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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1904)
( r THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 14, IDC If AtSSBTS OVER 17 MILLIONS ACTIVITY IN SPORTS BROWNS STILL ON THE ftUDE BOXINO NEWS-FOOTBALL NEWS OF THE' MINES ' ' ....777777717717. I. , , s . ii in o"" " - - 1 - I .l ix-"" A II J. A. HOUAN " CONTINUE TOBOGGAN - i aMta flu UV XMwaw eaae- h nouom . owtatth. ' babixt fob bkxrb ' v ftserlal Dwaetes the JeeraaL) Tuomt, WwIl, Oct. 14. Michael AB gelo Fleoher'e Taboma champions again demonstrated their superiority over Dugdale'a cellar aggregation, when, nl Uioucb outbatted by the visitors, they Uimmwl the visitors by the erore f I tt L Tba Browns ao not pfry the game with any ahow oc Ufa whatever, and us natter how many men aalaly acquired tha sushkms, thsy weis un abla to advance any farther tha third baa attar tba flrat Inning, when tbraa bits allowed Dreunea t cross tha rub bar with Portlands only soora Jake Thialman pitched an excellent . gams, but whenever a Tiger got a bU ar was pssssrt some ana would fumble or throw wild and tha bell would rtog. Tba Tteom infield baa tha Portland Inner works ouuineaed, and pulls off doubla plays a seemingly Impossible chances, wbara tba visitors fail on tilnrhoa , ' 1q tha drat tannine single by Drsn asn and MoCreedle, Nadaau'a secrlnos and hit by Holland cava Portland ona Sheehsa doubled In Tneoma's halt, stole third and aoorad ob Kallaekey'a wild throw. ' - Mara ball's arror la tha third, a baaa em balla and a triple by Truoav Xaa giv Taoama two mora, . . Tblelman hit Ore ham, tha flrat man ap la the fifth. Hogan sacrificed, and ' KeefWe out put tba oatohar an third, from wbanea ha aoorad sa Doyle's safe hU. A htt'wbJoh wad followed by two arrora by Runkle gava Taoomn tta test run In tba seventh. Tha Tigers old fair to take the "entire aeries from Portland, and should Ftto gsrsld be able to beat Btaxkella, tba Taeoma boy. In today's same tba looal fans regard tha rest of tha series rlnrhrd Tha score: - ...... ,t TAOOMA, . . mf.HKLi.1 Doyle, r. t ........... t Sheehan, lb. Ciwy, lb. XaKsn. a, a. McLaushlla, L .....'. G raham, a .... .Hon. rb. .r. . r Totold. ; I t ai IT t . : POBTLANIX AB. R, H. Pp, A- E- Sa,f :;::":: 1 ill I 5 larshalL ID. l f a. in, ; a X 1 s 2 fe.:-:::! I tey, e. f ff I 1 .ocxenni nnklri 'hlelman. n. t S t Totals , .......... .11 1 1 I RUNS AND HITS BT INNING -f 1 1 S I 1 1 f I Portland nits , Tacoma Hill . i 8UMMART. 'tax b .13. Vumfm K "hlsl- Man. I. Bases oo D W VMt mxj J HI SOS OQ P"'l nwia, . ilman. t. "Wild pitch Keefe. off Thlel tone )ltcher Eamn z, uranam. i wo . - ShMhan. Three-base hit BasrajL Sacrifice hita Hogan, Nadeau. First oaaa on arrora v. i " baaes flbeehan. Lynch, Ioyla. Nadaau. Earned rurva Portland, 1. Uft M bac Tacoma. 11; Portland, I. Dou ble playa nneenan u Minn w nuiwi. Sheeban to Casey to Graham. Time of mxmm one no Mr ana ee hibbim sjumt pire- Tom Brown, , uamo ooAsrc suan a 4 il s is; HUT .am .Ban .an .aes ittla 10 1 Aaaelas w. ikUnd 14 nan Francises it 0 Fertland 0' last TMiMlSllMll ta xnmiBff Wtn fav S as Wis, Seattle, ' Wash4 Oct 14. Seattle made ' due of tha moat sensational finishes of tha season and defeated Loa Ana: a lea In tha seven Ui innlns. Jay Huajhea waa ' batted out of the box In the fourth nnlnf and Hlekey, Who auocaedad htm, waa almost UiTlnclble. . Score: R. RE. . Seattle , , 1 1 0 f t 11 I Ixa Anirelea ....1 M000l-I 11 1 Raturlea Hushes, - Hlckey and LeahTTw. Hall. Mewton and Spies. Um- pire McDonald. I " Tea tamlaaf to frto. Sat) Franelaeo, Oat 14. San Fran '. dtsre and Oakland played tan lnnlns to a tie In tha same yesterday, which waa '. oelled an aeoount of darkness. Corbelt pit cbln for 'Frisco, allowed Oakland only ona hit, which waa a homer by Oa ar O raham la tba third. The score: R H. B Saa Fran t4tiett t 3 . Oakland ....,. 