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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1904)
THtf ORBGOtf -DAILY JOTONAi; 1 PORTtAWP, TODAT fcVKNINfl, tCTOBER U Ifttt. m ' . . ' - . . WORLD'S HIGHEST HONORS fvOvesbtr ; Pftttcrns BANNER 1 ; 10c and 15c Pattern Hts Until Tomorrow Night "'at ,..- One Fourth Off FOR OREGON JERSEY COW Seventh Street, Between Morrison and Alder r" - - Il t , "0 ;:.:'ir ... J'' tmwttwTat. LOBarTT. , ORJWOMw FAMOUS MILCH COW. WINS, TOUT PRIZK FOE J ERSE I. AT WOBLCt lb ui number or ten uA st the be- Todsy Dm dairymen or Dm world have . taken o their hate to an Oregon milch ' vow. Imperial Loretta IK, of the Ladd Crystal Spring farm, la southeast Port paA haa beea crowned o( ths Derssv at tha world's fair. After a ' bonteet lasting lit days, la which aha was asatehed sgalnst the highest spsel Beens of milch oowa of all nation. Ihta nagntflcsat animal haa won tha greatest triumph ta tha world's history of dairy ing, ana ah betas to Oragoa tha kighsst honor ever ooJfrt uaoa a ; gMirylaB state - - - - For tha oath It gay, tha duration ' M the SI Loul tsst, aha gavs a.TSt.4 . pound of milk, a aailr avarajra of 4T.M noun, as product 1M.U aotmaa of butter CM. a dally vtg o 1.11 - Bound. wWoh to th farmer wtfs aana aa avarac af two and taraa- ajuartar poaada of .ahuraad hattar dally tor to U dan. 1 - i - Far dan barotta yfdoaaa vr I I poonda of hattar fat mrr 14 aoara, : Star laraaat aroduatloa bains oa Aucuat . . is a. IS aounda oqalvalaat ta S.71 . aonada f battar. On 1 day, ah shad -Tr Ihraa aovada f hattar a day. Kar - aaat arraa day ylald waa for tha wak . andln; tMUabw la . aouada of amtf. e dtna th woadarful roeord . af tha groat Browa Baaato at Chloao. Oomparlov Ioratta IX'a woadarftd por iPormaao at at. Lou la with tha roeord . f taa world'a sluuaplonahlp oontaot anta at tha Chloas axpoaltlon. It la found that Oraaea'a aow haa dlatanoad -tha trial wlanara at th ColanabUa x- Cialtlon. la tha Chicago oaataat Ida arlgola. th ehamploa ohaaaa cow, gara ta tha Brat IS day of taa teat 7t. pound of milk, a daily avarag of 44. pound, har largaat daily ymld balng 44.7 poonda. Lorotta at Bt Luia la ginning of tha taat, gmva 74S.S pound. a dally avarag of 4t.ts aoaao. nar largoat dally yield being ftl.4 pounds, and oa all hat two day ah awpaaaad Ida's lrgt ylald. I tha nnal to-day taat at Chicago, by tho thro ehaarptona la all broada eon ImKm id, llarlvold. the ehomnloa rhfi aow. mv 1.441.1 tMMinda of milk. a daily averag of SS.I1 poundai and 144.SI pound or butter rat, a amuy aver age of l.tta. Marry Maiden, thevawoep auka ehamploa, gave t. 041-1 pounda of mUk. a daily average of St.7t; and 144.14 pound of butter fat, a dally avarag of 1.SS1. Browa Beie, tha champion but tar mw nM 1.114 Mun4f Of milk, a daily average of 40.17 pounda; and 17s.ll pound of butter fat, a daily wra of A Wiaimfal Bnara, - For th earn time at the BL lal oeoteet Oragoa'a groat bmp4L aa amdo" th following roeord: Four thousand, ; four - bandrafl and atxty-two pound f , mUk. a sally avarag- of 4.7 pound, - ,. Two hundred and aavaa an thirty ana huadradths pound of battar fat,. dally average of l.S powada. In a autahall, th great Ioretta D. 'baa performed tha aiarval of producing, la u il,n 1BT.11 notirvda of butter fat. aa against pound produced ta the same period by th previous world's obamploa oow. It ha boon a hard-fought eon teat a oontoat between feedera and tha oowa of ta breed. It waa a splendid finish, ovary oow In tho Jersey herd la perfect condition, although the poo haa boaa vary fast. Tho figure far coootnlcal production of butter fat are not rat completed, bat the work of eompu tattoo Is so far along that th Jersey breed stands' out pre eminently winner over tho Holsteln'a Shorthorns and Brown