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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1904)
' 1 , Distributing Depot for the Premier American Corsets; the ROYAL WORCESTER 3 Salons in Annex Second Floor , THE HOME OF ... ; AUTHORITATrVE FASHIONS SOLE OREGON AGENTS' . FOR THE WORLD FAMOUS BONNET, SILKS - PORTLANDS BEST -CAPPET SALESROOMS- HERE ON FOURTH FLOOR Home of the "Quick Mesa" Cooking Ranges, De troit Cook Stoves and , House Heatera Third Floor. , ibbey's Famous Cut Glass. v 'THE DIFFERENT V j STORE" ; MAIL YOUR ' ORDERS. '. s " We shall be pleased to open a credit account w Uh If not convenient to come to this store,' shop by msiL AU orders filled promptly by expert shop pers. Leading mail order house oa the coast " New Fall Catalogue free for the asking. Write for it any worthy person. - It facilitates shopping for the public and for ns. Buy any time, pay us once a month. You're cordially invited to run an account at this store. See Credit Man Third Floor. THE NOVEMBER DESIGNER A Magazine of Real Use to Women 1An . w' - It covers every phase of woman's life. It's unique among women's publications- It "get next" to IU WCutS iaCIL a woman's heart -Special subscription price, postpaid to any address, 80c per year all patterns now reduced to 10c and tic each none higher. , Pattern Counter Annex, First Floor. Olds, Wortman & King, sole Portland Agents. ;" , :" .' v ' ' ' ' "V ' ' '- " V v ''"v'" K' '" TOT OZOO! DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER U INI c - : : ,4 I The Preparation of Our Advertisements Tit Infnrwiatmn we oresent is accurate. If It was" testimony meant for a court and required the usual solemn affidavit that legalizes-documentary evidence, we could conscientiously sign and seal it statement . Every word is exact No equivocations or subterfuge. Nothing is guessed or assumed. Comparisons are actually made between our prices and the prices charged by other local stores, in fact -u tkA. t (d. gafii rMirM Gtt vm Mm irnAM liniHi and tK rnmnanMii ! invariahlv In our favor. For exact same Qualities oar once are alwavs as low jrenerally less tha L... urt.. eh rpct cxnpp iniL.hnnMtlff t-mn Tmt answer thi- mixtion anv other wav than tm." and satisfy vour conscience Is This Not FAR-AND-AWAY PORTLAND'S -i 'i PORTLAND'S FOREMOST STORE This IS the PORTLAND . '.V- . . '' ' .' . - ; . J - - CLOSES THE STORE That EVERY DAY IN YEAR, SATURDAY INCLUDED, AT 6 RM; I PrMEvciy Day j Saturday ; ; Included without modifying single we often compare our n those of competing BEST STORE? The result is not stranee to us or to the thousands who know Olds. Wortman & King. But,the new customers of the store, WITH-ITS-OLD-DISTINCTiyE-WAY-Oi--iJ!.l-LlNC-OCMJU5, may be a bit sdrpnsea. - lime sensations of skepticism tinctures the surprise indulge in a brief, even cursory examination on your own account The knowledge you'll acquire will be valuable to you and to us. we invite your attention-to ie list oi nmciv specials for the last-dav-of-the-week-buyers. Every advertised special of the week is on Friday's alone excepted (and a very few closed lots;, but remember i im l- ittn ; VAXUUHl mukl mat aoses wnen xne amy aone AT 6 P. M. SO PO YOUR SHOPPING BY DAYLIGHT. A few extra Saturday SPECIALS: , . . 