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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1904)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAU PORTLAND, WEPK78PAY EVENING. CVTOWX Vj. lass mnsG OF EUGENE CITIZEISS 1 r oovm AB9im mr of wounm vaa- 1 &mt suocuo iiniBoif oar vn BAY. 9 Special MfiM te tbe IMmlt ' Bugenav Or, Oct It. A maae meotlne f Um altlMTM of aHigeae.. Celled by lur a B. CkrtMua end President K Friendly of Um Commerrlal club, wu held ! the 90114 hOUSO iMt evening t kitM te aa iMrtw by T. C Archer. WiflnMr for the Willamette Valley Blee- tne Railroad company, which propeeee to construct trolley llaee from Kugene o Cow, Boy, Oervaiiis aad the Vuo river Unee. - . " Mr. Axeher explained that the pra JlBUnery eurveye for these various Unas have been completed and alto aeleeted for power etatlon. What la wtntM now. fcofore tho work of actual construction beaun. waa that tho olt leans throughout the tarritory through which the Jtnaa will bo built eubecrlbe for 0,oe worth of atock in tho company, tatter capitalists ara to furntah the rest of tho money for tho ooaatruotPt I th line 3 Tho body of Mra. Louisa Bparka of (atom Croak eouaty. who died la Eu gene Sunday, hao been shipped to Sle tera. via Portland and Tha Dellee, for interment Mrs. Spark waa bora oa Cooa bay, Juna M, lt. She taught ta tho Bugene pablla eahoole for aovaral years. She leaves a fauabansV WUea fparka, ana a Mttla daughter. " Tha Bugeae dtp council la dleeusalng a aropaaad ordinance licensing- peddlers for M a day or 111 week. Tha hill waa referred to tha Judiciary commit- a 1 - v, B. Oreve, claim In to be a traveling pop buyer, waa yeeterday eenteaoed to It days ta tha county Jail by Judge Wlntanneler of tho fuatloe oourt for stealing a coat from Andy Reardoa. Bav. Dr. T. B. Ford, who haa boon presiding elder of tho M. K. eh u rob for tha Begone district for tho paat eight yeare and who waa appelated to tha paa toraae at Suaayslds by tha rtomt eon ferewoe, waa riven a farewell recaption py tha members of Humphrey Mamortal it B ah orek at tha reoMeaea of A at. B jfaltor laat evening. MEETING OF STATE ! BAPTIST CONFERENCE - (Spsstel Tarn i as, aa She JesraaD ' If eM Inn villa, Or- Oct. II. At today'B meeting of tha Oregon state Baptist ooo terenee now la aaaatoa hara tha toilow las; prorrana haa been arranged: - lforalaff Report on atnta aateelona. Bar. B. H. Hleka, Boeebure-; report of the board of maaacera. Rev. I W. Riley, aorroapondlns; aoeretary; report of tree a Brer. Mr. J. F. FaUtnav Portland; report of aadltlns committee, W. I. Morgan. 9 MARKET IS : " AT A STANDSTILL aWBAROWAB MOTmntBaT SB Tl iuim BumiBB m babt raw bats nmmaam tmat fbsob BLAV ABTABOB. - ' ImHi1 aaaaetch ta The JantaaLI Salem. Or, Oct. 11 The bop market la appareaUy at a standstill. One aele of II bales at II cents 1a reported a hav- Inf bean made ta Oetlin Una em Uon day, but thle la the only aaie of tmpor tanoa. It waa reported that H. Hlrachherr of Indenendenco had aoM f at bales ei nia holdinva, but tbla la denied. However, there Is a report from Independence that B M. Young end Jamee Jeneo aava ao- Uvired ll bale ta Carsaionaai ce, ai 1014 cams. Newt Jonea also aold II bales at 21 and It coots. There can be aa ouotatloae made thla morning, al though there la a possibility tnac ins price may go higher at any time. These lulls Jn tha hop trade are. however, ree- bgnised aa natural things la tha buel- Bortland. Afternoon Report en home mtaatene; Woman'a Home at lesion society; Wom an's Foreign Mission eeetety. Bvenlng DavoUonnI aervloea; deelr pAtloa aervloo for outgoing mlsstonary party. Rev. A. W. Rider. Oakland