XTSDAY i EVENTWO, OCTOTOC 1. 104. THB DIFFERENT STORE ' . tUstribatiiif T-X for the Premier Americas Conwt fee ItfAL WORCESTERS Skm in An 1 Second Floor. SOL OREGON AGENTS FOR THE WORLD FAMOUS BONNET SILKS PORTLAND'S BEST CARPET SALESROOMS- HEiUt ON FOURTH FLOOR Home of the "Quick MeeT CooUnt gUarea. De. troit Cook Stovte end Houee Heatere Third Floor, Libbejre Femoue Cut Gteae. PORTlJUiyS QUALITY SHOP The Home of Authoritative Fuhtona THB NOVEMBER "DESIGNER." "A MAGAEXMB OF RIAL USB TO WOMEN." OUT TODAT. 104 BACR. It oovoro every phase of mm' Utm, It's unique wood womn'i put Mentions, It "pota nut" to woman's heart -Special eubsorlptlon prloe, Ptt paid to any pddreaa, SO mr. Ail patteraa bow reduced to 10 and So each one higher. PMUni CouaUr. Annas, Brat floor. Olds, Wortmaa King, solo Portias asesls. The Home of Authoritative f Fashions f " 10 pV i i t-j or ? DAT This is CORRESPONDENCE COLUMN . I shower to CONVBNnBWCaB," wo would Mr ' - 1 Why, oertalalyt it to at oak novo eonvenleot for you, to haw a ao oount at this store an why aotf It ooata nothing, it makes abopplnf MfM. Wed sateallp RATHBR you' 4 pay your aeoouat lit lump one e month than at tho eountera Prices ar tho wmi, cash or credit, and you har ovary privilege of cash ouatomers. Too, Indeed yon have tho advantages of ovary opoctal aalar fit oouraa -why not? And than you cap phono or pond tho yousgator to tho stars for your purehaaa. You may pic up a paper and aoo pome thine pop, pood advertised at a apa-. alal price. Huataaad forgot to leave pay mossy homo. An account loads you out of that difficulty. , Juet phono and aay "Chara It. Twill so out to your house Boat settvorp. lap BM about It THB tRRDIT MAM," " Third Flaor. , the Linen Month. Buy W hue stocks are J y Thanksgiving Table Nap Large and Prices Low ! ery Now THIS IS PORTLAND'S LEADING LINEN SHOP I : ; If you would buy dependable linens you must seek a DEPENDABLE store. Linen is linen st Olds, Wortmin ft Kinga end the great array of the world's best linens form a store in themselves -here. 'The stocks are close together on first floor, handy to look over, and we'll group the bargains for you for quick and easy selection. Restaurants and hotels that use thousands of pieces annually buy their linens here. They' wouldn't if we didn't sell the beat linens in town and at right prices--now, "would they ? We have the best mill in Ireland and Germany weaving for us ; we import them direct in unbroken original packages at only one profit, the makers'. A certain local house said the other day they'd "sell at a loss to beat our prices.' Our prices must be right, don't you think? This great store's linen business grows rapidly in spite of their threats. Few good bargains come from people who make, threats or do things for spite. We're furnishing linens to all the best houses in this section of the west Don't you think you can afford to buy your linens here? W4 are jole agents for Oregon of the famous RICHARDSON LINENS, made in Belfast, Ireland, the father of the linen industry of the world; one family going on two centuries in the weaving of linens and keeping up to the' times, tool ; ". -A . -v ; ' . r ' , ,.; The Groat Thanksgiving Sale of Linens is On at This Home of the World's Linen Best ' 1 IN PORTLAND'S LARGEST, t: FOREUOST - . Women's Suit and Wrap Store GRAND SAtXNSW-XCOKO VXOOa HI FASMIOM CBMTBH 0 -THB WVST . , T BUM OA a M KMT WOW4V BTTXJSM WAXJUKO) BOTTS, - Panoy taUenoa Maa-art aoftoaod with a touch of oolor and aaaa Of Una Wa'va atud-. tod tallortoc aa oar fully aa you will atudy tho aulta, and wo woat atralabt to tho hoart of Fashloo for lnaplratloa. Waa It worth It all? Soo too Salona flUod with tho oholooat of tailorod art. Baaity tho ehiof fountain hoad of oupply for tho majority of Portland boat droaod wobmov Tho Salona oovor ovorp paaco of prloo. hoatamina with vary prottp Uao of Sulto at 91g.Bc and ruamiac alone op. with hoou of to-potwooa prtooa to BSOO. The Store Almanac Man Says "ABOUT THIS TH 9UY UMBRELLAS" THURSDAY-j-IN KNITWEAR AISLES Orowda novo throacod tho Kattwoar SoetlOB today, and patrona amjoyod tho paraaino aa bom aajop tho hoaop Mppod row flowora. Tho oalo ooattauoa PSaBwMrswPr-T:-r-jr. nr- J3--iEvsl-i", - 1 n-jr-r.j-j. - --r;-. - - awTVI, Women's Uiicjerwear KM1TWBAM O HU B BTBBB FLOOB. v. ' fTo FOB WOMMPra UMOBBWBAB i WORTH 11.00. Wmm'i WMto and Sflvor Oray Joraoy Ktbhod Voota. Fanta and Ttffhta, 96 wool, tho tanoua "Morodo" Uawarwoar. tho boat Sl-o valuo to tho , aity; asocial for Thursday. mraont .?Td - :WOMBMa tl OS UNDER WBAJt P, ; , WonoBv Swlaa BBtood Woratod Vosto and Fonts, whlto and atlvar pray, rap; 11. M valuo; opoclal, Thuraday. aaoh. ...... , . 11.11 fob wohtaws mrxoM suits worth tl.TS. Waaaoa Muaotap: TJatoa Suite, to oUtot Bray, toaa aloovoa, aahlo toncth. half opom front and opoa aorooo boat; rapv SLt Taluo; opoclal for Thurodap oaiy oaoh .....fl.B3 SSo FOB WOMBira SSo UKDBltWBAB. Woaioa'p Craaai Tin tod Oottoa Voota and Fanta. aroat pH vaiM; apoetal. Thuraday, oaoh. .S WOMBPTS SrBBTS FOB SPa. A blp Uao of Woojob'o Modiuai Wolpht dottoa Voota; oxtro apodal, Thurodoy. aC oaoh. .994 "Colo- Un bran aa art dow at a tlmoly partod tho Umo you want 'ora up oror your hoad, protootlnc tha bow gowni and " BillUnory- Th Ion a- rainy aoaaon ta Juat atartfns. Fropani for U. 'Tta boat dona with tha holp of tho Colonial " pmbrolloo -fajnoup for worth, for woar and for atylo. Tou'U nood onoor two; . ono at ooeh and of tho lano that ooa Boeto homo with th aoono pf your The Annual Autumn Sale of Colonial UmbreHaa it Tha boat wtaho of umbrallaa In AaMrtop- Tboy ar tha. , proouot or omo ot tno 1080100- oaatora factorial mada on honor, tor oorvloo. Fartloalarlj adaptod to tho ooaatant ovary day woar anvon thorn under U10 ellinatw oondltlono pravaloot Boro ' Tho boot grado of nuitorlala la tho eovortns, tho llght oot. atoot durablo Parapoa (hollow) rramo, tho boot and otronpoat oprtnn, beat awadpoo oa handloo and Snoot ooloo tton or too hafidloa thonoolToa. Tho ohapo and lonolon, alaoo roffular, oowlnc atrona pot 0na and othor alBMOt ondlooa roa poaa for oairylna: tho .. COLONIAL UMBRELLAS , . Chlldrooo SS-ttk Cotomlala BO ChUdroa'o Fbso tP-to. Coiaalalo op to .SS.BO Ladtoo1 Sd-ta. Olorta Colonlala fl.OO Bl.Sa i.50 Ladloo SS'to. Tarrota Oolonlala B2.00 BS.SO 1 3.00 Ladlao ZS'ln. Vllfc Umbrollaa ta black oad oolora.as.OO to j IS.OO Moo'o IS oad to-la. CoioalaU bp BlaoK Oloiiaa ; H.8B Moa'a Sl-toch 1J4 to B29.00 Ladioo UmbroUoa, ta oaahott p to fGS.OO On 7 A Special Sale of ; Warm, Winter Bed-Comforts FOURTH FLOOR, ' Warm and thlokT flnffy aa4 warm but Upht aa a Juno aophyr, Uador 000 of thooo ooay Oooafortara youro anuf aa tho provarblal "hup in a ni." Wovo oxtra sood valuoa ta thooo Bod Comforta, a ta tha boddlnp ahop. fourth floor. Whlto aolootod ootton SUtnaa with oovortaa of hoadoowo pUko Una, llpht out waraa. 