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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1904)
7 THE OREGON SIT XAY JOURNAL. 'jpORTKAKJ.. SUNDAY MORNlKO, "OCOBEa T it Kuaxne kulkv. .A'L itt "Haa if. But. ki" mdlM-IW. Mr. 1 H. But. 67 D. W. klda.. Si aad Mats 41TS. uomio wutaf treataaaat: a rr weattBaat fr Boeej 41, HA Wnk- tagtoa at. M&ib . unPKNED Tka Spew si BattfOM Ban , luot rataraad (ma California aad wUl ui vapor aad Kmh betka with uiMfi t . aha electric traat an aalt glewa. Inmh at Toe uun. bob waacrtegtoa ac . ' -. riftm, nnm lult Tor no ladr Hrtaif at WIS, Morrtaoa t, rceai M, 11 f- Wct aatroaa aalj; tanmriw Uk Fwartk "V will ba pussis te aava all NO. "COMB I Waafctagtaa, tr, ' Third kafas. SpaelaJ tmiBMt anaa-aalM bm for rboaaaatbua. 'TorWG. aetaattSe sasaai kefk mmh aad EST rMtk. RnH 6 ai i Baiaif tuog. Waahtagtae, pajattzbt abb Mrn-umm. ' UUCKMIf WJOM. MiatUa. decorating. jMparaaslng. SUi Baaeell t workaa- v la aa Butarui naniiHa. raw m V. B. BTITTOH, Betatar aad aaparkaaaJWk 19 Madlaaa at., west eed of krldg. BURHOR0 CO. Iteat aad Stark aaa.. prtat lag. Utkaeraphlag. klaak books aad emee - avrolWa; work dea ea tlaaa; Stoat niaaaaikl ' prtatiag acae ta tap wen. aia . T AWDEBSOrl DUNTWAT OOMPAKT, prtaflaB. ttatograpfclag. hauak books. Pfceee Maia IT. m Alto at nvmu i - - - rONNItBUIt BADBMACHBB, H aktaikara, M Peart aa, Ben VOX Co., aaaltary pJuartora, Ml Saeoad bet i Mala aad Balaton. Oragoa Pboa Mala BOOL TORT TO LOAB. . nUtO B. iriONO, FINANCIAL AO EOT. Mobpt ta lea. Be coaaMai. iMki aaahiaa ta aMka lnaWUta laaaa B -I. kaiaawai raal aatata ar kar beUala aarpaaaai any aawaat; BMaarata latanat. .Wa aa i Bfvaa feaaa Croai pUaa aad radaaaa aaaaar aa DBnaiaa: praawaaaa. OBda' as tapai- mt artar aaaraar. rilO B. BTBONO, naaadal Aavat, , KM Saeoaal at., aaal Itaife. TBI STAB LOAN OO. kfel aaaa. altkaad avirtiin kloatk. U-Vsartk. Waat. ..fl-BaW ta aa aTim r tM p.j ta aa I ar fit ar fj 00Bcpar W I 4-00 ar tZ.00 ar fl.M . BALABT LOAJTB Taa aaa borraw aey from t aa oa Mr aafauy ar tacDana tar ena ta all BMtka, ta aar anovnt tnm Bl ta 1100; t kwaat rata af lataraatt an watt, aa aa- lar; aD aaasttatlona ara atrtrtly prmta aad emMmtlai: aajmrnti aaapeBdad la aaa of - Taa Omial 1m Oa.. 1T Oaa- ilALABT LOANS Any aalariatf amaa ka1a - taaa paaltka wltk raapooalbl trai eta aMala tannej oa tb aaar pB-nt olaa. Wlta i . tmt paaUclt ar alay; all baalDaaa tracts . ftrtetir ataMMtlaL MOSTUWBBX LOAB CO, Ml AUoftM kUc. ettyM ..LOANS ON 1HI BAST PA Tall NT PLAM... Xk Balartad Paopla, Btrietlf CaaMaatUk , - f Offlc koora. t a. ai. ta a. ., BMPLOTKmr Iah (A. B4. Bm Tia Tfw rtakaai Mat, . W. ear. tklra aa4 Waaalactaa tta. MONBT TO LOAIT aa raal, erraoaal aa flat. lateral aaeaHty; apH al attaatlna U ekaUl BMrtrarn; do tea bowght. 0. W. Palla, SAI ' CamaMrcUI klk. rboaa Mala ISBt. HIGHLY raaaartaMa Ua wW taalak an acuta aaa borrow auivr oa Aaainada an t Jwn. OoUotaral Lmi Sink. M lactoa at Tatepkoaa BUe Tl. . SBB Tka Daaa-Laarraaca Oa.. raal aatata aad a aria! aaaata: anoaar ta aaaa aa atortxaaa r-nritlat at low rataa la aaaai laaaa IBM ta tlO.QOO rirat at. -MOBTOAOB LOAN aa tamaawd aad faraj praparty rt lowaat rarraat rataa; barfldlaff Waabattanaanrt laaaa. Wa. itaaktaalar. : ail wamatar bide -HOBBY laaaad aa ptaa chattal anrtllM: all farattara aad tad atkar i "ata.. NORTTI WBBT LOaM 00, Ml an. BM(.. altr. MONET TO LOAIT la Urg or aaull aiaoaara as rood aanirltr: lnwaai rataa. Wllllaja U. aek. an PalUaaT kid. MONET ADVANCED aaltrlad aoaala. taaaartara. ate., wlfHoat imritr: aaar panaaata: Urf Skaatnaaa ta arlarJpal dlttaa. TaUaaa. AMagtoa Mdff. I AM prwparrd ta bay aaod aotaa aaearad ok any