The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 16, 1904, Image 13

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    AY i:Z v..,J, OCTC-ZR H.V 15vl
v'ff:'V:Vf- of Gayety Occupies Society Folk
TTlii immi'i activities approach
. I rather slowly this fail. Outdoor
R ' sports hold In popularity. whil
l the Indian Mnntr weather pre
vails . Tmnla la ncniaiar -- Jbh
with many dsvoteea and the play
er And it delightful to ba abla
to play at any tlma of - tha day
-without tb discomfort Of heat Tha
. Ifnka are much frequented and small
parties of golf ' enthusiasts art eon-
; stsntiy Bain rormeo. to mar, to.
", haa been Imperative with Its entice
. men a ad canoeing, aalUng; and rowing
are aimoat aa common now aa early In
tha gcaaonr' Tha opening of tha foot-
bail aaaaoa haa brought out - tha
"Sends" In large numbera eager ta
' aaa tha aport and to ebaar their favor-
'"- itea to victory.- -
Preparations ar active la Catholto
circle for tha. grand cathedral fair.
whloh open next Wednesday. Tha Mt
ln of tha Oregon Presbyterian synod
during- tha weak haa been tha eauaa of
muok activity in thalr elrelea Luncheons
wra served tat tha church by tha
woman. Tha beginnln of tha confer-
anoo yaar hi tha Methodist- Fplscopal
church la tha signal for soda! work.
Reoeptton ara customarily given by
tha ahurohaa for tbalr mlnlstsra
Miss Bthal Orsnf ell's wedding ta Bdgar
' Steven Ws tha largest of tha week.
Thla week tha aanouBoamaat of Miss
Keiloss's la tntereetina. Miss Beaala
Hamilton la to ba married thla waak to
' A. Melvtll Dollar of Sam Francisco.
: la Rugene tha waddina; of Prank
Chambersaod Miss Bdita Kama araaUd
no little stir. Mlaa May Harris la receiving-
today -ht bar horn a, SSI Taatfa
street ta honor of bar eixaTemDt to
. Leon V Boa anb tatt. -
' Mr. and Mrs. John.B. Lathrop, form
erly aiding at ff Fart y atraaU
ara now In thalr naw noma at Vast
1 Twelfth street aornar of Davla
. Mlas Maa Oppenhetmer received bar
frienda Monday prior to bar dapartura
for St Louis and tha outhr states.
Mlaa Ssret Sax of thla otty was
bridesmaid at. a promlnant waddina; in
- lndaDandanoa Wednesday, October a
ana wora a dainty whit frook and
carried pink La rranoa rosea Tha brlda.
who waa Miss Lulu WUoox. was gowned
- la whlta eropa aa eblna over taffeta and
carrlad brlda- roaaa Har elstera
Mlaaao Caoala and Genera, war maid of
honor and wora whlta allk. Mr. Van
- Dornaita waa tha groom n aaa ol-
Among7 tha Portland men tta to
. Eugene last Saturday to play ta tha
University a Oregon alumni cam wara
Homtr D. Angell, of tha Cotton law
arm; Clifton McArthur, Ray Goodrich.
. In it motor at Hill Military acadamy; a
bolt, of tha Lawls and Clark comoila
slon. and Cbarlaa Wanerf of tha North
wastera Klaotria oompany.. ',
' VA obaralinv hoaufi waa ctran by
Mrs, Brnaat Fannlnc Tuokar, at SSt Boyt
. stmt, from 4 U FTtday aftarnoon. tor
Mra. -'Whllaalda aad Mlaa Chaavar. ra
i oantry of Boatoa. Tha raoaptlan paxtora
war baautlful with corcaoualy oolorad
v auiumn follatra and dallcata pink wax
'bavna. Mra. Kobart Hawltt and Mrs.
Maury Hawltt aaaUtad tha bostaas la tha
raoaprfoa bail. aborbst waa aarrad In
tha drawtne-room by, Mrs. Foatar Bak
- and Mrs. Whaaiar.. Tha dininaroom doo
aratlaoa wara rod. Tha dlDinatahla waa
..fary -baautlful with Old family stiver and
decorations of rod roaaa. Mrs. -William
Warrans. Mra Robert Lw1a, Mra. John
& i...aik mnA Mlaa Flandar oraslded
kra aaalatad by Mlsa Clamaatlna WU
. aoa, Mlaa Carrie anandara and Mlaa
, Winifred Mrrtek. Smttl hundred
t suaata wara racatvad, and M waa an of
' tha larwast aad moat harmlng affalra
of tha aaaaoa. n
Tha reception of 1M and Mra. 1". B.
Short waa hold at the First Methodiat
. church FrMar nln. About SOS
friends cam to oat thoak - An ntr
- tainlna proaTam waa: ftivaa, as follows:
prayer, I- A. M. Flshar; address for of
ficial board, O. . Johnaon; aalaoUon.
ofaoir quaxtat; address for mlnlatara of
tha dty. Dr. J. W. BrouaUari solo, Mlaa
Halan Bar stow; rasponaa. Dr. W. M.
Short;, aolo, Mia Imocan Hardtna;;
aonv. two Chlnaoo rfrl. '
v Tha mam barb aad frland of ' tha
. ehupcb oxtandad to Dr. aad Mra. Short
a hearty walooma for the essoins oonfer
anoa year. Dr. Brouahar oxprassad tha
.kindly foallns of the ministry toward Dr.
; Short and thalr hopes that ba would aid
larsnly Is th. Uy work. .