1 1 00 0 4 1 0 I I I BatUrlaav-Oorbett and Gorton: Orn kam aAd Stark. Umpire McCarthy. , - , ion iiAiox . . AM St. Xairnn. ; . R, xT.E. Katlonaia . . . 4 S 9 t Anierlcans I I 1 Bstteri McPartand and Orady; O lade and Ktnoe. . ,. , At pmsbas. , . r. tt a Plttshnrw ..... j I 1 rlavlanS : ..1 t d BattrrleeLynch and Phelpoi Rboadas and Bueiow., , Tommy Traosy la rapidly fottlnc hlmaelf Into condition for tha oomtna bout with MoKeeVer. Tommy is at the ball park every afternoon and with ale trainers ha toea throurh various fyrn naatla atuata. Part of Traoay'a dally xirecram to ball playlns and Tommy nys that be is becoming so proficient at eatrhlnc fltea and fleldlns hot ajroundera that he hi thlnldnc aerlovsly of try Los hia hand at profeealonai base- X B4W AW tUU WAJUkA. v . '. Iesrsa nseaW neretra.) - Walla Walla. Oct 14 A Id-round draw was fouM hare last oventnaj ba twses Perry Qunm af SeatU ad Kid Parker mt Salt iaa - Hi : ? ? i j I 0 1 Mr1? WINNING HORSES ; ; v ON THE TRACKS laucinstoaL Kr-Keatuoky ataka far 4-reaivold trot tare. S2.000. two In three Oraoe Bond won two strsicht heata in 1:17 class, pace, purse tl.ooa, tnraa m five Punaton won aeoond, third and fourth heata in H- 1:11 elaaa trotUna, purse 91.10a, two In three Kirk wood. Jr won tha third and fourth heata In t:10. 1:0. Aro- lite won tha aseond heat ra Patchea Maid von tha nrot beaA In 1:11 trot, aurae i.saa. mraa n mre Mainland won aeoond, third and fourth heata In 1:11, 1:11. S:Ve. Mlsa Jaao ette won tha flrat head in 1:11. . At Btotvw Par. ' ' Sell Ibs. mile Sals won; time 1:41 Th. . intuM Maadytwhrook atesple- chase . about three ndlso Libratto U won: time, .0:1s. fits furtonss Tady Hewlett won: time. :7U. ' . Tba Ram do bandlcan. ntlM and a fur- Ions Outoome won: time, !: Withers mile His Chanoauor won; time, 1:41 H- 1 tovan furlnasd Tlmaiy Laa wasy time, l:tm. - . . . Six fartonss Qlsd SmUe won; tin 1:14 t-S. . Mile and an elahtaw-Roval Plarats won; time, 1 :C l-- pit furlonse Wuak won; 9 tlma. 1:01 1-1. MU and aa aishth Palernlan- won; time, 1:11. v Mile Judsa Sanffey won; time. i;4i i-f. ,, . s v , . X ' ' 4 ' At B- , . J. - Frra and a half furloasa MWIth May won; Umo, 1:01. Six furtonsa thihadar J -won; time. 1:1a. fits and a half foiion sa Mojetta Won; time, 1:0H4. Beyan furiortfa, handieap Adam worn; time. 1:17. Mile Worthlnston won; tlma 1:41. MUa and aa eighth -Canyon won; Una l:U)4. .,-, A aTaasas tF V . Stx tnrtoaaa wsenla B. waai tfrna. 1:11. Fire irteauwTyralasA won; tlnM. 1:90; Miu and a anartori lliitwr won; naw, 1:07. MUa and aa aishth Bania Do tanr wen: time, 1:11. Sersn f urlonsa FletaS wee; time. 1:. MUe Talephona woaf ttas 1:40. 