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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1904)
THB OREGON SUNDAY JOUKNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNINO. PC "BER 19 HOP BULLS TURN BEARS IN LESS THAN A Tl.'ii'JKLIfJG OF THE EYE BUYERS OF EARLY HOP CONTRACTS gLL AT A VERy HXNDS0MB PROFIT LOUISVILLE NASHVILLE AND SOUTH- , ERN PAQFIC EXCITE NEW YORK WHEAT MARKETS ON THE GAIN IN - CHICAGO; LIVERPOOL AND PORTLAND V . ? Bawred at tW mu(M f Portland. Or. far Dsuaportatlee tsrseaa to Mils w eecoad CiM fULtjaaT. Nun far eta mmi IWmI Wtl I MM I to M pagse, ft easts. drtortsi Booato Matt POO, 1 J ' OfOce Mala HO. ?,.' MB paper, 1 OfUtl 14 to 00 , , fobxisb AarxKTiai wnimMTm ' .; VrvUo4BusSJln Iptrlil AdvsrtUtng Agency, ImTimm attest, New Xn XtUMMSolliV tm , mwiimoi batta .X TtnM by Ouri Tto Baity JMntl wit SQadsy, I M...fTJ TW baity Joernai, 1 year ?be Da It Jtarwl, witb M, anaacae. be Dally Joainal. aaosta. ............. i TW Klly Journal. With Boeder. I BMStW. tf lb Dally Journal, I mooika. . - TW Dally JMtuL Via tarda J. 1 Mil. .03 9k Dally, per toA, Wltmi toaday Included TT.....VT7. Jl wwpt4 .....ff.SS a. "VTwa to etaJl, TV Mir itimL iU inr. r---i w The bail JoiiruL 1 rear - TW Da I Journal. Wltfc Snaday, I SMStW, ATI The Dal I Journal. 0 BtoetW ATO Tlw Daily Journal, wlU Sunday, ateetto. J? TW Daily Journal I soatbs.,... i-40 ffc Italia JoiiruL orltti In ltd. I PjeSto.. -D Oa " - - - JcuraaL A oafBS .... ... U TW OeeJ-Weealy JcenaL KW boast-Weekly JnimI, I to IS sage rack team. Utostratod. Ml Stork et ye .. Dart. 1 rear J . TW Weekly fsaraal TW Weekly html. 100 eotamae f tea. Ia aaca hwo. Wawretae. Ml auW , reports, I year iviV"i"-B9 RfKltUBM aWU to bir arta, fpatal aatra. axpraaa ardara aad bdmII amouata an P. 0. Vac 1H, rartlaaat. Or. VUU TMM JOVWfAfc MAX MM TOTMO. TW Jwnl mm. W toa I as ta at tW M . SpaHO Ptowar Wat a. " CHICAGO Poa ia tWa Mawa aoaaV. W INtto born vtrMt KNTER, OOLO-KMrfrii Saak Stattoaarf oMBpao. U aVvaataanlk atraatl . Vlaok Bliiarali a4 Cartla atraata. KANSAS CITY Vaa aaway. LOB ANOSLM B. F. Oardnar, mria 8prln Btrt; 0111 MateM, ioatb JTEW TOMX CTTT BraaUaa'a, QWH (Hi D BPf 0 dn Mr eoannaay OkUHA atlllaH Hstol mrw a staa4t Vavwt BtaUanarr oompaoj, isna raraaa) atraat. tU LT LAKI CITY K roa Wtal aara atoBC: Barrow Bros'., 43 WnI BWoo4 atraat, Boata. BT. LOUIS Pfclllp Roadcr, lTUniat itml. BA!f PBANCIBCO W. E. ArdlBf, FaUoa Hotal mmw aUDd; OoloaBldi Broa.. KHI Bat tar ( Btract: rrd W. Pitta, 100t Markat itraat. BPOK A N B. W X&H. Joba W. -Or ban A Oa. f ACOMA, WABH. Oantral Haw aaawaar, litl PaHBe bvodiip. ajii i ) f i awMMaaaaaaaaaawiaa aa aa TWKBAL BOTIOB. JT0TTCB B. p. PortlaW toaaa Klka: TW aaadwra at 141 am raqotated ta W preaaot la oar lods roo to u Ifaravaai WUdlof taaaoavow iBaadaj) at- 1 . Bm. ta conduct tW favra) aarrMaa of oar lata brotWr, I. A. riacb , mi Daadweod lod Na. V. TUttlna bro tiara latitat to aaaUt. Br araar of tw aultat nlar. Joaa, B. Coffay, aarrnlaij KBSKLBR la tata titj. OrtoW IB, 1904, DrT I. BL Kaaalar, uad M yaa . raaarsi Bub- . iy. OetoWr 17 I'M, U 1 r from 4fnlaa'a cWpaL eoraar Third aod mIbkw H utrrrf ; tWae to er ma tori am. Frlaod aad BfqnalntBttci faty-rt fully, tnrltad to attand. I . - AVOTSOV B1LBB TOatOBBO-'. ' By J. T. Wttoto. at Mliaiiiiai. Btitk and Ankrny atraata, at 10 a. , aata of Waaa fnrnlablnya. J. T". W I toon, anrllfrw. A dtotartawe of tenafearabU eaargy nvrad rapidly la trow tW ooaaa dnrlng tW laat II boon and la tola arrnlng eratral off tW Waab '' Icftoa aaatt. It eanaad gaoaral rataa la tela dlftrlrt aad la aortbnm CattfornU aad la eiraaUa; aeatWrly wlnda along tha Waahlai1- taa coast. Bnatkwiet atorai waralasa wara erdared dlaputyad akf toa Strait ntFaee at 4 at p. to. and at 1-30 a. n. aoatWaat wara- . ' taa War ardarad at tw nmite of tW Ouaai Ua rlrar and oa Pttcat aound. TW tadleatlMta art for cloudy waatWy Wlfli tela ta tkla dlatrtet Bnnday, wttb alxh aoutb- erly wlada aloes tW coast aad aarara oaUMrly ga laa at aaa. , , ,M Obaarntlona eloaad at i B. to.: ; kUtlmani tonprratiira, H dacraea: tolabaasi TMtparaRire, B2 defrcas; river raadlns at 11 , a. BV. B S fcot; ebanga M MM S4 Ware, 0.1 not; low prortpitatinn, ,wi inebi total pra- - elpltatloa alBe optaibar 1, 19H. I. &1 lai4-a; noraial aredpltatloa aloe BaptaaWr 1. ltKvi. U toefiea; dftrlrncy, 1.S larhM; total sun ' aalar. 0 00; poaaiblo anmblaa, ll.-OOi Wroaaatar tadaead to aaa mtqI, f Or atartai aa Orasae aty ear Baa, sear tyilwaod; aaodara, arieatlfle, oawplrta. Okarsca ; Adalts, 1Mb. fb1Wro. til. Tlalton a. m. Sfaad, Or rUtt Onawttaa aamtatlia. ' TW Seward Sohnaa Uadartakiag . eoamay, - flP'ral dlractora aad atoWUnar. SB) thlti ' Wat. rwaa BOT. 