91.SB, Bl.SO, fl.Tfi? SB-wO, Boat downaliao SUod Cowrortora. i.T, B3.00. $3.SS, BS.BO and B4 O yez 1 O yez ! O yez! ' fteraistiondJ Sale of a Monster Parcheae of WW AUTUMN . -y " : Dress Goods By Ovr Buyer, Now In New Tort- - - axwbx nnar floor. IT OPENS TOMORROW I IT LASTS THREE DAYSf SO HOURS OP THE BRISKEST SELLING OF SPLENDID, " SEASONABLE, FASHIONABLE NEW FALL AND WIN TER DRESS FABRICS YOU'LL HEAR OF THIS YEAR! COLORED DRESS GOODS SLAUGHTERED BLACK DRESS GOODS REDUCED SHARPLY! FANCY SILKS AT ONE-HALF PRICE I BUT FOR THREE DAYS ONLY. -.THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY. - ; Two Qreat Money Saving Specials AO bow. obotoa, eowa-to-eato fahrtop for Thorodar. Ftiday oad Saturday oolttea, that VMMteaa to aor faoiooa Drooo Qoodo atoro. , IS M tl por yard Froaoh Oaowtahatr and Blborteo, ta all tho bow offoeto, 0 aahmdld fabrtea for tailorod outto: ppoelal for S dayo, por yard $1 SO por yard, awjutlah Twood Bulttasa. Movottp Boorotto eultropa, Swa band mtotod SNnttnaa, Scotch taaav a U loiiad t oaoortaiawt to oolapft Iroai to ovory bow waatod eelor; ap octal for S daya only yard - . . ... Soo Wi mm--- ohooie Brtaw ovory woobob DISPLAY OF BLACK DRESS GOODS FOB TBtrBBDAT, FRIXKAT AMD SATURDAY aSUJMdk OOlor to tho B1.4B Tartoa Suit- .v " . , I eW for S daya oaly. yard 9d tl.tS Black Froaeh Votlo; BpootaU Jr - ....... $1.10 Block Fropcb Vollo; pporlal, yard v. ttwi,,.tt, .(H,ttn.t(.l,ll IX.TS Black Fronek Folloi ppootoA porw . fl.Sl BS.PS Btoofc P4-kiok Frowek VoUoi opoolaS, yor4 tltS BUck M-tach Fronoh Votlo; opootak yard .v Tboaa aro Iho vary Snort V0U00 Biodo hi to wortoY aa4.fr duo ay. rvkiabli woar oaowot bo bittoiod. Silks in the unmatchable .Three Days Sale i.e. -A oarvowtar ta known bp hk oh I pa.- MatoMBy 1 1 1 1 1 to tha Stlh Aamow. thoro ar haapo Of "WOV or )oBtha oaoh. Mo Boo to bb but o ptontr Saf pwap wo aaauaoioto A powerful Motor Attached to AH the Baby Go-Carta. iL htHni um ao '" Rain or Shine Coats FOBTLAMDw FOREMOST SOUBCB OF , BUFPLT-AOHIFICBNCB AMD -FBOTBOTIOM COMBIMBD. Hundroda of Mow Raincoato, baauttfql ponpoato adaptod for woar on poontiful dayo whon ounohlno rolpna or protootJo apmtaot tho plomonto Out Ptorai. Tho' now onos aro full of aurprtslnp pwappor nownoaa. Frioatloy Cravonottaa. with a world of qulot. dlpntffod boauty and mart offocta. protty tontapa on oollar and ouffa of brill tan tly colorod volvota pop, and FutoJ Clotbp. Bowoat Of all Loatbtr Trimming. Thoro aro doaona of now dotall touehoa to onthuoo ovor. Bono of tho oooto havp box-plaltod back and front from oollar to hlpo. Tho Falotto (capo oloovo) Coat la a favorlto la faet. FaahlOB'p latoaL Tho ahow of pood -looking atylM at front lf to f 3S la notoworthy. It's Raincoat Toar, and thU ahowlna horo 0 far awop U10 boot and proa toot on tho Coast. Coato that aro fit to fuard tho moot asacnifieont opora powB or ball droop coato that aro