1:11 paoav purse 11,000 Hassale flrat; Una, 1:11, Two-year-old trot, pwwa 40..,an tucky Babe, first; tlma, l lH- Five and one-half furionso, aaUlhsw Ben Red. first; time, 1:0. Walla Walla derby Bud Wade, Brat; distance, one. and one-eighth mile; tlma, 1:64. . One fourth . mfle, all - agea Judse Thomas, flrat; tlma, tit v CHEMAWA AND I). OF 0 GET DATES MIXED tPJirbB Bawatrb to tba earaaL " Chemawa, Or Oct 14. The Chemawn eleven will In all probabURj atay at home Saturday on aonouot of a mleun derstaadlns aver dales which has arisen. It waa supposed that tha team waa to meet the eleven of tha Stats university at Buseaa on Saturday but word was received at tha school yesterday that the team from Willamette university would play on that data with Busane. Coonskla and Foster at the and posi tions aret both apeedy man and relia ble taeklera. Captain Payne at right half la a reliable mas and a soot field general Tha first regular game will ho played against the Albany ooUegs team October 11 at Albany. j- HANDICAP BOWLING ON SPOKANE ALLEYS '' (tpaeid Znssatsk to Tns JesrsaM ' Spokane, Wash,, Oct. 14 The Haa Beans broke tha alley reoord at the Spo kane Amateur Athletls club night before last for total number of pins made for any three aonaaeutlva games. The five men on the team bowled 1.404 pins In a match game with tha Will Bee, paaalng a previous record of 1,420 pins, held by Plath'e champions. Majaager Owney Pnfttoa has decided to start a handicap bowling tournament at the Coeur d'Alens Bowling Alleys, the raoa to start next month. Prises will be given the winners. , CHEMAWA PLAYERS ON SHERMAN TEAM (Bparial Dtepate to The Jennet) Chemawa Or., Oct. 14. On tha Sher man Institute football team whtoh de feated Btanfard university last Satar- day are four Indian boys who la for mer yesrs have beam members of tha Chemawa team. The four men are Boles, Saunders, Neafus and Payne. Saunders Is a mem ber of the Multnomah dub. His posi tion ob the Sherman Inatltate team Is center. While la Oregon "Rubs' played fullback, his hurdling brtnglns him no little praise. Neafua at quarter. Payne nt toft half and Boles at right end are all fast BUS tAatl VOS STTsTBAT. ' ' Provtdlns' that Old Jnplter Plnvlno does not Interfere there will be a ball game at; the league grounds between two Bines of players now In ths city. One of ths teams which Is scheduled to play Is prsotlcally the same elub that William Hahar offered to wager 1,000 would defeat Dugdale's tee so. The teama are oompoaed of tha fol lowing players: Oregons. Position., i, Port lands Callff ..,!... ....p. .,,......., Iberg Ltumley . .s. Shea Hunter .....,lb...w...... Haynea Johnson ...... .Sb. Caatro Newell .ss M Hart Bradley ,.,Jb, .., St eat man Mclnnls t..,...lf.,.j.,,, .Murdoch Harper . ... Bredemeler Reed rf Davie t'ttilty enan. Drahst sad Pattarsoa, M Raokta wlU wmptra, - - HILL MILITARY VS. EUGENE HIGH SCHOOL Kugene high school eleven will meet tha crack Hill Military academy foot ball team on Multnomah field at 10:0 a m, tomorrow. This will be tha first regular gams of the season for these crack Junior 'elevens. The" teams are regarded as about equal In strength. The Bugena boys will arrive tonight and wlU be entertained at Hill Military academy during their atay la this olty. There ana 10 members of the Eugene high sobeoi team. Including substitutes. A torse delegation af friends and relatives from tha valley olty to expected to aooosa- pany the Bugena hoys to Portland. Dr. J. W. HUL principal of tba local academy, whoee weU known hospitality has earned him many friends throughout the northwest, baa arranged for the entertainment