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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1904)
t THE OREGON DAILY ; JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBfl f 190. SPORTING NEWS OF TODAY BROWNS LOSE AT TACO MA BELDAME AND PRETTY POLLY ARE TURP STARS FOOTBALL. A6SETO OVnt V7 At:jUL-IOJN3 tdked by J, A. HOfUU, ELDAIIE 10 PRETTY P01U nf xm ha w- worn nUUT M0 BO MM nuniff boat. . . Tbe two fmlMt mot aorsec mi the American ud English turf. respectively are the two ulliee BeisArae and Pretty Folly. The former ha woa 11 rbeee nd anikibMl moobJ and third to her other two starts, whim up to September J Pretty Polly bad an unbroken string of six victories to bw credit. Beldame has woe to date 444,14: Pretty Polly wlnnlnn toouat to ft .. ' The American ejueea hu a lone Hot of Important sUkM to her erodlt, Um Moot notable of which am tbo Saratoga oup and Pint and mb4 specials. On his rotura to Los Angeles fi the oast, CL J. W. Brook of the As- cot Park Racine aaaeclatioa nmernea P -"What ie I think of Beldam? Tbo areatast All la too world today! I' mm a lot of race horaoo In tho laat yeera, but I avr aw anything that little chMinut ally. "Did I ever see bar rant Wall, no yon couldn't call It runnlnc: oho Juat gralloped. I aaw hr win that tak wbara ah gave flv pounda to horse Ilka Africander, McCheenay and Broom stick, and. oa or word. U wag Juat Ilk a Jacbrsbblt playing along In front of ,a lot of doge, Bho atmply galloped In a wtnnor by Ave lengtho and waa novor distanced. Tho next day aho took up 111 pound and woo. and tho next day 14. and It waa yuat a oaay aa before. Talk about a Tt AHyl That here as the pride of August Belmont's heart and h may not face any more after pretty Polly fathered tn all the dea lt cs f Bag-land escept the Derby, for which ah waa not entered- Both fill tee are chestnut la color and are hie- and ooworful. They p Treat speed, and usually kill off tttclr rival before halt tne journey ei era nra la com Dieted. ; Major K. Loden leads tbe Ilat of win-nine- ownars in England with M4.ISS to bla credit. Sir J. Miner, ior wdob Dannr Maher. the American Jockey freauently rode, la a dope second with tte.7. Richard CrokeVe boraoa were In noor form and won leas than tlf.. His expense of training, fort Its, eUk, will amount to Ste.eee. Tba ..leading American owner. Her mmfi B. Ihiryea,aa woa neatly lte,0 to' date. - - P. P. Gilpin, who developed the speed of Pretty Polly, head tbe Hat of train era with $15 7,7 la. aa the amount won by horasa under bis charge. O. Black- weU la second with 1101, II. The vet- area' John Porter, the oldest trainer abroad, la credited with ISI.iaO. Horses trained by Seas Darling, who handles a few American thoroughbreds, won . get. Kins Bdward Vil a trainer. RlcH- rA Ifarah. WOO Ul.SSO, 1 John W. Koger, who trains for Her .man j Durvea. baa won race worth The most suoeeasful English . thor- miahbreda of the season were: i, . . ,, , ;. . Race AnL. Pretty Polly. I. eh. t; y oai llnule Admiration f Rock Band. 4. b. c. by Bala- - foln Roaaebrun . ....... . St. Amant. i. b. c. by Bt. Prus- . ouln Ldy 1-overul . ... 1 H.7M 4t.s9 Uerl.y Dale. I. b. u, by St. Simon laraay . a h hv fS-Hane Oas v Tpsilantt b. - by Oalor Stefaoette . . . , ,. . ... ,. . .. Andover . br. ., by Rlbt- way-BUtar Lumlay ...... 