'i l f. P. tlalay Boa. feaaral dlrartora and EiWIaMta, ban ra awaed to tfcplr aaw astaa bBMnt. earaar Third aad aUdtooa atraata, th aaeaaa Me. , - t, ' ' Oat year faaarBBea aad awtrseto to real eatato froai tto Tit la Qoaraatoa d Treat eaaa , aanj. (Thaiahvr of OMBtnrro boUdlna. BOGS ARE LOVER AND SHEEP CO UP - -: i Portland Utalon Stoekyarda. Oot If. t v nv Tba notabls ooourrenoe to tba ttveetoek aaarkat tbta wash; was tba great Weakness sboam by bogs. This waa ow lnr a tb facd that Ut pec bora war about ready to begin ope rati one in am sat and were doing their bast ta depress twlcos by buying only from band to raoath. During tha week tha receipt wara Tory bug and prlcee In all linos Of bog took a drop of cants. t With vary mail reoalpts tbia waak, tba oatti marttet ruled guile firm, but - there wers no ehangea In tba quotations. Bmm af forte wer made to advanoe rloaa, but they did hot bold) but If Ut run oontlaues as light next week as It was thla, prtosa or expected to go up Bt least on the beat stsers, naa Adeaaoe Cwemey-Fhre OemW. Tha sheep market anowed quit hmyy gtrrlvalB during tha week, but tb tone of the aaarket was excellent and prices showed a rlsa of la centa The entire Sheep market la In good condition, and livestock men predict that U will go gull higher. Tb receipt abowi - ' This JLaet - ' Week. Week. ttftgS . a ' , 14 ft 1,1 12 Cattla. v fl S beew 1.400 l,t Official ruling prleaa at tha close of the week show: Cattle Bast eaatem. Oregon ateera. II: heat valley ateera 13.71; medium ateera, tj.ftf; sows; OS; bulls, 11.76; stags, Bf. . Hoga Bast ee,ry, IB.7B: biock. 4 I U(; China fats, 14 at 1.00; stoofcers and fdru, 1.4.0. Bheep Boot grain-fed wether lambs, M; aulsad abaap. tt.M. ; Bjurrua hom om doww. - Oatokge, Oea. lv--Uwnorh reralptsi ' . Hon. 4ttl. V. eateage ...f.ll s0 ftod .oie fia CtW J i t,0n0 t .a rr".J B-fw WO 1.B00 Haea apeaad etata wwar wttb S.0M toft er- TW raralpto a yaat ago wara IP.OOS. """Una arka: MliH. Bft OuflT SO; rood. aTofi reaga. BO.10; SgU, B4.0dl AFTER SELLING OUT, BULLS M BEARS nienor VOW A rrtmt aiPaa. Oct H. B. -"a principal , famturaa f um -otu-jw wholaMi ta thto waak wara; v , Hop mt atron. .. .- , Wbait la dW aiul . . . . Flour Bhowa soaUat toe M y Fraah OraoB - at bar. ; Farmora atUl bold potato . -, ; paalani eannot bur onions. Pout try hlfhar on aoaroiur. Oata Ud barlay hold f IrnWb i Bllvar NinM ran hoavy. '. J " Loaai awd auotad hlnar '. Btaa mt30m Jnat aa Tha Journal tea atataa u alone Ounm daalara who war bullln tba markat a abort Um ago hav turnad baara. Thoo own bought aup pliea at hop aariy to taa aaaaoa on on tracu at vary low flfuraa and waa to tbalr banaflt U tha - narkat oonld ba foroad upward aavaral eanta. Tbta waa aoeompllabad aslr,tbaa waa at ilrat antlelpatad and bafara tba bulla had oomplatad tbalr work tba markat bad slid ta naartr tba o uaark. Now tbtso bulla bar sold tbalr nop and r at prooant baaxlna; tba markat aquaJly as bard aa thy war bulllna; It aararal waaka aa- Tba situation baa not ebanaad to hops to any axtant it anything- tba markat la. sllghUy strongar. Tha offlolaj (Igura publUhod by tba British govanunant as to tha crop of 1904, which has just bn publlsbad, says that tha orop amountsd to HO.000 hundrad walght aa against 40.0 hun dred walght in 1901. and 1 11. 041 hundrad weight In 101, For soma tJm Ur ha baan buylnv In this tarrltory for Bngllsb account but soma of tha larger dealers wow ar that tha moVunent la that direction baa hardly begun and that during tha coming weak soma large orders for bop destined for Bnvland will be filled in this a action If they bought at Late tonight the following' additional aales were reported by tba hop buy-are at tba Belvedere: H. J. Millar, I bales of primes from Krebbs Broaw at J0Ht H. J. 11 Her from John Mayors at Aurora, Jl bales of choice at X0o and 4 bales from John aflley at lOo. It to alas reported that George M. Huecke pur ohaaed S00 bales of ohoto at-Aurora at SOo. Charles Llveeley of Baiam pur chased 400 bale of prime at -10c Bom offer of BOHo were mad tn this oHy sad rat used. - ' - . - Wheat 3B Bewm aad ' ' ZutinB tba Fast week tba Portland wheat Markat dropped a oent In price and later on Improved conditions In tba Chicago and Liverpool markets mora than mad up tha amount lost. At tha close of the week the market shows a vary healthy ton with a probable ad vance of prices a eight. Today la waa officially announced by Union Pacific officials at Omaha that they war now sending; large numbers . of empty freight cars ta that direction and that to the future all wheat sold for aaa tarn so count would be quickly handled. Thin announcement was no sooner Issued than order began to pour Into tha local grain houses and It to eatlmatad that during; the day fully half million bushels of wheat, mostly red Russian, had been sold ta millers of tha middle we!. weed Barnaul tm FWu. . - There 1 a vary good demand for floor from various sections of tha coast as wall so soma points oast of tb Rooky mountains. Liverpool la now In