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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1904)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL.. PORTLAND. FEIPAY EVENIKO. OCTOBER tig 1901 The Powers Furniture Company's Remodeled Store - ft ,' V; ' .V"' 'i i - ". , 't : ' M 'i ; To Every Parent tai Portland and Vicinity the Un--' surpassed Advantages o! Our Juvenile Department . M - 1 - . v . ;t , ' Here are, presented at all times all the best - .i..TVa ha MlAJMAKe 4Vka rMAdt ; aln hArota ' V ' -t fJ t . tr carefully chosen from the' best makers. -i. 2 f I .-. .-WE .WISH r' i , ' . v - 4 'Powr rurnuwr Co. Mra durln tb , past tw rMra, that It vlat ba eallad ' phtaonaoal, Mr. Ira Powra,.th bm tall ua. that In 1A1 Ula flOOT IMCI . I was 14.IM fMt; la IMS. S1.00 t; ta- Ur. .- uat f teeraaaa m two yaara. Thla tecraaa waa dna to tha rapid atrlda and arowth of tha bul naaa that baa bean eajajrad by tha ftrm for tha aaat two raara. In addition to tha Iramanaa floor apaoi found naeeaaarr, naw up-to-date front haa ban put In th only modem front on Plrat ttraat. With thla a modern now paaaengar ala- vmtM haa bea mAOtA Tha atoab earriad tnr thta am Ml dOUbla that Of tWO mm aaw and ambcaoaa arthlna: ta Pnrnltura and Haaaabold Suppllaa, front tha mad htm prtoaa to tna ucnoai sraoaa. NovalUaa ta Hlvb Orada Furniture la alao apaclal feature of tola growlnc FOR THE FIFTH DAY (Continued from race One.) gained lta guna, after a deaperaU aa- .' . walch'twere captured oy tha Japaneao. front 1 wa prepared on the ftnahJu ; river.'" 1 "; ' r " Another report eeym.1' "Tha final taraa ; of tha batua yeaterday on our Jrtht 3 flank waa- unauoceeeful for ua. On ao C eouat of a itfat attack by tha Japaaeee, Who azeeuted a turntaa- meremant, our f troopa were forced not only to abandon 4 heir poattloaa, but aaln J oat the (una I which bad pretoly . been reoevered I rrewn tha Japanaaa." ? i i- 'MM &awM OT tVH. . 5 '"s- it.- " :V I ' : 7 Joarail aurUI Barvfcw.) . ; Kome, Oet. 1. A Chefoo dlapateb tatea that Admiral Togo haa landed IT large aelga guna to be need In tha neat I general attack on Port Arthur, ' . It la believed by thoae la doaa toooh with tha altuatlon that aotrr opera i tloaa wiU begin at n early data wtth a , view of reducing tha fortraaa. Thla, It l It thought, will be hurried tha more ow l ing to the fact that tba atock of fuel 4 and auppllea la believed to be low and ; every effort will be made to prevent a i relief of the garrlaoa and eruab It If poealble . while its epinta are at a aow A B&MI SAT. UMI TAUCfl, - - abb: ; Vopoa for Artkajrg ran - ' a.,.1, a k TvMWInn Oflt. 14. At all' of f lolal auar- tare hare yeaterday nawi of the battle V that la raging between the two arm tee in J the far east waa eagerly a wetted, out - notblna? reliable waa obtainable. Many conjecture were Indulged in. Speaking V of tha lateat phaaa of tha trouble, the japaneea ministar. seroa Hayaani, aaia: Tha report of our ouocooeeo. wel ' mm! aa thav are. muat not be eonatrued I aa being a forerunner of any decisive i Mn - ft la araetloallv tnmoealble for - Harahal Oyama ta envelope and utterly amah Oanaral Kuropatkln. rat aa tt practically tmpoeelbk for Kuropatkln to envelope Oyama.) A vtotory In the batUa now raging chiefly meena to na that Kuropatkln . nraet - oonfeaa defeat, which Is Important, but not deetalve. He can put forward no atrategloal aar euaaa aa at Uae Tang. - Any retreat on too part of the Roaetaa foroaa now la an open -eoofeaeloa to the world that they have Buffered a severe reveree. "Heretofore N haa been an open ques tion