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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1904)
TKZ ORXOOM VXXVt JOURNAi;" PCRTtANP, WEDWESOAr EVENING, OCTOBER jj' 1901 cttt vision. OTTT VOTIOBflk 0XT1 BOllUIft. CITY WOTfCBB, CTTT mWXIBMMX fjpfT Bonoxtv BAftBOAB tvWBTMW ros woTtiT or ur . CWXNTY-BMKyK STBBBT. Mettoa It tarwby tto fl" Ktta aty of P-ftbtmt OnyoaLa. a toret- held mm tto iih f f OM!. 1. riiri r. h ardtMnc He 14.- el. for the Improveueat at Bat Twenty -dghta tree from the Mlh J1b f Me Um ld li lto north Una d Hlleday avenue, to tto UMt provld or eraiaanM no. ia, w, ap Mch tot, put of tot "d parcel of Uud, wklch or apodal! and MUiUrlr to to M follow. vlau rLKAOART H addition w th aty f 1. tot L wTllt. M- Perttond BIOCl arid Ttmim, 181. Hi Ul L 1 Bl.Ml .tot 1. WlllUm M. a,frwiM, 141.01! W Ifcta iifci- ML 1 ul: lot 4. "W B. Beanett, . fc : 41 UaUj W- triM. .T Iringet. ftb0. TV B1-4TCK M ( 1 G. Omm. attf.Mi tot 1 John B. WbmU, ToO.M: lot 1 Juki P- Btanett. SI, 71: tad 4. JIU1 If. IhlthOf.. W.1T. LOCK I, tot L Portland Trust uemaany rAW), $0o.lf: fet 1 pertUadjTMt Cwmtany roeTt-meany ilOrn, M.T1. BtOCK 4. uitt nfland Wtt wmi . Best twenty -eighth trt Bad 0 JIm t Mat fM tberttf ftna Parallel WT' nd between th Math Unit ef Beet Antony ef land lylut ktNi tha est 1IM Bat Twantj -eighth atreet and 4 .Dm lM nd inn bt WMt thereat a trall therewith and th BW jrth Bn ot Beat Aaheny etrMt aad tto south ta rt Baat rMito lUMt. laatil BockUMB. l.Ti A trwl oi load lyln between th wMt Ma, of Baet Twetj-Icfatl atnt and Jin l ft waat tktraof ao4 partial ttiltk. aad iMtwaM tb mrtlT Una J aat tumi4m atrMt n4 tha aouTS lis f atott Concfe laalak Buckmaa. t01.M. 1 tract land irloK batwao tba wcN MM pr m Igktk atrt M A Ui n4 fra1lal torrltk M 10Q IM fMt aat tkaraot a Mwmi tha aoutk UN of Bait Darla auaft and thai aortk llaw Baat Coc atfwt. KaNl DtotrtM Mk. i. 1144 ri. WYNKOOP TTU-BLOCB I. tot 4 Till njjBv niAhaM tMi' tot a brMki ttracba. IN.! UK 1 MAwaHl A, CUrk, Ml.U: tot ' 1. tot 4, GuM . Lb4. Ife-Tfti tot I, ' Otmtat T. UUrrt. tBl.Ul lot 1 BaBMl Saklar; T. W.n; lot 1, MifMt Mfliar. ooq-wv. K Mtl kj totY i. i. Mmb. 112 IT; . 42 a rik tnU U. rarallua. W i note H, arUiU, 11. IT; oho. dkoi: tot B. Mlula I. fSTttr W; tot 1, Ttdri Traabjtarttk HUbaa. I Church TtU wt. Aruim. Troataa. U1.5S. LOGAN' I ADDITION t Baat ft t Ub BLOCK T. all of lot I lylBk aat oi waat of an kf'l Kaat wntlhtk atrMt. aat oi ft una aw :k tta watt uao oi 4 oka T. Bam, tl.TO; tot C - r., Bwok, M .at an or tot bloc aaat f ft Una 100 faat aat r tU HnlTl vtth tka waat Haa oaralTal with tto wnt Mm of Baat Twratr-alcktt itratt tananoa B. CUrk. M Zljtot L fcksrraoB B. CUrk, r St 4. nontl lltl.Ui all of tot low Mat of ft Una 100 fMt WMt of ao4 par a i mi witk tot wtn una v Mt Una of Baat . Twomtr a Popbaa, fcT 0k; tot X IS.HI let 1. TbokUk Poft- aiaktk atrMt. Tkoaai Tboaaaa Poohftai. US kaav BM.9T. BLOCK tot f. Bat Wat- aoo, tot 9, Bator koooakr. 