The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 14, 1904, Page 15, Image 15

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warn tmmxm WW bjaav
m to asaphy rtttav that las Marti
virMtkoZ Si ath Uu of Ml Um
.maor frsrld JK?
fullowe. via:
,Kiabant boms
) ftp tba City
i l wuiua.
X L.44. TrMlos, t.Mf
a. wuuut
psaa b. bw
Mtt, ftAl.Oll bit JohB
lot A Cfcartos w. sinni
M I, I. 0. Conner,
fienMtt, pun; t
: ftol.TS; tot 4, WHi
act of toad lying WWM
bit Tweatr-aift
. feet Wast
oV.,oT mm lot a. wVt a
ofOrea? ftftl.OT; tot "X
Mi, LmUTY DuTlVi: Jt,
d srra no- a J"S-fl73
thereof ana pifW! nrv'1!
, V ABd bStWB
.street snd
a tha wt iim oi now
iHmKImI snath ol L" "A")
n tr.nuriv MS. mi. A tract
: af land lrlM Wtwm tM wss Tt of Bast
. V ftiMr-dfkft timet m
; between tM north um oi Jtt
. . a iu mt malt loiDMW
fulak Back nil. U01.M. Ft Ud
15 lriDf Mtww. tb wy.t UN mm 4T2SSf
U itrMt and 11m 100 (Mt
MT.11.1 ttlt Ud MWMBI
of Bat Darla atraat am4 JSUft
Kaat Caw MjtMt, mmVT tUt Ma. 1,
- S'
k llM
i Oldham, tr.H; tot . lftIi.,gIrB"l
Kt 4. Quatair i. LuAdftaw. Jo i
s Oiataff P. LaMraW. Ul HI VI
Bablar. tW.U
7 idn: tfc u Mil. P. aebMB, 1I-1T;
K 1
1 Buciiaa,; totJU tfcW Jl?ft'!S?"
XOOAN'f IDCino? to fast ftUBaV-BLOCK
t. all f (at lylDC amat af Um- Wp faat
taaV of 3 par.llal wltfc tba aat Una U
Baat Twtntr-alcbtfe itract, J T. Baraa,
ai.Tt. tot Jobs T. Buraa. n.avi " aa
t ' iTlnf aa it UM W M
: and MralTal wlU tM waat Urn
Tw.at7tbta atrMt, Ummacaap . CUJ.
lyliif aaat ad Tina io5 rajt waat jtt l
paraltol wlta taa wait Um C faat' Twwtr
-- Sxbth ilmt llwaii Popbm. KT.W: lot I.
' TbMH Popaaai. .: wi .."?'r
-.haam, N.T. BLOCK 1. tot Ea to WiV
V all of tot T Irlac aaat of Dm J00 tMt waat
t and Mwiurwlta tba waat, Um af Baat
- Twaau-algbtb atraat. Lodwtf ?'ilSi
all of tot 1 lyiH J
waat mt tad Mrallal wit tft waat Una a
' Baat TWair-altata atrat. Bam M- '
- dXXM: tot 10. Loa PatalM. lev-fa am i.
Una Pflnlort, lfl0. . -
ADDITION ta ftt, 0I W Pw;
. land BUX XI. aaatrrly 4
- U1.4. BLOCK 4. tot . Ttd Bllata.
M.U; tot 6. Prad M 1
Frrd Bttora, BM.00; tot a. Ptad Btltra. ;
tract af Und Irtaf Mtwaaw waat Um af
1 Baat Twaatylihta atraat and a Um 100
(aat WMt tharaot and amllil tbarawltk, and
, Wtwaa tM MTtb Um Of BalUda iwih
and a Um 1M faat aoctk tMtad an4 parallel
tbarawlth. lUtwi af Ckarltr a
Provldaae at TaaeMTW?. WaahlMtam, Md..
A tract af la ad Ilm Wtwaaw tM Mat Um
.. iiw..njiiiitk mm ana a llM
109 faat aaat taaraof and Mraltol thaMWttb,
-; and Wtwaaa tba Mrth Bat of Baat Jtart
t atraat and tM aoata UM at Bast PlM ttr-at.
W Aana Bebaaaaff. 63T M. A tract of UM Ijlna
.v. atraat and R UM WO faat BMt tWaoi and
MrtlUI tbarawlth, and batwaaa tM nortb Una
or Baas mm airM j w -
Oraaral An I art m addltrM. Am caaiaar.
. loO. Tbaataa af. AsteMa and CMflaa
, p . f aa Wtoito. tt.fB; tot
Andaraoa and CkarlM Vai
aa wi:
akla, ttl.da.
BLOCK 1 tot I, Thauu M. Aodaraon and
V.k irt.bta ailo tT; 1st a. Trmmaa
M. Aadanoa and Cbartoa Vaa Wlalito. A2T.H-.
'Gt tTTVunaa M. Aadaraoa ud Ckartoa Taa
' Wink to. Ml. 08; tot 4. TVa H. AnJ
, anna aai CkArtoa Taa Wlakia. 1.00.
BLOCK 1. tot TMtaaa BL Aadaraoa aad
aartot Taa Wtakto. 10 w; tot a, TOonwa
Aadaraoa and Cbarlaa Taa Wink la. ,:
tot a, Hwmaa H. Aaaarann and Cbarlaa Taa
irlaa Taa
Wlokto. Tot . TbMiaa H.
and Cbarlaa Taa wibkm, in.
a Baat
Portland BLOCK a,tot IK Clt atrarkaa
Baliwar conpanr, aaf.aa; i 11, mtr
Bulrarbaa JUUwap Company. BU.T; waat 1T.T
faat tot 10, atr Bubarboa BaJlwajr Ooas-
Mar, taVMt wat It B fact tot ft, Clt l
iubarbaa BaUwaj CMSMar, U-Vtl M J.
. CI tr A Bnarbaji Ballwar Coatpaaij, W T;
tot I, ntv A BaftarMn Bauwar oaaipaar.
, . WM. BLOCK 11, aoata M laat tot IS.
11. M. UrHeUaad. W.0: waat T fMt
.-. af aoata av Irat lot la. f. b. aieaaiiaaa.
.... pl.06; aU waat 1T.S faat lot 10 atrapt waat
- T faat or aoats so roar or ki iu, FTiaa
Boda, s.M; aorta B0 faat lot U. Prank
.' Koda. fir.lli waat 1A.T faat tot I. Bartha
3nm. 11.11 1 tot 1 Htta M BoM Baa-
f- rirkaoa, U4.4TI tot 1. Tba BawtMTM Batata.
: BLOCK Id, aoatfc W tot It. A. T
nnJ D. L Klrkar. laV.70: aoatta U tot 11.
A. J. kaS P. L. ttlrfcar.flT.44; aaa-H K tot
lot loT B. 0. Brooka. IU A; aortk tot
' II, BaiaM P. TuMr. tlT.41; waat BXr fWt
tot t. Clarmja V. BIbho. Ilia; tot ft. Dora
. tbr laabaUa Aria. $U.iH: tot 1, Dorotsy laa.
1 Mils Alia. .!). BIXrCK ft, Boats H tot
Is, I. irTsoratoa, ftso.oo; aoatk U tot 11,
. J. Tsonitoo. lift 0ft: itorta H tot IK AdelU
and Praok T. Smith, fcai.oa: watt B faat tot
- Adalla sad Prank T. BraKh. ftld.4; waat
J faat tot a, LoniM B. rTrtbartoa, 11.4;
' aortk U tot ft. Haarr Wtnitart, I1S.ZS; sorth
U Ml Bnrt Wlnaart. aoatb K
tot ft, Kva Cllao. aoatb u tot 1, Bra
Bllaa, so.Br. block a, aoata H tot IK
Cbarlaa N. Alwood. M Ott aoatk tot 11
Charlaa It. Alwood. tit. 00: aortk U tot 11.
tba Hawtsorna sstata, tftftM; waat M.ft
tt tot 10, Tba BawtborM atetst. 114.11;
aortk H tot II, TM HawtoorM Batata, il'.ll;
waat ma root lot a.
Taa Hawtkoraa Batata.
rtk k
lot ft, rhincaa ftfrUIUaa,
liftSft. aortk- tt
U Dunna MfUUIaa,
ft. Tba BawtborM
iftnOBi aontk H tot 9. Tba
featala til M: aoatfc U lot 1. Tha Haw.
i tborna Batata. (Sft-fM. BLOCK 1, tot 1ft. Tha
HawtaorM KaUta, fM.ftft; aoata 10ft faat waat
SOT faat tot 10, TM Hawthorns Batata,
north 'tifaW waat Bft-T faat 1st 10. Artaar
Bo-wltt. M.41,
TORK BLOCK II. lot B, Tba Bawtsaraa
RUta, $3.m-, tot 4 Blton 0. Itowltt, jflT.lp;
ft. rraaarlrt H. Klttanoor, Cfcd.Sl. BI-OCK
ft. lot A Sararitr Savlaaa A Treat Oobidb.
