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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1904)
THE C "ON f T T URNAU PORTXA f TODAY VORNING, OCTOBER li, irt '.V.nt J "" i - 1 1 Conic Or Mm SokOTt ' Trim Tto'Jmsa Own Cenwarssdavt) Mew Tar. Oct. IL my Inish poetf- hlrpa -4n,TM Una, etborwis known as Mot. febumuui-lWiih. Shads of tbo Valkyrlel Mom. Bobamann- Hetnk U oomlo pral On would al most aa boob oywt to tb dlvtn Saras doing aa acrobatle feat oa Um vaudeville Mac. That magnlnoant vote that um4 to tbrttl m mo la tb farther most wcwiw of Um JaetropoUtaa opera houss wbn w war ao far from th stag that Mm. Schumann-Hetnk's well rouaded figure looked petit, that prfot Interpretive art in Wagnerian roles and a eomle opora by Stan Edwardat "U my Bagllacb sootT" It la sood nouh and aor. but to many of ua, whli w wwa dellgbted, tbr waa a kmgln to bear again that resonant German, throbbing- with power and Intensity. I dare any tha publlo la on th whol ft gainer. A great many wbo otbarwta would probablr nov hoar an artlat and a singer of Sohaaaann-Holnk-a ability are given then th opportunity. Iforo vr. th Trr nietaatty of provtdms; a jnedhim for a woman of auoh ability be ailed forth a bottar product than would lav boon wrltton for on-of our ordinary oomto opm stars. "Xjovo'a Lottary Is almost a omnia opora of tbo typo w oaoo had. It tolls a Btory and Ita mask) 1 far abor to nana! "catchy" Bluff that w bav noon forced to listen to (bee lone roars. Beta of oneh charac ter It may b dismissed with a oortata amount t dtall. Not that It to for a mlnuto of tha hlgb atandard of thoo famous old opora oomioue which Ton to this day retain-their brightness: but It to ao reJreshlnjrlr abor th ordinary rut of things of'this kind that tt iiiiffn credit and mention. ' Ita plot oantani abeot a lottery tick which draw a- largo pr. TUe tlckt to 'In tbo possession of on Itfiwtnt Trivet wh la out nraeh In lov with Una (Mm. Sebnmann-Hslnk). - Tbrougta misunderstanding; Una thtnka that It to bar ticket that haa drawn th prla and baa Trlvt to Chang with bar.. Trivefs ticket ah Inadvertsntty ones to write a message upon.' Th atory ro vorr about th to of thia ticket and Its neortrr. ; Tbor to vn a subplot of a fllrtlnr wlf and an tmpotvoua lover wbtcn taking It all In all to not bad for a omlo opara. Tbo must by Mr. Ed ward, too, to dollcbtful and. If on mts;M vh th term, "muslctanly." Mm. cbu-numn-Hlnk haa aovoral xoUnt none and throucbout tap work p owa at ahar actrletlo of th bettor thlna; A word now as to Mm. BohumanB' Blnk boraolf. It to hardly neeary to peak of bar TOto. "It dtUI jniniiii ai moot all of It fokBMT beauty and rich asa and power. It muot bo eonfi J, however, that tt doea not tntpraa as 'It dM m baavtor part. Hr aotlar. m a way a rereUUon. Not of dolloato to sh mad yon foravt ererythlnf in her affnrscanoa of good humor every thing but thoao aforasald Wagnerian role. W .might aa well oonfa It at one; w bay triad to dodge It, but w always oomo back to U: Mm. Schn maan-Keuik In comlo opora to delight ful, charming, bubbling with good nature and poaaaated of tbo nam wonderful vote, but b eannot mafc -va forget the Mm. Bohuinann-Helnk of grand opera. And )nt beeaus ab ean't ther to n feeling; of dlatlafaotlon. If you try to analyso Uua feeling- yon And It unpoeslble and It allpa from you: novor thelem the nnt minute It return In spit af everything, Id spit of th charming; acting, in spit of tbo magnllloant vole. th Now- Tork World. Dave7l rVarfielcTs Story f of r , TTH HIS ' ter." HIS new pleos, Th Musto Man- ," David warneia neiiner puur u mm tale fao. nalnt UO his ItoS. ,rkiM hia avebrowa or undorllaoa m his oyoa. Of eours any on can so from tbo audtonoo that h de not in dulg In faiss