klad of raai aatata lr. Orvaon or Waak faftaa. B. B. Bobla. SI Owauawrdal MB. CHATTEL loai la aaaoanbi raaaing fraaa TBI tn PS noa; raomlaa? kaaara a avaHaH. Now keaara a avMian. N Oa.. BOt AMaglaa bids. ' awa iaaa Traat HONBT ta leaa ta aaaaa of BK.0B and ap oa . all ktada af aaanrttlaa: atrlctty aonddawttaL BOB Onamarrtal blk. Pkaaa Mala IkO. HOWBT TO LOAN aa taaprorad or anliaerMad . rlty Brapartp. la an ma to aalt. Parrlab. WaA BlM Ox. BW AJdar at tOANB- t lowaat rataa aa foraltara. plaaaa aar aaeantr aoM pnreki fflea, 419 McKar V)d(. .MONET TO LOAN oa OUrVaaua aaaatp Uada. a. r. tal r. A BJJap. aoa Cfcatabor at Ooaa- MowwT TO MtlTO it I ar rwt fomntna I OLaba Bua. Tl baa party wlablnp; a waba fnrata Xoaa. Baa Mokawk bids. assaiBza PATKBT Bl'lUBjrXTB. K. tl WEIGHT, doaa tafrtaaaaMat aaa. tie and faratpa pataada; 04 Dakaai bldf . PLATTE, THE OBEOOB IXATINa WORKS, dtt Waak- ' ' aora. '".'. rORTLANn OOBDAOB CO - and Bartkrap ata.. PartUad. Or. t LARGEST otarfc la aWr: IHakalt work; laeknala . H-w. Rap.,, jail wnrk. atari erltlnc. traat- Pkrat pad oaB aarrlHac . ifarw, aa raira ac mCBB fJUTPTBTaSl MAKE WONBTl FSB PR1 Bliw aa Blart 11 and ardar CLIPP1WOB1 BHatfc'a anrrtoa eovarlac ararf rnwa ta any ar aD at -ata taa; aaiiy pjaaaBsar aar I tta; advaaer ra- aorta oa an caatract In kWond at. Partlaad orOaa. PATJTTS, OILS ABB BXABS. ft. M. BEACH A CO. Ploaaar Patat Oa.. aalHar tba brat ttlaga aaaaa ta palavj and raaral katldlnc aaatrriala; window-almaa aad alaalnf k apWUHy. UB Ptrat at, Pkaaa Mala ISM. r. P. PT-1.LRR a) CO. MaaafaataiaM Ploaaar Load. PhnaaU Patat Kopallaa: A nraataa plrn wttk aoarj ftlaa af aaiat aaaaa Caa tord kr am BuffanTRfTBN B OO.' JoMra. polatt. aO. (hvaa. a'b and danr. 10 Pint at Booroi. TIB BOOpINO, attrlnd. rvpaMaa and lobbiac. 1. taafi, til laffaraoa at ALL ktada af mock raaaw4 aad nali 1. P -11. aH Plrat. ftVatt tax YOatT SAraWBITR KEArKjnABTXBB Bat ark I "t. W raad. roaatr. ai.i. typwwHtltB AD ar - Ha all pjarfclBaa. BtaaaWA Bartiinoi A 4 and oo ta ItflrJ. , Oa l waot a atrttuarrapnar or tratatr Wa koa Wat o rd (pJaraakA 1 Stack Bin. v Trnm nsrm.B TTPEWRrraa, Villi IMBIi a m an-Aw wnaara aak AlAar BtaJa TlO; ttMw Btejepa. a, HmcOb. kag- Mi tree, abacs; aaad tor aatajogBs. CBUB. B, POTTBm 00.. ataaaaa, annl to to Flrat at., aaar Burk aL w i k u m Miattu af mdcb. daaka warakoaaaa. ataraa. kalla. nlUf. faetortaa aad ail atkar atailUr work iona Tk all ar w palata. la aoma Taaaarta amar nn am, l.w it. mm mmb; af awn BTtw 1! ma Of - yaara af Tarte AnVlaaaW) Bart Waaa- isa-Ma. Pkoaa Ualaa B. B. W. Mafaa. aaaatl. karaa. Anrka, ic. kf7 O. Kama . r.n m twt tlM. wa wfll call aad jrta raa flraraa aa Trr- tarr!I TniiM aarartaar aaal vkltawaaklnr oat fit la MaHaaatah aaaa (T MUa-aakJa at,. Portland. Or. tnofAMi urn raAjrcrzm. BAPBB. ptaaaa aad farattara ajatad. aaid a- K. Hilmaaa and aklawdl all work aaarantaad; larta. aakarr. brlr. Braaraot afmrakoaaa far atnTaaa. Ofaaa 1BI Birai at C. H. OLJBIf. Pkoaa ktaU Bar. n a wrnr ataw aa rtrwt at.. Wlwaaa Btart and Oak at. ; akaaa Bad: ataana aad fnro- tar botM aaa w ninwiaj aoa aaodl'Ma wriaren area wanpooaa. aaaaa aad Claa ata. . . BXOWtUOB in ffULTUBXB. SHOWCABBB af avar daaeriptlaat tMafc, kar aad atora ftrtaraa kaada ta ordar. Tba tatfca Haaarartanac oa.. rartiaaa aaa aaatfia. iBinrn in limn. OB BOON TBAWgaTCB OO.. IS Mart. SMB. Pkoaa Mala aa. naavy aaauBaT aaa aura. POST BPBCUL TBLrTBT. Jta. mk Vaa taartaa at. raooa aia aaa. MCTasaWr :iaaa8awaMEBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaj TOWXL BUPPXT. c v -rnwwLB DAILT CaaiB, kraah. aaaa, Raar ajoafk. Lawraaoa sroa. Tawai aaapv .TPoartk aad Omrb. Pkoaa dt. WAIXPAm. MO BOA M WALLPAPBB 00.. 