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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1904)
A '.: THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL P0R1XA T, SUNDAY MORNING. C "TOB. "I 1554. 'V ' f.. ..... .i,. ARRAIGNS. POLICY T ) Richard Olney tf Massachasdtts, Delivers Long 1 Address in Cooper Union IM-Kelers to war With Spain as .Needless Scrimmage. ' New York. Oct BHUchard Mf of Meeseohuaet-ta, swtretary of tate la th .". ' Monui Cla.iUnd. eAnualatratlon, in Cooper Union hell mat Bight delivered a speech to bwm-bmUhc t FMlur Oustttutlea stub. ; "' ' Ot nay's speech tn Kb wralvoMMt f th Republican poller, with liberal ref erences to tbe -big stick" and Um oo aomlo relations ef the government to the tmlff policy f Um BApttbtloma ad mlntBtreilon. Tb moat striking para graph ! hla speech wu his referenoe to th war wit Spain, wraen as oommw- ft "Bedla MTWM- ,. H Mil Ha result to Um likhf by thm country outlying posBBBsiona. bad seriously nraJudlcM tta Insular posltloa and Impaired . lu "praettoal tavulner ability against Uack." - w .... ' ' Mr. Olney. after characterising fha "hostility- of tbt president ana Um Re publican party to tbe trusts aa feigned, rather thaa real: apctaoular, rather than effective, potato aa an example to . the Northern SecuriUe ault and amid: "Nothing ha been ccorapllsbed ex- sept that stockholders in ce rials com peting railroad have beea prevented ' from co-operating la one particular way. They Bur atlll co-operate la atbar way. Their geaarai rich and poorer aa stock holders in unimpaired and tbay may atlll menage the rival properties ao aa to promote Um common Intcraata of both and. aa a matter of tact, ara stIU ao managing, them today. "There Is and n b but on anawar and that I taat Um R publican party Am tnd&v In Uu oomniata eontrol Of the ivry lntrca which vouM b (Ietad aft her If tha quaal-nubllo atMl m loyad taMtkHMloouaaroa war - (ratca of chars or If our tariff coda twer aubjaet to ratloaai an. Jikucmui ravkdaa. ' r ....... , . "tfanna It tm thai Renublloaa antaann- m tn hituriMia MoiutnnllM mull ha irasardfld a aUaalatad. Tb Rapublloaa party la. In truth, tha vary seat and boan of aueh moDononac ana taa advera maaaura It adopta ara to ba . daamod mmI HtH thnnar diflmtrf It Uaa in Kb - - ana Ml lM lttln BtkA mm rtMctad 1 baaiHa tb oraduioaa and o- twary.- . - Turnlnr ta a erIUefam of tb Itomiblt- can "stand pat" policy tb tariff Jdr. Olney aald: Thi wayfarlnff man oannot fan to proly what ear extra vmjranUy arotact- Jlva policy la brlnclnc dowa upon a. Feral an poopl. who as Importunate I for fro parts la all parts of tha world ara both astemtahed and lrrttatad at tha cloaanaaa wlUt which w aaal up oar -porta. Thy ra- thr f aarvlac dump for our aurplua prodaota. Tb , British people ara now appealed to to sat up a tariff wail ef ttief r own. Tny r oar Try bast euJtoraara and they n now called upon tV ravers t hair lout stand Ins flacal polleyr mainly because of oaraelvea maHily la lf defense a asainat aa mainly because our manu facturer bav a proteetod boaa mar ket a Urea and yleldln aueh trav asant ratum that they can aneeaaafully Invade Um British marketa and put the Brltlah maaruamotarera out of tbe ran nine by eslllnff at pruee with which h aaaaet poselnly eomnata. Varkr UadU " ' "The Republican party u blind to tha . ffjhet that our Inordinately salflah end aaareaelva commercial policy. If per sisted la. tbreataas the peaoe of tb OREGON HAS BILLIONS OF FEET sassrial fHssa b by Leesed Wire i tb leaman Saa Frandlaco, Oct 11. New Torfc. Boston and London peophj who ar heav ily interested In th stocks and bonds of both. the iMUtbern Pacific and Hants Pa, and Who approve of those i road buUd 1ng Into th great redwood foraata of Hnmboldt county, have for a yea past had a couple of experts studying th timber supply of th Pacific aoaat In th three states of Washington, California and Oregon. ' - Aeoordlns to their report, Which ha yuat been completed, there 1 a vlalble aupply of 7M.o.,Md feet, la round numbers, ta thee state, or almeot one- PORTLAND MAN DIES ? , AT FOOTBALL GAME (gpaalal Mepstek by Leesed Wire b Tk hmraall aa Prsaelaeav CeU Oct. la-Whlla the band were playing and the crowds aver yelllnc and Um football player WW scorrln down th gridiron, wha tanfard fraahaMB