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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1904)
-i . ' fr tnu for Something. T&at. Why . the Journal Succeeds , ' 1 ' - .'X V til - L r v- PORTLAND, OREGON 8UKDAY MORNING; OCTOBER. 16. 1904. v i i r' m m m si si m r t. it . ' uk vvtvpw-nw mv r i ; .... :v - . . ' r:' . , . - ; , : . S YARD TOS . BRUSH BRAID J SKIRT BINDWO, . Black ud oolong wortk Kc - KBEDUD CASIM, oontatnlnff a lars jtiorimtDt f beat Kncllak 8w1as M " ' Dftrnins NMdl. 4 o or Ball and BockM GarJ BBMlt FutatMi wortk to dom, in both a a-1 1 and larc in both black . and wbiia. ' 15d BACH FOR WICKHLr- ' " ' PLATBD CALX BBL.L4, . -Worth . X04 KACH FOR CEXLULOXD OAF , , v ' BOX KB, Aaaortad olny Larg ilN Valu 114, ' MdBACH 'bbst , BNaUflBT TOILET ' -J B RUB HIM, ' , VaJy I fro. , for Hand Hand Scrub aalihaa m NJ1 rBruaha,niM wblta brlailaa. wood baota, Talua a vaclal, aeh 1 For Halt Braaha Worth a Hair BrualMi.wttb flna aU brlatlca. medium aia,' val. ; Ma; p l a& 49 TBf - For Hand Baa Worth tfto, braldad handlaa, wal r,u Kcaia .Jaatharr In blaok or tan, vaL fto; mpfl am TM 194 For Writlnc Fapar . Wnrth It iv V lUiulant I n M ' Uahr 'bias,' pink ' and sray, val. lie. BoaclaL boxv lXd SHELF PAPER Worh io,. fanor laeo advo. all col ora, fA-riM loa, valua apMlal t. ... P!lot ,M Kt Bki:F(m';' BSAUTT PINS ' Worth SKo. . tur ouolaa'blua anam-J;- t,pina- la -aat, valua 8&c; pactal, BB FOB ctirp PIN MISTS Worth Ike, now, wld. aaaortad aetttnaa, vaU Sba; a .vU i i ... 11 F"""! Sffrif ue&tSY'm' l t "; 1 OL" OBBOOHOEMTB FOI.; Dtatrfbiitteff Dapot for Franlar Aiaar. t feCw7"-SV5fe V M THB WOBtD-FAJiOUB , v. fcaa. Cora "Boral Woreartara." ' i - VI' II ' - , . . - . ! ; aa afcfc 1 rrwwh tc . I taaHal at t '1 Ribbons v 1 Bom "f tba Qvlek ICaal" Cooktas Kansaa, Datrolt Cook Btovaa and Houaa Haatwra,- Third Door, Llbbcy'a Famoua Cut Olaaav . , . ' Opaa ao aooount bora at Fortland'a boat and larvaat atoraT Pay monMrir. Sao aaa about U. . TUB CREDIT MAM," Third Floor. . - PORTTUnD1! BEST CARPET . SALESROOMS HERB OH FQUBTH FLOOR. ansion; and Betterments Sales" Go On Eclipsing Every Previous October Merchandising: Recbrd- 5 Featuring In greatest Fsrlety fine new atocks at aatoundingly low prices Thousand of dollars1 worth of seasonable merchandise to go at fractional prices the biggest and broadest sale ever, attempted in all the west in any. October month! Remarkable values 4re here for Monday and week. Powerful incentives for buying at Portland's .Foremost Store.' Price have been placed to make sensational store history. Never before has such united action in value giving , been consummated. - With the magnificent organization and resources of the Olds Wort man & King store behind this .event it is quite natural that great crowds of shoppers should swarm eagerly to Portland's best soon-to-be largest store, and inspire a volumes business wholly without precedent in Portland retailing! Somevof th "Expansion-and-Betterment WMir-ftir-iiwa wtaur . aaBriffaa aaanwhlrti w nw ra. awk aoler. PrwMh a, tc SpMlal at .7M an It. BaaHbaiSSat 0r- CUidrta'i " Sm tl ambrl "MotaW Hubbard1- Iimm, fokm taAd. Uo and laiartlba UlBtBMd JUN ' awatka h S rmn WsaMa'a Sag, fe laateMb' or htwa proa. , aw : S rvowtoi. i nitu fens, t Utcb am mt botton, laeh wito tta ftrbv Wa o roitatOB i - maid e t k a. trlprd tapMtrr, art ul eolarlon v fftMa and blu art aoolDM, fiDlMMd wltb cord and bat tea bolt atJttklaav IS Sat aMrt wslat mt worth Sbc. Poor! abirt walat ata. hand- ami whlta, S ataa to Mtrahia SBe. Ma far Ovar aalrt waavt rt.wortb S, Staruaa alrm aUrt walat aata, S aad 4 ataa a act, I valoa art-Sta "hf TUB -RTBBOIt STOBE--wrTRT FLOOR. . , tin-!