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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1904)
TEX OFTSCN DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENINQ, OCTOBER 18, 1901 III IIIIHIM IIWIIIII IIINM j to;;;j jcrics (onMri Airammii Mar un Ores "Br Sight ef CvtuniMft ...... "At jrless CtUsMi' COTOraj'', "Muted at Ba Aru4e , , Vudllle J-jrie VaudrrilU tar VaedaTllW Byue VeadaTllle "Battls raffia to the uesV . "Politicians at a feast" :' " t Mlne a-Sre down la Ooea "Huntera after festlvs soeee. "Lady Cursoa somewhat worse, Nlghbor Jtrown'a plethoric purse." "Pool room ordlnaooa knookad out." ' "Preachers put divorce to rout." ' Tbua tha aswa front day to day, Hound tha world ao" blithe and say, Tallin' of tha thing wa BMt, And of Union Leuadry'e boat, Which la iitan and doss not burn Linen brown or to a Wurn," - ' But Just makes "am allok so shine Sparkle like Moam i "fltxtra" win. It waa Indeed a good thin for Port land whan Union Laundry snterpriss found Ita way to thia city. Tou try It once and row will aay ao, too, Seoond nd Jefferson. Tat Main III. " Tha Loewenberc a Going company to day eoaaplatad removal of lta wholaamla ransa, stove, hoteland private raaldanca aupply houaa from Second and Taylor to Thirteenth and Irving. Tha firm oompleted a masslvs brick structure IOOxim feat, tares stories and full bsse- ntant. which baa bean arranged specially for lta oonvenlenoe. . Tha tarmlnal rail road track la to ba extended a Mock further eouth to tha new building, which will afford superior shipping faoilitlea to all railroad points, Thla Institution aaakaa all Ita own stoves and raafee. eonatrnotlna; them apeolaUy for thla market, and the bualnaaa baa grown ao large that additional room waa daman d ee. It baa that room now. During tha laat month tha Boya and Obis' Aid society haa taken oharga af II abandonad children. Moat af the have been provided with bomoa by tha aooletr, and la addition to theee there ware a number referred to tha organi sation from autslda towns ta Oregon. . In his report read at tha trustees' moot ing yaoterday Superintendent W. T. Gardner elted a Cooo oounty oaaa In whlob ftve young gjlrla and a hoy bad been made ho melees by tha Imprison ment of tha father and tha snot her. Tha ahlldrtu were taken by tha Portland society, and homes for four of tham were found within a - Take a steamboat rata through tha mountainous region, amidst" tha match less soenery af Oregon. Vlow the groat waterfalls, oaayona and glons skirting the Columbia. Tha steamer Charles H. Bpeaosr leaves foot of - Washington street Mondays. Wednesdays and Fri days as lta up-rtver run to The Dalles and way landings, returning on alter nate days. , When coming to Portland leave tha train at Tha Dalles and ride down to tha Uy SW too apenesr. TaL Mala 1421. v , Tha Baker theatre will open under the Bwaageauttt of Keating at Flood as a vaudeville theatre one week from next Monday. There will ba throe perform aiKiss dairy, one In tha afternoon and twa la tha evening. The price of admla slew will ba only ana dime, aa at tha Lyric, which Is awnad by tha same managers, and which will sot ba af faetad In any way bv tha lease on tha sw bouse. . ... Tha Horns Training association will at o'clock tomorrow, afternoon at the Y. W. C A. reading rooms to dismiss tha subject. "Suitable Compan ions for Children.- which will ba Intro duced by Mrs, W. J. Frost. Methods Of government and lessons la obedience are tha additional subjeets. All women mra cordially invited. A gold medal contest win ba bald this erecting at I o'clock la tha United Free byterlaa church. Sixth and Montgomery streets. An Interesting program has been arranged. In which seven young Cople will participate, . Tha pubUe la Vltsd. . . ; ' .... ,. , - . There will be a mass Initiation at Portland onmp. Woodman of tha World, tonight" A banquet has bora prepared for tha candidates and their friend a. Multnomah oamp will pay tham a fra ternal visit. ' , . . , ; Tha loeal lodge af Uka ta arranging for a stag social to ba given at Ita hall -tomorrow night. An tnvltatloa to at tend has boon Issued to all visiting member of tha order. ( Yesterday a contract waa let for light ing by electricity all tha principal streets f Cstecada. Lights will ba burning; wlthls two wseki ' Jacob A. It 11 a Brnost Thompson Sston and Oeorge R.