beat Berkeley fresbasea $ to i. aa aWerly man sitting aleos at a remote end of th bleacher lurched forward from his t and dropped dowa upon Um ffround, dead. Vf -! Plf aaxeaW W h AND SHE MAY DIE ' with hi big. hoavy efts - stiller, a Tongahoremaa reatdlng at Bvntoath and Marshal streets, but wbjh Jumped aa bis wife fao and kept It ap vatn . th woman was uneousdooa. Bho 1 . now tn a very erioe condition and will very likely low her eyesight tf o mere eriowa Uls bappena ta hoc. REFUSE DR. SWALLOW PER"ISSIOIi TO TALK Ksenul Ihsasw brtsawl WH Vbt Jsarmlt Mew Bruaewlck. X. Oat. II The beard ef trustees of UM first kfetbodurt efcvreh has refused t permit Rev. Dr. Swallow, the prohibit o aandldat for prasMtsttt ta bold a aauts-meeting n th chitrnb tomorrow evening sHate Chair man Day ef the Nw Jerawy Prohibition om aUo. easM here to vastt Revv J. P- , pastor the First Metbedlst Ricepal ebares, Tb ffubjoot f -bav OF REPUBLICANS WW JV , If wvrM. ft annot be peratsted tn wKh oat provoktns rsUUlaUona and reprisals oa tha part of other nations and with out brinalnsT oa eommerolai ware ef aa extent and tatanslty sever befor wtt- Bw0aTra4, On tb aubfeet of economic relations to forlsTa policy Mr. Otoey nad UU to ay: Though- Republtoanlam and the tariff ar purpoaaly discussed In eonnectioa with our domtatlo polloy. the vital baar m f ear extra vaaotiy protacUva dya tam apoa our foralaia relatione could not escape notice. It necessarily tends to ambroU as with foreleg people, to exolte their animosity and to eompel to mam tain bur military arma ment by way lthr of preventlnff war apoa a or defeoala suraelra shovid war Dfa. msassia. t , Vir our aeedlaas or4mmaj with pain over Cuba w bad ao distant out' lying poaMsslona which seriously preju diced our Insular poaitloa or Impaired our practical Invulnerability acalaat at tack by foreign powr Xfrv aoqulalUoa and retention of tha Philippines bav changed aU that . The are 1,o mile from our shores and without- regard to any othei) considera tion whether of right or of wrong, of expediency or of toaxpedionoy, the Philippine have put as under bonds to eheriah the friendship f all tb reet oj mixed power. "Ths admlnlstratloB'a aeddleMB nesa. It's ItcbLntT to tabs a band la everything- that M going oa in the world everywhere aeema to be chronic and In curable. . Its latest manifestation and tntlmatloa that the United eHate will lead la a projected Interference between -uun kalllMrMita III tb Silent. causes even a loyal party ran at the west to excUim: 'Xn t "S leeraj w mind our owa buefneesr - "There are aaes undoubtodly where a naval demonstration la a foreign port by the United aUate may b raoulred for tha protection of It stttoaaa ar ior other good and sufficient rooaone, :, , ' "But because -Darkish wedding parties will aalute with flrearma and thence srlse a rumor of tb shooting; of an American consul, ar American warships to be hustled to a Turkish port and all Europe be atertled by a threatened breach of fh world's peawwf- r "Waa Perdlcaris liberated beeaaae V the estentaUousness of the parade of ao American squadron off Tanclera, or h) It not perfectly video that Frano and Um saltan would bav aooompllshed Um am result If our Intervention bad been wholly diplomatic and peaceful? -Bo far aa oonoarn the world at Urge, our foreign policy a ahaped by k. hmuMIms nartv la ebaraetarlsed by swagger, by mcddloeomanoa and by hvw- Isssnesa. t -In Its special bearing apoa other tuiiB &ta c la a a arse We. arro gant and menacing, turns paoples natu rally our allies ana xriesas into enemies, whose enmity 1 all the more dangerous because masked and postponed In It mantfeatatlon to abide some favorable opportunity for making It effective. , "Thar 1 not on of them that 1 not asking Itself how soon UnoU Bam will Invent or dlsoover plausible reasons for Invading Its sovereignty or grabbing Its territory; not on of them that will not weloome any forejya alliance that promise t curb Um greed and Unwteaoe of the United itatee." , Takioir w tb government of tb Phil ippine. Olney saldt "We oould set eurseJve no more la advlaabls or hopeless task than that of Um American hmtlom of th niipino." OF TIMBER half of th entlr tiatblt lmnbor aupply la th United SUtee. Oregon 1 credued with havtaff t, dt.OOd.ood feat of marketable