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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1904)
M THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL? PORTLAND, PRIDAlf EVENING, dCTOBER 14. 14. X'T Pf A rf O rt wwes over the greatest list R fall styles that ever was shown under one roof since the war of the rebellion 1 J 1 t t 4 2 3 That Doomed $50,000 Worth of Our New Fall Stock f Overcoats, Suits, Pants, Hats, Shoes and Furnishing Goods to be Sold ON THE BLOCK OF SACRIFICE ... . . V At dtocoont of 80c to 50c ai thi 1.00 of retail price. The targe cuh deal of the year ha. been cotiimmated. Big wthiaetore la It would not hold hof the j' TA5fJ? 51 theVanjr coat, to make room for the large.talipmertt.df Men', and Boy wearing apparel that erer croeeed e Rocky m ' t "-. rXtd id 3Sedd Ml to AtaMt every peraon in Portland knowaThe Chicago i. the largert and beat Top-to-Toe Outfitter in i thii i city ; that the .tcre h jtfat been refitted nd enlarged n4 TlzL VwnnnA - if i. .11 .j .k f h. K mmiifirn and atvla. OUR WORD IS GOOD AS GOLD. , , ' - ' ! r' DSX OUT CUUIO fW(WV iUMte m m aw w iwi w ww i - . , Fall and Winter Overcoats and Cravenettes This stock must go and go it will a-flying Such terrific price slashing as wt will do In this department is revelation in bargain giving. Tha Chicago don't do things with a faint heart The finest garments, their superiors do not exist anywhere; all new styles, everyone of them, with over 1,000 to choose from i V "v , Broken sizes, in dark Aorora or Beech Grove Meltons; cut from $8 and $9. For choice of hundreds, all -styles and col ors and . weights,-with or withbut belt back, in all lengths from ' the finger tips to the heels; medium colors; $12, $13.50 and some $15 in . . this great lot. : ' 9 PI iUi Vv or CrmvaMttMa, ft dipUy f BtriM Dd BfttMifthl fttld .fc eolrs to pUut ttn most netlMK taudndlne ttv BHrtft and batft f m 111 ana fiatf and Mm fio.a 9mm. ala CrtmiM Bimada fas world Maowtv ,-d feaad-taUoTaa pintfc r OraTotti aaS ; OMffooata. ooaalat . of oar bait U ISI.U and mm 9I otwa. Tbo atria anatartala and workmanahta aro of tao to aotoh .ardor. : Tha vartatr taoaras tha kind at a 7 Wa hava ovt toaaa. Taka your oaoioo of tha flnoat and boat CaU ol wtator Ovaraoat or Onura aotU ttt otora, ta aladlae all Crovao Braaoacaa boat H, HTM and Mt atyloa, trlav asod and tallorod St for a kins. 'Vs.- v V TVyf-a C S4-3 vOUR GOODS BEAR THE UNION HAWU lVlen & oUltS SEWING LABEL THE VERY BEST 1 For choice of a bfg k of dark and medium colored all-wool $10 Suits; lim ited Jots, -. mm ft. Take choice of hundreds of single and dou ble breasted " Suits, in all colors and ma terial; ait from $11 $13 JO and some $18. , -SM aaotow ftnlab od, an band tallor od la oao black, blw bmra " or Bobby alaida, alao aoat MfaCtoroa. woratoda, ahovlota, twnda, oto. Tbo i ebolea mt oar $11, SIS and aotao It VBltaV : ' ; " Not a auit in all our stock Is spared ; 1,000 of the best products of Crouae ft Brandagee's and S. Pnrsh, The Acorn and otner makes of fine union tailored garments, comprising single and double breasted Sacks, Chesterfields and Prince Alberts, including all the fine grades advertised by us this fall up to $30, . s m ill ad, aoloot atjrlo. aalta. TM of tbom. ooaolattne of ate la : . aad doubta- y braaatad aaeka. -', and Prlnoa AlboH. .' or ahotooat SM, ". t ttf.M and eaaaa . am r a tta :m. awio taeloator aS the atbtr aigfcat tailor aattarai ttat wo bit feota Mlttaa at ' StO aad X1M. aad m awot artoit of oat not talta, t. ctadlBC n ta anr ood-btwa sd anawt bhaefe Ttalkot anamaifetd wostodi, aoaw Mlk od-Mtla ltowa. Mot a nit la taw M ol W 800 ktt'WMM cradttt tat baat tat W la) th - load la otrla, .tMtortal aai warkaaiaakia.. Aen's Pants Thta dopartmont lrin givt aoaia ffraat bar galtaa Id fall aad hear? oratcM Panto; ovtr 1,M0 pair to enooaa at ft aartiaf of frot $1 to a a pair. . , . - ai.OO For para all wool eaaalmoro, ehorlota, twaeda and Unloa woratoda, wortb up , to Sl-09- ,. v f a.OO ror tund-taltorad, forn-flt or pas top all