, - ww
Tastarday aftarnoon tha woman of the
Tounc Faopla'a soclaty of First Chris
tian eharoh mat with Mm J. F. Ghorm
Mv. Baoh brousht a bandkarehlaf to
nafca for a haadkarphlaf basaar to ba
' aiveo In th near fuTura, Mrs. Qborm
lay aarrad a dainty UtU tea. . . -
' ' Tha T. P. S. C. B. of Mlspah Praaby
tarlaa church sav a - soslal la th
hureh Frtday vnln ,
w dr . -
Th TJnlty Whist club of Portland
- passed a dallshtful day yastarday In
Mood Blvar. where It waa entertained
by Mra, Stuart. Thar ara IS mambara.
11 batoc preaaat. Th ranlns waa
paaaad play ins whist. Tha alub wfU
turn thla afuraooav -. , v
- w
- Dr. and Mrs. J. W, UU1 6Hnt
ful recaption, daaoa and auppar last
' rnlns in tha armory of th Hill Mili
tary aoadamn tha suests of honor bains
th football team of th Busn Hlh
ohool. Paraons orchestra furnished
. th maale. Tha decoratlone war ua
oaUr of tb popular apor. Th slrl
frland of tha academy boys war pros
ant at th daaoa,. and th aranlac waa
fivry nJoybi ; ..
' Miss 'oarmaln Samual waa hostaaa at
a charnilnc UtU dlnnar last weak at har
tfnme. Htr coosta were Mlaa Ra, Mlaa
' Friendly. Mr. Oalat. Mr. Sllr of San
Francisco and Mr. Lowaaawrt.
Th mambcrs of St. Ann's Catholto
Charitable society spent a rary piaaaaat
atamoon thla waak at th resldenoa of
Mra J. P. O'Brien. After tha bualnaa
aeaeloa llirht rafraahtnant ware served
by tb H ot ass. Th social hour waa
girn over to anaklns arrangements for
tha oathadral fair, which opens Novem
ber 1. Mra J. F. Shea. Mra, C. Daly.
Mrs. X W. SwMaoy aad Miss M. Burba
war sal acted to bars har of Ann'"
booth. They wlU b asalstsd bjr tha
,otbar mambara., .... . - -- . - - - -v
Mra. t A. Whittlaaay antartatnad tha
Woman aHtanoe of First UnlUrtan
church at bar noma, T7I North rup atraat.
last Wbdnaaday aftarnoon. Th main
part of th tlma waa slvan to an amus
Ins recital of tha ways aM maana aaoh
- one had uswd durtns tha summer to earn
har dollar for tha alllanoa, Mrs. Flateh
r Una wad anthuauuitloally raoalvad in
' aolo. nd araolously anotbar.
Tn aerrln refreshments Mra Oaorss
' strafiMy and Mra. W. H. Partarsoa aa
alatad tha heatasa. About St ueeta
war praaaot.
x , . '
Tha fc14 medal oontost under the
aaepK of tha MnHnomah W. C. T. U.
Tbaraday artalnS at th United Frasoy-
tarlaa waa aa Bstarastras affair. Five
ooatastants who har won stiver medals
wara on th proa-ran- They ware Miss
Viola Qreen of Aibtna, Miss HUdah
Brant and Walker Paddloord of Valvar
slty Park. Mlas Katie Anderson and
Mia Ida Summerfeldt of Mount Scott
Tha -medal was awarded to Mlas Sum
merfeldt. A eon test for tha arsad oU
medal win tako place at th state Con
vention , thla week. This la later fal
lowed by th diamond and arand dia
mond oontasa rsaohlns ovr still Urgar
tarrltory. ,
On of' th piaaaaat aranta of th
waak wa tb pro-wadding auppar,
Monday nlaht in honor of Miss Bthal
Tronfall and Bdcar Starana, siraa by
har paranta, at thalr bona, S4S Caautbers
street. Tb hnnxadlaU waddina party
and the relative war th cuests, mak
lna a company of IS. Tb decoration
war all daintily oarrtad out la pink aad
whlt Pink candle war assd In llaht-
lns;. - Th eauterplec ' was a waddina;
oaks with tha wadding" ball. Tha plaoa
marker war pink, bU-shapd cards.
Dallcata sprays of maidenhair fern
added a contrasting- touch to tha table.
Ih tha avanlng tha company was welled
to tb number of 40. whan all tb wad
ding attendants appeared for rehearsal.
Ioa cream and punch war aarrad lata In
th vaaln Tha brlda- prasentad bar
maid of ho nor with a baautlful hand
painted brooch, aad th groom gave hi
man hand soma sat of gold and pearl
shirt stud, . .
Th Orspn Grape Whist club' waa
charmingly entertained at patriotic
aftarnoon lost Tuesday by Mra. M. A.
Mathlot, at bar home, 40T Bast Ninth
street. Tha dooorstlons, all red, white
and blue, wera earn ad out 'In crepe paper
atreamsrs fastoonad about tha room and
bows of China aster In tha earn oolora.
Mlaa M B. Zallar won tb first prl and
Mr. George Bellar ths seoond. the oa
olation being- awarded Mrs. Planah. A
dainty luncheon waa aarrad ta tha Sta
in; room, - where th atra and red
roaaa war much In ev'denoa. Tha table
centerpiece was a bonquat of Hua whits
dahllaa contrasting- , with th bright
oolorad fostoona. - Mlaa Math lot gave a
number of muatoal selections during- th
aftarnoon. Th club will mast nakt
with Mrs. J. B, Wolff, SOS Belmont
- -v "
A farewell rooaptloa waa given In
Bugcn Wbdnaaday In honor of Rev. T.
B. Ford and family who bar eom to
Portland to rsslds. Dr. Ford, who has
boon presiding; alder of tb Kugn dis
trict for eight years, has bean ap
pointed to tb paatorat f SumnysMa M
B. church. Tha recaption was given at
th apaclou horns of Mr. and Mra. J. N.
B. Fuller, prominent soclaty people of
tha otty. About 1M 4-uests attended.