lumber, while Calffornla and Washington a to each Mtlmated to have, la round ssa bers, 0,0t.00,0 feat. In Um California estimate Humboldt onunty atone U credited with Sd.OOO, 0 feet of redwood lumber. There is aid to be enough redwood to aupply th market vf the- world oa a moat atn ivo eoale for th next 10 year. At th present rat that this redwood hi being out It 1 eeUmatod It will last fully 30 year. Only tha polteefnvn end the -newspaper representatives were aware that on of th spec ta tore bad fallen deed at Just tbe first touch of excitement and th matter was kept a seoret. Th only lu to th Identity of th dead man was th nam and add rasa written In a notebook found la one of hi pock et: T H. Boddemer. Ul Wart Park atreet Portland, Or." - . WW 99 smsy, c . 1 W tiler eassa homo Wat night abotrt 11 o'clock and pulling- hi wife oat f bod, began t stamp on her fee. He era arrested end brought to th police station by Officer Sloan, where a chart Of drunkenness was placed asalnat him. pending trf outcome of hi wlfCg lnjurle. Th woenaa may d ins' Br. twathMT nVre was broached. Dr. Bhaw told Day the matter would bav to be submitted to th board of trustee, and It was Th trustees dedeioa was that whfht they would b pleased and honored to bav Dr. wallow to preach ta their church any time he would convent to do ao. they did not feel it would be the proper thins; for him lo hold a maas meettnff there to present she vlswa of a pnlltloal -party to people who came to hear tha gospel expounded, especially on Sunday night. The members of ths board of trustee ar; S. U Roger. A. N. Snyder. Henry Kramer, Samuel Kramer, aV M, Clr John Oerrettae and W. T. Kla iraT.r.i-:i SKIIIS ' KAISER t utiiums AT' orrtCDams ont nn fiajm tJUUa?BB AS BB BWB AST VBs (Caoyrlght, Haarat Mawa Ssrvlss, f toesst ' Wise Is The JeareeL) Berlla. Dot. U With areet aaxtoty UM kaiser and hie government watch the growls hatred of Um army, not only eaeonff th lower slsssas of lbs people, but also among; the middle classes and more woU-to-do business people. The hlcb-handadoeas of army officer and their plainly abowa contempt of everybody who does not wear a ual form, to daily beoomln: mors unbear able, and la many piao cltlaeeM as sociation bav bea formed whoa member bind themselves to ahow toward army ofBcers only tb earns po liteness which a civilian has a right to ax pact, and th aasoclstleas will then pay all cost ef milts whan any mem ber may Incur by refusing: to allow of oers special privileges, While ta aasoclaJJoM recruit their numborg from the well-to-do middle ekMses, ths lower alassee of the popu lation often adopt more atrenaous meas ure to snow their hatred of military uniforsas, even wbea worn by privates. Uvea In this city, whet th treat are crowded with offtoars and soldier, sharp sncouatsrs often take plao be tween them and workingmen. and In parts of th city It has become acces sary to issue orders to tb soldier not to leave their barracks without Bids "kuw iiauasaarr hiae Is shown by an affair which took plao In Potsdam tb other night, when two private of a regiment ef th award, while retuaalng te their barracks from a dance ball, ware attacked by fir laborer with knives. Qns oldlr wa nearly dead when tb nolle arrived, and In the last moment arrastsd one of the seen, a young brick layer, who was kneeling on the cheat of tha dying man and about to a tab him to tha heart because be refused to promls to desert from hi regiment. Ia court Um accused moa aald that they had no InwnMoa of robbing; the soidlers, against whom they had not per sonal lll-feellng; but that they hated th army, and used their halve when th two -privates refused to take off their uniforms and trampl on thorn. If than cases stood alone It might be overtook, but affair of similar nature occur almost dally ta all parte ef Ger many and even mora ooaservatlr Papers no longer eonoeal th fact that high army oAoero ar la part responsible for the bitter feel ln asminst th army. - Offlleera and mea bav repeatedly bean MAh.i a k thalr eunertors whoa they had tnsultsd tyr attacked elUsewa, and often eva praised for navtng maintained the honor of th army. Th foUowtay lad- aMflh mmhUt took nlaes at Stras- burg. is typical. A young; on b-lleu ten ant, fachnrlch. as they are eaueo. m ine rm oa the atreet