The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 16, 1904, Page 10, Image 10

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torceci Aearwn
The Dig Store In the Middle of the Block ' , V
69-7U73 Ihlrd SU bQt. 0
saaeaV WA-eVsT Baw ,
Orsgon hag m imt aweary seine,
i but mm that bu btM developed and
proven. This vtat, tbe BUe Btttr m
Lane oounty, to not producing, yet It la
pronounced gntl Kin, and to cer
tainly uMind a bMvf yield of mercury
Whea the experimental work to reduc
tion, mow being nrrM on. boo been
completed. W. B. Dennis, a mining en
gineer br nrofeeelon, ewnn eontrol to
tba stock of Ui Black BuUo qulchellver
mine. Ho has directed development, and
to sow working on a new turnece ealcu
latod to of f act- higher saving than ths
dyne In common use. and by means of
which tha Black Butte will be able to
handle tbe vast tonnage of medium and
low-grade elnnabmr ere that baa been
opened alongside of the rich rock.
Few people of Oregon . realise the
magnitude of thle property, or the- ee
uranob It gives of bringing tbe atsts
well up to Callfornto'a record in mercury
production. Even In mining circles, very
few operators know that Manager
Dennis baa patiently and scientifically
done about 14.006 feet of development
work, and that all Qilo waa wttb the
tie of peiwaaist eperallnmi. .wH
1 confidence In the Black Buttee future
that baa not been equaled In the devel
content of another mine to the north
weal In all work there to evidence that
"' the management .Intends to make tbla
' a mammoth property. Mix years baa
bean devoted to development alone. The
last year has found exhaustive experi
ments tn redaction under way. Pursuing
his desire to become thoroughly familiar
with every detail of cinnabar mining
and smelting, the manager has gone to
California and ether mercury districts,
devoting long periods to-gjiudy of fur
naces and condition of ore occurrence.
The reeult of all la being worked out at
the Black Butte, where facilities and
- situation of the property will soon be
utilised by -the management o produoe
mercury at a figure never Attained In
any other quicksilver Brines of the
.- world.
- Baa Bis Of. '
While the energies of the management
are concentrated upon the teak f
scientifically exploring the property
and smelting low-grade ores, the Black
Butte has as rich cinnabar aa any other
mine. Specimens running I to 7 per
' rent to mercury are exhibited freely.
There Is seven to tt feet of ore on what
ts termed tbe foot wail that would pay
-liberally when mined and treated under
very eostly conditions. But the vaat
, bodies beyond this richer grade com
mand the attention of the mane semen t.
. The main fissure to a feet wide, and
the entire mass between walls to miner
alised. Richer grades occur along minor
lines of cleavage within this vast lode,
the area, varying as Is nana I with re
placement deposits. Pyrlte seems first
to hare impregnated the mass of vol
canic - breccia, more definitely termed
andeelte to thto Instance, and at a biter
eeurtng slllea and slnanbar were gren
' channels for percolation. The lode ftll
fng of breoclated andeelte has become so
thoroughly saturated with the mercurial
Mlutlon that It to believed when a
Catarrh of the Stomach
Catarrh of the stomach has long been
OMtMrtdsred the next thing to Incurable.
The naoal symptoms are a full or bloat-
, fng sensation after eating, accompanied
sometimes with sour or watery risings,
A formation of gases, causing pressure
the heart and lungs and difficult
breathing, headaches, fickle appetite,
: nervousness and a general played out,
languid feeling. ,
f- There b often a foul mate la the
' mouth, coated' tongue and if the inter
ior of the stomach could be aeea it
would show, a slimy, inflamed endi-
, Una. --
Tha cure for this common and obsti
nate trouble to found In a treatment
Which Wusee tbe food te be readily,
thoroughly digested before it has time
to ferment and Irritate tha delicate
mucous erface of the stomach. To se
cure a prompt and healthy digestion la
the one necessary thing to do and when
Worms! digestion Is scoured the
' catarrhal . conditio will have sUs-
. nppeerd.