108.7k; ti M lot I vu aaat oi una ini ini wmi of aod paraUal with tha wnt Um of Baat - Twaatr-olshtk atrMt, Lwfcrbj Mac Mr. fta.OO; ' n of to 1 l7tnf oaat of a Una 100 foot , wt of aai Mraltol with tho WMt 11m of Baat Twaatr-alstith atrMt. narrr la. t Uma PolnlBCh, llklifi. BtXLIVAN i ADDITION k tM d1 iiieia. $111.41. Baat Twtatr alfttk atrMt. Harrrkl. A da dm. iVsi; totloTTUM PalaAek 0.S lot U. Loaa FolnlBk, aiav-is. ... ox rort k, rraal 0111.41. BLOCK 44. tot ft. rr4 Bltora. $84-U; tot , Prad Bltora, OS130; lot T, Wn4 Bltora, htt.oo; lot 0, Pra Btlara, IM.4k. . A tract of land lylac botwoaa waot 11m of d BftK Twaaty-alrktb atrMt sad Una 100 V ft wpt tbonof aaat parallel therewith, an Wtwaek tho north Um of HolUdar main ao4 11m 100 fMt Berth thoroftf and rklll therewith, Blatera of Charity el stoma of ProTtdeoM of VaftCMTkt. Waahlnatoa, 044.70. A tret of land ylag hatwMa tk aaat Um , of Baat Twwtr-elfbth Jlmt and a Um 4 100 teei. out thorMf aad Pftrajtol tbarawlth, kJ aad tofewt the Berth llao of Bait flUrk fttreet aad tho eon tk 11m of Baet PlM etrwt. Adm Bcbasoar, A tract of land trine: -brtwia the Ml Una of Baat Twenty -elk bth tret and ft Um 100 feet Mat thereof tai parallel Uerkwlth, ,khd betwawk the aectk Una v of Beat PlM efrMt and the ftonth Um of Ooacral Ajairaoft a addlttom. Aana Bckawor, , VNBRAi AlCDBKSOIT iDDITIOlU BLOCK ft. tot 4, Tbokua M. Aadaraapi and Charko - . Tan Wlnkto. US.W; tot t. Thorn M. , ' Anderoaa aad Chertoa Tad Wlahlo. 021. aft. , BLOCK J, tot 0. Thomaa hf, Aadoraoa and .' aurtoe'Tak Wlakto, S110.0T; tot I. ThoamM ' atTftoderao and Cbirtea.Vak WlahU. 111.51; iL lot ft, Thoaaa If. Anderfcft aad Ckartoe Vaa Winkle. 041 40. BLOCK I, lot 4. Thomaa. M. Amtorwft k& Ckwlea Vaa Winkle, 13.m. .. BLOCK . tot , Tbomaa M. AnMraoo knd ' Chartoo Tan Winkle. tftO.U: tot 0. Tnonue Bf. Anderaoo and CharWt Van Winkle. $00.36; - lot k, Tpoaa If. Aaderaoa and CharlM Tea Winkle, fan; tot , Taoma M. KA WTBO BN B' I PIBBT APtHTIOVr to Baat Portland BLOCK Bi, tot It, CUf Bkborbaa Ballway Ctoospaar. 904.44; tot 11, CtVS BuburMft RallwtT companr, $3S.TVi WMt IT. IT.f frnt tot ID, dtf A it m war ben Rail' illwajr Com- Com inr. W.S4J WMt 10.S fMt lot $. TTIty ubnrfeftk Kfcllwn Company, 081T M t. City IMMrbaB Baiiwar oonipnajr, $k0.4T; ' let t City A 0a bar ban Ball war Cvcipaay, 0B0.01. BLOCK II, aoqth U few bt 11 FT If. HeHqltaad. $.: onatB W feat tot r. w. ktcitouaoei, fiT.oo: t T fMt konth SO fMt tot 10, P. W. HrHolland, i.OS; all WMt ITT feat tot 10 eirept wort reel or aonta oo ihi or tot lp, rranK do, MM: north ftjO I do, $17. 