met Um footman of a- well known lawyer, who. wearlnff th livery at nw. aaaswr, was rtdlng- a wneei. . ui.i.irb.. iha Hverv for a ttllltarr uniform, tho lieu tenant J began U abuse turn for not salutlnc - ..... The foot sen,. a good-natured Bavart Ian, laughingly -told th officer that ba had bettor co back to th military acad emy and leers tha difference between Um livery of A servant and Um uniform of a aoldler. At this rebuke, which wa heard and enjoyed by several bystanders, the of ficer became furious and ordered a po liceman to arrest th footman, who, atlll smiling, went alone to. tb PoUo station, where h was released. HI master caused him to msk a eemptalnt to th colonel ef th officer's regiment, who, however, aald that hi lieutenant had acted perfectly right and that h could only admire hla patlenoa, as be himself would have run hi sword through tbe man who had In sulted him tn ths presence of civilian and smadd him appear ridiculous la their eyes. It Is Incidents of this kind, which. o eurriaff aa they do In bom form or other, almost every day. Incense even th most peaceable oltlsens against th army, and add to the number of vet ere who hope aom time to become atrony enough In the relohstas, .to ot the army out of exlatenoa. r, t GOVERNMENT AGENT IS ; INSPECTING PRISONS V . h v "' v On a tour of Inspection of th various Pacific coast prisons wher federal court oonvlct ar confined. Oen. Cecil Clay l a guest In Portland over Sunday, aooom pacled by hla wife. Ho Is genarei asat of tho department of Juetlo, and residea at Washington, D. C He was appointed to his present position In last October, and hla present trip la hla ttrst visit to Um Pacific coast. "Mr visit at thla tlste." pa sald.Iaat night at th Portland. "Is to enable ma to beoosM conversant with oondltlon in my department la th Paclfl coast states. Som years ao ooawress appro priated money for erection of thro fed eral prisons on of which was to be located la tb mlddl west, one ta the southeast, and on west of the Rooky mouaapinA Th first two hav been built at leaven worth and Atlanta. The Paclflo coast prison Is not yet needed. The government Id now boarding It prisoners tn the stats penitentiaries. We hav prisoners st Fort Tussa, Arts., San Quentln, CaL, and in UM etat prlaon of afonUna, Idaho, and other Pacific coast states. Tb only prison now owned by th federal government on thlooaet 1 on McNeil Island, Wsshlngtoa, I have visited that place, and find It In eatlefao tory condition. I go from Portland to San Quentln. Cel., andthen home." Oeneral Clay I a Pennsylvania man. He enlisted la 11, served through Um war, lost hi right arm and Wa mus tered out a brigadier general la 1M1 DRESSMAKER ROBBED : AT REVOLVER'S POINT 'V1 Mis tltllan Wilkinson, a dressmaker residing at Sot Bentoa street, bad aa experience with b hlghwayraaa last Fri day night About 1 o'clock aha com pleted her work at Um borne of Oeorg W, Weldlen fit Nineteenth atreet. Bhe had lust stepped upon tb sidewalk In front of the house whoa a revolver was thrust tats her fao and ah was ordered to hand aver hr purse, fha waa so frightened she was unabl to obey so the thief snatched tb .puree out of her hand; Thereupon her aervs rsturned and ah cried to tb footpad that (her waa nothing In ft but bis only anawar waa:, Til attend to that myself." Thereupon he disappeared. The youoff woman de scribee her assailant as young, about lft years of age. -Blender with dark complexion. He wa attired In a dark suit, eap and wot tgggiaak Tb stolen purs contained $1.10, LIVES ENDANGERED :BFIERC6;FIRE -f :, i I ; Mr broks' out la the Holme Buatnas oopego at Twelfth and TamhUl streeu at It o'clock this morning. Ths bnUdlns was prnettaally dsalmjed. Several parsons aatoep on tha top floor had narrow escapee from death .and war rescued by Bremen who aar rted them down th laddera, ' , . . Mr. and Mr. Char! W. Lawreao and their two children were aaved In thla way. i The building- waa .three t or! ea high and of frame. . It eras practically new. PARKS DEUYEES 'yh FIRST SPEECH (gyeetal Ptopetes ay Lea eel Wire to The tarsal) Ksopus, H. Oct. ll-Judse Parks r today made hi drat apeech of tho cam paign. Follow! ny the aaampl of Mo Klnley, he addressed his auditor from tho porch of hla own house. . . y It waa not a very la re