whiskers or tsls no; iv moreover what . every on probably ' thinks Ift ft visT to hla own hair. It Is SO long, so buahy nnd stands up In such i Llest-ltk pompadour that few can . believe tt t b reaL Even th gray ; streaks In It. which might b taken as s th result of powder, ar natural, for ' Mr. Warfleld, althougb still a young man, to getting a not unheooming sUvar : tins to hla black looks. , - i Bars not had my hair cut smoe last goring." said a. "Just so as to b ready for this part. It was extremely uncom fortable In hot wathr and people were T givao to maklns aareastfo remark about my ability to bosom ft football player. But 1 stood It. Bald nothing, smiled nnd : let my hair keep on srowlns; longer. It 1 . wns worth while.". -' Th1 starB part of th lovabl old muelo master to ft new departure in German V character drawing. Ther to nothing; of th trarleaqu about It, nothing to arouW eontampt or driir laughter. It to aympethetlo, strong and herolo ta ft " food, homely way. Th old mualo toaobor V la not ft carloaturo, but ft real man, of whom ther ar doubtless hundreds of ? prototypes today. H to cultured, la :; teiilgent, ehivalrous, warm hearted and 1. poor. x - It to ft long stop to such character ' from tbo rod wbiskrd, grinning street faksr and seller of old hats with which " Mr. Warflald was IdenUned. , thrmans fiv hitherto boon held up to rldloul by oomdlns on th stag," . eonUnued Mr. Warfleld, "They have - always been roprssented ftg aom sort f of an lmpossibl parson, with a freak . dial est, loud mouthed, vulgar and stupid, Th Dutch comedian' had become an , abomination tn th land. 1 know that th Germans rent him. just as Irish men raoant Irish oomedlaiw Wltn grssn whlakera, and I don't blame them. k "if tbto character of the German muslo master will start a now and mor truth . ful Una of German character stag work . . J shall be very proud Indeed. - "Perhaps X hav no right to preach, for X hav been ns great an offender against good taste as anyone. I hav played alt kind of ridiculous character parts H brswa, Scotch men, preach men. negro , and even an Irish woman, one. I hav afflicted audience with that old and worn out trick oalled "side we lh eoaver-'- nation;' X hav pushed my faoa Into th other fellow's when speaking. ned th ' guttaral roll and the nasal twang nod worn outlandish clothes, but I oannof ' tell yon bow thankful 1 am to b rid of . K all to b rid f th big booked false noee, th straggly beard nnd th bat tered old darby hat. . It to aU ft thins P to to at ' ' any rata. X shall nvr go bank to It, and I do really bellev that th public ft getting; sick of R too. I belMV they ' ar willing to be fltrtalnd tn n mor . rational and legitimate way. In my opinion war other actors to aom to th same oonclonlon It would be a Mess ins sll around; th actor and th andl- t w - b-h -e b''r oft ara that j, Opera a hi spit of th oonauinmat art of th woman Mm. tttbumana-Hotak will al ways b recalled to' yor , salad an a grand oparavatngor,. not a a oemio opera star. - Tbo aomnany swroundtnr Mm. Bebv mannHtnk - U mollnt and Ui play tbrohghout both In ooatumlna; and dia logue to free from all obetlonabl 1 manta. Finally a word of thanks should b given th management for curtailing Um aneor nulsano. Me aona to repeated thro or four times until you are ut terly weary of It. Throughout, th pro duoor has shown good Judgment and ta taUtgreno. Tha production to far. and away abaftd of th usual oomto opera TT Mto. Teat aya a Ttosl. ' ": Miss Delia fox returned to us last Fri day, but either beoauee ah was sot foot ins; well or had forgotten her pocket-book ah oould not remain beyond Monday. The play was musieal eomody entitled "Th West Point Cadet," and aa muolaal eo medio gt, was not sd bad. Neither, for