wool woratoda. eaaalmoroa, twaoda; alao oJara, aorejaa and Bedford eord In black, blur aad all tha lata fall atyloa. Panta that ooU ramilarlr at up to $4.M. aS.trO Cuotom flntohod In tnorchant-tallor atyloa ftra tha kind that hold tbotr ahapa and fffro ft world of wear. In all atyloa at aoatarlala and aoll tnmaJly ap to H. I, 000 Odd Vests dUld ror obote of tbo flnoat and boat odd Vaau; woratoda, oaaalmora, ohortota, ate.j odd tron anlta and worth from II. t to ItMt olaoa vp to aS. Boys' Kaee:Paatd Suits Wo ara aioarto aoll I10.009 worth of Boya Ctothlnc at Ioob than any othor otora la Port land can buy tm for at' swhoeaalo; mind what wa aay, and rotnanibar thla la a . otora of facta. J 1.15 Bvya a Bora Paiita Butt, worth ft. 1.86 ror an wool Sulta In tl dlfforont tylea and eolora, that would bo ehoap at lt.oo. $3.85 For ft ohotoo lot of pm all wool Sulta. worth 94 and M.M, all oolora la Norfolk Raafora, donMo braaatad and Coa aack itylea. - $8.55 Per M and M.M Buotar Browns tn all , eolora flna Norfolk, doubto braaatad, m twooda, ohoTaobi and woratoda; oror M atyloa to ehoooa from. 8.a5 and $5.85 For ohotoo of all opr flnoat Knaa Panta Sulta, all atyloa, worth ap to M.M. ODD KNKI PANTS. 4 Tor Me puro all wool dark eotor Pants. 3Bd For Ifte bura all wool dark color panto. 4a ror Too aura all wool dark color Panto. Shoes !r. Shoes! 'Torrine alauahtor of- sood 'Shooa. S,oM pain of tbo Tory boat and latost atyloa will bo aold at a sarins; to row of folly ona third. Bvary pair suarantood to waar aatlafaotory or a now pair fros. Thafa tba klnd of Bboaa wo orll. ' ' - . ' ; 'v - $1.85 ror all ohapaa. Moos and widths "to sanulno all loathor eotsntar and solo, kan aaroo, oalf; alaoa S to 1L Tho boat UM Bhoo on tho morkot. $8.85 kf odium and hoarr wotsHt atook; ovary pair of thorn siarantoad bluoharo and bala. 8omo of thorn Itnod; alao hlsh top; Taluoa run from to M-W; alaoa I to 1. Wa aoU ait toads of sllppora, sandals, rubbors, rnbbor boots, hlsh tops for team ators and toesars, oil at vndar-prloo durlnc thla SToai tloarlnc oala. LITTtK QBNTT AND 810 BOVSf 8HOE8 $1.85, $1.85, 1J6, $SAO ara cat from I1.M, l.0, $t.M and UM. Young Men's Overcoats nd Cravenettes tyi - Wo era tho otora for quality and atyla. but durins; this Croat etaarms; aala prloaa ara out to atslthorocna. BU la tha word; mako room for a city atook root, bought. , $6.08 For olocant stylos In nobby dark or - mwlluni ooloT;-yoo aavw.juat ona thirds for t ts tho rooTilax prioa. SOO- OmTsnatto, bait back, ordinary lonsth OYorcoata, Is a bargain that noeds llttlo talking about Wa ara Bailing ail our regular flna wlntor Coata, worth up to 91a. $19. OO For ehotco of tho flneet CraTaaatta or Orarooat. In tho dapartmant; ovor M stylos m all that's good and now, out' from l and Ilk. and oan't bo bought for that fooaoy today Is tha-woat. r . . Young Men's Suits Wo baTo drrKM tho an tiro stock Into four grand loto at prlooa that will, bring orory youth In this tows to tho Chloago. - $4.58 Buys ft ST.M all wool Suit, brokon $T.50 For ohotoo of oror M atyloa of Sulta, worth up to 411.104 light, modlum and dark eolora; -groajbargalna, $8.50 For ofagaat hand-tallorad $11 Crouaa dt Brandagoa Sulta; aiagla and doublo f braaatad atyloa. modlum or aatra haavy weight. - , $18.50 For ohotoo of tho flnoat Suit la tbo atockt tblo 'inctudos ail our flna tallor- made black ailk-mtxed and unflnlabod woratoda aad sorgo worth up to MO. Hats! Hats! Hats! Thla failtiwo bought tho' Imrgaot sad boot artoty of oorroot atykf Hats that oror was showo undar ona roof In Portland. Wo havo oold thouaands of thorn and ara going to put tha knlfo Into tbooaanob mora. 81.85 Will tabs ebolea of oil stylos of soft and stiff Bats, worth up to M-M. $1.85 Boys a Hat to bo proud of, tho vary lataat thinlap, Knox, Toumaa and Stotoon ahapaa, ta soft and stiff -hats, worth up tO M.M. ! - V -,. Av , THIS ADVERTISEMENT CONTINUED QN PAGE ELEVEN ; .1 .' ' B i i o o r iiMill" i 1 fliers i? a Jul ""BBBBaaaaaaf .ti, . . . '.-. .:';.'".';". '"..'''"''.".'.'' ' "': "': -"