audience, on- slating of' but 1M aa, but Included such critical listeners as CoL Charlsa R. Cadman of Boston, Prof. Walter A. Wlckoff of Princeton. Prof, Henry W. Hardin and K. p. Wheeler. - Th Catherine was ooaapceod af dele gattoa from . two orgaalaatlon the Avon Boat dub and Um Parka Inde pendent elub of Boston. . r Thsy arrived on tho nam train In New York and marched together to Esopus BUtloa to Rosemount Judys Parker was greeted wtth toad applauae as ba appeared oa the veranda, and his speech was well reoatved. Tho pertinent points of hla paah wer freedom for the Filipinos. Democ racy Is for nothing If not for freedom, b declared. The Republican poller tn tho Phlllp pinee does not. he says, leave open the door of hope. He also spoke out against Imperialism, and takes Issue with Sec retary Taft on tho result of self-rule to tho Philippine. H denied th re public's right' to play monarch. ARRANGE FOR KING'S FUNERAL CEREMONIES (feerrtgtt, Bastst Bewa Ssriles, kg Xasasd Wlee te The Jeanal.) 0 Bidden, Saxony. Oct. 1. Bven for these day of mourning- for the dead. Klnr Oeorg of Saxony and of decorous acclaim of th new Kins; Frederick, there Is an undercurrent of regret that Ui Crown Princess Louise has by her mdescretloas. lost her crown. Th democratic behavior of -the princess, when she wa the wife ef th Crown Prtnea. endeared bar to all SanSM end their -llktasT of bar was not utterly de stroyed by her escapeoc m eioping in December, Hot, with aft. Olroa, a former tutor of her children. How, haartalck and divorced, aha la living; in retirement ta Lendeav -It Is stated ah beara by eourteay a Tuscan trUr but Saxony la loot to her; " Th monarch raoetved th minister and offioers ef the royal household end fbred the period of mourning' at S4 weeks. His majesty was alas occupied with many detail of taklny over tb govarnmnt and coneultlng In regard to th funeral arrangement and th mourning. 7ha lata kins-, who was- a Cathotfo sovereign of a Protestant people, died with a crucifix oa aia oreaat ana nm rlyht hand holding; a rosary. Th re miiM will ha hrouHtit here down tho Bib on funeral barge Monday even ing. Tho runerai win ma anas Wednesday evening at I o'clock. HAYEMEYER ARRAIGNS V REPUBLICAN PARTY (Special meeateb by Leesed Wire tbe Teeraal) Mow York. Oot 11. With a btttOT OOt of erltioiam runnlns through bis wbrda. John a Havemeyer, a miiiionairo Sim self and oouala of thr sugnr king, has writaa a. 4 sea-word lettsr tn which h arraigns ths Republican party, depre cate their tariff SMthod ana cries out against th absorption of th national woalth by. a favored few. He points to the fact that our prosperity Is really a mvth, and say that while th laboring man Is setting; poorer, th few r set ting wealthier. Andrew Carnegie la made an llluatra Uon of th argument, whll John B. Andrna! tha Mayer of Yonker. wher Mr. Havemeyer Uvea, Is also as sailed. Andrns Is now a candidate for congress and Havemeyer declare that he K. tmHmn under tha snail of ReoubllOBn- lsm and cannot ba a good repreeenta- tlv of hi peopf. Anotner ream ox Roossvrituun, b says, mlt renult dis astrously. PRESIDENT WOLF IS : l TO VISIT PORTLAND 'Sperlsl DbnaCeft by leased Win te The Jeered) San Fran cl see, Oct. J.--Simon Wolf, president of tho Indspendeat Order of B'Nai B'Rlth throughout the world, will arrlv In Saa Francisco Thursday, Oc tober I. Mr. Wolf wUl atop at the Palace hotel whll In town. He has Agreed to deliver aa addreas before a Jewish aasembly at the sabbau evening aervlces In Tempi Bmanuel. H will be given a banquet Saturday evening at th Palac hotel, y Monday evening be wlM be tendered a publlo reception by th member of the B'Nal B'Rlth at Iyric hall. Wolf wul be in thla city until Tuesday, October It, when he wlU leave for Portland for A Bhdrt visit. From ther he will return to tho east by th Northers Pey elnc, soaking a stopover at Helena, Montr BERNHARDT SUFFERS ' ' A PAINFUL ACCIDENT (Oeerrlxkt Kearri Itewe Sertwe, y Leased Wirt t the JesraeW Berlin. Oct 1A Barak Berotmrdt the famous French actress,, met with aa ae oldent today that whll painful, may not result jertouely, although sb bad a narrow .eacape frem toslngT ens of her eyes. While driving st Aachen her carriage same into collision with another vehicle and th window wa shattered. A a pi la ter of glas