According to Dr. Harlsnaon, tbe asf
eert and best treatment to to use after
; each meal a tablet, composed of
platsee. Aseptic Pepsin, a little Mux,
' Oeldea Seal and fruit aolds. These tab
lets ana now be found at all drug stores
. tinder the name Of gtuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets and not being a patent medicine
ean be need with perfect safety and as
aurnare that healthy appetite and thor
ough dlgwetloa will follow their regu
lar use after meals.
. Mr. R. S, Workman. Chicago, Ilia.,
writes: "Catarrh la a local condition resulting-
from a neglected eold In the
bead, whereby tha lining membrane of
the nose becomes wrtamed- and the
Ctsonous discharge therefrom passing
rkward Into the throat reaches the
Stomach, this producing catarrh of the
atomach. Medical authorities .pre
scribed for me for three yea re for
iirrk mf atnmacb without cure, but
I mm the baoDiest of men sfter
using only one boa of gtusrt's Dyspepsia
. Tablets, I cannot nn appropriate
Words to axprees mr food feeling, I
tteva found flesh, appetite end sound
mm lk4r uaa.
Sluarta Dyspepsia Tablets ui the eaf-
est preparation as well aa the simplest
wi uat mmvenient retaedr for any
t nf indigestion, catarrh of stomach.
oneness, sour etomaoa, nearumrn aau
furnace capable of handling profitably a
l per cent cinnabar ore nas seen per
fected, mammoth quarries may be made
In the mountain and the entire nana be
broken down and smelted. . . -
. vi; yjnmmnsh ore Bodies. -The
magnitude at tbe ore bodies can
not be appreciated until they are aeea
The erest of a ridge ruing 1.7H feet
above) the level of the creek, baa mas
sive cropping continuously for a dis
tance of l.ftOd feet. These cropplnga
are all impregnated with cinnabar. They
appear as cliffs at times and great
jutting rack, but careful analysis along
the Hoe of the lode, which follows tbe
ridge crest, shows them to be cinnabar
ore. A vertical depth of mere than
l.toe feet may be had by driving an
adit from the level .of the present
furnace. Above this adit would bo backs
of LOO feet, as the lode dips at about
5f degrees from the horlsontal. Assume
that the cropplnga Of T.ftOO feet define a
low-grade ore body; take tbe general
width of the lode, 404 feet, aa a fair
average; reckon from tbe adit level In
dicated upward, where there will be no
.pjunpJxia,.holattng or shaft work and
the result ia'Wno'w'Ihr "anTTnmr be
divided many times and yet leave a ton
nage available that would cause a Tread
well mens gar to pause. -
Maeiag smsst Is Bitmap , '
' Mr, Dennis makes no atatsmnt aa to
how much of the lode that has been
opened by hla aeveral thousand feet of
development will be commercial ore by
present processes or the more improvea
furnaece ha to working on. In fact he
makes no) assertions relative to the been busy six years de-
rveloplng the group, and acquiring terri
tory. The company now nas more wan
. acres of land tor a compact mass,
covering all of tbe cinnabar deposits vt
tbe Black Butts district save that owned
Mirhhorine Portland . oemoanr.
Tbe mine manager merely ears hs to
satisfied with bis mine, ana is taxing
his own- time to bring It to tha pro
ducing stage. In a general way ha says
that if he can perfect mechanical de
vices and a furnace oapabla of handling
nrafltablv an ore oa frying .1 nor cent
cinnabar, bo will have Immense reserves
ready for the ameiter whoa it la bonv
Ro development baa been pros sen tad
from the sits of tha present furnace.