4 Tedaa, 2. b. or br. c, by Ftor- ' laelll Arnoellc . Almacllff, i. b. c. by Woir Craa Llahtbead 4 ,1C 17.C4S 1MM CHAUNCEY BISHOP TO : COACH WILLAMETTE -N" - S - ,: ' - ' Jeorsal Bpirisl seiMaa.) Willamette University. Salem, Or.. Oct. 1S 4:oaeh Chaoncey Bishop of the 'ver eity football teas beava bla football eeretr at Willametta He talned bla first fame aa halfback on the '14 'varsity team that woa the state championship, and the following year played at the earn position oa the C. A. A. C. team of this city. -Next he oeaehed the Chemawa Indian team for a season and then played halfback with the Multnomah club team of Portland. Laat year be waa at Colum bia university, New Torh. and made tool at end, dolus; all the pontine -for hi team. He I a brilliant and heady player and baa bees mentioned for "All Amortee" honors, A great deal of In terest 1 betna; shown la the oomlnc fame between Willamette and D. of O., for tho latter team I also ooachad by an Oregon boy. Dick Smith, who played oa tbo Columbia team with Bishop. The game will be played aext Sunday la Eugene. AJCZKXOAV SOU Philadelphia. Oct: 1S.M1 Paul in McKay of the Oakley Country club of Boston defeated Miae Charlotte Dod. the English champion woman golfer, yester day by two op and on to play. Thla puts Ml ns Tod out of the contest. SCOTTS EMULSION 'makes pale; thin children fat nd chubby, j Overcomes wasting tendencies and brings back rosy checks and bright; Ir surprising how quickly children ' respond to Scott's I Emulsion. It contain, just, the element of nourishment thpir little hodlM npri. The v . , r . -. i thnve on it Even a few drops in the baby V bottle have a notice able effect for good. Nothing better than Scott Emulsion for growing children. yea a i ie COTT ftOWMft, m Pearl sweat, Ben Vers. BRIGHT PROSPECTS : FOK STATE 'VARSITY (Jearaal saris! sertfce.) . University ef Oregon. Xhigene, Oot It ProeMota for a fast team for tha 'varsity are look ine- up. aa several new men have entered college wherar flrat- claaa football player. Crow, tho old Albany college guard, la out trying for a plane, aa la Frank Templet on, one of the famous Tempteton family, whoa name is always coupled with football. Prank Tern Die ton will probably play fullback If he make toe team, and Kar roo wUl be moved to one of tbe taokle positions. Barker, from Astoria. Is au oher new candidate, whose stock I na- lnc. for halfback honors, and uray. a freshman from tba Kugene high school. la another man who will develop Into a good halfback, aa be runs weu win the ball and la on of the beat defensive player oa the team. Since the Alumni game the team baa Veen doing signal work and principally smoothing out the rough part of the play that were evi dent la the game. Oa Saturday tbe team meet Willamette university ou KlncaM Sold, and oa Wednesday, aext will take th train for California, there play gam f with Stanford and Brke On the war back a game may be played with the Ashland normal school. The game on Saturday la no ewen. aa the Willamette men are all big fallow. and Coach bishop will turn out a strong lib. And If Klacald held should do heavy aa It la at tbe present time, tbe 'varsity will have a bard Um te pre vent a score. Smith will not announce tbe Haeup until the team goee to California, and In the maanttme any msmber of the squad may be selected to play any of th Intervening- gamee. , About I men will be taken to Albany tomorrow, and moat of these will be given a chance to play. Chandler la not altogether recov ered from bis Injury of laat Saturday and Kerroa still be a very sore knee. Mclntlra, the blsr fresh man guard, has a strained back, whleh will put him out of tbe game for some time. But tbe team that will likely represent the uni versity la tomorrow contest follow: Hugg. center; MoClala