entered th actress' ye. She waa removed t bar. howl, wher an eminent y peclsllst prformed aa operation. He reported that she Is pro gressing favorably and no dangerous complication are likely to appear. t : -x '!, ' Th loss I approxlmataly U,O0, partly covered by Insurance. Mr; LAwrenoe say that th fir wa incendiary. It started In th base ment of th building and spread ranldly before , tb tlramea deuld roach tb bouse. ' Before the fir at th Holm Bvsl sees oolleg was ant, av oall earn tn from 14S. "the hoodoav box,"- at Third and tktvi streets. t i- The Are was ta the third floor of tha notorious Pari house. Th bias starts la a pile of rubbish aad burned fiercely, doing- considerable damage. WALL STREET HAS ANOTHER WIZARD BpaHal Btoretek by Leeasd Wtei te Tfce JeWBal) Mew York, Oct. 16. Wall street heard today that Edwin Hawley, tbe new wis ard of tha street, bad secured a com manding vole lu Um management of the Missouri, Kansas dt Texas. - Whether this la stria Uy trot or not Mr. Hswley's dealings in the stock have beea arge durlns tb week, and there la a general opinion that tf ha has not obtained oontrol of tbe road It la a mere question of time befor he will do so. About ftft.oftft shares of th took were dealt In on day last week. und' it was common belief that of the at leaet tO.ftoft went Into tho poaaeaaloa of Hawley. - Mot loos dan tb earns financier suc cessfully engineered a deal whereby a majority Interest In Chicago A Alton wa rebass fey tho Bosh IsMrtd -rend, wo years ago ha was an Important fac tor In the IjOuIsvIIm SoaL H M the sole owner of a group of lesser wasters roads, which may easily he developed and extended. Into a first -class system. -- Twenty years ago, after he had son through th Srat stasjes of bis Parser as farm lad and As moid boy,, Hawley wa a plain, ordinary clerk In th office of th southern FaciAo Railway com pany. Tb let Colli p. Huntington saw somstblnaT In thd plodding clerk and had bins advanced.. . ; , Thus started aright, Hawley kept right on advancing until he landed' la the position of traffic manager of th Southern Paclflo syatem, and next to the master mind was tb whole thing la th oonosrn, - Huntington mad Hawley a member of -the executive board of th Southern Paclflo and It waa Hawley, who, after tha death of Huntington engineered ths deal whereby - th Southern Paoluc passed Into Um oontrol of B. H. Harrl ata, Harrlman esntlnaed Hawley in hla service for a Urn but there wan not room enough for two big men, so Harrlman finally spilt with ' Hawley. Afterward he aoqutred th Minneapolis St Louis railroad, the Iowa Central. Colorado A Southern and Wlsoonsla Central. All these roads ar UU owned by Hawley and his- partner on Um street Is- wondering what hi plans are la Mis souri, Kansas A Texas, That soma big plan w formulating In his brain everyon believee and every day 1 expected to bring this plan to lifht' --. -v OS: CELRICH'S U1RD ?t ' USES BAD LANGUAGE (Bserial Dtopatta sy Leased Wirt ta Tbt Xeeraal New York- Oct la. To thb utter dis may of Mrs. Herman Oelrtehs, her pretty parrot shocked hr guesta. I( waa at aa laformal affair In Newport re cently while a group of weli-knows so otety wmsn were ''preeeat that tb break occurred. Polly waa hungry and was constantly demanding a cracker, re torting to their "what a pretty bird.- and "What pretty phi mage he ha with "Polly wants a cracker." After this demand had been repeated a half dosen times without any one vol unteering t get a cracker for Um bird. Polly burst out with a streak of pro fanity of such a wlord, - woosy - and sulphurous quality that K promptly classified for a poet-graduate diploma. Sboohed at Iff th women fled from It presence whll Mm. Oelrich ordered a butler to -place Pelly la dlasraceful re tirement for lb rest of th s eases with a Newport bird fancier, r OeJrloh might not bav given th bird snob s severe punishment tf, a moment befor It opened Its floodgate of pro fanity, ah bad not proudly explained to her guests that she herself had taught Polly vrp single word hi It vooabu lary. , '- ; i ACTOR RANKIN FILES . BANKRUPTCY PETITION (Soeelal Okaateb by Leased Wire to The forsat) Boston, Mass.. Oct IS. -With liabili ties of t37.ft4T.ft and assets of ftlOft, ooneiattng of clothing claimed tobe exempt Arthur MeKe Rankin, man ager of Nance O'Neill, now playing at th Tremont theatrot has filed a petition in bankruptcy with th clerk of the United States oourt. Th petition name ftO creditors, of whom Nance O'Neill is th largest with a claim of ftll.Wft for salary and money loaned during . th past two years, Among the other ordf(ors ar ft J. RatcllBe, for salary, ft I. too 1 perctval Steele,. Chicago. ttomy's fees, ftl.lOft; Witling Advertising 'company, London. ftlOft; For be Lithograph company, Boa ton. ItftftO; Cincinnati Enquirer, IIOO; Wilton Lacks ye. salary $180; Bdwin Holt salary, 1100; Boa Bytlng. aalary, bftlfiv; eatate of Frank Sanger. 