J4: lot ft, lobs BUIa. lift aft; tot f. Albrrt
W. railpott, foi.Mi tot a, H. U Powara.
mdTi Mt i, B. L Ptrwars. ftlft.ftft: tot ft.
h m. L. Pnwars. BT.dft. BLOCK ft, tot a,
. ftararltp aavlnfs A Troat coaipanr, ftM.0;
tot ft. Tha BawtborM Batata, flft-Of; tot T.
o. Wiavai. aat.rn: Mt a. a. I.
4. B
Bra D.
BarMS, f Ifl.Ot: tot I, A. L. rVrwara, TntBtoa. BLOfK 7. tot ft. Jastaa Lan, m.(U;
lot . am-a Lbm, lft. lft: lot WTWa H.
Hmlta, S4S M) lot II. hfartla Ban1hri,
28.071 lot 11. Otto WlfhaL Mft.fO. BLOCK
d, lot 10. SfathlM Backar, UAftfti tot 11.
Martin Bandhara. Uft.TS: tot IS. Martin
and bare. lift. 46; Jot ft. Tba BawtborM
Batata, VftB-lft; tot TV Tba HawtsorM F.aUta.
SB.04: tot 0, TM HBWtkorM Batata, ITT.Tft.
BLOCK 4. tot L Tha Bawthorna Rata t a.
llT.00; lot T, tba Bawthorna BaUta, S0 fll;
tot 47 Tba Haotbaaaa awUto, Total,
A stataaiaat a? araraaatd
antarad la taa Porhat af City Liana,
Mow ana and aarabat at tha afBoa af tha
City TrMSsrtr, In lswfal Baonay of tha Dsltad
BtBtaa and If not paid wlthla SO days from
BtBtss and If not paid wlthla SO days from
tha data af tats sot lea neb storaadlnta will
ba taftas for tba coUaetloa af tba mbm aa
Krtaad hp tka aaartoV af taw City f
TM a bar aanaiaiiBt wtn boar
10 , dan aftat on iraft pasltoatloa
Asdltar af tM atr of Pavttoas.'
.erasw, Octobar 11. IftOd.
. miMMiuT fob mpKOTaomrr op baat
Fsttoata. barahy plaaai that ts Ooaartl
at tM city at nrtHaa. twaftoa, at a start.
, 1m bald m tM th aa of Ortobor. lftM.
dlsrd fas Bsaraasiaat by srittMn Its, H.-
in, rot tM isnproaaaaant at Baat Thirtyrsarta
atraat. from tba aontb Um af Rawtboroa a ra
il aa ft tba sorth Um af M1aloa atraat, la
tM aaaanar Brorldad by ardlaasra Ba. lft. lit,
a bon aarh kL nart of tot and Boreal af Und.
, whlaft ara apatttiiy and aaaaUarlf kMaAtaa. to
w aa roiiowB. Tia:
. aofTri itrhntTiinsV-aLACK t tot 1. ft.
p. w. Taytor, fW.TBl tot ft, o, w. Taylor,
! : W a. flTw. Taytoy, tot t
a. W. Tkrlor. Blss.BT: lot a O. W. Tarioa.
ft. I O-K X tot I. O. W. Tajtof.
tot A, 0, W. lay tot, tlM.Tl tot B.
HI Mi lot
4-aft; tot i
A W 4alnr
IrTATaj'tot iiW. Taytor. 1
M.'ia art W Tarlur. Iiaft.41. BLOCK
L O. W. xayior, a.a.H:
twaaa wwt Um af Baat TMrty-soSrt atraot
Bad a Um 100 tat waat taarooi im aaranai
lag batwaaa waat Um af Baat Thirty foarth
iraat sm S im uv nn waa uaraoi ana
rrWl BaaawttB asa Batwaaa two usaa
Ttlr-ty v w faat SM as. ST faat aoata
v SM aoata una ax
aww, aia.u.
IbaW mi ftwaJtol
.fw. UmJ roast (J -My
aaata iu satanai
oar pa
J. ba-
west UM Sf at TMrr:iatu atraat
and s ItM 100 foot trwt fbrraaf sad ftarallal
tbarawltb sad aWwaes toi Hadi iaattrtif
acgT faat and 404.97 tfrt SMta Sad M r ( 1
W tk tba aoatb Una aft Bt a bra atraat. Moa
W. Hawaii, ftlll Id, rrt of toad lylaa
batwaaa wast 11m of list Thirty foartS
Straat and a Una 10ft Isat wast tharaaf and
para 11a I tbarawltb and Bffwpas two Unol
awaaactlvaly, aftft ftT faat ae3 WO.lT faat So-Tin
and parallat with taa aoatb Urs sf. aHsff??
atrsatTDantol W. Baynolaft. Mfl tT. fTiM
Sf Und lytsf batwaaa arast flaa .af Baat
Tklrty tsnrtk atraat aod a Una 100 Baat wast
tfcoraof and parallel tbarawltb sad hatwa
two 11 naa yaasatftlraly S0.sT faat and 703.
faat South na paraltol with tba aoatb Una
Itapbsos srwlTJ. T. BodwaU. SUl.fl
Trartatf kod MoaT batwaaa wast Um
thoraol im parallel tsatawiu SM paiwran
BM T 0i(, ST
Trirt of laod lytas; batwaaa wast Um of
m( nfr7wt'trMt sad a Um 100
faat 4t at taaraof aod Mraltol tbarawltb
Bod batwSM rwp Unas raapoctltaly TS3.8T
feat S&4 1.0M.BT fMt Soots SM sarallal
wlta tba ftbetA n af ataphaM atraat, J.
Traot si und lytaa
sf Bast nirtr-foarth
00 fast waat taaraof aod
d Batwaaa Ubp 1.090.M7
aaraltol with tha aoatb
afaa atrMt and batwaaa tba north
T. aA atfmt Patar Taa BooasiM-
a dm lap nac tost uaraw im MrsiiM
tMrawltfe Sd hftwPai tM Boots. Um of
BawtborM Tsanta aaaTft Has IftB faat asatb
Boat Km oT Baaf Tbtrtr-toarta Aroat aad
A UM ISO faat asst tharaot ass aaraiial
rharrwttk sad bavrft two lists raaooctlTalr
faat and l.ftTft ftft bat aoath of Ul
ItoL with tha aoatb Tot a Hawthorn
stanM. Jobs Bohsoa. ftft. ni. as. a traat of
toad lrlna Mtwaan Mai Hm of Bast TblrtT
. fourth atraat ud S laf 1T fsst aaat tbaraafi
!nd parallol tttraarta IM aatwoM a bm
.1TS.M taa aoatb of toTaaratlal wlta tba
sooth UN or auwiMrM arroM sua im
rM srroM si
Berth Um af Mack L Pat TtoW as
aabnown owaar. ftT.aa.
Wast, ftlftft fts. BLOCK laTj tot IS. Carrto
If. Waat, aol.dS: tot ItTNrtto hf. Waat.
laf.sft:lst 11 Carrto M. Waat. ftlU.Mi tot
10. Carrto af. Was.MB.B. BLOCK 11.
tot IK carrto If Vaa t, Iftlt.Oft: tot li
Carrto Waat Uftl ao; tot 11, barrto M.
Waat. iiaa.aft: lot lft. Carrto M. Wast,
ftlM 6ft.
La i w a.a im n , la w J
lisilfti: wast ft last
aw. ftd.ftO: waat ft
t af tot 14, at 1, Cowlla.
faat af tot T. t. Laftat ,
r. Haft 11; tot 1. Laftrts
tot 1. B. I. CowUsbBW,
0; tot I. I. Laflar,
taa ott W t 1 Laflar I140.H: waat ft fast
of tot 14. B. I. Oowltabaw. ftft. SB; vast ft
af lot ft, T. J. Arraetroag, ST-caz 1st s.
ArnMtroM, sias aai: lot a, x. a. Araa-
StroeaT. lloS.Sfl. BLOCK ft. tot 1. T. .
Armalraaf. tlTt.BVt tot ft, T. 1. Juwttwaf.
imftirwast ft fast aflat Is, t7?T irsj
strotif, tr.10: waat d fat af 1st t. TT I.
tCitat ftiaraatA 1
A statauant of aforosald MMsaaaast Baa aaa
itsrad la tha Doekrt af atr Urns, saw Is
now Jm and aayabto at tba offtea af taa
City Trraaarar, Ta towfal bwmp af tba Usttad
Btatos aad If aat paid wlthla BO days front
tM OStS Sf IBM j
petit such awoaaodl
ngs will
ba takea far tha
aaifcartioa ai ni
ara protidsd bp asa
aAsrtoff Sf tM, Uty
Tha aswti
It) data aftas tM
Brat psbltes
af this
oa1lir r tha City f PortlsA,
Ptwtlasd. Oracon. ftotobar 11. 104.