CaL At yaaterdaya session the various of foero were elected and the meeting waa addressed by ministers from different orta of tha state. la the aitemoe committees ware appointed -and a de votional eervioe offered in the evening. The oooferenee will cloaa Thursday fveatng. - ...mnmssaBAamspapnas-paBBMe Owm edaoM m tnr. fleerlal mspateh te The Aiaraat) Wood burn. Or.. Oct, 12. A warrant ta out for tho arrant ef Ralph Caplee. Charged with aa attempt to kill Q. B Fenn yesterday with a ahotgun. There waa trouble between tha two men and Fann Jaat saved his life by being close te Caplee and grabbing the gun tha lat ter waa about te use. Caplee then rushed for a revolver, but Peaa followed him up and prevented tha uaa of the weapon. . Appelate .Betosjaaoe Governor Chamberlain baa appointed tho following to Join the other delegates to the trnnn-Mlealaslppl commercial con gress and the irrigation congress at Bl Paso. Tex-i J. at. Church ax la uraaae, W. J. Church of La Q rends. Judge LoyaJ B. Pt earns of Fort land. r. 1. Blakaiy or Rooebura. A M. Hears of Portland, aa dalegatoa to the trans-Mississippi com mercial oongrese at SI Lvuim; D. C. Brow nail of Peodletew. A. King Wilson and W. R Bine af Ontario, X. O. Halley of Foadletea, Bara Snow of Fort land. John V. Oaten of Hliieooro, and H. K. Ankeay of Bngene, te the IrrlgaUoa oon- greae at Bl Faae. Tha annual oaaaaaaaaat oa nmn eouaty ahewe a great Inereaao as toe taxable property over laat year ta fact. general Increase aver laat year ox W.l arose value tie, and a net In crease, considering that there ta aa ex emption this year, of ,!. Thle snowing U isaailiUfal very flattering ta thla oountp. The Greater Salem Cooamerclal ejlub held a meeting hero ktat evening, and among other things adopted a resolu tion addressed to tho delegation m eon greea from thla atata rejqueetlng it to call tbe atteoUea af tha United States engineers' department ta toe necessity of aaaklng aa tnveatlgatle of tha eoadi Uoae of the Willamette river. Reoolatlona of regret at loeiag aat-So- Brlntendent T. W. Potter from the In dia school at Checnawa were adopted. It wu aleo docldod to hold a speclel meting ef tho business men of thla city to discuss tha relations of the local op tion movement ta the boslneas Interests of the city. It waa also eta tad tut through aa agreement reached between mayor and the saloon men. la aoev aultatlon with the Commercial club, the saloons would remain cloaed on Sundaye until the legality ef tha law requiring Sunday closing ebould have been tented la the courts. PRESBYTERIANS HOLD THEIR CONFERENCE CONFESSES UuER i -OF FCI ffiERS AJT ,T MAT BB IfAfmUf OF BBSFBBATB OOOB IS BTXsTt) EsT sajt fbajtoxsoo ' (PeecUl Bfieeaj ta The 3eataaL Wood bum, Or Oct 11. The fall meeting of the Willamette Presbytery opened here yesterday afternoon at I o'clock at the First Presbyterian church with a fair representation present- Pa pars ware read by Bev. & J. Thompson. D. IX. Rev. T. B Orlawold and Bev. Pbllln A. rtahar at the afternoon see el cm. In the evening Bar. J. B. Bnydar, the retiring moderator, preached a forceful sermon. Rev. Philip Fisher of Mill City waa elected moderator after con stitution of Preewytery Tuesday evening. The other officers elected were: Bev. B J. Thompson, J. D, of Independence, stated clerk; Rev. W. T. Mardle of Dal laa, temporary elerfc: Rev. T. B, Qrla wold of Albany, reporting clerk. The Fr eabytary will close this even ing, when Rev. D. D. Holt, yaodlcal missionary, will make an address. The day'a meeting waa devoted to buslneae reports of committees and report of President W, H. Le U Of Aibany