-c-t "TSi.Ar-.' t--1-ajj?.i' . ISS FOR FANCY RIBBONS- WORTH ISO a $$, - . -Wa hava aathdrad a lot of swaU. saar, fancy rlbbona- Habont ItoS i' xarda to all aoaaa atrlpad rlbhpna 4 tnohadt arid a, aoma .dalatr Praodoa rlbbona Inohaa wMo, ahadod rlbbona f H inchao wtdaT ;.. taaor flowarad rlbbona 4 Ineaas wlda, awaU plaid -rlbbona 4 inohaa wlda atunnlns array worth froaa ISo to Mo tha rard. H ulna - -' mil . - - m4u th. U IN PORTLAND'S t.AR'BSt.i' FOREMOST Kr vll III IjWfaa SpaaUl aalav ooaamanolna; Moiwlay- aaatlna- mil yard waah prlao. tha AND ZN TBTS XJICB SHOPFTRBT FLOOR. DAINTY (: ahdv Bands lot of vodlaat and Una Laeo and Banda, aonw wblta, aoma hi aom and Arabian ahaaaa, aomo'Sna oolorad wool Try a wall ' aoaao Point Vaaiaa, worth np toSS.M tha yard poalUTaty tha awallaat orar. Thay go on aaib Monday at tha following prloaa. tha yard 104. I5. BOd. 15a 94 SOa. TBat. 9Sa. fl.48, Jf- TOS,,f.l,pJLaowtt a2d Ww "l?" tul.r0ti ind 11.48. , , . T fl and Walklns Skirts for tha . bualMoa . woman. Tailored w t T - '1' " f ; - (I Sulta for aa Uttla ,a f ll.M;- aootunwa of rocal Talvat for aBaamaaanaBaagsi i aai iTinr"i'ai"i i 'i wiaifi raaaeaaaaaaanaraaii i n i naall till: anrraet ilrnaa for atraat waar. honaa wear. caklKnar. the , ( I, A Price ' Flurry Among, the ;n.- ORAND SALONS OF DRB8SW-COfrD FLOOR' THJD FASHION CENTER OF TUB WESTERN -w SCENT WORLD." Hare, In boandlaaa profualon. apraada Out bafore-the imab ' of multltndaa arery day, a matehlcaa expoao of AUTHORI TATIVB STYLES IN WOMEN'S STREET AND EVBNZNO WEAR. - A ahowtes that te baavty, noralty anal tha charm of that Indennabla aomathlns oallad "Btyla." la faU of tha faahloa Inaplratlon of Parte, linked with that flno praotlbfUtK and - suitability that dlatlntulah American daalsnlns aklU. ' Coaf. tunas of baautyl Sulta of ajtllltyl Tha almpU and thai alabo ratal 'Tha tnaapanalva aad tba alasantl and arery gTada ' between. Bhtqulalta Evanlns Oown and superb Wraps for tha theatre this waak whan yo aee Mlaa Ooaattas or s. Florenoa Roberta, tha two sraat. looal faToiitea. And Malba oomlna; later Opera Gowns and Wraps are duo. Suits, Coats v- -t UNDERMUSlilNS HE 57c a Pair for Women'i 85c vV, ; l. 1 Mi tltt; oprrect droas for atraat wear, boose waar, oaHins, tbe tea or afternoon reoeptlons; for ahopplns or tha solf llnka; - for aa automobile spin out Rlvaralda Drive, or Just a whirl V to tha opera. Whatever is fashionable in woman's apparal- f oratr daacrtptlon, for, all oooaalonela hara. , . DRAWERS ANNEX 8BCOND FLOOR. . ' ': ! A spaeia worthy of tbe surpass Id a- Undermaslla Balons that sxplon only the supanattvo oast la tha underwear world. Anerloa ooni tributes her ohoioeet, daintiest sarmanta and Frmaos helpa withv such unverts as aiiThts the taatenu woman1 a heart. Wo of far apaolal this waak -.A , - .. . - , : . vt, . Ladles' Flna Cashmsrs Bra wars elnatara of tueka and )-bieh deep blind ambroldery ruffla recular prloa I to; spaalai, palr...,.ETa Kare Pickings of Thanksgiving Plums this Week In the LINEN STORE 1 ' , . . . i : ; ' ' .- - ', FIRST FLOOR. .v., , . r Better aeenre tbeaa bargains while they re rfpa. - ThankaciTlnss only a Uttla mora than flvo waaka away. Assortments row. leas and barsaln hardar to make srary dar for llaena are an tha rlae In market. Ws Import our own dlraot front the linen markets of tha World In Germany. Franca. Scotland and t Ireland they osmo bar in unbroken paekaaua from their make re-chat's why wa seU obaapeet. Wa oootrol tha saM of tha world-famous "Richard son" Linens, made ta Belfast that's Why wa sell tha best. A fow of ths week's baraaina la t -'y ' '". ' THANKSOrVTNG LINENS. " ' : '" " ' ". 