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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1904)
TUX OREGON DAILT JOURNAJJ, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER It,' 1901 i. flO D CIO Vat.O LI LaUsiV.aV m Monuii maun n- WUtBM SMUTS OOWflWTIL ' - am KytMn von ma ov PORTLAND THXLATUILS Devld H. rraanU. presides the boulslana Purchase axposlUon, lu for ; worded nig check for $1 to Manager Tom Rlehardsoa of tho Commercial lub, re questing tho deUvery of three ooovsnlr colas. Tho totter of .Prssidsat Francis : j follow: "Mr Dear Mr, Richardson: Tour lot- tor of tne lid Instant, reminding mo of pleasant duty, to before mo, and In re- sponss to its sunoitioa I snclooe here- with my ohock for H an commission r you to Uodtr It with my oompUments to the todlea of ths Lewis oam Clark: louvuair oola eommlttoo aad roquaet iom to send m three souvenir oolna X do this aa ft slight ovldsnoo of my - inttrMt la the great exposition tho poo- plo of Portland and Oregon aro project ing la honor of tho achievements of Captains Liim and Cluck ens hundred years ago, tjo people a row ettr and state ' hsvs hi every war shown a aubsUnttal armpathr for -tho Louisiana Purchase exposition and I aaturo you that It will moot with earnest recrproonUon hy tho good pooplo of t. Louis and altosourl. "I am glad to aoto that tho manage ment of your exposition has tno oniow olaotlo oo-ope ration of your ladton, It lUustratra tholr pride of otato and city and will bo a helpful factor la row success. (Signed! D. R. FRANCIS." Under dato of Ootobor f, J. W. Bailor at thlo eity wrltoo Uanagar lUohardeon that ho has high hopoo of tho Interna tional Pure Food oongroas selecting Portland as tho plaao of tholr ltoo snooting. Tho only ohaaea of a tenure, ho nays, m tho fact that tho nouventieo waa hold ott tho ooaot two years ago and tho oaotorm delegates aro trying to poll it beyond tho Missouri river for next roar. Mr. Baiisy nan an ssvarai hundred badges distributed In behalf of Portland and la doing hi utmoat to secure tho wsslred result. Ho to alao wArKIng to aooaro tho Batter Workora' convention for Sen rranolBoo aoxt year. Mr. Bailor expected U return shout Oo tobor la . . . V J Saypt Wishlol Pawfcr Free. On another page of thla tssus Tho Journal announces that with oaah want msim ftw th (taitV MMT It Will SAVO away abaolotaly trot a largo paokago ofl Baypo Waahlng Powdor. Baypo U a coast produot maaufaoturod n Portland, and la an anoseollod washing powder. it oontaln no harmful Ingrodlonta and oan bo used without fear of Injuring tho flaoot fabrlo. It is a clean ear that does Ito work thoroughly, and an article that should bo found la every household. Thlo vaJaablo Mkewloo lnwpnalve- pfontam m yours with a oaah ad. for any dally laauo. To kaow tho rata U . words for lft eanta. Allen h Lowls' Best Brand. iinn mamm run T.nh iMMnM was oaoo asked what ho eoasidarad tho moot important ele ment la a play ta mako It suooossfuL Mis reply waa brlof aaa to tho point; "Situation.". . - Tho diaiogda wao of Ian importance, la tho old man'a opinion, tbaa engaging situations, and. as matt or of fact. It did not requlro tho tatemoaft of a rat oraa a prove that. On mos tbaa oao aoooaton a single attvatloa haa aavod aa otnorwlaa worth leas play, and aa a goa oral rule, tho play-goer remembers only one scene, no matter bow good or how wall tho wholo to eimsted. "An Amorlpan CHlsen," which ta-ap-porontly drawlaa; tha entire population to tho Columbia theatao - thla weak, taama with "stuiatloa." The third aot haa never been and oould not possibly be surpassed In this regard. The scenes change froea-oomody to omoCfoa with the rapidity of