A sift of esteem was irrea to Dr. and
Th woadlas last Wednesday' at Si
o'clock u th evening; of Mis Bllaa
Bthal Orsnfsll to Bdgar Steran waa one
of Intareet. The wadding took plaoa at
th horn of th brlda'S paranta, Mr. and
Mr. W. H. Grenfell, at tit Carutbara
atraat. Rev. F. BurgatU Short perform
ing" th oeramony. About 10 gueaU
attandod tbe eoremony and vooaptton. l
.Th reoeptloa room waa la pink and
green wUh the bay window lined with
huckleberry rlaaa, ' A hug boll hung;
overhead with a whit chrysanthemum
clsnpor. : A pink lorof knot, pink
candle and Indian baskets full of pink
flowers enrrtsd oat th color plan. Tb
Blttlas-room waa ta yellow and green
1th oorrospondlns candles. Th or
chestra played th wedding march and
IS young woman friends of tha brtda. all
In pink and whlta. entered, forming- aa
aisle united with loops of smllax. The
bridal party than entered. Mis Bllsa
Bt areas attending th brlda and Glad
stone Stevens th groom. Mis Stras
wore pink tuasah silk dad. carried a
shower f maidenhair and asparagna
fern tied with pink tulle streamers. Tha
brtd wora a handsome white pea da
alna, mad vary aimply over taffeta
with aooordlon pleading of ahiffon and
alagant point d' alcom laea, mad by
har mother. Har rail was secured with
a spray of arang blossom and . a sun
burst of diamonds and - poarls, the
groom' sift Bar bouquet of Bride
roaaa was entwined with toll and point
lac. . Sh was given away by her
father. Mrs. Oranf ell ta Madras laoe
orar whlta taffeta trimmed with duchess
lane, carried Violets, and Mrs, Stevena,
In .black roll orar taffeta with point
laea, carried China eaters.
A reoeptloa ( followed. Punch was
served from an sJeors hi tb sitting-
room by Mrs. F. W. Drake and Miss
Mlnai Parker. Th dining-room was
in rod with autumn leaves and rose
hips,- Mrs. J, C Bdwards and Mrs, Ous
ts v Pfundor presided at tha table and
wara assisted by Mlsa Mayme Schsuldsr-
man, Mlaa Nora Martin, Mlaa uassi
Paul is and Miss Jessie Stackpol. As
sisting ta th ether room war; Miss
Mams Rogers, Mrs, R, Martin, Mrs.
Joseph Bo yea. Miss Qraoe Blood good.
Miss Thee Stacked and Mis Annie
Bogars. .
Mr. and Mrs. Kerens ara passing metr
honeymoon on th sound and ta British
Columbia. After November 14. they will
b at hem ta their new bou aa SUth
tratt- . .
--' ww
Mlaa Maud Alto Bell and Gears
Maxwell Chambers war married at 4
o'clock Wednesday aftarnoon with a
pretty homo wadding; at tb bride's
home, SSI Third atraat, Rer. Bdgar P.
HU1 performed, th oeramony. Th hall
waa strung profusely with try which
wound about tb staircase. Tb raeep-
tioa and living-room war bright with
autumn foliage and pink, rose end
swastpeaa. Tha man tela war banked
wtth th pink flowers embedded la fan.
In th bay window bung a hug baskst
of dropping sword-fama. Tb only at
tendants war llttla Lorna and Douglas
CouDerthwalta. nlec and nephew of th
bride, who scattered roe In har path.
Th brlda wore royal blue taffeta
trimmed wjth cream lac and carried
Bride rosea. Mr. W. I Marshall played
tha Lohengrin wedding maroh. . After
ths ceremony Miss Olga Brown caught
tha bridal bouquet. Th dining-room
waa rary pretty, all ta red with bug
paper rosebuds about the walla An
elegant cut-glass oandalahram with red
candle formed th tabl centerpiece.
The bride's girl friends aaalatad the
hostsH ta th dining-room.
Mr. and Mrs. Chamber har son t
their nom at Meldrum Plaoa. ,
T. P. Noenaa and Mlas Merger Mo-
ftrath were united ta marriage Wednes
day morning at the cathedral, iter.
Father MeDevttt officiating. Miss Julia
Burke played a violin solo, "O Promina
Me." The brlda was gowned In gray
crap da chirr, aM carried a shower bou
quet of Bride rosea. The bridal couple
ws attended by Mies Mara ret is tone n
as bridesmaid and Mr. John McOrath
as beet - man. After the marriage an
elaborate wadding breakfast was served
at the resldenc of th bride' mother.
at SIS Irving streak Mr; and Mrs.
Nonaa left aa th morning' train for
Spokan. and wfll b at horn t their
friend arts November i, at Its Haa-
ooek street.,
William P. SpaJdlng and Mlas Uasia
aiUuon oLForaat Qrav war marrlad
at th First Methadlst parsonaa last
weak by Bar, F. & Short. t
w '
Mis Id Ward of Albany, and W. W.
Allngham fit Portland, were married at
the brio hem last weak. , . . .
Interesting to many Portland- friends
waa th waddina of Mia Clara Bllaa-
bth Waiter, of Oregon City, to Oraf toa
B. Cheney, now of San Franolsoo. They
war married last Sunday in San Fran
olsoo. where they will reside. - Mr.
Cheney has been th artist for E Masnla
at Company for th past sis years. A
number of Portland and ursson. ,city
frland attandod th wedding. , v
Jay Davis, of Portland, and Mlas
Mabel t-ollard war married at th bom
of th brida's paranta. in Newbefg, Wedr
neaday evening, September SS, ' Rev.