that matter, waa It ao good. It ot fred, however, to Mtoa. Vox ft part not unlike those In which aho first achieved auoce , alternating between a boy's and a girl's role. Moreover, It, too, had ft plot and certainly oould boast a good company, such nam asRlobl Lin-, Arthur Cunningham, Joseph Her bert and Sdward Abeles nttaatlna; to Ha worth. Th play wen, alone Friday nnd Bat urday. On Monday night Mlas Fes had larynaitto and yon may trace for yourself the oonnootlon th chorus oem to th theatre- and began carrying away wardrobe. - So "Th Wst Point Cadet" aaw exactly four performano In Now Torn. It to rather pity, too, for, aa said before, tbo pleos waa really bet ter than a great number of musical oom Aimm v. win furar. It would be an ln- hereatlng study to traee oxacUy what It to that makes on play ft success wbue an other, equally aa good or perhaps better, faila. home time a single song does It; onetime, not often. It la th eborus; oomUms tt to th personality of th tar. But ther har boon plays which made enormous "hits" to this city which were not funny nor olever nor wU aeted, but which In nam unaooouatabi way struck th nubllo fancy. Not even th earaa of tbo Metropolitan opera-house and th whims and freaks of prima donnas can make Herr Courted forget hla tboatro In Irving Place. In tbla llrtl playhouse be haa ft German company of player and produce a great number of - modern nnd olasalo German plays each winter. Tha company bears the distinction of being th finest stock company An America and th production ar characterised by careful state man agement and mteUlgeno. Th theatre opened Thursday with ft comedy, "weth Frlnsessebon." "His Little prlnosss," written by. fehastaler-Paraalnt. It to ft pretty tltU atory of bapplnass in poverty, or rather moderate elrcametanoe. and unhapplnesa amid wealth and splendor. It to on of tbo Charming trtflas whleh appeal to all. In Mr. Conrted'a eompany thia year ther ar several new members, th most prominent of whom so far ap pears to be Margaret fVuss, who coma from tbo iMealng theatre, Berlin, The past week haa not bean quits vp tt the season's standard, but nest week bMo fair to make up for it. .Mr. Otto Skinner open Monday n "The Bar veeters.' -The same dat offer a nw oomto opora by Mr. Ado, "The Sbo-Oun,' and Mrs. Patrick Campbell in Sardou's "Tha- Sorcere ." Tuesday Henry Millar appears In "Joseph Entangled," . aa of which should prove lntereetlngv ImpOMlM Qirman eharacter aotlns, but th public to about uo to wake up. "In musio hall work yon must bs funny on th jump If yon'dost get than to laughing; somehow or another to nv minute yon might as well ao noma. Too ar m dead on than, - Ther to no ehanc or tun to work up a ftn point or gt a laugh from ft thinking standpoint.- . Thai, in why mualo hall work Is much mor laborious than atralght comedy. 1 - rOn to th axpoundtos of pbysioal humor, th other of stoats! humor." , "Are yon solos to drop that ever present and infectious Smile which ba onm almost ft trademark with youf '1 ns It only oooaslonally. It to most sffecUvo ihat way; It makes th smile much n6r' ooosplcuoos than when X grinned all th tim. It ta tact that th tot John . T. Raymond no Colon! Seller used th expression "There's millions In If only throe times in the whole play, and yet that expression will always be associated with him. - It will U v as long as his memory does.'' Ask any one who- bad seen th play bow many tlnws Mr. Raymond used it, and th answer would be at least a hundred. Three la th exaot number, however. "Now, In this play I use the words Hat 'am alive' but thre times also, yet th average parson in th audlenc goes away with th lmprssslon that I repeat It frequently. That shows th ffcUv oeas of restraint". In personal