that eharooal 1 fa the safsst and most eflktteat dlalnfeet- ant and purifier to nature, but few raal i " tos Its vaJuo whaa taken Into tha human lystam for tha soma cleansing purpose, Charaoal 4a a rmdy that the more ' 7 you take of It tha better; It Is not a ... " drug at ail. but simply absorbs tha ajaoes 1 .j i.nnritia alerava areaent In taa i stomach d lntastlnos and sanies thaw t out af tha system. . ' Charoeal awaetans tha breath after smoking, drinking or after aatlng otoiona . H and othr odorous vegetajHea. , . Atrutuallv alears and fm- j vrovaa itha com plea ion. It whttans tha v teeth and further aofs sa natural ana smlnently ssfs oathartw. 4 r .H-Artied the Inluiiou aasos Whteh 'Aiianf In tha stomach and bowels: It diainfonts tha mouth and throat from the polaon of ostarrh. . m ult .kjHwial In mm wtvtmm All aiuai -7Jil. d another, but probably trie beat char coal and tha moat for tha money la ta v Stuart'O Charcoal fjossngaST they ara MMuA r iha Mnaat powdered Wtllow ii' eharooal, and atbar kaxmleea antlaapUoa in tablet form or ratner in n suna n . : laraa. alsdsant taatlng - loamgea. . tha i k.Mial hain mixed with honey. . - Tha dally um of tness tosengea wlU -,' soon taU la g much Improved oondltlan , m th aretiAMl haalth. batter OOmnlealoaL tweeter breath and purer Mood, and the , beauty of It to, that ad poaaiDM anrm ; san raSnlt from their Oontlnued ode, put ; m ii. nrar reel heaedt. - - ' A Buffalo phydlrian In speaking of tha amanta of enarooaL aayai "I advtoa "'. antert'a rrharooat fjoaanaaa ta .all Pa lnta anifrrlaMr ' Ma .In StefflSOb j and bowela, and to clear tha oomptealoa , i and purify tha Breath, mouuiana tnronv; I also believe the Itvar to greatly bne , . !. Hltaa b the daltr uaa of them: thar coat but twenty-live eeata a bos at drug ' atorea. end althouab Ul soma aeaas aiml maratloa. vet I believe I gat mora and better, charcoal la dtuart's V Charcoal Loaengea than in any af the or xr ahareciaa taj"-,- h, ahnktnar arlth amotion. Bha Said tO the marquis aa aba draw tha premise of snarrtoga from Bar ' Bosom ana gavs n in klm iK aha knae too wall tha heart of bar lover longer to have neeo of it. Tu anhauadar. whaaa haara wars flow ing In abundanoa. stood transnxad at uk an kiwhlhlt lrn t mndMir of aoul. He promlaad the young woman that so long aa he ahbuld live ha would ears for na nmlMt Ka Ma aaaurad tha voana oouaiv-tbat bis bapplaeas waa complete. now that, no waa aoout to rasiore an only son to tba anna of a doting ratner. what a aaiia-tit ta mm to na tne inter mediary tn such a wuisfytag oonsuwwav Tha warqala. however, knowing tha power of leva ana lean rig mat anoiner for thay withdraw hurriedly to the rearl night mf !i J5L of tba lego, aa If to eeeape ebaervatloa. Tba page was now assured that as nad discovered the fugitive; ha kept close watch upon them, and at tha aloes WT the phvy stationed hlmeelf at the an- tMn Af Ih. bbMAu MMMf tW IIM ea. When ha aaw tbem antet u) mo called "La Vloomts do Turenaa.- e Utaa hurried to Inform the MaroaM as Saint Olllae of hla dlseovary. Tha amhaaaaalo. ooomnantod b the page and two eervanta, baateoed to the inn. Upon hla arrival there no sum moned the landlord and asked him where liwataA the mna af a vouna OOudIo -deeorlblng tbem who were stepping at hie neuaa. too lanaioru reruaea to give the laformauon ualeea the visitors oould furnish the oames ef the persona they were seeking, nor oould It be ob tained until the saarquls bad warned toe landlord that he was addressing the am bassador, whose authority It would ba m.. i.unKi mmui that the two young people