Cigarette's obaraatar, and there hi a apana of at least 1 minutes during that aot la which players move hunt tha ataca without ntterlna a word. Tot tho acting, tho stage "busi ness," which they perform la ta moot minds the moat beautiful element of the pteoa. Tho eaeraoaauag aeeoe auouiawnon tho baaband, who baa mot ala wife only in hie Ufa m br aooldent as signed to hot apartments m tha hotel. At the same moment ana la aressing in .m 4tinin room. Ha Is roduolng a waUaa head br means of sold towels when oho on tors hurriedly m eareh ox bar maid to havo bar dross hoovea. Altsr a good deal of artful explanation, she to eompslled to call upon him for as sistance In tho little matter of toilette, and right hero tho moat anotoous humor Within a few miavtea vtg seasuiui i rlolet poena oomoa as. Thla must be iimu4 Wfare It aan aa annroolated. (iMrtlint OfirstlT lOVOB tbO OltlBOB and the wife discovers her placing fresh vio lets la what she aappaaea m aw nm Instantlr the fire of womaafg leelousy mnifMifl itself. Tha wife dlsoovara that aha leva bar husband, the thrown out tho Tteleta and ptoka np bis aamk tmm tjifcst. whlah she folds aentlr to her breast and tries to Imagine tt aa real. Throughout tho seen there aro but three words spent sa hie unknown oweethesrt'o "Ho'H never know," aa aaa ptaoaa wo Tteleta. too, maloTolont wlteboa and all kinds of quaint and whimsical erearurea. Tho suoeeedlng soenea of tha play show Utile Dorothy's adventures with her boon oompaalona, tha oaxeerew and tha Tin Woodman, Is ,har sad ear nr to find bar way back .to Kansas. Boatg aro now aoliing. Th flMl smens of "Tess of the ITUr- barvUloa." whloh Floronoo Roberts will present for Monday, Tueaday and Wen aeodar nlahta of her engagement at the afsfejuam Orand Boat week, la One of the most beautiful Incidents In tha en tire performs noa. After a harrowing emrUB wits, lava and BOvartr Toss has bean driven to murder her tormentor. the wicked Alee iruroervuie, ana aaa fled from tho eosae. After days of vaa oarlng and hiding aba reaches the ruins nt tha aid Druid temiua at Stonshonatt. She falls asleep aa the aaorlflolal altar and, aa aha wakes to find tho bailiff and hi a iub HBitinK fas her. aha faces the oast, and with tho gtew of tho rising sun on her faea, says, -i am reaoy. f bbmL the nn haa eocne." It la the dawn of ft new spiritual life for bar la whloh aha at mat finds paaoe and Happiness. -Xarte of tho Lowlands" will bo Miss Boborte offering for Thursday, Friday. Saturday alghta and Saturday ma tinea The advanos sale for bar osgsaemont will open at 0 o'olook Oft Friday avymlng. OOWOPJB. The acenery m -Tho Wlaard of Oa." whloh oomoa to the marquam Orand the atre tomorrow (Thursday), Friday and Satarday nights, with a special prion m-ftn Saturday, la aot only of tho most elaborate nature, hot K Involves tbroo mechanical effects and half a doaea transformations of a urdqae kind. The first act shows a stanaaa fafhf with Its fields of waving grate and Its -old-fashioned homestead. While tha hay makers are at work a cyclone denoenda upon them, carrying off tho house with little Dorothy, tho heroine, inside of It. Tbaa by n of a novel atago affeot. tha dlMMt ereta the absolute Illusion of tho pilgrimage of the house toi the heart of tho gale aa n sweeps over wi lagoa. towns and otttoa, aver prairies and deserts, untfl It finally Subsides nt tha kiwi with little Iorethv de scends to tho myatto land of the Munoh- klns, a region Inhabited ay pretty xair- An ssnsDattt nrosram has ranved bv Mia Viola Otlbert Forney- hough for tho ooaoart to ho given tonight at tho Seamen s maututo, iw Jioria Front street, at o'olook. Tho numbers ara: Plana solo. Mrs. Viola