appaarane Mr. Warflald to not etrlklng. Natur has don very Ut U toward helping htm to guocean, He to ft small man, short and rather slight, with a email face that has scarcely a regular featur In It, Judged from ft beauty doctor' standpoint. But bis ya or express I v to n degro. At his wlU they light up with mirth, flash with a gor or shad with sorrow. His fore head to' high, aquar and overhanging, the forehead of ft student and thinker and not of n low oomodlaoL On glano at It will con vino any on that Mr. War held to speaking well Inaldo th truth when be says ho Is very glad to b rid of false noses and all the rest of It His mouth to his other xpreslv fea tur. It is largo and mobile. The teeth ar Strong, even and white. His chin protrudes and shows a marked determi nation of purpoa. while bis bos to th on, feature that Indicates th comedian. It approaches very olos to being ft pug. Were it not for his no Mr. Warneid would probably hav been An author, an artlat or a musician. But h oould not resist th InfliMno Of that turned up noee. It led him to mualo halla and bur lquo oooMdy. His forehead and hla chin have d him out of the wildsrn of slangy oke and raetlm. J From the New Tork Herald. Phauaeey Ipew Was not tons telephoning from th vVsIdorf. For aom reason Jto found It difficult to mak "CentraT' understand who bo was. "1 am Cbauneoy Depewl" he called in stontorton ton of deep Indignation. "Can't you hearf Chaun y Dopewl Chauney Dpw! "Oh. oaan th vole -of th girt, sweetly. "1 beg your, pardon, Well, I am tn tsarina., of Busaiar '(Oantinued from Peywartoen.) ar to enjoy this wall-known aet. Th new bUl opens tomorrow ftftornooa Hun tar's Eieeuriowiam to onothor nwnynet. Fowrtoon - trained dogs and aaonknys will ooamper about the BUou stasa, and brtns tousbtor and amass ment from youas nd old. Mrs. outott to ft sostotr woman of th olty who make her flrst appear ano on any profeeslonal stag at th Blton In Uluatrated aongd lonls t mar to ftn Inoomparnblo BsonoioglaU Menlo. the eonmdy magician, fools tbo audienoe. Th people forget vt laugh In their surprls. Th two Rustton on horlsontal bars have ft now not Skitertainins picture ba.v bsom. go oared for th Tltaacop. , ; , - - ir it . v' - .' irxjnrrmmu a STAm. ' t Syrvaster. Jones and Frlnl nm th topllnora at th Star, opeotos with th ma tine tomorrow. Spool! inducements had to b toad to gat the exclusive Actors to oome to Portland. Theirs 1 the greatest mutotml net in th world. For character noting; Harry Howard to In n class ail atono. Ilia to that happy talant of keeping ft , houseful mueed without knowing why. Something novel Is the appaaranoa of th thre Alaroons, Max loan entertainers, who give an hour of laugh In a few minute. Dottaon, Um clay-modeler and nmox artist, ia an other feature. If s easier to see uottaon than to explain what a "amok artist" ta. A most sensational act to presented by UM thro Alton, qulhbrUta. . It l cew. BtarUins ptcftur hav been obtained tor the projectoacop. . Continuous today. Every eXMraooa and vnlns during th WOSOBtoS. ' . . ' High up tn th air la th piac fur Howard and Campbell. Swinging in th Roman rings they do ail kinds of mar velous stunts, breath-taking: feats that startle and surprls. The performers lead th new bill at th Arcade, which wUl open tomorrow, afternoon. It la a sensational act that Is sura to praass. . Heern and Lewis hold the champion ship for-mixed eomody double. They ar nimbi-footed danoars and odd song-, slng-ors. Jarrott to ft dance specialist. A aplendld magician ano juggler with burleaque assistant ta the desortpttoa of Rest and Alvlno. Tbo sweetest songs of tbs hour, illustrated by bright picture, will b sons by Rat Coyla, th Arcade favorite. Th bioscope pictures ar new. The blU