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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1904)
tub notrnnM DAILY - JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY fcVENINO. OCTOit 14, 5 :;;n)AKD talks i -stn v sy y v VH i' " S7 i f i? y f i r t ,i- 1 - a-t - H , - I OeVTBAO- mi boim woi on nnoos i. ' argTLT.BB . glflWIMIOt JOS wumn to ookkobt bason. - fnloe tabor fowninM noma asn- ttoo t the monthly meeting ot the Port of Portland commission ytrdaT after noon. Commissioner Thomas declared th hn ship carpenters Insisted upon performing (Im work of ooromon laborers at th dry dock end th contractors per mitted them to do it Instead of employ ing cmapir Bivn uw body to btuM out themselves, The discussion cam up when Mum Andcnra and Crow, the sblpltners, pro- teated against Mm cutting down ot a bill ihey had rendered for grooving bilge block at ttoe drydook. The bill m for til. The ocwnmlaaloa redueed It to fit, which tb contractors refused to accept. In support of their contention both Meere . Anderson and Crow stated that It coat Cham $1 to have the bilge blocks noved froai under the steamer Olympla v. hen ah was on th dock for treatment. Thar explained that they employed union Uber at the rate of 14 day for each man. end It waa lmpoaalbla fox them to get the work done any cheaper. la the absence of President Bwlgert, "vice-president Thomas was la the chair. "Well, that la your own fault, whan you employ skilled mechanics to do the work of common laborers row have no one to blame but yourself. .Many a man could be hired at IB a day to do that claaa of work." . . Mr. Crowe explained that the flfra Had always adhered to tha practice of em ploying union men. It was finally decided to let tha Ml) ' remain at It waa held that other contractors did not charge more than ' that amount. , The reason they da not,- assarted Mr. Crowe, "la because they got their ' help from tha men who are at work ' about the drydock." A bill for 4204.1 presented by the Columbia Engineering works for awak ing repairs to the dredge Columbia and . doing other work about tha dry dock waa .-. a tn h ahilman of tha board ' trhd the suparlntondent of tha plant for I settlement. . , Owing to the large kmonnt of drift-' " wood which la likely to accumulate al ' th dock It was oonaldered advisable to build a plank walk around the strue ture to he used by men employed to re move the drift. A communication from 1. M. Stone, an Underwriter, eta ted that with alx hydrants and fast of boos at tha dock and lie pounds pressure guaran teed the Insurano sates .would be re duced J per cent. . ,v ... A reqiwat waa mda by the Penm an la Lumber company that the grave) .and sand deposited by the dredge on Its 'property . be removed. steee ta atoilsg to Ms Xrfonbat Chvte - After good run up the Voaat the Aajtertesa schooiler Honolulu arrived lh btlaet this morning from dan Francisco. It Is understood that tha vessel Is under Yharter to the Charlso Ketsoa ouripanr to load, lumber for Bhrfnghal, although the eeptsltt states That ss yet be has received no Instructions to that affect. The schooner -is at the sand dock, where she Ik discharging ballast. In a day o jtw It Is eupposed that she will move up -" to the Portland mill, where she will be r supplied with an outward cargo. -She Is fet of lumber , ' With a lumber cargo measuring tot. euc fet token on at the same mill, fhs sobooner al T. Alexander left d6wn for tha mouth of the river this morning. 1 The steamer Aurella Is at the same place. receiving a deckload of lumber and - 1. ... I 1 l . M U 'WIIl.OV DIlltirs in " w mmm, ivi wtrm bay city tomoCtQW night ' i-AaVOatf) vn rATBnOaTS. i 1 At 'the Wstom heuaa this morning th Hrltlsfa ship Eakaaonl cleared for Queenstpwn or Falmouth- for orders with t7,t47 bushels of wheat valued at in,12t. The cargo Is being dispatched by Balfour, Guthrie dt Co. Having been cleaned and given a fresh coat of paint the schooner Mabel Gale was floated at the dry dock yesterday afternoon. It la understood that she wtil load lumber at tha Inman-PoalaeB mnl for San Pedro. - While effecting