eolleae. SSSSSSSSiSSSSSSSaSSSSSSSSSSSSSSStSSS WHAT DID THE WOGGLE-BUG SAY? irS WORTH $50 TO KNOW The Weayla teg, wwa mi at th party rem Oa, wbms advmbirea are re. eeeeted J a eeler MpplemtBt ef The aaedey Joarsel. answers eae ottMtloa every TBe reeeer M Mit to aeeever eu arMwer. ine pirrsrep eea eeerneu wtek. Tbe reeeer H left to dnwever kU an suiter ere celaee te the eehittoa ef the preMeaL eorrert eeewer. Per the larseet somber ef ear Jew Ml aften tM la prlsee te a distributed ee tollowst The aaeetloa aarits ef bet one riy cwieci aaswem nt tree me sreeMW eaeieer i eerreei anewere, viu.'nr. rr tbe Dit lerreet aneiber ef eemct em. fS 00 1 .....flO.Ot A yor the third hvgeet sumber ef eurrret awwere. $2M-... tFer tee roorth larfeet en Biker er onrrert aaewere. sxoo Per the tea aeit Mfseet seBben ef esrreet iMtn, 11.10 eaeh , t yor the Um aert Urgret seeibere ef enrrert eeewers, fl.00 eeefe...., T. far the eleven seat lareeat seat beta of uerrect amwvra, aoe nek. ...... on . AM . 100 : . II earn No. 12 Oct 12 ': TJae Oila Coupon Only. re the WOOOLBBUQ EDITOBt - TRB tmfDAT JOUBMAU FOBTXAMTA OBBQOmI The answer ta tha emeetkm asked af tha WoggiaJbas la tha llaga atae Seotloa af the paper af SUNDAY, OCTOBER I, ie-r . a - "-"------ l"-t-j1-jT t t ttr ti 1 1 ii ii iinp ei WMVttMMIIIIM,IMIIMMnMIMMillt(.IMM Street and pTumaea. . Town ae-CHy. ........ ..l......,M. '.a . ........ i r. ......... .. -.... ' RULES OF THE CONTEST Pin set the th esasoe, eh ttt attl aaterfku, OrW It. Thle ejTe yea nnMF la The ftno4r ImtmI ef On fce. The eneerer m to ae emnea ea me eeopee pnated ea i aeye aatlewias. Bet swnm befina a aew oathe l.t r ef the awetfe eeod tbm U eeJty hi The annMil rer the eaeeilea which rreeh t f the ooi rowa ead In i to a Th XevreeL Portlaad, Sl pf ta A M op rn Titiap the mrti ef Ortrte wia-e. .. If twe at SMee eereenn eeed the itrhert wflt he dleMed aseac thtm. la alaaW dlrleVd. The Saw aeae fee eftvelope. fa MHSierl'-el wear. BAM a N I If n E a. af tbe ynnrnal yne meat enrtnee ehe tha aeaees te ae rea e ahaeree te eeawer Drteber 9. Kerb wmnAmr a rreeh meetlae le net ear end oa eaeh eeaileet. llTI THS end theei te TUB Wnnm.a.i:n Oa Onlr eeaceni IB THS Om B or Till lni:a. SAT Of XOYEMBKS wlU he aeasted la satklnc Iraajber ef eerreet eaewers the Snt eaeea DM ether arieae IB be ret erf n sisnWiy ead nHMrt he aliMI 4 ah oroK itr Ait rntbtpb mi;st bkab If yea ere rhrrles erwpeM delly frosi stnre dies nae eery iinee eenh rer ne awata ta eeeeraU eavelnpe, rite the setae ierer on eah enepnn. Tee mr write 4a. hat AKUSMBUL, TUB fJMQEKf KCMBBS OP Itl. WO TWO Tit B I rteteetaete se4 est write fe eaiee " on wsj enspon a d"fi-'rt awwef far trr coaascT AKavrsas win. Be ewsleye ef Tha lasiaal, af awmesr af aa etaaiaye'ae ramNp a) aOewe ta f U...... ............i..................i ' (Jeaiuel Seeelal Servwi.) Saa Franc woo, Oct. IS. In tha ante-' mortem statement of Fred Clark, alias Fred Averlll, g cook and seaman, -who la at tha verge of death la the city hospital thla afternoon, there may be cleared up the mystery surrounding the deaths of four unfortunate Alaska prospectora. Clark shot Lulu Lockwood four times through the breast and himself above the heart. and while on tbe operating table la a dyiag oondltlon each earned tbe other and hoped for the etaera death. Both will die. Tha ahootlng waa done la a lodging- house at IX Maeoa street at o'clock thla morning; and waa caused by Jeal ousy oa the part of Clark, who feared that tha woman with whom he had been living Intended to return to her former husband. He- shot her through tho mouth, twice in tha breast, gad through the little finger. Loekvrood Welted his