-Wendllng are Included In tha T. M. C. A. Star course. Wend) tag oomes October II. Wa-Hoe Tonic Tha great blood port flsr, nerve tenia and liver regulator. Just what you need theee daya. . For sale by all druggists. Tha sower eoanmlttas of tha executive board accepted tha Tanner ereek sewer which haa recently been oompleted by It M. Rlner. The acceptance waa post poned at tha meeting of the executive board laat week awaiting; a rsmonstranes from property owners. No one appeared to object to tha sowar at tha meeting yesterday. B. P. O. m Wo. let, a stag social will ha held Thursday evening, Marquam building. Visitors and saesBbers cor dially iavlted. , Chew Dee-Tal-CHin. have pearly teeth dnd prevent decay. For sal every- where. , '.-"-, Both feat treated, 1. Fletchers, chi ropodists. Hi Alisky Bldg. ad Mil year's Star, oourse eclipses all This others. William M. XlUlngrswortb and wife have returned from a visit to Chisago and St Louis. While In Chicago Mr. and Mrs. Xllllngaworth ware tha guests of Mrs. Killings worth's brother. Q rover B. Simpson, a former Portland r. who now Is superintendent of the WaUa-Fargo xprsss company. Policeman Ola Nelson, who was re cently shot la aa encounter with a high wayman, haa so far recovered aa to be able to be oja. the atresia. Capt IX B. BoswoU af Boswell'a Springs la at tha Imperial. " - John R. Snipes, the capitalist Is bars from The Dalles. State Senator Walter M. Pierce la among tha Imperial's arrivala from Pen dleton. I. M. Lonely, the sportsman, ta here from Scappooaat Or. E9YS OST KEEP . AWAY FROM DIVES jvnen -WMtn asjcs "ernxwr , mmrs) ax& ioiisisi ssis uftst say sTOara m owts zjtvo Municipal Judge Bogus sent a request to Chief of Pot Ice Hunt this morning. tbrsugh Bailiff Oolta. to permit boya arrested for frequenting north and dives to come Into court whoa arrested. 'The request will ba mid before the chief, who will tab It under advisement "Please tell the ahlsf that I do not this ta the farm ef aar order, but I Just merely ask that when boya are ar rested for befog out after proper hours and found wandering about tha north and divas, that If the chief pleases, ba let them be brought before ms." . Henry Champa and W. "'Medeflnd. minora, ware' arrested while In els- reputable bouses la tha north and dis trict last night, and were brought be fore Judge Hogue for a hearing. They the ftrot boya to be arrested an a slmtllsr charge to be taken Into aourt Chief Hunt haa heretofore released all of these,. After lecturing the youthful prisoners. Judge Hogue oom mended them to return to his oourt Saturday and bring their parents. T propose to nut a stop to yowna soya wandering about the north and and visit ing dives,' said. Judge Hogue. "Bring your parents, and I think between us we can arrange matters so you two boys will not return to the north end district, and we may m that manner help to keep other boya from going there." Frequent arrests have beea mads of lets under the ordinances prohibiting boya from -vleKtag saloons and dis reputable nouses, but not until this morning did Judge Hogue get an oppor tunity to have a word with the prison- Pol loemsa Baty and Barks sea do these arrests. - THE nUall CONTINUES Big Attractions at bter Pi- ano House bring Out . - v the CrowfJs. WlMriseMl Pries $39 I308 sad $313 lor Stary Clark Pianos , Fraa Music laaaas and In struction Bdoka Alsn a Prwa- - snt of a Music Ca blast. I - w , - When It oomee down to genuine merit you're never going to get anything near the value of these Story A Clark planus unless you pay twice