and Stelwer. guard; Ban and Fen land, . tacaies; Chandler and Johnson, ends; Latouretta, quarUrback; Coptloa Templeten, Long and Gray, halfbacks; Xerron. fullback. AMONG THE BOWLERS ON PORTLAND ALLEYS Tbe Portland bowling dllvy waa th scene of merriment last night, aa the fane would root for their respective teams la ten pin tournament between the Pin Knights va. Monarch a The latter team proved them eel res tne strongest, defeating their opponents Hi pins In the three gamoa played. Tbe high averace was made or arue. 11. The Individual -high score waa Jit, mad by both Capon and Kruee. , - , Th cor br a ernes follows: nysmiin . iot i t vo VLh.m .!. 177 14 18ft aS Wat kins iff n eia Kruee ....10 174 47 Total Pin Knights Of gsillard,, . ourk t --.ij r lg Lamond 7rr....ii Boulanger ;....H Kneyae . . Total . . -MM Kerens "Oo Hlnnxamp. The laat time thee tsama played to gether the Pm Knight won. but th llonarchs' were out for revenge laat night, which was clearly shown by their determination, they taking th 'three straight games. Th steady work and timely atteking of Capon and Kruse for the Monarch waa one df the noticeable reaturea of tbe match. "Missouri" Bourk of the Ptn Knights, who baa been taking a "siesta" la the lid of Idaho, showed tbe boys be was etlll In the game. Next Prlda? night there will be ft gam of sovan pin between the Maple Fine. This gam naa several ea rn irere who enjoy smail-bau gaanee, such as cooked hat, eta, r - , - MULTNOMAH PLAYS STANFORD TODAY 'dears! serial hrnn.) Stanford University, Palo Alto. Cat. Oct. II. Th Stanford eleven, which has been under the' Instruct ion of Coach Lanlann for the past few weeks, la scheduled to meet the crack Multnomah Amateur Athletic club eleven, on th Stanford gridiron, this afternoon. Not withstanding their recent defeat at the hands of the Sherman Indiana, the 'var sity boyr confidently expect to defeat the northern elubntsa. and If snthuslasm will heln them to this end there will be plenty of that commodity In evidence at tba game, for the follower of the local university have been gathering all morning and a rousing and enthus iastic crowd will witness tha nam and endeavor to cheer Stanford to vletory. Manager Watklna of the Multnomah am la equally aa confident that bla men will com oui victorious, idt n claims that Multnomah' lino 1 much superior to that of th 'varsity, and ex pect his heavy bank fleld te tear gap through Stanford's ends. Many of the most conservative of the Cardinal ad mirers anticipate a no-score game. hicb, ta their opinion. 1 about tbe way tne eoeieei win wine up. opinion 1 also shared by several ex perts who are here to wltoeae the game. , . ,,- ' ' r. 1 BBW ATmXBTBO 0X.1TB tOaaUSt Th Peerless Athletic dub. 111 Alder street, held a meeting laat night for election of officers for ths ensuing year. 2!? IZL foUwlB mamBi' President, O. Sl Wlngrove; vtce-pree-Ident, N. J. Durron; secretary. Fred C Muller: treasurer, Fred A. Frischkorn; tmateea. Fred Erode rick. 'William A. Wrth- alOMi "r,n1- u Vmm- sandt' . .SM-SWSE ,, to . blab degree. Few words are needed now where many were needed In the teat A number of hew features wHl be added to the attractions of this dub. physical culture and general, gy areas tie being foremost among them. WaBBTS WAaTTS A MA YOB. j (leereel SeeHel Servke.) ' Sam Harris, manager of Terry He Oovern, annonnced yesterday that b Intends matching McUovern either Britt or Young Corbett feaUrwlsht championship, against Ue 21 .i.iso (i) (J) Total. 