a tending near Kalama Monday night the steamer Iralda, oper ated by tha Kellogg Transportation rompany, broke the coupling of her a haft. The repairs are being mads at Kalama. and the vessel la expected to be In shape to come up to Portland to ftiCht , A new bojler tor the steamer Jessie Harklns arrived from the east yesterday. With a cargo of salmoa the gasollns Winch White Flyer arrived In port Ibis morning from Catblamet, Wash. Among the oar go taken out by the t earner Elder, which sailed last "laTht for flan Francisco, .was 0 tons of wheat. The balance of her freight was Made up of general merchandise. s f The new dipper dredge No. t began Work this morning at Clackamas raptds, and after being In commission there a taw days she will move- down to the government moorings to go into whiter (juarters. ' " l Beginning Monday the weather bureau iwtll have everything Is readiness to ie play storm warning algnaJs at Tillamook and Marshfleld when the situation de ;msnds it. Thla service eras granted by the department at tha request of th Shippers st those places. Having completed her lumber cargo at the Portland mill the schooner T. B. Alexander left down yesterday afternoon for the mouth of tha river. Her destina tion is Baa Pedro. Four steamers of the California 4V Ore ; rrni Coast Steamship com pan y sailed 'last evening for the Bay ally. They are the Fulton, the Despatch, tha Aberdeen nd the Ail lane. The first three named took out lumber cargoes, while tha Alliance carried general freight. Astoria. Oet 14 Arrived down dur ing the night, steamer Fulton. ; Arrived down at I a ov, steamer 4lore W. lQder. ' , Arrived down at f:4ft a. sb steamer . Hetled at I a. am., steamer Despatch, for Baa Francwca. t Arrived aewa at : a., m r a.a rrair1sr. Oct. 14 eUnd at 11:M a. m., ateamer Columbia, for Portlsnd f St. Helena. Oct. 1 Pa seed at :a.i - ea.. be rV en tme Fuiierton. . Astoria. Qot. 14- K bar report; caps line down. Her grain cargo has all bees put ahnerd and the British ship Bakasonl has nvtvMl out lata the stream. She will pmtiahtv leave for the sea Ik a day or Iwk Tbn vessel U loaded lta 1,44 T O butinesd can permdocntly txiit without I l ' making legitimau profits,, but thert) comes ' tims in tht life of most fvery business when in order 40 accomplish a purDose ft it the part of wisdom to take a temporary loss, yet, it calls for commercial courage of no mean order to face a loss at the commencement of the seasor--4u we are doing at this time. Our reasons for mis almost rev olutionary proceeding are a change In our business plans January 1, 1905 they are good to tuh-and sufficient to justify the sacrifice, therefore we sub mit to you the following phenomenal values. t Take advantage of them while you may? y - laWtSV I Given Away Saturday ' V 165&I67 FIRST STREET. EET. MORRISON AND YAKK1L AH Cars 8top Within Ten Steps of Our Door. Transfers to AH Parts of the City. MAIN CLOTHING CHICAGO SHOE STORES I HE sweeping reductions of prices which this ' I ' psge of facta proclaim and specify are 1 such as we never before found it necessary to make--before the season has fairly opened. They mean much to us and more to you from different points of view. We have no regrets to Indulge in for having been compelled by the exigency of the hour to cut prices below the water line of coat. The fortune of business as of warcalls for such sac rificed. You have everything to gain by taking prompt advantage of the opportunity, this sale pre sents. The time for wearing these goods is all -ahead Of us. Take the hint. MAIL ORDERS CAREFULLY FILLED FROM THIS LIST . ' r T YPI AN ATI ON Pr every'purchase of Jl.00 worth of troods tomorrow, Saturday, ono &reUfrk a w numbered cotipon.will be given purchaser ($1.00, one coupon $ $5.00, five coupons, and o on)r at 9 p. m. Saturday, when duplicates will xbe, turned over to any m. m . a. -A.S ..t& Mao atani ' and the 4anrh mimkap Imumi fmm Int. committee oi tnree wno inicresixu ym. uw BiwHaus , . i r -win im riven cnoice ui mdv , i--- . - $ 1 2;50 Suit or Overcoat v In our stock v Number drawn must Jfce present. Drawing