Th WMt adit vet driven will give
a vertical depth of IK feat when under
the apex of the mountain, xnis yuiuw
waa a crosscut for feet. Where it
out tbe tode there waa feet of ore
uMfjtj Mtnmerolal In a slant
handling a tow-grade product. A drift
of t&f fast baa been maae
from thto crosscut, and three minor
ro.eeuta made between the point of
tnterseotloa and the face. The first of
tbese orosscuts to 7 root long, too sec
ond 7 fet nd the.thlroV 47 feat, all
being to cinnabar ore. m u
Tunnel No, 4, driven on s icvei see
feet vertically above the lower adit, has
fi4 atiout l.eot feet oa the
lode, and baa numerous crosscuts along
this drift, proving a large body of eln
nlbar. Mo. t tunnel, -hlfnT;
also baa a length of aboA l.eot feet, all
on tbe vein, and has aumcrova ejroea-
cuta. On tha apex open cuts ana -
low tunnels have been maoe aiong in
eouraa of tbe great ere bod r. On the
other aid of tbe -divide a considerable
amount of work has been done opening
tba lode from that mreouon.
m ma mhj valns an the oroo-
w.w .lAiahar hMrlnt. Tbsss are
smaiLer than ths main Assure, end strike
st a bllgbtiy ainreren "b--
vein has a course of to av, wnue
tba two am slier poind auixe as a.
vu WroadarHea Ylgsy sf la.
Portland. Or Oct. 14. To tba Bdl-
tor of Th Journal Tour issue ex
Wednesday eonmlne two srtlclsa,.ooe
editorial expraeaed, witn your
usual moderation and candor, the
other a news, Item describing the action
of vthe Ponmnd preebytery. - both' of
erftteti contain statements of fsot and
argument which are opea to debate.
It to stated that ths presbytery practi
cally decided aot to support local prohi
bition at the November election, oecsuse
the Prohibitionists bad 'promised that
elections should be called for Is pre
cincts only, and pot la counties, and
r nt haenlna their Promise, - The
writer was In close touch with the local
nation contect from the first, end to in
a position to amy positively that such a
course was not evsa suggesieu u cne
Prohibition leaders. Bo far eg I know
not a single speaker soeritlojped It. If
sny such prom lees was .enads, K was
maoe ny parties woo nra no mni so
peak for any but themselves, and who
themselves have made ae attempt to
carry out such promisee. In fsot, tt to
ridiculous to suppose mai-any sans per
son would attempt to make a promise
Which should be binding on the temper
ance people of this county, separated aa
they are Into divers parties and societies.
Without any central body. Furthermore,
where were theee protesting gentlemen
during all ths time that tbe petition for
a county electloa was being circulated?
This thing was not done in a corner.
Why fflld they not awake to the perfidi
ous action of ths Prohibitionists until
after this petition with Its signa
tures bad been filed and thus passed be
Ma tba oaeurol of u sponsors! Jt to
enij..,, ..a-'-,
There has aeon a considerable amount
of aurface work done oa one of theee,
but exploration nas not been nearly so
extensive aa on theflret vela described.
As the Black Butte uplift to plainly
eroded by streams at Its base, in a geo
logical eense thto wearing away of na
ture baa proven the cinnabar deposit to
a depth of about l,7d feet. '
FeclUtieo for work are admirable as
tha natural location of the property.
Timber to abundant, the ereat of the
butts to but 1.70 feet above acn level,
the furnace to at the upper end of a
rich agricultural valley and on the prop
erty to a finely appointed farm where
fruit, vegetables and provender tfor, ani
mals to grows 'profusely. Tha county
road leading- to the furnace to aa good a
thoroughfare aa a city street, and con
sects with Cottage Grove, id mllea dis
tant on a routs that will surely be the
line for a branch railway some day.