F. C Stanard pronounced the tins cere
mony ta tha prasenos of a few relatives
and frland. A banquet ws served In
the dining-room. Mr. and Mrs. Dana
came immediately to Portland, where
they hare made their home, at US Hood
treat. - - ,
Th' nBrrtaawof Frank 1 f Chamber,
president of the Cbauabera-Brlstow
Banking Company of Busena, and Mis
Bdith Kama, at high noon last Wed
nesday, was one of th moat important
events In Sugen society.. Rev. -B, F.
Rowland, pasta of th Humphrey
Memorial M. M, ohurch, performed tbe
oeremony at the horn of the bride s
paranta. Mr. and Mra. S, F. Kama Tb
osremoay was rary quiet
The interior of th house waa taste.
fully' decorated te autumn leevee. Ivy
ad ant flower rrlth ioa etTeemess of
tmti,w ia.-srofulon extending- rrt
erarywber. Th place wber tb oere
mony wa performed waa th Bay win
dow, prettily decorated ta oolor of
green and whit. Potted plant were
uaa extensively about to rooms. Tha
dining-room deooraUon wera la red.
At th appointed hour mis uamuie
fsurll struck an Mendelaaohns weo
dln maroh aad th bride and groom
took their plaoa ta tb winoow unoer
naath a beautiful floral ball. Dr. Row
land performed th ring- oeramony la a
very impressive manner. Tb bride
looked charming la a beautiful sows of
wblte chiffon over taffeta.
After th ceremony a dainty woooms
breakfast waa served ta th - dining
room, which was preelded over by the
Misses Maud Kin. Myrtle Kays, Var
nlt -Henderson and Cora Wold. Only
the to) mod late relatlree and most In ti
met friend of the sootractlng parties
, in attendance. Mr. ana mi
Chamber left immediately for aa ex
tended trip to the east.
nr. Chamber has been identified with
Bugvn business Interests for th peat
II or IS years, having previously con
ducted aa extenatve hardware business.
Hs Is new encaged ta th nankins Busi
ness with Henry B. Awkony and Dar
win Brlstow. He 1 alao promlnant In
military elrcles of the stats, at present
being quartermaster of First Separata
Battalion, O. N. a. with th rank of
eaptala. His bride I prominent
society olreles. '
V 'fOarene Craw of Portland Unl
Mis Bva Clair Hammer of Albany
wm united in marriage at aign noon
Tuesday at, th home of th brM'
mother, ta Albany.
Th pleasant horn of Mr. Hammer
wa prettily decorated for th ecaslon.
Mis Bessie Hammer officiated aa bride s
maid and Mr. Cbarlaa Oiiawold of Port
aa haax man. Re. M. C. Wire per
formed the oeremony ta the presence of
a number of relatives and Intimate
friend, among them number f all
road nwa.
a arettv feature of th oeremony was
a sons by Mrs. Anna Selkirk Norton
fast previous to tb appearand of th
A wedding dinner followed and the
happy couple left n th aftarnoos train
for thalr new home at t-ertiano, isaina
ths - warm congratulations and beat
wish of many Albany friends.
On th Saturday preceding th cere
mony Mrs. Jesal Teeters gave a plat
tn honor of Mlaa Hammer. It
was a wsry enjoyable affair, attended by
a larg company of her girl ftiesda
An amusing- feature waa a moek cere
mony, m which Mlsa Bva French ap
peared to advantase as th groom- Miss
Leon Francle played tha wadding
maroh. while Mlas Orah Harknees mad
a suave aad efficient minuter...
g. WllbS Bailey, of Charlaetoo. S. C,
and Miss Marts T: Hansen, of Albany.
N T., were married Monday evening.
October le, at M Third street, by
Bev W. A. M. Brack of St. Matthew a
chapel. They are Interested In tha
Lawla and Clark exposition, and so will
remain har till after th fair and to
their home ta Mexico next fall.
Th Brown t ctab gar Hs opening
party Wednesday .venlns at Weber's
hall IB Fulton. The orange and whit
of the stub colors made very pretty dec
oratlone. Lmonade punch was served.
Everest's ere best re played a number f
very popular selection, among th
waits being "Wedding of the Wlnde."
"The Strollers" and "A Flight of Lov."
Popular two-steps ware '"Laee and
arses "Katunka' and "Seminole."
Mra. C. B. MnTarthf. Mlaa Daisy Milam.
Mm Prd BngHah and Ml Florence
Bean taut their patronage. Th dab
members are W. A. Vlggsra, president;
H. M. Buah, vloe-pVeeident; A. W.
Jones, secretary: J. F. Thompson, treas
urer; C B. McCarthy,, floor manager.
Thalr next deaos will be Wednesday.
Qctnhar IS ,. , ,
? n?
Tb Portaaia club, notabl for Hs
union Ideas ta Invltatlona, ha pub
lished a dainty souvenir book, eetllng
forth various vital Item la Its exist
ence. Th anneunoement of this year's
dances come first, as follows: October
IS, lt 4, opentna- party; November t
lto4, fail party; Deoember 14. ItOi, mid
winter parry; January 11. 1S06, New
Year' party; February S, IMS, Valen
tine party; Maroh S, ltOS. apring party;
April It. ISSS. dosing party. Then fol
low statements regarding tarttatlona.
punctuality and fees, gtnns; strict
rules rsrdina; -tnvttattons- snd trans-
fers, end boldisg that strict adherence
to thess. rules are th secret of th
club's unusual suooeaa. Tha history of
the dub gives tb cinramstsnoss of tts
organisation and every social event It
has given since that date November T,
1S0S. numberlns 44, Tbe club color.
red and whit; th slab membership, tbe
executive commit tee, and ths orchestra
complete the booklet, whloh 1 neatly
bound 10 buff, tied with club oolor and
bear th slob aX
1 Mis Jaffsry gave a youngr people's
part a Persons' hair las- eveningr.
wa wsll attadd, . -v V
' t
Th & B. B. . club car a dellghtfnl
dano for Its Initial affair thla winter.