'V -' Tabla Clotba 1st yarda (Rlchardaoa's Ltoaa), Talua St-Nt special, at -.- Tabto Cloths IxSw yards (RJohrdaon's Llaea). ralua M.7; special, ' t ......B3.30 Tabla Cloths BU yards (Kwaarasona unen;, raioa I AM ; special. at Napkins to psatoh. dinner slae; ralua . m doaan; apeolaL st ,.t. ' 4lo'VoR CREAM DAMASK WORTH ISO. ' It placaa of Cream Damask Linen (Richardson's), St tnelMS wtda; , regular too raiuai special for this waak only, yard,. ,..,..-. 4 Qdl e FOR LINBN TRAY CLOTHS WORTH tie. ' Plata. All-Linen. Hand Hematltohed Trap , aotbs rRlohardeon's Xlnn)t slsa Itslf Inohaa i regular Sto raloe; apaolal tor this (areak at. aaoh..... ...ftO t4e FOR TRAY CLOTHS WORTH tW . ' -4 ' M doaea Damaak Tray Clothe, all llnea, slse lTsIS - lar too vaiuai special at, aaah I1.1S FOR SrDEBOARD "SCARFS WORTH H i. . -A lot of All-Llnaw Sideboard Soarfa, hamatttrhed and Japanese drawn worked, stae llzll taohss regular $lsg raluei special for this waak only, eaeh. .h. ..... ...........s) A n0fJCSTfO" BARGAIN. ' - i lie and a FOR OPERA CREPE. r . Wa hava Juat raoalred a tot of Opera Crrpa. aa hi expensive and pretty material for evening waists, oom tn 'all tha popular etiadee Is one-half woo! and. 11 aad tc loohee'wlde. Speolal for , this week at, the yard . . .a . . . .ia and &4 fan the Great Monday! Bargain Pie I Women's Swaggar 25 and2S.5s New Tailored Street Suits ; I Monday Only -. . -jy. - ,.- .j. : : K ana. V mat ' - ' TT- i . In Portland Leading MIELINERY aa.05 mm aurma. -" AH m.a - n. w apafcal kb Whm ing' man tailors. Firs styles tourists, It and soma to 14-lnoh lengths; Ditto the stunning Btoher" Coated Suits, and the Jaunty new Norfolk Jacket Sulta Materials m brace Cherolta. Tweeds and the Scotch. English and American -inanAlahH tailor mtxturea, including green mixed ditto gray, Hints to darks, blue, brown, blaok and white, ate. Superb In workmanship, apian- ' did examples of tha handiwork of skilled men tailors. In every popular trim ming eft set In present vogue, button, braid and velvet garniture. The hand-' someet, swaggereat and beat IIS and f SI.S suits over offered this early in the season, by any Portland house. Here tomorrow, ehotee forw... .,...917.15 New Cravenette waterproofed fabrlos Suits h yesterday by expreea. Coats In lengths, allowing of wear as separate eoat and skirt or as suit; very swell ....'........ .....$80.00 BARGAINS Ot WOMEN'S ENTTWEAR SHOP. - Underwear and Hosiery j Aisles FIRST FLOOR. Extra Speciala for Three Days , Monday, Tuesday and Wadnesday ll.M FOR WOMEN'S . UNDERWEAR WORTH 1. Women's Fine MerodeVeots and Tights. In white and gray, all wooh vssts long sleevee, V' extra ailk trimmed; tlghu ankle lengthy rag. '", value, Speolal for three days at, each $1.85 Same ta Union Suits, reg. $t val.. for. aa $8,8$ 00 FOR WOMEN'S tTNDBRWRAR WORTH Women's Fins Ribbed Cashmere Vests and Pants, in white and silver gray, very elastic and 71 per oent wool, value l.ttf special . only at, each ,9Q4r mm aad Home of Authoritatlvs Headwear Fsahion. Second Floor, ( Hats If or Stunning Than Brett v Hundreds of new models have eome for the week's show Ings. Parisian Idea a, London fad a. New York favorites, al lo go ther with our own clever productions. Never before were styles so beautiful, and never were we so strong aa now la our position aa absolute "ST TLB ARBITERS" for women who care. Exclusive efforts for every requirement and 00 oaslon. No matter whether lta a smart street hat at a popu lar prloa or the elaborate drees hats, up to, 97. They are hare and la satisfying aaaortmeats. - , . i r v.