the market for flour and today tha cables were encouraging; Japan earn In the market this week for liberal shipments of flour and taken altogether tb local markat never looked healthier. Aa ad vanoe ta prions la probabla. Fvesh Oragom Sftg-gs aTJgW. '.' Kecalpta of strictly fraah Oregon ranch eggs war very small tha past week and a vary good demand caused the quotations ta rise several cants with the market quoted at tha close of tha week at 1TOI7, During- the weak several more oars of eastern aggs arrived la ths city but did not weakea th market. Beater eggs arw quoted several wants less. . , Paxmnw BaUl Setdtaa; Fits us. ' Tha potato situation remains practi cally tha asms aa tha previous week the farmers being just as determined aa Over to hold their atocka for higher prices. The fact that tha markat In this city Is practically twice aa high aa soms Farts af tha country and higher than any other plooa Is now evidence enough for tha farmers that a short orop of potatoes la th stats of Oragon does not make tb price for tb Pacific coast nor for Oregon when other stocks can ba brought la. During; tha week tha movement of California po tatoes in this direction continued and will do so Just aa long aa tha local pro ducer refuses ta sail his groods at tho market value - , BOveral attempts were mad by th onion dealers of this city during; the week to purchase atocka from local growers, but they ' found all of them holding. Th of onlona la this market at present are fully up to tha city demand, meat of tha stocks coming irom tatuornia. -' Bvaiorr aUgbor With Biaautty. . A scarcity to tha auppllss "of poultry this week caused an adranca all along; tha line In tb quotations. Tbs receipts were tbs sanallsst for ever a month and tha demand waa better. Just whal the market will do during tha coming week depends a great deal upon what quan tity of wild btrda Is shipped to tha lat ter being tba preference If they oaa ba secured, ad prloea are lower. During th week a better ton ruled oa tur key and prices want back toward tha former figures. Quits a , number of geese arrived, but tha tntutrlaa after them were not larg- Oood fat docks found a atoamad at th big beat quota tions. Owes aad Barley Said Ftrsmsa. ' "Fully IB per oent of the oats orop of the northwest hi out of the hands of the grow re," say Mr. Fn telle of Bal four, Outhrio e Co. The market Is being held very 4Vm and tha as tire crop la in strong bands. Tbs same condition ex lets to barley with practically Bg 3-1 per oent of tha crop already sold.'? Bal four, Outhrio. dt Co. is credited with belnf tha mala bolder bf bath grains. JUxlr la tha week local , provlslati Inn made an ad vane of o par pound .on both kettle leaf and steam rendered bud. Th entire provleioa market shews very good tone. , . T , BHvawslds abUmoa Bam BCaawy. Tho run of aiiverslde .salmon la tha Columbia this week broke all reoorda and price oa th river are at th low nnlnt. The local aaarkat la vary heavily supplied, with price unchanged. There are now some inquiries for second graae chlnook sslmoa of the lata pack and oanneru report a better ton ta the mar kat. Darin th week a shortage to the supply of halibut caused two ad vance of Ho' par pound each. During th waak scarcely enough of th better grade of local creamery but ter arrived to supply th trade. Tha re ceipts of ordinary grade creamery are very large and sufficient On oar of eastern butter cam to thla week. Bud sold at 47 Ha par two-pound rolL Tha wholesale quotations which ruled at tha close of tha week are: , . . WHBAT-New and eld-WaUa WnBa, dmt rYaarSlT.; wBei. fJMO, -lHnamuF I"-- Wtoto. ., .OftBartars Oregon: Patent. BaJ etralsbts. BS.TS: vailay, K0i graWa, Ha, anLLBrTaBraa, M .00 bf W B nnjt, Oavoo; awrta, eautry. tUMu etoa, HAT Piudawrf ertca Tftoomy. Wnbsafto vailay, raney, 114.00010.00: ordlaar, Blaood) 13.00: setters Ornaoo. tin.0Oai6.BO! il0.o6oi2.00; etover. 00011.00; sraia, tiiuia ij,sqi ewac. fii.oDajiio. Xaaa. Weal aad wnr 1B04. He tat extra Boc tor ebolce: W0V far nrtnaa. WOOLMoaiinai. vaiia. rTOiae; lae, le eastern Oregon, Udjlaa, Hun ai n new, awe. . . flHREPSKiKsgWarlsaT. lOOSdai aberl B0O3uc; wadloai weal, tOOMei leag uvfiti oa Mfk TALLOW Pruaa, aav B edyasi Be, t a graaa, 3ltUe. . , CHITTIH BARK 4 BW hsriaff HIDES Dry aldaa. Ba jfS ki S"to"? mil IL L 1 ssdor B Be, .; IdUaiBe ifie; dry Iry Mlted Wilt aad etaaa. 1-0 lam toes dry lot: salted hldaa. steer. Bond. 00 1W or ever. 7O0tl 00 to SO tba, Ye; seder 00 toa sad onws. OTe: stags aad Wile, soaad. 5: kip. IB a B0 Ba, TUTei seaBd. 10 to 14 UM, 05 oslf. aeaad, idar 10 lbs, BUei greea (aa- oslf. aeaad, udar 10 lbs, greea asltad, 1 per lb lees: culla, fcpr lb horse hldaa, eel ted, each. fl.30OL.TB: drv, tl.00Ol.B0; eolnr aldaa, eaea. SBOSoei each. goat skins, sanuaoe. earb. lOOlaet Aaaers, win seal aa. sack, 30c Oil .00. Battor. Beau end Bealkry. PtTTKB fAT Bwaot. MMei soar, 30, iittbe ra Hnn. seat. Xi 'AClBOei aerand grOa, 30c; outside fancy, Soci ordi nary. mttlTwei eaatera, store, U0j KCOOfte. 