1 - . $11.75 Suits A Surpassing Saturday Sale of Stunning Street Suits ' ' -' ' Second Floor 8alona : "Tht Fashion Center of the Western Garment World? V Buys the New $18.50 and. $20 rich nexmos nsRi for - . , AUTUM1 SUIT BUTM8. rhN Mettea or vvr Mora ti wry voah , erowdse. With tha buyr Dow In New York, and a atraaai of amr manta that eoinprlaa har purehaaaa, which must aoon coma ponrtnc la oa ' -, wa must rnaka roam and that nulcklr- Uara'a a new lot of vmry . awastar , TAILORED STREET SUITS, and ItO valuaa In cluded noat atora'a ISO asd ! f.aort a aulU), about tM la to aa aortmtnt, vary aoMitaat and Haw an fall nodala, atylaa that ara dofltlnad to anjor ft vovua aeldon ae eordad a mi and radical dapartura v rram old llnaa, Suparh atrlaa. amartlr UHorad. Sulta wltfl all tha atjria and St yoa took tar hi hlirhar Srlead amrmcnta, alncla or doubla raaatad, touriat or jaekat affMta, aoma eollarlaaa and taffeta lined, ' In ehavlota and mannish mlxturaa In . handaomo Scotch, American and Envltah aultlnsa. Color Una anv brace Mvya, blaeka aad arowna and ulaturaa In arart blue, orowa and black and : whlta nixed effecta. Trlmntnaa of vetrat, wlda at Itched taffeta band a and tab, at Itched satin, braid and fanry button af . facta. Lined with taffeta allfe and a tin. An exceptional opportanltr la offered Saturday ta become tha owner of on of thaaa splendid sulta, - whoa aquals ara not to be found la town, outside this stars, at tha ragu ; lar prloaa ef and io. holoa tomorrow a4...,...9H.TB Armouncernent Extraordinary I ii Baby-to-Miss Annex and Thoroughfare Aisjev , . SECOND FLOOR. (' - TWO TDMBLT aATTTROAT SPBCIALS. Ia A SKEIN FOR GERMAN KNITTING TARN. , DOLLAR SABT BONNETS, Sic, - . . Beat make of Qennan Knit tint; Tarn, colore brown, cardinal, aiarbon, scar let, navy, light blua, pink, yellow, blua mixed, black anlxed, tan, black and whlta, resulsr I to a skein, or 1.00 a bL of skeins; apaclal, (Oa) a kaln, or SO hi. of 4 akelna. . Infanta Bonnata of whlta India and Bangalln silk, ambroMarad, benistitcbad, French knots, tucked rucho and ribbon trlnnaed, regular price 11.00; apaelal at ...A........ ....994 Retular tie Taluea. yard. , $1.00 TsJuaa,' yard. . For 8atarda Only One-Half Price Sate ...... 43 BOw 11.21 Taluea, yard. ,.,.........,. ......,. .63 11.80 valuaa, yard ....T6 H.TS valuaa, yard ..r,............,...Saa) A' The Panama Canal and (be School Voting v V,rha completion H the Sus Canal ta 1MI, and Its Mbeeouont suocaas as a aommerclal enterprise, draw attention mora forcibly thaa aver to tha American Iathmua. Frenekaaaa who had valned attonay and fame in that enterprise were aaajsr to embark la a Daw ana. In 1170 aa association called "Soclete Civile Internationale dtt Canal Interooeanlo" was formed to Farla to make surveys and exploration far a ship aanaL Aa expedition under Lieut L. N. B. Wysa, In the amine of the association, obtained a oonceaelo from tha Colombian government, commonly known aa tha "Wye Concession." ' Thla ta tha eonceealon under whloh work an the Panama Canal has been proaaouted pravloua to tha U. a ov anunant taklaar tha mstur In hand and entering upon Its completion. A 'work ing modal of the easel mar be en la una of our targe Fifth street show win dows. Thla house ft ta grva this model to aoma Portland vchaoL The achool wlU be (jhoaen by popular VoU of tha people a vote with every tie purchsse: tha voting tooloaa at 0 p. m. on Wednesday. November IS, tha award to ha made mi thd reeult af tha vote at that time. Wa list only tha names af tha Drat 10 aottoala la the ' . , t t St. llarya Aoadamr ! High School lO.OU Fortland Academy 40.T04 Harrison Sohool Atklnaon School t....... 11.010 Williams Avenue School IMII Standing at S P. M. Yesterday Park School ...... t. . to ? Palling Sehoel 17.101 Sunnyafde School 14.40 Uigbland Scboet 11.41 ., Total-votes JIU40 I I f : ' "w 1 Millinery" t Wk MlJS&tZiI Jtr ;. . . : SBCOND FLOOR, r ' A DlSCOrRAOBD HANUFACTURBX OFFERED US t.OOt HATS AT A RID!CUIXUS PRICE. AND WE BOUGHT. HATS CAME BY EXPRESS WjuDNESDAT. RESULT: THE GREATEST TWO-DAT MILLINERY SLAUGHTER YOU EVER BEHELD IN PORTLAND) A VAST ASSORTMENT, HIGH-GRADE MILLINERY. ALL MEW, TEMPTING CREATIONS. To be Sold for a Song I Every woman Is Interested. - a ehanca to bur pm Ootober Hat and wear Ik all season at aa efter-Chrtstmae price. If you haven't