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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1904)
9 THE ORJON BaY JOURNAL," PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 14, 1901 v SOUMTt AMUUMMTI, BUraeaai vm.., . Wtaard f 0 . Ualumali ...mAb Anerlua OitlMa' Cordrer'e... lb pur ...VtntteTtlte Ljrle nitfii Vaudeville .....VuatrUta ., VaBderllle Vila Area lAt th animal meeting- of director of ttt Oregon Railroad Navigation Co. " veti-day aftarnooa effloer wara elect ad aa follows: Hbreoutlve committee, B. - H. Harrtman. Jama U, Hyde, W. H. ' Bull, W. C. Pleree, Otto H. Kaon, all of MV Tort; prealdent, X. H. Harrl snaa; vioe-preeldent ana general mu w wr, K B. Calvin; counsel, K. S. Lovett; secretary and general attorney, W. W. Oottoa; aa latent secretary, Alex. Millar; assistant secretary, Joseph. H alias treasurer, . V. 0. Crosby: general aud v ttor. Crast Toung; auditor. JB. aV , Beaeeal eemptroller, William Mahli s- . Biiiui vomguvufr, ex. m. ttzmai. utw it hiuu. eaiez otera im um auaiwri 01 , floe, was appointed acting auditor pnd '. tag tha arrival of R J. Stirling, gua- ee. to JR. S. nsnaoa. TaJM a steamboat nda through tha mountalnou region, smldat th matoh , less scenery of Oregon. Vlaw tha great ' 1 waterfall, oaayen anal glens skirting tha Columbia. Th staamer Charles R. Spencer Intm foot of Washington atraat Mondays, Wednesdays and Frl i da on It up-river run to Tha iMllee r and way landing, returning on alter- aat day. Whan coming to Portland " leave tha train at Tho Dalle and rid , down to tho city on tha Spsnesr. -Tel. -, Ataia uaa. . ..... - , . .. Btagfncer of tho Oregon Wator Powor .' ft Railway Co. ar tavsstlgatlng tha fea- -j aibuitr of a rout for a branch of tnat road to run from Cadarrllla autlon to . TroutdaJa. and thoro oonnost with a ataam farry that would ba ran, aoroa t tho Columbia rlvr to L Camao Suoh ; a routo would tan a largo Waahtntton ; dlatrtot and brtng La Gajuaa trada to Portland about two hour qulokar than by tha araaant ton rk Vanoouvor. Otto PcaT ha baan appolntoa apoolai Bolloamaji by Mayor William. HI dutlaa havo not baa ai-nd to him , aa rat and It la not known what hi position will ba, although fct la aaid that ' ho baa Homathlng good tn Tlow. Prag . to th proaldnt of tho nawaboya union , and wa a apoelal deputy in tho br- UTs offleo during ShorlS Btoray! ' lslatrailo , . . . At tho etoM of hut oraataad pw- formanoa of 7b wiaard of Or tha .' Swor b roth ar and otbor mambara of the ' oontpany war tho gueeta at an Informal "blow-ouf 1 In tha B. P. -O. B. naiL Tho , brothar ooatrlbutod to tho program of amuaomant by going orar tha old apo- : teltloa thor parformod with BaTorlfa . avJnatrola. ,-. w: Pootmaatar Vint will tomorrow -U ' aagurata th ayaum oc aoadlng matt byn U i oarrtor to th prineipal hotel f th ltr at night. Th deUrarle will mad from T:St-.up to midnight oaeh wk alght and up to I9: ajunday ; nlghta. Th now method to adoptod w shiofly to aooommodau tiavlr la - th dtp. . - Attondano at th Arlta aehool ha ' r naaHad th mark and all four of - the room ar crowded to overflowing. Ob nw room will b epmod lionday Whloh win raUoT tho crowd ed eondl4 ;; Ooo oomowhat. Blan arb now being laid -fer th now eight-room atruotor whloh V ' will b bulH during tho aomlng year. v tlat, died yootorday of heart treubl at hi bom. North Itxtorath atreeL Ho wa fff year old and a member of tho Maaonlo order. He wa also a member of tho A A. R. Tho funeral service will ba held Saturday and Interment will be held In Iono Plr oamotory. .v, .' flomo mmn would rather own a rail read than b a tramp. Jay Oonld wa ona of ftba. Ha began bualnaaa with a deposit la O savins bank. Ton know tho rest. Th Oregon Savings bank. Sixth