Crawford; omnia son. H. WL Metoalf : aosrano solo. Mrs. Gilbert Feraayhoughf recitation. Otto Fry; baritone solo, T. B sUlpaok; violla solo, Miss May Bngltah; eoatralto solo. Miss Krma Wlgle; uormaa aong, writs Uhm: sonrano solo. Miss Cather ine rvvaxiM: raottatlOB. Miss Bunwala reJa: haritnaa solo. Prof, W. T. Wereoh- kul: com is sons. Frank Mot tor: piano solo. Henry Meyer. Mrs. vioia v raw- ford, aocompaoist. Nothing more gmoerur la arttotto poa- mg baa boon seen at the Arcade the atre this season than the work of Pores ond King, and Paras, who does tha prln ol pal posing aot. drawn round after round of applause. Ha wears a eos turns of white and presents himself aa a nu maa statue. Standing motionless , be- rore a darksnad background, ha to aflmlraMe speelmoB of muscular graos ghd looks Uks a Roman gladiator. Dur ing hie aot tho planolst effeoUrely plays ArdetU's "Magnstlo Walts" ana "Kiss Walts." JUsa King tie seleeUoas. 4' A. Reduced Reproduction of the Oraphophooe. 'tUIIUIU VII UWIIVf REGULAR PRICE $7 JO ilia I niiimhia i.rnn 111V phone , CaArtntefl to M Per Taking NmAIim 'f- The CohimbU TKmofTaph compen1 siarsnteee this rrapho phone to be t perfect Ulkinf mschine- in tact ther will allow a credit of $1.00 on it tovrmrd the purchase of any other machine that they make at anr time within a year the sub scriber to hare the full use of the graphophone during that time. ' v J - : '" 1 ' 1 ' r ". ; Hw Journal's Extraordinary Offer By special arrangement with the Columbia Phonograph company, W Seventh street, The Journal Is enabled to make the following extraordinary offer: ' wa,vr,i "Journal" Graphophone Agreement 1 - - roSTtAKD. mnuru pea, os Pwdisd, f.t gwtl.siie I here mwfrie far ! Sefly ani Si I f feejael J rt year tt the mrelsr ret ii dVper a.ta, tn eoMlsentlea ef which, sad . whim hMvby pay fc a emtem atltUns mm Brat mord. rest are tofursjfe ne sntlrtly free at the efoee ef tha CMtU Pheaatraph Comeaay, Me. 1 aVreBth nptopMM (upon mj sarnf aiuiwo nirie, retam trt. em rayalar IT ao Arapkophea (apon ef 9Vn1 atB ,l frpr W tmm fBrtOfv. park'st. etc). ' P eseteatve em iwtaf me una ef tkla eaten tt W arrmmA fhrttia lhat t mm u( MttUiallaJ M) DareSae SBT farthe HUM Of Ok tela Ortpeopbo tnrlnt the tarn ef mr atfteAtpHent W II tv tin asd at mf ews atlon T h ear re SO alflineael nrerda ef me Cehnaais rhesetret rVaaaay at th4r shevf. erwed eaoowte tsb) mmonptais me awnles tsea IsaaaiM mf enlenv saepsrty swevar. SIS y stgeei aam). iroTs tm 0s e ' W I. - fe-enMSa Ceaneny wfH snnw a amdft m J4 , at ay mae suttag ms year la a thai easjrect. aaSsiMHl they warn sa Vw PIM1PPICRP r'P VERY LITTLE EERE Md fast for 14.111; Osx a Barrett. 4.14; Portland Lumber aompany, ttr 174. U; aiaatern m W ester Ov-Lum per oom- pany, 14.1 a Tha aguros wlU ho for warded to Washington at onoa to he noted upon by tha department. As they wUl bo sent by mall It to probable that no reply will ba received for two or thraa. waasa. ajtt emaoa or Ajm SXATB VO sTUS- L. A. Pike, United Stales deputy Of on stoma, reporte that amnggllng has dwtadled down to next ta nothing at thlo port, Ho says that tha last astooro made of smuggled goods that oama to Portland on a shin waa tost April a, and It was of small oonseqnsnoa. Before that date there was hardly a aaonth elapsed that a shipment of freight of some char acter or other waa not found concealed In such a manner aa to Indicate that aa effort bad been made to get n Into a oeemtry free of duty. Tho greater portion of tho smuggled goods w oolum. ' Tho declaration m mado that tno smuggling evil roeatved a groat setback mat spring when ft gang that Xouowaa tho business waa broken up at Seattle. Several