Bwlaa. In this contest there were IS Jarsere, IS Hot etelaa, tft Bhortbora and five Brow Bwlsa. In the Jeraey-herd. Ore son waa extremely fortunate -la having five rap reean tat I Tea, four of tho five owned by tho X4tdd astat of this etty, finishing among tha first tea oowa of that breed in th following order: Lorstta first; Dorlnda Darling, fourth; Prise sfay'a Ouchaaa, fifth; Oonaa Wd. ninth. These oowa will bo brought homo to. the Crystal Springs farm, southeast Portland, and With them will oms Mon tana's butter queen, Dlploma'a Brows rAV wha finished tenth la thl battle. She would have atood higher but for aa accident, resulting la carrying har bag la a allng for nearly thro weeks. She oomea to try nor mow wiw mm un oowa and other at tba Lewte and Clark exposition dairy test, to bs held, to month of Soptcmbw. IKS. . mi Mua-m f tha Jerssn at St. Iyrals, Loretta D.. Is s vry handsoms ctrw, of exceedingly atrong sonotKUMon, welshing ttl pounda Last year la her official work at horn, beginning la March, for ten months shs tested S.4S, kik a ta 4 u.1.41. ft.lM.4S. .4t. S.St and 711 per cent, and made S1S.S pounds of butter fat without any pusning wnn aha fnahmal Anrll 4. 14. Awaiting th beginning of th delayed. teat, aha milked rrotn April is to une It, 1104, lnclualre 17 dare 4,417.4 MR-uia Sallv averse of SI Bounds, her hi sheet milking being Sl.t pounda on June 4. From tho beginning of the test, June 14, to September 1. 144, In dus Ire: har official recors is or uiiw in a nnunda: dally avraa. 4I.7S pounds; fat. 17S.M pounds; dally average, S.1 peunos. GAMBLERS' FIGHT - IS BEING WAGED Mx uim OOUll Ajr A1 BATS OF AT- i i t : 1. la carrying on th fight ta th etreutt aowrt ta behalf of Peter Oraat and NaU . ' Sol onion, and Indirectly for open gam bHn m Portland. Attorn Bd Mend en- ball baaed the defease to a charge of eoaduotlng a keno gam oa tw main 'points that different provision of the Stat law ' relative to gambling ars In direct conflict, and that th sity shorter uDsrssdes th elate law. He eppoared aa special eownsel for the ' Fortland club thla morning- before. Pre siding Jadg Oeorg snd argued a de murrer Interposed for the defense. Ieputy IMstrlot Attorney Moeer rev Re sented tha suta The argument son aumed the morning session of court. Mr. Moeer took the stand that the .' charter provisions referred to by Mr. Mendeahail are not Included In tha of. yanaee ever which th city has Jurisdic tion to th exclusion of the state. He msd the further contention that the sharter goes to far. even giving mors authority to tho municipal than to the 1 state authorities. -That ts sxactly what we hold," added Attorney Mendenhall. "The city offl owls ar authorised to seise paraphsr nalst and furniture, which atate and county officials cannot da Is that act truer turning to Mr. Mover. Tee, that 1 right," was the answer. A long list of court decisions were BMbmlttod by each slds la support of tho points made. Among them was one of tha supreme court of Oregon, which Mr. Mendenhall said strsngthened the pool ttons he had taken. Judge Oeergs took th s,utioB under advisement HOTTENTOTS RISE AGAINST GERMANS ' (leorsal Sparta twrteal awilB naft. 14. A dlsnatck vifttoraa Oermsn southwoat Afrles, tatos that Headrlek Wltbel. wb led th . rebellasa ten years ago. baa agsta -, Clare war agataet tba Oermsas. It m expected that a majority of th HsttSav otf crib wUl Jo4n ta sprlalng. , 1 PTJBB OOITBITIOaT taaUOaTfl. tfeereal Sjnlil SarrVis.) tssAsa. Oct. 14. Lady Cursoa passed a uiat aiglit, sat bar saanlimg It etui NEW 'PHONE GIRLS HERE (Continued from Page One.) bluff to fore us to aoespt their terms 4 accede t anything tbey may da ta. We don't believe they wilt try to put them to work, but wUl ksep tbm hero aatU tha troubles are settled.' Tba