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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1904)
Page of IS Joora I PORTLAND. OREGON. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1901 Editorial c2 THE ORE G , AM V I NEED OF STUDY OF RESOURCES. , IN ALL THK WORK of Portland's numerous Industrial organisations, there appears to be insufficient atten tion to moat Important stage of oomnmrce. First ' transportation facilities to tha mora isolated osetlona targety shape future traffic. Aa Unproved wagon road nay direct the early current. A narrow gauge railway. vail though from tha moat forbidding - to daflna tba permanent rata highway. Tha first In- ftaenee manifested at this stage of development la tenfold mora .efficient than tha same affort whan thwarting an established channel. 1 Colombia, rtver pasta, through neglect of waterway ob traetlona and overlooking egaTeestve competition, permits m mighty stream af commerce to! pour through an un ftatnrai channel ever tha Cascades. Tha Clearwater was . teat through taaettvity and lack of sasertiveness bam Southeastern Oregon la drawn to California by a narrow gwft from Reno which had leaa to invite construction than exists between tha O. R. A K. Una and tha aama real oav, Coos bay market hundreds of thousands of tons ef ooal and valuable dairy products in Ban Ftanctaoo be eams Californlana wora quicker to appreciate reaourcea there. Other Instances exist of Oregon lethargy at ft time When eonunaroa hi outtlng tta permanent chstrmet. -, Tha rilT of oommeroa keg ft traaaportatton com mlttee, which doee valuable work with regard to. rates and gives aoma attandoa to now ataamahtp lines. Other than lata, there la really no organised affort here to got aa tooch wtth tba new dlitilct. Resources, are not known until aapttal haa tapped tha treasure and ita golden stream has bean 'diverted aooerdtng to tag whlma ,and eaprloaa of individual interest. Counter-effort ttaoa la to per oent last ta combatting acta bitched artlftcial conditions. Chsmhor of commerce, board of trade, v development other mdnatflal organisation should cora- ntody of torAsvatopaa and Thta Information, property need, would bo tha moat potent guard -for traffic interests, endyleld tha highest return apoa tba time and labor spent of' all Industrial work. POSSIBLE SOLUTION OF A PROBLEM,' fTpCT WORM haa burned. And tha place where he I made tha valoroua movcrmont Is properly tha . great otty of Chios. Cnteaga has a maltltnda of soca worms aa we ara Brassing of, bat they did not or ganise, or oombtaa, or rant and roar; they lost turned beak, atrock out on a new tack and took than natural and persistent oppressors, traduoara and aeon oars by sur prise. Bat then, befora giving theaa wormo too much credit far even tha ooaraga of desperation, 1st tt be aaknowlilssd and understood that they chose a eoureo la their Bowsaoramant that was Told of militant opposition. JDvaa a turned worm aannot transform himself into a tftger. Ea muat oonflna himself, to ooaraaa whereon ho aaa orawV Ha may orawt up, and oomparatrraty high and he may wax fat and sleek, and put oa saw or fly. t A laraw number al men, ' hrtharto aogag4 la manual labor to which worklngman are aosustomed, hare aaoarad pnaltietis la Chisago a house eenanta, to do tha work hitherto dona by female domestics, and ara serrtng; aa chambermaids, or , ehambarman, waltorav eookar- ate. They awaop tha roaan maka tha beda, dust the furniture, hast tba carpets, aoruh tha porohea, maka tha Area, and gossip wtth tha deUaarara of milk, mast, grocorlea and fagolahlas, afoot of thorn ao tar , ara colored man, but a good many ara white man British, ians, Oermana with narhapa bora and therw a onaoealed ount among tham and possibly an oooaslonaj Amartean man who could fmd nothing elae to do baepers, at their wits and for houee oanptoy, at tU or M a month and found. way not 7 Somebody ones remarked. "A man. must trra." That la not literally true, but most man want to live, and in order not work. And alnon tha female workers generally aw- sBtao housework, or as they aay are tt, way abouid not warUngmoa oat of at thiaf vw if . Is this to ba tha unaxpeotad aohxtioa pTobiemf THE NEW WAR CONDITIONS. IT SEBK8 to maka no oWfaranoa whether tha Russians ara tba attaeksru or tba attacked, tba result is Just about tha aama. Around Llao Tang they wars driven farta from their lntreochmenta, after what waa poeelbly tba bloodiest battle of history. Whea they right about - face and take tha offensive they seam oven leas able to eepe wtth the enemy. Their bravery out not be decried; 1 they fight with deeperattoft, but they ara overpowered and aoattorod nevertheless. . -." , At this point tba utterances of tba Russian ambassador ta London arw particularly noteworthy. Ha does not . took for aa absolute decisive engsgament between Oyatna and Kuropatkia; under the circumstanoee he considers ouch an eventual km as next to