1 fresh Orrses. aTOtTUet eastora. fMeh, an: saesaas, B0Q34C - . CHEERS Nawr-Pnll cream, twm, UtJISw! Tedna Aawlca. 14014tsc, . .. POtlLTkT CbickanS. Btfxsd. lOUs Po: Wns. lie prr lb; rooatars. old. 9ftr par lb; young. lOHOlle per lb; bfoUere, llOHV Oer tt; fryara, lfM OUe per lb; docks, eld, 14 per to ; yonos, ut per ; (oaee, sc per 10; wnsyo, UwOleaj drasssd, 15 IT He per Bk. Fratte and Teyetoatoa. - FOTAT0BB Oreaxw. OOeOOl.UI per ewt: borers' prices, 80c(t1.10: awaeta, fl.OB par owt; crated, 01.84,, O N 8 Local, BTJOOI OBi barer pries. tl.SO; Csllfemla. tl.Yft; garlto, BO 10c net lb. lb. IKSH ramTS Atmlea. finer Ores. TBcO Bl.m bus; cheap gradVs. BOOIae box: ersagea. late v lanctsa. u.ducx b.tb par bob oa as aaa, nor n no oar lb; lemons. aaaioa. B.TBOt-0 box: fsney. B3.00O3-80 per box; Hi ktoxfe-a. OBe pa 100; pineapples, B4.30 e ee 100; Naeeppiss, saw- name, Wi; peaebM. ordinary. KlOw box: iMr par boxf paara. Bl-OCl.aV BOOOOc nor b fancy. Bipaa, ITocQBi.oo par box: . orofoa. eua p: OonfTTds. l2Ue pst Mb Wslat: lolb Wsaet, 104130c: watortooloaa Orosoa. BBe; eas- taloapos. TOoOIl m per c crate; oaaabaa. B1.B0 per Per lb: cranberries, V des; lochleherrlos, 0c pa per lb; eranberrlee, lecsL SB.00 per ball Gape Cod. bp per bbi: prone, as per a, i. JBTABUBB Turalpa. 11-30 par Mcfe! ea. tots. B1.3B tor sack; Wets. SI SB per mek( Orefon 31 HOI R radlmes, IDc per doa: oatibas. orgm. 0J.W rwij Iflintf, Bvao, K mrm , gins eoaooo per box; eatery, tbs ser sos; w Orason. BoaOOe Bar Wx: oeranlBS, TBcO fl 38; treea pass, a par Ibi sieen oalone. 1U par dna; local rreea nwn. 01 io1.2n nsr sadt: ate Bleat. SO 3 Ho per tot string Wsaa, 4e: caenwbara. 00c oer sack; eanllnoer, ISO Oe per doe; WtterlMaM. c; paanklaa, 1 lb; bxraerBdlab. Tc par to; apronta, ee. DB1BD FRUlTt Apples, evaporated. TCMe per tb; aprtoots. HQiS par Bt; aacfe. ta per lb tase; poaobes, BOlm per ih pssi per lb; pram, itsuaa. s IHQHe par lb: mm- Call oral bteek. Pr lb; OaHrornlS white. per lb; 9 renea. Ifli4e Blasts, pitted per Pj: dstee. OH er Ibi Cards. 01 B0 par 1B-B) box. gra series, Bato, Fte. BTTOA -Back Wale Cb. S4.t: powdered. It grsaalatad. 00 IB; dry maalatad. rt mnalatoT 10.00; astn C. OOlB: Kldea a Bo. to; ebia I0t H vm, seoi asxes. 1 edvsaee oa sack basis, tons 36 ewt far eaaa. IB Oaja: aaple, 14O10 per lb. wosrr iluaiiiw OnrrgB-orooa MoeW. tlgfBBet Java, fiaey. SOel.lSe; Jit, aoed, 30030c; leva, ardtaary 11130 ; Coat cm. tancr. lBoaoe: cos its Rica. food, lOOlOe; Ooata Hlca. ordtaary. 11 010S per lb; parkas corfea. I14.T5. TBABOoloas. different rradoa BBO gaw. powder, xSnkSOMc; Bngllab broasiBt, dif ferent fTadea, TsHOOOe; aplderU;, ueekwed pan. foOaOei greea Japan (very ssrwl. 0O S aWJ. vi-a tao at. to. as. as. IBs. S1; rabla, dairy. OOs, B 00OH .60: 100a. BB 00; Imported LtvarpnoL BOa. BIB.OOeliaoOt loos. tl404J10.05; S3aa, IU.00O14.00; extra fine. M. to. to. Ba. 10a.; Wis. B3 ws, 94.0; seeks, OOs, eV. B A r.T Ooaroa H If fTovod. 100a. vav toa, 08 BOO. 00: (Ma per tan. B iBO O0: Uverpool lamp rock. BiBOoOlO AO per toa 00-P leek, OO.aS.TB) 100s, 0PT5O4.30. (Abo re prices apply to sslss of baa flkaa ear lots. Csr lott at special prices aeblset to Oactnsrlona ORAIIf b AOS iOe lentta, O.TBOOOO per fOB KlCtV Imperial Jspaa, No. 1, 4f. No. 1 4c; Mew OrWnV Wod. BHO; Adjaek, 0Hl Creole, 4. BIAMN dstaTJ white. 4c 1 large white, SHd pink. 4c; kayev. 3H; Lfmas, Bel Hexi eaa reds, Bt4c. FrmPeaaato, THcr yawbos. 0H Oar JKl raw, 010s per lb; roasted, cocoa n eta. BOO Ac per At: wshnta, inuA14Ue set 1: pise ants. 10O13He per la: klckory ntits. lot per tb; cW stoats, ssstera. nO Pr lb; Brastl eat, lfte per Itt: Blherts. 1541 to bv lb; faecy pseasa, I4ll per lb: slnvmdB. 1010 aar Pa aunts, rua and rrsvansssi ' raaaai uuth isaMetad ner per lb; eewa, BQSHc pet lb: mattes, drossss. 409e per w; Iambs. dreaasS, saoc per St. FRESH MBATB front Street Beef, 4U0V per lb: nvk. block. stfOHc per Iht p-k- Two) en. H per B; Baits. xhc per r 4He per lb: metton. dreaBed. dflOc nor to; veal, extra. tq Tt par lb; ordinary, OOOe par la; poor. 4C per HAMg, BiOO S; Minns, DHP3 per in. Birr l,t lult bsma 10 ta 14 1W, 14e per to; 14J IS Ika 14 per Hi 10 to 30 1W, 14s oar tb: eettsfs. OHe per la: breakfast ha cos, 140 ,r nee in: nraonrasx nscoe. lasxise nor in: menicn. 11a nee m: rasniar a a an CMnre, on bbmsmi ldU nor lb: amokad. HUc nor lb! to elear hacks. aMniokad. 10a ner lb: snMfced. 11 per lb; Vstoa butta. 10 to 10 1W. aaentok, 0 per Tb: smoked. Oe par : clear bellies, aa tnviked, 11 He ear tb; wok ad. 13He per to; Meters bssst 14 VW pat Hi SraakfaM sawn, L LARD Kettle lent 10a, 11 far Tb; Ba, 11 per lb; B0-1b tins, lie per : teaw rofwVrod. 