controversy between the tele phone operators and the company will be fully discussed by the jrsasrateo Trades at a meeting of that body to night. It waa said that assurances Bvs been glvea tba strikers of saataxiai - slatanoe. Th striking ope rate re mat last night bi a hall la Salmon street, between Fourth and Fifth strssts, where the organisation of tha anion waa completed. They wore assisted in organising by H. A Duks, orgsnlsar for ins American Federation of Labor. Offlcera were elected and th situation was discussed from every standpoint. As sdvlsory board, consisting or li of th most eonservattvs snd rallabla operators, was appointed to take com plete c barge of tho strike. Seven mem bers of tho board ars employed at tho central station at West Park and Alder streets, while tha other five are from tho east side station. Long dlatanoo opera tors wars p recent at the meeting and as surances were given that they stand ready to go out oa strlks when called upon. Officials of tho company declare that the strike will bs of short duration and that tha difficulties will bo settled satis factorily to both the company sad the operator. They Insist that tha griev ances of the operators are more than can rightfully be demanded, but sssert their willingness to give them fair bob Bidsrstloa. There 1 aa evident desire on th part of some ef the sfnclals to refrain from any discussion ef tho trooblea Miss Cooper waa ssksd for a statement this morning ta regard to th charges that have beea mads against her. Shs politely hung up the rtoelver. Other ofdolala, however, talk freely. Thing are not IB shape at this mo moment,' said one of the officials st telephone headquarters, 1 make any specific statement, go far as tha com pany Is concerned It has never bee Its policy ts attempt to sire anyone the worst of H. Llks all publlo service cor porations It must largely rely apos the public good Will snd that K cultivate to the limit that is consistent with business prudence, The same principle has guided us la sur relation with our em ployes. Ws bavs tried to bs fslr snd decant and t do sverythlng t ears the good will of thos who work for as. Of course every enterprise must be run on a business basis anything short of that would bs silly and could only leed to disaster. But with that anderstood ws have tried to do the right and decent thin by thos who work for us sad I believe have succeeded. Mlsaadsrstaad- lag VU1 hsppea la to beat regulated families, bat I venture to say there have k nait- as few of them In th tele phone company as In sny other business of like maa-nltuee mat aa ever boob organised. . AW OFaOBATOS BXFaVAXBaV ' r" All a TlUMa To tha Bdttor of Th Journal Tha trouble did not originate In a few days ar weeks, but has been brewing for soma time. A Tear age ths company sent woman from Spokane to take charge of the exchange, who, before she cam. had beea ths saaas of the strike ia Spokane. She dictated to thorn that tbey should wear their hair a oeitala way while op dutr. which caused th operators f that exchange to form a unto a. The operators of Portland have been subjected to much ths same trestraent and they have been dictated to as to what they shall say and how they shall hold their hands while sa duty. They have also beea instructed bow to enter and leave th switch room to tb tap of th belL W don't object to going la and out ta a ladrllks manner, but ws do object to being treated as children of Immature Judgment, not capable of Judging or acting for Ourselves. The woman has taken from the opera tors oart of their luncheon bo tha oper ators whs .sat at tb eifioe get tea snd bread and sa snpl. Bosas people will say that If we ar not satisfied with such far we can buy something mors. But that la Iti th company, through this