In some Quarters whether Kuropat ktn'a atrategy waa not mora reeponelbld for tha Russian retirement than,. Japan ese aggrasalon. Kuropatklsr HP chosen to brush aside aU that doubt and make a plain lame. Let It be remembered that Oyakia. aa far. haa only been flghu log -from hla first line of defense. Re tirement to Oyama means merely falling bacg upon hta main defeneee and base, namely, . Llao Tang, where all prepara tions tn tha way of forttfloatlona and ammunition have bean made for a pro longed stand In ease of necessity. -Thai Oyama haa met Kuropatkln'a advance on rental with a counter ad vance Indicates a greater state bf pre peredneae on the part of our forces than I anticipated. But there la seme doubt If Oyama oould follow np any advan tage gained In what la comparatively aa open flght." Oyama'a acceptance of a general engagement from his first and weaker linen implies strength, which makes the motive of Kuropatkln'a attack all the more puasUng. I understand that auch attempts aa Kuropatkln made to out our lines ttt communication appear to have been confined to these connecting us with Korea, flowie of tha military oritloo seem to forget that our main llnea of communication are now wtth Niu Chwangv nd not with tha Talu. This hi' an Infinitely cheaper and quicker method of transport. Our oeoood army llnea of communication over tha Talu to 'Korea were only maintained with great difficulty and becauee wa bad no other alternative. "Whatever tha result of the present hattia. avtiathar Ovtma retires to his position at Llao Tang, or whether he forces Kuropatkm back toward Mukden, tt will only have a small bearing upon tha decision of the grim lasus at stake." "tTntit Pnrt Arthur falls." said tha baron, "any proposal looking to peaoa muat be futue. Defeat or victory wj me Russian Manohurian armies merely aMiia tha da I It death roll. General Kuropatkln driven back and thoroughly defeated will simply harden Russia's heart. Kuropatkln temporarily success ful would only Inspire now enthusiasm. In such g ess saw tnara m no nope ox "Th. start Arthur altuatlon is airier ant Should tt be oaptured. those- in Russia who are supposed to favor a wunahU aatt Lament would baYVO a BOn- tlmaatal. material feet or tn favor of their point of view that no osveiopmem f ika Uanr-hlirtan MMMlm OOUlO DTO- vlde. Japan In poaaeaaloa of Port Ar thur oould treat for peace, now mucn inmr Port Arthur can last X have not the leaat Idea. Hot weather was an ad- vutaM tA the defenders. From tha In (mm Kaat and aaaitBrv advantages, the Japanese oould not gat away. . Against the sold now oonlng on. they oaa take tha neceaaary precautlona and suffer none of thoae apldemlee toeFhich, If they are not vloUms. thay are ax iaav ax- pOBCd. . i ia hnMiilMi " ohneluded- Baron hHayaahfc no think that this war can be allowed to eontlaue indefinitely, inter- untina tn aoma ah ana ar form muat eventually occur. At tha moment Russia dreads aify ana auggastlng R. beoauaa therein la Involved a eonfeaeloa of de feat. Should Port Arthur fall,. X think It would be dlfferant.- ( VAavno tm s-w.; ta Vas . .M-aal -- -- snlN.) I London, Oct. It. The Copenhagen correspondent of tha aTxehanga Tele .irai that a tAlevram from XJbau to a Danish paper asserts that tha Bal tic fleet haa aaiieo xor voe w w. - nrhiiA tha ranort doea not live any Information relating to the exact data of sailing or tha poealble route that may k. tkm hv tha fleet. It Is considered hero aa being of A reliable nature. wotnroHP. ' XaVbtn Kaaplmui Wmaewiag WaahU T&entaaa. r ..4a nt 14. A dispatch from Hsjfetastates that tho hospitals there are preparing to receive 17 ofOcera and mm that were wounded la tba a'.kdio IuIam Tantai. . i.aHim la aMtalnad tn the Suits J Overcoats r III 1 I V and , : y .