tha pries at which the flrst three carloads 'are going for. They are the most astonishingly Ana pianos svsr sold for the price. Three carloads of them at only dealer's whole sale price on each Diane, and In addi tion music lessons for ths student for six months, all necessary instruction books gratia and a present of a beaui tlful music cabinet at Christmas time. Thla la to Introduos the Story Clara rlanos to the people of the northwest, t was Story Clark's own proposition when they prevailed upon us to accept the agency of their plana, after two years of negotiation. Wo are very glad to carry ft out for them. It ll a pleasure to us to offer our patrons something so especially good, and we do not hesitate to pro nounce this by all odds the most liberal offer ever made to piano buyers. ONLY THREE CARLOADS Pieces bear t mind that there are-el-together but three carloads of these su- Krlor Instruments to go at these spec i el rms, and ths offer Is good throughout our entlrs territory. Ths further away the purchaser the better we like It, be cause we want the fame of the Story at Clark pianos to spread throughout the entire northwest. Xo matter where you live. If you can scours tha services of a music teacher we will pay for six months' Instruction for one of your chil dren, or for your wife or sister, and send what Instruction books are neces sary for the six months as soon aa yow nntlfv tta what la wanted. And last, but not least, ths Storr a Clark Company will send you at Christ mas Urns a present of a band soma music cabinet. , Three carloads used to oe eonsiaorea rood many olanos to asll under such favorable conditions, but they are not many, considering what a large terri tory we cover and the soores of people who are eager to profit by thla opportunity. The net or Buyers m or eases oaiiy. ix you want your name among tno rortu nata ones, see ua or write us at once. Every one or tnese story ciara pi- anoa is ruiiy guarantseo ana money back in evsry Instanc where there Is not absoluts satisfaction. Caah or our easy-payment privilege, as suits you best Kllers Piano House, Hi Wash ington street corner Park. ' LOTS OP TROUBLE i FOR CHIEF BUNT " romarzKO oar a osookb ana, aa as tbbtmm bt ausiaaa of of- . Fumma trnn mvmrmmmnm ajt nt orxn Fmamnaataarwa. . HOLDERS TARDY IN PAYING LICENSES AH who are delinquent m taking out their licensee for the quarter beginning October 1 are receiving notification today to secure their licenses Immediately or the departmeat will bring proceedings aa-atnet themv- Laat night there ware aaloonkeepers and about half of the other Individuals from whom Uosnse fees are due who have failed to denote to the civic treasury. A few ef the delinquents who are being notified today are appearing and taking out their lloonaaa. If those who have been notified do not appear, the license oolleetora threaten trouble as this Is the last quarter of the year and aa endeavor will be made to clear the nooks at an early wate la order to prepare tha re ports. - . , . ,- ta.i. m i 1 1 such thing as summer samplalnt hm nr. rowler'a Extract Of Wild Stra wherry la kept hand y. Nature s remedy tor .looseness of the bowels. The Star Restaurant - Mr, Thomas Leech, formerly of Ta- ooma. baa ODened up the Star restaur ant at 11 Twelfth street corner of Waahlngton. Home cooking to bio specialty, and sir. Leaoh certainly under stands how to eater to his trade. A call at his place will oonvlnos you ba knows his business. mm; 11 111; 'a 1,000 HORSE POWER ENGINE 4, FOR INMAN, POULSEN & CO. Whoa it comas to tavrinf lumber it is generally con ceded that ths above concern holds the record. They naturally take pride in their supremacy and propose to hold it. and therefore decided to put more power Into their 1.1 ft- : HERE'S WHERE WE GOT BUSY They wanted a better engine than could be pur chased in the open market, ao placed the order . ' .' with ua. :" ; '.' ' v TH? HINT IS WORTH MONEY TO THOSE . T