161 161 fill 17f 201 filO 1SI 171 483 141 16 467 161 fia i TACC'IA EASILY DEFEATS PORTLAND CBS BAOS W msTBaT.Ip STAB OATOX. " -4esrasl 4erls torvtm.) Taeoma, Waab Oot. 11. It waa really shameful tbe manner la which the Tigers yesterday afternoon toyed with Dufdale'g Paolfle National Ura. The Gray managed te secure a lead of tw runs la th fourth and Overall waa aa wild aa aa asylum man I a. but thla did net seem to have any effect with th buebere. They played the gams like wooden men. and ran bases like dray boraoa. la abort, they ware th easiest kind of picking. Tacoma won out by 4 to 4. Portland started off the game like a house af Ira, and the small bunch of fan who eould not be kept away despite th fact that rt bad been raining heavily for tbe peat two days, and that the sun had lust made Its reappearance after ft sojourn la seclusion for 44 hour, thought that Dug had at laat surrounded himself with winners. Doyla got a two- bagger and Marshall fumbled Bbeehan's grounder. Nordyk sacrificed and many thought that Butler waa not right tn the upper stories when be walked Began, but the wisdom of this was shown when the next man up hit into a double. After this ft funeral air pervaded the atmosphere until tbe fourth when Port land made two on three bass on belle, a hit by pitcher, a wUd pitch and Over all's sleepiness when Hogaa returned tbe balL Th Tiger took the wad in tha sixth. A baa on balls to Began, a double over the fence by Lynch, a couple of pea era and a single by Casey turned the trick for three. Two of these ware . forced la by Butler banes on balls. Two more for the Tigers la the seventh war made on a single, a walk nd a double by McLaughlin to right field. On thla play Casey did some tall bass running, coming In from first ' It looked aa If Portland would tie the ore m the eighth. Butler walked and took second on a wild pitch. - Drennen, who had already struck out thro time at bat. got ft oomp. McCreedle bunted prettily la front of th plat for a sac rifice, but Hogan threw wild to first end Ike trotted - home Prennen came home on Marshall's fin single to deep right, but McCreedle. because of bis nn- dsrtakar'a gait, waa thrown out at the plate. .... - - -v Taeoma got its sixth run In th eighth on a single, hit by pitcher, a base on belle and a single. Marshall made a phenomenal catch of a foul fly from Nordyk' bat In th sec ond- The ball earn down two feet In side th bleaobsr railing, but Jo atuck out bla bare hand, and copped. The norei ... , a a . TACOMA. AB. R H. PO. A. E. Doyle, r..f, .-.... 4 11114 h nee nan, in. e o ::::::! HA it 1. 1 1 X K 1 Nordyk. lb. Eagan, Lynch, e. B. t-v. ........ 1 1 fl kVfV.::::: ! J It ! c ........... 4 4 4 14 11 P. 4 4 4 4 11 Casey, lb, McLaughlin, Hona Overall, a. Totals ...j. .....41 4 4 17 14 . PORTLAND. ? AB. R. R Pp. A. E. Drennen. e f. i...,.,, 1 1 4 4 4 0 McCreedle, r. f. ...... 1 Nadeau, L f. . ; 4 i. . u . i Marshall, lb, Holland, lb. Rockenfleld. Runkie. a si ........ 4 Stanley. C. ... Butler, p. .... Thielman , 4 Totals ........... .14 4 4 14 17 4 Batted for Butler In ninth! RUNS AND HITS BT INNINGS. 111444f44 id 4 4 1 4 4 4 1 44 . . ....... .1 d 0 4 4 1 I I 14 ft 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 4 . : liiim 4 Portland Hits Taeoma 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 lilt 1110111 SUM MART. BIM..I. ' Hit fm-m II S'. In ..!. 4. Bases on balls Off Overall, 4; off Butler. 0. Wild pitches Overall. 