bad forbidden fci a allnar mv Ana to vlalt them, but out of oonaldaratlon for tba rank of the marqula he would disregard tbto order sad conduct, him to their1 room. - This waa situated la the uppermost tory and waa tba most squalid of the ton, - When the visitors had reached It they knocked repeeteeiy at tne door without obtaining iepooee. Finally It waa partly imnad, out at sight or tne waiting group aa attempt waa wade to recloae H. but net before the marquis had forced hla . war la. 1 leaving bia domestics In the corridor. , He waa confronted by tba young man. who aaiswered most accurately tha laaorfntiAai of the son of hta friend. Be hind htm waa a yeang woman, beautiful and well formed, who ha eowr or aair mi rABtnrea vai tha oountarnart. aa iMAriiibi of the Toledo actress. The young man .compmtned or tne viOMnoe used in ineruaing upoa awa pnmr m a oountry where every one was assured of personal liberty. The marquis replies sentotlve of an affectionate father. He imninFMl tha vouna maa to accent hla good offices and no longer to attempt to conceal his identity- Aaaraaaing mm as count be protected that he had no InlMtlna tn dn harm tO him OT tO hlS Interesting companion. The young wan repudiated the title oc count ana eara th.i aa aothina mora than the aon of a Cadts merchant, travel lag for jmmm wita hie wire, tdi maruuia. M.tln hi aaa abnilt tha aoualldlV fur- nlahed room and observing tne aienocr a ih. nKMHantL waa moved to tears. Ha asked the young wan If he ceaalderad hla present abode aaitea to a eon of the count oe Monoaoe. na par. aHstcd in this strain, until the youth, ae if suddenly moved to repentance and remorse, threw himself at the feet of ik. anaMiita ana In aoknowladaina that he waa the aon of the Count de Monoade, aaid be wouM never return to Bpain u it Involved abandonment of bia anomni- companion. . . ' . i , The young woman, who had remained fn the background, sobbing bitterly, now ohm forward aad clasping tne warauiar havrtl aaM with aohle atncarltv that Bt- wlthstandlng tumultuous affect km for her lover, she would rellnowlah elalw to him rather than obstruct bis return to his father. The marquis was deeply touched at thla exhibition ef apontaa- snus self-abnegation. The young man, however, would net listen to separation from hla mlatreaa, from one ao aub- llaale nnaalriah and aeiiai I HI a Until the maroula bad aromlaad to make euelf averrtaiona aa would asatfro her aamlnst any vicissitude. . Tba ambassador aot only onnaeuted to thla but In ooa aide re -tJen of bar noble, ealfHWcrfflclne spirit would assume the ' reaponalbllUy ef largely Incraaelag tba amount be was authorised to pay her. when she had de livered to him the written reiilM of marriage given her by the young count, but net until he bad taken ap residence at the Wmbeesy preparatory to his re turn to B pain. The sum agreed upon was lv-net floflng Cebcut It. to of aur money). While thla sordid negotiation was In progreas the ye una woman stood aa one era abort and humiliated at tba thought of aachanaing pa aa Innate leva aaatnat a paltry sum of wooey. In vtaoa aodu Waaiblactoa Strawt. : 'tfatJi auvav 'J Sir Francis Drfike V lovers might undo ail he had aocom- pllabed. Insisted that the young count ahnnljl MWMIMDI hhn forthwith to the ,mh.uv Tha taana. tha haarthraaklna MntaHkHiaa o af feed! an. whlfih aooonv- panted the parting or tne loeers. wars tndaecrihaMo. and ao deeply touched taa kaw n tha nuniiili that In aa outhurst nf mniafh ha aanarmialT aromisea tne adorable womaa a oonslderablo addition, oat of hla awa pocket, to the