Impossible. The downfall vf Port Arthur la what Japan now moat eagerly hopes for. Xa that event, having demonstrated to Russia end the world tta military prowess. It sees aoma hope of peaoa. In thie name connection la to be noted tha changed tone of tba Russian prase. Borne of the St. Peter, burg nawa- - papers are beginning to apeak wtth respect and even ad The aall of records, recently author toed by ceagreea, wilt sot be ready for ceeupaney before 1MI Ground haa not yet bees broken far rhl structure, which ta to oarer one- of the largest otty blocks. If records are permitted to accumulate at the present rate thle pro posed building, apaaloua aa tt hi sap posed It will be, will be totally Inade quate wtthln 1 years of Ita occupancy. This eongcetloa of antique record end useless trash la eharaeable against no particular administration. Public rec ord cannot be destroyed without au thority af asngreea. and aeon that body rest tha nepoMlblllty for the acoumu latloa of books that have hstseded pub lic work sad entailed the espfttdlture of public funds ta a manner that may be well erltletaed as wasteful The bulk of paid asoney orders and the "guard books'' accompanying them are required by law to be kept seven years. The wrlsht af theaa records runs up Into the thousanda ef tone. Whea the eosmfna department was moved ta Ha present quarters more than let tons of these orders, oovering the eariteet ef the eeveo-yesr periods, were chipped ts Hageratowu, Md, and Stored. The great majority ef these ordera are for email sums of money, and the requirement SB to their being retained by the Opartment for the term epecl ad ta for the perpeae of settling dle- Le tMt may grow out of their loea time a atapoto arteee a elerh Is 6 N ; D AI L Y J O U R N A L 1NDBP9MDBMT K1WIFAPIR .V PUBUSHSD BY JOURNAL PUBLISHINO Ca r and e-rery easy warning at streets, Pealead, Oregon, ... OFFICIAL. PAPIR OF THS CITY OP. PORTLAND direction, la likely unknown reeourcoe. which are tern plea, .... ... ., ........ -mv, OREGON'S aire, but ha cannot T T HAT U ordinary honors for H Ladd's Shorthorns first prise against tha Jerseys stand caadlnarlans. Ital ths oom petition for and whom houoa- may claim the distinction of having five ta the first tea. help, were glad ta Tha results - show those which were as world's fair and what waa meant Is, tainment that may to lira moat man tn that direction will next fall. mla treated in doing other Joba.take bold eats while at tba '..k vertleement af tha of tha aerrant-gtrl the dairy but the beef producing Knee. , , . The smnreoadeatad sueaaaa of the 1 mi Mat Aalrv lnwnn stration over made honors carried off tmcttve when tt la Diploma's Brown winners. Local buaineea men ahould not pass tha opportunity of to win the plum, strengthened if a Portland eet&bllah no assay office here, of a small pro port loo of Alaska yellow metal product. Preliminary to her general plans for the Alaska trade, a concerted effort ahould be made for the assay office. sant to Hagerstowa to look over these record to locate the particular money order. It haa been estimated that ths eost of each trip la, and tha argu ment has been advanced that tt would be more eeeaemioal for tha government to pay an these email elalma upon prima facia evidence nth or than contest them, . The extension ef tha earner Oervteo arid rural free delivery haa increased the volume of poetai records enormously. One large building devoted exclusively to this branch of the service to now rented, and Ita haiia and eorridors are piled high with documents. The upper floors of the poetofnee building carry tons and tons of thle tuff, and ao greet haa the demand become for room that the poatmaater-general la sow appealing to eoegress ta provide for the purchase of another square of ground la the rear of the main building and the erection thervoa of aa annex ta the department ss large aa-the present building. Three yeare age Secretary Oege ap pointed a committee from some of the treasury chiefs to examine and report what flies and record could be recom mended tor deatruetiea and put out. af the way. When tha eammlttee vial ted this pile of, books, i eccompeuled by the eupar tutendent, oae of the large volumes was gingerly handled, but net sa delicately ae to prevent a cloud ef ooal dust and enrv the aaUlag ef eaffa and aeuars and JMO. P CAMHU Tmt Joureel amSdmg, plftb end T miration of the Japanese warrlora. Putting tba, two facta together tba possibility of peace la not quite 'ao far off or inooaoarvabte aa It appeared to ba a few day ago. It does not aocaaaarUy follow that that will be the Immediate outcome of tha fail af Part Arthur, but If tt ahould lead In that direction and results to. terms that ara measurably aatlsfactory to Japan tt would ba well for tba world that tha carnage ceased ao that both nations might onoa again concentrate themselves In peaceful pursuits. . , : ' The tombs of mukden. 