to continuous today I to 10 :M p. m. On week days shows are on from l:s t 4 p. m, and from TjM to 10; 0 , Tho management of th Lyric has an nounced another gnat bill for tola week. By apeatal request from iarg number of th Lyrlo Bfttrona th mauagement haa re-angaged- H. G. .Welch flc Co., who will appear to aa entirely now aktt re plete with mirth, singing and dancing. J. H. Maxwell, th mooologlst. will In troduce new pared Ma. - Byron and Wast, comedy sketch ertlsta, will appear to an ntlrely new sketch; Mahal Lesll win sins coon songs. La Borois and Byorson ar artlstlo aons-nd-danoe artists, and Harry Hoyt will sing a new, up-to-date sons- - Kb vltaaoop wilt show "Th Moonshiner,'' . . Th UU opena. Monday ftoraoon,.. . . . r:. . Much has boon heard of John C Fisher and Thomas W. Riley's new production- "Glittering- Gloria," which to booked Tor th Marquam Grand. Th piece baa been scoring phenomenal success in all oltls thus far visited. Beside having a brilliant oast. Messrs. Flshwr A Ry ley hav spent kl.00 to make tbo pro duction realistic Th oast to a strons one, being- headed by Miss Isadora Ruah, and Include such well-known artists as George Parsons, Wilton Msriot. Edward M. Favor, Bert Clark. Channes Olney, Lulu Louden, J. Ounnls Davla, Thomas 'A. stlernan. Irmn Davla. Georg Jackson and S. Frman. ,. j' it w ,; ' " SIR OOBBmAT ATTRAOTXOM. ' "An Orphan's Prayer,' with Nettl DeCoursey and ft splondM supporting company, to underlined to appear at Cor dray's for th week, beginning with a matinee Sunday. October tt. Tbla to an Item of unusual importance to theatre-goer and they will da well to past It In their haJb. . ; nrmsa mosraWMUBmirs zjs vmsra Bk-Attaeh tn Chicago Tribuab. Kaiser WUblm haa given go many dsMMmatratloaa In raoant year Of tbo fact that b looks upon captains of In dustry and of trade as boms a aouro of strength to tb. empire, that th an nounoement that be has just prssorlbod a oomprahanslv eoursa of oontmorclal studios for bin throo younger 1 sons. August. Oscar and Joachim, wilt exclto but lltUe aurprls. It oonstltutoaw how ever, a totally new departure In tbo training- of prince of th blood, and aa such merits mor than passing not, es pecially In view of the recognition by old world royalty which It implies of th nooaeatty of keeping abreast of th times, not only In military and naval matters, but likewise in the development of industrial and commercial prosperity, la -order to maintaia unimpaired th prestige of both throne and nation. - At th tim when -William suecoeded to th crown, now II years agro, he was credited with a determination to dvto himself above everything to to th promotion of tbo military grandeur of his smptra. Today, placing himself at th head of th Gorman business world, he la bending all hla nrg1a to the achievement of prTmlnno In Industry and trad by hi people. That to th reason why h instructed Prlnc Henry when the latter waa ta tola country two ysars ago to gat ' Into touch wttb th groat Amerioaa oaptalns of Industry and finance, why b displays auoh a pro nounced predilection for the aoototy of men who hav mad their ways as mer ohanta, manufacturers and flnftnclsrs- In on word, as business man-- and why h now has givsn directions that bis thrsa younger son should bo Initiated Into the axystrta of trad, finanoe and Industry. Of his stx aona, th eldest th heir ap parent, ha beea trained to th dutle of rulershlp, ths second and third with a view to becoming great military and naval commanders respectively, whU of his thro younger sons Um kaiser hopes to make royal oaptalns Of Industry, and prince of flnano. It to tru that thr are several mon arch, and alao'sorao tons exalted salons of th sovereign houses, of Europe, who hav augmented their pdraonal