BotSBS to havawy that st tha mm
af thsOoaaeU af ta City of Part land. On
bald am tha Mb day of Ottobar, 104. taa
kMrlur wrmm ,iUl
Boboitm. TMt tM uoaacii at tM vtyr a
PortUad, Oraajoa, Sottas it Mpadtont asa pra-
maaa to tsiprota BorMiae atraat rrosj to aan
Im sf Pront atraat to tM aaat Um Of Third
attaot by stadlsp tba atraat to tha prosat ras
trada, taklaa ap, radraaatna; sad Nlaylna tha
Moaaaar mw stoM hloeha. an to M bsj a
Mtonata BaoaalatlnB ala lnrfaaa la tblahoaas: h
m tM eM ralbi sow aa tM atraat as
City A atobarsaa Railway Oat pa nr 'a rlsht
way sad tba Porttosd Kaltway Ooaapanr'a
it af way, with rooad rails sot toss tbao
rlsht af way, with aroorad rails sot toss than
a vaa laatiaa ta Aaoth and ha m1u tba rlabta
of way wit. stoM ktoeka sat m aU lacaaa af
aaai i ala
BaJft latpraTaaMBt to M stM aaMaotoBta
ta im caartar sm itumw or in vr
sf PortUad and tha plasa. apaHftesttoM aad
aatlavataa of tha City Bnftnsar ft lad la, tha of-
ara or tM AMitar or a niy et rwrnana
tha lith day af Baataaihat. 104. Isdonad:
'City Bsslaaar-s plana aad spaclaealtoM far
thai IMoraaaaiant of Boraildo atraat froas tha
aaat Um af Proat atraat to tha aaat Um of
Ttilral atraat and tha aat I ma taa af tha work
t bo doas and tba prnhahla total tost tharaof,'"
Tba aoat sf said lBprotaaMBt to bs sansasi
M Btoaldad by tba city ebart-t apoa ass pr
art anul.1l WaaStaal ttiaaalir aaai arhtah
Laraby da-Urtd to as aU tM tots. BfS) ai to
and parrals of land I Tins bstwsaa B U
foot sorth of sad parallel With tha
11m sf BurMld Itraet and a OSS 14
I UM 1
tha aor
19 ft
aontb af and paraltol with taa aoata 1 IM
Baiwlds Btrstt and batwaaa a Um st l
aaa at lint Mrallal artth tM Mat MN
tpnat alp aaai tha aaat UM of Third aUraft.
TM Knainaar'S aatlaiBta sf tM sroMhto
total mat for tM UBianiMt at said Bamlsa
Strrat Is ftT.ftM.00.
TM sbors ImproTa taa at is. as m Sassssa m
a atom stock Uaststaasaat aad shall ha BMla-
trlaad K tha ltv far a narleat of SB fatrl.
nf Tioaa tMt fm aw aar a or a ssarfltity m im
prnpartp boMfltsd br astd lapwrraatant. Or asp
portion tharaof, shall sot prtlttoa far a aaw
or aUffarant loapraraasaal aafors tW ssptrattoa
af sseh prrkd. M
tm jtiana. apiiratsnaaa mi rTT-oaioa aa wa
City Rntinaor for tba InaprovaBaat Sf Said
BotMtda atraat ara barony adopt ad.
Raaolrad, That tM AO (Tit or of taa viiy wi
Pt.rtUad M sad M IB aaraby dlraetad to flaa
sntlra af tha propoaad ImDrorrtaaat af SSMl
atraat aa prorldrd by tM aJtv easrter. .
PsaonatrascM ayainat tM aooaa 'fmmw
wM auy ba ft tod la writtnc wlta. JM aaat
lanad within to days from tM At to H fAf
flrat asbUcarton sf ibis astlaa, ,
ap sraar at tM vewsrii, . . ... ,
Asdltor of tha dtp of Fotttoad.
Portland. Oracoa. Oetabat a, IftOs.
ftrftPffsTtT POB TJfPBO T BM P. BT 0t liM
Waatiw at harabt rim that tha ftoaaetl af
tha City af PortUad, Oragna. at ft tin
k.1 aa tha ftth dav of Octobar. lftOd. daclarri
tba ssaraasiaat by ordlMnca No. 14.ft4B, tor tha
tatproTaswnt of BMt ftaTaataaath BUaat, froai
tha aoatb Um of Balvaont straat to im sarin
Una of Baat Taytor straat. In taa Bjassar pra
rldad st ordlsaacs rfo. ll.TOd, BOOB aarh tot.
part of lot and sarcal of Und, which an
paHaUy sad paw liar ly ftsMfttod. ta ftft
fnllowa, tls: j
Ul.' lHia HOW a. anoai irvimrm, ,''
tot t. Jobs TUtbla. ftft TA A trac
sf Und lylnc hatwaan tha Mat 1M af Baat
Batwntaaath Straat od a Um H faat issst
tharaof aad paraltol tbarawlth aad batwaaa.
two Unas raopaottTtly- BOA fast and 100
fast sooth af and aaraltol with saath Uoa
Of Balsaost atraat. anknowa owa, lift.!.
Tract of land lylap batwaaa taa raetjlne of
Baat aaaatitasath straat and s Hm id fsat
Mat tharaof and aaraltol thtrawltb aod ba.
twaaa two
Unas raspacUraly 100 faat and
IM faat
aoatb af aad nan 111 With aaath
Sf Ba Unont straat, uracts m. laaaoTi,
flit. lft.
A tract af toad lyloa batwaaa tha
Mat niMj sf East awtantaanta atraat aao a hm
IM at aaat Mtaraaf aad Mraltol tbtfrSWltb
and Mtwaaa a Una 160 ftt aontk of and
BiraUrl with si
is sorth Km
bmU Una of Belmont atraat and
m af Stoot . Oaaafta. aad IM
tatly Is Its praaast coarao.
asranaioa aaatarl
Kanry I. Balto. till 01. Tract of toad lying
aatwaaa two Ussa mpartJTty aft ftft faat and
loft fast Mat at and parollal with tba Mat
Una of Baat Botastaantb straat and hatwaas
a bm lftft.ft fast south af sad aarsltol.wlth
rKa aaath Ua. a Ralaaaatt Btraot a Of tM
.aorta jjns af atoat tsytoft straat. Mary Pal-
DAnV'k "-BLOCK K tot t. B. T. JSrasB.
ill St; tot ft. 0, prttTSSw, ftftO.ftftl tot
l. t. P. Daaafta. t19 ; tot 4. I. p. basafta.
Iol.40t tot I, 1. P. DtMks. ftft.ftft. Tract of
-Und lying torwoM aaat tlM Bast BatMtaaath
Straat and Um ftft.ftft faat aaat thereof and
parallel tsar with and batwaaa tha sorth Um
sf Bast Taytor straat sad a Um ftft.ft lat
sorth tharaof aad parallel (herewith, J. Rob
ortsoa. ftft sa. tract of land lylnc satwaaa
tM wast Hm Sf Bast BetenWsntB straat,
11m BO feat want tharaof and ssratlol tba
with aad Mtweaa IM aoatb Um sf etolssrat
street and a Una 100 fret sastb thereof and
parallel tMtawlth. aUwihsnw Batata. 44.aft.
Treat of land lrlna Mtweaa twa lines ra
. apertltely RO faat and ioo feat wast ai sad
Crallal with tha waat llM at Baat aWrra
istt atraat sad soplh Una af Balssast atraat
and a Hm 100 faat aaoth tharaof aad Mralle
pierewfth. Asms) 1. Kins. ftlAft
Tnat at laad hrtoar saiaaaa im
W. Tar
ft- a aan
ft 7
BM KJft Faat V
tbarawltb sail apt
tU.ST fcTt aod f
Kith tha anntfc UM
wan, ftfcia iC
una at
Wast Um sf Baat fcrajlHatt
a Bm IM tsat west .,h"TL rlai?Ww
tharowtth sad setwres two Ums rMBaTrly
100 fMt and lf.-suraa
parsUal wltkTaa aoaik Hm af Mtstoat street.
ET HoVtori lftl,fta. Trart of Issf lylM
atoat Berentsaoth
want UN
pob ntTBOTBsnarr 9r
ta ta hawatIT rttwa that tM OSSBCU
f tba City of Port land. Oram, at a sarat
lna bald oa thaYoth day afobat, UM.
daciared tM saaoaaatrnc or .
BftiTfor tM UiprovamaBt of Sprlof atraat. froai
tba vast TtnT Si LoWMOsto atrail to tbs waat
Um of Twenty-ftrat strMt, W to snow
apacUUy aad MtaUsrly baMatoC, as m m na-
Iowb, li : . .- .
OAOVER I A POm ft ps city at ranoa.
BLOCK ST lot l. aranaiiQ t.
lftOMi tot k. Praaklla L Puller. (lOft lS;
tot S. PrankllB I .rullar. ftin.iai tot a.
riOB to tM rary St irwM
P, B. htoca,Saw.oii
i Saatorls frt
lr iroaa aaatbweat aat oar
0 ; tMnaa aastatty
aortk Una sf
as esraat fto rest u
BMtheaat oars
wr ar
IT tkenes nortbrrly
to aonsaaai
tot' B. thanes aoattwratrrly U traltht Uae
tl... SrMM. fB0.4B: baxln-
kaurlaalna Mar ' RrldarM. 190.48;
eat Bouthweat aoroar sf tot ft. thanes
t Um
Sftatsrly ftO faat. UMct as s arraia
Is sorfaawst sornsr of tot X ttaaes wastarlf
to aertfawost ooroar of tot ft, tfcnoa at-y
to bog
nOX ftft tha City af PortUad
SftT ftS; to
'SmtM TTUsiW lfi
Borlh roaTloft TtiToT I, Uars
lot ft, Laara ftL
B. Borthrap. Bt-OCK ftft, to a,
haaMna raaar KatatO. MlrS Of. S414 TSl
i.V a . r. u.. a.... k.ln BAA IB
BLOCK ftft. aontb H btock ftft. School Djatrlct
Ka. 1, prSft.40. BLOCK ftl. tot 4, LorlBg
K, AdaJaa, ftftT.lfti tot SLorlac B. Adasaa,
afeoVKR-a ADOTTIOir ftt the Csty sf Port
nryvTr av im a PartuM ntii vom
Mnr of Oraaoa. U1A11; tot T. rwnaaa
truat OoBJpasy sf Oraana, 1110 ftftt tot ft.