3 ' , IT 18 POBSIBLS neither the Russian nor the Japaaaaa , . commanders deelred to fight a prolonged battle near Mukden, In tha vicinity of the many sacred Mancbu tombs, for while the .Chinee ara supposedly neutral, and hare no organised and trained army, they might greatly Injure either aide that they believed was responsible for the destruction or profanation of these tombs, for which they have a superstitious reverence. The Russians might hesitate to stir up additional Chjneai hatred by awaiting a Japanese attack at Mukden, and the Japanese would If possible avoid losing the scarcely secret friendship of the Chinese by going there to attack Kuropatkia, If another battleground were available. This may . bo one reason, though probably not tha principal one, for the halt of the Japanese, and tha southward moremont af tha Russians. Par the present, at least, the aacred torn be are safe. But the aaered Mancha dragon, whose fame la linked wtth the tombs, may not fare ao well. His body stretches out underground from a aaered pagoda near Mukden, where his tall la supposed to rest, to a lake to tba aaered White mountains, hundreds of miles eastward, where lies his head, and tba fighting columns ara yet likely. If they have not dona ao already, to trample over aim, which will greatly annoy and displease him, and millions of Chinese aa well, for ha is a peaceful dragon bating all kinds of fire, and especially gunpowder. : Come very old Mancbu tombs are situated over tha dragon's back at Tung Ling, at mllaa east ot Mukden, but the two tombs of most coaaaquenos are one a few miles north and tha other a few miles seat of Mukden. One Is the resting place of Tai Tsung, the conqueror of China and father of the first Manchu emperor the other of Tai Tsttngs father, No-ar-chu. 'Around each la a groat park of thousands of acres, protected by high walls, within palaces, monumenta and statuary. Tha worship of Tai Tsung Is carried on with great for-, mallty oa the 1st ana Uth of sack month. Woo be to whomsoever Invades these aaered precincts. Is tha can tlment of all loyal Chinamen. - ' . ' But while Russia and.. Japan will both avoid arousing China's superstitious wrath If tt can be conveniently avoided, neither, tt Is likely, will fall to strike at the other oven within the sacred graveyards. If neceeaery to suooeaa. They have superstitious af their own but those era dormant whan powder begins to explode and a not and shell ta fly.. ' ; ' -v. - - DISTINGUISHED HONORS, CONCEDED to be tha greatest dairy f V mw Tir n,4 tn ths world baa Just been eon . W -W ' eluded at the St. Louts exposition with extra Oregon. la the cattle show Charles led the list. The news somas today that the Ladd estate Jersey oow Loretta D. carried, off all competitors la the Jersey elaaa and pre-eminent over all other breeds tn tba oooaomlo production of butter fat Net only this but Oregon has tha distinction of having three ta the first five wmnera while Oregon and Montana absolutely now standards, replacing laboriously raised at tba Chicago making a new high-water mark In at not again be achieved, although efforts be made at tha Lewis and Clark fair -f-. Tha rasuK g naturally of Intense Interest to all stock same tbna It la aa extraordinary ad- stats and tta possibilities not alone In at a pub la fair to duo to the untiring afforta of CoL Rlohardsoa af Davenport, la chairman of tba executive committee of tba American Jersey Cattle club. Colonel Richardson Is the unchallenged authority and bead of tha breeders of Jersey cattle ta America. The by Loretta D. ara therefore doubly dto- known that Colonel Richardson's Lassie stands second In the list of prise fered to aid the Oregon delegation tn securing an assay office for the state. Senators and congressmen will strive but their efforts would be vastly united, energetic people worked with them. Seattle's enjoyment of tha Noma ' and extreme nortbera commerov rests upon early steamship Unas and ths government assay office. Mine operators desire to ship their gold to a United States assay office. , Should staamablp line for commerce, and the port would be made the recipient the tmnaformattea of the corridor tato a stoke bole. - . "Oh, we can't destroy these; they ara toe valuable," aald the committee after opening one ledger and refusing to handle a second. "f see whet the trouble ta, gentle men," aald the euperlntandent. "If I have these books cleaned and handled for yea by the labor re will you carry your examination further T" Thla waa agreed to, and after another examination of these ledgers aa examin ation that really examined, only II out of mora than 1,004 were saved, a being of value, and tha rest were mutilated and eoid aa waate paper at pound rates. There ara thousand of tons of the same eort of atuff In the different depart ments that might ba almllarly treated. Prom the Washington Poet, k small boy with aa insatiable thirst for knowledge came - over from