1904. PORTLAND'S BEST QUALITY SHOP I j fcoiy 1st and Morrison i. 1 11 1 1 : WELCH ISN'T IT REFRESHING TO YOU? 1 n . - i u 1 Not Always Shouting Bargain Sales r . Recommended by Fiends to Friends Now Enjoying a Greater Success Than Ever Peserving of Our Popularity Unequaled in Town for Values - 5 Not Pushed by Any Doubtful Methods 1 ; V Incomparable for Honest Goods 0 Selling $15.00 Suits That Are Big $15.00 Values The above ia the commercial DlatfonnH on which we stand, and your attention la requested to the fact that special opportunities preaentcd exist lor U those in want of good sound values In each department of this pleasing store. The best of everything is here for our customers. Are you one of them? Why not? . . - ; TheFatf I ThatVcArc) Boys Will Be Men and We Want " Their Trade At All Stages: - We have the best and most up-to-date Boys' Department In the city. Nothing we can say in print ia equal 4e the argument which the clothing pre sents. Every conceivable material which will wear and look well Is here in the new fall showing at PLEASING PRICES, and we are GIVING AWAY FREE WATCHES, FOOTBALLS - AND - REPEATING - AIR r rifles. ':,.-'.,': - -" ; t Boys' Norfolk and Buster Brown Suits s In Cheviots, Scotch-Tweeds, Worsteds and Fancy Mixtures. Sizes 4 to 10 years at.,; - ; s i '- ' - y V'-4.-' .' . : -1: $3.00 to $6.00 30o Heavy RlbbeK. Hom forH. ...'! 5 cents y : NEW OVERCOATS In all the popular makes and newest fabric. Short Coats, f 3.50 to f 5.00 ; Long Costa for young men, f6.tW to flS.UU. -- ir-.'i X" OUTWEIGH ALL OTHERS WHEN IT COMES TO QUALITY, STYLE AND COMFORT, '$ 03 It, tha Tnn W htrh in Mioe Fencttion THERE'S NONE BETTER, EVEN AT FIVE DOLLARS. A trip to this store will convince you of the truth of this state ment -The soles are specially oak treated to harden them. We are also showing's superior line of men's and boys' serviceable everyday shoes at V - ' - ; : $150; $2.00, $250 and $3.00 . Men s Wet Weather Shoes Once owned by the working man never after done without. For comfort and durability they arc unequaled. Price. .$3.25 High Top Shoes.... .....,...,..f4.00 to $6.50 Men Suits s OVERCOATS AND CRAVENETTES $7.50, $9.75, $12.50 $15, $18, $22.50, $25 The very exclusive custom tailor would admire these exquisite Overcoats, Surtouts, English Box Coats, Belt Coats, Dress and Traveling Suits, Coats and Cravenettes. All colors, all sizes, in rich im ported fabric. Many lined with pure silk. FREE CLOTHES BRUSHES GIVEN WITH EVERY COAT OR SUIT. Men's Every-Day Needs SOCKS V In the richest " fancy embroidered or plain lace striped Maco Hose, same as uptown stores get 25c for, arc here at .......2 pair for 25e Elegant line of all-wool and cashmere Hose, a splendid 85c value. Come get your winter's supply this' week, for, a pair. . .....25dt , ABOuT NECKWEAR Without boasting, we can safely say that in no other store can you find such a splendid assortment; they are ' beautiful beyond .your fondest . expectations 75c, 50c and..... 25e DRESS AND WORKING GLOVES A collection large enough to satisfy the . most fastidious -$1.50, 91.25 .fl.OO, 75S 50 and 25. . Our $2.50 and $3.00 Hats v " ,' The small price of these Hats Is their least virtue. Inspect the Hatsr you will see they would be reasonably priced at Four Dollars. . . . ; r mm MORRISON C&zftesrSi BUSY DOINGS IN THE , Underwear Section Think of it, ' an Underwear Sale right at the beginning of the season when everyone ia looking for these lines in view of winter comfort $1.00 Men's Vicuna' 'Underwear ........... .75d , $1.25 Men's Fleece Wool '; Underwear .........fl.OO $1.50 Men's Lambswool . Underwear f 1.25 SHIRTS Elegant showing of newest style Dress Shirts f 1.50 to Soft Shirts, with coirars,. 