woman, has out tha ODSrator's wages down so that n operator on th board oaa receive oyer ISO a month. Two-thirds of th operators employee: by ths company bavs soms on depend In oa them for support. What girl could support herself snd a widowed mother oa an avarag of $M a month? Tb operators have stood this series of psrsscutlons until they were forced to form a union to protect mem selves. Tha causa of tho operator walking out on tha ISth waa that thla weman and others beard that ths girls were form ing union for protection. Sh took ths operators on by on Into ths managsr's offloa and quest roned them about what thav had bean doing tha evening before. If they refused to reply to this ques tion they were dismissed. Our tint Is th company's while w re la th operating room, but out aids of working hours our time is our own and ws refus to bs dictated to ha ta how ws shall spend that time. Ws bops our anion will bo of mutual benefit to both tb employ snd ths employe. AN OPERATOR, (lowsal In rial ttevto.) Taeoma, Wash., Oct. 14. Th assaager of tha Snnsst Telephone company will not say how many 'tMllo' girls have left hers for Portland. - It Is knows taat aiaa want last sucbt, ; Tomorrow to Be "Tha Dig Day" Here Nobody can buy food hrt Umartew -kdumt's-d ss- T4ta for granted ths artick you buy is necded-lf not t ones, than in tha courts of a short tune-and you buy it hers for less than you vVould havs to pay slsswhers, haven't you sad ths dUfcrsnce? From an orsf this houas cotMS gnat barin needs. AH ds ISamZ tTliomribbot coiSrW entrance to Ucs oimii-lear In ths rrj takinf in mtry. aU line, of SodUWDrss. Goods. Waiitinft. TrimminKS, Doms.tka. TabU Llswi, j)iiPM Hosisry and Underwear, Knit GorS all Readto-Wear GemetTt. for women, misses and chUdrsn; Boy ClotWnf. r'u1!?; Capsand uraishmas. ItT the grand wind-up of a great sals, JWt miss It Shop aarly in tia day . if poawbla; if not, prices ars good nntil tha closing ho&V, 0:10 p. m. v " " ' In the "Rea dv-to-Wear" New Stylish CoaU Reduced Two Sptdd $9.95 mi $1450 ; yfom Hwly VwMm In both of these special lot. will be found tha very newest fall styles. At the prices-which are only for today and to morrow we predict some rapid selling in the coat depart-' went At 99.75 there are values up to $18, while the gar ments on sale at f 14.75 are taken from grades up to $28. Without doubt this is the greatest underprice coat special ever presented so early in the season. Included in the two as sortments are black and colors in long, short and medium, lengths loose back models, belted, also tight backs. With and without capes and collars. Excellent variety of styles all showing new sleeve and latest fall fashion throughout.' Silk and .satin linings. ' 4 :Early Sale of Furs ; V .$5BIs&w $3aroxScarf$25 More fur boas and scarfs by half than we've eveT before car ried at one time. Sold at a great sacrifice by a Detroit furrier to our buyer and now we turn tha benefit to O. M. Co. patrons. Every wanted length is here from the short S4-inch to tha long flowing 8-foot scarf with heavy bushy tail and paws ; nearly touching the floor. You will need a fur soon? Buy it now. "Assortment of styles better now than liter. . v Tctilor-made Skirts $5.68 Grades Up to $9 A Perfect Fit it Cuwnteed Some of the very handsomest skirts brought out this season are in tha offering, garments that would easily bring $10 in any store. Plain colors, in blue, gray, ton, black, etc., besides the newest fancy mannish goods. Tailored to the top notch of workmanship and finish with all the latest frills of fashion ; seven and nine-gore flare; atylish plaited effects, tailored straps, fancy buttons; sixes from 1 to 86 waist measure ( all lengths. Should any alteration be necessary to a perfect fit. tha work la done in Our workrooms