10. t4e per lb: to' 104 per 10; OOs. 10ic ear to: enrr pound tl ercea, BHt per to isna. a per ia; oe. oe per m BABTBBH IABD Ms, 104 Oa. lOHai CAinrwn 0 A Min W OnhmrbU rteer l b toTbx C.BB; S-lb Utls. ft 60; fsser l jb tb Caar Bota. E M: fanV 1-lb . fsser l ib Bats, at oo: fsaev 1-lb eeab. 03 TB Alsaks una. plak, KtfBOtL red. 11.00; FISH toe ead. par lb: rwndra Ik par lb; baUbnt. Tc twr tb; crabs. 01 SB pet lea; striped Wax, 10013 0r : est flab. Ta per Ih; sahaoa, rhlaook, Oe Vr lb: smateoe, Oc per th; herrlnf. Bo per lb; Bole, 0 per fh; sbrtBBs, lOe par Ik; sbad. Brassed, per to: porch. Oe par B: aWd , per lb: "bad. Oc per TO; btarfc sod, it per Ht stlrer neR. Be per Tb; fcthvtere. 13Hc: rresh BMckem, 0c: erawftsk, pry par dot: Booodera. Be par Tb. - OTBTBRO HWalwster bay, per gal, 31 3J per 4 oo pot; 01mpU. per aacfc. t X; CLAbfB Hard sheTL ner box. OS. 001 BtotoS, 03.00 e h ' patota, Ossl OOs, fa, -' BOTBPw, Hsaun. 13 SUadard. ISHet sal. J0.- COAL OIL Pearl or aetr al ..Ceoea yiu per set water wbtta Ima bhla 10c par gnL e-oode - per sal: keadllsht. iro-4eA sassa SlLo AT tm Mkla ttf, m nl 3ft K rfoilJPureb raw, id ona Me aar fat. aea ! pw gall seaatse battle Belled, I l - jf')fe--!iU, ;- TORONTO "J 1 -f 'A-' 'C ' kM- DENVER '. I ift Jp? Ill UP OR DOWN? LOUISVILLE NASHVILLE LEADS rs', (Bpoeisl IHspsteh byleaseO Wire 0 TW eeursal) New Tort Oot lev Tha two hours' aassloa.-oa tha stock aaohang today waa by far tha moat Important Baturday of th year. There was a wild uprusk of prices at tha opening, tha Initial quo tations la some shares betas; a point higher than tost night, and a gtm fur ther advance d&susd to the later deal Inge. Large blocks af stocks changed bands on tho rlsa Bnormous proflt taklng failed to prevent anything more than temporary reactions and nsw high records ware tha order of th day to a largo number of properties, . IsastiB Baeet Ouveatoga, . ' Short covering; on aa extensive seals took place her aad lit London.. There wast' no special factor to the advance to th shaps of rumors or reports .-of deala Thla Is considered a atrong and enoourdginc feature la the advance, and one that Is Interpreted ta many quarters as Indicating; tha stability and parma- nnCaattma0 sTlFg HHtam. ' ' Bpeculatlve sentiment was anthaaed at the opening of business by tha strik ing; advances shown by American stocks In tha London markat. tha gains quoted approximating and to some Instance exceeding on point. Very large buying orders, for foreign account were exe cuted here, and trading la American tocka continued la tho London curb market to aa unusually lata hour. Lou lav llle ft Nashville waa ex caption ally strong to tha London market and tha stock advanced correspondingly la tha local dealings, ' th extreme gala) waa alx points. sexej, United States BHeel Issuee war fh active leaders and bald Tory strong until tha close at gams la ooaunoa and preferred of well over a point sod doss to tho top of tbs day aa wsB as of tba year. Southern Pari (to was alas con spicuous with a rally of close to I per cent, while Union Paclfto gained a point Balsa Xeowale Jtmmt Tsar. Ttte total number of shares sold on the stock sxehang today was 107,011 aratost 400,101 last year. Tha total amies ataoa January 1 hav been 10, 137,010. against 110,111,300 last yaar. Tbs par value of bonds sold today was It. 1 13,000 against 31,77l,00O laat year. Since January 1. sales have been 3100, 434,000 against geU.770.oao laat yaw , About 11.000 tons of steel rails will ba exported to Korea by tha United Statea Steel oorporatlon' atl producU exports company ta tha next 30 day a This la tha company that "handles the export bualneee of tb United States Steel corporation. Th rails will go via tha Paclfto coast and three British vaa als hav been o bartered to convey them. The steamship Inverness la now loading at Taooma and tba steamships Here and Quito, will laava tatar. It 1 rumored that whan tha vandalla line Is released from th bands of th receiver. It will be partitioned between tha Rook Island and Paiuuylvaala, tha 01e sr sal. bbtt tee per gall gronmd ka car lots UO.00 per toa, tost thaa r 0BB.03 tA. OASOIJFB S3 Oeg. bhb) BSC per gal; atova. aaaaSaTar Jff Bros mm ise war gai. BBMZina sb-cm 4a bis IBM Per gal. PAINT OIL Raw. Mk got par gat, this, Ole per gal, Iroa bbbi TO per gal, KMb eaaa Iota 00 per aaL -.'-. WHITB IAl--Tos toti TM jar to, Bs KllkSZX atoTstVoV $ 'V. BAV FBAB01BOO atlBOid BTOOXS. Oct- IA Mlalag sajckat Oleslna " ' - ' Bit Oown Ferat .. .ISA Telktw Jscket.t .19 Imperial Cos... ,0IA IKentnckr ' .00 Toa. Meet 03. BO BelnMt ...... .03 Mldwsy .41 McNssura .... .30 Toe. Nevada . . .OBlflBelcher ........ .3T Ton. Onld Mt.. .IT rousteaea ..... .so - Nevada a .OT Toe. kUtea.... 1.00 Exaqoer - ,...4 .41 I'tah Oaav 40 Ton. Oeei 'hA !u 2)hh 1.B4 axtcaa 1.10 Ckelleage 30 a boos ......... .xa floald A Carry. -10 roa, OaHfarsI. Beet A Bslcber. 