wire laat night In her room, and Clark gained admit tance thla morning and a hot tha woman while aha was at ill In bed. Mra. Look-wood waa taksn ta tha emer gency hospital three, months ago. where she waa treated for lyeol poisoning. When discharged aha waa removed to the detention hospital, aa her mind waa thought te be deranged from morphine eraTTaaked the Insanity com ml eat on ers Yor her release, aaylng he Intended te marry and make a better woman af bar. Detective Bailey obtained a dying statement ftoSa Clara; who said hie real name waa Clark, and that hie name of AverlU waa an alias. Ha left for Alaska aa cook oa the hrig Narwhal, rh HIT. At Fort 8t MlahaeL In company with several companions, he had trouble with four men whom they killed and robbed. Hh ehare of tha gold dust which they took from the dead man amounted to more than flt.oOt. With thla he returned to Ban Fmn- alaoa, where ha eoon squandered the money. Htnoe than ha has been employed aa a oook. Mrs.,Xockwood mode a statement to the district attorney, but ha waa unable to obtain Important evidence) aa- to tha Identity af the murdered man, DIVE KEEPER ROBLIN FINED AND WARNED "ire the worst diva ta tow.' : u After hearing three witnesses make thla atatement under oath relative to the saloon run by D, ht Robiin at First and Market atresia. Municipal Judge Hogue today fined the defendant $60: continued a second charge against him for further Investigation; warned him that his li cense may bo forfeited by the city coun cil and Instructed that warrants be Is sued for several wemea. inmatee of the place, , ' - Robtln waa charged with keeping his aelooa opea after Ua, which la con trary to the city ordinance, and aleo he waa charged with disorderly conduct. On the first charge ha waa fined. Among tho witnesses waa Deputy ShsruT Hettinger, formerly a police man. He waa called by the defendant, but It waa, for the most part, his testimony that brought a conviction. Ha declared the American cafe, Robllna establish ment, to be one of tho very worst dives la Portland. The saloon formerly belonged ta Q A. Lane, whose license waa about to ha revoked by the city eouncll. when Roblln stepped In and agreed to run aa orderly place. If given Lane's license. . Lane, however, now enjoys the pleasure pf a license hla saloon being the Darting, at Hi, Savlar street. Ha waa reoanrry heavily fined for Belling liquor ta mi nors and keeping hla place opea after proper hours. 1 EMBEZZLER GETS EIGHT-YEAR TERM a ' When R. 9. MeDerllng waa taken be fore Presiding Judge George la tbe alr eult oourt thla morning, he entered a plea of guilty to ombeaslement, and then endeavored to eecure a lighter sentence by making charges against tha county Jailer and ether prteonera. MsDarilng waa one of tha men con cerned la tbe attempt to break Jail Mon day sight Hla anawera to . quest lone clearly showing his guilt aa regards tha conspiracy to murder the jailer, he waa sentenced by Judge Oeorge to serve fight years In the state penitentiary. The prisoner waa taken Into court by Under Sheriff Morden and pleaded guilty to the charge af embeasllng a watch valued at $o from W. H. Leah, la whose employ be had been, laat August Id. MeDeriing admitted that he bad need a aaw la the attempt to break JalL PORTLAND'S OLDEST CLERGYMAN BURIED Bev. William Mel sob Sri is son. Port land's oldest clergyman, died Monday night at hla home at 121 Da via street at the age of tl years. Funeral serv ices war held today from tha Holman undertaking parlora under tha auaptoee of the Portland presbytery, which ad journed thla mornlns out of respect ta the aged minister. Rev. A J. Montgomery