and Morrison, stands ready to help you begin to own a. railroad. . WH1 you aoeopt 1U sTTicosT At th azt meeting, of tho elty aoon eU Prod T. Merrill trtU Introduo an ordloano lloanslng traveling rwtaurant at fio a quaxter. - Accompanying the ordlnanoa will ho a request sighed by lot restaurant men asking for It favor able ooosidoraUon. .,, . nwrBnenagj f, - . j Of tho 1M new r hydrants 14 will be placed on tho east sloe. There ar many thickly settled oommuoltle oon talnlng many large and oogtly loeldeneos where Are hydrant ar vary searo. This is tro In Hoiladay addition. Wood lawn, Piedmont park and various other dlatrtot.' f . . ' iv.,,,..t -' Boaanso she thought tho man she loved was untrue to her, Ray Curtta wallowed several anttoeptto tablets Wednesday night with auloldal Intent and waa removed to Oood Samaritan hospital., She to tooowsrtag. , , "'; Candy matlne at BlJon Theatre, Sat urday afternoon. - - ;,-..-. r,,,v IfaJ. T. C Oood man reOohod tha elty laat alght to assume charge of the pay master ofrloa for th department of th V." in a v f, 000 HORSE POWER ENGINE v. FOR INMANJPOULeSSN &0; When tt comet to sawinf lumber It Is generally con ceded that the abore concern holds the record. They naturally take pride In their supremacy and propose to hold it and therefore decided to put more .power into-their saws. - V-rj-vr.?--- j HERFS WHERE WE GOT BUSY They wanted a better engine than could be pur chased In the open market, so placed the order With US -,",.;. ',, ; . ,'i - . ';.r;-..v:. .y,.. ( ..,; . THE HINT IS WORTH MONEY TO THOSE - a, WHO WANT .-w V. , x; C)umbt. He suooeeda Major Ree. who was reosntly rsHrod pending Investiga tion, ( v .( . PootbaU Guns ' f 10 :S0 tomorrow morning. . Multnomah Field. Kugene vs. Hill Military Aoademy. . , , , Admlsaloa H osnta t , 11 Mr. AMo Smith died from heart failure at her homo, 9X4 Plrat atreeL early this morning. Coroner Finly took oharg of th body. Funeral ar rangementa have not bee a, eompleted. ' The Oregon state board of dental ex sJhlner will moot In Portland. Or., No vember 14. 1104, for the purpose of ax amlnlng applicant desiring license to pracuo dentistry in in sute. Notto. Th Hotel Portland harbor shop notifies the pubMe that en and after Thursday, October it, said ah op will be kept open for bualness from .3 e'olock s. m. until 10 o alock p.m. F At auction for ladle and gentlemen All kinds of Wait ham and Elgin watches tomorrow, galea at and p. nv mwnuhui, iui wasoiagtop r jtratt. Wa-Hoo Tonlo. Tha great blood purl fler. nerve tonlo and liver regulator. Juat what you need the day. For sal by all druggist. We clean and pros your clothes tad shin your shoes for 11.00 per month. Unique tailoring Co 14T Washington. Candy matinee at Bijou Theatre Sat urday afternoon. . Chew pnTal-Oum have pearly tooth and proveat aooay. For sal every where. , t. - , .. - - - ' ' Th tTalon Laundry, Second and Co lumbia. Telephone Mala t. That's Candy matrnee at BIJou Theatre Sat- nrday afternoon. . ELKS TO HOLD. BIG Wi. MEMORIAL SERYICE Special memorial erv1os wiU bo held by Portland lodge of Klks fit th lodge room, In the Marqusm building, tomor row nla-ht at o'clock. In honor of the memory of the gate grand exalted ruler of the order, Meade D. Detwetler. Th committee having tho arrangements for the service la oharg have -- secured Governor Oeorg U Chamberlain. . D. Bolls Cohen and Ralph m. Moody to de liver the principal ouloglea. although other members, who had th honor of a personal arauaintanoo with the d ceased, will also give testimony to the high esteem la whloh ho wa held. visiting members of tho order are earn- estr reaueeted to attend. - Mr. Detweiler. who waa one or tno oat brilliant attorney f Pennsyl vania