PortUaat TrMftCaaapaay
bt s, 1. a.
101, lot ,
Jacob PWarha
w arrta, hrnat
piatarhasr, XB IT; tot J.
llM.aS; let S. TBOBIBB
tr oat aa. 1140 44 1 tot ft, Tboaaaa
lux. lot ft.
A. I PLacmlaar. ftlSa
tot T. B. D. rtoaal&f.
IJSAsft; lot ft, B
ISXaS: lot ft. R. n. RiroiL amoi; m a
lot a.
E. B. Ntoon. lftA.fta. BLOCK 10ft, tot ft,
Balroar-Outbrto iDrrotaaaot Compaay. ftlBO.Tft;
tot T. Ralrvor-Oathrla IntMtment Ootnpany.
aiiaAa. ki a a a at Uare Nlchoto.
Tt : tot ft. A. .A aad Mary KieMla, ftftft-TIi
aaat aO faat sf KlMtaoaU atraat waat sf sad
adjoining tot ft, Psctae MntMl urs isw
Bscs Cosapav f California, Pl-4ft; sooth
ft faat pfNlnotaanth straat aaat of and sd
lalftlu Lv a Clt of Portland. S0.T7: MBt
ft faat of aortk TO feet of NlMtoentk Btraot
aaat of snd adMnlaft tot , City of PartUaO,
mm. an- a tT, irf arth TA Hmt af Nloa
teanth .atraat Mat af snd aeltotateatlst ftH
Klla LL Woodward. 56 M. BU1CK 104.
tot K BUS TL Woodward. ftllft.Saj tot ft.
Oaorrs C Plandera. 114.TS; 1st 4, Oaarga 0.
PORTI.AMb hKIOHTft Lot 1, PortUnd Bfllway
P. Bwlna.
:ns. BBB.Ti; Mt S,
laaua a. SMrtaar. ftltJ.M: Lmt ft. la
tot ft. Jaateee P
Bwlii. flaBU; PortUad BaJlwar OommmMg
right of way. ftST . Tetal. tlJOS.10,
A atatMMot air KoreMl saMMBtant Ms baas
entered la tbs Docket of City Lima, spa ja
now 4m snd say ah la at tha efflce of the
dtp Treasnrer. Si towfal nanney of tha Oaltad
tataa and If Mt paid wlthla days froa;
tM data af tfcla Mt1c sack prooadlngs will
M takea far taa ooUacttoa af. the bsbm as
ara prottasd) by tha shorter af taa City af
Tto ibwt BaMsssssat wtll hear Intoroat
W days aftof ftha arat aabUesUoa af thai
TrTOB. 0. TrKTLfTf.
Asdltar at tM City af Portlaad.
Orojroa. October 11, 1S04.
pob rnnoTaOiaWT
Kotteft lft hareey glras that taa Ctoaarfl
af tha Olty af PortUnd. Oragoa. at a sneat-
lac held aa tM 6th day or orMr. iswa,
aVeUrad fas asa aim eat by ardlnanra wo. 14,
S4d. far taa 1mproaaieat of Bhavat straat,
froai tha toatar Una of CoBtoaerrUl atraat to
tba asst Um Of Mteateelppl areoue, U tba
ajannor ptorldad hy ordlnanca Mo. It TIT. apoa
each lot. part of tot and parcel of Und, which
ara spadslly snd peculiarly aswsewe, as m
liillows. ttt: .
BAL A LB I N A BLOCK IB, tot ft. If. Bnl
Uwaao. ftflS-ld: tot T, H, and M. Lawaon.
jo, EuyrM j. rarraii. b-d.oo;
eeam J. Farralt. - BBBwla.
Aoai Die tract No. 1, S6.e3;
tot T,
No. 1. Wftllj lot IB, Bcbool
aft. IB; tot ft, School District
a tf r ftyar ta im B
iLU Tftl jtl tat t John P. Watob. SB4
Tk Merlon i. TaompaM, UA,lf toft A
rrAlPaiTof llJ'M I. .Carrto. K.
BWT aft tot la, tjsma a. unnow
toi"i iBmea B. Atooaay, ft.f ;
uVlfaa, ftoT.-B. .
IMA BLOCK tl. tot L I. 0.
i tot B. d. c. oora. is.a. i,
lUratWf, (SO M; tot IS. ? aoephfna
1 an. BLOCK aW, 1st 1. . W.
rs r SJrsnt
WTAft: tot
i. B. BcotL fM., MXtCK lft. tot 1. V S.
Monen. ftMftJ: lot K Hrrnjaa Oalaoar. 1 SV i
1st lft. Aatbtwaa B. Oontanbaln. 122. ftft; tot 14V
Ambmee R. OantanbalB, ftM.41.
Karr. f 7: tot ft. Cbrtotlna Katr. M M;
tot I Altos Msry olden. SAM; lot 1 M. B.
fnoaWa, 'W1.B4. BUht sfwty JortUnd
BaTlwap Coaspany. ftMlll. Total, ft.lS6.lA
I ItataWaMi of BfnraMld sasBMstaat Ma bseti
antarad la taa
Dorkrt of City
Urns, and to
aftVo af tM
au uJ n
treble at tM
?lty frrt oarer, fe Uwfal awnay of tba Usltad
ftt a tat tn4 If. ant paid
within ftO data froai
Ka data af thU Mt OB
Men ataeaodlngs will
M token toy Am rollertloa af
tse ssiM sa
ar arorUed by
taartat sf Shs aty af
PortUnd aeMiai,i, wtn boar fatsst
10 dapft ftftoy Bm frat pabtttnUom af this
-ntOB. fl BBTMTf.
VaPftBoat Ortnnsr01 IftOA'"'
tA i inila-Bii with s raaohitlea adovtad
at tba raarnlay SJactlaff af tba Conacll, bald
Oetobar IT 10O4, aVrUrlnt tbs dtotrlct boMftted
h tha latBroretsent sf Mala atraat froai tM
Haa nf ITatnoiao atraat to tM Waat L
af Ulna atrMt. and directing tbs Aadltar of
tba rtt af PortUnd to arena re a arellmtnary
aeeaeaojMt apaa tba tots, blocks aad portals
of tonal trlthln aald dtotrlct.
Nsw. tberefors, SotW to hetwbf Btm that
anch sstiaainant Is now aa flto la the offtro
af tM Aa41 tar or tna tiu or roriiBna
aad that anr eb lor t tons to mcb Base
vent aitsat aa Itod ta wrltlsp with tbs Aadltar
Jrlthla 10 days from the giat aay ot uctnnes.
ana. tM tost dar eatwabllcattoa of tbto notice.
and Botlaa to fartbar gtran that said obtocttoM
will ba board by tba Council at s astatine to
bs bald an tM m any af nmmBar. isna, ana
alt paraoM agtrtorad ttaraby at Istaraatad
therein ntoat bs praaast at said Breotlnf. and
ara warned not to depart tberafiaaj aatQ saoh
rsasMsaatoat haft baas nntouf
Aadltar af tha Clt af totlaaat,
PertUsd. Oragoa. October if. 104.
t aftOBJLXft
Mottoa ftj batwbp sitM that at tha aittog;
sf tba Ooswell of tbs tlty of Port Una. Ore
goa, held oa tbs btb day Of OctoMr, IftOft,
the fMUrwlng reanfsHoa was hawptad:
Basoired, That tM Ctoaaett of tbs City
af Portland, Orrgoa, dooms It anodleat and
pfoppaea to ttn prove Mnrrls straat froai tha
eaat Una of WlUlaaw artnoe to Um wiat Um
of tsloa atoasM to, tba toUawhng shasasr, ts-
llrst Bp ftradlap tba street fall wtdtb with
fall latrreartoaa U tba grade aa ftta ftp tbs
City Engineer,
fttoeeivf-Ry aatnglna ftha swrfsfs sf tha straat
full width with fan tatotsMttoaa to propor
grada with graral.
ThirdBy ra-Uylnf maawiTkn.
Poor th By aeMtmettng atoM ftwttarft.
Bald iBiproaesiant to ba naida to aciordaawa
with tha eharter and oral no r rea af tha City of
PortUad tad tbs pUna. tpriftctttona and eatl
matea af tM Ctty BWstnaar tied Is tM of.