of them ara now m tho peni tentiary, hfr. Pike asserts that there to do doubt ta his mind that tho seem hers of tha Seattle' operators were respon sible for tho unregistered shipments whloh hava reached Portland to years nasi. Tha Opium amunuad la hero aimewi Invariably oama In under soma other ML At Mmea tha nnroais or poawageo wars designated tea, or soma aommodlty eaamnt . from taxation. Mr. Plka to of tho opinion taat mo smugglers hava loft Portland and the north Paclflo eoast for other salon. Tha hUl at Cordray'a wUl ohanga to morrow night, when for the first Urns in this cltr that stJrrtna drama of tha southlaoa, "Kanba Tennessee" wfS bo presented. It has a record of oontiauous suae i sea a whsrevar tt has appeared and Ito western tour haa beam a ooa tinned triumph. Tho scenery to one of the spe- otoy features of the produotMa and shows a number of beautiful views oc tno Teh asssoo backwoods. It la a play for live people who have aved sad who know eo me thing of tho tnals and tha toys of torn amt garrear. SAOsVA ZS A SOW. Laora nearly takes one's breath away by ala asnsstisnsl work aa gymnast at tha Star this week. Leera to a well davalopod young man and, am work to far out of tho ordinary. Unlike other performers, ho does aot hava a not un derneath him should ho mado a slip. But when hs ascends to the top ef the eradte, aa tt to termed, at tho top por tion of tho trap ana ba swings himself aa ala tsea without any visible bald of a stationary object. . " ' "BTJhttm A SBaV -I must see that play again, woU-knowaj man who nover misses tha good theatrical offering!, after the mati nee parformaaoa of "Burled at Sea" at Cordray'B tost Sunday. That same saaa haa Invited a largo party of friends to witness tho final perform snee of tho en gagement tonlgbt. There are thoitasnda of. people In Portland who hava already seen tt and apeak of tt aa tho beat awto drama they hava over aeea. u , - suov amxwwa uvi: Joksa that ara strictly . lecaL songs that are oatehy and wait sung, laugha ble aomedy and a oraoklng good show generally to tha treat at tha Bijou thto week. Owen's and Hart's aomedjr aom panp to ft great drawing oard, "Dear Old Olrr and 'Til Marry Jemima" ara among tha moat popular song. Usls and OecU" have ona of tho aaa Mil at. ajtotohoa aa raoord. -By Bight of Sword," tn wblch Ralph fltuart presents a dramaUoally real word don n lot. wlU ba aeon at tho Mar quam toalght for tho last time during Its present sngngemont. Portland's ra oeptloa af the oharmlne piece of acting has boon squally as anthuslastlo aa that of other oltios In whloh It haa appeared. Tonight's parformanos el oaoo tha en gagement. - ' eo stu. a itua - Tho Lyrlo am n age meat to presenting a irsod bill thla week. H. O. Welch A Co. ara at tho top. They appearance tn The flip Mr. nop," The musloal trio, Oumasy, Nelson and Ryan, aro lever. Swan and Swan are good eomedlana Harry Hoyt In Illustrated ergs pleases; and there to tho vltssosps, MORE DELEGATES TO CO EAST AND SOUTH PTany Oregon towns, alive to the lm portanoa of supporting Portlaad oom morslal organlsatlona to aatlonnl mave menta affoetlng tha advhnooment and prosperity of tha Paoiflo aarthwest, are appointing delegates to the Trans -Mississippi congress that meets at St. lion's, and tho National Irrigation congress at SI Paso. Tha following hava been namedi To St. Louis Ontorto eh amber of oommoren, Ontario, Or, J. PL Oregg. J. D. Bllllngsby. V. B. Staalaa, C. A. BoMlne. a. a rraaar. Cltiaens association of Bobo and vi cinity, Babo, Or4 a F. Thompson, A. & Judson, L. A Boteb, WUltom Roeves, J. H koonta . To SS Faa--Onterte abamber of oeav maroa Ontario, Or, W. O. Jaaklna, T. W. Metoalf. C W. Mallevt, G, C Oarter, . A Barret. dtteene aasoelatfOtt of msho and vi ol b I ty, Bksbo, Or., O. P. Thompson, R, C Judson, U A, Kstabv William Beevea. J. VL Aoonta . (taartal Otasatm W Tha Tin ml Moscow. Ids., Oct II The building alto, earner Second and Jefferson streets, haa been purchased far 11. 