aaacat ba bad pravtouaiy agreed to pay her. . Taa maaarar lusamae of the TOUng count 1 vraa not difficult of tranaporta, iiah Tha as ma avanlna aaw aim In- stalled- hi sumptuous apartmanta t tha erabaasy, wniie uie marquis. Beaming with Joy, pondered ova the happy pros pect of restoring to the Illustrious house of Moncade the future Inheritor of Ite greatness and magnificent eatatae. The neat morning taltora, doth and toed wer ehaata Dresented themaelvea to take or- chatnbra and three laekeye were aaalgned to hla aarvioe. The marquia, proau oi hla bumm. ihawwd tha vouna count tha letter ha bad written to his father. In tbto bo Mngratuiatea Bis mean upon hawiM a son whose eentimente and ouaMtlos shed luster upon hla noble birth. Tha young woman waa aaa ror gottan. The marqula, in dilating upoa ha Haaatfldhnaaa aha had dlSDlared OB B trying oocaelen, tafonaed the count of hto the waraairi payment to ner oa lt,Mf riortoa. HO nopea una oonauon nuM aaw with Ms fvtendre aoDroval. The amount mentioned was on that day paid tha noble aad interesting young woman, followed by her Immediate de parture. , The preparation a ror tne young count a mm wane ooannnanaed. - A BUDerb outfit of slothing was provided, a oom- fortable traveling carnage waa sent sy water from Rotterdam to France to await the arrival of the young count, who would then continue hla Journey to Spain by land." -A very large sum of money was given him for traveling ex penses, and esnple totters of credit upoa p.h hankara. Tha Bartlnu between the narquls and the young Count de Moo- cade was prolonged and arrecxioaata, The ambassador awa i tea wiin nqpa MaMa a Mai tn tha latter Hiformtne his old friend of the speedy return totm of an erring son aad heir. At the end of four moat ha be received the answer ao long deetrod. The surprise and die Bust of the marqula at what follows way be anally imagined: uhmr daar maroula baa never accorded wo the pleasure of paternity. Leaded witn weaitn ,auo nonora. tna ona gri, of being deprived of sn heir to all thla groatnees hag been the biting sor hm nV w tta. ' . f learn wtth tnex- preoalbla dlstreed that you have fallen Victim to a young- Bavancurar. wan bm abused the knowledge of the aloee friendship wkleh exists between us. Tour eacelleaey, although a dupe af thla rogue, ahalt not bo held responsible for the losses yea have Buffered through hla effrontery. . I hope, my dear marquis. you will not decline to accept the In closed order for e,eoa French, louts d'era shout 3,eee af eamyBMBoy payable to you." - Tha dale aff fans months which en- gaad between the dispatch of tba letter of the Maroula de Saint Ollles to the Count de Moncade and the arrival of a reply from the latter enabled tha no tHloud young count and hto fawala ao wnaiiM to asti tha lattara. af credit sn Pari a bankers and wtthMbd Money and effects so lavishly pienaaa ay toe mar quis man good their escape. y , Si aha rhtMe tfawm V- UUibMw.'Ui. rklninr. If votta ain't got nethtn' ter do coma down tar d river an' ace me fall la. ' ritaarwVrnt'a da aamaT9 nfinhaw"A acta feliera si via me g dollar tor do tt. He's going tar be dare tor do do rescue act. seer the lot ef $500 FORFEIT I wni yomynr ttat wbtas i tan w tear roa kew la faaclaaM T ta eeaae Maka your auuvUge with the ea ef roar ehetM. give roa good luck akd swke MceMMfalhi roar haMaiaa. re Bora rrll Unaaaeaa, reaalte ttw Mpvatad. give res larky samkera, ktcaU tea earth karled traaaena, ectlle tba eld eetatea tUt ttiaa km plated toyood UU Uwyer akrewd aeaa. aad yaatuvatr eewpieie oat kartaam Raw now anaa wt- ar 1aa U,, t