1M-1M aC kat. TapAklU and Taj-Mt FartiaaB. TtKAJrOLBXa oarxrOJi bam mAjrcxaoo murx. Baa OfBea, H Old Broad Btiaaf, Laadam Tbla bank tranaacta a fanarcl baaklua boai- aatw loaaB. nacaanta kilM aaa lattara t cradlt avatlabU tot travatora aad tor tba anrckaa af Marchaadlaa ta aar city of tba aorld. Daabi la forelaa and danaatJc aiirbiaaa W. A. MAC SIOVBITT BATDTCHI ft IITIT OO, Md Karrlaaa St... Parttaad. Or. , Tlaaaa ula a Oaaaraj Banking CtJntaat AJlowad oa Tlraa and B1dc Acta aa Traatoe ror Batataa. Drarta aad brttara af rradlt avallabai to an parta of taa world. - W. ADAMS ...Praatdaat A. LEWIS .....Ftrat TIea-Praaloat U MU.iJJ. .... jaeaaa TMa-Praaidnl a JCBrnS..., SacraUrf FTJWT SATXOWAS BAJTX . atf Vavtlaad. Ipp. Daabraatad Draeattory aad Fteanoial iaat af tha.Uatrad BUtaa. PraaldaBt ....iujh HTLU Caabler - I. W. NEWKIBK Aaaiauat Caablar W. a AI.VORD Borand AsaUtaat Otaklar B P. BTKVBNB Lattara of eradlt laaaad aaallabla la Bjarapa ana ta Kaaiara ataia. . Blatit axebanaa and TclraraDbU TiaaafMa raid oa Haw Tork. Boa to. Cblcaca, St. Loo la. Bt. Paal, Omaha, San PraDclao aad tka prlnrlpat pniDt la raa rorTuwnt. i Blirbt and Una Mil drmwa la aaaai ta patt aa Londoa. Parta. Berlin, ftaakfort aa-tba Main. HoaaT Kons, Takneaktr, Oopankapaa. Ctitiatlanla. BtockholtA. Bt , fitatafcara. OoIlactWaB aiBda aa ftrorakto L (Eatablabrd In ' - Oaaorai BaakJaw CbUaeUosa PBad at an polota aa rararakW rartna. Lattara af eradlt laaaad arallabla la Bnrope tad aD polota a tba Hal tad Stataa. Slabt Ezckaoga aad TatagraakJa Traaafpra said aa Haw Tart, WaaaJagtaa, Cateaga. Bt Lohla, BwBTar. Onaka, Baa araarlaaa aad Uontaaa and Brttfeifc CohnaMa, . Eirhaoga aold aa London. TJm. Broa. rraokrort HoBolalav aTTTBS) BTATaTB BTATXOBTAZi u BTHW1BT OO R. THIRD AMD OAK STB. tabj a Ooaaral Banking rrf in. - DRAFTS IRRL'RD AvaUakI Is all rltlaa af tba 1'Dltad Otata sad BBropa. Boag Kewg aad MaaUa. OBLLBUTIOBB BAM OB TATOBJlBXX rVratdaat..... J. Vlrr Praatdaei fjL ArNBWOR'I H I...W. B- ATRR S. W. SCWMEtR ,.A- BL WB10HT CaahW Aaalataat CaaWar..., MBaaOBLBjrTr IATIOIAL BAIT, POETLABD, OBXOOB. a. xTd T'RBAH Vl.Prraldfat QBOROR W. ROV.V.y.V. .t?Aa Traaaaota a oiairai aaakiag Baataaaa. Drarta aad trttara of credit I am 4 availabls a gu parta of tba world. Oanaetlaas a poclalty. ' Gold daat baagkt , KOIAII BOBOgL a OBBU TB B BBB. Oftar gjltdg Uraateaata :-. Maaleipal aad kailraad Baada. Writs as oau, latH rtaat ft. Partlaaal. Oragaa. '' , MORTGAGE LOANS 1 PerOaad Baal Batata at Lowaat Rataa. Tltlaa Inaarvd. A I tract Purnlahra, ouAJtABmiB bj nun oo. Booh 4. Chaaibar of Ooairoa. OA WOBAajB) SOUHB, From tha louiaTlii Caurler-Jeurnal. "When 1 started oq my trip around tha world 1 intended," said a horseuian. ta and out what was the word for whoa' In every language. I had a lit tle book, and ta It I intended to make a Jong; list af the various words for whos. ' f "Do yoa know what Z discovered? . 1 discovered that "whoa' la the same la All the lauuruaATes. Tba Buaalan stops hts horse with wboa,' the Peralan atooe his with Whoa,' tha Chinaman his with Whoa,', aad the Dutcbmaa his with whoa. And whoa,' X dlsooirered, haa, been the dawn of time the worU to stop horses with. The Qreeks and Ro man used It In a slightly different form 'oh.' the old Engllah 'whoa' was 'ho.' -A philologist told ma the ether day that many of our anlanal words' tb words wa order our animals snout wltk are as eld aa or order than 'whoa.' Taka, for Instance, ea-boss,' the sooth ing ealL. ta the cow. - Co-bosa come from tha Sanscrit root pju.i meaning to low. Another cow word aoh. aoh,' which might be translated. "Plaaaa keep still.' eomas from the