and a leader of th Republican party la Harrlsburg. where he bold th Offlo of district attorney, viaiiea rorc land lodes twice and consequently wa personally known to most of it mam- bora, H waa on of tno beat - lovea and- best-known Elk In th United state, and did nerhap mora to elevate the ardor than any one other man to It, Manager Richardson WILL MAKE BIG TOUR 1 A (mr ln th tntrt of th TewlS and Clark exposition and the business of Oregon wa begun today by Tom Rloh ardaon. manager of tho Portland Com mercial club, who will vlBtt Boise. Salt Lake, Denver. Pueblo. Colorado Springs, Topek. Kansas City and St. Iouls. at sack of whloh place h wlU apeak be fore local commercial bodies, in respon to invitation received, i At St. Ixki h will Attend thvTran- Mississippi eongross, ni whloh he hold the office of obalrman of the executive oommltto. At It ooaoluslon a la it inerary will take him on a further a peak- in tour. Including two point in Kn . two Oklahoma el ties, and th five erlnoloal cities In Texas Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston. Sen Antonio and SB Peso. He will ato take in New Orieana, and Birmingham, Ala. At El Paso h will attend the meeting of tno National Irrigation asjaoclaUoD, and after that he wllUvlslt Tucson, Log Angeles and San Pranetsoe, and return to Portland, after as absence of about six weeks. SCHOOL TEACHERS TO HOLD GRADE MEETINGS Toachor of th elty schools will a- aembt la th high school tomorrow morning at l:M for their monthly grad meeting. The first and second grade teachers will meet la room 1, under th supervision of Mr. It BJ. Sloan; third, fourth and fifth grads toachor In as- sambly halt, with W. JT. Conovor In flharn: tha sixth and vnth grad teachers In room t, I. Burnham to pre slde. and D. A Orout will have charge of tho eighth and ninth grade tsachsrs In room 4, Th arinefoala will bar a aeparato meeting which will be In harg of Sup erintendent Rlgler. who win tag up tn aii h tec t of manual training. ' This Bubtoot will bo fully discussed. Willi II II li it I? Ll K.J L.ill ATS POaVPS FATomm fob xmzT ooaTmrxosT fzjrub FAim vof mtgowxrr 3, W. Bailey, Oregon's food eommls sloner, returned this morning from at Louis, where ha attended tho national convention of pure food commiaslon ei. ' "I consider the prospects for tho se lection of Portland as tho meeting place la 1001 of that great body a excel lent," said Mr. Bailey. "The only argu ment against It to the fact that the oommlaelooers were on the ooaet only two year ago. But tal Um w have a fair to draw them. K. A. McDonald of Washington to aa. active member of tho executive committee, which will mak the selection, and ho to strong for Portland, of eours. Better still, th new president, A Minnesota man, for this olty. He ha xpresssd m dl unot preference and wlU work for the desired end. "1 wa very mueh gratlfled, contin ued) Mr. Bailey, no And that th Lwla and Clark centennial 1 attracting much attention la the oast, not so much among exhibitors, but among those who want to aee th coast and wlU tab advantage of the low rates. I beard a number of th St Louis exhibitors aay they were going to bring their exhibit to Port land, but the chief Interost to mani fested by poopld who have, never had aa opportunity oz ing in racino eosan. "Th St' Louts fair !m pressed ms aa being a great big, overgrown proposl tloa. om of tho exhibits are great. especially tho eTorelgn exhibits they so great. In. fact, that K looks though a lot of money ought b loot. The attendance soeemed to be very light for a show f such mammth propor tions." ; . While In St Louis, Mr, Bailey, at hi own expense, had several hundred beau tiful badges printed advertising th fair of its. They were