Bra of tba Andltar nf the City of Portland
an tha fist day af ftptoaMt. U
Cam aBuiaaaat ft aAsaa and
Straat and a Una 1W faai wae ir '"J
aaraltol tkatawlth and sat wjSps S Um MM
faat aoafh of aad Ban ' with tM Sosth
Sm of btork 1, DsMka, A. 0. Xrr. IfO -
DA NEK B BLOCK 1. ia. E.. i'
121 T7i tot t Dsnake. ftlSAlll tot ft.
J! P Danako, liftft.-: tot 'u'-ly"i
ftH.Oft; tot ft J. DaaaAa, ftoftJIl. Tract of
& iptoB Vwaaa UM. waat Mm of Baat
Mrantoaarh Straat Snd " " J!?
PrankUa I. Pu
r-tlte P4 tot 4.
af Marvla earaat fto at TM
aaat Um af wnttoaw ursM to. tM wast Um
of vatoa atsoaa, and tM mtibums oi taa
wtrhto aa sW and tasx atwhaelt, total aaat
Tonst of aaJd ai.nroaew.aat to a asasssod
aa araila k Mu alt .hula Moon tM WO
rtf aapedally Maeftfad thereby sad which
ta karaby daclorad tu ba all the lots, parts..of
snd parrato of land
Mtweaa a Use
loo faat north of aad pataUel with the asrth
Una of atorrla atraat aaSa Um 10 ssat aaath
of snd oarillal with tM aoatb
UM at aer
Hna of Wll.
rls atraat. and batwaaa tba asst
llama ataaaa aaT tha wast
Baa sf Uatoa
steoM. . . . .
Tha Bnalasar'a aatl stats of tM proMSis sstsi
asst for the UapfwraaaaM at to aft Morrts Straat
IB SS.4BB.00,
Tha a. bo re hnnrnnatiat Is fts aa saa-sod as a
rfttal Ijnaro-aatent and aba II ba MlaUiaed
r rat suffer a period of foar yeara, proldad
aydnaajworeBMal ar sop porttoa
utittAa tr a aaw or oat
ftrrat laiMsftjiaf awtse the asplrattoa af
slama ttraot ara Mriby SMptaa.
direr at raw,
an to
aBtoaatrtncM Mslspt taa
aaavft Mssrora.
tont auy M Jltod In wrltlag with UM SJider
rlfaad trlthla fto days fmaTftaft taftft m C
rat paimosrtaa af tils Sottoa,
t aTdat aTtkft 0parii '
. THUS, V. VrnTum.
Kottos to harohr alran
that aft. tM .fsftHftt
St tM ODQBCll' or us ci
City at Portia on, oragoa.
Laid oa the 9th day of October, U04 taa ol-
lulni Huhllia an aMnntailr
Haoorrad, That tba Ooaau ar tm vhj
PtHttoad. 6roa, Ate ana it expedient and pre-
nr-.-i T aVut- a aaarao la Kaat Twelfth
tin at froth ftft fast swath sf tM anata Hm of
Thorn peon Btrast to r oonnatttoa with tM ar
la ftjlamaah atraat. Bald newer to M Sf Tltrl
pad sawar pips of sight lacBee smm imim
dlansttor with aU aeaaeaary calfh-hailM, aaa
holes, MOJO-so Ma and srancaaa.
Halo aawa is a anaiiranaa n
with tM charter od ordlnanoaa af tha Olty nt
PtrtUad and tM puna. opeclaeatlQM IN tan
mtaa af tha City engineer ftlad tba of-
of tha ASSlrar of tba City at wrutai
on fa
rtk straat frees an ssat
psrrala sf avi
asrth af nd
llM 100 fMt
Tlllaawai at
sm atraat a
and MraUal
atraat Md ft
a BnaaMsi
with tha
sots on
Sawar are hereby adoptad. . .
Basortad. That tba Andttot af tW 3ttp af
PortUnd M and ha Is hereby dlraetad. to ait
notice of tha proposed eoMtrnrttoa af Mid sawar
M provided by taa etty charter.
RrTMnatranraa gat net tha sbors sawar BMt
be tied to writing with tba ajBSerntgncd within
SO dars
taa data sf lbs faat aabUsattoa
Of UlS BOtli
af taa fBsctiT ' ' '
Aadltar sf tM city sf ISstUaaV
Putlisft. Orrgon. OataMr A 1S04. . .
Rtotlas fts
af taa rton
hereby gltm that at ftha aMatlng
CbncU of the City of patuand.
m hall aa tha ftth da af
1WM tAa
hllnaHna- ratal a Ho WBS adooted:
B-aoiTBdl That tba ftoaacU of tba Cttp af
PortUad, Orrgoa, daesss It expedient and prs
pnaes to Improve Ankeay afreet froai tbs west
ItM af Baaenth atraat te the aaat Um af Paak
atraat la tbs foltowlaa Btanner. te-wlt:
Pint By fTadlna taa atraat to tba Brwsss
Mlt-grada foil width with fnU tetarasctloM, M
abowa by tba stakes rat ay tM cite Enginror.
Aeoad--By cone trotting atoBB fttoSS
third By laying tils
roartBr-Bf OMSttMrtagJ .wtlftaMl
Plftb Ity brinaing fas aarfaaa af tin atraat
frll wlltb wUb full tatasMCtlaaa ta Bands with
Utalltblc Mamaat.
Said larprorewant to M toada la stwarAaaM
nttli tha charter snd ordinances of tba City of
rortland and tbs pi
uin of tM dtp ;
IHcatloM sad eatl-
laaat Bled In tba offtea
of tba Aadllof of r
ity af Parttoad aa tha
4th dar af OtteAvf,
inaavecaji - ciiy btb-
alr.aar'4 nlaaO ana
aatloM Jat tba
atraat. gnd the MtlBMtes . af fM mru Ba
rast, snd the MtlaMtes, Sf fM
M arotided ftp th etty .sbtrtsf apoa
lalV and aatwHsrlyBMl
arty apocisiry ana aerwiianr rwatuii
and which i
tog! Booth
Cttv sf Po
asd tfcs asrth to
Port la do.
Tbs BinilMars arrltosto at tha frtftnahto fatal
eoetfor thelywiBaiiat af laid Anhesy
Tha abora' iwprorcaaaat to to hs raftssaa as s
MtoHtbla MenvMt sad. shall ba SMlaUlned
by tM etty far a tow stgat years.
Ided that the
sf a
ity of tan
protwrty batfltod by aald tstptwremeet or gay
porttoa thereof BMU ant petition ror s new ar
dirferant ImproraaMM to (era -the saverhtloa af
aurb panoo.
.aaaake aXantaA
4 to:
ft impraraattnt sf said
attf th art of.
thd 4baa Ifttorsaa
arent asar ba fjad
tHlnf with fhs fedar-
wlthla Bu Atrt from tha aala 4 taa
bet MMleattna at
af this
mm sap wor-i.
A Wrr'Lfif,
d. OreaTon.
of the dtp af Pastlaaat.
PaOPOftXB llfJrTTJrXMT ft aUsrff TAhV
Kottos Is boewhy ftftwa that
of tM Oonnctl ac tM
rvatactl af tM CJtT of PwUa
af PortUnd. Ora-
bald ta tbs ftth ftsy sf Octaeor, IBM, tha
1 lowing teaehrttoa was satoptsd:
ReeolTed. That the Oawartl of tba City
ftnaa Am l ma It exnedtont and 1
poeM to I at pro re Bast Tamblll e treat rrosi
fbVaat Mot af j!?t l
the weat Una sf BMt Thirty -Af lb Btraot la ftas
following nuanst, , to
Pltit Br Hsiaf
shown by thft ttab-7
id SB
ka ta
if eoMtrnMtos waxHtea atdswal
rdasra with tba Cltp Bjiaeaf'f ptoaa,
lira Mont god eailaVttra.
id fenrstemaat ta t BtooW Bj sstwrdanea
tM cbirtev sad frdhHaaaft sf the City
am Partiand aad th i Stone, irx dftcstmaft
rati ate tee of tbs a"sar Brad jBtbo
offtea of taa Anflter of tM tSP-rtl.nd
aaj tha lftth day af ftefrfambar. Iftoi, todstned :
Tlty Bngtneer1 pUsa aa snarl AratloM for
tbs laiprorenieat al anist Tsaahltl street from
tM Met line of l atl frt h aria Ptrsst to
the west Um af Baat Thwfy-dflh straat and
tba wtlmatM af tM work tote SWM and
tM arobabU total fMt tharaaf.
TKa aaat af
nsB to ba M-
aaanad aa Srorldod bp tM elty Shirter apon
the property apaclslly MMfltad thereby and
.naharatTUrwd to M all the lota.
nirir if tots and smih af Und trig bet wean
a Um 100 feet aortk of and parallel with tba
north BM of BMt Tsashlli a treat aad a Um
inn Baat snath of aad Mraltot with tM Math
Um of Bast Tnaihlll street sad between Us
aaat Um sf Beat Tblrtrfonrth etreet aad tha
wit Una af Cast Thlriy Mth sweat-
Tba BrMTlnaer'a satlnuita af tha ftraftMbto
rial coat for tha. Ijasrotwassad Sf aald B
ramblll atraat Is STTn.00.