1U WMt 107 Men. II 1.11 1 tot 1 k I OB. LO(-k 14, Bout north k faet tot U. .Prink fat lot j. Bertha Ilka and Bom Hm Tba HnwthorM Batata. Bcuth tk tot IB. A. J. aad D. U Kirk at. t.Tfl: or., in U W.T6: knnth U tot 11. A. 1. aad D. L. Klrker. OlT.44: north U tot 11 Bpum P. Tamer. $00.71; WMt 00.1 fret tot M. B. O. Brooke, ill kO: niwtk U tot 11, Bauu P. Taniar. $11.40; weal aur fMt Kit a, CUrae H. HIbm, 011.40; tot 1 Doro- tkf Uftbelia Arts, ftao.IH; lot 1, Doreth 1m in. John I. Aoderann, OltOOi PArQi to lot 11. Adelte aad iraak T. Bmltk. $1 H; Soft 3X0 fMt tot ft, LotHM B. Rfthrrtoa. u.k4: aorth U tot t Benrr WlaoftrL tlftJs: north Hnrt ,Wla$rt, $00.01 ; neajth H tr Wlaaert Eva BUM. I1K.X: I. 0l"; antb to tot 1. Bra BWM K oTaMtr H tot 12. ttlae. 000.ft. BLOCK K 0, nMth H tot CbarhM H. A 1 wood. 090. Cbarlek aj. A) wood The Hawthorne Mtata, $M.M; wewt 04.0 feet tot in. Tke HawtboTM Batata, $14.41; k h tot 11. TM HawtaoTM Batata, 0)0.11; rof B. feet lot ft. Tha 1; oorth 4 let ft, j 1100; ftortt tt tot 1. I 2S06I fMth tot ft. HawthorM Batata, PnDcaa afcMIUrB, thuiraa Mr all lien. aoatb H tot ft. The BwtborM ate. Olt.OS: aoath to tot 1. The Maw. kua Ana. aau.s. bik A p. ponta U tot It. . jrThorfttoa. $30.00; BMtb U lot 11. . .Thornton. i.ot; oprth 14 tot 11. AdelU aad Prank T. Batltk. SSloO: Weal tJ fMt tot 1 thorn Batata. 030.00. BLOCK 1, tot It, The , iliOi; tot il. Th4 tfawraotM I.t.ta, $41117; tot 6, Prederlf R. Blttraeur, $00.00. BLOCK HayMO, Olk.OT; tot 0, H. L. Pewtra. Tniatee., block 7. tot a. JkniM Lun. OM.M; tot B. JamM Lnn. 010.10; tot 10. Wax If. 1Tb Omltn. 040.00 Mfil W nr (V, BBJkim, f It Martin Bftndheri M (IT; let II. Otto Wiapel, 000.70, BLOCK l W 10, Hatkiap Berker. $110.00; tot 11. Martin andbr tr. 0R0.T31 tot 10. llarHa $W.T3j tot ctoibart, 1' tatatn. 0U $10.40; tot 0, The Rawtborno : tot 7. The HewthorM Kara to. 0, Tha Bawtborne BaUto, $77.73. BIAC let a, -me Hiwnnrnt Betate. 01T.0O: tot T. Tha Otowtkorwo kVtatit. ftao ai : r-JK IV Mwthewft Bauu, Oli.Ol. total. .001.00. aUUment of afoeaMtd aaaraaiaM ! kai ka k tared la tha pm-kat of aty Ll-na, and to mow dnk and payahto at tbo ofOro of the Cr Tioaoaieei tn la wtn l atone of tie VMted l'tee kM 1 not paid within 00 day front lie dat of thji ItotW mcb DtorMdltyra will fen taken far ft ro-ro a tha tana aa IWtlW aaavtar at aM Clip of The ftbwM ftlMftOMlut war htOratt J dopo kftar the Brat pvbttoattoo of thta otioe. ' ' THO. C. altrlllt, ' ' Andttap Of the City of Portland, , rwruna. urecon, oetofter 11. 1004. .BftftMBMTBT POB OtPBOTTalXBT Of AM$ j TaUBTT POUBTK 0TBBXT. Ifottok lo hereby flree that the CowBrfl fthe dtp of Porttaad. Oreaoa. at 0 pnt r held ok tha Oth day of AHanaw. 