eagerly sought. ho said, and wherever a Strang saw a badge It wag notlosabl ttfat he stopped the wearer to taib about tno oomiag shew. - m WOULD LET AGED : .. BROTHER STARVE Mr. Zarlfa $. Palling ha carried nor eoatest against th order of the county oommisslonsr eoort that ehe shall pay tit a month toward the support of her brother, Cornelius 9. Barrett into th circuit court. Her petition for a writ of review -by th higher tribunal being granted. Attorney Thomas N. Strong ap peared before Judge Clslond tola morn ing and argued that th bounty ourt ha no lurtodiotion. Th lawyer declared that th law au thorises the oounty court to u for the support of a relative under Ouch oondl- tlon In a justice oourt or other oourt of competent Jurisdiction, but that th ounty commissioners oourt Kaelf ha no Jurisdiction . regards deciding such a matter. . . , Attorney C H. Plggott poet, phtloao pher, architect ano dToanier, appeared for Barrett and endeavored to Substanti al hi claim that th oounty oommla aloners along havo lurtodiotion In suoh matter. ? Mr. Fanmg 1 charged with being a wealthy woman, receiving many hun dred of dollars a month from rental of property, who refuses to oar for her aged brother. The latter to bow to poor health, tt to alleged, from being forced to sleep In eallar and other nn hoalthful place and to eat poor food, when be to abl to sseur anything to at at all , r i !.- a H MAYOR SAYS CHARGES MADE ARE EXORBITANT Mayor Williams 1 of the opinion that oontraotora ar charging altogether too muoh for street work In this elty and especially when tt comes to making out and fills. At th meeting of the etreet oommltto of the executive board yes terday he eta ted that he knew where contractor were charging as high aa 4t cent a eublo yard for muklng a out and If cents for filling.' e mad th statement during a discussion regard ing etreet work whloh Is being done In different part of th city. It wa recommended by the committee to the board to accept salmon street be tween Front and Finn treats. Th lengthy remonstranos presented by the oounty oommisslonsr and nearly all the property owner who have to pay for this improvement was turned down. Mr. Miller, of the firm of Mlltor Bauer, who had th contract for con- atructlng th wood blook pavement on this street, stated that h bad don al ft that he could do to make the street as should be. Re said there wa nothing more to b don to bring It ap to seeetfl- oaUoaa. , BARS DO NOT PROTECT THE FAN TAN PLAYERS Oooldental wit has ootwttted oriental cunning agato. After watching gam bling operation at sSls Beoond street for mors than a week Under-sheriff Morden and four deputies managed to break Into on of th Chines strong hold and oatah th players while violat ing the statute.. Going tot a merchandise establish ment Over the gambling bouao, which to protected by boltod sheet-Iron doors, the under- heriff tand Deputies Gruaet, DoWneM Momland and Hotllngsworth broke through a false door and emerged on a balconp In tho gaming room. Ten or more gamblers escaped br running Into th kitchen and lumping vr a partition. Five arreets wer mao. - inoluding Chung Yuevy the gamekeeper. The tablee, th fantan paraphernalia had al most 1100 in gold and sliver, whloh wa lying on th table, were oecured aa evi dence. ' The gamekeeper was vtsatd this morning oa 1M ball and th thr oa $ ball each. atternoT A. B. Bensett and family of Th Dalles ar at th Parkin hotel today. Ex-Senator t. O. Booth of Oranto Pas 1 a guest at tha Imperial, r. r. Round of Pendleton to la . Mm cltnj I ; I - lrybodyJi llabl to Ttnhmg ftfle. Rich and p poor, old and young terrible the torture thay suiter. Only one sure pure. Poena ointment. ADsoiuiety sals i can't fslt .7 , .