1.14 10A .WA .0OA Tom. CL aW"l.oA 81. Balaber.,,, Ssvara .00 i jaa ti re Occidental Chnifar ,.4,,.i ..IB .10 .00 Bale A Berarisi Oes. Kew Xork, 3TBW jfeatK BAJOt WATBataWT. tow Tark, Oe. .31 . Bank atoaissiatt , Increae. Soserraa .....i, f.iao.BTn Ieaervaa teal It B. B.mo3B oana 11.tb boo Specie .,....., . 01. 50rt Lea-ale to .000 Depots ...... lS.0m.0OO dresuaoa .,. 41,000 Few York Oar, ' New Tart, Oct. IS. Northern Oecnrttlaa erened at 115. wee bbrb at 119 and tow at 114. -it closed at U0to0il4Ht b oatai aaisa r AIV)D lattor, it is aald. will take th Vandalla mala Una, leaving taa raorto dlrtoloa to the Rock Island. Y' Tha social stock mafketat T I 3 BaaWBIFtTOB. Anaconda Mlalng Oe.... Amal. Oopper Oa , Atctuaea. com........... do pre tar red Am, Oar A P., saw... do preferred ia Oufar, coni Am. 0mlt., coat. da preferred B. A O., com. do areferred ........ Brock. Rapid Transit,., OBtt Can. Pacloc, cc C. h A., cost. . 102 SB saoAwraS ......... nan. W.; ansa....... Cbiesge Tarna. By cbcupMX a tmie ... Oolo. T. A I., eon..,. Colo. BastWra, com.n ee 3d preferred .... rnSdaoT;.-::: D. A B. Q., aeto do preferred Brto, oaai do 3d preferred ..... do lit preferred nuaota Ceectnl , L. A H Met Traotloa ' Oa. Ma a Iterated in 181 H Mex. Coot. By..., M., St P lib bt.... do preferred Mbeonxl Pa c lfte M.. K. j T., cess on preferred ......... new Jjk Osatral .... no proi errsa . v. . , neni Anteness ...... K. T.. On. A W,. ma. aw. People's O. b. B 0. Oa. Pveaa. Steel a, boss.... do preferred PsrlBe Mall S. 0 Beading, com .i.. da let ptefsiisd Ben, Iron A 0.. osow.. 04' da Keren Bccklilaod. aaa....... do preferred . , ... 8oc Ik. By., cost..., do pa far red dub lain nnei ....... t L ot r. M pfd.. 05 bp m wt aaa i wa St. Lit seat. J S3U oa prererrss , . Texas Pacta A Tens. ,Ooal A tree.... Ualoa PactOe, sai. o preferred TJ. A Leatkes, seas do prefeiTod O. A Bobber, aaa., aa preferred V. A Steel, cam.:. ao preferred WhoeC A L. B.. cm do 3d preferred ,. do 1st pre f erred . Wis. Central, coal.. da areferred West. Caloa Tat Wabash, torn.., do preferred ....... Americas Ice do preferred Total astos today were 003,400 aWraa. KANSAS WHEAT IS USED IN 'FRISCO (rnrntaWd by OerWeb, msrr A Coot Oa.) Ban rtssjelsea, Oct. 10. B. T. Bnttoa A Co. aar The week eloaee with wbsat ralaaa aente wkst lower thna lest week's closing sricea There la ae special reason for a decttse eet etde f good rains thronsboot tba atste. Besvy ox -r western recelpkj have beea the dab need hy tW abort sailors. TW rim to rapidly draw Ing sear wbsa racelpta aiast fat) off. WWa twt Unee.conioa the xasrket wlU W feand to W very warily oversold. Considerable Kansas wWst b) Wing brottgkt lata tha state far mltlng pwrposes. w sea see aothlsg to eeareea ta hie. Barley to dsD. wttb a kpscUl tWtarsa. Wa till (Sink all of est aarpls wlU W wasted at klrher mttrm, . tWaVs efnoUl H:B0 a to. toarbet: K . WHSAT. Ones. Bisk. ' Lew. Ctose. lAliS 1.01 H ...Ol.M m.ooei ... 101H i oi May BABLBT, ... 1.10H 1.10UV IF 1:2V l:is A.10 . Jrinaary .... l.ia May ....... 1.10 FBTBABT, SBTJteFTt AJTB OXAABAVOVS, .CUeaga, Oct. BtPrtaarr i FlSB. bosk. Wbsat rt.-.....J,34 Of . ILIBS.OOO Oocb t OW.000 41.000 attf issabi wsrei Wheat 010.000 TOO 000 Oars 00 00 Skl.nno Cleerasesa war: Wheat and floor Of. 000 basnets, ear A 08 waWto, sen . A0O0 brnwiakea, Oet. IB. otose: ber 111: War. 01. UM 1 saked. Cars PiMSikeri 4e; Kay, aVfr -aekoA 'St. tewki Srsta aUi0, St. teak), Oct, IA Close : W bar, OUOH Mi bUf, oioaH, .. COTTG SAKE TO 2 :; P0:?iTS DOWN TOEiAY .., .s a:i i H t rraralsbad by OverWek, BUrr OsaW' Oa.) ' Maw Xork, Oot, It. Oot toa ratnraa are oa mensed to 1 salato up with tW awrket atoaily. ' ' Todaye ofAcUl sartoa auwket: Up a. Hlrt. , LAW. ... 40-00 iu.m . aa Ckaa. Jaa lh.OCvfOO 10. li W 16 10.39 ta . -9t tO.Uii lo.l 10.15 10 10. Oi 10.11 10.14- la ..... ... . May ...... iO.14 IT 10.11 'MB 10. 1 io. r h June .... ..... July oot t ea Nov M lee IN B.St M o-oi ga 0.0010 10,09 .T. A atolatrre ft Oa. aavi Tba Waakaaea of efttem thla week aaa Waa primarily due to the devalopatoDt of War lab eenttawat i among tW general operatnrn. Llrarpool Wd lower spots and fallta off af deaund Boca ebroad Abaonce of ouiwde bomee to oapport leaded to dlaoouraaa fnrtber laxae oeeratlona W tha bull lntoraete ptertoaab roferrad to la mass dlBpetcWs and at tW mbm time todactng tba vartona War oUqnea to aaaama a tooro ajr arasslve atUtad la werktag rot tower prleaa. TM ntarkrt atUI ahowa a dtaaoDolBtlaa lack of snap despite eooMeslooja and nateaa It Is aaara aenva la osveiopaat er spots attnar win tW Beats er Urerpool er the wast mar oondi tlons la tha oatton kit tnra toaterlallr for tte worse, tto chances are that w will probably aos sons rariner einsip asrere tea nurse? turns and awkaa any Important advaaee. Wr eonld retber AdWre to a aealper'a postttos for toodanto tons until after the orop baa