-.J;; v..y, :Vr A ; Special MoridaOffcrin $3.00 in Money . olthe Realm 13uys Handsomely Tailored $5,00 'and $6,00 Hats V: .( v . . j -e h "" ' Its Rats in the splendid array; all the newest of the' season's styles, smart. Jaunty Turbana. Sailors snd dress shapes. In all leading colors embracing - browns, aavya, castors, greens, reds and plain black; materials are fancy braids, felta. rich, velvets and boa vers all prettily trimmed with silk velvets, feather breasts, pompons, ornaments and numerous other atyltah effects. Beat It and $S values ever offered la the city Monday only choose for. . .$S.OO Ste tar glasa avff jaf. Pa ft Jen, the wrl ef preaeva gUm aad top ef mncy atatal,' rraaeb aray Aalsa. Special, each J! S)o. Kew atrls salt baeklaa ta flM sad anae, saw smseaie vaJas Sbs. , . kit iim umrm wi , awn For Untea Sulta same aa above, worth - $!.$ tto FOR WOafEN-t COTTON UNION BUTTS WORTH 11. It "; " ' . . Women's White Cotton Union Suits, very neatly trimmed. Oneita style and . big l lt value; special for three days euly at, suit $$e) tte FOR WOMEN'S HOSB WORTH Se 1 Women's Blaok Cashmere Hose, fine ribbed, splendid 4 to value; speolal for three days only, pair . . . . .. .,.8ve) lle FOR BOTF COTTON HOSE WORTH leo . , - . Boys' Black Cotton Hose, good weight, aiasiliss. double fibbed, tegular tto value: speolal for three da ye, pair. i.y.i.' i s 14 '; More Helps for Homefitters FOLTjpW THE GtTTDaV TO FOURTH - - FLOOR. And let Economy serve as guids. Ws ex pect to move Into the new dllxtb - Street Annex on this floor this week. There'll be a lot of present stocks that won't be moved, for they'll go out to new owner this week. Such - prloea as these wUl be - mighty powerful "movers." . . v A Remarkable Rug: Sale AH-Wool Double-Faeed Smyrna Rugs, m hand soma oolorlnga and unique, magnlfl' cent Orlenul deaiana ell at special re duced prices to save movmg am .St Ruga, slse lSxtt In; speolal. , .914 .t Ruga, slae Itxtt hx; special 81.88 L4 Ruga, ala toxt In.; special S1.0Q t I IB Ruga, else S4x7l lav; special $2.48 1I Ruga, siss Sxt ft; speolal. S9.RO Rugs, slse 7.4xl.l ft.; sp'l $14.00 I24.M Rugs, slse txlt ft.) special SISO ' ge A GREAT CLEARING SALE OF BABY .GO-CARTS Oo-Carts, with patent foot brake, antifriction wheel fasteners, sushlon rubber tires, eomplete with parasol and euahloa and aal latest newest Improvements, re duced aa printed . ... .. .- - . . ( , , .. . , ., v Best tlO.eo Go-Carta, this sale.... $8.85 Best lt.ts Oo-Carts, this sats..,.. 4 Kw , -,... S9.TS BeaX HI SS Oo-Carts, thla sals. ... . . ...... .,.,. tf....$il.TB Best I30.9S Go-Carte, thla sale 18. HO Best 131.09 Go-Carta, thla sale......,.,... ... 14.75 Best IIS.OO Oo-Carts, this sale.......... , . ....-! 16.50 Beat 130.00 Oo-Csrta, this sale.,.. I II8.6O Best tK.M Go-Carte, this sale..,.. .,,.. ...... .,.........1123.80 Bast t4e.Pt Oo-Carts. this sale....,..... . . $38.50 LACE CURTAINS ARE DOWN ' In the great sale this week wg offer over ft etyles In ths choosing, and the) se leotlons are. marvelous. Bach curtain 114 yarda long and iS Inohaa wide. Tha greateeteurtal bargain ever offered buyers by any Portland house. Read the Mat . 7 etyleercgular t 44 vetoes: pair. ....., .....,...t.,.............$8.$a; T styles, regular a. 60 values; pair .... 