45e to f 2.50, ... Got Caught In the Rain, Did You? -v Better come in and see the. lat est in Umbrellas, detachable handles, so you can pack in trunk or grip. . Pricea to suit every purse. , ' . 65c to $4.00 CARELESS GRADERS DAMAGE THE MAINS WA1 II M SOABB su oosr- on on sa wa- CoatrMttors vfa mn rvpatrtna trMt r wmrf oaralvu and frequently twr op th water BMtns, thai e&uilns th wmtr works aiueh trouble and txptna. aeoard Stik to Frank T. Dodga, aupartnumdant of tha Municipal watar works. Ha atatad at tha meeting- of tha watar board yea- Sour Stomach T m4 Cmimm mm tl nka a mw mmm. I fem kMi ft inff.rf r from rJpiU mni Mtr toHMk tor lha Ut two bra hm taklni r1n mni otb.r drw. Ml eonld ln4 i vlUi imJr tr ih.rt Urn., iirill mtobbm! CucmM to r trls4t M wily tkltif for lulliwllai w4 t atoBtrk Hd to kw tha howaU fa ma mow- im avmcalar. JUaahOkaak, Pa, ftrl Bst for . ff ThsBowess - -- - wkia, Mnt, Tart o J 9nad, n or AHpa, 1C Mt, mt. tfarw mbdI tahlat l.ima4 COOL "i i ' a. -i mihMW W .ara mr vav atv k. SaarMag a aasr Ca,. Chtcaaa ar ff.T. fa SJUi. HI IOU0I I0XU tardar that thla was aapaolallr tnia wbara atraat- ara bain a; fradad. To aubataotlata him statamant ba raad aomplalnt from raaldanta alone Fra mont atraat, who aUtad that tba two tneh aaain thara haa baaa ao badly dam aad by atraat oontraoton that thay ara now without watar. Thar akad tha board for tmaaadlata taUaf. Many patitlona for now mains whara atraata ara bains Improvad oama bafora lha board. Raaldanta af Soutb Fourth atraat, betwaan Uooksr and Wood, daalra a faur-lnch main; Bast Ninth atraat, ba twaan B) la worth and Bingham, patitlona for a six-Inch main; Bast Main atraat, batwaaa East Fortieth and Baat Forty, first, asks for a aarvlo main, and Hol ladsy Parfc-addltloa aeaka larsjar mains. Proparty-ownara on Balmont atraat ask for a main, but thay do not daalra It laid vatU thair atraat la Unprorad In tha aprln. A now algtat-lnoh main will ba placad In Oantanbaln avanua wharo tha atraat la balnc Improvad, oommanolns; at Russell atraat and runnlna; a dlataooa of faof. Thla mala wU cost about t,ir . Superintendent Xtodea m4 his oaar- tarly report, andlna; with Baptambar M. Tha receipt for tha marter were 494.4a, Wblla tha disbursements were aa follows: Operation account, 116,119.61; meters, llt.lls.ll; construction aocount, MS.40I.U. Total dlaburaamanta, 1114, SI4.04. Of tha amount paid for eon structlon, 4SC.9t waa axpendd la ex tandlna; tha mains, and l4t.IOs.1T paid for reconstruct Ion at reservoirs. Tha euparlntendaat'e monthly report shows that tha receipts for September ware $,1.). while tha dlshursemanta ware 6.ClI.oS. It waa axplatnad that tha reason tha expense account was so largo waa because much Work la being doe oa tha elty reservoirs. ' woKAjre oxira Kurm, The ttrst meeting of the Woman's club for tha new year will be held tomorrow at S o'clock In Blllng-Hlrsoh hall, whan tha following program will ba rendered: President's address. Mm. P. J. Mann; vocal