will continue until one Is drawn I $12.50 I Given Away I Saturday Men's Shoes af lBaara sua anal U Saa aalsa sem Mssal Oatf Vlaekev 1 . ttJ fiC Baees on sale at. pair. aV.O9 These are made on tbs nsw fifth Avenue model, with new pointed tips, BiHttaxy heels medium weight sola. Pot ceasons of our own. wafU sell these at W W the pair. . -, aS pears sf Ken's ewara gmaatvy Shees that an weyth and M CA tS.IO apaJr, f. 0bOJ These Irs mada ftp tn highest qnsl It, with bellnwg tongua to top, double solsa. neat last,-;' af. an Mia at. par paw T, . .ay .s.. . This MfsHng Includes $2.10 many famous maizes, in such fashionable model as ths 'XMtle.'' the "Fifth Avenue." the "Freak,' etc. In patent ooltskln. mraooh oalf and vtel. - . $ Mas Saa SSSS saie pev tmr . . This offering Includes satin aalf, heavf and light shoes; also kangaroo ealf, lace and congress tipped and on the Cambridge last. Also heavy Work Shoes with heavy soles and bellows tongue. , Kas SB tewa Oakf Saas Saoss Want straight last, tipped, oa - Ladies Shoes Wi nlase sei sale sevrai sty .ivsauso-gxee and saje ehsii. les at recent arrivals, la all tha latest modele Patent kid, patent coltskln, l"rnea oalf sad vlel aid. at ths , - CA ehotce, per pair .t?V W plaee en gala M fi of Sadies et-aa aad Tlst Xld Saees, xurp T.vAfrf.v., $1.75 wen asa w zaeW sto aa mm via gi4 eaaoa sad Oslfaksa attesa, with extensloa or flsxibie f CA rtya7iv soles, at Men's Fall and Winter Suits and Overcoats f4 For Cbeace of Men's SolendU eU Suits, Rain ssssssBssa Coatsr anal Winter Overcoats Superb creationsell of them with ., . -y fgghion's stamp indelibly impressed on every garment Hundreds to. select from, id all the styles and in all the weaves, patterns and colors in vogue. Do you realize the amount of money you save by .selecting one of these ? . j -.r 'r;.f cf 0 for Choice of Men's High iArtS2S mmmlm Q Suits sad Cravenettc " , el . This offering includes the fairest styles of the season, in the most chaste and beautiful weaves, in patterns and variety broad enough to appeal to every taste. Remember what these were made to sell for, and the price at which they are now selling. f- ," . . en T0'- ft For Choice ot Men's Artlstkafly J I W s)UU Tailored $30 and $35 Suits, Rain T gggBsami Coat and Winter Ovenponts ' m JP There arc huitdreds to pick from. We ... can only state the bol& facts. No ef7 fort of ours to describe these graceful garments could do them justice. They are the best that were ever built along the lines of modern fashion. $1 0 09 W FOR CHOtC-v OF SWELL I J CRAVE NETTES WORTH $15 vTO $18 ANYWHERE. Now is the time to get a protection from rain and here is the opportunity. Nowhere are such styles, such qualities and values offered aa in these garments, 44 0 st f? FOR CHOICE OF MEN'S AND Sl.M J YOUTHS DEPENDABLE OVERCOATS ; OR CRAVEN ettes, worth as hivh aa $10. Many styles to select from and some of. these garments are worth four times ft the price we ask; and will wear and ive satisfaction. ' Vnr : Money ;a Back : If You ; : Want It For Men's $10 and $12 Fall and Winter Suits or Overcoats , There are hundreds to chooVs from, in cluding: the various shapes, styles, fabrics and patterns on which the vogue has set its seal At the original price these suits and overcoats were with out equal elsewhere for less than 8$ per cent more money. i . r: . . AK For Cbolco of Alen's Fine $15 Suits, 22bJ Overcoats and Crsvenettts ' . This offering appeals .to men in every vwalk of life. It includes Rain Coats ana Winter Overcoats, aa well as Suits. Hundreds to choose from, in all the styles, fabrics and colorings affected by careful dressers everywhere, y't ; . c f A CrFor Choice of Men $1650' and ap-Lyfa-avaw jiqaa OvCTCOStS , J- 44r .This offering includes both fall and whv r ' ' ter weights, all new 19044 styles, in all ths models created for the coming season's wear, by theeading experts in the business. The variety is practically limitkea. The facts face you, the rest re mains with you. : , v;:..t' .'