appropiiato for tho otroot. Any prloo you 000000 eta t $ae. - MILLINIRT SALONSW -PCOND FLOOR, - Fine Feathers Make Handsome Hats And Foathor Ha to ralpn aaalab Tho atultltudo tlroa of atatllartty to otyloo, Juat aa othor thinpa thoy prow aio ootoaouo; 00 Danio Faablou oaoka 00 olualon ovory now and apato, whoa aftor a rlmo oho onorpoo with a praat o ourprlao taaa tho Uot. Thip tlata It ooomo to bo a oraaa for tho STUKNINO FBATHKR HATS. Tho unuaual and uaprooodantod do Btand for thooo mighty owoll crootlono proniptod uo to ooeuro a oocowd floch of tho foathorod boautloa and tboy ro ovB handoomor than tho flrat. Tho hpto aro aiado on now prtoolploai Bvory foathor HKWID 00 not otuck on, Doo't truat that oort; rhyl drop off whon damp. Vary practical, draoay and roftnod In appaaranco. and tho prloo tomorrow hi a puroo-ploaaor. For thoao boautlful hata, that fornorly eoot to poaoooa SIS to S3. wo ohaU allow fwU and froo choloo toiorrow ta black, whlto, Mack witk whlto. whlto with bioo, whlto wtta fray, (or Maa. BRIMO IM TOUR TARMISHRD AMD SOILED SILVKRWABB WfLL CXBAM IT FRKaW THIRD FLOOR. Special Dernonptratioa AU This Week of "KroHte" THB MA0JC CLEANER OF SILTBR AND OLABBWARBWraURD . FLOOR, An thla wook will bo dotnonatratod to our patroaa tho awrtta of "Kyollto," tho nowoot and boat ciaaar of ollvor oa tho atarkot. Tho art Ida to bo oloanod la aubmorpod ta hot wator, la which la tho Hyottto, Aftor a fow oMMftoato M. to tahaB put and drtod wail with b pact ototh, whoa row will And that It ta bright and ontlroly froo frooa tontah, Kladly brtng to may thlnp 1b tho Itao of pavorwaro which you bwro that aaaaa claaoiap and wo will ho plaaaod to proro to you tho morlta ot Xyoltto. Warmatod not to ooratoh. Special Sale of "Royal Worcee ter" Corsets. BBCOMD FLOOR AMMBX Two otylao of dloooptlnuod Royal Woreootar Oorooto, prtncoaa hip. low boat, tons ovor pbdoosoa. high ta book, or loaf ovor hip and abdo aion, Btadlum tow hwot, arhalobono flllod, adaptod for b largo raapo of flguraa. alaoo front IS-So, eotora drab, whlto and black. Popular prlco $.; ppoelal at ....... ... Bi.S)T The Postmaster General Y baa Inoroaaod tho tmmbor of Fortland lottor-earrjora aavorat tlnoa alnco wo oponod our Mall Ordar Dopartmont, yoara ago. Of oouroo, wo olaiat llttlo orodlt for thla, laaaaaueh aa thla atoro'a dolly mail la 00 onormoua aa to nocooaltato apoelal dollvorloo on wag 000 undor htoro bontrel. Wo noroly aioaUoaod tho abovo hiotortoal fact to sail your attention to our MAIL ORDER DRFARTMBNT tha loading ono oa tho ooaat. If you can't ahop poroonally, ordar by mall, and your wanta will bo flllod oaroftilly, faith fully and promptly by oaport ahop pora If handlor. phono "PRIVATS BXCUAMOB It.1 - ' ; TOtTBB INT KB Bfl TED IM THB PANAMA CANAL ; AND ITS MODEL Tho lntorort of tho VnltoS Statoo In aa lothmlaa oanal waa not oooontlally dlfforont from that of othor mortttiBO aatlono down to tho mlddla of tho Itth eontury, but It aaaooMd a root atrongth whoa California waa. aeaulrod, and It baa atoadlly grown aa tho unportanoo Of tho FAC1FIC PTATKS HAS DB VPLOHD. la 1S4S. and agate ta 1IS4, troatloa woro aogotlatod with Mloaiwpua author lain g tho Vnltod Statoo to build tno oaaafc twit ta not tho eaao waa tho treaty ratlflod. Tho apanloh war