1, Hit by pitcher Sheehan. Holland. Tno baae hits Lynch 1. Doyle. McLaughlin. Sacrifice bit Bheehan. Nordyke, Mc Langhlln. McOreedle. First base on errors Taeoma, 4: rortiana, l. stolen haeea Do vie. Mcuauarhlln. McCreedia Left on bases Tacoma, 11; Portland, 4. Double plays Casey to Ragan to Nor dike; Runkie to Rockenfleld to Holland Time of game One hour and 44 min utes. Umpire Tom Brown. ' . FAGCria OOABT jttBASTTB. . OLOBB TaceeM ...... Um Aagelss ., RfBttlf Oakland San yraacwee Portland Lost Ban Francisco, uot. 1 1. The game between Baa Francisco and Oaklsnd waa a pitchers battle between Barber and Buchanan, and waa won by the latter becaua he received better support at critical times than was accorded Barber by ths Seals. Score: B as an Ban Francisco ..4444044141 i i Oakland 0 0144401 4 4 I Batteries Barber and Oorton: Buch- aaaa and Stark. Umpire McCarthy. BBABOV Bi .-v At B4. a eels - - a H.B. Amerlcftns . 4 14 1 Nationals 4 It 9 Batteries Slvr and Knhos; O'Neill andB Grady. f , - A fnsrslsM ? . Cleveland "i 1. ... , . .... . . . .T If 4 Pittsburg . f 4 1 Batteries Bernhard and Buelew; Leever and Phelpa BLOOD POIQOI to the wwet ateiaia aa arrb. ytt tb aeaieM it cafe WncM fuD KNOW WHAT TO OO. Baay have $tm BfM, aeob ea the ahta. soraa Is tba BMata. atraea. uDIbc air. aoee sals, ca tarrh, aa ene I kaew it to SUMO pnisoN. Brad ta PR BROWN sat A rcb rcb it., I'M tableau. Paea.. far BROWM'4 D CURB. 12 ear bettto; laata aea i. I-M ! rtad eel; ay rraad Has. inn aoalb- OnM Is Pnrtatnd Sato I I f. t I 1 4Jllt 0U1 U 44 .CZB 1 .. ft U I M .647 f T .1 J 10 10 ST .Ml 0 0 1 .. 1 14 14 .4;i f P.. 0 SO .441 ....... w T fl t ojjo m M!l94lalai 441S0S) ' ' Bsfsaea Baa Tiisiiin WINNING HORSES ON THE TRACKS (Joareal special dereke.) Lexington, Ky., Oct. It. Result: Unfinished 1:14 trotting, puree 41.444. three In five Millard Bandore woa tbe second, third and fifth beat la 1:11. 4:11, 111. The McDowell. 4-year-old, trotting. value 41.00. three In five Tosa A worthy won the first beat la 1:14. 4:04 class, pacing, purs 41.10. throe ta five King Direct woa the so and. third and fourth heat In 4:11. 1:11. 1:11. Ash Aoae woa tha first heat la 1.11. !: ctaee. trotting, purs 41.44, two In three, unfinished Robert Me won the third heat la 1:14. Marlon Wilkes won the second heat-ta 1:14. John Taylor woa the first heat la 1:14. At mtmuUf Kansas City, Oct. 11 Blmrldgs re sults: . , Fire and, one-half furlongs Curstta on; time, 1:4. Seven furlong--Buecleuth woa; time. 1:17. On mile and one-eighth Buglehorn won; time, 1:44. One mil Bombardier woe; time. 1:4. Flv and one-half furlong Tuetis woo; 'time. 1:4T. . Seven furlongs Nort woa; time, :If. ' A New Tork. Oct. 1L Morris Park re sults; Six and one-half furlongs Rose Ben won; tlm, 1:14. Steeplechase, selling, about two mllss Connlver won; tlmt, 1:10. Bcllpa oourae Belligerent won; time, 1:10. Tba Ranoho del Paso, Bcllpa eouree. six furlong Bedouin won; time, 1:00. Wither mile, selling Oils ten won; time, 11. One mile and one' quarter over the hill Mabel Richardson won; tlaae, 1:01. - At Veiwb. .. Chicago. Oct. 11. Worth results: " Six furlongs Anna Beat woa; Um. U: 1-4. Oae mue Adel Scruggs woa; time, 1:44 4-4. Six furlongs Big Ben woa; time, 1:14 4-4. , Six furlongs Cutter wen: tlm. 1:14. On mil and one-half Major Manalr woo; time, 1:14. Mile Dod Andarson won; time, 1:41. St. Louis, Oot. II. Delmar summarrt Five and one-half furlongs Wakeful worn time, 1:00. - " - Six and one-half furlongs, aelllng-H Mlndora won; time, 1:11. Fire and one-half furlongs. selUngw Vestry won; time. l:tf . - One mile and one-alxteenth, handicap The Regent wont time, 1:47. One mil and 74 yards Frank JLyftn time. 1:41. Six and one-half- furlongs, selling Oudoa won; time. 1:11. r A4 Walla Walla, WaslL. Oot. llvRe- salts; . - . 