fortnnas and at th nam tim contributed to the .nnMnarltr of their fUo by meant of Industrial enterprise -'and commercial undertaklnga. But In ovary Instance they have la ooneequono of their lack of business training ben obliged to buy at a heavy cost Um ex perience to which they hav owed their ultimate anno, whereaa Brapeoor Will iam's three younger aona, thanks ta hto advanced ideas on th snbjact of their education, will on attaining- manhood be In a position to approach th problems of finance, of Industry srd of trad wtthouptbalng handicapped by any such Initial diaadvantaga. ,. i MARQUAM GRAND THEATRE t it M PkonMmtmM. ' W. T. PmmcU, Rmstdmmt Mmasr. t t ONE WEEK BEGIN NINO FREDERIC 4 ASS A STrrarnxom oomvAbtt A I Ul TESSraD'URBEttVILLES t MONDAY TUESDAY K i WEDNESDAY wnmw SATDIpAY T"- SATUIUT HUtisft rwrwsi hiss nmtlr tower floor,' ' ILftt. Baloony. flrsx a 1.M; seoond I rows, 7t; tost Box and logos, I7.. w gpioun BAwtmsAT ntATXim BMsUBS BnUre lower floor, To. Ba- Ur baloony, ao. GaMry, St ; I SBAT8 ARB ; i -ne MARQUAM GRAND I' Three Nightt,Moa, Toes, f-i. menu oi V ' r BETTER THAN "CHARLEY'S AUNT" - Henry Jajiies" tnrwao Brooks In Now Tork Herald.. : S 1HI VII H S5KRT lAUBfl by bto llfs of se clusion for. 20 years In Bnsuno and on tbo oontlnant baa kept nsraonallv out of the publlo my. Henry Jamas, of middle might, slightly bald, bis black hair turned Iron gray at the sldea, Is not ao different to mors appaaranoa from other peopl aa Ms fiction 1 different from Other flo tlon. , , - H wear a plain rough mornm saok suit of dark gray. His face to Ions and atronsj, broad of obeekboae and tow, nar rower to th blgh doming; lorabaad. Ther 1 no chiMllhe appeal in th eyea which are ret the revere of ebarp or keen they hav seen, rather than sssn to see. His no to mans! and fin, his mouth large and tender, and the ohlldllk quality that aU artists manifest In som featur because tney ar so in .anai phase to In th delicate, youngr aapre alon of tbs chin th lower Hp, It to ft face the peculiarity of whtoh Ilea to tbo unusual combination of ex pressions. For rapidly and superficially on would not ooont tha wool as strik ing.' Roughly speaking; strength and mellowness, shynesa and kindness, ar tha mlngl'ns traits. In ft mora quick glano no ordinarily dull person oould feel ft trao of hyper-del tceoy, diaqul eling subtlety. Blue grey, bis ya do not mm to penetrate. It ta a wonder bow tbo opaque eye oould bav seen each sub tleties, pierced snob disguises of oouL Henry Jam has nver boon "inter viewed." "One craft, one's art. la bto xprBs4on,N h bold, "not ons per son, as that of aom great aotrass or singer to here. After yon bav heard a Pattl Binar why should you ear to hear tha email prlvato vote of th woman r Henry James, a if in all corroboration of bla habit af privacy, speaks exactly aa be writ, with extreme oar aa to tbo choice of ft word, a phrase. "On rethsr discount mora talk, ha said, "la suoh a matter, too, the artist to practically belpleea, practically at tbo mercy of tbo bearer. . . Tkis Machine o KR of tho most lntorosttng; In ventions of modorn ooleoos to . th pyrhallophoro, or un mo tar. loo ted back of tho for estry, nsh and soma build lag, at tba St. Louis world's fair. This is th In vention of Father at. A, O. Himalaya, a Portuguese prleet and professor of phy sics and chemlatry at tho Santa Crus col leg at Coimbro and Oporto. This to tho fourth sun concentrating appa ratus that Father Himalaya has per fected. ' ' - Father Himalaya has found that th heat of the sun's rays, through th power of his perfected apparatus, to suf ficient to mit th moot obstinate sub stance. Msngaaes. wttb which th scientists hav worked for. yaara, to put Into hi crucible, and the sun's heat turns It to