Banserlt 'souah.' meaning ta stay motlonlasa. Apd you know our chicken word--' chick, chick. chick the word spokau la a high ksy. wherewith we summon our chickens to tbelr meals? walk, that coma directly down la as from the Baaaorlt, 'kuk,' a domestic fowt" tn xk. -. Old Gentleman ta aataman Tour life, my youac friend, I imagine, i g. laborloua one and full of trtalar Gateman Tea. sir; but there are mo ments when it la flUad with peace and happiness and Joy. - Old Gent rbmanWhea year frages are paid, I euppoae? Gateman No. air: when 1 Um the get In the faoe.of eowiecody who is la a great harry. - J. ketatT What do- atatlstiea show on rbte sutW Jedr' asked the oampalgn manaaec. That la for yoa to any. air,,r anawcred tne trained mathematlcUa, kat do yes want them ta snowl . . UaOTSL Oaaiaiaraa Bathttac. tkard i ""la. .... ... rTTvfTTv rr n Over Seven Years a Hbj prkNM Or rwadlnsB w th taund aa othsca oharaa . and to MMUldarwd tha baat advl-wr of two oatoanta. Ki " ' aqual oaaoot ba fotmd to Portlajod. Read Carefully No Charge Unless Satisfactory. You to be the Judge. Always Consult the Best Crowds of ptopld arw thporiains; ta saa tha wowdarful owaa ' onsiraciona of tha no tax paJmavt and clalraoyauit, Profawaor Van Cortland. Tha motnent you antar hla parlor ba tells vnur luma anil what wnu eaJlad for Without aaklnAT S OUeB- tlon: will tell tha name of your wawthaart, ar anythmar 70a . . . want to know. HaarBands you awsy much wlaar ana bap , ' piar thaa whan you callad. -V BsaJtaln that many of tha- baat fdlaans of this efty wtrald . -ba only too anxious to consult a bxmmI. rellabia elairroyajit and palmist If thay wara first Msurad of racatvlns aoma '. baoaflt I tharafora do hereby aolemnly asTC and Biarantaa . that without any previous knOwledaa. and havin no natutaJ , means of know-In who you art, whence or for what yoa una, I will tell your life better than you can tall It to ma... I wi li, call you by nans or charga you not ana penny. This , -is hoaest,to It not .- - . . - X will tire you lock that wins sueetes bl krpa, marrlart. l divorce, speculation, baslnasa, health and trana actions of all ' kinds; restore lost affections, causa speedy and happy snar- rlaaw, reunite tha separated; I will tell you how to aaltt tha T love of tha on you desire, aven though' mllea away; will tall who and when you will -marry. - I will tall you what : sickness) you ara troubled with, and haw to curs It , I wfll tan you how. to attract, control knd enanga tha thouchta. Intentions, actions or hablta of any one secretly; tha controlling; power Implanted In your nature; T will Im prove your character so that you will reach tha hlsiest poa , Bible development of mental vIatot. health, happiness and ' capacity to earn wealth; how to accumulate a fortune and ba happy. - , .. fihrtraordlnarr clairvoyant bower, combined with hts su perior knowledge of occult forces, enables him to read hu man life with unerring; accuracy from Infancy to old aaa; "' his powers ara wonderful and Indisputable, hie advice la reliable, his Information clear, concise and to tha point In love, nmirlatre, divorce, sales, wills, patents, Jourasya, old eet&tee, lnveatmeata, property, mortcmarea, hidden' treasures, - , oil and mining, diseases, etc .... rr I win ten of yottr husband, -arifa, lorer, Trlrmdi w.pnamtCBT 1 who ts true and who is falsa; will tell your every hope, fear. - - ambition, better than you could tall It yourself; thoaa that.1 ara unaucceaaful ara made pros parous and started on tha road to wealth; tells you how to inake your husband sr wife, or any one, ba kind and true to you, . . , Oldest In experience, Richest In knowledge and skill. Crowned with twenty years of unparalleled success as a clairvoyant. r ; ;i His advice has saved and made thousand) happy. IT yiLL BENEFIT YOU. V --v T Occult wonder." Always consult the best. Positively noqual on earth in his profession, i Your life is ah open book to hlm.i ; ' HOURS DAILY P TO 8 O'CLOCK SUNDAY INCLUDED ppArAp AT.THE CHURCHES Trlnity--Corner aaat Tenth and Orant, Rev. Harold Oberg. pastor. Rally day service. 