pass aluing USSl Oxmb sudde aBjsi4itotoaHBajBisaaaaw ' 4, OOTTOF TtBTBtS BTWT.V' Few Tor. Oat. U. Tea Fmabelal rtosslrdss araraa eg ma cotton visible supply i nu woes, iawt year. Bales. Bales. Atoerteaa ..1,87.41 World's kiaa.401 ' -dn shyht etortag weakt Atoericsa .... B00.2T4 S.044.0A3 i,OM.rfo A 334, TTO dM.014 A3H.4BT 000, TdO t,07T.SU WorM't ...J.OOl.TOO liveraool, Oct. iAottea fatars eaoeed g Potato daws with tW awxet amtot aad steady. BROKERS' OPINIONS . ON STOCK MARKET t . rrurstshed by Ovsrbeeb, Starr A Ctoke Oat New Tork, Oet. lo. Dtek Bros, aar: TW Btock ssnsioa baa bees red ko aoderW toad or, Loaisriue A Nash villa wbtok closed B polBts m froai the OBaainx. aootoarB Pa cific waa also strong. Heavy proOt-taklng Bales were well taken, and tW tope at the eloee was 10 Kstnatea behind tW aaetattoaa. TW Wak stotenvsnt Waa eves better thaa ex pected, it to lib a ssjsjaat axkclie (FprnlsWd by Ovarback, Starr A Ooofce ttot New Totk. Oet. 10. T. A Mclotrre A Oe. y: .The ball Sieve aasst hi Stocks eoattoaea with kediM Market la tores tn deBJoaattatlng inierrst ut aienor pricoa. consdeaea IS bb ahated. Opera I loos have eentlnood ea a' very extensive acaht wttb tW voIqbm ef bantam yeaUiday breaktas all nsatvloea record ataoa the Inxagoratloa Of the boil anerewcBt Ust job ey axceodins a Binioa sad a half shares. TW isnw tactics of ablfrtng from Bret ens grosp te aaotber bare Wea carried out tW past wees ana u looks as tkoocb tW pro irssi wonid W con tinned to ralalng tbs Ust w bum ausaer tore). oTQV OOFFbB aTAAJTXT, . Oat, 10-Oeppst gastiHusi a .fc. Bid. Adveatara I A trcsOlas STWA. Blrgrhan aoJT Centeoalal S7U Attantle 18 V Copper Mlcblcas Ttf necarJo SAtT HoAawk . Phoenix .Thwaraek 4ha ana Victoria i IWolvaaina TrlnltV ... l Wlaona s Arnold ........ 10 lOraoa fkionar ... an Palo. Webb A Da. aav: Tha mim bet was era la active today without xaocfc cbsag In prices. The opealng Monday nxa-n-tnc abould Bee tW, blghest pricoa for several day aad we won Id advle taking pretts the. : AAW F3U3TOiaO0 MOAT, ana rtiaiHw, Oao. IA Lsaal ...... v. , ,.; Bpriag Faftoy Wator ... B. r. One d Bleetrle. Olsat Powder Hawaiian Cemawrelsl , Hoookea Surar ..... ....... MakawoH Buxar ...........,, Onoawa On or ..,..4. ........... Paaohna Surer Alaska Packers' Ass' a. Oceania Oteaawhto ,. Padfla States Tetopbaaa SaTOOiaT STOCK X3T IOVV0W. Leetdoa. Atchtoss snSsaced , Cheespesba A Oble sdvanced A. Chlena. Milwaukee St. Paul Advanced H. Brie ad vanced , Ossto advanesd U; n Tineas Oeotrsl advaaeed . Lattlarlll A Hnshvllle sdvaneed IH. Ulasottri. Kanaaa A TexAB advaaced H. New Tork Central advanced to, Ontario A Western advanced HT Norfolk A Western de etlned H.fc Pennsylvania declined 14. Baaing advaaced H. Orstt decHaad H; Smith or a Pa rt Oc advanced , Tlsioa P tribe sdvancod M. TferTd declined V; United Statea Steel ad vanced H, preferred sdvsnosd i aasseki 00 is, aasWagsdi last sachsnged. - , OSrOASO LOOAX OTOOBA, . CMeaae, Oet. IA Local atoekal 1 ' OVwIng Nat. nlsv !!.. 40 do Pfd 10 u lAxaericee Oxk TAlted talted Bos ..... T do nfd B Bat. Carbea 'lX. 34 do sfd ...10B Mas. Match ... t Ch). City By.,lB4 West side Ay... 01 Swift A Co. ..v.. 100 North S1to Rr.... TO Soau Bide By.... SO PoBTXAFB 0X3ABJF0r-UeaB BZPOBT. Clesrlni Ins. Rata nee. Mondsr :....MH...ssa.mri Ii7o.3ot.34 Tneedsy ...,, 1.010.300 OS . 11T.1S0.44 onimai i,uj,,uii,ga itm.iw. fs Rarsday , 078. ST 40 ' fc8.a2D.10 ndav v TM.043.f 3S.m4.O0 totareWy 004,080.70 108,114.10 fetal tar Weak... Total year age. .00 071.44. OS ajwgavsj . A07A0U.U 734,007.07 BtSSUXW. Few Tors,- Oct. IA Dasaead Blartlag 40A30) SO says 400 BO. . , - " ; -"''v 0i a am HI Btobm Billaislii ' Maw Tort, Oot. IA TW bforatng OBauser Hal satlnated the total eattoa amp af 1904 st 10000,000 tola. , FTW TOBB OOFFBB atAAatBT. ' Hew Tork. OrL IA Oof foe arelB aatalB aa, Tbs efseUl aaarket. Bid ' Aafc. October ..a...... M.ej go .80 November , S.flO 0.00 Decesiher ............. SOB " 0 TO Janasry 0 TO 000 rebmsry t.... . . SOO March OaO T 00 April T. A. Mclntvra A On, asy: There to tittle change to Bote la tW eeffeo aaarket dnring Ih last week. Ttadlaf fcsa boa within S rant of 10 to IS potato, priest easier Under realising by tired Wider And soUlag a fa I net essh pur- oas la Bnntb ABfrles. Cirfe st 111 ksn ntsnr friends, however, wke caaodantty look for xta toriailr klrher sricea wltkla tW next SO darn. Baags... siH 3H seat a - 1 StOOBS " sfcacksr CLOOJINO, Bid. , Ask. .. 09 r 40 .. BBV 00 ft si.:!- 30 . 30 U .. 10H . i ..uo in 3 '.'