solo, lira, Fletcher Lfnn; plane solo, Mra. Ed R. Root; ractUtlon. Mrs. a H. Pattlnger. A reoeptloa wlU foUow PSEUDO GOSPEL WORKERS CAUGHT OAFSJ AsTS FAJmCX- fATI BV VSUwATFUla O 'V; Preaohlng tha gospel en the atraat ana mlauta, taking a oollaetloa tha next and then, going to a room of the AmerSoaa eafa to divide tha money 'with her part nar Is what tha polios say draco Foyna haa baaa doing for several weeks. Last night aha, la oompany with three other woman, were arrested on warrants Is sued out of tha municipal court ' They wars oharged with offensea, found guilty and Aasd ! each by Judge Hogua this morning. t . , Tha Fwyna woman daalad that she had baaa preaching on the streets and hiking collections, ostensibly for tha spreading of the gopt but Pollcsmaa White and other witnesses swore aha had. They say she and another woman would hold atraat meetings, els and preach and take a collection. They would than go to tha notorious saloon named and boast of their trickery and divide tha money they received. In addition to tha four woman arrested and Sued from tha diva, there waa J. a Balrd, half owner of tha place, who waa charged with maintaining a disorderly house. Ha pleaded not guilty, but tha testimony of Policeman White and D. M. Roblln, Balrd'a partner, convicted him and Judge Hogua Bned htm 149. In ad dition. Judge Hogua and Deputy City Attorney Fitagerald agread ta request tha liquor license committee to forfeit tUu asioaa lioense. Roblln was Saad M yesterday and to still In fell la default of payment. Never In tha history of tha municipal oourt haa thara' bean such a dejected quartet of women aa those befere Judge Hogua today. Testimony of witnesses relative to th orglea at tha American oaf a waa too Vila for pubtloatlon. Roblln hi a pioneer of Alaska. Ba bad his hands froaen off while thera, TO BEAUTIFY SLOPES ' THAT ARE HIDEOUS , . -. i i -'.'- v Th elty park board hag hit wpo happy plan of beautifying south Port land la tha vloinlty of tha tmmanat fills which Maya been made during; the past year. During tha winter tha alopee of tha flllla ara to ba sown la grass, and planted In flowers. Thar ara several af there Sill and altogether tha alopea contain aeveral aeraa of ground. Bee Idee beautifying the unsightly eopes th grasa and flower will be meflolai. Th roots will hold th soli compactly and will prevent th water during tha winter seasons from wash ing away tha earth, Tha superintendent of tha park will begin tha work shortly. BIG BOOM IS ON AT ST. JOHNS JUST NOW There I a boom at St. Johns. ' New houses ar going ap In every direction. RBSterner are negotiating with Chris topher oihus for a half block aa a site for a six-story hotel.- Contracts have bean 1st by Cochraa Braa. for th Im mediate building of four frame store buildings. A large two-story laundry building haa yuat been completed. . There ar gaii sb of men and tea me at work with scraper grading streets. Repreaentatlvea of a Lowell, Masek, oatton manufacturer war la St. John last vk, aooompaaled by a oasuitlDg COLUMBW THEATRE Mth aa Wamlagtaa. BO. L. BAKBB aUsager. T0M1QBT :18, AMD ALL THIS Taa must aoeaUr stork company la lisrtri. aresestfat Mad-Una Lacrtte Byleys greet ronaady snecaex, "AW AMTOOAW OTTXXBbT." . risysd eft 100 asm sy hat a Smaaia, air warn, stabtino arrwDAT mat.. Gaarlai rrohman'a Haw Terk anulre Thtetre win. wwvryjro) txb vm." Sy aaaay Qrsasy. ' 'r"' rilL V Me: BjaflDae. J- e. Dewntowa ticket offiw. Boe a Martin'. n Hu. mn. .