1st by tho Carnegte Library assoclalioav BOflnTaawsata fOf alQ tPal 1 VaXaBT BA 0SOOQeat wtOsB" algnmsttt of lumbar for tho PhUIpptneo were opened at aooa to tho office of OoL Jeaew mt. Baker, local dlsburslOA- Ottar- tsrmastea Tho ardor oaito for ta.eoo feet of rough timber, which will be need for eom Dieting the barracks now under oonotruotlon at Manila. Together with tha lumber On whloh Mda were sub mitted Monday tho entire shipment will Mount ta 194.11ft fast. In addition to thto there Will no Trap- piled a big quantity of doors, wiaaowa, naAna and hardware. While the ma terial will aot make a full oarro for tha average stood ocean oarrler, tt Is said to ba vary likely that tha remaining spaoo will bo filled .with hay and grain, fnr the aunnlvlns- at which tenders will probably ba asked later. As yet no ar- rangomoate hava boom oompieua ror uio trananartaiioa of the tumbar and other material, bwt tho opinion la prevalent that a government transport will ba used for tho purpose. Tha Dla arrived at Seattle Monday after ft 1 1-day passage from Naa-sssfcL Japan, Some aro dis posed ta believe that aha will bo hero aa aooa as tho aooaptaaea of the hiitw haa been brousht about and other details oonoarnlng tho matter properly arranged. There were four proposals submitted u thA flnraa show that oomvsUtlon to keen. Two of the firms bid tho same assouat The several Mda ara as fol lows: Tha Washington, A Oregon Lum ber company agreed to supply taa sis. ON TUB SAFETY OF. OVER EATINQ. First Moor Mason sf tha steamer Oeorge W Elder, whloh arrlTed la port Into yesterday afternoon from San Franolaoo, orUiolses very severely the life-saving erew statioaed at Cape Dis appointment, aoar the mouth af tho Co lumbia river. Had they been anxtous to perform the work required of them by tho government, ha states that they would hava gong out on tho bar yester day and mado aa effort to rescue Boat swain Will lama who fell overboard from tho Bldsr and was drowned. The aMidont ooourrad within two mllee of tho Ufa-saving station," says Mr. Masoa. "and it should hava boon sees by tho membere of tho erew. The day waa perfectly elear, and wo were la plain eight of them. It to ft part of their duty to keep a eloee lookout for all auch ooourreoced as that of yester day. That they did aot, looka ta bo a SToaa wlooo of oaroleasnass. Mr. wiuiams ten overboara snotrtiy after tha Elder had oroased tha bar. A strong abb tide was running al tha Uma and ha waa quickly carried out to l A boat waa Immediately lowered. and TTl rot Officer Masoa and two oom- pantona wont to the rescue. Tha sear oh was oonttouod for M minutes, but with out avalL Tho tug WaUula, whloh hap- nanod alone, alao Joined In tho sear oh. A life preaerver which was thrown to tho drowning man waa picked up by tha officers of tho tug. Williams wag about 14 years of ago and had been on tha Elder about throe years. - , Tn tow af tho Ooklehama tho echoonor Virgin is, lumber laden for San Pedro, will leavo for tho aaa una artarnoon. Tha ateamar Fulton wlU also sail to night with a lumbar ear go for m Franolaoo. -..