TM paaaa. spaVlAMttoaa aaw aatttostoft af
tba City Engineer for tha Improrement sf
aald -Baat Yam Mil etreet ara hereby aeViatod.
RannivoA. That tba Aadltar of tM (atr af
PortUad as aad bs to hereby dlraetad to siva
aotlca of tba priaml laaprsvatsMt af inid
Btreat M atwaMad by tM dty thartar.
RaoMtnarrancea aaslnat tha ahova I
aaant aaav M ftlad In writ I oar with the nndrr-
algnad wlthla So days frota tha da si of tha arat
puillcst1na sf thU antlea.
By stdar af tha Ossaril. .
Aadttor of tM aty sf PertUnd.
PtaUsel. Oregon. Oetebtt A lftOa.
Maatos to bsrsh si taa that ftt fhs
Sf tbs Coanct! sf fhs Cttp Of PortUnd, Ura-
htld oa tM bib My ar vrtoMt, . isva,
Inwlna raaatattoa waa ados tad:
tad. That the Con aril af tM City
I.Trragon, daaato it sipadtost and I
ta enaatroet a aawer
Mwer ta Bandy raaA
Kaat Twenty-ftrat Straat, Bast lrrlng Strrat,
Bast TWMtr-aaeond atraat nd Oragoa Btreat,
rrooj tbs toUvaacttoa of Oraaaa Btraot and
Ma Bit Mad (o tM aawer ta bat TwenrJeth
atrrat at Baadr road. Bald aawer to ba of
airriaed sewer oi aa ertffT-all noroaaary rat eh
ha laa. aMn-Mlaa. Usto botoa sad Wanrwaa, asd
ti. ha of tha following dlBienotoM: Of 10 Inehea
clear toalds dlaaaet-t froai tfto latasaaeitoa
of Oregnn straat tma nanay roaa u a paw
In Oregon) atraat at Bart Twenty el tth Street;
rheneo of 11 tnrhra tlear Inalda dlanietee front
m tying Miwasa a i
WslW.. Berts
ran tad IM MB mai
Um ioft faat sst af as
la Oragoa atyaaa at bms tvnm
ftp A gOtat Bft OtSAtaB sWaaft at
. :.'.-..
TWMty-roajeth straat; taosca af Id (sebaft ctoar
Inalda 41a sa tar trosi s point la Oragoa straat
St Baat Twaaty -fourth Btraot to s Mi at U
Oragaat atraat at Kaat Twenty Mcaad atraat 1
tbanra af lft lachaa clear ImIos ai a mater frosj
a point la Bast Twenty ascowd Street st Ore-
Bna. atraat ta a Hint la Vaat Twantr BBBBod
i treat at Bast Irving atraat; theacs of lft
Ii c-bea clear Utalda dleaeter froas S point la
a ota txuf rroni s potoi im
1 Bast TWMAyaosnd atraat
ring straat at Boat Twaatr-
af 10 Inches tlear laalds
Aaat IrrlM straat
to a Ml at la Boot
arat atraat: thorn
dltaaatr froaa a oolot to Raaf TwNtr-ftrtt
aUtet at Bast lrrlng atraat to s pot at la Baat
Twentr-Arat straat at Baat, aileaa street!
thence of tt Inches tlasr Inolds dlaawtor to a
conaetttoa with tM mwss la Bandy toad at
Bast Twentieth atraat.
Bald aewar to ba soMtrsttod SB S oat da not
with tM charter snd ordlnuees sf tba City
at PortUad and tba plant. iperfftrattoM snd
eatlmatea of the City Engineer Bled W the
offtoa af tha Auditor sf tM Uty st PortUnd
on the lftth day of Br planner, IS04, Udoraed:
tlty BnginorPs plans bimI apelB-atloM for s
srwar la Bandy road. Bast Twantj.Srrt street.
Baat Irving atrMt, East Twrntr-aacons airaat
able total east
aald aawat to
k to nisi traili t far the Mfftlll
aad daaeribad ftft ftsltow
rinaa-iu4aai al a Mia
I, rft. fMt BMtR Bt
tha soot
th iim ar sanay wsa la tMiBBarsrw
BMaaaratMSt ind 10ft feet waat of UM) WMt UM
af Bast Twantr Arat atraat; thaaea. north atona
a Um 100 faat
wast of and parallel
Ith UM)
Um Of Bm
t Twenty -dtot straat. to a
nt 100 tMt narti ft tft.
lag st-aoti tftHaas aaat i
tVof and naraUol with t
e aorta bm at saet
toast a mm Wft fMt
tha aaaU Hm af
IitIbs atraat to a Mtal
writ line of Baat Twent:
104 faat waat af tba
e-oaaaad atrMt i the ore
aortt along a lUo IWl feat west of and parallel
with tba WMt Um sf Baat TWaatyMcond
atraat ta, a aslot IOO feet north af tht Bottb
Una af tVeawn atraat:. thenca aut a loot 4 iluft
100 faat aortb af aad parallel with tha sortj
11m of Or aeon atrMt to tba center Um af
Fait TwriT-aecond rtraati tOenee north atona
rbs tenSor 11m of Baat Twenty-second Street
to tba caster Um of Paclfte Btreat; thanes
aaat atonal tha eentse ItM of Part Of Itraet to
the east at 11 M sf Beat Twenty-alrttb atraat
tbaacs aoafb atone: tba eentar Une sf Baat
Tw.rrMlahth atraat Sa Oaiat la ftaat Twaaty
oUbtb strrat 100 fMt. sooth of tha aoafh Um
of the Bandy road la rectangular aianstttsBfleat;
thanca In n Boathweeterlr dlrectloa along a iim
feet aonthMBterl,
froai ana Mrnuei wiin
itbarly lit
tba Baady road. la rea-
to tbs pasta at aegia-
ad MM aaaaaa Sa ha
M Sty chftrtrr aana tbs tots.- parta
aad M reels af Und bins witnin .spa
larotahefort awnnnai and aaatlbaa.
Inaar's MnaMto at BM rMaan, am
tba saaMtrMtbsa 04 vsia Btww a
aald towef i
n.XT sf taa Cttt sf
and be to haroby dlraetad to fltB
PortUnat ka Bod
antics of tbs ft t past d
war m aratlasa or tM
tha Hty chartat.
RcaaanatTaarea ssAlMt tbs a bora aewar
ba ftl-4 ta writlni with tba ajHtaralgSed ft
an cays rro:a toe aaai ac taa arai pMnanw
this notice.
Aadltar af the City of PotHlaasa
Drapaa, Bale tar S.
Mottoa Is borahy litsa that ftt tbs saasatst
of tM CoancU of tba City sf FortUB,.pra-
aaa, Mid m tM ftta aay at octooer,
tna tniiAiaina- ' waa adooted:
red. That tM OoancH of tM City af
Pwtlaad. OreaoB. dee ma It Mpadtont and pro-
- --- laa aan a atoat PlM afreet froai tba Mat
kWof Baat fifteenth a treat to the nut Um
of Bast KlghtMBth fttrsst la tba toltowtag
!IT iST'Jl-'aTtlna- tM BttMt fall Width with
fan totaraatfloM to tba proper Mb-grede as
Bbowa by tha eat by the aty BngI
ftecend By brlnclng tbs oar face af tbs a treat
fun wu
width With (Ul latsxaarusBf a tvaaa wua
Third R eoMtoamnsr
srtlftHal atoM aids
walks ta seeardnnM wltk tM city
plana, aprdocaUona and rati Ma tee.
Btaailh B tuaatleetlM wooden
la aeeordsaca with tha Clip Baglasar's alaaa.
paetfleaueM aaai sstisastta.
Plftb By aonatrnrtlng wnadsa trosBwaUtB.
Blith Bt oonatmctlng ftog ana atoM
tets la secordanca with tba City
laaa . ad aatlantaa.
Bald (paprorrratat ta M nude ta aexswAesat
with tM abort or aad ordinances of tM City
of PortUnd sad tha pHna, BMrifttottona A
eeUmatea af the Ctty Engl near lied, la rha
Sea of tba Asdltor af tM I
an rha 4th dar of October.
"Ctt Bnrlnerr'a ntona and SpeelB
tM tBiproaanient sf Eaat PlM at
aaat Hm of Baat fifteenth at roe
Um sf atoat igbtoeath atraat, I
ar a tan af the Work to ba doM SAd
total aoat thorsof."
Tfa mot nf aald lrnafLi laoftlSt la ta
m nrovlded br tba dtr rharta apoa ftha prop.
art apacUUy aad peculiarly banal tad taatehy
ani wCeh la aaraby daeUrad to be all ths tots.
parts of tots snd paresis Sf laad lyloA 1
rwasa S UM 100 real nortA sf sm payau
wtih tha oorth Um af Eaat PlM Btrast aad
Una 100 faat aontb of and parallel with tl
aontb bm af Eaat Pins straat snd I
tha Mst Um a? Bast flftoratb straat
Um 100 fast aaat of and aaraltol
aaat Haa of BMt BienaeoxB atrae.