of ths visitors la his usual style. Tomorrow evening a recap tion and danoa will as given at ths Hill Military aoademy la honor af ths visit ors. . . Tba Itnavp: ' H. M. A. Center. Bagttoh: guards. Votgt, Williams, Bush and Stack pole; tackles, R. Loom la and H, French; ends, Runey. Taylor and Majra; ..haJfbecka, Taylor, ' Joeeoheou and Holeman; quarters, Pease and -Brown l fuUbaok. McCoy; substitutes, C. Loom 1 a Kussne high school Center, Mltoneii; guards, 0a now and Ben hart; tackles, Mo Cully and Henderscbott; ends, Penning ton and Clark; halfbacks, Pender and CaUlm quarter. Beach toaptaln): full back, Dtmmlckc substitutes, XesUy, Watson and Hosmsr; manager, Smith. , ATHLETIC ACTIVITY v n AT IDAHO NORMAL -j - ' . (spMial IHspatsb to The MsraeL) Tvlnm. Ida.. Oet 14. In athlottoa basketball bids fair to surpass all other e porta anions ths pupils 01 tns su normal school here this year. Ths foot ball team to not tarnlns out aa well aa expeotod, and while there are some good tennis players there to not a nngnc nmanimt ihar t raan biar honora. but the girls' basketball team la being lauded as ths pear of say team In ths north west There are now - two svsniy matched teams. Sne headed by Miss Isa AntS tA tha nt hAr k Mlaa Kithal Kallr. Ths game yeatardaafternoon resulted In a victory of I to T for Miss Aula a team. Ths fair players have much ginger, and a Httle mors praettos at ttarawtna haakata will ' them ehal- lengers for high honors, Ths football team Is made wp of nearly all new material. - Ths average weight la 141 pounds. George Stevens to man- sger sad 'Dudley Davie is captain, i ne lineup la: jugnt eno. crwia; ngnt tackle, Stephen; right guard. Spencer; center, John Davis; left guard, Thomp son; isn tscus, nemui; iui im, am harty; right half, Gregory; left end, Russell, full. Dudley Darts Games htv kkaan arranaad with tha hlah schools of Colfax, Clerks too and Lewis- ton. . " ,;i r - - i . ... BURROWS M'CARTHY MATCHED AT SPOKANE lafwVviit fl0MlBil BsB?vlcif 1 Spokane, Wash., Oet 14. Matchmaker Mark Shsughneasy of the FaUs City Athletlo elub has eompleted the sohedv ule for ths preliminaries to ths big Burrows-McCarthy flght to take plane tn the Auditorium theatre tonight For the first go there will be sa eight round match for a dedal on between Big BUI Burrows, brother to Jack, and Jack McCauley of St PauL McCauley haa made a reputation both la ths ring and on ths mat Both are heavyweights and fast men. Ths aeoond preliminary will be .be tween prank Ireland and Touas Ger many." Tha two nationalities are to mix It In the featherweight elaaa, la which slsss both have dons good work. Burrows la working bard for ths flght Buck Rogers, a great atrapping col ored boxer, to working out with Bur rows Ha stands six feet six In bis Stockings and tips the- scales st til McCarthy to also working out hard. Besides a long cross country run he went 11 rounds with his trainers ths other day. - MULTNOMAH JUNIORS I YS.PORTLAND ACADEMY Ths Portland eoademy and tha Junior Multnomah football teams are scheduled to meet on Multnomah field tomorrow afternoon, la tha first regular oontest on the gridiron for tha championship of the city.