.vV x;'; : i : aff ' m A 90 FOR CHOICE OF MEN'S ELE- ILm GANT CRAVENETTES WORTH "C"1 $11 AND $1S. THESE OAR ments are real values and will be known aa a bar gain at a glance, and are bought qufckly by tjfoee who are Judges of values. . . - FOR CHOICE OF MEN'S SWELL HAND-TAILORED s OVERCOATS AND CRA- venettes, worth $1$ and $15. Here is a bargain, and what is here won't remain' long. Those who coma first get pick; and a snap it will be for them. $10300 YOUTHS CLQTHING We place on sals hundreds of Youths' $7.50 single' ' and double breasted' Suits and Overcoats, in sizes 18 to 90, a broad variety of fabrics, weaves, styles ' and patterns elf subject to your choice 0 (JC" in this sale for.... .............ej)0eyu We offer hundreds of Youths' $9.00 Suits and Over coats, cut in all the most approved models, in a wide , range of fabrics, colors and patterns; flJC 7C sixes 13 to 20 ; at the choice of them all for. eDOa I D We place on sale, subject to your selection, hundreds of Youths' splendidly fashioned $19.50 Suits and . 'Overcoats, cut in all the latest models, in a wide - assortment of charming patterns; sizes 18 d7 PA ' to 20 ; at the choice for. sj I 0 V We submit io your selection hundreds of Youths' su . perlatively elegant $16.50 and $18.00 Suits and Over : coats, in the widest range of fashionable weaves, ; in all the new models; sizes 18 to 20; M A CA at the choice for.....i.J.............JIUsUV We place on sale hundreds. of uhra-fashionable Youths' $20.00 and $22.50 Suits and Overcoats ; yi sizes 13' to tail for. Other Grades If You Desire at a Little More Money. ... . . Boys' and Youths' 'CIbtliii.g eO.OO and auiu ana ivrrcoais ; ui sizes ia to , superb specimens of the designers' art and the lilors skill; all subject to your choice JJ Boys Knee Pants AU 50c and 65c Knee Pants 35c All $1.00 and $1.45 . Knee Pants 55e vsaret M ffffafa1 - , . . We will sell hundreds, of Boys' $930 and $3.00 two-piece double breasted Knee Pants Suits, Norfolk and. Novelty styles, also Overcoats, at M AA the choice for..... sJlaUV -.- .- . -.v . .v . , We will sell hundreds of Boysr$3.50 Knee Pants Suits fa double breasted, Norfolk and Novelty JC ,- styjes, slso Overcoats, at the choice for., sPleaVO ... ..,.- . . . '-,-'4 , i.-V'iV':- iWe place on sale hundreds of Boys' $5.00 Knee Pants ' Suits and Overcoats, in all the popular styles, dour ble breasted, Norfolk and Novelty. Suits, M AA all subject to your choice orv..........J)a.sUU y - ' - We wiU sell hundreds of Boys' $6.50, $7.00 and $7.60 , Knee Pants Suits, in double breasted, Norfolk and . Novelty styles ; Overcoats of same rallies PA . the choice for. .$&fOJ V -..., ;- ... ... Weoffer hundreds of Boys' $8.00 and $9.00 Knee Pants - . Suits and Overcoats, in novelties, cotiservathres and ' staples, all subject to your choice in this (2 A A sale of sales fpr. . . ; i . . ipOaUU Others as high as f 3.50, 94.00, f4.K0 and f 5.60. ? Meqs Hats " St aesea laeas irew WmU Sfnai SS swr seta m nsas . th eream of tbe prasent aee eon's atylea- allub Jeet ta roar onoloa now f .; J SS aesesi ' sii'aw ITew' Iran sTfcigis regular 11.14 and II. T4 Hat, HCr Id air colors anS shapes. ....... vw SO Aoaea Kern's SS4S assl S4 aWfT sjat . Sofk Mass n-4hs preeeot seaaoa's high as and most approved shapes, blacks and oalors; your oheioe ' 42 JQ We sase fteaa a sale eu asm in a 4 , eg SS WUft seat Seft Maes the beet In Amtrtoe ail tna newest kinds In J....:.r'..:..$3.00 at aesea Ken's Vew Van eijKs Mat good enough to .wear anr Plaoe. and worth IroaB tS. to 14.40. ,,. j SS aesea off as rPttir gaaaa Kesrs SM . that are eatra Quality and (A the proper thing, sol 1U ' Meat's Foniisbfiigs lrgo variety, best QuaJlty and tha artoss lower than oar ooKselltors ask. Good sttffboaaa Shirfaa shirt of ' auallty ;.................-....80w Soft-bosom $1 and 41. 