Water la two.atreama. one of which to
the ooast fork of the Willamette, offers
good power sites, so that ao fuel will
be required to generate energy. The
grounds around the smelter, numerous
cottages, boarding house and general
environment are more like a neat, well
appaiiUemilltery para tnaa mining
camp. Walka andiroaag aava oeen bip
oadamtosd, fences' end - buildings are
painted and whitewashed, and there to
not In evidence a waste oaa or scrap of
iron. Tool house, laboratory, ahops add
ail department, of work are on a sys
tem aa thorough aa the machinists'
Lplaoa of business. After use, each
shovel, ptok or axe to replaced in its
mi, and evarvthlnar la kent under shel
ter, where there to no lose from tha ele
A Scott continuous furnace of about
ts tons eanaclty has been used oa, UK
nmurir. hut in 4ew of Manager Den
a Is' desire to pautp jhtth a larger and
more efficient plant,' smelting has been
discontinued for some time. Assisted
by trained mechanics, experimental
work to being prosecuted en the new
furnace, testa with which should be
amna tine this vsaiL Owlna to
tbe fact that Mr. Dennis baa become the
beat-Informed mercury mine operator
on the ooast, and brought to hla special
tiuiiaa a. mine enalneer's csnsral Quali
fications, hla work with a now furnace
to commanding the attention ox en
Mnun mil avar tha country.
tim California tree of the Beott fur
nace need consists of a brick structure
feet long by U wide by M high, ore
la nharval into it Ott the ton floor, and
before reaching the bottom falla from
ma anma to another, which -are ar
ranged to project over each other altor
..i.i ' Tha Maat. from the firsboc
below, paases through toe failing ore In
Its slow deeoenL High beat volatilises
iwairv. Values leave thto chamber
i. Munua farm, and are Precipitated In
uw hunhtr. where the blaat to
conducted through tort no ua channel.
ht. Mhunai naaaas to the too and
thence to the bottom of tbe settling
chamber alternately, the ooollng- Influ
ences Introduoed oaualng tba mercury
to form in brlgbt globules in tba aoot
at tbe bottom. Tbe blaat passes thence
tote a long flu and out through a high
brick stack. Mercury is extractes irons
.k. Mf tha aettlina chamber by
taking the entire mase to a drain floor
and stirring tbe aoot until all the mer
cury runs down to tne lower auw aau
drips away Into a receptacle.
Until3 Mr. Dennis baa perreeteo
new furnace, he does not pare to
any public statement relative to Ui
sign. In a general way. be says he
Tintif air. Dennis oaa perxesxeei nia
to maae
its da
not depart from the basis principle of
smelting mercury, yet he to making rad
ical departures from the type of plant
u-tit ik, nraaant time. The re
sult of his work grill be Interesting sews
to the mining world.
mmis tfmr aetUna rnto aetiOB a
month too' late which makes the .Vem
peranee man" tbe soots of the "practi
cal poilttoton."
In vour editorial pea say that "public
sentiment must be educated.' True, but
bow Can the American people be made
to to to school 6a any question, exoepe
by making It a political issue? Bow
many men bad ever given aa aours
thought to the silver question before
the Democrats adopted It aa their Issue
for 'Ml And who waa not a financial
expert Within 14 daya thereafter? . .A
single election with prohibition aa tbe
issue does mora to educate voters aa to
tha principles and Interests Involved In
the whole liquor question than ooald be
accomplished Jn years by any other
method. '
You amy virtually that the snajorrty
should rule lo ths precinct, but not In
the county. Why are tbe n grits of the
minority any more eaored In the one
class than In tbe other? In our stats the
smallest unit of local setf-foverament
la the county, and It to to the county
that local questions should he referred.
The pDjclnct has no government, and In
deed his- legal existence only for con
venience In counting votee. The victo
rious party at tbe next election will not
hesitate to Tide rough shod ever ths
sentlmsata of tha people" of the oppoe
lng states. And If whole states may
be compelled to accept poltcleo distaste
ful to their cltlssae, why not a few pre
cincts la a county? Unless, Indeed, tt ts
because to the average voter ths saloon
question Is really f far more Import
ance than 'any of the tosuss oa wblob
the Democrats and Republ loans are pre-
QEZf tfif Worth of New Fall Styles of? Clothing, lists,
JC? UflsUls Shoes and Furnishings for Men and lioys, at
We're forced to dear oui $50,000 worth of elegant new fall and winter goods, to make room for tha ltfet purchase of fina weaf
bif apparel that ever croaaed tha Rokica. ' We have bought, at our own . price, the entire, aurphia atocka of aeveral of tha
largeat and beat makerg of fina clothing, etc in this country. Here are bargaine auch aa win crowd this big store with buyers
of good clothing, who will aawe rrom ooe-nfth to onevhatf on all their fall and winter Clothing, Hats, Shoes and Iimiahinga,
Fall ahd Winter Overcoats
1; and Cravenettes
- 7- ' - r,-.-.:
Must Go
and Go It .