-Ths game wlH start at giSO p, sa. Intonss rivalry has always existed between theee two elevens, Ths Mult nomah Juniors recently defeated ths Portland High school teem. This will be the first gams of ths sea son for tha Portland Academy eleven. , DIAMOND GLI$TENINGS Manager Fisher of ths Taeoma tea it has sent la his reserve list which con tains ths following . names: Robert Keefe, Walter Hogan. George McLaugh lin. Mlohael Lynch, William Thomas, George Flttgerald, Lewis Nordyba, Peart Barnes Casey, Thomas She nan, Charles Doyle and Charles Eagan. The list does not Include the names of OrvaU Ore raj I and Charles Graham, who are claimed by tha major leagues. Ore ham is a noa-re serve player sod msy not go oast. Dugdals, In aa Interview at Tsooms, says that Danny Shea and Louis Caatro circulated ths petition to oust him, and that the only pereons opposed to him srs soma of ths players be baa discharged and one of ths papers. Castro snd Shan had nothing whatever to do with the pe tition, and tha mora fast that It has been signed by over a thousand persons shows that ths opposition to Dugdals to not only confined to ths few that the fat man Imagines are agalnat him. Jos Marshall 1s clouting ths haO and will toad tha ooast league stlebers tf he keeps up bis present gait He has been banging sat two hits a gams right elonjff, snd st that rats will soon pass Frisk. - Ths services of Ham Iberg would ooms ifemlghty handy for ths Dugs about this Urns, for bo was their winning pitcher. ' BUUtXTAB1 WOnVUfS 0BAMP1OB, (Jeereal special flarftee.)' St Loul Ma, Oct 14 -Abe Attetl of San Franeleoo,- the ensmpton feather weight of ths world, was knocked out hi the fifth round sf whs was gobedoled HEAVYWEIGHTS FOX SOUTHERN ODEGON B lAMAR BXUB &BMB itur nu j RATES STTXXiT That tha Waldo and Blue Ledge aop. per dlstrlets of soutnsra Oregon and northern California are eommaadlas the attention Of heavy capitalists to mani fest from the standing of ex parte max Ins examinations. H. A. Cohan, man ager of the De Lamar properties at Mar- cur. Utah, and H, B. Haaisy, a Da La mar expert have bean la ths Waldo dlstrtot for a short tlma Both are said to be extandlBg their exs ml nations further south. De Lamar owns the Bully HU1 sooner properties la Shasta county, whloh to regarded as part of the asms general oopper halt , - that touches Oregon, After Patsy Clark declined to buy ths Blue. Ledge ths management of ths Mountain Copper company, at Keswlok. made' aa examination, and wag ready to take the property. Others of ths most noted oopper representatives have been In that section, and thsir Interest to manifested by repeated visits. What algnlfloanos to nt ths visit of Oohsa and Haaisy at this Urns to not suggested by anything said to tha world, but tha extensive holdings of Da Lamar la northern California, so near ths prpartlsa betaV examined, gives rise to tha opinion that they believe their rich belt continues wall to tha north. With the Blue Ledge settling down to good. steady development and ths Takllma smelter shipping matte, there seems a prospeot of a revival of Interest lb southern Oregon copper that will bring about results never dreamed or tn tns past half oentury of Inactivity. SANTA FE COS WORK V ENCOURAGES OREGON Ths fact that tha Santa Fa to active tn construction of a railway line from Eureka, HeTmboldt county, CaL, toward San Francisco. 