About 1SS attended th party at Par-
sons' - hall htst Thursday evenins.
Irnonada and fruit punch war served.
The Drcerrams wera neat, bearing tbe
club emblem. Parsons' orchestra played
a number of new selection, which were
enthusiastically received, and promise'
to become favorites. In the twoetepo
th most popular were "Board Walk Pa
rade." "By a Shady Brook, "Come Down
from th Blar Pie Tree," Jepeo'a Tri-
umohal March" and "Karama.- Tw
pretty w waltses were "Down ta th
Vale of th Shenandoah" and "Com
Take a Trip ta tb Airship. Th pa
tronesses were Mrs. M. W. Ssltfucbs,
Mr. B. S. Brown, Mr. William Sandsr-
oock and Mrs. J. BaeppeiL ta mem
bers are Llewellyn NT Buck WlUlam B.
Rusppel. WlUlam Sanderoock. Jr and
Frank WL Smith.. - . , , ,
Woodward's dancing academy gave an
other Invitation party at Burkhard'a
hall,. Thursday evening, th second of It
seiiss. About SOS war In attendance.
Punch waa serve and Krtedt' orchestra
furnished good mualo. Tha aeat party
will be given Thursday, October, 17. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Thome Word s no ounce
th engaxement of their daughter Har
riett to Timothy Wood. The wedding
will take place sometime ta November.
Ml Word Is an active member of th
Delta Iota Chi society aad la popular
amona; th younger set. -v v -
e- '-'-
Invitations har been issued for the
marriage of Mis Ruby B. Kellogg to
Floyd B. Everts. Th wedding will
take plao ta th First Congregational
church next Wednesday, Ootober IS.
Musical JsTotea
Mr. Lulu Miliar, who has lately re
turned to Portland from Lewlston, Idabe,
where sb spent th hut four years,
baa bee engaged a contralto soloist
of Westminster Presbyterian church.
Mtw. Miller will be remembered a Lulu
Dahl Forbea, a singer of prominence and
a pupil of Mrs. Waltsr Reed, with whom
she Is sowttavJns her studio alao her
return,. ,
Aa tnterestlng epooert proyram haa
been arranged to be given In Mlspah
Presbyterian eharoh Bast Thirteenth and
Powell streets next Friday evening- at
o'clock. Following 1 th program:
Trio "The Star of Love" Bordea
Mr. Bus Jonas, Mrs.. J. M. C. Mil
iar, Mis Bthal Power.
Plane nolo Selected
Ml Mollis Reynold.
Contralto soio "My King-'- ..Lmes
Mra J. M. C. Miller.
Rcedfns-"The Jewish Exile ". ..Original
Miss Minnie Bode.
Tenor lo "Mattinata" ..Tostl
Charles H. Olo.
Pantomime "The Bridge". . .-
- Mlsa Anna Welch.
Contralto solo -
a "Vorrel-Morrler" j .....Toetl
(b) "Slumber Sea" f. ...Chlaholm
Mia JDtbel Shea.
Duet "Hark to tbe Mandolin". .Parker
Mis Suae Jones, Miss Ethel Powers.
Baritone soio 'It Waa Not So to Be".'
.,.. Nsssler
R. B. Bradbury. .
Raadhiaw-H01d Olory"
Mia Marl Keller.
Violin solo v. .Selected
Mis Covwella Barker. .
Th mualeal program at th First
TVnltsrlan church today is aa follows:
Adagio, ta A Oat (Voikemsr); anthem,
"Far from My Heavenly Home" (Ho
nor): Gloria i Beethoven) ; response
(Hanscom)! anthem. Thott That from
th Heavens Art" (Sott; Nun Dlml
tls (Bamby )vMarche PontlAcal (Lem
seni). MraT Albert Sheldon, director.
- w w .
Th musical soiree give by Signer
and Mm Q- Ferrari at their studio, a
and 1H Mill street. Wednesday even
ing. October IS, was welt attended. Th
numbers were all well received. Mies
Krmtn Hubbard waa h auooes la har
contralto solo. Her voice 1 rich and
smooth and aha sings with esse. She
was ths most popular singer a th pro
gram and won much praise. Mr. Gow
snlock was the other surprise, and bis
tenor solo wa received wtth enthusi
asm. Hi vole 1 very promising! The
program follow; Remarks, Judge ro
ley; duet Prau Opera "I'Masnaderl"
(Verdi), Mraa. and Signer G. Ferrari;
contralto solo, "Love's Dream" (Esther
Sllsby), Miss Brmlac Hubbard; messo
soprano solo. The Swallows" T: H.
Cowsn). Miss Mammie Chelderlut;
Ilka concert polka (C. Fettlg). Mra M.
B. Pslaoious Zither alub; tenor aolo,
"Stay By and - Sing (Jul Jordan),
Ralph Oowanlock; contralto solo, "Sing
Me to Bleep" (Bdwtn Greene), Miss Kr
ai ine Hubbard; tenor aolo teelected). W.
Qreham Hodsdon): trio from - opera
"I'Lombardl" (Verdi), Mm Ferrari, R.
Oowanlock and Slgaor Ferrari. Aocom
penlat. Mis Hilda Orauatrom.
w 1
Tha special Mendelssohn service
planned by the First Congregational
choir for last Sunday was postponed, to
be' given in the near futursv probably
next week,
w' w
Tb quartet, eompossd of Mra Roe
Blooh Bauer, Mra. Waltsr Reed, Arthur
Alexander and Dom J. Zan. ta practic
ing "The Persian Garden," by Lisa Leh
man, I sins; 4a the near future.