without charge.' ; . . - - Misses' and Clifldren's Coats Less If your little giri'a age is anywhere from Infancy to young womanhood there's a pretty garment here for her. This fall's styles all 'the new fashions and new cloths, same as shown in women's goods. Colors? Whatever vou wish; reds, blues, greens, browns, tans, castors, Oxford, all fancy mixtures and biack. Materialsvelvet, silk mohair, eiderdown, melton, kersey, aibcline, beaver and novelty friezes. Trimmings of contrasting colors, self-materials, silk cords and braids, col ored velvets, fur and fancy metallic buttons. AH these com bined to make the prettiest, jauntiest and altogether most satisfactory showing of children's and misses' fall and winter garments ever gathered together in one stock. Short, medium and three-quarter coats that are warm and stylisli that the children will take genuine pleasure in wearing. Belted backa and fancyespes predominate. Bring the girls in. Let them choose from this immense as sortment But the price? One-fourth off any chiW'a, misses' or young ladies' coat- ' iA $6 coat is now f3.7S. $10 coat Is now f 70. ShiiaUts Tomorrow for Little Not a Waist carried from last season ; every one you will see here is new this fall's arrivals -and a, new style. So many different type, that almost every woman who looks will find one or more to please her fancy. They are all fairly priced. However, to make good our promise to give unusual and te-be-talked-about bargains in all lines, we offer a fifth, SO per cent, off the price of any waist in the house whether silk, wool or flannelette, It matters not; making 8c waists 78a; $ waists fl.60; $4.98 waists $3.98, etc i Last Chance at $ 1 Dress Goods, 63c Tomorrow night ends this great special. All-wool auitinga in plain colors or fancy mixtures, 88 to 44 inches wide 85c, $1 and a few $115 pieces any color desired. Included in the offering are "Mannish" suitings in medium or heavyweight, tweeds, mohair, Sicilian, serge, cheviot and other cloths. Choice of any at 63a. t. - , . .V fee: 1 Millinery Our -milliners have prepared some very special offerings for tomorrow. In addition to the one-fourth off prices of alt pat tern hats, there are tailored toques and turbans up to $8 values at $3.48 and $4.95; also a special line of trimmed and street hats at $2.39. Chil dren's hats i trimmed at $1,25 and $1.88. EXTRA SPECIAL A line of new "Cowboy" felt hats in col ors $3 grades at $1.75. , Ribbon Special Tomorrow even O. M. Co. rib bon prices will be lessened. All colors of satin, taffeta and moire ribbon H, ljand 1J4 inches wide at of a yard. Choice of IH and ft-inch widths at 10e a yard. Choice of 2H and 3-inch width, at 15e a yard Choice of Sl4, 4 and 4-inch widths at 20 f) a yard. - 12Kc Ortings Heavy firm quality heavy nap- soft and fleecy. Stripe, and checks light and dark col ors. No limit to quantity, buy all vou need. Regular 12c grades until 9 130 tomorrow night 8f). , 40c Corseta Covers 19c Covers of fine cambric muslin, trimmed with tucks, embroid ery, torchon or Valenciennes lace." "V" or square neck ; half dozen different styles. Real 40c grades.- '-.. v $1.25 Outing Gowns 88c Excellent quality outing flannel cut full to size-extra length, made with cuffs, collar and yoke trimmed with self-material and fancy. braids; pink and blue stripes, all sixes. lUUMNANTS- - One-Fourth Off Silks, woolen dress goods, do mestics, table linens all rem nants in center aisle ; these are plainly marked below price of goods in the bolt, but in addi tion 5 per cent will be deduct ed on any pieces bought this week. ' i ' AUstoTIUchaUraiiiiln Boy' School Showt $1.35 Sizes up to t 'a. Same shoe In larger size up to:5i';at $1.65. These shoes are all solid leather no "paper" coun ters or insoles. 