of 1SS puvo a traman doua taipotuo to pnpular Intoroat la tha matter. Since that rlmo tho matter haa bom puohod by tho "power that be." until today tho Panama route haa boon decided upon and tho canal to alroody undor eonotroetkm by tho United Statea government. ' To the American pooplo tho oanal appear to bo not only a buainoea ontorprtoo from which A direct revenue la to bo ob tained, but rather a meano of unifying aod trengthenfng their national po litical fntoroeto and of developing thetr InduHtrlea. PARTICULARLY IN THB PACIFIC STATES AND TERRITO RIES In abort, a m eerie osoontlal to aatlooal growth. - Thlo- houee to to give oome Fortland achool tho largo working model of tho Panama eonol now on OBhlMtkm tn ono of tho largo how-wlndowa. Tho orhonl will bo ebooon by popular vote of tho people vote with ovory SSo purchaao. Tho voting to etooo at S p. m. on Wodnoo day, Novomhor tl. tho 'award to bo made on tho rooult of tho vote at that time Wo Hat only tho Baaaop of tho first If echoole la tho , , . STANDI NO AT I F. M. TBFTERDAT: 8t Maryo Aoadmy High School Portland Academy , , Harrteon ,. Atklnoow .... WllllamaAvonod Perk . . . . . Falltng . . . Sunnyatdo .... Highland . ..... Central . . , , ....... HolUdoy Clinton Kelly ... ... Chapman Couch . . . . , ....... 44.4ST . 4S.4S1 ta. .. 1T.SIS .. n.170 . 2. .. lt.4 1S.7M 1S.I4S hut 11.441 II. H S.sos S.S2S T.4P4 Total votop . ,..,,....,..S4M4 WOULDN'T IT "WOGGLE YOU, MR MAN? of ptoaon loft over. Thoao vary freea 1 to 11-poW II f hpto protty watoto or brigj pkUto far wtakar woaa as FOR THRPIB DATB OMLT. JJALF PRICE SALE WHURSTAAT FRIDAY SATURDA V. A Brand mtckmaamor atoaa-uw oa oa omenta of taJa aoaooa'p bow faney talk ta leaaWta frooa I to U yard, bwa a of waist oad aklrt bmgtba ta tog aooortmaot. ovory oolor ta tho eat. hf oahaR ohoclra, neat otityea. ta foot tho ekoteoot of all tola aoaooa'p owellost oUka, tor pew know tho boot aiwoya aaU Brat, at aameUy Regular SSo volwoa, yard Ad BoBwtar SLCP wapaaa, yoow.,....Sd Ropular pl.1 vahoaa. yarA...... -r 91.SS vaiuoa. yar..w.VRo Boaiowr SLUM valuea, yoaw.... SB fosjok Fhw, A btehw That aw SM aa Wtasa. Chrtatawo goede poena troeprng ta at too -Hoi Way 8tore,7rwn fourth floor. 00 rapidly that alelea and waro boooeo aro flllod to the bulging potnt. ThorVa only om way to relievo tho proaoura aa too walla, and that's to rem ova seme of tho taaido at rata. Bulky goods take stoat room- their reonovaL then, will afford uo saoot spaco- Quickest, tt'a oxpoaotvo, 00 are wanhoaoeo for storage, and bo at doa. wo never atoro a past season's gaoda, That's what keeps oar Itooa always bright, sklntna and down-to-. tvomtoutao-eo. Baby Oo-Carta take op wanted room for other poods now, aa we're gotap; to roll 'em out os ttay prloo wbaa)a to bow aare-taksra. Special Sale Opcna Toiuoiiopp. Oo-Carto with patoat foot bra he, aatl-fnoUooj wheel fastonora. oush km rubher tlroa, oomploto with parasol and ooohloa ,aad all latest nowoot tav pTovomeata, reduced aa printed 1 Boot tlS.se Qo-Carts. thta oalo . Boat 11M Oo-Carta. thta ota -.,..w-TS Boat tlSAO Go-Carta, thta ooio flLTS Boat isa.se Qo Carta, thta ate 1B4 Beet t3S.se Oo-Carto. kta oalo V14.TI Best US. PS Oo-Corto. tkta oalo v B1B.RO Boat SM.PS Bo Carte, Skip - oalo ..