11 a. at: evealng servto. .7:10; awrmoa by pea tor; violin solo, biles Elsie Larson; vocal solo, "Coma uato ba" hfra J. L. Patterson; Sunday school rally at It a. m.; addresaes by Mrs, ft. Connell end lira. W. C Putter, who at tended the Sunday school convention at Jerusalem; Epworth league at I:t0 p. at Grace M. BX church Twelfth and Tay lor streets. Rev. Gilbert W. Denlaboa will occupy the pulpit both morning and evening; dasa meeting, t:l a. oa.; 10:S0 m.. "A Great Salvation Sunday school at lt:lf p. at; Bpworth league at 10 p.. at; p. BU 'The Hmvenly Vision. " North Portland Artisan ball. Sit Bav 4ler, Henry T. Atklnaoa, pastor. Sun day school. 10 a. ba.; preaching it fol lowed by reoeptloa of members; Bpworth league. 4:19 p. an.; ?:! p. pa "Christ and the Dark Deya" - Central- RuaaeU and Kerby streets. Rev. L Lv'Toung. 10:M. a. ba, 7 Id p. m.; Sunday school,. IS hl; Bpworth league, t:S0 p. ra. " Patton Michigan avenue and Carpen ter street. Rev. Aaa Sleatb, pastor. 11 a. m subject, Toroe and God;" Sabbath school at 11:1 p. Bt. - . y- OO: Jnrst Park end Madison streeta, Rev. E. L. House, D. D., pastor. 19:19 a. at, sermon by Rev. X. S. Bollinger of Ore gon City, . "GodHow We Should Think of Him;" 79 p. an., sermon by Rev. C A. Payne of Milwaukee, illustrated by etereoptlcoB vtewa; 1J:1$ p m., Sunday school. Rev. H. A. Start, superintendent; 9:99 p, mT. P. B- C B.; choir, Mrs. Rose Bloeb-Bauer, Mrs. W. A. T. Buah ong. W. H. Boyer. W A. Montgomery; Prof W. H. Boyer, choir director; Allaa lonora Fischer, arganlst Pilgrim ens pel Second street, near Lincoln. Rev. H. A, Start pastor. 9:10 a. nt, Sunday school, W. D, Scott, super intendent -.- Bunnyslde Bast Taylor and Bast Thirty-fourth streeta Rev. J. J. Staub, pastor. To Know the Love of Christ" at 11 a. BE.; "Is Chrlatlanitp a Failure?" at 7:10 p. ntt Sunday school at IS a. m.. S. C Pier, superintendent; Chrlatlaa En deavor meeting, 9:19 p. at, leader, Miss Ziydia SUub. Mlselsslppl avenue Mlsslsalppl ave nue and Treason, Rev. C. M. Bmythe, paetov. 41 a. at,'Personal Influence;". 7:19 p. an., "ReatgnsAlon;'' Sunday school, 1 a. m.) Christian Kndeavor, 9:19 p. at, Rev. Mr. Toung leader, : Central Woodmen of the World bund ing. Bast Alder and East Sixth streets, William B. Randall, minister. T9:4S a. m.. ha Contribution of Science to Re ligious Faith and Rest;" Bible school. II m.; 7:19, "A Man In the Making;; Present Relation te Tour After-eeif. I m manual Seeond and Meads atPeeta, Maade At. Bladaoa, paator. Pfalae aer vl. 19 a. m.: preaching. 19:19 a. m.f the paator will, give a report of the recent convention which met at MoMmnvlUe; MARVELOUS The World's Famous and5 Greatest Clairvoyant Resident of Portland and s Above the Partially Developed Medium and Is toe FrF " Sl oTSJ : " 3 1 Washington Bible school. It Cclock, W. 8. Hale, su perintendent; B, T. Pt 9:19. subject "The Power of Personal Influence,- "Be Mads Powerful In the Lord;'' Evangelist Charles H. Hart will have charge of the music at both services. The White Temple- Twelfth and Tay lor streets. Rev. J. Whttcomb Brougher, D. IX. pastor. "One Accord" pray mi eat ing, 19:11 a. m.f 10:19 a. m., subject "Did Jesus Intend for Christian to Wash One