Ml Agnes Watt left Wednesday
morning for Baker Ctty where she sang
before th Stat Foderatloa of Women's
clubs. . -
V w w '
The new contralto soloist of th First
Baptist church choir I Mlaa Bthal Shea,
a you eg singer of charming- voice and
Deraonallty. Mlas Shea has postponed
a contemplated eastern trip ana win
remain another year In Portland study
ing with Mrs. Walter Reed, ,
J. H. Bvereet Is now pleasantly located
In hi new studio tn th Tourny building-
on Seoond and Taylor streets, and
ta ready to reoetve students la violin.
cornet and French horn training. These
room axe also headquarters for Ever
est's popular orchestra of which he la
director and violinist. - .-v.
1 Among tke lulflra
Th first meettng- of tha Progress elub
last Monday brouaht forth an in teres t
lns program. Mrs. Mabel C. Hanson
read a paper on Tibet, and In connection
with thla Judge Seneca Smith was in
vited to give a talk on Buddhlem, which
proved extremely lntereetlng and teem
ing; with valuable Information. A social
hour followed, during1 which refresh
ment were served by th hosts, Mrs,
F. 8. Myers, who entertained her guests
pleasantly. -roe eiun win meet next
week with Mr. C. A.- Coburn at her
homer 14 Baaerenth street North.
elub officers are: .Mr. F. S. Myers,
preeident; Hr. A. J. Lllburn, vioe-preei-
Idsat; Miss Bat Jamie on, ertary.
w w
Th Monday History club held the
first meeting; of the season o Monday
afternoon at the horn of Mrs. J. R. Ben
nett. The ftlob baa Issued a vary at-
treotve year book, which outHn an In
teresting study In Oregon hletory, and
also travel through Japan and Russia.
Mrs. M. M. Orant read a paper on "Ore
gon From Wtldernee to Statehood." and
Mrs. W. C. Puffer told of her travel
through Contantlnpla Jarusalam and
Cairo. Tho p recent were: Mra H. A.
Kelnath, Mra D. A. Doud. Mra James
His ack::4':. Carets a Spiritual Guide
From the New Terk Herald.
JOSEPH Devey of Salt Lake City
haa Is his possession a book about
two Inches square which h
broaarht from Ens land many yaar
ago and ha oarrtad tn ht pocket 10
years. Ths work t entitled "Soldier'
Prayer Book, or Pack f Card Spirit
ualised; Alao th Railway t reramoo
and th Remedy. T. Good, 10 Aylesbury
Street, Clerhenwell."
Th booklet ta llluatrated oa th left
hand pas with' pictures of soldiers
playing; cards and railway traina Tb
niefiM la aa follows:
-The Soldier's Prayer Book: Showing-
how ns Richard Mtddlston was taken
before tho Mayor of the City he wa- in
for s1ns Card ta Church during Divine
Service; being a droll, merry and hu
morou aooount of an odd affair that
happened to a Private Soldier ta tbe
Slxty-olxth Regiment of Foot" Th
story runs thus:
"The sergeant commanded hi party
to tb ohurch, and when tha parson had
ended hi prayer he took hi teat, and
U of them that had a Bib) pulled It
out to find th text, but this soldier had
neither Blbla almanac, nar comaton
Prayer Book but he put his nana in ni
pocket and pulled out a pack of cards
and spread them before blsm. So be
sat nd whll th parson waa preaching
he Bret kept looking t n card and
then at another. The sergeant of the
company saw him nd said. Tile hard.
put up your oarda for tnis is no pwa
for them.' "Never mind that' said th
soldier. Tor yow have do business with
"Now th parson had ended hta ser
mon and all wa Over, ths soldiers re
paired to th church yard, and th com
manding officer gave th word of com
mand to fall in. whloh they did. Th
sergeant of tbe city earn and took the
maa prisoner. -Maa, you ax my pris
oner.' said ha t " .
- sir.' aald th soldier. what bar 1
done that I am your prisoner r
"To hare plajrd Same x vara
ta th church.'
- -no,' esld th Midler, 1 have ot
playd a gam, for I nljr look 4 at a
Peck.' . "
- "No matter rer inaa yw are ear
" Where must w gor iaw --
To must so
hefor th Mayor,'
aald tha sergeant
"So ho took him before tb Mayor;
and When they cam to tn mayors
haa h. was at dinner. When be had
dined he asm to them and said:
"Well, eergeaat, what 'do rw mat
wHh mer
1 har brouirht a soldier neror xour
Honor for playing at card ta th
church.' .j...
" Whatl That soldier r . - -
Well, soldier, what bav to say
for yourself"
-Much, eir, 1 hopa' - . ;
"Well and seed; but If yew hare
net. you shall be punished th worst
that ever msn wa
-sir.' said Ih aoldler. T bar been
v weeks upon the maroh. and bav but
little to eubBlst upon, and am without
either Bible, almanac or Common Prayer
Book. r anything- but a pack or earoa
hop t aatlsfy Toor Honor Of to
hurlty f my Intention.'
Bell, Mr J. B. Bennett. Mra Oeorge
Btrrsl, Mra A. L. darks. Mra Oeorge
Cooper, Mrsv J. P. Flnley, Mis Anna
Flnlsy, Mra A. W. Ooddard. Mrs. M. M.
Orant, Mrs. J, A. Harrison, Mra E. L
Lane, Mrs. P. I. Packard,' Mra W. C
Puffer. Mra AUa Welch Smith, Mra
C O. Tipton.
Mra 0. W. O lines entertained the
Tuesday Afternoon club last week at
hr horns, S87 Water street, the social
hour beginning at 1 o'clock Dainty re
freshmen ta were served by the hoetesa
assisted by Mra Merwlh Pugh.
The club waa called to order by the
rice-president. Mra J. B. W. Slatting-
Th program for tha afternoon waa in
the hands of tha boatesa her subject
being 'The Making of tb Baca" Mra.
Qllnea gave a very able talk en th
Aryan peopla the eastern branch. Mrs.