Balti more in the aama oar with me yester day, Ha talked all the way over, and everything he said bad a "Why. mar la it. Ma waa worn to a f resale when the train reached Washington. "Ossm ea." said sha "Thank geod aaee, we're home. No, Sen't go that way. Come thla way. " w 1 Want to go out of that end of tha oar," aald the boy. "Ton can't!' snapped me, Thla la thf endto go out of." . f "Why, mat aakd the boy. "Why, mat Dea t the ear stop at beta andor Small Change Watch the aouaeu Ksrosatkln found 'as alt right. Bryan atlU drawe crewee, If not votea. Ssaffens BeegjMt be out of a Job for a good while. V( . , But more good football weather M sure to some soon, - t Sec eatery Hay tiedaine ta pay aay at- aatioa is straw votes. A whirlwind oampalgn ahould ba good to throw dust la .voters eyes, r - - ,i , . Having got started on the right traek. Mayor Williams may be inclined to go etreight ahead. . ? As a creek liar, the political writer ea the New York Tribune ought to receive a torga aalary. , if a aiaa has carte bhuiohe oa J. D. Reofcefeller, It is easy enough for aba to gat all the railroad ha wants, , ' The summer gtrla of a few weeks sgo are probably Juet aa ewcet, but it lea t ao easy to get at the sweetness, ( When Dave HlH decided not to retire from politics tin January 1 ! he re membered that this la lea year. Sen tor Tillman want ginger put Into m campaign, uui u uiey leave n u aim ne saignt oss cayenne pepper. The whirlwind oampalgn ta Kw Tork win start up aa eees aa enough Cat U in eight to keep the wheels ail wall oiled. -- . If poolroom srs toe bad for Chioago, where a suooessful war haa been waged against them, they are aet fit for Port land. .... . f v c, But If a saaa aaa't get a Job after be la' it years eld, it will hardly pay to aubslst en sour milk la order to live to be ita. . i , . 9-, ' Still, the Portland city council haa done nothing yet. ao far aa la positively known, to Justify a vlalt from Lincoln J. teftena. Doubtleaa a great many men over II ara quite' willing to quit work if the pubtlo win support them and their faml- liee la eoojfort. : " All Argentine soldiers are required to play football, uo that If. they get into a war fighting will be mere light amuse meat for them. . ' 1 Maaaachuaetta Demecrats have nomi nated W.! Douglas for governor. Doea He manuractura a special line or good runnlDg-sboeaT ( Rerr Moat hai a ooor ODlnlou of aa archlata, which afford the first oppor tuntty offered aaae and sensible .people to agree with him. The Dalles Chronicle heads an edt toriald "Another Campaign Textbook Lie.", Bat why notice one store added to IUV VUW RUUUIWI I ' - , L-.. '!. V Some medical men say that diseases may be spread by political orators. It might be well to require their apeeebee to he belled, .and then oansorad. What a pretty sight those sores of old dead burdocks and other weeds srel How proud of them the oo iters of the ground where they are ahould be.. Bowl egged men are to be barred front the American navy. Secretary Morton fears they could not stop escaping pigs bound tor ths Chicago atookyards. Tha PlMplnoa ahould be taught that tha American people them selves do not have eelf-government, being governed principally by a few tract magnates and United states seaatora. - f ' MSOSSff set AMP Watt Za Sew Perf eotty Hollande Hew York letter ta Chicago Times-Herald. Although Wall street and Ita neighbor ing theroughfaree of the ananelal dis trict display only-oae mammoth nag tha aaa at- lower Wall street for Roose velt end Fairbanks- nevertheleea the majority opinion of the financial dis trict la now fairly wall understood, Tba great financier are without apprehen sion and there haa oomo a good under standing of the admlniatratlon'a pur- poee, which, in acme measure, la due to the efforts of men ef money who la the pest were admirers ef Qroyer Cleveland and until recently thought themselves of Democratic Inclination. Mr. ScblfX, although be was preml- nently Identified with one of tha parties in the Northern Securities company; Mr. Speyer, who has Intimate association with several of the Interstate railway systems, and John A. MoCall, the su premo authority of one of the world's greatest corporations, -have done some professional work, so to speak. Mr. SehlfT, for mstance. haa insisted that the president's action la the Northern Se curities ease ahould command act the criticism but the approval of the great financial powers of tha country. For if there were ne other consideration this action. In Mr. Sehlfre opinion, has made tt possible for capital to know what It may do. In tha way of legal combina tion, how far tt may go and what tha law prohibiten , . . Mr. floorer frequently has said that there need be no cause for alarm last the president do anything suddenly ' or Impulsively with respect to trusts, alnoe no action would be taken Until after the attorney general had investigated. reported and advised. Mr. McCall'a