wl How ma I reawre aad teflaeaeaat ' Una ff amm aul PIaw auke dUtaat ooaa tklak Sf Bkt , Row van How caa 8ow eaa ov eaa How ran How caa How eaa aattla air auarratf aaw goad rack hmm la kaalaasit auka aur koBM kapeyt , conqaar ay eaeaileaT arrj taa ess t oaaemi . Mnw aana MB I nmrt How eaa 1 evaamnr aur rlvalt Be caa I "J BS WTIX TILL TOO TOTTg WTfXJL HAMS', Afig, OCCUPATION. AND WHOht AND HEN XO0 WILL MABAI. WRT MltflTTUr Alt IHTSRinft ara. HUH WRKN ilBPRAItriR DBAKTllR ' rKBOWLTWISD L.BA1)H V inH ALL IS HERB AND HIS PBS 18 MO h I'm Kg tha Tuoea vam . oompb- - grp. TBAHCIg BAK kes bam deear etod wfa 8T BMdala. reeeiwd freai klags, aavsrats aad selenUfto aaatariea, yr 'f IWOOMETt BT THB LBADI"0 Hf" AND WOU EH OP THB N AXIOM. IW- rxrniWQ thb paMSiPaWT Of TBS ITM1TSD BTATSB. , ' 1 iomt Um Kfcad By Drake t fiidiia MoBiaAMr Victoria Bra. SfKlalar U reldwnt .r. - Sir IbtfM WU Adartrai Daway we Ttag rang Prinze ef Waba Tbe aiUieo . topnwT William BauMrar rTaSflB LI Hons Caa oa Lord Oirats. TU ahxparar sf Came ef ladla f ?I0 COMPLETE UFE READINGS this week: 6isl,v l Ho Will Tell You Your Full Name, Aet Occupy - tlon and whom and When You will marry. ; IF YOU ARE SKEPTICAL Read the following testdiTKnials from rrateful patrons whom SIR FRANCIS DRAK3 liai lifted from tfl life of trouble to one of happioets and euocess. Thea read what Im can do for yon. , f . If yoo want to, better yoor condition. In life SIR FRANCIS DRAKE S advice wffl kelp you. , , rOBB THOROUGHLY THO rArroR8 OP IKILL, I X P I BI MCB RE LI'JJJ ND THE MORAL STANniNO UP TB ONB W 1 811 TO P'?'!1- TBLLIOBMT PBHBON WOULD OON&IDBB i ""INBM , JPtMrriOII. B iVrii naita wrsnaa IT TO RK 1 ! NBB BftTOOD THAT HIS BEl'lJTATItN U TaTILT UPOK TRLTU AND HOhKI. MS BXAJIlBl ALOBS TBS ttBAATSeT OT ALL UVINd CLAi BTOI AltTa. BUB HONOBABT.B DBAIJMUg. THB gTABTU-O ratwra ',," JJ.Z An sarin i tbbathentactosde;d to bach onb or hisTutrjb havb fcUDB fllf HAMB A HOL8BHOLD WORD I THOI -ASM OP THB BB8T BUBBS IhT PflBTLANDTHlB MARVKWIB BK1U. IB rSfWED S AtL . TM '- fNuIB DWINITB AD BlAfT. THB RFBULT IB A I. W A V CR,T A I N AN D li T I -Mir" TOO OAK PLAfB ABSOLUTE DBPfcVnBNCB l?l?mJ M MaIbB, BITUBS W mil CARD OB 1W A PBEsUWAi. IHTERVIBW. i BJUB THB POLLOWtHO L'XHOLK ITTD WOBDO OP IB" nOkf fJOMI- uxrrTFTo ri a w hoh a v b i ht k k v i k w k us rsABCis peaks ad sbms- yiTBD Sf BIS ADVICB AMD ABHIeTANCBi PBOfcl LILLXAM BUBSBLL. THB WBLiVKItOWB sATfBSBg. , ' ' f was -Nik tavrecetd with Big FRAKCIS D R A K B' J '," Cly mmrnSmT Hirrka la me a fcrot that enablea tbf ta rT- let UMm tod te plaaaattoa to'tkrir good aad te yoar adVBtafe wftbsat ttsj laaet muHt casMa fartT Hta adriee aad aaalateaae toe keea af great sasaat kt w. PBOM A PBOMIKBMT MUIBTBB. ' t - - - a. aaw -' ta the niiliiiin of BIB PBaSCtg DBAKB trark. !i 222 iri.wlSS M alt He"ka;ka.- li-l. ....utaa,.. WdSi B Sad) ; tbbbsw mmm babbbp Ad - VOBT. -' tov oast n ra jubsb. ' store was eaa iVATS OOXgfTkVW fcTa ime wtR ha entitled ta Medina at tkta to fee. aa It to aada aa a BMttar of adTMtwtaa for tkk week eabn n aha ail aSia wttt ka at teniae taa. S to all. Toe awMt brteg thh) saratUnaiisA pos fou- HBAPiaa. v .. .w . . .. . era nivml noivl la MMmai -V k. dlAM ul th.v rum lo ao. (Binn uui are aaraaa nwinii Mndcfelaadldg. tbinte that eeaai uaaaeaiaie Ha gtte yua suoraauoa, nisi, aaimi, aw lartba. par aad eMitret ef W ekarartav, ..f-ii . i.nhlu Paat. Praatot riL It. Mh Mn twi what vo mmr aa- sort and 'what te de Mr yeor ket Uwteeta W yoc and aioBaTyeo, glrtag roa a aKivtpowar anliapplitMM, dtaaaaa. pmrty, falhne er bad tark that atrroanda yoa. He apraa to a way v - -- .