100 miles of ths track already having been laid, causes resi dents of the extreme southwestern part of Oregon to believe that thta work has a bearing on their prospects for rail connection with the outside world. Eureka to the northern terminus of the line nelnc constructed by the Santa Fe, but a very narrow divide separates this basis from ths Klamath. The Kiemau is vsry near Cresoent City, whloh to th proposed -ooast terminus of ths 11ns projected from Grants ase oy draper, Davis, Gun snd' others. Humboldt county has valuable re sources la addition to fine timber opened along tha Baa la Fa route, and ths same may be said of the southern Oregon sec tion. , Ths route from Grants rasa 10 Crescent would open a promising min eral territory, which doea net appear on' tha list of inducements for the Benta Fe's sresent , work. Timber tn the mountains' of southwestern Oregon to unsurpassed fh any ooast forest The lower reecho af Curry have promising indaatrlss. - ' w ' TEN STAMPS DROP IN; NEW CABLE COYE MILL Another battery of Ova atamps has been put Into commission at the- Alpine mine in Cable Cove, Grant oounty. man aser Addomo said In Sumptsr this week that ho was putting one battery is sommtoslon at a time, and hoped to have SO atamps dropping soma time during tha w later. Ore to being stoped for ths mill from tns Alarm arixt, which hss been driven oa the vein sev eral hundred feet. Ths management to employing' 3ft men to mine and mill, and save that the saving on ths plates In ssrly work has been neater uma ex pected. de - , PmOSPSVfiJISj NmTB TAUBT Drill oreemectlng hss been taken up by tha Cartwrlghte: owning ths big Rye Valley placers. In Malheur oounty. Tfte extent of thin exploratory work to not indicated, but the management of the property desires to prove certain ground beyond the scope of past work, and has put a drill into commission. to ho a tO-round mill by Tommy Bui Uvaa of Brooklyn. The blow that cap tured ths championship for Sullivan was a hard toft .upper-cut which landed on Attell's stomach. Ths Prises lad claimed a foul but throe physicians ex amined him immediately and could find no ovidenos, and Sulllvaa wag declared tha winner, .-. - - 1 - SrO&BSKOT - (Jeeraal Special Servtee.) 1 Bpokana Oct 14. The suit of John J. McCloakey, manager of ths Boise base ball elub. against ths club for back sal ary due him, whloh was commenced In the superior court a short time ago, has been fully .settled out of court, snd an order hss been entered dismissing the case. The terms of the settlement have not been made known, but It Is known that a large amount of hia salary, has been raised la Bo lee. SUBSSl WAS VABOOS. fSeactal Dwsateh ts 1st JsuaJ.) Tacoma. Wssh., Oet 14. "Fighting BUI- Hurley alone to barred from ths fAsh tonar ie Taeoma hotel. Manager Dsgdale took hta bush era to a lodging house this trip. The Port land boys rebelled. They sought new quarters and went to see the Tacoma hotel manager. He relented bar Hur leyand ths men settled there at aaoa (Jeersat pedal Barries) tetoria, B. C. Oct. 14. Jockey Ben nett of Sacramento and Percy Cove pt Seattle fought 10 rounds to a draw hers last svenlnt. ' Cove Injured hia hand In ths flrat round, tat pat up a game fight thereafter, . ..Stop For Collins Hot Spring A covered platform has been erected by tha O, R. A H. immediately opposlts Collins Hot Springs for ths sosommoda tloa of passengers who desire to visit this resort. Ths Spokane Flyer, trains I and 4, stop at this point on flag to tsks sa or let off paasengara A 00m m odious launch meets and carries sll passengers snd baggage across the liver mbbj saxb ro