counsels have been of somewhat different character, although he doee not disagree with Mr. Benin or with Mr. flpeyer. Ha haa looked back at the record for the last sight year of tha party of which he was ' once proud to be a member, and ha reads there much that gives him anxiety. So that ba telle hie associates that what ever apprehension they may have re specting the possibility of impulsive acta by President Roosevelt It cannot match tha Just apprehension which would come to them in oaae the opposi tion for Mr.' MoCall ne longer calls It the Democratic partyahouid aoma Into power. These persona explanatlena: counsels and. appeals eeem to have put an end to whatever suspicion or anxieties prevailed two or thrWyears ago. It is true that a few personal resentments remain, but they do Sot seem to be vary strong, so that It Is how ths Impression that tha financial intereeta of New Tork are eup- pertlng the Republican candidates al moat aa strongly, el though not so sea spMuoualy, as ra leeo or la lltt. Prom tha Chicago Bacerd-Herald. The people of St. Louts ara to be con gratulated apoo the reaponee they made to Boas BuUer'a "Show ma," . . "FRY THE FAT." Prom the New Tork World. ' Sixteen years ago the political vocab ulary ef the United States was enriched by two ulumlaaUng phrajoo "frying the fat" and "blocks ef five." The authors ef these expressions dM not have tha advantages poesessed by a opmmittee chairman like Mr. Oertel you, but they did the beat they could according to their opportunities. As ft matter of current interest the World reprints herewith the original fry-the-fat" letter of James P. Poster and the original eocks-of-dve" letter of W. W. Dudley, together with the far more eloquent and effective com munication which Mr. Cert el you may be presumed to be sending to ths various trust presidents on the list of a la bu- Confidential. Headquarters Republican of the United States, New York. May II. lilt. My Dear Bin The Republican leasue of tha United States desires to bring you 'face to face with the atartllng fact that tha coming presidential election ta not to be fought en the old party lines which have- heretofore divided Demo- erata and RepuNleana, but upon the di rect issue of free trade vs. protectloa, We will wta the aght if you will dCyour share and kelp us to finish what we have begun. Wa want asensy sad waat it at eaoa It amy aet ba of your personal knowl edge, but It la a fact nevertheless,' that tha manufacturers ef the United States, who are most benefited by our tart ft laws, have been the least willing to con tribute to the suooeaa af the party which gave them protection and which la about to engage hi V life ad death struggle with free trade. A Republican United States sweater from a state which never had a Demo cratic representative In either hence of eongreee or a Democratic state officer, in e peaking of tha well known disposi tion of the manufacturing Interests to lock up its money, fold Its hands and look on while somebody else fights for Its suooeaa, aaya: "The campaign which Ws are about to enter will concern, more than anybody lee, the manufaoturera of thla country. They have hitherto been very laggard la their contribution to the Republican cause. In fact. If I could punish thesx, without punishing the emus of protec tion itself. I would consign them to the hottest place I could think of, en ac count of their craven parsimony. . If tnle claaa of people do act care to con tribute to tha euoeeee of tha Republloaa party they are welcome to try their ohaaooa under a Democratic administra tion; I can stand tt aa long aa they can. "la fact, I have It from the best pos sible source that the mamifaeturara of Pannsvlvania. who ara mora hle-hlv protected than anybody alee, and who mske large fortunes every year when times are prosperous, practically give nothing toward the mamtenanos of the ascendancy of the Republican party. Of course, i enaii not violate wnat I Con sider to be a proper principle of action, but If I had my way about tt I would put the manufacturers of Pennsylvania under the Are and fry all the fat cut ef them. If the Mills tariff bill comae to the eenate there will be some votea cast there which will open the eyee of these people who have, while gathering their millions, treated the Republloaa party as their humble servant.' These are strong words ajtd bwter. but they are true, and it bow remains with you and your aaaeclatas to de- ' . gudge paexea; - . Faom the New Tork World. Paul E. Lehman la the latest contrib utor to Democratic oampalgn literature. Paul, who la IT years old, and Uvea with hla parenta at Tl Riverside Drive, haa written a eulogy of Judge Parker, which he labels "Candid Pacta About the Can didate." Ths book Is one of the smallest cam paign documents ever published one and one naif by twe tnehee. It oca tains aeveo chapters devoted to Mr. Parker. They ara Indexed: -Bariy Ufa" TDebut lu