-.i iiAm urvnv uinv Tn nTVli-T.ftrJO R1CRVTCH ANT inni TT CAUl wn. nrm a wa ' ' " , ).'' RETAIN THEIR SHAPE, ARE HBgB IN ALL THE LAT EST STYLES AND PATTERNS AT THE VERY LOW EST PRICES, QUALITY CONSIDERED. ;,. i ' j.- " ' ' 1 ' - " ' ' ' ' " " i ' .r "' t : " 'r , - - , "' " " v ' "'" ' - 1 ' v Latest Novehiet ta Norfolk Suits ages S to I yeus, v-; - at f45tof7.4$. . fi ; -j. v Youths Doubte Brsted Suits ia thg Uitest patterns f 10.00 to f 16.50. v , V' Youths' Varsity 8ults f 8.50 to f 16.50. ' ( Boys Doubls Breasted Winter Suits f 3.50 to $7.45, Boys' and Girls' Overcoats 4 to yearsfe.OO to ' Football, Air Gun, Set of Boxing Oloves. Catcher's Mit or Mask Olven Away With Each Boys' Suit or Orercoat ( Mm irt-::-Li.ii o i tcosenoiau ft to CORNER THIRD AND MORRISON 8TREETS. -ijw;.. A, ; Duster Brown' Suits for Boys . ., . , i... -"-'r ''fc-" " i f . , .-'i'7 v..-'.e '-'r l'.r ' nf 914 tn 1 1 vearethe original' and ' treriiiine . Busters found only, at this store over 25-models : to choose from T $S to $10 ,-:f....- ,r ' - w-. -. "v - i- s Bvster Brown :5 - V Dresses and Coats Boys Norfolk and Plain Dovble-breasted Suits Several hundred mixed cheviot and For girls" Wra had a phenomenal" ,'caasiznere patterns, exclusive with Don't faQ to visit us before buying. -; w .Jaj Prleaai from WI to 815a , . :i aBU V 1 4-.. .-m;, i-w 5 v V "'"'x" Tn)f a '' ::' Gray, bi'ue, rec and brown shades. Y0Vn MCnS r with brass buttons, emblems and red v flannel knmvi la to. IaH). ' 't ., , Lon Pants Suits. Asm 14, tn tl 'vail. Smartlv de- Boys' Overcoats 7 Bwv " ww -J - signed especUUy for the particular ' and CraVenCttCS . .?' , college chap f 10. f 12.50 f 15 ( gwiggeV models, m thirty effects . . , 1 - .. , . i' - aw .aaaa - i a(a"saanann I aBnnnnnnaBaamaaBBBBBBBBBaaBaaaam.a- Baaaa.aMl , CalaSMAAIM DOaClUWali . sJiUWl WU1 Knee Pants School Suits at f 2.15,, 2.85 and f 3.35. Youths' Suits f 45, f 55, fO.35 dispatch relattTe Co whe tns offlcers are or 'What eivlalona they were oomman4- bia. Tha fact that so snanr were -ZL-a-a rtaa t the belief that the death loaa baa bean sraatly nnder- Opieasanf Am as OeaSiet am Sevsa aW- , fsanmA yiassa. . (Jearaal apaelal errtea-. - LanAon. Oct. 14. A dlspatoh from Hukdaa thla afternoon says tha fle-fcttnr today. owIds to wis retreat of tha Una slana Ust nla-ht and the Ba-reeaiTenees of the Japanese, haa taken a nwra wMe KH.ii twia and in seven different placea fleroe batUea are reported. . Desplts - tnerr retreat es imm mini, the correspondent saya. Kuropatkln'a an tooa.v aaaumlnBT tha acarsa aire Wherever tt Is poealble. The men of tha second origan swore was nBni to recapture their suns today, ar die In t'?ivet eorreapondent eonnrtns the report that asore than pleoea ward taken by the Japanese but makea no assertion of tho loss of stores and sup pi Ian. Aa In y-eterdaye batua, Kuropauun la At the front m person. I , VENEZUELA ON - -V VERGE OF REVOLT ' (Jearaal aaetol BsrvlsW. Washington. D. CL, Oct. 14. Private mttm aaHaail Irutl- aaTices "i lv oaU that Vsnesuela la an tha verve of nerloua revolution aaalnat Caatroa admlnlstratton. Nuroerous arrests have been made, and laraa bodlea ef men are mthertna; for tha purpose of eraM ta in revolutionary army. BOX ORDINANCE TO COME IP TUESDAY V : aa. iu.t .mhIm tKa la m aOCOPV- tnt the attention of attorneys, la the aulU brought to enjoin enforcement of tha anti-boa ordinance, will eulmtnat aa