: Will a ' t
Such terrific price slashing aa,
we will do in tills departrrggnt is
a Tevelation In bargain giving.
, i. , t u
The Chicago don't do things
with a faint heart The finest
garoenta their superiors do
riot ejtiat anywhere; all new
styles, everyone Of thern, with
Broken sizes, in dark Aurora
or Beech Grove Meltons; cut
from $8.00 and $9.0CV
For ' choke of hundreds all
styles and colors and weighty
with or without belt back; in
all lengths from the finger tips
to the heels ; medium colors ;
$12.00, $13.50 snd some $16.00
in this great lot ; ;
over 1,000 to choose from. ; J. '7 ; "
tl f . :.. .s S7v
.a - m m " m t l m i i iiim . . w m
t '- Young Men's Overcoats and Cravenettes ,-
We are the store for quality and style, but during thai great
clearing sale prices are cut to srnithereens. Self is the word;
rpfkat room for a city stock just bought
f6.00 For elegant styles in nobby dark, or medium color; you
save-just one-third, for $9.00 is the regular price. - ,'
f 0.00 Cravenette, belt back, ordinary length Overcoats, is a
bargain that needs little talking about We are selling all
our regular fine winter Coats ; worth up to $15.00.
f 12.00 For choice of the finest Cravenette or Overcoat In the
- department; over 20 styles in-all that's good and new, ut
from $16.00 and $18.00, and can't be bought forhat money
today in the west. J
tsndlng to divide.' How oaa there as
any such thing as a asajerlty rale anleaa
the ralnortey submit to aotleaa of whleh
they do net approve t One wwaM sup
pose from maoli that Is said oa thta
Bubjeet that there to a handful of fanat
ical and determined PrehlMtlonlsta
somewhere in Multnomah ooanty who
are about to fores their views en a pre
testing hut helpless aublla. Let ao one
forget that there will be ae protrfMUon
In this or any ether eoanty vniesa the
people want K aod as assess themselves
at the polls. .
So much for ths fairness of oar plsn.
Psrmtt meenow a word aa to Its policy
at ths present time, Earing tha test
oaaipstgl-the aaaatlaa
to 50 Per
FalJ or 4 winter weight Over
coats or Cravenettes, a display
of styles and materials and col
ors to please the most exacting,
including the very newest and
best of our $16.00 and ? 18.00
and some $20.00 ones, v also
Crouse ft Brandajree's world-
renowned hand-tailored jgar-
Oavenettes" V and ' Qvercoats,
consist - of our- best ' $20.00,
$22.60 and some $26.00 ones.
The styles, materials and work
manship are of the top notch
i order. The variety insures the
14mj4 vam maw annf h
avuiv ;yw , (. .
We have cut loose- Take your
choice of .the finest and best
fall jor winter pverooat or Oa
vehette in the store, including
all Crouse & Brandagec's best
$25.00, $27,50 and $30.00 styles,
trimmed and tailored fit for a
king. ; l,u
raised that tbe uiapuasfl law waa
If air beoauas under It aeveral pssolaote'
might he linked together, and thus a
"wet" one might ho compelled to submit
to the wishes of Its "dry" neighbors,
with whom It had nothing la oommon.