WHO WANT . ' ' " HIGH DUTY MACHINERY Under suspension at present: Polloeman roster; charged' with fan Ins to report from bis patrol box for three hoars. Polloemaa Connors; charged with re maining la a saloon 11 minutes, and- In a drug store 44 minutes, while on duty. , Shifted from Jail to patrol dutyi Jailer atlobael LI His; ordered rein stated to station duty by Mayor Wil liams and oivll eervtos commission. , Hay be suspended and fined: Polloeman John Wandorf, acting Jail er; reported for duty this morning 1 boors late. i Chief Hunt's system and discipline has gone wrong. Two poUosmea are un der suspension, a Jailer removed from hla dutlea at the central station and placed on a beat by order of the ettlef. has been ordered returned to station duty by Mayor WUlhuns and the clvU servioe conn m lsetoners, and a patrolman now acting aa Jailer at headquarters Is liable to suspension and a fine for not reporting for duty an hour an a half late thla morning. Just what happened to the system Is not known, but It Is out of repair at present, and the discipline shoe is run down at tha heel. Things are "up In ths air at head quarters. The chief haa long com plained of a lack of man to poHoa the city, and now he haa two of hla pa trolmen Idle, and a third. John Wen dor f, now acting aa Jailer In .place of Jailer 14111. la liable to suspension and a fine for reporting lata to work this morning. In a written statement to ths ohief today Wandorf explained that he overslept. If he la suspended be will be the third patrolman out of commission. Polloeman Connors will have a bearing before tha executive board Friday after noon. For making a statement In The Journal relative to his ease. Chief Hunt yesterday promlaed to file an additional charge against Connor The chief ob jected to Connors statement that the chief bated him, that ha "had It la for htm." and bad said ha would gat him fired" from the force. When Policeman Poster will have a hearing Is not known. He has beea un der suspension more than a week, but the chief wlU not toll him when hla case will ba tried. In addition to the cases named above. there Is Prank Do! an. Who recently re signed in' the faoe of charged rather then fight It out Jailer Lima, who waa removed from hla duties at ths central station and placed on Poster's old beat, will be re turned to his station duties tomorrow at 1 o'clock. The chief had a friendly talk with blm this morning at headquarters. The otvil service commission haa In structed its secretary to communicate with -Chief Hunt, Instructing; him that he Is violating the charter and exceeding his authority when he transfers a man from one position to another. Aa lull I Is haa never passed ths ercam- 1 nation for patrolman, the coram lee Ion decided that It cannot allow him to re ceive any pay for bis bervloas an a pa trolmen's beat. It waa decided to bold oxamfnatmne aa follows! Firs department. Novem ber 14, It. II: surveyors In city engi neer' department. November If: clerical rstrvlfe, November It: miscellaneous, De cember 1; labor service, November le. Under Che head of mlsoellansous post- t torts will come esnmlnatlnns for pound master and deputies, carpenters, sewer fwpdfrara janitors and elevator oper ators. - . (vestal TMspstf w The Inarssl.) Pendleton, Or., Oct. 11. Four hundred Pendleton people went to Walla Walla this morning oa an sseurslon train to srtend the races. The racing association has set aside this day for. tha Pendle ton visitors. Warranted "Thread 200 yd. spools 3c ihx& week only a )Mia Seventh Street, Between Morrison and Ainer November , Banner Pattcm3 10c and 15o None Better at 25c " Jusfc-Threa More . all Op sning Days of the n . . . mm mmm Every day gats better, from an economy point of view. Mora cut price items ere daily thrown into tha already overflowing bargain channels. , New srrivals bought to sell at a certain figure have their prices crowded down aven kwer--down to the very smallest