- Last svantng tha arhnsaer Alloa Ko Lponald arrived In tha harbor and went rto tho Portland mill to receive a luav- bor oarga. Tho Mahal Oala atopped at St. Johns ta go aa tha arydoak, and the Robert Hind waa taken over to vi oouvor to reeolva ft oargo af Washing ton nr. Tho steamer No Wonder was - taken up ta the Portland shipyards this morn ing to undergo a few minor rapairn, Oh, Vhat a Tim There Vill 4 Be! V , ... '"r: -r a ' Wk. i . a VV . II It i) A meoaago from Saa Franolaoo to T. S. MoRath. tha looal agent, states that tho repairs to tha steamer Northland will tn all probability bo completed by Ooto bor 10. Just aa aeon aa she to tn shape Mr. MoBath states that the vessel will onoa more bo plaood upon tho Portland Saa Franeteoo route to the lumber carry ing trade. It Will be remembered that tho Northland waa wrecked oaT tho Cal ifornia ooast about three weeks ngo while bound from Portland with a oargo of lumber. She ran on ft rock and torn a hole In her hull. Tho steamer to new and tt wao tha first trip aha ever made. , 1 Ml If ho ahould gutinaal tn making aa Overage pas a a go tha .oriental Mnsr Ara gonia will arrive at Portland oa Friday of this weak. She sailed from . Yoko hama for tho Columbia river on Sep tember it, and aha la now out 14 days. The oteamer to brtnclng a full oarga of Japanese and Chinese goods. All of bur freight spaas for the outward trip haa bean ongagoA She to schedules to sail on tho return voyage Ootaber H , tho Way Yam The Bala of (maastng BvUa AppUee to X want to know how a mas at to know when ho has had enough T . ' Tho Pilgrim Fathers, I bottovO. had a quaint aaylng to the err tna you should always rise rrom tno una xee lng ag if jrau oould eat soma mora. But tt question is, how maoh gwraf Just when to stopT . Thaf s tha point. Tha rule to wrong, because It's as rule at hU. r It to toaxast and unaotentioo. It to likely to lead to tha dangerous habit of eatfng too little. And anting too little or digaattng too Uttla, whloh amounte to the earns thing tha cause of nine-tenths or the from wbtoh humanity buffers today. . What to eiaaasaf It to simply uneven baton oe latwesn waste and repair. ' Soma organ laefea atrangth to aarrr on tha special work for whloh tt waa created. Whero ahall It find tha strength tt laokaf . .. . In drugsf Tsn tbouoaad tlmaa. NO! Better die tbaa heoome a bapaliaa drug ftand. No: to fooA ' ' "But" yoa aay, n eat plenty af good food every dayl True, dear friend bu It And food, undigested, to So, to make food do yoa good, yon must taks Stuarfo Dyspepsia Tableta. Tho groat thing about Stuart's Pya pepsto Tsbtots to, that their action docs not depend upon atimulattvo druggOry. They cannot oroate a habit. They contain no Ingredients to ploh you np," "tone ap your nervous sys tem or furnish whin enerwr. bv sailing out your vital rsosrvo foroa. Thev araate new otrsnath. foroa and energy out of your food. If taaon. starving, utoy win go ywa so good at all. Ha ait ta live, ani Hva hs aaa. with Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. v. Tha curse of our present slvillaaUoa to exhaustion. And ozhaustton. whether of brain, nerves, physical strength, ar vital foroa, la caused by starvation. Of two evils, it Is batter to overeat (and prevent lndlgastton with Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets), than to lies from tho table, not having eaten enough ta repair tho exhaustion af your vital forces. For exhaustion or starvation leads to the most varied forma of elekness or disease, brought oa by Inability of tho weakened vitality to counteract tha disease poisons, and microbes. Whereas tho well-fed and well-ncur-lshod person, without Over feeling tha worse for It. eaa expose himself to dan gers, the-mem thought of which would drive tho weak, starving dyspepsia Into a panic fit Oooa rooa, wen aigesrea m tno great secret of a healthful axiateaoo here oa earth. A So eat heartily, ovary say, of tho beat food you can