Another's Peatf informal re ception to Sukboda Banarjee at the close of the sermon; Bible school, 11:19 p. nt; tea, t:IO p. m.; young peopls's service, 9:19 p. nt; the people's service, 7:19 pt nt; Dr. Brougher will preach- on the subject, "To Let." with a prelude on "Shall We License Gambllns; Again?" Special muBla by tha Temple aaartet and chorus. . v Bt DsvUTs Fa. at Twelfth and Bel mont etreets, Rev, George & Van Waters, D. DH rector. Service 11 a dl, 7:19 p. aa.; Sunday school, 9:49 a, 'Bk. Church of Our Saviour Woodstock Morning prayer and sermon, 11 a. an.; Sunday school at I p. nt 'St Matthew's first and Carutnera street Rev. W. A. M. Break la charge. Services and sermon, 11 a. at Sunday school. 1:41 A at Good Shepherd Sellwood and Yanoow ver. Rev. John Dawson. Sunday scaool, 19 a. bl; morning prayer and sermon, 11 a. m.; evening prayer and sermon, 7:19 p. m. . - St John's MemorUl Sellwood. ltev. W. R. Powell In charge, Sunday school, 11 a. at( evening servioe and sermoa, 7:41. Chapel of Tha -Transflgurmt1on--Slwth street near Oak, Rev. W- A. Powell, chaplain. Servloea and sermoa, 11 a. ta.; Sunday school, 9:49 a. at ,. Piedmont chapel Clevehind avenue and Jarrett street Rev. U Myron Booaer, paator. Rev. J. H. Barton of Union, Ore., will preach; 11 a. nt. Sabbath school, 19 a m.; the-congregatloa will unite with the Presbyterian churches of the elty la the anion oervio at the First church. First Cumberland Twelfth and Bast Taylor streeta, Rev. B. Nelson. 19:99 a a.. "True Gt-watneae;? 11. m.. Sunday achoalt 9:19 p. m.. Junior Endeavor; 9:99 a. tb.. Senior Endeavor; 7:10 p. nt, "Clara Barton, theAnaal of tha Bat 0aiV J.J. 1 - 'nt, a, BOtrm. 1 First 171 H oorner Yamhill Bad See ond, Rev. B, H. Mowre, pastor. Preaoh Ing at 11 a. a, by Dr. Boh warts; 7:19 p m.. Rev. Dr. Schwarta will lecture on Japan. Sunday achooL 10 a an.; Ep worth League, 9:10 p.. at led by Miss Blrka - . . St. Jamee Engllstt-Weat Park snd Jefferann streets, J. A. Leaa paator. Sarvtrve 11 a m.; Snrtday school is a aw asteohdtlcal olasses meat erary Fri REVELATIONS a a Seattle Fair and Square -A w SaV " 'V CO ORBAT ARB THE POWERS OP THIS - tnan th ajdui bring .tofetbar .the. 'ftwakBthswt,. btubduia of wifa wha kavs) bwn . atjii4re)d by .antterotiB iMmici, day evening T:19 and every Saturday at 1:99 p. m. Norwegma Lutheran' It North Four teenth street; Rev. J. M. Nervlg. pastor. Services at 11 a. nt and I p. at; Sunday school at 9:49 a. m. Our Savior's Norwegian Synod Baat Tenth and Grant streets; ReV. O. Ha goes, pastor. Services conducted 'by Rev. O. M. Holden -of Astoria at 11 a nt; evening services in Engllah at 7:19; Sunday school at 9:19 a. m. ; J r , Second Church of Christ Scientist Auditorium building;. Third between Taylor and Salmon streets. - Sunday services 11 a. nt and 9 p. m "Probation After Death; Sunday school 11:11 a, nt; Wednesday meeting I p. m. First Church of Christ, Scientist Scottish Rite cathedral, Morrison and Lownadaia streeta. . Services 11 a. nt and I p. at; subject of sermon, "Proba tion After ' Dath" Sunday school at dose of morning sarVioa BTT ABwBTilfl 9 Ti ASSOOSAwTOa?.: First rSngltah Corner Eaa Sixth and Market streeta; Rev. G. W. Plumer, pas tor. 11 a. m., "Letting tlod Have His Way With Us"; p ta., "Tha Source and Abundance of Salvation'; 10 a. m Sua day school; 9 p. m,. Junior atUanoa; ? p. mv Toung People's alliance. First Tenth and Clsy streets; Then. Sohauer, pastor. Sermons 10:48 a m. and 7:19 p. m.; Y. P. A. 7 p. m.; Sunday school 9;99-a. m. . , UB1VBJU BTAMEUOA - TJnited Evangelical Corner Fargo and Kerby streets. Rev. J. Bowersox, pas tor. 11 a. m.. sermon by Rev. William Swing, and 