- ell. motto OFFICERS ARE NOT FOR IMPERIAL ARMY C H. lfomby.'who Id locally promot ing tho project to send American militia man to China to drill troop met with offloar of th national guard at. th Armory lent night and mad dear hi proposition. It la his deslr to secure a large number of American to Instruct th soldier of China hat la, the re form army, which Is separate from the Imperial troops, and after a certain term a tna tract or, each Is to become a regu lar officer f th army. - There wlU be .mem to be ofnoered by Amerl- None of th militiamen have aa yet applied for positions, but several con template doing so. In th meantime. Colonel Jackson baa wired to obtain the credentials of Mr. Hornby, who say he represent the Chines reform head quartans wltn "General Bnglleh at It head. Mr. Hornby was understood to hav said that General smgilah la a re tired United State army ofBoer. His nam doe not appear, however, to either the active or retired 11a. Hr. Hornby hlmaelf was ta the first Washington volunteers la tho Spanish American war and afterwards, tt to said. Joined th Ninth Infantry GETTING FACTS ABOUT OREGON'S CRIMINALS ;V;''v;-.uV t ! -, , Two ropreeentatlve f Unci Sam called at th oounty toll this morning and secured rtmtnal tatlstic to bo used in the next onua report. Their names are George V Boos and Lsroy Thomas. They an oommisaloaed to pro cure statistic from every elty - and oounty toil ta th stats and th peni tentiary at Balem. ... Only actual oommltmanta atne th first of the rear were taken by the eom- OUR f w 1 Men and Wiimen f SAVES YOU A f DOLLAR WHY? TyTtf us and we will i prove it, then you will be CONVINCED, EXCLUSIVE SHOES BETTER GRADES SAVES YOU MORE wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmk. ! Philadelphia Shoe Store 11 N. THIRD STREET AMMXOAM HITHnl AM3J WAJTm .. voa tmiaamsi avoui amanr or . ssooo braw T.fmiti nar oopj- waarpx.ra joimuo warnr Tanrr aorow wsxavs wut. Just Think ! 1 S50 Shoes "THE. NORTH Ek'D'S BIG STOUE" 'A No Fs&e Sales, No Ecmlst, No False Cbims Here We are carrying; a large asawtment of RELIABLE MAKES of Men's and Boys' Clothing;, Furnishings, Hats and Shoes, etc, which we are able to on account of our small expenses, obtain m those establishments roaintained in the high rent district is Square and Honest Dealing With Everybody Never resorting to the despicable method of infamous calumny to attract attention of the public, nor do we ever attempt to palm off shoddy goods behind the "music" of cheap non-uniorl braes "band." We publish no misleading lake ad vert is ementt to deceive the people in an effort to die pose of auction goods for double the price at which we sell reliable goods for In this store, ; ' .': '..,'.!- SPECIALS TOR SATURDAY $1.11 Men Derby Ribbed Cooper's Wool Underwear. .w..95e $1.75 Wool Sweaters ........5a SOc Natural Gray Wool Soa.. ........... .10 S. B ROMBERG ER 53-M THIRD STREET itt,",i(i' 1 1 T n mission!. 4 Color, age. nationality, whether single or married, nature of th crime committed and thai date of the ex piration of sentenoe war cured la th case of each prisoner. These statletlcs will hot only be used to the census reports but will form valuable material for th government. It wa explained, la keeping apprlaed of Individual criminal, their where bouts and other facts. . - - , , Tlsn-'t safe to be a day without Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil In the houee. Never can tell what moment an .acci dent to going to happen. CUTLFDY EVOW.imVwRRANTD SULVING TRAY. Beautiful snamel on heary sheetiron body. This tray sells for 0c Ln New York City today. 