3.88 IT styles, regular t 4 64 values pair...., .... i4.75 It styles, regular I S.KS values; pair..... ....... S.fiS .1 styles, regular $11.0 values: pair.. . . , .1 7.T5 4 stylea, Regular 4U04 val mm; pair..... , j 9. BO S styles, regular 4l.v values; pair.,.. .$8.88 $25 in Cash to be Given Away : to 4 Portland School Pupils First reward 6f merit 410 la sold. - Second reward of mem 7-&4 In cash. Third reward ef merit fi in gold. Fourth, reward ef merit -91.64 la sasa. 1 THE PANAMA CANAL Now under construction by ths 17. & Government, Is a matter of vital com meretal aa well as naval Importance to tha entire elvUlsed world. Future gen erations will be benefited by the great work that tha rising generation muat eomplete. W believe the great maior Hy of puplla In our Portland schools are Interested In this Important work. With that thought In mind, this house pur chased ef its buUder, Mr. F. D. . Hlgbee, of Tarry town, N. T., s model of tbe oanal as It will be when completed. Mr. Hlgbee spent two toilsome years of hard and constant work la getting to gether the necessary plana from- which the modal la built, and every car hag been taken ta order that absolute par faction shoukt be carried out In every detail. As Is known among, ths thou sands of Portland's young folk, this house m to present this valuable model to some local' school, that school to be chosen by popular vote, to be decided for announcement on Thanksgiving day. Now, te still further encourage Internet and study of oanal matters among Port land puplla,, we have decided to offer $8$ IN CASH ABSOLUTELY FREE TO FOUR PUPILS IN OUR , ' CITY SCHOOLS v For the best four oecn positions submit ted to us on or before SATURDAY, NO VEMBER It. next The subject of com position. THE PANAMA CANAL"' its general features. Not oeeahfiO words in the entire composition. Ws reserve the right to ass sxoerpts or all of any oopy sent ns for publication. Writer must bs a. pupil of aoma Portland school inibllo. private or parochial. Each 00m position submitted must bear the eertlfloatlon of either the pupil's teach er, parent, guardian or some raanonalbla adult person that ft Is the pupU's origi nal product, aad ft muat bear; the fuH name and home address of writer, name of sohool he or she attends, name of teaohsr, and pupll'a age. We shall he pleased, at the end or the contest, to publish tn full tha winning eomposl-' tlona, with writers' names and newspa per cut, from a photograph, paid for by this store, by Moore, said photo to re vert to the scholar after uss ta local newspapers. This mat, however, shall be optional wltb tha pupil, whether or ho his or her likeness shall be pub llehed. Ths award will be made aa above, the matter to be decided by a committee of prominent newspaper mem. Announcement of result te Thanksgtv Ing day papers. .Address all 00m posi tions to w -. OLDS, WORTMAtTgi KINO, '' J t ? - . eDV. OFFICE). THE RESULT OF THE CANAL MODEL VOTE AT I P. M. YESTERDAY : High School .... B4.SSS St. Mary's Academy tS.lt4 Portland Aoademy 44,011 Harrison ... ...... ts.att Atkinson , t ... 14,444 Park .... II. Bit Will lams-Avenue . ti.34 Falling .... 17.414 Sunnyslde , , , ; ,...,..,.. . 11.117 Highland .... ................. 11.444 total styles. Total votes .4M.4IS STANDARD PATTERN3 ' FIRST FLOOR ANNI5X We ban now offer ta eur pa'r""" tK best aad most reliable patterns at. prices osrspetlters ssk for c- o a,. reliable salterns. Ail a - 4 terns are now 194 higher. The November !' "-r ' St the counter, only - r orrlptloa pries, pna-r. j le $Oe) s rssr. -: r