mm bscab- jmvn WALDO ale to the hotoiy , "c ' NEf DXEDGEFQ GRANITE. PLACER Tha dredger to ha Installed by Borah A BsrbKbjs oa ths Craos Flat placers, Orant county, has been shipped from Idaho, and ths now owners are pre paJins to races vs ths plant at Baksr, wRere they wilr arrange for Its trans portation ta, Sumpter by sail, thence to Granite by wag-ona. There to between SO and 90 tons of sBSohlnsry la ths ablomsnt snd a sail hss been mads for bids for hauiias'lt to GrxsHe so that all will ho In readiness for Immediate removal when R arrives la ths Sump tsr depot, Tha first bids provided for haulms It from Sumptsr durins Ootober, which to about ths latest dato that vehicle traffic across ths divide to pos sible Aa ths plant will reach Baksr City by tha middle of ths month. Its transfer to Granite wfU doubtless he effected before early snow interferes. It wlU bs set an, during the winter. sooordlng to tha management. , CHECKMATE ON THE LIST Of IDLE MINES B H. Dewyg Cteosanasa tntaa at Pearl, Xdaha, has bees sn ths Idls list for aome tlma, ths pumps saving been pulled and ths working orew discharged. Ths cause to sot given out by tha man- sg assent Mr. Dewey, wha to a eon sf ths lata Xdaha millionaire, bought ths Choektosto about a year age, oaad Imaaa dlately proceeded to explore Its deeper leveia.' The mala shaft, which waa 40 fast below the tunusL and 100 fast be neath eropptnga, was pat down another 100 foot, and crceacuttms on tha lower level was rnaugu rated. Ona cross oat driven to the east was reported to have opened f our feet of good era la tha Bay Horse) vein, Tba out to tha west was calculated to pass under tha basis of Willow creek and open ths wast slops at great depth. While this work was belns executed, tha 10-stamp mill oa ths property burned, hut tha management was able to save ths atakkag plant Wsrfc on ths mlns asssss. and has not since been resumed la earnest ' Tha Checkmate waa ths beat pro ducer la ths Pearl oasnp until ths Lin coln asms la. Three ts four fast of high grade ore was found to ths amin shoot and ths stats Issmeotsr af mines credited ths mlns with producing $100,- 000 in one month, when crushing- with but It stamps. Production on such a seals was act tons eontlnusd, but shows that ths galaa had a vanr flag ande cX ara. . . .' UOal Owing to dlsasrsemant between Dr. B. W. Polndsxtsr and Cot J. A Craw- tford. owners of tha Mountain Lion property, near Grants Pass, has been closed. Dr. Poindexter resides la ths east, and hss Juat- completed aa Inspec tion of ths property, while Colonel Crawford has gens to San Francisco on soma mission connected with the affair. They rsnovated a Svs-stomp mill and wars doing some work with It whs ths traubis Plan St Louis Trip Now, Oa Ootober 17. tf and 10 the O. R. A 1. will again sell vsry low-rate excur sion tickets to St Louis, good returning until December IL Particulars of C W. Stinger, elty ticket agent Third and Washington streets. - i- . t ... , , a m i.j -. -V, WXUs BB BEAVUB VTWtk WfXBj Bd ' TZBB PROsf SUhfFTaB AaTB SBV tTl AT OBAJTB FXA VS3B WEB- wmm roa ojnATXOsT snt aweaaeleV ' , y . :. 7; ' ' ' VE GIVE THEM AWAY .- . . . ; - , ' .i ' r "";'''' ?'.