J. A. Stiles told of the Celtic group.
Mra F. M. Miles ths Teutonic Mra J. D.
Toung the classic, and Mra A. H. Hard
ing th Slavonlana Mra Merwln Pugh
spoke of the Hindoo and Persia aa An
lntereetlng discussion, followed.
Ths president. Mrs. Warren Whlta end
Mra A. A. Bailey, were absent, being In
attendance at the stats convention of ths
Federation of Women's Clubs at Baker
City. Tbe next meeting will be held
wtth Mra Oeorge Boynton, SSS Es,st An-
aeay .street. '--.'
w "
Th Central W. C. T. V. held Its regu
lar meeting; Wednesday afternoon nt the
home of Mra Jsnney, XMH Clay street.
Th evangelistic superintendent gars an
Interesting- account of some reclaimed
' w
The Aqu. Pure Wistaria elub was en
tertained by Mra DalseU at her home
JJMiJtahi , , ( - . -
w w
Th Ladles' Auxiliary f Company 4,
Spaaf eh-American War Veterans, met
last Friday, with Mra L W. Pratt at
411 First street. - ; .
Coming Events
. .I 1 1 1 1 1 -.
Ths Woman' Oulld, of Trinity Episco
pal ohurch will have a social tea next
Wednesday at tha home of Mra A. Q.
Barker. T1S Flandera atraat.
- Th first of the winter series of Pat
ton Home tea will ba given Tussday,
October IS, Mra D. M. MoLaughlan
la th general chairman and sbs will
be assisted by Mrs. Theodore Nleolal,
Mra John Watson, Mra A. Neppach and
Mra John Ht Burgard. Tha program
will be literary And musical and re
freshments wilt be served. Among the
number that will be given especially
for tho entertainment of tbe outsiders
are a recitation by Mlsa Watkina
blind girl In th noma who haa won
many admirer by her sweet manner of
reciting. Mra Rosa who also lives at
th horn; will five s musical Tnimber.
Vbioellent talent from outside win be
secured, chiefly to entertain the women
who are at tb horn all th time
Bunk Council 104. K. L. of S. win
give a whist party tomorrow evening tn
the Arlington building. Mem be re and
friend are Invited,
L sj tfnetnei anewt SMndav ta Athemv
I with ht wlfa Mra Anna Belldrk-Norfoa
I Mrs. 4. A. CampbeU of Seattle, who 1
I rlsltrng- her paranta Captain and Mra
-Whan th soldier pulled ut of hi
pocket th pek of carda which he
spread before th Mayor, and then be
gs with tb aoa
" When I eee the aoa' aald ha it
put m ta mind that there Is on God
only; when X eee tha deuce It put me
ta mind ef the Father and th Son;
when I see tha trey It put me ta mind
of th Father, Son and Holy Ghost;
when Z aoa tha four H put me to mind
of tha four evangelist that preached the
Gospel, via, Matthew, Mark, Luke and
John: whea I see th nv it puts m tn
mind ef th 0vs wise virgin that
trimmed their lamps; there war ten,
but Sve wara foolish, who were abut
out; when I ee the six it put me In
mind that In six day th Lord mad
heaven and earth: when I eee the seven
tt puts me ta mind that on th seventh
day God rested from U tb work
which Hs bad" created: wherefore the
Lord blessed the seventh day and bel
lowed it; whea I see the sight It puts
me in mind of th eight rlghteou per
sons that we re 'saved when God drowned
the world, via, Noah, his wife, hi three
eon and their wlvea; when I sea the
nine It put me fn mind of the nine
lepards (lepers) that were cleansed by
our Saviour; there were ten, but nine
never returned God thanks; when I see
th ten It put me tn mind of tho Ten
Commandment that God gave Moee 00
Mount Sinai oa tha tablets ef stone.'
"He took the knave and laid It asida
When I aea th queen. It put me ta
mind of the Queen of Staeba, who came
from the furthermost parte of the world
to hear the wisdom of King; Solomon,
for- she was aa wise woman as a was
'a man, for she bad brought Sfty boys
and fifty girta, all clothed ta boys' ap
parel, to show before King Solomon for
htm to toll -which were boy and which
were girl; but h could not and he
called for water for them to wash them
selves; th girl washed up to their el
bows, snd th hoy only p to thalr
wrietae so Kins Solomon- told by that
And whea I see ths kins It puts me hi
mind sf th great Kin of Heaven and
Earth, which Is God Almighty, and His
Majesty Kins Georga to pray for him.
-Well,' said the Mayor, you have
given a very good description of u th
oards, except one. which 1 tacking.'
'"Which 1 thatr said th aoldler,
"The knava' aald th Mayor.
Ob, I can give Tour Honor a good
deecriptlea ef that. If Tour Honor won't
be angry.'
"No. I will not said th Mayor, If
yon wltl aot term me to be th knava'
- Well." said th aoldler. the greatest
that I knew to th sergeant f th city,
that brought m here."
" T don't know.' sard th Mayor, that
he I the greateet knava, hut 1 am aura
he ta the greatest foot -
'Wheel I count how many spot there
ara ta a pack of eerda 1 Snd there are
thro hundred and elxty-five; there are
so many day In th year. When I
count how many tricks there sre tn the
pack there are twelve; there are o many
months tn a year. The four suite cor
respond to th fear eoeeona Ton see.
sir, that this sack of cards ta Bible,
Almanac and Common Prayer Book and
Pack of Cards to me."
"Then tl "" called fnr tf of
bread, t m s4 a of
good be- r a
plao X k
H. R. Roberts at 4TS Alder street Is
Improving from tbe injury she received
by fail th first of the week
Mlse Alia Mastlek, popular Omega
Nu glrk left Monday evening fee Cali
fornia to pass ths winter.