125ft, TbiIm Hib nrHtltftn In rM don and hold claim for sauarlas, acen ery, eostumea and advertising during Um year 10, y";v ; ; , , HIS LORDSHIP FAILS TO CAPTURE FORTUNE -.. ' n j v (kaeelal Dlsaal'b by timed Wire Is The leeraety London. Oct 18. The Bar! of Rosslya waa ont at the railroad station to meet Mrs. Hugh Tevis. the wealthy widow, when She arrived from New York today. London society sympathises with hla lordshtp's additional fallnrs-Vo capture th American fortune. . for Mr. Tevta has returned to London contingently, on gaged to Hart McKee, the New Yorker, who escorted her a croak the ocean. At O rid re Mrs. Tevis denied herself to all collars but she and McKee shopped togtber all morning and la the after-, noon went oS to Pari, It Is eypeoted that they will be mar ried here a soon aa McKee s divorce deoree 1s -mad absolute, a th English law requires only a six weeks' residence whll th French - law requires six month. -. ' Some Aaterlan Ihtati that towtt nn hav a aa factOJ-y. JL4LVaJ.S Mate EnthtisitttlG Friends V A Oxt,,1 aaewj4ifetanst nt thai Oranhonhnne. - The Columbia REGULAR Cutrantcwtj to b a Perfect Tsklitg Nachint ' TUs Columbia rionograpn eompsny giArmntwea this grapnoe phone to bd s perfect tBlking nuchine--ini set thsy will allow a credit of $5.00 on it toward tha purchase of any other machine that they make at any scriber to have the full use of time. 1m Journal's Extraorcry Offer By -special arrangement with .the Columbia Phonograph ' , company; 18ft Seventh atreet, Tbe Journal la enabled to , r s make the following extracrdinary offer; ; v ' . .. rr Bi.,...;;. JoonuT Craph(Mme Ament V 7 ftrffsvaL wgn rjn.- flnthsu I heresy tie far the Batty aad Saaday feeraal tr ef Am yar it tha retnUr rats ot Vpw sxuls, la eonatderatlea ef walrS. a . -rl Ihertby pay far a ceapoe eMlulng aw ta ths ftrst record, rear are 4 . , . . - a wa esth-ily free at the eraee ef tbe CohimM Pheaesrph Ctfanway. Ho. , f. -vaatb strert, ene rsgelar ft7.0 Orapsevhees (apoa say sartu tbti ftl far xp ' "i-fe, frow faetory. parkins, etc.). far my ssaisstve saa daring the sena sf tsU -SrlptUa, It b) asraed ferttertbef I am set eoB-iid ta purcfcaaa asy further recerdi to reUht this Ornpaoeawn dnHna the term ef B7 sutoxTtrtlaa; pot 1? at spy time ssd at Bay ewa esttoa Ids yercbase ft sdtnttosat leewda of the OehnsMs rWetrapk Oeoapssy st tbolr aseve dVhyea, ead eaaapfcite this mMerlpttaa, the SMSblae the lieinei atf eaelaalv smawtj farttti,. , ,.--- b- s-, - v. BVW OXO 'li"1 vv,'-. Stated r4 a,,,,, ), aaaaaaat asaaT saaas fnatat. . .g. .... " . .l.Addrasi .. J. . . . eeUeltsr J ,.,, ).ijvuiMtu,ii ..,,,t.,,,.,,,, ',, j kOTS. Tbe OshiBiMs PsssBgrssk Owspssy ' wtH sUaw a eredtt a say auger Ortsmbla aiarlilae te the anwaat of (b VS st aor- time enrlag tha jmbt ta xehag r this Graphophone st their ofee. !. ltft Sewita atneL " it. sV--ra ef aU fa tare Moorea ea this aaatittt Sfi Bum Hit they wer cento, sack. TRUSTED RAILWAY t ' EMPLOYE MISSING (SsseM rnssatefc ay Leased Wire to The Jeans!) San Francisco, Oot 11. Neither hla family, hla employer, Um Southern Pa cln Railway company, nor th police of. this city and Oakland bav obtained the least bit of Information as to tha whsreabouta of Jama a Macabe, who dropped out of sight on last Monday. Maoab haa beea for th peat IS yaara th chief trk and confidential maa of Assistant Qcneral Paeeengwr Agejit H. n ifAmtt nt the Southern Paclflo hd wad widely knows and very much liked by all who oem m oenuet wiin mm. Hla famllv In Berkeley 1 greatly dis tressed ever hi disappearance. Hla abas nee from hla work and bom has been so far attributsd to overwork and mental aberration. Zt became known