get. and regulate the work ing of your digestive machinery with Stuart'a Dyspepsia Tableta. . Am a nanlt wn will h astanlahsg tn find now much stronger and livelier you tool., hew maoh more and better work you eaa do. bow much mors plaaour you will gat out of Ufa, and how your old nemy, that ehronto trouble whloh has fastened upon your weak spot, wherever it is. win up and away, and ever aftsr leave you In peace, health and comfort. There' a more truth tbaa poetry ta all thto. . - - . Try K On her last trip from Portland tho steamer Redondo, ef Whloh Taylor, Young A Co. are taa looal agents, had a vary rough passage. While tossing and pitching in tho heavy aaa tha deck ohalno heoamo leans and a seed psrtlen of the lumber oargo oarrtod by ths vessel was wash ad overboard. Tho steamer was considerably mors than three days making tha trip and a storm waa oa daring tho greater part of tho time. i " 'Astoria, Oat 11. Ms bar report; lias down no shipping moving. Astoria, Oct. 11. Lft up at 4 P. Aurells. , Y. R. C A. Star Coarse. Opens Ootobor II, with Oeorge JL Wend Hug's famous tootara, "Saul of Tarsus. Bdmun Vanoe Cook, Jacob A Rita. Brnest oambls Bocltal oompany, Maro Maglo Recital oompany and Brnest Thompson fieton will follow. With tbeoo premier entortolnsra and attractions Portlaadsra may wall anticipate thla year's star course. Season tickets, in cluding reserved seats, aro bates said tor WkM! Filr ExartlMa. af aalo for world's announoed by the Aadmonal data fair tickets have 1n"r'T' Peotflo, Oa October IT. It, tt, upeotol round trip tickets to St Louis and eastern points will be on sals at very low rates. Tickets good far stop-over privileges and a choice of routes returning. For full particulars, sail on or ad dress, F. R. Johnson, P. A P. A. 143 Third Street. Portland. Or. c2) bT tha Bl 69-71-73 Bird Streets bet. Oak and Wat A . -. t . J nmwBW' ; ' . S.v1 tlva Bis Stora fat the, MMdU of tha Block wmLWm-mWmmuLmWLtwB rn Corivraencing Next Satio Monim at Solarise See Friday's Joiirnd - Portland's Greatest Top- to-Toe Outfitters for - Men and Boys Rapping at the Doors of Reason STRONGEST CRAVmr GASCLKE IMl? IN THE WCSLD 300 Candle Power LightLights ta 10 Seconds teaaade'peoteJlr' toraSSntefTimat aanf ito glva oompleto sattofaotloa, a4 will ba Sent Free on 30 Days Trfcl To any merchant or business man having a ootnrnarusal raClng. or other person giving Portland israrnuusa, axA if noTPBRFXCTLT SAflSFACTORt may ba rotarmtd to us at our ex pens. Thla offer to open to any part or wasnmgTon la wnmn we nw nn ng-ani tj ovary person of Oregon or Waahtngton to whloh we h mnA fnivht in ha accented immediately bv In these wealths fond of a perfect Light at tha , trivial expense of operating a nOaunoa oaa ou llama. Those lights are suites for . , . , Stores, Met Markets, Hotels, Saloons and rYlvate Residences Of olkc fim 9tm I ! il n M m H. Manning Upng & Supply Co. 43 Third Step artlaaTKl. OMffon AN EXTRAORDINARY OFFER In order to Introduce sdfl mora extsnsiveljr tha merits of Journal Want Ads." Ths JoopbsI will give with ersry cash "want ad." for ths daily paper a largs psckaffa of C IX aWnith Co.. Premier 6AYPO Washing Powder, sold reguUrly and all over tha city for JOc par pacaaga. .1HDP '1' '1. Just a Word Aboct Svypo : Washing Powder It is the parest bscaass it contjtins too ) narmful Inmdisnts and will aot injurs tha finest fabrics or the hands. If yott : oought It, you'd gat snore for tha aaasa noihsy than any other. t will cteaa any . thing and It doss its work tteroaghto. Your noma isn't MntpUta without M Urpo Wsshing Powder is a Pacific tmamt product (made m Portlsfid) and eaa j a laturauy want to fcacra---w a I r-