1:39 by tha pastor; Sunday School at 10 a at; K. U C. B., 9:49 p. at St. Johns B. B. McVlckers, paator. Services Sunday morning, 11 a m., "The Sociology of Jesus; ?:I0 p. at, "Iguor anoe Not Winked At; Sunday school, 19 a. m.; junior K. L C i, 9:19 p. at; senior K L C B, 9:49 p m t., y , ' SVIBaTQAXJSVS, ; " - ? Wlrat Spiritual Society Artisans' nail. Ablngton building. Third street near Washington. All-day meeting confer ence 11 a. ntt children's progressive ly oeumlJ:19 p. m.; entertainment by La dies Aid Building Fund society 1 p. nt; Dr Schlaslnger 7:49 pa, , a , roar. Second aad Jefferson streets; Rev. J. H. Allen. pAstor. Service with sermon on "The Individuality of the Human Spirit." 30:19 a. ax: sermon on "The Book of Revelation." 7:19 p, pa, the first of a aeries of discourses, ' v . Jf Tlrat Park and Columbia streeta, B. S. Muokley, pastor. J. J. Evans, sf Bftlsm. Or., odY raa ponding secrsUry of the SUte board of the Christian churches, will preach at 19:19 p. at and 1:41 p. at .... . , . First Bast Eighth and East Couch. W. F, Small, paator, 11 a. m., 'The Worst Heresy;" Sunday school, 11:19 p. TAaKJEJUTaABrBJOwB. " ' The People Christian Union Free religion society af students ta tha art of living, 19 Seeond street, comer of Morrison, la Unity. halL F. B. Coulter, f " AA In All His Dealings With Envy of All Pretenders. Do You Wish' to Know ;; How you ean haa food luekT , . Haw you can succeed In bualnassT ' How yoa can make your home happyt y . How you can oooquer your, enemies v';''- y How yoa can marry tha one yoa choose? , 'How. soon you will marry-A . v , . i . Haw you can eortquer your livair -.-J- Mb. . MM IfHM Ma How yoa can mend your family troublssr ' ':' How yoa oao rarnora bad Influence T ' How yoa sen control any one? .'''' ' ) How yoa aaa make distant ooea think of yoaf How you can settle your quarrel T : How you can hold your husband's krvaf ' How you 'can keep your wlfas kraat : a : . - Van Cortland. tails all and never asks Questions. Doaa everything; ajo wrong;? Haa fortune never snriled on youT "- ; . Haia aaa tried ba failed f Haa your life beam full Have yoa svar attained deatre? Ara yoa happy and contented T Have you tba monay Do yen know what yoa ara bait adapted forf How aaa I oontrol any one?' Arr yaa ssparatad from tha ana yoa love? How noon will mr lover nropoae t r Do you deatre a speedy and nappy ajuurlsajs? How can I win my lawsuit T ' How aaa I ba succBssful tn my now tnvantkmr How can I ba successful tn my patents? A v How aan I oonanef my rival? - y . .f -' '.T,! Can I trust my partner? v ; v - WUl my changa ba suooiSBful? -;v ,;v,-" -, i":,. How Boon snaU I marry? , hall I maka a changa? - - . v -,: -is:" How can I marry wall? : ' v ;.r.-. WUl I taka a Journey? - ' ' How can I marry tha one r choose? ' "When Bhall my absent friend return? , How can I oonajuer. my anemiss? , Why do I not receive a letter? Am I loved In return? . . . -1 -. ' How cam I make my home happy? - . 1 Is there a rival m my love? -r ia a Buwvm au Can X trust my friends? Have I enemies? . When shall I marry? V How oftsa shall I zoarry? AXSO - A - One Long Scream of Laughter AT THE STAR. THBATER NEW BILL STARTS M0MDAY SYLVESTER, JONES AND PRINQLE Tka Oraatept MlDatral act hi the world. A Pbeooawaal Boy Taaar aad Two Oo saaimata OoaBposaeara of Unllauled Langhtar. HARRY HOWARD WHea We Say Tbare la Ke Bettw Cbaractar CoDMdtaa. Am Tram Is Not Btralasd. a THB Ai-ARCONS 3 - A Trta of MeHeaa ataaartatsarp. Wba Orowd aa Boar's ABwaaaiaat IsAp Taa Mlaatea. -v DOTTSON day Modolar and Sa Artist atabably Tea Poa't Know waat a Is. Sae Dottaea. AcUat j THB ALTON S -j AS Bemnarka Act That Wfll Ba Mew te Ton. Trva PROJBCTOSCOPB Sobbp Mertag tnetar TllaaP Tact Ara - Startlmr. OMttlDBoaa bUl Baaday, Ik 10: P. Wakdar tbowa. l:Sf to 4: Bo. T:B0 to 10: HO p. Oraaral aewlssisa. lOc; ruami boa saats, 9dc. leader and teacher. 