-v .BlBvBw Boat SSASS tao Carta, taie oalo MS.0VB Boot tooVoe Oo-Carta. thta FIRST FLOOR BHOS FrOCKSl Or, rarhor didn't It rwfflo poo, whoa yaw oaaao Sows tows yoo terday, on tha sltppory walha, atepptoa stoporly 00 tho wot planks or twice aa slippery paveof Or perhaps yaw shipped horo and there, Hko a boy bach ta Mow Rostand remotes "run aor eakor on tho brokos Sea, from one safe spot to o not her. Top got to your shop or ofiloo gad pour foot woro wot-f-weren't they? Ml DO ware trusted too Implicitly an a pair of shoes that woro made for ranow woar aad dry walko. Maybo you d like to know what 1 did. Listen: Wont down to OLD. WORT MAM A KINO'S PHOe STORE, picked out a patr of ihotr 1m BMHia "O.. W. A R." SHOKB FOR MKM. They're modo to SP smart ptytoa, very latest emstorn laata, br a famons maaufse taror, wbooa gbooa 1 used to woar ta Brockton, kfass whero they're made. Tho oppors aro of Storm Cslf a vtocoltaed loata or. There Is a double solo running from heel to too tip, sottd oak-tan solo leather pood, honest tanned leather from a tannery la Staler. Mass., around which I've waited away many a summer hour without a thought jmt shoos. Foot-farm lasts, stylish and comfortable. Ono chooses from Vld KM. Patent Colt or Valour Calf, Bluchor rut or plain laco "Bal' stylos. la thoao ahoeo your foot will bo as muk a stranger to wator aa a Kentucky colonel. Tow pay $9. BO and aavo II-SO, for othor stores sett rock shooo a "U PS grade." Thta advtoo corns yew Iso a sirt. deitvored at your bam a, Ftrons aaaraat aewepaper off loo and subsctibo. Advice for the Boys Buy Shoes Now for Winter A TTP TO TAXM: Wo spoa nannss a pjaw.hws, nnililry sdmlil Ssr Otipia woar. of 1 Bora' Shoes. Roys' Whiter Shoos, wfth good heavy calf uppers, double notes, full rownd toss, made for hard weag asal. wUl Btvo good sa twf action 11 to ISi prtee.r,,..,.al4P U to t; price..... ...Rl.TB Stsaat Sib to Soil prtoav SJS.wS) Ws kavo too asms shooo aw nkows ta) Vtmi KM tor drooo woar. Tooths ana Boys Sbossv Toother snd Boys Shoos of Bow CarC, with donate antes, heavy winter up pom fuU rmmM toes, boot poowlbta ahos for woar SMssa 11 ta ?. soowtsj srtea - for Thursday at. pals. ass lt to t; apostal prtos Par Tharsdscp at. pair SUTS OTHBB SFBCIAX TALUBB FOR THIS WBBst DW VBB FOOTWBAR AlBUaV Worihtn'a Shoes, pi S4 for wokiinra SS.SS AND S4.M UiOBS Woman's Winter Bhoos. ammo of boss salt; Stuohor cud, dsuoto oolos, mili tary beeta. raa .M and S4.0S va - aoa: epeatal for Tkwrsdnr 0 patr ,...fB.aVS WOMEN'S t4.de AMD P 00 SHOES FOR S.PS ' ' Wimss's Shoos for Dross op Street Wear, wttb svaU tops, patent vamps. . watt sol ee, military heel a. button or Isco. rag. 14 00 and Aa.PP vahMo; apeeul at, pair. . . . : .BB.BB SS.T1 FOR WOMEN 0 IHIil- , Woman's Shoeo V, Btaas 1H taU: oooolol for Thursday at. pair S.wW with Bl t Ok rsarfs of patent kM. t aea. t II round toes. -t tfv ".p pAyl 1; s. Children's Shoes. CHTLDPmpra school swors) BOY calf, too, oaeotburt woartadT OuoJttlos. .. Stooo d to a res. SI SS vara: opoclaL pair . BaPS) Pises S is II. fog. SI. TP oat.: sbotmL pair BI.BB Stoss Ills toft fas; I J Op v saoclaL pair .,.. $1.49 FREE I FKEEf FREE I Don't Boy Kubberar We Give TZm Awawl For few dare only. -rhaae of or fnr , ewrTtoaj, of pk- r"" . we w T P P '