bought, you're certainly in luck; If you have, you're fortunate, too, for you, can well afford another hat at these prices. Mind you every bat In the vast aggregation ta ABSOLUTELY NEW. The brightest and latest Ideas of eastern millinery mind a, worked ut bp skilled, deft lingers of expert delgnra. A moat varied assortment of grand millinery values, bound t please, containing hats becoming to alL words set In type can give but meager Ideas af tha great value and beauty embraced In tha galaxy of millinery beauty. There's but en way to realise what extraordinary bargains these bats ara, and that's to sea, them yourself spread aut here tomorrow In vast array on special sales tables arranged for a monster showing. WE'VE PREPARED FOR A GREAT CROWD OF BUYERS. EXTRA SALESWOMEN IN ATTENDANCE. A few brief mtatlooa. aa 1 acted at random, that may help ta Impreaa upon you forcibly tha Importance of this 00 new Felt Turbans, Sailors, ate,. In blacks, browns, blues, castors, ate Including values to It. 00; fiOs choice for 00 hand-tailored Hats, made over wire frames, In turban, tri-ealor. sailor and dress shapes, made of braids and , . felt, with trimmings of stlk-valvet faathsra, ornaments, ate.; actual value M-OO; choice. i tf iA this sale, for . , ,,f .TF 100 SUk-Vtlvet Turbans, hand-made of braid and tailored fait Hats, trimmed with feather pompons, la i no all colors, valuaa In this lot up to 14.00; this sale only ,M,dli70 10 White Hats, in varloua new sailor shapes, with attractive trimmings Of flowers, foliage, faa there. AO - etc., regular 14.00 end $6.00 values; choice for 110 Black Beaver Turbans, not the plain blocked shapes; don't come expecting thoee, but look for those bsndsome ' hate of beaver sloth, tastefully and gracefully draped aver stylish frames, trimmed a tha left with a , 1 JA feather breast; either of all black or a contrasting color, an extra $1.00 value; special, this sale dW.TF Tour choice of about S00 Hats, any 10.00. 10 0, 17.09 or I7.M Hats anywhere In our splendid stocks; all the neweat, latest shapes and colorings, with smartest trimming effects none reserved tha olc la , , t C AA " full and free; for Saturday only at w..vV ' SEB THE GREAT WINDOW EXPOSITION. SAMPLES OF HUNDREDS IN THIS SALS. r Kitchen Furnishings at Saving Saturday Prices It certainly pays to bur one's kitchen supplies where money goes' farthest and money certainly does go farthest when you spend It at Olds. Wortman King's, oa "Boaoomv. Day" , eapeclallvi and mors woman, are rinding It out all tha tlm. ; Read over thla list of bargain and It won't bo at all hard for yon to belleva sur assertion: .i . . ... Oranlte Iron JeTTy Oaks Pans, t-tnen apsclal oaca ..4...a Oranlre Iran Jelly Cake Pans, 10. inch spsstst, each lOo) OOanlte Iron Mountain Cake Pans, a-toch apectol eaoh Its) flrantto Inn Tea'KotUss, e-!rh t special, each Pish Mops spsrlsl, aach.... ..So) erab Bruahea. S-toch spselsL ..... 0 Scrub Braahss. l-lnca apaelal, each .........100) Oak Towel Rollers, nickel finish. Iron frames apaelal. each. . .lRd Coal or Bat Hooka spsolsV dossn .T4 Win Set Boatsn apeclil, sack 8t ORCELAIN. I S.4 i.......i4.e i. ...... DINNER 0s7T OF DECORATED NO LIS H SEMI -PORCELAIN. lo-pleoo setspaclal. 00-pteoe sat Special., 10 -piece set special . ' LAMP SPECIALS. Decorated Vase and Shades to Metch Value 1. Si special at RKe) Value 11.10 apaelal at......fl.l6 Value 2.6 special at. ...... 81. 