Polities,' "Blecttoa to Court of Appeala." "Judge Parker as a Jurist "What a Repub lican Judge Saya ef Judge Parker. A Pen Portrait and Judge Parkers Mease Ufa" In his pea portrait of the Democrat standard-bearer Master Lehman says: "Nearly six feet ta stature, straight ab an arrow, broed-abouleered, wiry, ath letla. although tt years of age, la In the prlsoe and vigor of life, a noble specimen of an Americas. Hlg face is singularly attractive, a smile contin ually playing about bis symmetrical fee turea His eyes ere sharp, but kindly; bte mouth fins set, showing llace of de termination. Although a fine student, there la not the slightest suggeatloo, of a bookworm about him. Courtly ta manner and always well dressed, though never conspicuously so, he la not parr tlcularly Judicial 'In appearance, but would rather Impress those aofae qualnted with him as a prosperous bual aeaa man or bank president.' - , . "I think that Judge Parker is one of the grandest men that the country has produced.' aald Master Lehman to a World, reporter yesterday. "I decided to write a book about him several weeks sgo. I did not care to write about President Roosevelt, because he haa al ready written too much about himself. I seat a copy of my book to Judge Parker, and today received aa auto graph from him" Tbia la not Master Lehmaa's first plunge Into literature, , Last year he started a boys' mage sine, which he called "Pleasure ana prone hut later sha&gsd the Uth to - "The Beys Com panion." The magaiine died a natural death after six aumbere had been is sued. ' "I am act dteceu raged. n eontimred the young man," "and I hope that It ta only a question sf time until 1 become a great editor snd publisher,' . . Master Lehman's father la Edgar Lehman furrier, of 41 Bast Twelfth street. , New Haven Dispatch to New Tork Sua Prof. Traoey Peck, bead of Tale'e Letts department, la the first Tale pro fessor to meet Pope Plus TL Professor Peek, who has Just returned from Rome. aald today: : J "Five Americans were received, four women and myself, In our party. There were It others who were sdmltted to the audience at the time. I spoke to the pope In Latin, and he responded in the same tongue. I found the pope a fata erly, kindly gsntleman, with nothing of the eiietroerat about him. He is mi Ben tly e man of the peep la with deep arm path lea for them. He Is a great lover of outdoor life, a moantala climb er, end I was told by close friends whom I met biter In Venice that he missed greatly hla outdoor life, hla plunge WT the morning, which ba loved, like Judge Parker poeelbly. He doee not, raiiah being cooped up la the vaUeaa,'' ,4 ' 1 1 a bot or tMb woxmrma, . "OaattM Vsess About toe Penalise," "CLOCKS OF FIVE at f ' ' t ermine whether they are to be reiterated after the campaign la over, and protec tloa has. through your apathy, seen struck Its deatk blow. If you give ua tha means to win the victory we will do It Are you wUllngT . Toura very truly, . - JAS. P. FOSTER, President, Beadquarters Republican National Committee, II Fifth a venue. New Tork. OoC ft. iahmeutrve committee: M. S Quay, chairman; J, A Clarksoa, vloe-c hair man; j. S Passett, secretary William W. Dudley, treasurer; John C, New, A. L. Conger, C A, Hobart. Samuel Pes sendeu, Oeergs R. Davis, J. Manchester Kaynes, M H. eTouag, , William Caeslus Goodies.) Dear Sir: I hope you have kept copies of ths lists sent me. Such suv formatlon ta vary valuable and ahould be used to great advantage. It has en abled sea to demonstrate to friende that with proper assistance Indiana la eurely Republloaa' for governor and praaident, and haa resulted, ss I hoped it would, la eeourtng for Indiana the aid aeeea sary. Tour committee will certainly re ceive from Chairman Huatoa the as sistance necessary to bold our Aoatera and doubtful votere, and gain eaeugh of the other kind to giro Harrison and Morton It.ste plurality. Nsw Tork Is now safe beyond per advanture for the Republican presiden tial ticket; Connecticut likewise. In short, every northern state except per hape New Jersey, though we etlU hope to carry that atate. Harrison's majority la the electoral college will not be less than 10s, Make our friend tn sack pre-' oinct wake up to the fact that only boodle and fraudulent votea and false counting of returue eaa beat ua In the atate. Write each of our precinct cor- respondents! Fist To find out wbe baa Democratic boodle, sad steer ths Demo cratic workers to them and maka th pay big prices for their own men. S ond" Scan the election office re closely and make sure to havs no man en the board whoaa integrity la even question able, and tnaiat en Republicans watching every movement of the election otnoera Third See that our workers know every voter entitled to a vote, and let no one else even offer to vote Fourth Dt vide the floaters lata blocks ef five, and put a trusted man with aeBssaary funds In oh erg of these five, and maka him re sponsible