1:11 pace, purs 4404 L Roi first; time. 1:14. . " 1:14 trot, purse 4mT- Rett first; time.' 1:14. Three-eights mile, running, purse 4100 Judge Thomas first; time, 1:14. Five-eighths mile. Merchants' handi cap, pure 404, for 4-year -olds and up ward Bummer first; time, 1:01. The lat race was postponed on so oount of rain. . ... RIVAL ELEVENS BATTLE FOR HONORS The Columbia', university team of Portland and th Paclne university eleven from Forest Orove are engaced In a struggle for supremacy on th grid Iron at Multnomah field this afternoon. Both teams are evenly matched and each haa Its eorpa of enthusiasts rootara who urge thair favorites to vletory. The lineup: . Columbia. 'Position. Paetfle. Kelly .U B. R.;.... Peterson Scott..,- I T. R... ...... James Qulnn. 1 O. R..... Hall Meaney. ......... ...C O. Phil brook Quintan. R. 0. L.. Lace Martin .....R, T. I.......DImlk .St. Thomas R, B. L.........Oates Lseetoa, Smith 9 .....Sparks Moore I H. R.. Shannon Monka, Capt-..-R. H. L. Nell Dooly .T.... P.. .J. M. Phllbrooh SUSPECT V- IN MURDER CASE John A. Smith, hld at ths county tall on suspicion of murdering Qus Breuer, was married yesterday to Christina Lar son, the woman In whose company he was found ths night of hi arrest Cir cuit Judge George performed th sera, mony. Unless stronger evidence against Smith n discovered It Is probable thst both ha and tb woman will be released from custody when their preliminary ex amination on the charge of sustaining Improper relations la held tomorrow De fore Justice Seton. The sheriff's deputies say they will havs no trouble whatever In proving that Smith was very Jealous of his wife, that be watched bar and one Crawford while armed with a revolver, and fre quently made threats agalnat Breoer's Ufa. Definite Information as to hie whereabouts on the nlgbt of the murder has not been obtained. The skepticism 'of the pot Ice, say th deputies, is to be expected. They draw attention to the fact that In the laat month three brutal murder have been committed In the city, the victims being Dr. Lee fling Nam, the Chinese physl eteai Ous Breuer. th saloonkeeper, and the little baby found In a valisaved the union depot. In not a single case have th police, they odd, secured one tangkilt clew to the guilty persona. IeftTObeVfO ' . , Set sea. art Bene! BOB SB Painkiller 32, MARRIES OBTAST ARBjBsrTBB WTTX JOU SHOTS BBOOnDSS BUS WTPB XM HIS BBFUT1BB BB CXeVBB BB1BUH4BS ABB BTBBJTOT rmsiiOVJBL .-- t ir -t-. . i - '. :C3LEY THREATEN TO SIGN ALL STARS XjOS I WSSTBB MftffflT- BATS BTB - WXfcla BBtrUBB TSXB BBBV OP Tata m &aaVBms abb so aftbb n irBsrBAjrr to pvwxsx tkb " Offin MAjrABBRS. .y - V. ,. . ' . Do Newton and Hal Chase of the Los Angeles slab have been drafted by the major leagues and James P. Morley le therefore decidedly wroth over the national agreement which aaaeUons such proceeding, for Morley had planned to sell Newton for a nice round sum snd desired to retain Chase for nest sen- son' Beranh team. Morley also intends to tak advantage of the permission to sign players after September 14, which rule waa recently rescinded to allow Dugdale to procure his wonders from th Lucas loagu. In referring to this action of the league, Morley recently eald: . Tht Coast league reeeladed Its rule about not allowing a manager to bring saattrn players In here after Beptamber 14. They, wanted to do this for Dug dale 'Dug' bad bis eye oa some of the northweetera ball toeeers, and as his team waa weak, he