liquid. Gold, allver, copper, steel. Iron and th Ilk fuse easily to the pyrbellophoro aa do marble, granite and ether substancea. The motor to oa-an epoel htllsld and so aat that th sun' rays fall upon a great oonvex mirror. The mirror turns on a pivot, following the sun throughout the day. It to composed of l,N pieces of mirror, ft by t Inch, mad for thia work, and coated to with stand th weather. Th reflector throws ths concentrated rays of th sua into a large furnace In front of th reflector, and ther th material that to too sub jected to heat to placed. h Fit her Himalaya to ambitious for hla pparatua. Ha believe that It WlU eveataally a of commercial value. In that It will supply a new motor for ma chinery. He do not bop ta us it, xoopt for solentlfto purpose, tn a eli nat auoh an Is to be found about St. T.nuia because her th sun doe not oountryipenUshfh continually, but In Sahara. Arabia sua oven wuB1 bin all day and tha year round, tba pyrhallopboro will create steam and run snglnea, Tbto would mean tbo aoluUon of tho fuel problem ta,ptaoaa, wbar there to bo fuel. . . . Father Himalaya speaks sf hlB pyr bellophoro aa b would of a petted child 4h child of hto brain. He said: "Tbo name that haa bam adapted for my Instrument to taken from thro Ulreek words pyr, Bre; hello, sun; phorosi I bring: heooe pyrhMlcpbora. It la a new hauostat, glmplar and laraar. i:::;;day, oa; 17, 1904 i BELASCO .J nr two m:AimrxoBar sgbjtzo MARTA m LOWLANDS J rows, CPA Gallery, Ito and Io Z ua Ma NOW aStLX.INa -t and Wed, Oct 24-5-6, 1904 i uie ranuiy 'in His S -The author to bto work has meant omsthlng perhaps, but U ha bad to en- ass tbla tosanins to a different way it would savor bav boon wrltton. "I try to express my aubjaot. It X do so express Ik aa X apprahand It, to to enough." . A qusstton as to purpsa area. Hto Btortoa leav tha reader with ft ques tion of "moral purpose" enowa" at the end. -What ff If leav you with that owss Hon nt the endf asked th author. Per sonal illumination baa no place la tbla. "Ah, to not that the trick that life plays 7 I4f Itself leaves you with questioa It asks vou aueerfoo. - Whea neationod about hto vtows af Amerioaa lltoratura Mr. Jama would onlv snsak ta general, "The mass of writing; to SO great,'' bo explained, "a ao unculdad. Never yet baa such a mass of literature bean put forth so unwarned. so unprotected, ao unuldd by any ade quate criticism. " He spoke rather sadly, rather sgfaaaVef tba ffsta of the de mand of th American "publloa,' which b considers so IntormlngledV ao almoat tosssarabl la their parts, as to b un susceptible to division into class ea of testes. "I have had too many Amsrloan oon- taets both ta my earlier yaarg a abroad to forget any country, to tonor It. For purposes of material thaaa oea taeta bav ben aufflotont. 'On must not vrdo th Bnailsb and American distinction,' bs oontlnuas; w are aU on literary treditkn.t It waa In Praaoo B0 odd yaarg ago that as a young; man Hr. James bad th chano to seek bow to do the things. With that famous group, Alphooas Dau- dt. Sola, D ataupasaanC th oonoourte. rurgnelff, tboss who gathered at th bouse of Gustavo Flaubert, be had th lnestiroabl privilege of Intercfaang of discussion, comradeship, ' The author were, aa Mr. Jam i marked. desosndanta of a much stronger group. And I wtoh to say that aa author for whom I entertain a great sweat to Balsa," "Melts Anything I am ambitious for It baeauaa I bav een that through ft we sea attain tha greatest known heat In fact, a boat greater than has hitherto, been known. I bav no hssltanoy la saying' that wa will mtoeed four thousand dsgws cen tigrade, which would moan mora than 7,100 dears Fahrenheit. , Th .principal purpoa of tho hot lop ho ro I will enumerate as follows: M To oomplste th seal of high tem peratures. Th higbt now known to 1,60 degroos, Vloll' scale, or f.iW de gree Fahrenheit. To do tbto we will no long- be depend nt upon too tocOrroct ciroulatlon ox th Mectrleal furnace. To study th properties of matter and to determine their condition under very high temperature and to ascertain If their molecular propertle are trans formed or modified by th great beat. Ts ascertain every kind of reaction that oould ha produosd by vary high tempsraturos. "Th Industrial use of tha pyrbello phoro. The commercial usee would be many. On of them would b th malt ing of all known substance. In th electrical oven, which produce th highest heat now known, we are ob structed by th fact that wa must hav an anode and a cathode of carbonv,and they are ao constituted that they actu ally prevent th reaching of the high sat temperature. With th pyrhallo phoro w bav no such obstruotton, bul got th pure, clear beat of th sun. pon contrated as far aa possible. W hav no magnifying glass, tmeause th glass absorb from 4 to per cent of th heat. Our mlrrora absorb aom. but it 1 tb minimum amount, ao that whan we reflect our boat Into th even It m direct and th maximum can be reached. Thoo aubatano that tha scientists now And almost lmpossibl to reduce to liquid by molting are magnesia, lime, boron and chromium. Othera that are obstinate Ar ox id to chromium, quarts and granite. In the order 1 oaa molt all af thee.- : Pl St LmIs Trip Ntw, bn Octobar 17, tt and it tba O. ft. St N. will agate, sell vry low-rat srur- lon tickets to St, Louis, good return, " until December II. Particulars of a V Stinger, city ticket agent. Third ft. Wasatagtos strasta, COLUMBIA "I WtuhingHm frewfr. - . BECOMING MORE POPULAR EVERY MINUTE. . ALL TKIS WEEK, STARTING MATINEE TODAY AXSO THE COLUMBIA STOCK COMPANY WILL PRESENT CHABLXB FROHMArfS ORBAT MBW TRJC BUOCBSS, s fFtost waa to VatltoaS SOWING THE VIND bt sibbbi SXTUATIOBB f l - - URPDC lun HnW CFITf rim rf FniDFn - , , t j ffl ULHb IUIV NV! MSBW w "ma. " FBICW lenlng. Ua, Mo, Mo. Bntto galUry, It. Tfaflnaa. la lad. a . oury, loo. ALL DAT DOWK TCT?n TVsket Office oped Bt Row A bTarthr true; ra. Sixth and Washington, from 19 a. m. to T p. m. Phone Main 11- St or. After Is ait theatre. Fourtoonta p. m. Fhone Main .sil IIS PR6PARATION I AN KLABOBATB PRODUCTION OF THB TMMORTAL PBAR1TS LOVB TAQBDT, -. ROMEO CORDRAY'S HJ.EATa5S Week Starting Today, Sunday Matinee. Oct US v : ; p eluotts V r y Kg Scenic Prodoctioa of -tlic Grat RossUfl MelodraraA - "FOR HER SAKE" ".':r-r BIUfLfY MARBLE AMD THS BKST CAST SVSK THS FLAY. The Greatest Russian Play Yet Written! Intense Situations I Thrilling Climaxes! .1a to. .saat socia) any part of th bona obiidroa, Next Attraction "AN LYRIC ' TMBATRB " Oorasr Alto and Seveatn, KBATura si nooo, Mssigara. v Besting Capacity 70S. WEEK OF MONDAY, OCT. 17 SjrKSTTBB BT 1TSIO dSOSCSTBA, T T , bt syxciAL BsatrssT ft. 6. WELCH im CO. bsea r sagsged aw ea awr week. Bfeeenluut ea entfrvly aew act. Lest sp pwanee la PflrtUsd btfan startlag wa be Btera Circuit. J. II MAXWCLL Tb at em una Artwt. latrctortag Bow PbkmHM. LwYftON 4 WEST Csjr Sketch arHs). - NAECL LEftLIt TsaClevat Ooea Sfcoetet. LaZVorde CifrvoD seag end Panes artlam, " liACSY rm Ti Sweet Sarttesa) lUeetremd Smg. Jm VTA t. T - n t tiicathi; &. BAjrvm, nx wasi Faaw toato X&a. BATaVBAT . ' - Oabtmbla wmtrnTrr. 3, ana waanuigion, irom, i a w u AND JULIET rsBsrvaS Mats. Ma s ss lto. ORPHAN'S FRAYET Bijou v THEATRE WEEK OF OCT. 17 R. Q. WELCH A CO. -1 h I Sew Ttsveetr, , r ' . -FP TOWB sXATS." !' . BUftifH1 'tmnmrni'wa.u.nwmnni A Wevsltp f tomes end CklMrea, Hunter's tqocacurrkMlitm to TS FBowyaV44 ' - LOUIS LAMAR MENLO jsswoy atarMea iustojsAn aonaa ansa wt MRS c:llett2 ffk P- T