-" 1 ' . , ' Ingersoll Watches, Rtigby Footballs, Air Rifles, ; ) f; Football Pants, k Pocket Knives, : Pimching Bags, or Boxing Gloves with every , v Boys' Suit or Overcoat '-'( . Priced at -, v. ' - $2.50 to $7.00 ,i- ....... t WeS'jrt) Doing Ask Yourself WtlV ? Then Come t,o Us M7ThlH Strt watai Sai PERPBCTION IN -. i n ' BUXB . SOOTT, a, m. nans a a swn, k-iaiviau rwftiraTs or otnamc sua.. STORE REMOVstD TO TWKTUNTH Afto IRVING Mawaaim OUFC PHONEJS5SL!L.MAIN 966 - We have moved frees ths northeast r warehouae on the eoathsast oorner are now prepared to show to the trade samples of ths larsest line of stoves ana rangmamifaotured on thla ooast We alao desire to oil 1 attention of hotel andraauurant mento our line of Portable ant French Ranges ani get aur prtoas, tor ws will oava ywa monsp. ( , , s.; .. Iewenberj SL Goir Cb.''; GOVERNOR MICKEY LAUDS PORTLAND IJeaawal to i rial lii'ihail Uneola, Neb.. Oct 14. Governor Mickey of Nebraska Is profuse Bi his praises af Portland. He returned yee terday from ths Pacific northwest with his party. . ' "It wss tha most pleasant trip X aver sasda," said tha governor aftor his ar rival from ths aoast "and tt waa aa im. WaT who llva In ths uiddia west are af tha opinion that ws knsw It au. BUI tns muss es ine rev olfto ooast asm teach us same things. Ons af thess things that wa might learn to a mors hospitable policy toward new business enterprises and strangers with in our gates. While It waa expected that Seattle, where out battleship to building, would da something for ths entertainment of ths Hebiaskans. little did ws think that ths people of Portland, ths sound city's grsatost rival, would do anything out of ths ordinary to make our stay a pleasant .'.'-" , .. A the Boys' Qothlng Buoioct mmwrnmam a, bm. PRAUTT SRUVJB I B SSI BITE A liBBSOB ClflsT BB BdBBXTB PaOM mCT RBOOMJgjaBltS TISX W urra ajtb ouu vaib, : ( u jrl N. UPB llNaURANCQ POaTLAFD, OB. corner of Second and Taylor to out of Thirteenth and Irvlns streets, and ana. But It did. Ths Portlanders tried to anaka our stop ao enjoyable that wa would not leave there. T was surprised at tha aalMlns gains oa fern Portland. Largs blocks srs omg ap all over ths business sections of ths cityc new factories are oomlag in. while hSTV"-ie dwellings In the source af' erection are everywhere. Ths port wss filled with shipping, although Portland to 111 miles from ths sea. The Lewis and Clark fair, whloh vffl ha held In Portland next year, will bs great and I wish to urgs every oltieen of thla stats to plaa to attend It Mot only will they ass aa exposition that la grand In every wsy, hut they will also sas ona of tha most eharmtag and rich est eomajonwsaltbs la tha union of Amorioan atatoa." - : - ..- I L 0- WorM's Fair &c.rsloii, " AddlUonal dates af sals for world's fair tickets have been announced by ths Oanadlaa Psolfla On October tn tt. It. spsetol round trip tickets ts St Louis and eastern points -WlU be an sale at vary tow ratea. Tickets good for stop-ever privileges and a eboios of routes rstumlns. : For full1 particulars, call on or ad dress, T. R. Johnson. F. A P. A 14t Third Street, Portland, Or. ' Jssrssl tpaetal SarVtox) Cherbourg Oct 14. Robert S. Me- v Conalok, Amestoaa ambaasadoc to Rus sia, wss among the passer gars aalllns for New Turk oa tha Dsutschlsnd today. Us plans to spend a aU-wasaa vaoatloa In A atari ea. Chances on the -H Fine T -1 " , 12-Gauge I 1, Hammer less Shotgun Z:tr hanging in our window.with every . YoungMen's Siiit or Overcoat -S-7 priced at CPT CM i-A $20.00 v r -, of Our Lives for Your Answer OMDoorNortl CnaWiVfaf C04t, t t