wanted te strengthen. You know they made that ml the sea son after I Imported a lot of eastern talent and seared them half to death with a Garrison finish for th flag. Z didn't want tt rescinded, because Tm satisfied as it Is, but Dugdale wanted tt and It carried all right Mike Fisher. who alwaya votes for everything be cause he doesn't know any bettsr. waa the first man to vote "aye. Well, It gives me my ehanee to Import men If .1 want "am to finish out with, and you can bet It won't be north westerners ril bring in here If I atart. I might get men like Matthew son br say Bans Wagner, for In stance, -roat ought to help some, beyT If I start In te Import, I'll make them sorry they rescinded. "President Bert leaves for ths east soon to attend the annual meeting of the big leagues. He Is going. In behalf of Harrla and myself, to ask them to change the drafting rule, so that they oan only take one man from each team, and he will also ask that the price to e paioi ror eeca man be 41.004 Instead of I7ft0.- Should Money secure the sort lees of A Tew of the stare of the big leagues to nil oot bla sPready strong team, the chances are that Loo Angeles would walk A way with th flag, even though Taeoma haa a tremendous lead, and an excellent prospect of uereaalag It at the exponas of Portland, for by adding a raw men uxe Mattnewson. Cbestro, vveirner. Buurvoa, tAjoia. wagner or Sandow Morten, to Ms club. Morley's aggregation would be almost Invincible. It would be fast like Morley to do thing of thla kind, . DUGDALE TALKS ' OF NEW CIRCUIT tnapassa te Ti 1.) Tacoma. Wash., Oct. It. Manager Dugdale of tbe Portland baseball i saya It u true that bla propoaltlon to the direct ore of tbe club to buy half tbe stock baa been accepted, and that at the next meeting, the stock will be transferred to htm. In this connection Lnjguaie ears A Will have something to say about the new circuit proposed for next season. At the meeting of th 'eague directors. In San Francises, on December 1. Dugdal will revive the matter of an eight-club league, to em brace Spokane and another city In Cali fornia. By thla move the northern clube would ensemble la the Booth and play few weeka Then Portland. attla, Spokane and Taooma would eotne north end piny between themselves for two months. The southern elubs would pay us a visit and remain a month or els weeka. More gamee between north ern clube for two month and then south for the remainder of the season. Dugdale says President Bert favors the proposition and adds: "President Lucas of th Paclne North west league and I had no talk whatever about organising a new- league out her. Mr. Lucas la naturally Interested la this part of the country, and when he was here the elubs made money, where as , bow they are losing. Ttsn't safe to be a day lthont Dr. Thomir Bclectrlc OU In the house. Never cam tell what moment an acci dent Is going to happen. INTERESTING RELIC IS ON EXHIBITION MUSSUM. One of th moat interesting eurlos of the elty museum 1. a eanaoa captured in the Philippines during the Filipino war. It was presented to CoL L. U Hawkins by Mai. H. L Bees, V. S A last week. Th cannon is I feet I Inches long and weigh about 144 pounda Its crude construction la tbe most interesting part of th gun. It Is mad of a heavy piece of Iron pips about 4 tnohes In diameter Inserted In a section of a hardwood tree hollowed out so that tba pips Is cov ered with the exception of ebout throe I no bee of the mussle around which, is a heavy iron band. Around tbe wood there are 4 bands of heavy strip Iron end 11 bande of braided bamboo stripe. A small fuse hoi nine through the wood oovsrlng into the esse of th Iron pipe. It 1 made so that it mar be thrown across one'e-shoulder and transported with ease, The cannon was captured by Captain Sever, company C, Thirty second vol unteer Infantry. 