the (Hroult eourt. la a heart nS on City Atorney MeNaryo de murrer to the eomplalnt filed by San ders and about it other restaurant and saloon men. The city attorney wiu thla afternoon or tomorrow a simitar demurrer la the ease ef Theodora Cruse va. the elty. Mr. McNary demurs to the oom plaints On the grouna jnat mT - not state facta safflotant to oonatltttta oauaa of suit. AWFUL SUFFERING OF: DRUNKARD IN JAIL Bart Banks suffered terrible acony ta Ibo elty Jan toaay. iw is awmnV term for vaa-raaey. A ebaraw of drunk- .aa a alaA aamlnatt him In tha nVBntO Ipal eourt. Be had dellrluna tremens this mornftuF. He thoufht a beautiful un araman haal been aaardered. and that the nolloa bad bha aharaad with the ertnie. - Banks erted, wept Ami wrunt ls hands; he tore his hair; he oalled upon tha coda ta oaiiver mm irom me awiu tt n hih ha had fallen. Jailer Branch and Bailiff Oolta se cured from a atedtdne ehet soma "D. T.N-oura, They administered tt and a a abort tlmaube victim was setier. KILLED WITH WIFE TESTING FIRE ESCAPE t (Jesraal asiriil Ssrtteft.) St. VanL Oot 14. While B. sL Sonas- M eaatinat a la naAeat Sro aseaps on tha Oermanla bvUdlns tbla afternoon a rope broke preclpltatin blmaelf and wife to tha around. The woman was Instantly killed and Boanunon will ae. Scammon desoended from the top of tha bnUdlnf. and took hla wife on the eecond story. The rape waa saweA by a window ledve above, and broke. A thousand persons watching; the feat ware horrified, but helpless to lend aid. MACDOWELL, COMPANY . HAS NOT STRANDED a m eras tn Mraalatloa today to . . aaaaafaaw of the oompaaiy aupportlnc Melbourne UaeDoweU an hla preeent tour naa wniw w atatlnc that tha show had closed for tniuti. The storr la reanrded aa antrue, Inaamnoh as three days eo llanaaar Baker raoeivea nmwnTOw ?JZllT-Z mmMnr to bo S9 ahead. He baa not heard of any loaaea alaoe thaa. SALUTE DAMAGES ; DAVIS' PRIVATE CAR (Jtaarssl SaeeUI Berries.) w-MiiHtiia. W. Vs.. Oct. 14 The dlschaxglns; of a cannon on A oar of the Da via special, as it came w a stup w. Am ahattered the elaea In the car and etuaoed tha occupants of the whole train. Nona, bownver. were In jured. Davis apoka to a crowd of tt. PROFESSOR GOES MAD ON TRAIN AND DIES (JeoraiT peelel snrvlee.) - )- , ale lakL Utah. Oct. 14. Prof. Otto nrMAkHib aarhMata from Sallda. Cola. to Loo Anaolea, waa taken from a Den ver a Rio Grande train a ravin sanim and died today In a eeH at the oounty DECORATIONS FOR ; FAIR OFFICIALS St. Louie, Ma, Oct. 14. President David Francis and Directors of Exhibits Prod Skiff of the Louisiana Purchase ..ttiiM vara today made arand offi cers of tho Order of the Crowa of Italy by order of Ala Humbert ok iwiy. - Baartal aarvtaa.l Kew York, Oot IA Archbishop of Csntsnmry ana pery "r tndey on tne wniTe ntwr imwr wine, Ly ptnAJaj ttrmvn -C"Tl ,ri liATl rua-' ;ilt ttr- ros nu. sjwtkbiak. " wsmrrw ti- pc .:tia LAUE DAVIS DRUG CO. ; PHARMACISTS THIRD AND, YAMHILL Saturday Cama!Un( speciaj ....... . .........33f Lyon's Tooth Powder, Special........:...... 15 Mennen's Powder, special ............13e Cuticura Soap, special........ ...yl7f Robertine, special . . ..... .25d) Seven Sutherland Sisters' Hair Restofer, special..-.;.;,. .69f Seven Sisters' Hair Wash, special. .33d These Are All Genuine Gocxls. ''if -"''i We Carry No Imitations , saV .. v Chest ; Protectors .'. (i ' -' From . Complete assort ment. -Buy now before you have ' ciught your .cold. . PRICES FROM : Up Phone Us Your Wants - AND WE WILL BE GLAD TO : SEND YOUR ORDER WITH A - SPECIAL MESSENGER WITH , , OUT EXTRA CHARGE. Phone MrT:i Q"