margin of profit- allowable. Shoppers grow enthusiastic over the opportunities I Doesn't require that stren uous effort on the part of salespeople to sell goods here, that is ao painfully apparent in soma other stores about town. Goods are fresh and new, and of strictly warranted and dependable chaxacter-while prices are in many instancea positively lower than those asked elsewhere for inferior gradea. - ,'",,:.. These last three daya of thia fall opening sale will be of greatest benefit to every customer. Actually, m soma derartrnents thraa dollars will do the work of fivef we want you to come o make thia your trading place and to that and wa are offering money-saving inducements that you cannot afford to rniss. - '); 1. i ... An Alluring Display of New Autumn Hats For Women. Misses and Children A beauty showl Creations that are exact copies of Parisian models bought by. our buyers at eastern open in gs only difference is price; ours more than a half lower. . Tailor-made Toques, Turbans and French Sailors, in new shapes and any color desired trimmed with r)n pons, wings, feathers and breasts. . Values to $3. rices now 3.48 and $4.98. ; Children's Hats, in sailor and flat shapes trimmed with fancy bright ribbons, chenille and feathers7-88f , f 1.25, 91.08, etc Extra Special! Until the closing hour Satur day night ladies may choose from our entire stock of beauti ful pattern hats AT ONE FOURTH OFF the marked price. If the hat you choose is marked $10, you buy it for $7.60, etc, etc; . . Just one potent reason why we can sell goods at lower prices than our y-'. i competitors: ! - " This is an .Absolutely Cash Store ! WE BUY .FOR CASH savin all discounts and always at a lower price than credit stores can buy same goods for. WE SELL FOR CASH doing away with expense of bookkeepers and collectors and "are not financially crippled by having money outstanding. : y : t-y V' V " " ' '.-. We Sell Only Warranted Shoes No other shoes have any place in our stock. If they're not good enough' to warrant they're not good enough for our shoe store , Below are a few specials for the next three days and today: Boys School Shoes $1.35 Sizes up to t's. Same shoe in larger sizes up to 6)4 at f 1.65. These shoe are all solid leather no "pa per" counters or insoles. Made to ; Son Shoe $3.00 This shoe is not discounted but de serves a place with all "Specials," because it s the equal of any $6 shoe manufactured. We are under con tract to not sell them less than $3. Perfect fitting; hand sewed, stylish lasts, -long service Those are the points. .. , $2.75 Shoes at $1.9S No better wearing shoe sold in Fort land. Genuine vici kid stock soft and fine but strong and serviceable extension soles (will not "screech") or light, thin single soles. Wide foot form last or narrow toe ; Cuban, mili tary and opera heels. Pat leather 'and kid tips. Laced. 'Best of lin ings, fitted without wrinkles : uppers stitched with silk. Shoes that sre cheap at $2.75 Special at f 1.98. Men's Slippers $1.33 The world looks brighter to a man when he oes home tired after a hard day, if hercan take off his shoes and put his feet into a pair of soft, roomy, comfortable slippers. We're going to make it possible for a lot of wives to make their husbands happy. Until Saturday night we will give choice of our $1.76 and $3 handsome house slippersany size, color or style for the low price of f 1.33. stand school boys' hard knocks. Up pers of calf and grain leather plump, good weight stock but soft. Soles of first-rate oak tanned sole leather double both nailed and sewed. Orb' School Shoes $1.66 Prettv? Yes, but the principal talk ing feature about these shoes ' is . wear. They are made of specially -selected dongola, vici, box calf and, Telmsr kangaroo; soft nice stock, but leather that has service. . Dou ble or single soles sewed laced uppers. 