1004, elaref tha aeaManMnt by ordinance Ko. 14. 1 far the tmprvrtniMt of Beat Thlrty-foarth c rmni tae BMtk km oc HawthorM are te tho north Mm of rHrlaloa itrMt. M ke nwmer prwrlded by ardlnaar No. 10.410. on oaeh tot, part of tot and parte! of land. lap aypMuiy 0Md peewttoraf bapinkid, to 10.001 H 0. O W. Taekw, 0B0 OtLjM 4. fr, JBkjii tot 0, 0. w, Taywe, jM.44:Tot 0. John Blila, $10.40; tot T. Altn-rt I; V Pktlpdtl 001,04: tot 0. it & KwVre.; tot i, H. L Powers. OlO.OOl lot , V hT L. Powera. 007.4. BLOCK 0, lot t f Bonritp lorlngB Tmat Company. OM.OV; r .Mntl. The BawthorM Batata, $10.00; tot T, I I'M b lUilT iMUt, Taytor, $100T tot fc O. W. Taylor. $114 141 tot 4. Tartoj. U0M; tot 0, 6. W. Taylor. $11440; tot 1 h. W. Taylor, 0110.10; tot 7. O W. Taylor, 170.74; tot 0. O. w. Tayior, jm i. myji. . tot i O. W. Taylor. $1M M: tot U W. Baylor, 0ITT47. 1 act of tand Wai to tWMa WMt line of ftet Tbtrty-joarth OtrMt and a Hm 100 Pt wot thorMT aM aaraiiai EraOel trlth MM ib Use kr4ienl tttMt. ton C. Derf, $1, TB Tract of land ly SrMVsr.ts U&wiajra parallel therewith and notwooa two Bom MoprttTele- BO ftT foot and Om OT feet OMth and perattol with the awnth Um of MepkaM atrMt, aafcaewa owner. $10.41 Tract f land triad betwwa want Uaa) of Baat . Thlrtr-fawth a treat aad a Um 10i feet WMt thereof pad parnttol thrrewlih and bten two Umo rMpertlrely kU T Imi and aftft.07 fMt aratft and Mraltol with the anntb Um of OtopbeM atrMt, jooepb MewelL $304.10. Traet of land lytn be- tWMB WMt Um or Baat Tbirfy-nartft airMt and a Hm 100 feet mI tkerMf end aateUel thfrewltk aad betwMa two 11dm redaertlraly 004,07 fMt and 400.07 fMt oouth 4nd parallel with the aonth Una of fttPpboM ntreet. Jaoepb W. HowaU. $011.00. Tract J bind lylnc hefWMp WMt line of Baat TMrty-fMrti atrMt and a Hm 100 toot went thereat and para Mai therewith aad aetweew two linen rMnMtlrelr, 4W 87 fMt and 40 07 feet eontu and aaraUel with the eeath Hm 4f fttepbeM fttreet. Daniel W. Rrynold. $971.07. Tract Of Und lylno betereen weet ItM of Baat Rilrty-foorth atrMt and a Una 100 feet wrat areof and para Hal therewM pad betwMa two IIom rMMrtlMly 000.07 feet and 703.07 feet Math and Mraltol with ffee tooth Una of BtepQkM atrMtT J. T. Bodwrll. 0391.0T. Tract of land tylaa VHWMB WwJt 11m of Baat Thirty foorth atrMt and ft Um 100 fMt WMt thereof and pereUaf thavewlth and betweea two Hm reapefltlrely 703.07 feet and 1.030.07 fMt toufh aad naraltol with the noath Um or OtepheM ttrnet. . Dentla.T. 0T1I.4X Trart of "pa Iplftf ra waat um or Bnat Tbirty-BMrni atrMt and a Um IM feet went tbetMf and anrallel therewith ncd between a Una 1,030.K7 fMt eoato el and parallel win tae aoucn Um of Otephena atrMt aad hetwoen the north Um f fMvlatoa etreet, Peter Tan HomhIi MQ. 01. 