Tm Engiasar-a rati mate mt bm proMoon aarai
ot far the laa prats aisat at said atoat PlM
street M $1,448.00. . . . '
TM ahova impi avasunt ta aa evaasa m a
araval Imprarentawt ana eaaij m avaiatainen
by tba Hty for a pet tod of ftvs yeam, nrovlded
that tM owaars ai a wstorlty af ths property
ba orated by aald I pro meet ar aay portion
tbrreof ah an not pennon ror a new ar au
ferrnt IrnprwreBMSt hafOra tha Baawrftttogj si
tKj Bng1oeetfortb
aat Fine straat. srs errny aoopian.
BMolvod. That
Anaitat or im vrtg or
fVtttoad bs
hereby dt reeled to ftlva
noUpo of
' the proposed UnproTratrit
ptrovtdnd V tbS titr charter
itreaoea against She a sore la pi
at ssM
atraat aa
BSBtooatranoas Sgainst asa bbsto intpreraaaaor
nay be ftlad la writing win tM anaarstanatl
wlthla Bft dar froai tbs dam af tha br hB-
UcaUoa of this notice.
By erdef af tha OMnrfl. mkmmwm
, , THOftJ. ft DBTUW.
Asdltor or tM City af ParttaBi.
Pvalaad. Oregon, Oatit ar A 1004.
Hsftos to hereby rlvaa that at tbs tosiWs-
af tbs Coanajl sf tba City of PortUnd, Ore-
n. held m tha nth any or oMenar, iwn, tM
wing reaolntloa waa adopt 4:
heolred, TMt tha One aril of tha Ctty af
Pert Und. Oragoa. 4eine it atpedtont snd ara
preea to soMtract a oewsr ta Mlnaoaota imw
froni tha aontb Um of Preoeott atraat to a
cwnnaetlta with tbs sawar in fthavaf ftsaat.
Mid aawer to n or vitriaaa sawar atps wita
aU naeeeeery Mtch bastns, ao hrlat h su-baUb
an.1 hraaehea.
snd to M of the HI lew (of fi
da i
grratoMl Of 10 1
nches tlenf lastda oiasMtnt tba anath
Um of
PiMOatt trat to
point la Mmnemtn anan a o-oai era
tttnes of It larhaa lnld dlamata u $ Mtat
U MMMSOU SvenM at Bbater .ataysf.
Bala aawer to m aoMirnnien in nayai mbm
m eMrter and oraiMnces or no city
of Portland and tha plana, aperlBrattoM A"d
aarieaataa af tM Cttr Ennlnena
Blea in
of the Andlto.' of tba City sf Portland aoij-o
iota dav of Raatemher
. isna, laaorsasi "tur
Engl n Art fl Mans bm BpeeiacnTtona row oa
In Mln
Mlnnaaora rroni ion ao-ota mmm
Pt roeott atraat ta the aewar fa ftha rat straat,
and tba rati ml tea nf tba work to bft atoM BiaS
the aroSahto totBl foot thereof."
Ths coat sf said sawar to be aanawaad M ara-
tldad by tba dty charter span tba property
apeclfllly bwuentrd thertby aad which fci berwhr
OrTlared to be all Um tots, parts of lota and
pnreab) sf land lying batwaaa a Um 100 fMt
wiat of aad pan 11.1 with tba west Um it
Mlnaaanta atswM snd a Um 1st fast oaat af
and parallel wltk tht eait Tine of Mlnuraota
avawaa and between the nor lb Hm sf dnstsf
anal anal tha Booth Mm sf Prtseoft Street.
Tba Englnecr'a eetlmite af Um proMtU total
eaat far ths SMatrnettoa sf ssld Mwar n)
17 TM slana. apoHftcaltooa sad earl oa Us af tha
City Biginear tor im tMavwraaai
aMi aaa atitlw adooted.
Baaolvad. That tha Asdltor af ths Cttp af
ftVHUnd he and M to Lorclrr dlreeted to aire
ottos sf tha prnpMsd roMtmctkm af aald
a. war as airevtael hr tba etty charter.
RaanatrBneM atslnst tba a have aewar toat
ba ftlad la writing with tha aadatalgned wlthla
BO dare frag, tba data af tha ftrst pnbllcsttoa of
this Mtlea. 1 nrti
Andtttnr of tha Ctty of Parmsal.
Pwrttand, Oragoa. Oct .aoe A lswt.
Itllll .
ffottoa ' lft httwby gtvaa that
af th City af PsttUnd. Chrtgaa, at a aaeet.
Ing betd aa tM ftth day of 0etobr, lftOd.
deeUrad tbs saaaasnent by ordinance Ha, 14,
fttft. for tba ItoprovMaept sf flrat atraat, froai
100 feet south of lha aoafk Um sf Oraver
atrawt to the asrth Km of Oatoa ssraet, in tM
awMsr fjaovutod by srdlMsea no. iatob, o-aoa
each tot, part of tot and Mreal of Und, Which
1 psreai of land. Which
rip baMdtas. to bs m
ara ssaetsily aad ftisaUsi
fnllowa, till
rHBRB ADDtTIASj to tha Ctty af fSwt.
SB told Mt by tbS ftoolb Portland Baal
la AaaorUtton BIOCK ill lot A. Korth-
hind a
era Caanttos inrMtawnt Trnat. 14011 taa,,
Mil: tot
A Vara
Marnea, gssT. block
im tot i Prod BnaaaU. ftAftT: north
sb rsot
of tot A John Mulr, ftf 4S; aontb la feat sf
tot 1 Jobs Mntr, sbb; north 49 foot sf
tot ft? Joba Malr, ftaTat; naaU I tart f tat
1 Airsm a. vtt
ftlM 41: nil af aMth of tot S Meant
A iAsunaam juigrggg uaanaaag s ngan
ana ureaxin atraat xraea no iniiraa him
oa straat and tandy road to tb. aewar la
bat Twoattoih strotf si tandy roaA and the
aTtlBsttaa af tM work to sa doM aoTsM ftsaa
the sot
tided by t
Thft Baa
esUond far
aeraw . Watoa. aSAST; sHsf
af lot ft eseavt Oragoa A CaUfornU
uath U a
RallrMA OoBponr'e right
st way.
Pally M.
Pa-d. ftftS.M. all ST lot
a aaoant Utaami
- ivnai' rlaht
at way.
fhlllln taaff. SI11.3B: nil of Mt 4
iwuan, piii.; aii o a, "j-r;
r.iinrala Railroad Oamoaay B nghl
Oregoa A CallfornU Raltmaa um
BM". a, 14
all nf aaat u ar laf I nnn untn w
ii. .a
kknaaa nuu. ftaS.rH: all nf wrot
I anawpa urajni ai "T af
fWuM a, natirnrnia
s I... 'S aacent Orrsoa 47 Call
Bit Dt a 7 . Z, i. .J"
fornla Ballroad Ctnpany a fight of way
fc. V Hai Tnioi s' CallfornU Ballroad
??T't Mi ry-rJrr-iTtonu fvunaanr'a rlnht of way, Lawrence
Strand. M.0B: all of lot 4 fMept Oreaos I
. . . I. . m . . . -a (w,
Laarrenca Strand.
14ft. tot
1 JaIw W. Canlea.
1131. 1
John P. Captos, SM
i tot ft, wn
i. . " h - , 'aan aa i a Wllllaaa H. Ma
Wrtot-f: C toHto. .sBUrTB
i ua. viArtn, ut. tax "
tarvb. S3 7; tot T, Fuarth rr-"r;"
inreb, ftB 41i aontb W ft, Barah
ftul 11. BLOCK Iftft.
S13A.ST: tot T. B. P
? -asa
.. n a.-u n us wr.
fiXT.ll. aawTtot at Adaai rtYtau
a. Catlto- UB.fl
tlln. aftft M; tot
Lha. Bears Ot. ia.wa.
frUtav Belrs sf.ftldft.l
W tan. an aaT Bat Nil at vtwmw m
'! siwtt, "sr jf u?'i
EaJ.' 2lS
John B, WI
la ail nlT of tot wast at Oretfoa CaJ-
A Oarlromld . rUUroad CeMpasy
af 1
Mtlco sack assMSdlngs will
eoUecttoa St Us tonta as
lakes, far tbs
ftrS ftro
he tha ahnrtaf af thft Ot Bf
ftt i
, Tfioi. a PUTLtlf.
that at ftha toaifrng
and. Otajgna,
tM a-
je, ItBtoAalat bsT Wahoft.
Mwet ta M.sarrartea n a-.
mi eharter sad aadaMnaat atta CUf af
d. and tba plana. iprrlncatlotM SJMTsS
with tha
. th. a.4I f tit Tilt of Portland sa tM
Iftlb day sf September, 1004. Jaooraad: "City
frrt,.:. V." Tra----X7 iato Mii of
in bill Mumw aim 4 .
mu.i ri.w Addition to tba sawar ta Boat
Madltoa Btrast ftt Baat Tweaty -third etreet. nod
tha rati bm taa ar tM win as m
teAk.kU utal aaat rharanf."
BrovtAad bv tha cttr Charter, aboa tbs
arty a pact Beany MMttod
ta bara by dec la rod to s
kM asa aairaalH aa laBal
. .. . .ui . iiu tna taot
tawoieai ! IVt aman ""T Ti
aooth af and paraltal with tM arratb Unaof
Halt hUdleon atraat sad an sasterly "taoetoo
rat aaat of and paraltot
il..... Via aaJlltlnm.