af thla alty presided over the sanricee which were very simple, consisting of prayer and hymno and a brief sermon by tho of ficiating clergyman, who apeke la vary high tarme of the life and eh erector of the deceased. Interment waa g Lone Fir oemetery. Can't be perfect heal tit without para blood. Burdock Blood Bitters malta pure blond. Tense end Invigorates tha whale system. took Oasraed Allen Lewis' Beat Bread. BUHhSaTTBX.T'S SROBS. (eereel apeelal flee.) Washington, Oct. It. Fred ' Re Ik, known no the " 'Frteeo Kid," appeared at the White House yeeterday to shine tha president's shoes. The president waa busy at a cabinet meeting. The "Kid" was told to sail agala. He la 14 years old, ht from the Peel fie oneet. and haa visited all the principal altlea in the country. - He left home with but II nenta. After shining tha president's shoes he will go to the St. Louis fair. HtAVT OOUBHM, VTS All '9 asmm -e" SAY ROOSEVELT WILL ' EXCLUDE CHINESE .. . '.(Jearsal Special Seretee.) Waahlngtoa, Oct 13. To clear the ap prehenslon that la aald to exist In some quarters that the president proposes ta open wider the door for Chinese Immi gration Into the United States, It la stat ed on good authority that he haa no such intention. The subject waa referred to at the cabinet meeting yeeterday, and afterward It waa stated at tbe state de partment and department of commerce and labor that tbe latter had bean oharged with tha eseeatloa of the exclu sion lew treaty and was working in per fect harmony and tn oonaultatlon with the Chinese minister In order to frame a treaty along lines of the present treaty. continuing tbe present rigid exclusion f coolie labor, and aimply moderating cos ditlons under which Chinese merchants and acholara ara admitted. Something of the kind la regarded aa necessary, la view Of tha Shot tnat by direction of hla government the Chinese mlniater laat spring formally denounced the present Cblaeee sxcluslon treaty. That notice of denunciation la to take effect December 7, and there will be no treaty relatione between Utes taya gov ernments on that subject until g, aew convention is agreed upon. Tha president hag decided to enforce the existing Chinese exclusion laws after the abrogation- of the treaty but there la Just aufflolent doubt in ofTtolal minds aa to the extant of tbe powers that may be employed legally to effect cool union ta make a new treaty deelrabla LA GRANDE YOUTHS ARE FOUND GUILTY -. (Special Baweteh at The Jeamat La Qranda, Or., Oct. 11. The ease af tha etate against the three La Grande bore. John Young. George Aokley and Earl Stulta, wherein tha bo ye ware charged with placing obetmetione on tha a R. N. track neat HUgnrd, which came before the circuit court, resulted tn the Jury finding the boye guilty, recommending them ta tha leniency of the oourt and they will be aenteaoed by Judge Kakln Saturday. The boye assert that they placed tho obstruct lone oa tha track to give a Jap track walker they bad met a abort dis tance from there Utile extra work, and thought that aa tralp would be along for some time, but the eeettoa foreman at H 11 sard discovered the stuff on the track la time to flag a freight train pull rag la.. Thle caused tha arrest of the boys, and aa they are of highly reepected parentage tha trial haa beep watched with Interest. REPORT ON SLOCUM IS SAD ARRAIGNMENT . - (Jesreel Speetsl Bervke.) Washington, D. C-, Oct. II. Tha re port of the Sloeum oommlssron. which has been ta the hands af the president several days; will be made public Mon day. The report will And that the Slo eum waa Inadequately equipped to pro tect life. Its life