- a, t lastea its., frost ts a. m. k t a m.i at tkl T a. sl X 3 ( ' ' The taste and Fashion of fine Custom-made Correct c in Clothes Clothes The maker's GuMantee and Ours with . Every garment , cTllen ? : " . :,. . Buffum CSk Pendleton . -Qothiera, Hattera. lirnishera 311 Morrison Street ' ; : Oppoaite PoetoSce atr. after Narquam Grand Theatre w-ILmT Faoas Mais ssa, -. frMay sad aataroar Iflgate. apacUl price atatlnee gataroar. Tea mnalcal eouvdy eitrarasaasB. Twm wrmAJU or oa." SvenlBg prtoeagntlrf krwar Soor. It.lt B.I. JaF' t- plal miTdm srkMe at. Tat. an MM, aftc. its are sow aalllnc. Marquam Grand Theatre . . Pboae Hals sat. W. T. Paagla, Moaday. October IT, Mattae Satar rrr-afTie ife-Ufo prnriitl ivoa avoaamva. Wmdar, Turaday aud Wdneasay, uh or m DUituraLti," nareaay, PYldty, Saturday tad Bator da? Hattnae, BtAJSTA OS TMM MWIAIM" Mt aa aaia toatorraw. OONOKAX . SLasiia aaoa. "-' ooMaaaT irasT. mosm '" 4.m ar'HHSTrta" engineer, flgurtng upon an avallabta sit for a ooltoa goods factory of 7,M plodlea. Ailaa Uvlt' tmai BraaeV Holmes Coal B Ice Co. AGENTS tOt. i RICHMOND C0A1 -, " 1 1 - CARBON HILL COAL V ' - - -'t- '- -uA 'Ki Our Increaae4 ftwifitlee for bondlins; oar Coal eA) us to Mad oat cleaner Coal than vcr before. H yoa want Lump Coal , we cca send you ALL Lump NO DUST t STORE NtMOVED TO THDLTsttNTH AND IRVING 1 ' IIi 7l f -till: ; Aim PHftWF. NWltMl MAIM 966 Wi hava moved from th northeast oomer of Second and "f'aylnr to our new warehouse on the southeast corner of Thirteenth and Irving streets, and are now prepared to show to the trade samples of to largest Una of stoves and ranges manufactured on this coast. We also deetre to call attention of hotel and restaurant men to our 1na of Portable and French Ranges and get our prices, for wa will aava you money. ( - Loewenberg' (Q. Going Co. a rea Ordasa. Sawte SSS. aTesrth Vhhrtesath and brkf MMUWMMManm. Cordray'f Theatre Jr ' rsrUaad's Paemtor rtayeaeai. ; . Prlraa. 1e, Ke. SDe: ssectsl reawTad seets, las. Matleae. Sftc Is any pert ot the sense; ehlkhra (aaectaj ecate). 10r. OuswiiSKihig tealght (Tkaraday). rrtsay. St arday siatlfiae sad algat, . -Tfia HUKPHBBYMAPatAM CO,, ' prceaetlng - er i stasniamat Stroag ssst. effects. Heat attrerttoa. rriiOHisf a blliotts Big eteasj arosvM-rlm a the great feaetea SMiodraaM, TOS XU SAaTm" ' grantaet Roaalaa alay ever written. r latesa sltaatlona: nrlntag eSSkftseel ttartUag effactsl The Uyrlo Thettrs a. e. vnrxcm a oo. U1KHET, WTLSOM ftTAl. ttVB.t K. HILL. I0HV StTDZELCaX , ' IAIKT BOTT. aaoopa. Saifeiswiinei :S9 ta 4:S, f rW te iM p. a saaai aa sigaer. , AMWMhtWW. The aesM ef pallte VanitfrllH. Oaatfii piYfnnBBBca frosi 1 te t:U p. SI. gandays continuous S t 10:W p. m. iTrenliig parfflraa. aaoae frow t ts 10: p. Pa. Any aat 10 casts. The The sx Aim Arcnd& Theatre '. OrlglBSl ranOy Vsasevttle Bssas. ' Thle Week. vks helm OHiLoaaii. BOM BXJfNEL. . . . i.: HUEGEL Baoi. yxAEx ajtd Kiae. H ' . ' r XATZ COTLK. - J ' THI Bioaoora. t:M 4 . .. T:sa a. ig.aa itaaloa, lot te say eaat JOURNAL COUPON No. 17-r-COUPON No. 17 ' STAR TMEATRB FSXDAT BCATTinrB, OCT. 14. XMM. This coupon and to entitles holder to on admlastoo. whan presented at ho office. ' t '''". - - -n - c n