700.40. Tract of land bin between Baat Um of Baat Thirty fourth atrMt and Um 10O Mt Mat Cberooi and parallel therewith and hetwee the aouth Hm of HawthorM arena a and ft 11 M 100 fMt Math tberMf and anrallel thtrawlth. Anal L. Kmt, 0S14.0O. Trart of land lylaf betWM Baat Um of Baat Thirty foorth atraet' and 11m 100 feet Mat UiorMf ud parallel fhereertth and batWMn two Uae raaextlraly 100 feet and 1,17164 fMt aonth of and Mraltol with The aoath line of HawthorM trenfte. Job Hobaen. 02.310.00. A tract of ind 1tBi betwMa eaet Um of Baat Thirty fonrth atrMt and a )loa 100 feet Met Oaareef and Parallel therewith and betweea a Ilk 1.37100 fMt Moth of and parsIloTwIth the Booth Um of Hawthonte a re dm aad tbo north Um of block A. Park Ttoar m tended, nnknowD owaar. $17.00. PARK TIBW Bntended BLOCat A. tot in, Carrie M. Waat. $103.00; tot 1 1, Carrie hi. WnL $103.30. BLOCK 10. tot U. Carrto M. Weet, $203.40; lot 11 Carrto m. WMt, $102,08: lot 11, Carrto M. WMt, 0108.04; lot 10, Carrto M. WmL $303.00. BLOCK It. t 1ft, Carrie M. Wnt, 0313.00: tot 11 Carrto M. WMt, $101.30; tot 11, Onrrla at. WML 1100.001 tot 10. CnMh M. WftaL 14.00. BTATPOBD TDKBT ADDITTOH BLOCK 1, Lefler. $170.01 ; tot 1 l7 Leder. tot 1. J. 0101.31-. want 0 feet of tot IA B. M. Oowlto haw. OlOO; weet 0 fMt of tot 0, JT, Lefler. 00 00; tot ft. J. LeaW. 1 140. 01; tot 4. J. LeOer. 0100 00. BLOCK 1 tot 1. B. J. OowUahaw. ilW.Ot; tot 1 . Lefter, $140.00: want 0 feet of tot 14. I. J. OowUahaw, 00.44: wool 0 feet oi tot f, T. L ArtoatMaf . $7 .Mi tot ft. T. . aVrtoatoonc. Tls l tot , T. J. irai tranf. $100.00. BLOCK ft, tot 1, T. J. Amatiwaaj. $174.17; tot 1 T. J. Aiamaieaf. lie w7Mt feet of tot U. tT J. Aral troof. $7.10: WMt fMt f tot I. TT 3. Armatroaw, $3.00; tot 1 T. I. ArkkatrokB, fioroorv 4. T. I. Afkaktraac, $00.04. Total. $11700.10. A atatoraeat of afortaald twiainiit ha hoe ostorad In the Docket of at Um, and to new Im and naykbla at to ofio u the Cltr TrMettret, In lawful BwMf of the United State and If net paid Within 30 day from tha data of thlo notice ouch pmeeedlnfo will be token far tho colln-tton of tho aanw aa are prorlded hy tb oharUr of (b4 City of Parti aad. . Tbo a herO kaMtotaont will near tatereel 10 day ftrto 4 fcnt pabMeattoai of thta notto. , ' ' THOS. fj. DhTtXIW, l J . AndlMt of the Cltr M Portland, fwrfttad, Oreioa, Oetobto If, lOM. PBOPOBBO UtPKOTXimtt Of BJiUH .