-j ai MM. A power le aamtly ekaage the tkeaahta eetleee, BMB .er nueauDae at eayas w-wwm wi .wvt PBRSONAL- MAONBT1BM BBVBLOPBh. Oa 11 thla kowar what roa wUI. It k) a aUghty or Baaaia nraa. Macrthahla ' tloa aad dkara about s magnetic, sms er factor BBV. W. C JSUUP aanir W BnrTTSCBIILD. THB wBIBBOWB riHAHCTBB. Per the pMt ave yaete BIB PBAHCU p-AKaTI advtoi na l1 tMtoaed mt bvalnm aad Roaadal afraira, I kave tftrA , EktoeaaBV totHft VaU" DSAAal adtlea leltoMa rMto ' ttobr) Ckirroysst -Puwar. aaaMaid wltb hla mjarka- kamM edge ef etrakt feraaa. eaabl Mas to read knows Sfe win sarrrlag ajfearaey freta Orfnl ana ninaptttain; aw ua- hta binwwattaa nalat ! Lot. nm. niiav aad ta Baniage. (Vinrtahla. b- Ptin&. Jearoyt. I ill i SMinlaltoa Proa. ertr. laaoraBW. MortaaxM. OU aad Bttalag F".1? IU?5T" " ?rTTa ifa iMrii ntiiiri aSvia. Mhabla aad far iBirn to any that I here aw eat. . . , Sis PBAitria dbaks . ' m .-V-v . m a I wlah ta xl ra mi hhibhhi w " "-t . I aaarolted yoa eawral weak ago I haw o'T1 .7LT,l7. '. Li.riCJ. aaraon who wis take WIKKLEL wjb bum statet, H.w tark, W??tiZ?t ! tlBg aw.brether, S rRANrTiDRiBB. to. MOluM ef Bona buboi eua slaty reaaare meaa aaartf aa I aaailbly ooa Id. and I eaa n-aly eay I W.n oVaVtdw BTprlrUto. to reoaa-ead taa Ueaba to vrlta te aw. Xeaia trmlf, "'J;,1'' ! akeai Taw Bey Coalers; - '-.j . . lax. VmnffiM ear kwudge f, " r mat aaw aeea a" . . . a.... ani. iih.imIb woama Skat airee kia sf kar a aaiqaa aae. tloa la Ufa. Thar Btraage, BJ7trW4 aower a lakartar fa maa. ana m aamn be learafd ir aay xenon who ma read S few Ten eaa 1 daaaara. yox artn lBtsle dtrettkm and toUow tbaav AJm auiul u ih.r aa aMitnl twMthMrt. roar kxatMod or wife. Bare abee- mie in mw net ever year mao ami w the deaired immh ta aU peat toateaae sad luulil JallM. caa you ka jnatke to yesjeeff afterd to sa tkrooxk lira with tbe koee that few seven auy dereW ky eertdeett He gives datae, fau aa agerea. teaaaw aua laipertant aariaa bbs mioraniiaa ea eu evert trovbl. eickBeaa, ate., toioaa t la all affair of Ufa. nwrrug. . . t. w f. las Th. hll latalV ravaaMd, levara knltod, treablea InM. aaaea of frienda aad enemiM, and dewe gtva tha Fa ae af yoar fatare kasbaad ar wlat. wiOk day of aarrlage. iu M pnatuvaiy lae eaiy kmoiubi dlaMaai, reunltea the Beparated wife or kaa. band, aad aacBrea far yoa the toad and kaaxt ef tbe eee.rea lave la awurlagai krlnga yoa. ceae and deed bxtk la all aaoM-Uxlaga, yeara. and telle all a boat yosTfatar riMfiy end doaMtle Hfe; glvoe ezeeueet aad reilahaa aanee aa an uiaga aaniMiBi n aanirt iu. inimi eUtrveraaer aad develoaa SMdlaBW hi rrota eaa le alt awatha, aa roa can tell ev-ry. thine, iadtdlng BaBxe. All kajrtBiat aaas Mdal aad attaeded- te la . - - . .' Beptanhar BL UNM. arn raAwmt drabs to a daes. sswlvad ttyttsry. The yoa etaay ai hiM a awoat for kbj aklllty to garge tke fatare. waiev. ke w' ' tog aeoaraey. mptaaaner la, w gta rftAMCta DBAKB to a sms ef veat xserlasce. Hta r-markable aklU. sh) Wrt lfl.1l .l".d .befllnl" rJllabllltr HVTwrm trx bia tke cenBdeam tod aiieeai ef tke eartra oaauauaity. Haaret Caieage American, .' kave hsae aada la deakt bat Whet BIB powers are fceyond every rlval-Ke jaa xi, lPwa. DBAKB. the OMtrnyaat. da tbe Impossible, but ka JmIbm aotklag that to a aot fully able te daoaatraU -to the eattre ,f"ta" wba mi mi it hta The sower to poaeeeBie la raarkable. Toa rum nil It what you Bwrt age aradxeaa 1W mmm. AlexaaSM. iBeaaifia ma i w pRANns'DBAKB U the laadlag apoaOe ef tke. tawa, kla ertfalt mmttn,- aa it.Ba ainaa uvaui aaaa aaa anm am. Oa, of tto