11 a. at. heart to heart talk by F. B. Coulter. "The Isaac Period of Life;" 11:19 p nt, scriptural study of Joshua 1-1 ts 9; 7:49 p. m.. In strumental concert by Union orchestra. F. B. McCurdy, leeder, followed by a lecture by F. B. Coulter, "Transceildental Logic. " Chirr ch of Jesus Christ af Latter Day Saints Altaky building hall. 400 Third and- Morrison. 11:19 a. ba, and 7;10 p. ot ' T. if. C A. Association auditorium. Fourth and Yamhlu. Men's meeting. Sunday, 1:10 p. m, addrwas by Rev. Parley B Zartmann, evangelist who is traveling In the Interest of the Prea by tartan Mleelon society. A short address will also be given by Sukhoda Banarjee, tha Hindoo mlaslonary who is soon to return to India- to resume her work there. All men welcome. Olive Branch Mission First and1 Clay. Services 9 p. m- Holiness Is taught Union Holiness Mission Seeond Btreeft between Taylor and Salmon. Preaching 9 p nt Y. W. C. A. Sixth -and Oak streeta Sabbath vesper service, kill p. m., A. F. Flegel will speak: mualc by Westminster church choir. All women cordially In vited. Millennial Dawn Bast Ninth end East Orant streeta, 9 p. m. The Whole Armor of God.' The Christian and Missionary Alli ance,' C D. Santelle superintendent will hold Its regular service la Berea Mission at S o'clock. Zhs meauag will the Public-He. Towers -: . ' 1 : - A- of ups and downaf . your object tn Ufa or your heart's yoa wantf 1 WT -.V -. it. 1 uuauMaai .i v - ' - Ji ; PRIVATE ENTRANCE ON SDCTH STREET : THB Partlaad'B Pliam Taaawrina Tbaaara, Washlagtoa, aaar BrveatB. NEW BILL STARTS MONDAY Howard and Campbell r He Marveleaa ThAass aa tb B aaaaa BJaas, Weaaarfal Staat bt tba Air. Hearn and Lewis Tela Teaai Hots the Ohaaaatosshis for . Mixed OoSMdr Doablea, MiaAbta jiggiata and Sweat Warblara. Jarrett Tss Skirt. Bmsi, Beat. Ballad pad Pasey Paactag Are All Baa for Jarrett -wSo Reta and Alvino Aa Bzpsrt Jaggtw, MaaVHaa. anarHN Ber a iua AaaUtant A fi ail liar Art That la B acreaaiar ta tk Baada of Tbaaa ArOatt Kate Covle the Pa r I Contralto. Will BAag a Sew Illaotratad Saag. . V.- The Bioscope Rotblatf That Is New Is tb Plctar LkW Is Overlooked by tba Areada. Otmthraooa wUl Bandar. 9 k 10 M p. al. Wackday abowa, 3: SO to 449. 740 ta 1040 a, at. Admlaaloa ta say east 10. be held In tha Berea Mission DntU a more suitable plaoe can be secured. - 1 The Reorganlsett Church .of Jesus ( Christ of Latter Day Saints Ivy street and Will tame avenue. 11 a. at and 7:19 p. m.; Sunday school, 19 b. at; 8. B, 1 a :0 p. at . . . .,, V BBBIBIIBLB OF Noah Webstar, the wxleoeTrapher, was, , as might be supposed, a sUcUer for good Bngllah, and often reproved his wife's , Bslsoss of the UnfUtM. On one occasion Webstar happened to ' be alone in the dlnlnsroom with their very pretty housemaid, and, being sub- oeptlble ta such charm a put his artas j around her and kissed her seuarsly oa the mouth. Just at TAls moment Mrs. Webetep , entered the room, gasped, stood aghast, ; and, in a tone of horror, exclaimed: "Why, Noah, I am-surprised !7 5 ' j Whereupon Mr, Webster, cooHy and' ' calmly, but wtth every evldenca of die- i gust, turned upon her. - "How many times must I correct yoa on tha us" of simple worda T" ha re- , marked. "Ton mean, pnadam, that you v are aaton1shed.v I, madam am tha ana who ta surprised.' . ' t v He There is ne sense In Sm waltfrtg hers all this time. She There wouldn't ear any sense la you If yaa didn't wait, r i: