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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1904)
THK OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; ' PORTLAND,- WEDNESDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 1. 1901, 14 LCCAL mCBANTS UIUOA9 ' Asmn onmonoi ov rams News of ths agitation for t.itwif line Mwm Portland and Alaska point has moM U efttcUla of the Alaska Central Railway ooaapaay and tae Tia ana Construct too company, with operat 1ns headquarters at Seward, Alaaka, John JC B.llalaa tha preeideot of both companies, has written a letter to ttaa Portland chamber of commerce, tn whtch ho gives facta ooooerning tha proapecte for developing trade la tha Tanana and Shuehltna valleys, and ha nrges tha merchante of Portland to ooata to thai coustrr and sat a aharo of tha trade. Ha wrltaat "Saward ia tha southern tanalauo of tha Alaaka Cantral railroad, and la esr tala to oommand tha trada of all central Alaska. Twenty-one miles of tha road ara now completed, and wa aim to oam ptota anothar iff oillaa yet this year. Wa ahall build not laaa than Iffff aiUa next year, and hava tha entire road ( rntlaa) oomplatad wlthla thraa years. Tha whola antarprlaa ta flnanoc. With in five years Saward should eon tain a population of 16,eS to l,M. If soom or your wholesale houses would prompt ly look Into tha field with a view to es tablishing branches thara nast spring. I ballava thsy wowid find It a prpfltsMs venture." Ha am that a row hranoh T In tha Unas of hardware, prorlalona and. miners supplies would furnish a busi ness that would support a staamar ply tng bat wan Portland and Baward. He adds that thara ara alraadr flva t sam ara running bat want Seattle and saw ard. and that a l-knot boat will ba put on nast spring. Tha Alaaka Cantral railroad travarsss a country rich with Coer cold, eoppar daposlta and almost It lass supplies of eoaL "Tha Shuehltna and Tanana valleys iara agricultural possibilities equal to tha beat portions of southern Norway and Sweden, and are equal in area to tha outs of Orssoiu." writes Mr.. Ballalne. "I ballava thai tha burMlng of tha 'Alaska Cantral railroad wtU muss aa Increase of IM.eoMOf to the annual pro duction sf gold la Alaaka and enter tha -oe aupply of tha Pacific ansae thara. -Tour merchants will therefore appreci ate tka ImnnrtaiiM nt aa tahllehtne- at tha earliest possible data commercial" relations with a territory so rion ana undergoing a development now only fairly bostonlng." - Tha Tanana Construction company will employ next year about l.toff man. A bank with a capital of l&O.OO la be Ins established at Seward by C. 1. Dicker man f St. Paut and F. O. Halo of Spo kane , , - . SYDNEY DE GREY IS K HIT IN NEW YORK . ' "" --" ,,". It will please his acquaintances here to lfrn that Sydney da Grey, who waa laadinc man with tha Casino company itiirinar Ha mm Bon af Weber A Plaids burlanueat the Baker theatre, has made a big hit in "Mr. Wis of Wlckbam," the I -- aiMnk SI SI RIM wuwutut rm i.asaa asamafJamsamnaam i TO lroE Sis, UNPARALLELED In Portland Clothing Selling! And no wonder that ft Is. We have told the story in these columns of our purchase of tbe Sterling Clothing Company's ; Bankrupt Stock of : f Clothing at 40c on the $1 -; And which wc arc selling at .J:"'r JUST HALF THEIR ORIGINAL VALUES The Sterling people could not meet their obligations were being forced to the wall about to be closed up when we stepped in and BOUGHT THEM OJJT at 40 per cent of the in voice price. Men of Portland are now buying these garments from us at the rate of 300 to 400 suits per day. and every man who buys a suit at this sale gets $2.00 worth of goods for every dollar he expends. XT IS THE SALE OF SALES I It is the monumental BARGAIN CENTER OP THE pacific coast: ; mailorders filled money . BACK IF NOT SATISFIED ALL IN QUANDARY OVER GRAY HORSE Any one of three parties can lay claim to a eray mare In tha Marshall Bros.' stables, at tha somas of Sixteenth and Jefferson streets, bus not oaa of them desires the animal, egthough ana Is rel oad at tils. Tha aiaaegement f tha elty water works re fusee o own tha ani mal. Sd Blum, tha orlsnal owner, says tha mare does not batons to him. ' Ash ley Rumella, the brokers, althoush ill short en tha deal, have no desire to become her owner. Kd Blum, of Jefferson street, owned tha mare until a week as Hs kept bar ta a rented null la Marshall Bros.1 barn. The man cement of the elty water works desired to purchase tha animal. Blum asked Hll for her. A week ego last Sunday the water works hostler oame and stated that ho would ba around tha next day to try tha horse. Blum left tha elty, but left word that ha did not deal re to sail tha horse, as ha knew aba would not suit Tha hostler paid no heed to his orders, but took tha animal from the barn. Whan Blum returned the noma was still out of the stall, and ha supposed that the water works people Intended to keep bar. He went to Superintendent Dodge, who Immediately, without any CHARLIE YORK GOES BEHIND FOOTLIGHTS The Columbia theatre stack oca pen y wlU hare a new actor. He Is Charles W. Tors, who enters the east nan -week In a small part 1a "Sowing the Wind. ' Mr. Turk has bean treasurer of the Co lumbia since tt was opened and Is one of the moot oongenlsi snaps who over asked "How maay. please T" But he has been around tha front of tha house so much of his Ufa that he now wanU to take a flyer behind the curtain for some other purpose than to par the ac tor their salaries. Stage Director Bernard says York will make a first class light comedian, and fork Is will ing to take tha chance. Ha will play has produced st th Bijou theatre. New York, Notices of the performance are ust st hand. The New York Sun, proba bly Che most conservative of all. nays: -Harry Corson Clarke, the chief come dten of thsoompany, works very hard, but from aa artistic standpoint his work is entirely eel I peed by the really clever work of Sydney da Grey." Alan Dale, the moot sa roast Ic dramatic writer la the country, declares seriously: "A really excellent pjece acting la contributed by Sydney de Orey, whose Dock wss worthy of a place tn Mr. Clyde Fitch's galaxy. This young man wlU surely be routed eut of the musical show, for he Is legitimate." In letter to a local friend, Mr. de Qrey describee but part aa sa old Dng llsh duke, one of which kind he has not played In seven years. He doesn't ap pear until after lff:M. JusT before the close of the performance, "but while I am on," the writer remarks, 1 work like h IT Mr. de Orey expects at soms time tn the future to come to Portland to play In stock. He Is in love with this city. - . "J torturethey suffer. Only one sure cur Doan's Ointment. Absolutely : m' rail. S AsV Th. oltv Water hoard nromlsas to i pay B. Blum on or before October U for one sray mare, (Signed) "FBAinC T. fOODOaV "Superintendent aim Mahad tha aota at Ashler Rumelra'a bank. Mr. Rumslln statins to Blum that the note waa good. Two or three days later the hostler for the water works returned the mare to the stall in tbe Ms-rshail Bros.' barn from which, It had been taken witn statement that the niavnagenient of water works refused to purchase nlmal. a. aha did not aulL Blum the the the no- 1 1 fled the stablemen that the horse tntiM halanaad to him. and that no be would not be responsible for root of the stall It has left a Tory complicated yet arouslns situation. Blum has the money for tbe animal. Ashley Rumella hold the note. The water board has protest ed asnlnst paying It and has placed the matter la the hands of the etty attor ney. Meanwhile the mare Is awaiting aa owner In the Marshall Bros.' barn, and unless soma one claims her the ani mal wlU he confiscated by the owners of the barn or rant duo them. bits for the time being and will be advanced as rapidly as his ability war rants. Mr. Torlf la bast known to theatre pa trons of the elty through his long con nection with the box office of tbe sfar quam Grand. He has had some etage experience, la which he manifested un questionable talent, and his friends consider bis return to that lino a wise move. He will have the -place that was to have been filled by ft. O. Welch, the Into menager of the bouse. XH. Pearl, who has had the ticker window st the Baker theatre for a long season, wilt succeed Mr. York as treas urer of the Columbia. NATIONAL CAMPAIGN MOST LISTLESS ONE aTovmnrs) soxa woxmoxzxr xm BAST, SAYS POmTXhSjra TXSXTOaV- ear pawto BBMOsTafCTTtATBS After an sbeeaoe of It oars, during which ho visited Chicago, W. H. Hurt bore president of tbe Oregon Water Power Railway company, is again at his desk. Asked ooncernlng the politi cal situation In the middle west, ha said: "X didn't hear politics mentioned dur ing tar entire trip, so there Is not much to ear about It." Us thus disposed of tha first ouestlan, with his brief and decided -manner of order Ins a donen saw fralsht ears, to ba delivered aura nast Thursday, and than waited with as sir of "Next" that auggested another expectant delegation of oltlsens outside of the door who wanted to apply for an extension of tha O. W. P. railway lines la a new direction. - "But Is there no polltlosl excltamant down around ChloagoT" "Not a bit. I hava nerer known a MmM!in Ilka It. There la absolutely nothing doing. Coming and going on the ears, I didn't hear a polltteal dis cussion. ' Down around Chicago thara seams' to ba nothing doing In a politi cal way, so far aa outward evidence Indies tea. Why, whan 1 need to lire at ntiinavtv mt aaa." and a rsmlnlaoant smile flickered with the thought, "there ware rod hot times at about this stage of a campaign, political juaoussions wrere heard on ere it aide, and It WSS politics from morning to night. Today Chicago scarcely knows there Is a cam netsn coins on. 1 aaw Just one lone uniiiilm fla dlenlaved. There Is entire abeenoo of the usual banners and pictures, and the like. I am no politi cian, but It looks to ma like a walk-away for the Roosevelt ucsei." He save thara la aa stsn Of Osmnslsn itt inn in financial elrclaa. and there la an absence of the usual disturbance of basin ess on the ere of national elec tions. -I don't try to explain It. I suppose that the business tnterssts hava confi dence In both of the presiuontlai noml aeaa. But there la not even s political discussion heard among tha working men, or any one excepting tbe active politicians. And oven among that class tk.M la nn nnrh Aalnw. Where ara nil tha political oluba and the nolee that has always accompanied presidential oamntimi In thla AountrvT Wa don't see anything of tha kind thla year and here wa ara ooiy two or inreo weaas bfore election day. There la a general faeiine- of let well enoush alone.' The good crops, good wages, and general prosperity of the oountry hava a great deal to do with It And than, there la no Issue between tha two big partlaa. The spellbinders on either side have no Material tn manlnulata. Tha eountrr la la good shape, and thara If a degres of satisfaction wits issues as way re. I da not think that Parker will poll as many votes ss Bryan did. It Is the moat listless campaign I ever aaw. The ruMiwMta aill atand a sood c ha nee four years from now, if they get together and nominate a clean, sous man ana su Th amhteot shtftlns to sltetrto rafl- roading. Mr. Hurlburt spoke of the fu ture of tha industry in Oregon. Ba aatd Mil aata ha a a. future of STSSt 01010. las tn electric road building, sod In tha auoceeeful operation of. suoh Hnss. This tate Is peculiarly adapted to that kind of transportation on account of tha vast atar iMvtr that Is evarvwhcrs a Tella ble In the streams. Ha says there ara now many pieces la-Oreson where etee trle linos could bo profitably operated. k.. tha sirficaltv is lack of eanltal to sat them started. Thla state la so far from tha money centers or tha oountry that It w very hard to get capital Inter ested tn development onterprtaes In Or egon. He thinks mat oonattiona wiiain the next three years will tores the building af a number sf rail reads within tbe state. I, -f- h. . ATnjUVw ZBT BM KOXaTBsV -- - - Barvtaa t ' Des Moines, Ia Oct. II. The national triennial - council of Congragatlonal churches of America wUI begin a alx dare session In this dty tomorrow. Over tot dslegntes, representing the ma star minda of the denomination In this country, will ba present and aa many more dlstlnsulshad visitors. Many dataMtaa hava alreadv arrived. In cluded among tbe dlstlngulahed partic ipants wlU do in. L.ymaa adooii, w Bradford of Philadelphia. Rev. Newell Dwlsht Hill Isa of Brooklyn, and Dr. -Qeorgo Oordoa sf Boston, queetlon whstever, gars Bloat the lovlna L O. U.: ACM FACES, VERY SERIOUS f OSITP SKOACaESSl AOTQaV, emmowm ooaJb crgT.T.dsi .WTJl' nld name aa Baar to balnST a BSrlOUS faotor la tha drat performajiee of "An American Cltlsen," at tha Columbia the atre, that the subject Is mentioned only In wblapem. A certain popular memoer oz tno com pany, noted for the oonaueats ha has narfa and kllllVB tO be SeDecUUly 00- smourad of a lovely Portland bells, man aged during last week to mispiaos uie manuscript of his part and begged of Stage Director Barnard tha loan of tha 'script of tha entire play in oroor coat ha might study his linos between ro- Tn thla araanmment Mr. Bar nard reluctantly agreed reluctantly, bo- oausO too DOOK IS praCMnav vaawnms. i jiAaa tha (HunBL acaoa. orooertr and light plots that ars Iwllspeoaahle Is a (performance. Am lata aa Sunder fOTCtMOw. thS VOUTlg player borrowed tha book, raoalvlng tha parting Injunction that tt must bo re turned by l:a Me rusnea w uw wnn of his admired one and ens held tha book while ha went over his lines tlms and again, perfecting himself for the ant Inaa. Shortly after 1 o'clock tha oouple ..taA r tha theatre. Aa tha' door slammed behind them ho mads a dls- oovsry. Tb msnuaonpt was on us table inside. . Open tba door, said as. "l vs isn wo book." But I haven't tha gay.- rspiwa wo atlas. i "Than ring. ' , hat eiMi't da anv sood. afamam and papa ars both up on the heights. We oan't aat in. It's a spring look and there is nobody at boms." ' "What! Can't get lnl We must got to. The show oan't go on. 1 must have that 'script Ob, this la awzui. . wans wiu Bernard sayt" ... - I don't know what Barnard will aay, aniiad tha artrl aa aha reeunaed drawing on her gloves, '"but hurry un, we'U be lata m. u ha Tant that Ilka a woman? Do you know what thla means t Do you knowT I will break oown wa fore I'll go to the theatre wunout uw book. That's elL" .. , . . . , Do It" nHaii tha aaHananess of ths situa tion dawned upon the girl, and her wit saved tha day. While aha stood on guard outside, th actor piunsau an opening Into the coal eellar. picked Ka, lark of the eellar otslrs door, rushed through ths bouse, seised tha manuscript and dasnea out uw irvm - xou .Jiimi advice .that reached hlm'as hs started a record breaking run to the Columbia was, "ion nurrj awns, ; I will follow ' iim mmutaa later, only seven minutes behind time, ho now through the stage entrance and heroically oxienoea menuacrlot to the parsplHng, fmntlo stare msnagST, Besides tha papers wis mcmr wm from tha houss the better half of a ton .i ata4tiMtad about his 'apparel and In frequent streaks across ths visible portions of his anatomy. - Mr Barnard thought of a new rule the other day: -Notice All manuscript must bo tn ths sanda sf tha atago direc tor, personally, at tha eloss of the nar formanss each Saturday night" THINKS CHIEF HUNT DID IT FOR SPITE ar w Oafaler. nronrietor of the Owl music hall. North Third treat, to Sondarlng why ha was ordered by Chief unt to ramovo tha boxes tn a saloon on October 1. while others wrougnow tha north sod are running as of old. Oetoler states that no was oroer-a w remova the boxes the very moment Octo ber came. In fact ho says tha ns was Informed that If ha did not hava them out of ths way there would be another tins far him to pay, rna vwo an-j . Miaavai tast ss rapidly as oar- penters oould take them out - During tno mai, '' of ex -Special Patrolmen "Jack" Roberta, Oelsltr testified against ths officer. Blnoe that time Chief Hunt haa watched the Owl music hall closely. During tha trial of Roberts, testimony wss given to the effect that Roberta accepted money to the north end, and it waa aiso oiaeo n tha court that ha said that thla monsy Itsd to be divided several ways.- ; TEN YEAR CONVICT ; WANTS SOME SOCKS r j a j Tlease sand ma a pair of socks;! need "cm." Buch was the note tnst came w w central police station and addressed to Detective Frank Inow. It was from W. W. Scott a man who was sen to ths penitentiary nt Seism for a period of W years oy snow ana - . tsctlva Karri tan. WIU I sand tha SOCKS T wen. yon n-n will." said Snow. "Ton bet TU send m. I cot four pair and will mall them .kl. aManiMB. AnV time I OSO SO S Uttle kindness to a man, why, I'U do tt" Scott, the convict, was a error is uw polios hers several years ago- Ha "tore off' mora burglaries than any man ta ths business. Snow and Kerrigan ware detailed to "got" him, and they did their wait ao well that "Old SooU" was sent vp for a tons of if years. WANTS BUSINESS AS WELL AS A DIVORCE C H. E Williams, tha milliner, has a ri vkn will not bo contented with a divorce, but wants all ths stock of roods en which bio buslnses is run in addition. Suit was filed In ths circuit court several days ago, tbe summons being returned yesterday. The two ware united In Portland; De MH.Ka tt isax. it Is sllesad bv Mrs. Williams that her husband has been unfaithful. Shs confesses nor inaouiiy to namo any co-respondent It to stated In tha oom plaint by Dell Stuart, Mrs. Willi ems' counsel, that aha owned tha stock of millinery and drees goods in their store previous to their marriage, and she wants ths court to adjudge nor tha sola proprietor after the divorce to granted. CASTOR I A Par IfifkaU sad Ohllssai fbi M Yot Hiii Always BrM tbs1 4 ; . XL Wiaw . . V " - - I ' f IXX)K IN OUR WINDOWS MAWx Muru msioe. If you WANT TO SAVE $3 to or overcoat you will not miss this WHEN PorttawTg Fun for All fjw Lstsat Crass and 8on nation bb Card Oanisa ShcriocK ; Holmes . Only 30 Onto . And Last tssson'a Crass -sll Again tha Rage r PitaBw Cinch ; ' 50CnU v Nsw anibjimsnt Jast Ra- ' ' -. carved .- LOOK IN THE WIN .. OW AND SU THtM ,' J. K. GILL & CO. . ; JtookStort) ' CCML THDU AND ALMH Crwst TUnats si Boston Painless Dentists Known ths world ower. are ths only dentists In Portland having tna wis po- tanlcal DISCOVERT to apply .to the gumsfor KXTHACTIHO. rii-iwuanu CROWNINO TEKTH WITHOUT PAIN, and guaranteed for TKM TBABA ? seaslBsllim . ...... suvss ruling it aos Sold vminss ....... si.oo Tin SeTTeewh than fronv .-fc-OP Oeld Crowns . . . ftOS t gOO R mc:r?s "is Mus to our FAIN; LER8 MFTH01SX0W PRICKS AND OOOD WORK DOrJaJ BT SPECIALISTS In each dspartment NO STUDENTS . In tha offlre. All worh dona PAINLJtSSLT by SPaXlALISTS ef long yrs,P; Hence. Olre us a sail, and yon will and wa do lust aa we advertise. Boston DenUl Parlors MOVER CLOTHING TEETH .Free and see a few of the itylca : ; YOU SEE JT IN OUR' AIXITS SO THIRD AND OAK STS. October Sunset rora viuveana 99 California Magazine ' ,: , Osnsrsl afacArthor and other arasy ofBoers dsserlbs tha raoant . mUttary msnanvors In Csilforala. sacn. article bain p refusal i v" . Ulastratad with halftooea, and noloroi drawings by Ed ward CucneL InterssUng articles on Csllfornla and Oregon, "How Olive Ott la r Mada," 'Vow Almonds ars Orown," and Una deacrlptloaa of .. pimnuta sad Sot tar. two great California oonaties, M pages of , . arUelat western stortas. saetenea saw 10 Gents a Copy., YOU CAN BUY SUNSET MAGAZINE AT ALL NEWS-STANDS JOUHNAL VATiT ADS PAY Z2ST " SOrrSMST OS) 4 ', ' I J $5 on a suit opfortunity Last Week or TH FREE TEA ! This week winds up th fre tea offer., To wvery person In sertine: paid "want ad." in The Sunday " Journal will be given absolutely free a half pound package of Closaet ft Devers famous tlAmdOLD m In any one of the following flavors: " l- " . , CEYLON 'v " ' ENGLISH BREAKFAST - OOLONG . . ' YOUNG HYSON ' BASKET FIRED JAPAN - PAN FIREIX JAPAN ; , SUN DRIED JAPAN : GUNPOWDER , Remember, the Tea Is given only to those who bring cash ads. for :s S .-. .;. The. Sunday Journal Rate,' Twenty-one Words for 15c Life 1. ' k ' 'I ' -. ' . I .' 1 1 '