Mra Mary Bryson of Corvallla, wa
la the city the first of the week ea route
to Spokan to paaa the winter.
Dr. John R. Barber and Mia Helen
Barber visited th first of the week with
their aistsr, Mra ' Lewis Aldermas in
Mrs. B. W Benson of Roseburg visited
relatives In Portland from Friday to
Tuesday and then joined the Portland
delegation to attend the convention of .
the State Federation of Women' club
at Baker City. Mra. Benson le one of .
the prominent workers in th 'II Mental
Culture club of Roseburg. -
Mlas Kate Kelly of Bugene ws the
guest of ber sister. Mra A. H. Tanner
at ?1S Johnson atraat. th first of tha
week " i. ;
Mra 'Thomas Hopkins f Albany and
her nieces, tb Mlese Dorothy and
Helen Pearc of Salem, were gueeM ta
th city tb first of tbe week.
Mra Margaret Bdmundaon and her
daughter. Miss Oraos of Eugene ara
visiting ta Port hi ad.
Mra F. M- French of Albany M IB tha
elty for a few daya
Mra Harry Austin la thla week the
guest of ber sister, Mra Clay Will Isms
la Salem. .
Rev. B. P. Muckley, Rer. AlMon Ba
son and Rev. J. F. Gbormley left the
first of the-, week to attend the Inter
national convention of tho Cbrtstlaa
ohurch st St. Lou la -
Mra H. M. Clinton, of the city di
rectory, visited ta Salem Tuesday.
Mr. and Mra D. W. Tllford. who hev
been the gueets of- Prof, and Mra B,
H. Dearborn of the University of Ore
gon, have returned to Portland.
Hon. J. P. Qelbralth of Portland Bpent
Sonday with Albany frtenda
Mia Barn Creightoa f Th Ban
t visiting- friends thla week la Port
land, while en root to San Franc ke to
eater th Hopkins' Art Xnstltuta
Judge and Mra. R- 8. Bean f Bugens
are visiting; In Portland.
Mlas Oal Har of Albany S th
guest of Miss Laurine Du Brullla
Mr. and Mra D M, Ratcllff are rlsit
tas Albany friends. . .
. Mra Martha? McFarlaod la vlstttng her
daughtsr, Mra W. H. Moody In Th
Mr. and Mra M. O. Potter are vlaHlng
at th home of Mr. and Mra Charles
Shlpp in Salem.
Mr. and Mra Frank Porter, who bav
been guests in Corvalll for several
weeks have returned to Portland.
Mr. end Mra J. P. Wager wont to
Hood Rtver Friday where Mr. Wager at
tended tha Oregon Press elwb oonven
tloa -
Rev. William B. Randall attended the
Baptist snnrenttaa ta MaMlanvUl u--
ins th week
Rer. A. A. Morrison Is expected horn
from th seat about Nevemner 1.
Mra A. D. Miller baa gone to Botte.
Mont, to visit har, sister, Mra Maa
Hebgwa .
L. B. Forrest of Chen alls, Weak,
spent laat week tn Portland.
Mlaa Lucie Oodley of Cheballs ta th
gueet of her sister, Mra Max Shllloek
Mies Nette Ross haa returned from
Baker City on account of ths serious
tllnes of ber mother. Mis Rose wa
cashier sf a Ufa insurance company's
orho ta .the eastern Oregon otty. which
posttto sh baa held during- th past
hi buslnesa saying; he wa th lever
est maa he bad ever seen."
The back of the book contain a poem
of questionable merit from a literary
standpoint entitled "Railway t Perdi
tion: This Line begins in th Brewery
and run through all Public Houosa
Dram Shop and Jerry Shqpa tn a alg
ae; direction, until It lead te tha King-,
dom of Perdltloa"
From tb Louwrill Courter-JonrnaL
"Numerous lnatancea have come to my
notice of cases wber exeeutlv clem
ency exercised on th strength of pe
tition from th people hs been mis
placed, but It wa never more clearly
abowd than in a case that happened back
In tb day of th Know Nothing party,
when lawlessness waa rif In Bal
timore." aald B. P. Busard, of that city.
"A young; man who was a member of'
prominent family shot and killed a
neighbor through a window ta ht
house. Hs waa tried and oonvtoted, and
seatenced to bang. As th day ap
proached for hie execution a petition,
numerously signed, waa sent to the gov
ernor, and 00 of the Influential eltlsens
of, Baltimore resolved that a pardon
should not bo granted If be had ths
power to prevent It He went to oa
the governor and protested. .
- 'But. responded that official. ea
how atrongly tb petition nada, and
how numerously H 1 signed'
- Walt a moment, governor.' aald th
maa 'If you will give me 14 hour I
will bring- a petition her signed by th
same men who signed that end fhey
will petition the legislature to bans yott
Allow me but S4 houra'
. Tbo stay of sentence Was grants,
and In 14 hoar th man returned. He
handed tha governor a petition with thl
" Look at th ham, and the road
th petition.'
"Th governor read the aMa and
they were identical with the one In th
first petltloa Th body of tb petltto
was like this:
- Whereaa the governor ef Maryland
nt notoriously open and defiant ta the
violation of law. and whereas h has
bee found to be guilty of treason, wa
the undersigned, urge th legislature ef
th state of Maryland ta condemn said
governor to be .hanged.' t -
The murderer ws bans.' i .
-1. -
In the year SO B. C the emperor Snjfn
had th first census of the populstlo
of Japan takea and tn 14S A. D. the Rn
peror Kotoha ordered that rsgulsr
sus registers should be compiled every
elx years. In Great Britain we find that
only in 111 was ths first census taken,
after much obstruction and oppealiloa
oh th part of the peopla
Mra Nina Lowe wilt be a
class epoly mtlegly; tl a
las a class for m""
La row e hall e-my b
private dai
10 te S P
1 .