'Made to stand school boys' hard knocks. Up pers of calf and grain leather pjump, good weight stock but soft Soles of first rate oak tanned sole leather -double-both nailed 'and sewed. 7 Orb School Shoes -r $1.68 Pretty? Yes, but the principal talking feature about - these. shoes .ui wear. They are made of specially selected don go I a, vici, box calf and Telmar kan garoo ; soft, nice stock, but leather that has service. Dou ble or single soles sewed lace uppers. 11 to 2. Regu lar $3.00 grades wherever you go. Here special at $l.o8. ; .WbleV Sl.OO Shoes : ' ?69c : Soft fine black vici kid leather soles, no heels sizes ft to 4 lace or button. . Regular.. $t grades.' 1 CbOcW.lUw Shoes" Sizes 5 to 8. '.. Regular- 1.50 grade extra fine soft vici kid rich red color (fast), foot form shape spring heel at 98. . 75c Shoes for 4?c Odd lots in children's shoes some of them running to 8's-1-black and red varied kinds,. Choice 47e - - t. Soiuet Shoes $3.00 - This shoe is not discounted but deserves a place with all "Specials," because it's Jhe equal of any $5 shoe manu factured. We are under con tract to not sell them less than $3. , Perfect fitting, hand sew ed, stylish lasts, long service. Those are the points. t , i $2.75 UdiaV Shoes at $1.98 No better wearing shoe sold In Portland. Genui ne vici kid stock soft and fine but strong and serviceable extension soles (will not "squeak") or light; thin soles. Wide foot form last or narrow toe ; Cuban, military and opera heels. Pat ent leather and kid tips. Laced. Best of linings, fitted without wrinkles; uppers stitched with silk. Shoes that are cheap at $8.75 Special at $ 1.98. OMU lies Shoes S1.39 Low or high cut soft kid, with flexible soles, broad, plain toes. and low , heels. Laced or congress--rubber in .ides. '. ;- . . .; . ';d '.. Men's Slippers $1.33 We're going to.' rhake It possible for a lot of wives to make their husband, happy. Until tomorrow night we will give choice of our men's $1.75 and $2 handsome , house slip persany size, color or styl for the low price of $1.33. TWO KILLED, TWO HURT IN WRECK ' (Jesraal Special terrtee.) ltsddlns. Cat, Oct. 14. Tb IawfnS XiumBsr sad Trading ooaiaaar'g logging trala Jumped th track aear Lsaasia last vnlng. Bvery ear weat aft, tb log rolling In all dlreortsna Jsases Wright, sonduetar, aad Mrs. CaaBSMa, wh waa riding on th trala,' war kv atanUr kills. Tw at her men were hv turd. Ths eorener and surseoos kava jroa ta to seeo of tho aoaldaaC ROCK ISLAND AGENT VISITS THIS CITY Fred W. ThotnaMB. general westers agent of th Book Island system. Is making a Brief visit Of lnsaaetlog la thl citr.- U wUl Isav tonight .for Sak rraacls, where, h aamks hla head quart era few rail read ssm aa thl tt sre batter known r aaors lar thaa Mr. Tarns. He was far a number ef rears leeated at Lea Angel, but repeatsa aflera of prametloa flnailr ladueed him ta leave tor Sag JTraoelsoet where he vaataallr assumed tb posl tloa wkleh he now hslds. In ta saaaa ttr af geaeral western agent far tha Book Islsnd, Mr. Tfcompsoa aukes rra auent visit, t all th large el tie a ths eosst and he usuallv raashsa Fsrt laaS tkrs ar tear times every rear. - (Jssrssl Special Srrie.l ' ' PhlUdelphis, Oct. 14. In tb setnft flnala 0( th woassa'g asttonal golf onamptoashlpoMrs. B. H, Sanfsrd heat Mia Pas I las Maekaa aavsa upv Sv ta go. Miss Oeorglana Blskap beat Miss sUthar la Uarlev four as, tars U go. LUMBER STEAMER 1$ : DESTROYED BY, FIRE ,1 T , Victoria, B. C, Oet tU-A has beea rsaalvod frost lrt aimpsoa giving th Infsrmatlon tbat tba soaairng ateamar Nail took Br aad waa oem pletely dee trey ed while losdlng lumber at th wharves f tba Georgetown Lum. bar oosnpsnir. ) Ths wharves and- tha lumber oa rh wharves wer also ompletely destroyed. The steamer was capabl st aarryla about toaa. .... 4