.u Hi i..t.. TOg'T lO May , T IO TOO June , T 30 f OO Jnly I ..,.. T.M ' Anrnat ? ... T 40 45 WDlexsbar I T OO OVERBliCX, aUTALki COOKU CO. - v hi am bora Chtoago 101 Third Street. McKay Building. Portland, Or. ' ' . Wat BW A BTB1CT1 AT tKmtauagUOBJ BUSIBBB0). ' " CaaUauouj Markets by Private Wire, Tlltoa, (Bsjumav 0 0alta4 tICiZLI VM ' anroBt hoba t ooajm emml v Un 1SAT H OSaW , B30MBBBW . . va-ma ftvBna. ,k - u ' '-r; ;: Close Close- - Laaa '-. v. Bat- BV. S.r. f 0et.,..4-- Iff Jaly.... JOH HHWN On). $ .i LUttA T13H ,0 ; Haft x , ABk .4SHA X Jrstabel by Overbeek. Stat Ceoke Oa.) ' Oh laa a. Oct. IA Loaaa A Brraa MP) Ta tone er wnent eenuniMa atroag. TW ea set etreasth is DassaxWc wheat kt bsraLr traceabto yet bat It U partly doe to abort ecvering aad to W lets ye either eeattored or ooaeentratod eat of propartloa to tW beal oa invyaauoo; ae im nwaj A swrket was agata lalriy " leaalpts costlae lsrga Wa af abatanaat m th mmm-" siocxa., iaa eaaa stroaa. Prltaanr aa so ladle tin an west Movement sad with tw taQ eeedlox of ' winter wWst near eonaplettos aad with tW aaasnanr favorable eaadlUoa af seeding ear sdrlem Bra that asaae Increase to tW Bare. meat to tW near fatar hi llbsly. The world's shipments are predicted to W Mb era 1. . aad there will sxeiabe a liberal to are sat ta tW vUlala sopply. . W UU think ta aaU kat baa two slisa ' ' Oam Sonsy aad Ball, - Oars waa a heavy narkst and aaB. There waa Bttl lam srsvaey to tW cash dorsand. 1 aad with tW On weather tWoagboat tW weet, -. speculative aelllag prassar ea tW May eaav " Unaea. Becetpta however at light aad BU11 toeioato asAaoatad asppllsa. Oats Look Say post ' ' Onto lack apaoaUUre aapport hi mfxcwwt : volant and tba waskaasa la eora Wipe thla lacreeesla tW vtslbla to looked for. We think BBderlylag eaedltlass m InpssvlBg, Wt tW -arkot StUl faab) tb walght of tbs bug , Taohe tWmaf Fiissati, PrrHalsm aeesard to W Ira awr from tact of selling pressure than otherwise. gfalpaMet of both lard aad toeet are little Wtow tost . Cw bat tW receipts of Wgs are a mm saw 11. ' nttoscst amoag the packlor Inter ts to hull' , Ub. Wt their sappori et prtoes that way H only hslf.Warted. , . . , ; , xaaay's eraeiai tosrsoss! x Ofaaw Blab. tsW.4.:. Oct May..... 3-13 " 1.10 i,113 1UI Jaiy A0H - J J r -oOH Cora Oct AIM 1 ' .HB '.skkU Dow May... Jaiy... Oato- M " 0H 5 .-OOH Oct .rt.. j Dee... v. .30 .31 H -00H Act bh.00 : Nov nee...,. 11.01 " Jan...,, 1330 May..... 11.03 Lard Oct..... 730 - NO..... ..... ri- Jan..u. f 10 s 30.TT .T US " 30.00 B V 11.0s i 41.10 n v 13.40 1A3T ,B kUjrr. 0.30 Oct T.M Jaa..... Aa hUy... A00 IS ABB T.SS . u .AA . -'' ' ' .... . GB30AO0 OAAX WBSAT) nanaa. Oct. IB. Oath wheat ft to 0 as. TW cranial market. No. S end ...... ..ti IT No. i red H...t1.14 No. I hard winter , l-lt tin i-lB Na 1 hard winter , 1.0T ,1.13 K. J northern spring 1.10 N 1 oor there spring ,.. 1.10 .... He. 1 aprtoa. ..f,..i .3.10 j Via . OOnOAOO OBAXB OAB IOTA, . Cbiesge, ewt, !-4fssi ear Wt: " ' . . Cars. Orada Bat. Wheat ............v......... 4 , n O.S :r.rr::::::::::::::::SS f - S Wheat ears today: MlnaeapoUe, 0BT; Datatb. BTS, Tear aso: Ml n aos polls, 0BO; Oatota. I0g( OsPtogS IP J .'V " v Mow Saril AoaJo Math at $"' Mew Torn, Oct, IB. Cloto: Wheat bar, 01.17 W aekad; May. I1.14H eakad. Onto (hmsapolta, Oct. 1A Clesei , 01.10 m 1 Mar, ll.WH- Bntott Orato llarawto Dolatb, Oet. IS does: WkesO-O-.U ktd May. 1.10 bid. laVvpost, Oet. IA Close. bar Ta ea, a klgker. Oam Pseaaker. 4 Id. Ha Wabar. Taeasa. Oat. JA Wheat atroagt etnh aad red la eaaaxad at 04 He; btaeatea. lOdyOOHA ' Few Tork. Oct. IA Havre car roe. aecnxe Cdat; Rankers; H point lower. Jtosstpto, Bis 000 bags for week. r- " , ' ' " t ' Few Tstb Onak Oaffse. Few Tort. Oct. ia Cash softest B. f l y . 'i From th New Tork Sua. , , Aa Altow B. Parker waa atrtdlns dowa fifth avenue a fw days ago. taking- bla before breakfast constitutional, hlg at ran Una waa struck hy a portrait, pur porting to bs of blmself, ia aa art deal er's Wfndew. Tha fudge survwyed ft for almost a mbnute, and thaa went an. reek ing pussled. . - - . "Arthur," ba said to bis BOeratarF, later to th day. 1 wish you would took ta ' window today and examine a picture that I supposed to be of ma but really Isn't Something Is th matter with It, but t did not hav tlm aaough to look It vr carefully." ; . Mr. HcCauslaad want ta tha art tor aa aooa as be had f 0 minute leisure. Fss, th portrait did resumbl th presidential candidate, hot ther wag something radically wrong. - Xt took Mr. McCaastand ther minutes te discover just what was th matter. Thaa h laughed, aad went Into toll th art dealer, who pree aptly withdrew tha portrait, which had ban dona jn oil from a photograph. Judge Parker eyes Or brown. Tha portrait had them a deep blua. . -II I nil. M 1 V If KttTOpatktn wanted a fight, no Is surely getting what bs wanted. BUWBiaOX BOFbUiTB to CHA, , (Bstabltsbsd lllAf; , A iwaM Floor: ' OF CafJhtwAOB. Beard of Trado. . . . Cyulck Service rwrTPWJ,M1 JmAj m atas laadiooal' Baak at A-erUa, dttls. ""55 M IAAS ' II. W , 13-41 13. a - f3B -, ; t.BI -T.OO ' . AM ABO s. eki aak a aarrna is. , ' y IQWH WTBat B&VB BFBSj. waTAtf AWB BFOOat ' Beea. OWAXtiSBBB 1 ' ----- V .f ' " .. - t -