twatt weaaara to tk- etty hBrBWABOHJ pttb a resMrkakw SIR FRANCIS DRAKE? . SS'VXOSI BfOVBjB 1 aV Sf. M S V. SL awTniAaa ASTB- B4XXT . WASMIISOTON T. - FIFTH 1 AJVD ; WASMITSaTOrl I i wCTfxBfc S S eBTe5al . fn fAITSk ' ;( M are It as xnHk aa yoa pleeet. tk fart aim renal ne raatto : girt aad deea taeaa weaaarrai nuato- v ' mrbov mat anaular.' optimistic ana, "But ha baa la him." r "Maybe ha baa. repllsdVthe awtoMe entto. "But I sever beard of Bis Mttaag any of u Vf ...... - Six MilKona V' -v on RailroaJfl Prow the Chicago Tribune. '.: - IBTKRKBTINO light hi thrown' upoa the' eondltlona of population and tha development of tbe country at large by the atatlatlos prepared by Prof. Hcnrv C A da ma for tba Interstate commerce eommlseloa. The report for the year of lot la Juat ready, ay studylag Its figures and facta the grad ual growth af population and tha devel opment of the re ecu roes of each section of tbe oountry for the time covsred by, the report can be readily seen. There la ao surer Barometer af a state's or a part of a state' a Industrial condition than the reports of the railroada fur nishing transportatloa to that asctlon. If the oountry la dead ar undeveloped with little laoreee la population tbe bualnses of the roads will fall oft? and thaaa will be little or no Increase In track mileage. If tha country la boom ing er experiencing B gentle develop ment of Ita resources there win bo In creased activity In the roostructioo. de partment Of the railroada. The figures of professor Adama re port Indicate that tha southwest and Missouri in particular have been the i-boom" sections during the tost year. Tbe inereaae of MUcego in the whole oountry waa l.lde ml lea. wore than any other year to aha tost decade. Of thla Unusual growth the south west had over half with Missouri leading ell elates la the aumber of miles of new track laid. Sowe of tbe south Atlantic states showed marked activity la track toying, but la most of tbe east era slates the Increase waa slight. Hew rails fol low only In .the wake of new eoantry or the development of hitherto dormant re fjaureee, and eueh eondltloaa are few In tbe east, the figures ahowlng that part of the oountry dkearly track full. Tbe flguree df the report will eurprtee the layman. There Urere hi June. 1PM, tnjTT miles of right ef way ta the coun try. These Sgures do net include ascend or third tracks or yard trackage. In other words the tall wltoaga of the eoua try would girdle the earth eight tlmee and leave a few thousand wiles over for good measure. In proportion te popula tion the southwestern states toad to ths matter ef mileage. Ark ansa a baa llM mltoe. Kansas lev- Texas U,. Indian territory lit. Mew htexleo Lmt, and Oklahoma 1.B7L a total of All? miles. Seven per cent of thai trackage was laid In the year teat. The number of totles per MX OB bihaht taasg shewn In these states tai Kansas, UJ ml lea; Texaa. SVB; Indian Territory. tt.Ui New MexJee, ills aad Obtohoma. fl.W. Thaaa ngurea de net convey much sieaa-tag until they are oom pa red wtth similar statlsties far sosne of the eastern states, such as BtTI aritos In Connect lout. T t to Maatoeheaetts. MM ka Michigan, In to in lack. to7 la Mew, fork, and kt-id to, Pennsylvania. Tha meat toterectlng Baurea to the re pert, are) pbpse ladteaUag the aasrmaus ARRIVED 2585 Washington Street Clairvoyant and Medium She asks to eaevtloas: tana tour fan toaa: trtai the aasass of frlada and etwBUAei tlto res wbat yea have called tor; tela all aWxit yner kaMieaa afralrsi trlla tklagt yea should kixrw. - Does aaotker ahare tbe lots, that be kaga to yoa. or la tbrra maaene etor' teve yea wlah to gala; ar have you estret rtvabj er enemies yea wtoh ta everoeawt De foe want to get jreoni aad Man la regard to whether bHatondTwIfe er sweetheart trae er fakaa T De yea want eeceeoa to lack, lave, BMrrlese. healrh. kualaee and eperwMttoaf BpecUl at teatlsa given as tM facatioa aad dleenvery. ef frlsvjds ta word, wfcstever roar troufclee. uaplrtnaa, feera, kepee ef desires, you are earaeotly hrnlfd to eaa, and yoa will to rs- wsroeer BT ostaiBU a "ear naaiani uto fntmre. Also, if yoa tare to Iters tto Mvee ssrred and eenaoatlaL Svll hxtoisie krekea. MedUUBS Seveioaed n Bittiasa. -reanee yoe how to aontrel the eaa roe kave sad tvwsemi Tkoee who kave toes Baaatorfvd mil and to csavtaead that tkera to a sWlua tk't kaows Bring thU adwrtlapnent and f wtlt taB yes yoar troablee. and If I cannot kelp yoa It will M cost yoa eaytbhia, aad yes will have tbe kraodt ef a good readlftg with a reliable BwdlniB free le this fair Obh one, cobm all. Hours IP a. at, to p. to. Private parlors fur todlm. Prtvsto sessce ketd ky sppolarBMat. Prlea M cents. Blaea toeatod eith a guarantee. 288 Washlnfc-tpn Street g bm a anan I - vrMfsnauxuL I V HVa I B.fca. 5 r MEIANOWOMEU, Das Big m fersasataral dwatoraasJaasMatieas, trrttetieM er aleerauoas ef aaseas a brases. Pstalaas, and aot astrta BtoseTbg s sal to, St seat la pleto vroMt, OlMjeiar esat ea la eases staff of wen regutredtd opera ts the AWerloan ratlwara. The aumber wag L tll.U7 on June w, Ifw, ever per sent mere than daring tbe previous year, and equivalent to HB par MO miles of track. Ths groatast tocrease baa been In station attendant, bra kerne, track hands and laborers: By Including tha faenlHea dependent on railway employee for sup port at least d.dM.M people map be said to obtain their living from rail ways. The total pay roll ef the year waa l7lT.tll.eee, more than Hl.tee.tM greaser than In 1MB. BOOsTB AV VAtt. Ths exhibit of hanks at ths St Louis fair to one of the stoat intsrestlng aver shown In America. Df lbs foreign na tions participating Oermany easily tehea the lead, followed by Greet Britain and Irance as eiees saooada. Natlonal characterlstlea oawa owt stanngiy Ths English, under the Influ ence ef the Morris art revival, show the finest bookblndlngei the Preach have on eahlblttea tomplep . of suanptuovs "editions de luae." Ta. nanMi aehrhH to am Balnstsk tat. U show aasApias frew all graoas ' oseuasA Auction Sales J, T. WILSON, Auctioneer ,VV WNDAY TOMORWW -i ' ; AT Mi) IL ",. '. ; At Salearopma ' rVluttay we Shtli exWej M O rest sals of house fumlahtngs, an unusual consignment of fine parlor pieces. Including upright plan oy enter BUndSt rockers, couches, mirrors and Slctures, dining room tabls and chairs, rdaaals and wool carpets, sewing ma chines, parlor and hanging lampa, por tleree. lace curtains, etc., a nice vdriely of dreesera. Iron bads, springs and mat treaaae, onyx table, pieces of tomboo, dlahes. glaaawara, kitchen safea, kitchen treasurea, kitchen utenails, washing ma chine, cook and heating stoves and nu merous other furnish in ga of value. . " J, T. WILdrOK. Aastkjnasr.' TUESDAY' S ALB By wftWr of li. B. LlttBt Our aOwdrowrns, 331 Anksny. at a P. M 1 A tne selection of garments TM bal; sncs of thla seasWs stock of ladles tailor made suit a, ooats and skirts, every garment strictly up-to-daw. anpertor quality and finish. Lad lea will And this a chance to secure a gtrtoUy up-te-data suit. Jacket or aklrt. r; at T. WILSOK. Aieneer. WEDNESDAY'S SALE at Our Jemima, 331 Anksay, at IB A. ru V -- BABXOB POBBlTTJBBj BIBlBaV BOOxf rUBBTTTJBB, BBDBOOM aB irzTTjma. kitchen furniture, a great variety of select house furalablns. Saue promptly at 10 s. m. . w NOTaWt nave ivrprinni ra- .ah Mataiar mil ton daaM and chair, a variety of counter scales, com putlng scales. platform warehouse scales, coffee mllC display tables, oil tank, are lamp, annunciator, bar gtoisea and many other futures of Bote, t We are paying cash for stockfand merchandise of every description. Phone ua when you want to unload In a hurry. Main . 3t. T. "WtTJIOV. Auctioneer. ef publishers to art, literary and towns production. Tba Germane In these ex hibits still wee wood engraving for wultl-oolored work, while waiting for photographic processes to develop thent sslvas further. Tbey wake baste slowly. Tha Oethle teat of Geraaaa hooka to the eauas ef much of the prevalent Oer man short -elghtedneee. . publishers of sctentlflo books often use the Roman text. Quite aa often nowadays, tn their endeavor to compromise, they work eat beautiful Meek-letter texts which com bine the Oothta art asaeet aad the Bo man deamaas such texts aa Merrto would have sppvectotad. German publishers prnftt greedy by their Instinct of organisation, shown ta such bod lee an the Lto-s Boe-rt ae aoclatlon, which analntaina B Bn "W ot nrlnttng. e a.-""-a r ttcs ar ' '- ' tlv AUCTION SALES ieoe Baker & Co. Attractive Audion $:!2 -OH- Afltk Vtoery Stuesday next V AT M Ae Me , At Baker's Auction li Csc. Aldsr SBtl Parte Stay We have consigned to oar ssjesroom S choice ae I action of blab grade Furniture, ooallf Ruga and Carpets. Steel. Bangs. etc., ror aoeoiuie oaie ns" comprising choice pleoes of leal ma hogany, weathered and golden oak for the parlor, including parlor table French design, parlor desk, pretty rocker, com. blnation bookcase and desk In golden oak. costly bookcase with glass "doore. library table, rockers with ew bossed leather seats, pretty parlor set I pieces, handsome couches, rockers, upholetered. tn real leather, large easy Mlr IIB , A In naW frames txl AxHllrV- ater nig. Brussels carpeU various else Ingrain carpeta gooa ao aaw. uk talna. portieres, pictures, large collec tion Of books, dining furniture tn gold oak, via: Excelsior table with French, t legs, set box seat chairs with leather scats, sideboards, buffet, dlnnerwara and glaaawara. pretty enameled beds com. f lete with springs, hard and Other mat reeaee. princeas dresssra la genolno mahogany and golden oak bedding. feathSr pillows, cbiffontorea, skantel bode, bedroom aeta. oak hall tree, hall mirror, steal range, heaters, ft H. treas urea. lawn mowers, lawn hose Borcav . seats and other numerous lots, , Tha above goods ars all la flrst-eiaag condition and csn be inspected tomor row afternoon. Bale Tuesday at Id a. ms GEO. BAKJtB th, CO, AmitswiBW ., Oa TbBfwdsy rvsst at m A. Mu " SBtl FrMay Naorl st a P. W. V, , We shall offer targe eongfgnwehto of general household effects for positive sale to highest bidders. . v OEO. BAKBB dt CO Aurfluoaere, i Phone Blh. Hit, -Wbbt la probably the west sooton latter In the world hae yaet been dis covered ta acme aacavstions being mad la tha province ef Attica, and M. WiU helm, secretary af the Aua tries Arab aaloglraj Institute here, who has suc ceeded hi deciphering rt, asserts the W was written four centuries befere Chrsit, It to engraved an a leaden leaf, fdd- 4 In two, and bears on lh outalde tha f lowing address: "TO the porter of Market at Pot is. to be delivered S' to Naualas to U Thraacls. er to i sons. Tba teal af the toner to lows: ''Hseelena-os s ' haa in tae b x be is in a b