Wlta tna aaa uaw oa
erw. autaaa-'a aailaaato nf th
praAabto total
met re
ow. . .
pi 11a, ap4AVwttnM and aaa nva tea or no
laVlaaa Ta tha HlBlfllfl ad BBM BSW-
at ftrs orraay aaontaa.
Thii tM AnaUtor af fhs City
-a "6 .i-Ta t a i. tMti Slrartad Be
6 to aatto af a propoaad natraetion as sass
war ss Mfroit&d br tM aty farter.
ASMW of the City of PsrttonA.
ttoaeant. Ortaaaa A 1004.
Vettoft ftj Bstwby gtyaa that tbs Cwancll
tM OHf Bt . r-orxiaou. urvxua, aj a av-
r OI uctODor, awua.
Siaroa IM naaeaatnavj or
BAT. for tba Uaproveaivat of flrat svaaM. froai
the north UM of Locust treat to tha northerly
A -fc. -u. I HI. .Mu, nrariAal hV
ardlnaaca Ito. IS.ftTB. apoa each tot. part nf
Ut lad parcel of land, which art apaetaily and
MWlUrir MMfltad. to be oa follows. vU:
UoA-bILOCK ft. m LBanlaaita P.
BTa.Oal tot IO, a. V. wrown.
n T
41 1 tot 11.
ail. a; tot
CretMttoa Aeaoctatton. ftUAftl.
ft. U Knha. ftlis.sai m iv.
W; tot llPb- Knha. 4.T:
m, $11 ATT. BLOCK L tot ft.
la lat
rink snd HudatoaB Ktosnar
441 44: tot 10.
fe..B aaai afaa
rani sad HiflileM Kl
a. IBS. ft. A
rha west Bm
no u
it af toad Irlng Mtweaa
ana a um
ind paraltol therewttk and hatwaan
Has af Ash Btraot ex tended weatarly
Meat eowrae and ths aarth atoa of
eitrooea weauriy in tin
PnrtUnd CramaUoa AasBrla-
noa, ftnm.M. mini. i,vivu.
A' atatanvttit of aforeaald a ear aa tent has bean
MtsrW Bt tba Docket Sf City Llena, and to
now dwe and aayabU at tM sraes sr im
rtta VW.ara 1 lawfal BMnaf'tf tM ITnltad
Btatos sad If ant said wlthla 10 daya froai
tbs data af this aotlca auea prncaaauga will
ba take for tM ooUactton of tM santo sa
Sea a. uriSad h th ohavtan af tM Ctt ml
wtll hoar
Sf that
BS eaVyB ftfto cm
TTlOf. C. DBTT.iV.
ladttar of tba City of PortUad.
Oregon. October 11.
essB. Trndfttaontl n4nttAl -
" Tt-aftlndft Damlly 6
nayHa-rtt trip thmBti tba Casoafla
and flock y mountalna. For full partlo
ulara. rataa. loldara. ate oaU oa op adV
WIST -wmmm aafTBt
IBB Vrnir fmsaft. Fart to ad
EnS. KiaSLBaf a
BaMtoMABBaAbyMUttoMat Mofthots far 1
Uldren while Taethlnafor over plftr TanrS.
ItaootMa tM ehlld. eoKeM lha gjnA allaja
City Breweiry
Bottled Beer a Spedalty
ta, nv '
mt war.
li all ah af tot waat
Oarlromld . rUUroad Ceanpaay a
tot ft msjTwI SrUfornla Ballrond
CoiBMay? Hpht jH ny.
B; bU af rwaat mt Oregoa 4) Call
I BbjBsa-Ma - rlgt a? way.
naar II fftT Bldal af way tnroogh
btock-Til. 1- d lftBtMrV .ddUlo.
to tM aty of roathtwf aft aid(rSlW tM
Mouth Portland Baat ."Jt"",ki3IT
Ki A California aUUfaad CBaipsaPi fBsaSftA.
UlT U M3 .50.
A statoatnTof afoMaatf sto iaia .it
antarad ta tha DocketTa! Ctty Xjjoa, and to
now doe and payable at tbs sfftca af tM
nty Ttassarer. U Uwfal BoMl f tba United
en mo taa te tw
rha aaaa af thla
rtsmn bwbk Im KAri aiiibob
wv ataaaa
Mnttna to haaaW Rtsa that
af im ftonnU af wrf City af Parti
halTsB tba lift day af .Ottsaar, uoa,
tMtawy. aaa wnicai
sUtka tots. (Marts, sf
irlM Mtweaa a Um
I artth tha Berth
, , 1 -
amd Union Pacific
Tbrongb PnlhMa atiadard and toattat aim
lag ears dally to Oavaba. ChJeaga. BpokaMl
tourlat sleeping; tarn dally ta Banana City;
tbronab Pallutaa tcnrlst la pi en enra I
ekaar earn (aaaU froai to
tbs Baat dnlly. .
ft :1ft a. av
I:S1bl an.
lag Ma.
g-H a. an.
n. as.
:1ft a. at,
T:lfta. as.
"BatAJsl BJTKRftCkll)ULB,
rOR. AarrnBlA
patnW mbumcH
wsjl 8:00 p. to.
Maha, SBBUwcHnK wttt Dally.
aw. fto nwasp and ex. ftondap 1 :
Tth Baeah, aty. Baa4ftatardar (as.
a-an n. an.
poinaa. awn. Rata aanB'v.
ajMiBvi aoeftj.
(Waist aarmlttlng.y
bbbBb, B4vsb stowss.
PrR LBWTBTrtM. to.
ft aA a. an.
I OO p, SA,
TntHVaff BsTPlCA Third and W.
sAoaa Mabl TIA
Upper Alaska DsaK.
Us van.
AviBMMn aTPaannJ
tralnn, far Bntoto. Jftoan
bhpb AahUnA. Barvn-I
eata, OgdM. Ban Pnn-faf:
ctsest Btocktaa, Loa aH
alaa. Bl Pass. BrW 0r4
tosna and ths Baat,
afiaalaa Svatn
aacta at Woodhnra
dally axeaffA taadayl
artth trata far htt-I
I ftl ftft.
Angel, ftilvertes.
Brovranrllto, liiilM
Said. WndhMM aadl
Msto at Weodharn with!
Ut AnaaA and Atlvor-
toa tocaL
tt B-mt aa
! Ma. to
PwrtUMVbM aaa)
Bonot Post of Jaffarssa BtteeL
tMt Portland dally tor Oet-ego T SO a. tot
It 00, I -00. 5 I M. ft:
Dally isteept Bnndny), ft
a. avi, 4 00.
U:ft Ba Bk ESBlliy BBtp, wm
Batapatas froas Oaww, Bjrtva partland dattp
mlrmZ l:ftft. S.-oT 4:. g lft. TSL ABn.
110 V a. Dally (esMPt Bnnday l S 1:11,
so a.
11:10 A,
SO, fl Bf. ll:4ft a. toEMapt BtiMdafa ItM
LmvM from tooia depot for Dnltaa
BawSlato potns eiur ituipi anaawnyj
Arrive PortUnd 10:B p. ai.
Tba In oP aaaa nee- awnwaw nurear
leratea dallr to. Moamonth aad Alrlto,
M-tlno with fttoathtrB PI
PselAt sssnpany's trssks
1 rtaluk aA Ind, mneV ,?S.
4J1& Tti.WS si sra
Sa pan, China, Bo no lata BndT Av rsu.
67 W. tWBB, WBi
fSt flehwt AsenA Sew. rt
option dbpot.
Kooad tint
tor tnsMI,
4ft A ftft.
taift laatMt
llfth ftatal UtattaA
for TacoanA.. Beatil.
Bntta. Bt Fl
Terlndtp BtMaaA, tor
MlnMSPoUs Chicago.
Mow Tnrft. atostoa ant
all potato atast as
BMtMnat. .
Pwaet Banana a Km
CltrAt. Xavato SmHsL
for taenena. teattto.
Bpoftaaa, Bntta. Bllllngn.
ftlftft A BL
Itaarar. uaiana, nai
Mt talk aaat
no lata Baat and Boatb-
AU trslM
saeapt en Soath
Aaatotaat OsMrnl Paneeofrf Afat
tJft Uorrtooa
SC. aor. Tnira, rortiaao.
Astoria & Columbia
- River Railroad Co.
J-naa. ba
Pnr Mnraasfl. Bi
CSaUksato, Waatpart.
Ciirtoa, Astoria, War-1
matea, P1tal, Bbbs-1
yannd. Port Stevens.
UearMrt Pnrh, ftVaaldS.
Aatorta aw
A av
' 9, C MA TO,
M. P. and P. A.. 'Aetata. On.
APT. Coeteaaretol AgaaA. Snft AJf
C- A, trrw
at, Fhasa
aa , p-4
aa a
1 BJ ana-
m yh- a.
saw at a
pokANB Htrm.
ft MJB
Wh aaftaigina ta nWra far Manlu7BrtAt
aala ha
Ttl tato, Matoaat