This objection ws avoid by a county
vote, yet this la the plan apparently
whleh the brethren of the Portland pree
bytery would prefer, for If they want
p red not option simply, they have It
now, together with the oounty option,
and have It by the simplest and easiest
way by which' It eonld be obtained. To
Sle a petition la every precinct would In
volve a great amount of labor,1 and ear
talaly If ft had bean left to those who
an sheetta gab her sal ana effort Ua
: "'.; aeaasasaaaw
Cent Reduction
Our Goods :
Bear the Union
Very Best
Hot a suit inall our stock Is
spared; ft,000 of the beat pro
ducts of Crouse t Brdrsdsgoa,,
S. Pursh, The Acorn and other
makes of fine union . tailored
garments, comprising single
and double breasted Sacks,
berts, including all the fine
gradea advertised by ua this
faU up to $30.00,
For choice of big lot of dark
and medium colored all-wool
$10.00 Suits; limited lota. . . , y
Takes choice of hundred of
single, and doubre breasted
Suits, hi all colors and materi
als; cut from $12.00, $18.50 and
some $16.00, ,,. v v- ' . . ;f
' : : Young Men's Suits y. f
We have dlvidecKthe entire stock into four grand lots at
prices that will brineyery youth in' this town to The Chicago.
M.50 Buys & $7.50 all-wool Suit; broken. f Y '
f 7.50 For choice of over 20 styles of Suits, worth up to $12.50;
light, medium and dark colors; great bsrgalna. . .' " - ' , ,
f9.50.For elegant hand-tailored $15.00 Crouse ft Bra adages
" Suits,, single and double , breasted styles, .medium or extra
heavy weight . ;. .- y r K , . . .
f 13.50 For choice of the finest Suit in the stock j this includes
all our fine tailor-made black- silk mixed and unfinished wot
ted and serges; worth up to $20.00.'-
the newspapers), tn behalf of seminal
honesty, aot 1 a single preelnot would
have had a ehanoo to vote. -Again,
If elections were hsM onfy tn
eertsia p reel nets or diet riots, and aot
In others. It would be possible, ender
our loosely administered election lawn,
for the liquor men to eolODtne hand rede
of illegal voters In every oonteeted dkv
tiiot, and beat as at every point
Ae regards law enforcement, the
oounty plan la tha best. Tom rem era
truly that public sentiment la evea
stronger than law. Ths nubile sentl
ment,fn favor of ftrohlbrtloa In a pre
clae whlob votes for 1 In the oounty
Is vastly stronger than la one whleh
aaerely waAta to Imeev the mm out
A -
500 custorrHfinished, aS hand-
tailored, in fine black, blue,
brown or nobby plaids, also
neat mixtures, worsteds, chev
iots, tweeda, etc The choice
of our $15.00, $18.00 and soma
$20.00 suits. ' ... y v. v
Pots you right into the grand
est lot of hand-tailored, select
style Suits, 700 of them, con
sisting of single and double
breasted sacks and Prince Al
berts ; our - choicest $20.00,
$22.50 and some $25.00 ones.
Takes the best Suit In the
house none reservedinclud
ing all the nobby merchant tail
or patterns that we have been
selling at $30.00 and $27.50, and
the most select of our great
$25.00 suits, including all the
new wood brown and finest
black Thibet unfinished wor
steds, some silk and satin lined.
Not a suit in the lot of over 300
but would do credit to the best
tailor in the land in style, ma
terial and workmanship. , v
of Its own boundaries, but sere nothing
for the good oT Its neigh hoYs. Oounty
Tetaeere will be qumfc to rseognhw this.
and to show their reapeot for the seers
earnest, and ooaatatont aentlment by
better enforcement of the law.
for theee reasons It sums to aw thai
t saU for a county veto la not to "ny
la tha faea af pubUe aeatlment,' but Is
ths only reasonable way for pahUs senU-
meat to declare talf. t '
J. F. lfBWRjLI ,.
Fresideat State Prohibit Ion 1st Alliance.
Of course the majority must always be
-rolled up;- no ether "way af getting It
weitteSdmj ., .-. ., -H.-