11 to (.'Regular $3 grades wherever you go. Here special at fl.68. Chfldren's Red Shoes 96c Sizes 5 to 8. Regular $1.60 grade extra fine soft vici kid rich red col- -or (fast), foot-form shape spring heel at 98a. ... - , ' Robbers ' Warranted rubbers, v too. Fresh goods direct from the factory. No old rubbers here - ' Ladies' Storm, 45e ' Misses1 Storm, Mf, 't Children's Storm, 35. . Boys' Storm, 50e. An UmbreUa Special Our large Center Win dow is filled with high grade umbrellas eelling in the ordinary way for $9 to $3 and a few as high as $4. Until next Satur day night well give choice of the entire assortment for f 1.39. This is the best umbrella bargain we have ever known of quite sure the best ever offered in Portland. . ' i Lakes' Raincoats ; $20CrecJefor The most practical outer garment made, for Portland women. They are light weight ex tremely so easily worn but are -absolutely rainproof Quite handsome, too as present styles go. We've a number of styles that go Into this special. Tan and gray, full length, belted back some tight fitting some with' cape others without; but can yon call? , Wa will gladly show you through. ' WILL INVESTIGATE INSURANCE BATES uoauuvaaa as aavonrvn a oauanusa av onaoemsoai auasv nratrnxawmrnse vaza re aun eooa rmoatxkas atasa nisa ve AY BUXZAZsTSk Property awnsrs alone the waterfront are becoming tr natty aroused at ths In crease In Insuranes ratss in the vlclnlt? of the Alsska Sock ay the underwriters and all because the r oonnell has granted the Oreaen Rsllroad a Narlsjar tlon eotnpenr aernlsslon ta Insuil a pUat to handle fuel oil at their docaa. At a mestlnr af the ehanser af eoia maroe reatsrdar the mattsr wee thor ough I r dlaeilssed. It resultsd In the an pntntmmt ef W. 3. Burna, W. H. Cor bet! sad Aiken Tucksr aa a eosssiittss i to fullr fenresUgate the aanae af the rise In rates and to report to the eltjr aoanolL where they hope to sees re lsais latkm to remedy tno sitae t Ion. When Portland had no Srsboat aa aareenient waa made wtth ths nnder writers that aa aeon aa the Sreboat waa oomplstrd the rates of laeuraaos alone; the waterfront aod for roar blocks beck would be lowered from It to II per sent. The underwriters have failed to grant thla decrease for the reason that the fuel oil plant at the Alaska dock for loading and unloading stsamera Is a menses to ths aafsty of tha entlrs waterfront - In stead, however, the end r writers here Inoreased the rates ef Insurance about IS per seat on all property along the waterfront from Pleaders street to ths Alblna ferry Undine The transport,! loa eommlttee of tha chamber of osmnMros haa decided to as sist In securing aa Increase la sewers of ths Interstate commerce oommlssloa aa aaked by the lotsrstate oo mine roe law oonventtoa. Some time ago It waa de cided not to lend any assistance te a bill te bring about thla and; but recent devstopmente hare led ta the change of heart. Tha secretary wae'lnatnieted te notify tha Interstate cemmeros law soa veatiea d their esc!stea BAD LANGUAGE COSTS : NICHOLS HEAVY FINE W. Nichols of Sstlweoa was Sued $11 by Municipal Judge Hogue thla saornlns for. using pre fans and abusive lensjusge toward Chief of Police Garrison of that plaee.' Attorney John P. Losjaa appealed the case. "What did Nichols say to you when you went to arrest hmT" asked Deputy City Attorney riugersid of Chief Gar rison. "Ha aatdV Tou sre a blankety. blank, blank, you eld slob,' said he. -Owen, U eut s' this yore plaee, or 111 tear yer block off. I care neither for you or your bloomln' star: drive on. " "Are you sure It waa Nichols who need all those vile words T" asked Attorney Logan, for the defense. "Might U not nave been Joe terT" 'It waa Nichols," replied Chief Osrti- Deputy pltsgerald called another wlt- vho declared that Nichols used very a ", after whtch ths Juugt as. 4 --Jt $se. EST COALnoist Screenings, delivered. . . . Raven Nut Coal......... Carbon Hill Lump Australian Lump ........ . Rock Sd rinrs Lumo...,. Special Kates on Five-Ton lxts. Vulcan Coel Cc. Phone Main S77& S4.00 5.75 f9.0