14 style a shirt good enough ta wear any plaee by. any saaa Og) All kinds of soft and aUff-bonm II shirts. Including 'browa brand.. dU Cholea of. soft and gelf $i.M . Shsrta Several etyles SOa and Ise Underwear at, garment 8Sd RearoJar aoaltty To Underwear yeu U pay for thla qaaMty a otbar aleres st .... S0 Natural, all gray 41.44 Sllkens Under wear, a sensible garment that la ua- equaled, for ....VS Tha r.7t eeiebmted Ml wool Under wear wa defy eoaipetltors ta equal . thla at Sft- Tao Tory finest Australian la the wsU known Roota make. In ail eolora, worth ....... .n......S)l.Bd BMOK W AJs. OOTAASsI, f amansmana Bowa, worth 14a ....t.M..i).ed Bows, worth 44e .....10a) Para Silk Teoka, Strings. Sews, eta worth tSe .15s) The I for ISO a. 6 M. Collar you aaa't equal na ...S A regular Ua and tsfl.Vuspender.15d Tha famous O. 4k U. Belt Suspender the equal of tha President and sella very where for 40o S5 Oar beat grade -of le Sob. ..... . ,B4 AU wool fast black Box. good ones, oan't be beat, only 10d Dropstttched, l-ohads See Sox lOe) Regular See' and Ife Sox. In cah- meres and lisle thread ........ .30 I pairs for . . .. . . AU 140 Son, pair 154 I pairs for y. . S5d All wool Sox. worth anywhere 14c and He lOe) Boys' too fast bUck Stockings. . .10 i . 111 11 OQQQ0 . . I .. - - no tons of irsJa. whtoh Is belns shipped to the United Kingdom by Balfour, Quthrle Co. The Biitlab ship Hartfleld moved from ths floor mills to the elevator this miMpnlnc to comolcie her ear so. and the Carnarvon Bay shifted to tha floor mills. The Preach hark cniloa moved from the stream ta Colombia dock No. 1 to dleeharge her oafgo. and the Oer man ship Nemfct went to the Oreohwlch dock. ,! , ...',! wV S. W noAV Shipping water mora rapidly than It nouid be baM out. a smsll boat belong ing to the United States engineers' de part neat sank yesterday aftemooa near v, " ,': Cooa Island and aha w now lrtng In about eight feet of water. The eraft waa a sort of a fnsral atHlty eonosrn, and hsd been used for years by the engineers. At the time of tha mlehsp there waa no one oa board. Tha vessel will probably be raised and sent ta the shipyards for repetra. As yet no wreak ing eatSt has been sent down there. mm? aims jtbaju.t piaiasutn. By thoTlrst of next week the, repairs being mad to the steamer City of Bugene wtll be sufflotently advanced, ft la believed, to launoa bar. In addition to being lengthened out It feet, the vas sal will be provided with new rudders. Tha steamer Is owned by ths Charles at Spaniel ng Logging oompany of New berg., . thna today tha oriental liner Aruaronm la expeetad to reach the mouth of tha river from China and Japan. Bhe sailed .from Yokohama for Portland di rect on September 44, and consequently la oat II day. She Is bringing a full cargo of far eastern products. . . ' . atvapmxsa PAX TV Off ' Captain Griffith, oommandet af the British ship Carnarvon Bey, waa aivsa a surprise party Wednesday night on board hta ship. Tbsro were mora than IM people la the party, and a Tory merry time la reported. There were dancing and mualc Tha visitors pre sented ths skipper with a handsome smoking Jacket- ' mrvOlTAU AOUUlTTaU. , fgeeehtl DUaaask to The Jearasl.) Pendleton, Oct. 14. --Will lam lfoDoav aid. tried In tha state olrcult oourt yea terday aternopn for burglary, was ac quitted He was arrested July I for en tering a star at Helix. Allan A wta Best Brand. WAR VETS WILL JOIN -i UNITED ASSOCIATION npanhA and rutptna war veterans held an open masting; Wedneeday alght, at which young vateraas of the lata an pleaaaatasss were entertained In royal manner. The affair waa planned by Harrington-Hampton damn, of which George Baldwin Is commander, and marked the revival of meetings for th wmter season,- A varied program was carried out. ending with ths hangaroe court. Which waa presided 'over with. remunerative effect bp tha commander. Local veterans of ths lata struggle are discussing amalgamating with tha United Span tea war veMrana, which la tha east smbraess all vote ra socie ties af this period. Previously" there were three or four organisation ta the fleldt but peace baa sees declared, and sll a?and together now. Ths two local camps will doubtless take out chert rs under the national organisation at an early data, otherwise they would ba separated from tha national body. Tha east aide camp ta making application for a charter from the United association and expects ta soier upon work there under soon. . ' 'J t :