9 Value 11.10 apechU at $. This lamp baa canter draft burner. HOB SPECIALS FOB FIRST FLOOR. SATURDAY HOB eJECTION ShocS for Man and Ey, Matron and Miss i AND Ws DIDN'T FORGET THE CHILDREN EITHER. tl.l FOR MEN'S SHOES, WORTH 11.10. - K: -Men'a Winter Sheas, heavy double- solas, full . round toes, . heavy calf uppers, a good satisfactory aaoo, Regular 11.50 value; s pedal for aWtanlay ooly. pair 8)8. S9 111 FOR WOMEN'S SHOES, WORTH II.M AND 14.00. Women's Winter Shoes, made of bos calf, Blucher cut, double ' soles, round toes, military heels, mstt taps, regular price 10.10 and 14.00; special for Saturdays selling at pair ........M.S1 11.01 FOR WOMEN'S fl.00 8HOB0X Women's Shoes for drees or street wear, with patent kid or vie! kid vamps, matt kid tops, plsln or tipped toes, welt ' or turn aolea, n special bargain, regular la.00 value; for ' Saturday only, at. pair 98 17l FOR WOMEN'S 14.00 SHOES. Women's Street Shoes, with welt or turn solas, military or . Cuban heels, tipped or plain toes. 14-00 valued; special for Saturday only at, pair SHOES FOR BOYS AND YOUTHS. ' ' Shoes made of olthsr box self or vlcl aid for boys and youths Siaee II to II. value Il.TI; spec tat ...i.....f l.SS Slsea 1IH to I. value 11.00; special 1.4S Sues IH to m. value 110; special ... 1.7 S CHILDREN'S AND MISflBS SHOES. Children's Shoes of boa calf, no, donate aolea, full round toes, spring keels, plump soft Upper stock, a Ann winter school shoe j Children's sloes, H to 11. vain !.: spacisl fct....fl.OS Misses' slsea. Ufa to a, value 11.00; special at 8)1.441 : FREE ! FEEli FREE! DONT BUY RUBBERS! WE GIVE EM A WAY I For a few days only, with every purchase of It. or over IN THE SHOE SECTION, OF GOOD AT REGULAR PRICES, we will glva ABSOLUTELY FREB n pair of women's best quality rubbers. All'slsas and all new, fresh, perfect goods. This offer does not apply on aboea saarked or sold at special sale prtcee,-- - 'W 0 ( : THB GREATEST SALE OF THB TEAR OF Smart New Dress Fabrics and Silks Closes Tomorrow Annex 1st Floor : TWO GREAT MONET -SAVING SPECIALS! All new, choice, down-to-data fabrics, for Shturday's selling, that should bring every woman in Portland to our famous Dress Goods Store. No. 1 I! 0 and 1100 per yard French camelahalr and slbellne, hi all tha new effecta, every wanted street wear color is the line; splendid fabrloe for tailored suits. Special for Saturday, per yard .......$1.48) No. I l.0 per yard Mannish Tweed Suitings, Novelty Bourette Suitings, flue hand-twisted Sultlnga, Scotch Turban Sultlngai a tremendous assortment to seteot from. In every new. wanted oolor. Special for Saturday only, per rard .....i . fl.lf) SBB WASHINGTON STREET WINDOW DISPLAY. ' Black Dress Goods for Saturday Selling ' Me Costume Velvets, in neat dots, figures and embossed effects, all colors hi the collection, for watate and gowns. Special for Saturday only, yard.0JSa II. Black French Voile, special, yard vf 11.50 Black French Voile, special, yard Il.TI Black French' Voile, special, yard 11.00 Black 4-tn. French Voile, apaelal, 12.15 Black 14-ln. French Voile, special. These are the very finest Voile made In tha World, and for dressy, service able wear cannot bo bettered. I rd -Mg-rd ......fl.l8) rd il.31 1, yard ....fl.BB 1. yard ll.SB 4 -4d) I HEARD tH AND QUOTED FROM THB KNITWEAR AISLES FIRST FLOOR. FOUR EXTRA SPECIALS' OF UNUSUAL MERIT FOR SATURDAY. , - .4 v , , . Hosiery and Underwear for Women and Children WOMEN'S OOO COTTON HOSB FOR IT. Women's fine Cotton Hoe, full flnlsbed, with OB AT CA8HMERB BOLKS; a now and moat e reliant Idea; theee Hose are an antra big o value. SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY'S selling mtt air ST CHILDREN'S HOBB. 4 Children's fins Ribbed Black Worsted Hsee, seamless; , splendid Valua Slsea to T; regular Sao. Special, pair ! , , Slsea I and 14 : regular o Special, par...,...T Slaae S to 10; regular Mo. Special, pair t 11 1 FOR WOMEN 8 WX)L UNDERWEAR WOh i 111. - Women's fins Ribbed Cashmere Vests and PetfHfc In V and blue gray all-wool goods-silk trimmed; r 11. 0 value. Special for Saturday, '- too FOB CHILDREN S CWION SV1 S W; AND 11.0. Broken HneS of CT"WI ' i Union Sulta t -- values i ta cloea i at, -