8pecial here thja week : v 1 uin) While they last in the window. ; See tiieni HAINES' TEA STORE 170 THIRD STREET : Phone Main 1709. R anp Iheodore Roosevelt 3 6c v :A- v WH1 md you. Aa soon aa you are ready to n DRESS BETTER THAN USUAL 1: ; 1 Nir.wPAM. crrs o CLOTHING '. Which Inotudes; esaqomble good lor RAINY WEATHER: A. A. CUTTER, UNITED WORKINGMEN'S NAPUIV SHOES, OIL CLOTH CLOTHING, UNDERWEAR, ETC ':' Now it the opportune tinv aa we are retiring; from busi- L nesa after twenty-one years. Our past reputation im a A guarantee for THIS SALE beine GENUINE and the QUALITY OF fc THE GOODS wc offer the public , ; TDUE A , at much less prices than can possibly , NORTH, CORNER DAVIS. ftorianeri Bee Store Fun for All TJS Latoat Crass anal 8 astion in Card Oama Sherlock ; Holhies OidySOCente '?; And Last lasaen's Crane ' v ' mil Afbto th Rag y . - Pit m Finch A'-- ;"50 Cents Hmw thlpoisnt Juat IU- . LOOK Iff THE WW- DOW AND lUTHIN. TeJ.K.GIUCO: CO. TfS ANK AtOUL Greet TMnajs st Uttte -rrtees aisvataasMraav Tbe of seUte pertorauBMa from te 4 SO Inndara emta. oenoiteoes I e :m . m aacee from T te : s. nu Aay The Arcade Theatre The Origami ramOr vaaaerOle nesss. This Week, ' ' TKI XXLk CHILDagJf. ' ' BOSK aSMHaX. , , Stteokx BBOtT , RaZZ AJTD Xine , XATK OOYlJt. ' rax aiosoops. gbsw 9-m ta 4:to p. T M to 14 p n, AJailHes. 10a te any aeat. , OMtoaat - 'SLaaiBs aaos. ' a . ; ' ooeosBT avast. mem ' to-Mt guansma. OUR fSOtVlllS. CMaaiiaa Mm. You will pe ready to look at our : Ms U Our&c COLUMBU THEATRE ?mS Mtk sag Waabisgtes. pbaat into 11. TOPIOBT, TosfOHKow hUTiifaa ao "M SMSt popalar itoek eMapany ta Amarks, anna aruM uaem ar Krav'a area i eMMoy auceeai. "aw AHBtioii omni. : Flared avet l,sft tlM by Mt e. eoaewto. NaZT WlW. STARTlNd gmfDAT MAT ' Charlai rrehm.n a gmr York ampa ThMtr laeeeaa. t " Mr sser Or easy. Prlwe Bvialas. Us. Je and Me; mattoae, 10f. lfie and SOc. Do mi town tlckat erflra. Bowe A MarUa'a Drag Store, St aad Waeb lngtaa ., ft-oaa 10 a. av to T, s. mu; at tke atre, tftar f a. at. Marquam Grand Theatre " uLtg . Phoee Alala SS8. TMnsht asd toaMrrew alfst at a'rtee. Br-n-M-prtce ntlae taMrrow, the awwttal eMsedr etrMTaiiia, id wmsg or era.- tag prlcM gntlr lower Soar. SI.. Bal etsr. $1, T5e, 0Ot. Bnore filtofj. flOe. Beu and Iom, 10. flpeelal matlnrA ig1e SI, 7ftc, SOc, 30c. Kemnsber, U Tlalan and tk raren-jw are a great treat fnr tbe eBlMrea. HAltOVAMT flRAiTD THE ATS MB. FRBDJCRICK BttJtHCQ PgRsBKTS nouioi moasBTa. tmi or tkm strsBKmyxxua - - Ihwagar. Irisar. Setordar Matloea aa Nlswh x . October 20. 1. 23, , : "KASTA OT srjB KOWUhtiDaX - veala prieee-dl, 75c. We, tU aad 3Be. See- . del autlaee Prtc--TSc. lOe, Ise sad Sto . ; geata are sew hIUb. . -J. Cordray! Theafre n v aUaesere. rwtlssd's Pepelar Plaraeaea, : Prteea, lOe, B)e, 0r epedal feeeread svata. gai - Mum, jtoo ie nj mmn oi at OBsei . t V eMldrMl loedilmtt), joe. IMglit 4Prl.7l. TesMmw Matinee sad SHgat,',j.;, TBS M DMPH K BT-flH A PM All CO.. areaUac . -srsTOBS o aaaaassa" gtreag asst. MagBUeMat steals ef faenv "-'V,'' Heat attreette. 71 ' "V"-''" PTLOBiM a KLuorn "''' Bet SMBta predarlna ef tk great BSPSfcw saan. J The grmtaat eat RneetaapUr ever Wrfrte. -altvattoni! TtrHHn, eaHuea gtartUsgeffetteT .k Istesee V The L-yHoJ TheMatrw Thle week t .- " -' . a. e. wixca moo. . , evmvsET. wtlwv a STAJI. , ' SnTEBT M. HILL. . . ' ton rmwixxat. . ; BAJtnY H0TT. - V .' - -. . SWAB 4 WAJf. TBX TXTAIOOPS. fsileiSMuem t SO te 4:m T:H s : p. av Admttatoe M cents a Mgber. THB STAR THEATRE Meet tssUsssMs TsatorOJa Theatie. as ajtd BAaxnfgron. UTOH WAXTOV. LEOOBd. . AVIIXJt ABO VAOAB. WILL C. KOTT. ? HI PBOJaWTOSOOPa. I:to 4-.m a nu. T:M to:M a n. (Moerai aasMauo. mi raaerva Sog aeats. toe. SAL ID 3 t- a:riUorrl:if Bel. Ankanr and Burasid , ftoM Black 30! CsOtrJert atsi Wmkban 11IZ nUTY MACHINERY Ilea and Lwto atont hVnod,