that none get away and that all vote our ticket, e e ' There will be no doubt of your re oslvlng the accessary assistance through the national, atate and county commit- only aee that It Is husbanded and made etc produce results. I rely on you to advice your preclnot correspondents and urge them to unremitting and con stant afforta from now till the polls close and the result la announced of nelally. We will fight, for a fair elea- Uon here If necessary. Ths rebel crew oanaot steal thle election from us ss they did la 1114 without eomeooe set ting hurt. Let every Republican do his whole duty sad ths country will late Republloaa hands, sever to leave It. I trust. , TBanking you agaia for your efforts to sssiat me in my mark. I re- youra sisesrely, ,. . WM W. DUDiATT. Storsstyosru VaMBSxfty' Dear Mr. Trust PreaMe&tt i " . agf, e e e - e ' - Publicity? Bureau of Corporations, 'OsTOROS B. CORT&XTOU. , Pors saw Aft. From the New York World. Streaking down a country turnpike at the rate of 7t miles aa hour, the racing autamoMw, even la the bright sunlight, la a most terrifying slshC with Its a-ob- 11a-faced driver bending low over the steering-wheel, th big, round eyes of bis vlser showing white beneath bis oae Meeting one coming head-on at thle rata of speed 1 like watching the rays or a search! lrbt coming swiftly oawaxd over the intervening space. The first sight ts of o dull-gray little object, -be hind which rise billowing slouds of dust It comes oa bouncing snd bounding aa the whirling wheels strike the uneven spots of ths pike. The hugs machlns seems hardly to ba touching the road way. Slgmggtng from one aide of the road to the other, it comae on, noiselessly at first, but getting Bearer end bigger and uglier each fraction of a second, until whea a few feet away the throbbing ef the great machinery can bo faintly beard. Almost before the ear can dis tinguish exactly what the sound Is, It peases, a huge, dull, drab object, ex haust valvea popping like the volleys of rapid-fire guns an awful, roaring, rending sound and It la by. leaving be hind a trail of dust and showering every thing about It with a rain of small peb biea which have esoaped the pulverising wheels. Aside from the awful look of ths thing, tt is ths notes, deep-toned and choking, that la moat terrifying. It la like the roar of a gigantic machine shop condensed and put la a suit oaae,' and that placed within a trunk to deaden the sound. The whole framework la shivering and shaking and rattling. The ohauffeurc of the automobiles which engaged la the races for ths Ven ds rbi It cup experimented with their ma chines over the course for two weeks. Sometimes ths warning horn wee sound ed, but generally they preferred to pass as does to horse-drawn vehicles aa pos sible, trusting more to luck than to good Judgment to go through. Whea one of the big, dab-colbred race re. No. It, or No. t, or No. 10, paseea by head-on. It la done so quickly that there Is hardly time enough to turn around and get a glim pee of It After passing they apparently disappear from new twice as rapidly as they originally appeared, M , Approaching from the rear, theaa rac ing machines go by with a whis and roar that net only frightens pen ale cut of their wtta, but horses ss well. Seme of these Long Island horses, accustomed as they are to locomotives, and somaJ of Which can oven withstand circus .pa rades, neoome xrerunea. They rear on their bind legs, paw ths air with their front feet, neigh In terror and shake through paroxysms of fear. Soma horaea are oovered with sweet when one of the racing machinea manages ts steal up on it unawares . Ths herae'a fear' does not Bess with the aotomobHa, Sometlmea for It min utes afterward a horee will plunge and rear. Other hcreea simply start off en a dead run when oae of tha ghest-llks machines soarss it. . P the Swift, , - Frera Tows Topiaa ' la leva it la the rapid. taastaatlBg bare, and aot the alow, honest tortoise. that wins th prlsa i - i I H , lltiIMM ! Beat fteek, ' " Front Town Topics. ' v Look before you leap, but if you Wtah to leap tato BBatrimosy. dos t leek, . Oregon Sidelights 'Albany boasts of the osatist residence places of any Oregon elty. A twe acpa patch of eats sa new land la sTiamath county yielded 1 A hop buyer aaya Josephine county pro is cas the finest bops he over saw. It to aapestod that the telephone line to Florence will ba computed this fall. There Is mack hop land not planted to bops to tha violnKy of Drain, - There Is so vacant dwelling houee lu ; Pilot Rock and aaverai new cose are i being built. t . r. .