preservers and other appliances were, useless, the crew pot drilled to meet an emergency, and the master Is criticised for not beaching the veeael earlier, and tha ownera for violating the lawa governing Ua safety appllaneea. ' - y COAST FIRE CHIEFS MEET AT VANCOUVER ' (Spartal Dtesetsh ta Tat JeuraaM ' Vancouver. B. C Oct. 11 The an nual Pacific Coast Firs Chiefs asso ciation meeting Is now la session and lasts till Friday. Fifty chiefs are pres ent from all parte of the Pacific coast and Manitoba. Among Important mai- tera to come up la the creation at a permanent penalo fend for volunteer and pau fireman, rn ojuesp savor us Idea. - (Xeavael Seeelal Berries.) FUtsbursj, Pa.. Oct. 1A la A letter ta a friend la this city who formerly worked for Lenere F. Loree, ho says that he. expecte ta enter tha employ of tha Venderbllte aa soon as his health la recuperated. Loree baa been offered tbe preeMeney of tha Mow Tork Central and Its affiliated linos to eueoeed W. WL Newman, wha will be made chairman af the directorate. It la also aald that hla resignation of the presidency of the Bock Island waa due ta aa affar of a batter paying; position. TO FOB MB VXBTT (Specie! Dveansh ta The Searaat) n a. ta Vital. W rinuniuui ui . tokos was found guilty ta tho state cir cuit court yesterday aftersoon of lar ceny from the person. Ht will be aea tenced Friday morning. Stokes waa ar reeted at Ml Hon, Or., August II laat, for picking pockets. It Is alleged ha waa following RlBgllng Breev ehowe. f TBXA aVOPBB WTJUb CbTTiSBBSTB. Wtlhehn Tell lodge of the Bona of Her mann will celebrate tha 16th anniversary of tho organisation of tbe lodge toalght Public installation of officers will be held, followed by a social. Grand Freel- dent Christopher Gramma ad Astoria Will be the Installing officer. (Bee tie! Dies tea ta Tha Jem sal.) Taaoina, Oat IS. Portland players aay that Jlmmle St. Vrala will today be signed by pugdele aadj plteh sor Fort- COTTON IRREGULAR 4 r IN NARROW LIMITS t eenej"wewi ' .i The eottee siarket today eras nregeur end fertvated eithta a aermw rean ee the sane bled ef tradinc srevkmaly aeted la theee report the peet week. There aa a deellae at the esjealar ef abeet te mats, walnlr becanse Xlerpoel was agala dleappetatlng ta f net the wetket there felled e ehow ea smea etrencth ee bad been ex Dec led- There era goad tvying ea tele lsnf heweTer, aad with the bulk, reinforced bj the arrival ef prominent local eserater freaj lamp s a barer of about .0no bele ef December aad lassary, the Market eradselhr reeenred. The auierltr of tee trader kerf ara en 11 beerlab and agates. the market ana Win aeil eery rreeiy ee enj adfiace te ee KH Pr poand for the Jena- err opoee, ana taie te wnr nw eeus save eeea eaable te force the aierhet ebere thet potat lately. Oar Idea to thet the surket will eon tlnne a anod tradlns oae for sobm time aad Snrtaete hetweea the level ef and lOVke fee the faU aad win let BMiatae, We VMld atiU retber faeer adherlnf to a eralper'e pneltlna nd weald ntro percbeeea ea see dlpa feeea tbb level fnr ewderate terns. Toaay't ersnai aattna warset: Ouea. fanoary. 10 2S reheuary., iw 31 Uarre....!. 10. Ua?!. '..'.'.'. 1AM Ji;ne. Jiiir Orteher.... IP IB) Nertuber . 