yeeMrday. keWeve. that tna or flelala of the Southern Pacific ar go ina? owes Ms scoounts In an efforuto as If In their oondltlon there xsaa be a mo tive for hla having dropped out aigni. . afanahe handled ooos id arable tnoner paid by summer excurelon parties on th Southern PaoiBO narrow '" wuiiar aa labor unlona and Other societies had excursions to tho Santa Cm moun tain last aummer and eaca ene pais au the way from ftiftft to ftl.ftftft for trans portation. Considerable of this money Was handled by Maoaba, He to turn waa checked by th treasurer and audi tor of the oompany. V Southern Paclflo representative ar Interviewing many of the chairmen of hu WMiralnn narlles. The latter ar being asked If they had paid their trans portation to Macao ana pees, gives, re ceipts by hint. - - On of the chairmen Interviewed 1 P. J, cotter of th Printers' Mutual Aid association. It gave an excursion on the narrow gauge to th Bant Oru mountains and paid tlK.le for tmna-; no rtatlon. Cottar informed th railroad .umiiMv. thaa ha bad nald. that amount t Macabe and produced th lat ter' receipt, it ta aot anown wotww any dlacrepaaele la Macabe' accounts hav been found. ' - 1 1 . I ' BOUTA ABttaTOWB BB-rTBSW : t (Onrrlgkt RearH Ktwt Berries, ftp Leeaad Wirt t The JoeraaL) vmAabl net. is. Little Loltta Armour, dhughter of th Chicago mil lionaire, 1 atm in Vienna, ana prooaDiy wlU net leave there befor th nd of November. She 1 being treated by Dr. Lrorena and 1 Improving. XtUBB OB ItOftMXWe BwAB. Sserl1 tHaftsteh kfLaaee Wire ta The Zsesaat) Bulnlaa 11- Wt. 1ft JafBSB H. Rice, conductor, and Mrs, George Chap man, a passenger rising in me engineer a ktiiiari at X a'Alock last even ing la an sec id en t oa n loggias; railroad Din bums west or taneua ft ' . , V ' .' ' JNMMMaaawai ' ' '-'i ' OMXBF OUBat TJT BWUTMAxUT PA- nr sab wfLAjroxBOO Mf sTSjuotrs- ' SiV BttBAJSBftBB ! BOOxTSJ ABB 1 Graphophone PR1CX f time within a year, the sub- the graphophone during that l B0Y.A6ED ELEVEN :: MURDERS SISTER (tsertsl Dtoaateb kyLeeeed Win to tbe Jeer sal) Redding, CsA, Oot 1ft. Roaa Stows, aged ll, was shot and killed near Whtskeytown this afternoon by her brother, Lester Stowe, sged 11, and R la now a question whether the killing was accidental or murder. Th two war tb children of B. M. Btowa. whs lives about half a mil north of th llttM mining town. - Ths family resided re cently at Keawtok. . This or four goat that had at rayed from a flock on tho mountain nearby had been put in the Stowe barn by jiuuupci wniar. . j as BiMir, snowuig that th animal did not belong to the. family, turned them out and remon strstsd with her brother for stedollng with another s property. Ths boy, el ways quick of temper? flew Into n rags and threatened to do bodily harm to Roaa. She turned htm out of the house, locked the door and sat down by th front room window. A moment later tho boy stepped upon th4 porch with a shotgun In hi hands and without a moment's warning he pointed th Weapon at hi sitter, who was not tour feet away, and fired. Th charge of shot struck ths girl In tb breast plowing a hoi clear through th body. Sh fell to the floor and died al- . : AGENT G00DMA1T ILL ' . .. ;v ;,- 1 "'. ';" ' Sparta) Dbnatrfe By Leased Wire to the Jos reel) San Francisco, Oct It Oeneral Pas senger Agent T. H. Qoodman, of tho Southern Pacific company. Ilea erlontly III at the oompany s hospital at Four teenth and Mission' streets. He Is suf-' faring from a serious Intestinal com plaint and whll hi condition I net critical at present hi Dines la regarded- as very serious en account of hla ad vanced age. HI chance for recovery as very uncertain and avery attention lb given th patient Nurse and doctor at In attendance at all hour, and the members of hla Ikafl. ,un4 Hunk m. Ik.1. Vl bedside. It wa five day ago that Mr. Qoodman waa forced lo ,lv hla f f to and take to hi bod. 0BB1 Instate! y Leased Wire to The Jearaal) Washington, D. C, Oet 1ft, T he war department ha decided to transfer th Ninth. Seventeenth and , JEtghMenth bdltarit of field artillery' from tha Philippine to San Frtneisc, Vaacoovar and Fort Leavenworth, , Kas., respec tively, to take th place of th Fifth, Twaaty-slxth aad Twenty -eagkU bat teries. . 4 mm YMTO &ABB BBOAtTSB SaTB FIBMB OMABOa I7BMWI XBB BBBSBB. ;;.--v..? ;S';V. --. ; I-