- Part ef beat yeerg wheat crop la op ' and growing already la portions sf eastern Orsgoa, . . ., . f - The new paper of areata Pass, the Herald, makes a good beginning, and ought to prosper. ' A produce exchange hag beep estab lished at Athena, and produce is plentiful sroend there. - Pine aalmou fishing tn Spragus river. Lake county, tf one want fish bad sough to go that for after them. Another threshing machine burned in . fTmellllaL annnt v tut Bituni.v tK tkini one to burs this season m the earns field, . The law axainst ahoettne ahssssnts ': before October 1 has evidently been '- mere honored to the broach than ta the obssrvanna Lawful buatara found few pneaaantft Lake county stockmen would like ta ' . exhibit at ths Lewi snd Clark fair, but . cannot, aa account of the distance. Stock could not be driven that far hi . the spring, and to winter them la Port-" land would be too expensive. , . During September aa Ashland men , sold tl cratee of strawberries, and ex pects to market as many morel la Oc tober. Last fall be sold over tt oratea They bring aver tt a crate. It V fan't everywhere that a man can make .. money picking fall atrawberriea. Dora eon eep ends nee ef Manhfleld Mailt Ths air is full af railroad talk' up bora aV N. Harry la piloting a party J through a pass In ths Coast range sear , the Coos bay wagon road. So It ta pes- ; slble that the "Tool's Pass may develop Into a great thoroughfare tor the Iron ,. boras cut te Boseburg.", w Oranto Pass Hsrald: Qranta Pass 'iev assureo tae inland terminus of whatever rail Una la built down ths Illinois basis sad on to Creeoent City, CaL The visit of J. O. R Ounn of the Union Iron j works. Ban Francisco, who la alee a prominent 'stockholder la the company ' organised to build this line, la regarded aa evidence that something la to be done The Bandoa Oil oompany to boring for oil oa the coast south ef Bsadea. The drill la new down l.lOt feet, oae) the ex pert in charge ef the work ex sects te en-' counter eU at ft depth net greater than 1.400 feet. The drill has passed threagll the first snd second Strata of oil sand snd -a lake of salt water. The flow of gas ta ao strong that It blew the sand pump cut of the well, and a hat held over It would be carried goaae distance la the air,-. '. . Prom the Wall Street Journal.' .Count Oku ma aatlmatee tha coat of a two-year war between Japan and Russia at l, for Japan and tlAtO.tW.ttt for Rueele. The war haa thus far been In progress lees thaa a year, eo that this immenss ooat cannot rightly be charged against 1104., Never, theiess, K ts of lntereet to compare this sect of war with ths cost of fires la the United tales. Ths oomparlsoa is ss follows: Cost of war to Japes and - Russia, two veers tLlM.Mt.0M Loss by fires la United . states, one year 16,00. &ot Thus ta 1004 (three months estimated) the lose by fires la the United States alone will amount to 11 per oent of the entire amney cost of a two-year war between Russia and Japan. What that war has already oost ta life it not reported. The battle ef Llao Tang sione ta aald to have resulted tn IT, 000 allied and wounded. That was one of the bloodiest battles ever fought. ir the losaea at Fort Arthur were ss heavy, there have already been 14,00 mea killed and grievously wounded by the war. 'For the sake of arrument let us take thla estimate an approxl- mateiy correct, now, tn the neoai year ended June ae, 1004. there were 0,e4 persons killed snd TI.HT Injured by rail road accidents in the united States. Let ua put these figures together and see what they look like: ? - . . Killed and wounded, Russtaa-Jsa- snese war.. i.tM Killed and wounded, railroad acat- 4 dents in united states... Mil Prom the Orsnts Pass Herald. Thla is the Republican alogaa for Ore gon as sanoueoed by Mr. Baker, chair man - of ths Republloaa committee. What does It mesa and wby to it dealr- abief Why aot make it 00,000 or TI.ooot Would we have aay better government In our state Is It desirable that the Republican party a ball crush cut all op position in thla etetcT If so, why not make tt possible for the Republicans ts oount aay majority they wish, by changing the election law to that end, -Suppose Oregon gives 10.000 for Boosm veil and doss so always hereafter for his party, will It bring about a reduction ' of the secretary ef state's compensation of 130,000 per year, or will it cut eC the emoluments of the state printer. which amount to about 110.000 a ysarf Will ths RepuMlcana ef Oregon redeem their premises they have made for 10 years ea truat questional Our political experience proves great sxajorltlea are not desirable, but lead to extra vaganoe and oomiptiou. "Thirty thousands for Rooeeveir eanaet appeal to the Intelli gent or patristic, but will appeal to party bosaoa. pdiuoal place-hunters and grafters. Make tt 10.000 and per haps tef a few years we may be aa cor rupt sad shameless oa Pennsylvania. , Proarthe Chicago Tribune. At the preeiee momeat whea the great battleship started down the way the young soma awung the bottle of ehaat pegne and cached It against tba prow of the vessel, . The by tenders complimented her upca the accuracy, ef the performance. "It ta nothing, she modestly replied, "I used to do my ewa kitchen work, and I am aoeastomed te breaking tataae." V I