10-10 Deeeatbef.. Milf lliah. in aa .as JavTV io at floee. in rntt le. Mil k:2 til 3 attl 10 1 a i.t. 10.31 r? la k n tea w s lOOS lt.O ill - lAieejis ELASTIC FELT MATTRESSES SLEEP WELL? No? fctter Rssd This Little Mattress TalXH ' Ars you comfortsbls nights?' Is your msttrtss ths kind that indues rsstfol slumber? If you can't answer "Yes"' to these questions you'd better have mattress talk with ua. We'll show you the kind of mattrsss that makes life worth livlnc-t night, , u . ;. - v Anyhow we'd tike you to see the ELASTIC FELT MATTRESS. It's made of eight layers of the fittest cotton totter (thoroughly cleansed from seed and dirt) which combine to form a soft, resilient mattress that will not mat, is abeoe hitely odorless, nonabsorbent, vermin-proof and thoroughly sanitary. The cut above illustrates the manner fat which tha eight layers of Jinters are gathered ta combine the greatest elasticity with the greatest durability. , These mattresses are covered with the finest of ticking m plain and fancy stripes, thoroughly tufted on sides and top with heavy tape binding. They never need renovating; when they have been In use a long time, just put them in tha sun awhile, that will do the work and make them as good aa new, - We've all kinds of faith in these nuttresscs so weH make you a liberal offer. Howa thiaf SOLD ON SIXTY DAYS' TRIAL S If you're net satisfied then return the niattreM and we'H return tho sneney paid for It. We'll back onr belief. ?! WRITE .' FOR 01R NEW FALL CATALOGUE Need anything for tho house? Live out of town? Better send a postal ; to us and get a copy of our new catalogue of Furniture and House-Hirnishings. We carry everything for tha house. , ? l-.N., ' j . ;, -;. , , ''' 'vsaaaBBawMssn' ' 2esBBBBswaa UAKBYDUB JAPAN GIVES SHIPS BACK TO THE TRADE (Special XHsaeesh e Tbe eenrseU ' Ten i sea, Wash.. Oot, Ifc Advloea ra eetved at the local effleee af the Orsat Northern atata that tha regular fart, nightly trans-PveWe service of tha Kip poo Tvsen Xafanha steamship Una erlll be resumed December It. American ex perts regard this action aa significant that Japan will not use theee ships aa traaeports during tha winter season. Other Japanese ships, H la understood, are te be restored to tha saerahaat trade. All af the reasels sailing nndef tha vlkado's nag are subsidised, and the ma jority of them have been doing trans port aerVlee etneo the beginning of the war with Hues la, Tha Nippon Tnsen Kalsha Una had sis large ships hi the gevenueient service. Theee win retarn to the Paoifla trade. Aa ther fir the Japan eee flag, they roar be regarded as tegltlraaae prey for Ilueslaa warshlpa. STS SObb CSuauliW, Speetal INsssaeh ta The Tier ail ) Hood River. Or., Oct. 11. Charles Rainier, a sfonirt Hood raerchant, waa found gnflty yeeterday afternoon la Jua tlos Hiekelson's oourt of cruelly beating a horse, and fined 7S and ooots.' STORE iqtMOVED TO THIXTWNTH AND DtVING rV, t aa" VlJJf- DVR PHONF. ,"",'.. MAlrf'900 rvlng streets, gn line or i We have moved from tho northeast earner of Second and Taylor ta irv u. wtnhniiu on the aoutheaat corner of Thirteenth and maw nrinirei te shew to tha trader earn tries of the laraest rana-ee manufactured en this ooast.1 we ale desire ta call sttentlen and restaurant men to our line of Partabbj aad yrsmoh Manges prlceev fee are wlU aaa you awnay. rh2ta er aoiei get aug , Loewenbpr (Q. Going Co. fat yeeLT. Ordeaa. r - - R A GENUINE IWI JDuring which EVERY' ftrtlck in our irmnimoth ttock, hvcluding a immenae sdupment of FAIX AND WIN TER CXOTHINO and Furniahinga, are being sold at m a SA BS '"" psBBJBBBl ' i ' j. -: v.. m i .... - . . ,Ji ; -- ii ' ''(.,., .' ' MM: V.V )- . ' Indudtag eeeeonaWe joode for RAINY WRATHER: , . A. A: CUTTER, UNITED WORKINGMEN'S NAPTAN SHOES, OILCLOTH CLOTHING, UNDERWEAR, EtC Now it tha opportone time, aa we are retiring from bust - neta after twenty-one yearn, .Our past reputation la a ' -v guarantee for THIS SALE being GENUINE and the . QUALITY OF THE GOODS we offer the public v . n; phoM Black 30 KEDD Cloalaiar aiU Fnnabbart HI an s