1n January, llog, t Balengo after a hard fight with th Fil ipino. Balango ta on Manila bay, About 44 miles nort of Manila. Captala Sevra presented thi crude weapon ta Major Bees, who brought It to America, with him. In all probability th cannon will become the permanent property of the museum. . When tt nms proposed some months ago to refund Astoria's Indebtedness of 4174.004. th Finnish fishermen of that elty offered te tan th whole Amovnt.i OHB1UUS OAnTPTOnT OAPTVmBO ZBT OOaV &. SAWSBBJ BT MMM. ML B BBSS IB ' BJOW A rs Writ est tatsrmeOea risirrlag ear RERPPCTIOIN UN BLAIR T. dOOTT, S. M. cnyjunsa or oomiMBos "blDNT HURT A BIT' BY OUR W are essbWd te extra at fresi ess t tt teeth at of aluiaa. sltlvlr sad abeulataly wltbeut pau or bad after fffeets. Peaple la dalkato baalth seed ti as fair, aa ear stbad at extraetlna la soatuvaly sam.aad lstl7 pabuaM. Abeafnte elMaHaaM to see awl ' Wi as erowa asd bridge work wtth set palD. Oar if yean' experteses ta plat work eaablss aa te tt year BMeta eowrarttblT. Tbe bast 1 tbe aheap aat la tbe asd. Wa ha Xeattaga a nwi yea. WleSB BROS. DENTISTS 104-111 FAILING BLDO. Open eeentnjrs HU 4. x " Snndays from 4 Corner THIRD AND WASHINGTON STB. , , , . .. . TPhoas, Mala PORTLAND PLAYER IN ; .BOSTON PRODUCTION Bdwla Hobsoa, whose Impersonation of a woman ta tha Multnemah dub's product Ion of "The Ameer-- last year was ths talk of the town; has neon en gaged by Managers Oeorge Klnagbury and Sam Rork to create a part la the new musical comedy, Th FUlbustar," at th Tremont theatre, Boston, on Feb ruary A - The new work 1 by William Lorraine,' com poser of "The Sultan of Sulu." and John B. Wilson, a California librettist, and It will first be produced by the American Bankers association at their big blow-out Jn tha Hub. Mr. Rork happened to be In Portland at the time of Mr. Hobeon's fait as RAINPROOF IN CHESTERFIELD AND BELTED IvvKldl : That's sxactly -what our Crarenettet are dtylidh, perfect fitting, finely tailored OVERCOATS, with a wet weather finish NOT all lightweight coverts, aa some people believe. Every coat is guaranteeorataproof, and our prices fully one-fourth lower than those of other, toresi RAINCOATS OF TODAY $10.00 to $25.00 i STRONGEST 1UUNCOAT One Doer f ' , ' It V ' " I .mbbbwIW-MMB .. .... .1 ... . ,. , , ' r aam sad Stowed elrlseai sesar. a-4FQ IN8URAN6Q. BABBT B. OOTT. A. B. bids.. PdSTLAVB, OB. 15 WHAT THBY SAY METHOD to 11. 4414, Constance, and when be learned that fc similar part had been written Into "Tha Flllbuatsr, he at once thought of tha ' Portland man for It. The result waa an exchange of terms by telegraph and r' Mr. Hob son will leave about the first of tbe month for ths Been City to begia ' rehearsals. .... Stop to Collins Hot Sprints. A covered platform has been erected by the O. B. at N. ImrnediaUely opposite Collins Hot Bprlngs for the accommoda tion of passengers who' desire te vlattj this resort. Tbe Spokane Flyer, trains 4 and 4. stop at thla point on flag te take on or let off passengers. A oom m odious launch meet and carries' all passengers and baggage across ths rlvsg to the hotel. . 1 - i ' Preferted Btosk Osaasd Seeds. , ' Allen and Lewis' Best Brand.'' ' i' OVERCOATS - i 91 TiU HOUSE IN THE STATE 65-07 Third CL- ...... .:,v-., .. ... ,. .., r