- . - - - wnm . . - Of tbafDnMre!fktacT& ofPortlanl, repon heM m the Oth day f Ortobar, W4. the fol towlnf raaoletloa waa adopted: . RMNfH, nil tM uonaen or tb nry ox Portland. Orecoa, ombji It expedient and nro- poaaa to Ira pro re nnntelde atrMt from the eaet Hm ad Pront atrMt t tha out htoa tJf Third ktiMt hf aradlao the atrMt to the Broker anb trade, (aklnc np, rod re Ml ft 44 Mlaylnf the block bow In the etreet, aad toyt3 thf McMiary new tton blorfca, aU to m a a I as la Uldnoao: ny r to the atrMt. la the City A BafcarMh Ballway rVtnMny t rlgbt of Way aad tb Portland Ballway Company' rtfttt f way, with frweed rail not I Ma than Sten In cam la depth and by pa via the rlphta way with ktotto htocfct Mt ntt hack of cemrrat. Oald lainrhMWiat to H BUdk Ml OefttdjaM WJtk the ekarter and nrdluacM of the aty of rNwmnd aad tb plana, apeclOcatloM and MtlmatM of the Cltr toflaoer pdln tho of Or f tfc Aodltor ef th City of Portland oa the 10th day it frtmrr, 1004. Indorsed; "city rrarrk puna ana n4-iBen(M ror tb lnprorcniant A BnraaM treat from the teat lle of Pront ktawet to the Mat Dm of Ira street and the MtlmatM f a work Third fttreet. Tb BnainMr'ft Mtlmat of the probe M total it for tb ImprvreeMat of aid Banaldd Mi cat to ITIMIW Tk AboT impremwal at to to rtoad M atoM btorh ImpreMaMBt and aha 11 h mela tlned M tM city fnr a Mrfod of So yMre, I-i vlded that tb wner af m alert ty 4f th4 prenerty kMBt By MM laaproreaieat, nny portlnt) thereof, eball not. petlttoa far 4 tnt Sdirferent Itoprereatoat berer tb rprltoa rack perlcd. ... . THa olara. tMVIBckWoBO 0n Mfl-aitM Of tM City Kntlneer for tb ImpeoMmoat of paid Dnrnold atrMt are here 07 adopted- . BMoltad. That the AaJltorbf Ihd. ty of PirlUnd ha a. ka la hmht AtMrtaJ t arlM aotlc ef the arupoMd Imprerrment tiff Mid atrMt M areTtdtl by the tty charter. RentnnatrBncM anlnat tha abor aent may b tied la vrrrHni with tb aader ted wlthta 30 Oar from tho data of tho fr-t pahllratlon fThla aottok . aw -- s -- " TirOBe.pKTt.tlt, , Porttft ntl. fMeaoa. OetnSr ft, 1W4- PBOPOOALt FOB PXBD POB TnTX BTKKBT OLBABOIB ABB OPBIBKUBB DKPABT- ftoalad HMkftn1 wltt nV fOMl4wB tftO OrtVe of tb Auditor f the City, of Portland,, utll rrlday, octotHr 14, imi. at p.p. m., ror rtw nUhlnf tne Rireet aaalag Bad BprlakUai XM tartment with an toM tun nay, . n .. 30 tone $rey Mt. "' ,(,', j'-" 1 S , 4 tone country brak. 1 . Ttollnr tn 1 aado t tha fit Barn. Blt- toentb and Madtaaa atrMt. Bam'ptoa of bran and Mto moat b onbnjltte4 with kid Bad bay Mbject to appro! on delleerf . Nft artfMMi win h ronatdarea waiea kwb mled br a eerlttW cheek Mrable to tb order of OenrM H. Wllllanu. Mayor of the Cltr ef Pnrtland, Meal to 10 pat est el tb ftfsrefat mount of the M4. The rlkht to reJeet aar and aD kkd H hereby raaarvod. . , Br rd C tbo KMewtiee BntrdU . - TftOft. C. DETLiaj, tawir ef ike city of Portia noV , Portland. fhon. Ortoher $. In4. AOdtOdMTItT POB IMPB0TBMB1T? 0V BA0T ItMtoO fa bb Mean that tbk ftawfl f tb City Portland, Drefon, at B BtMtin held on th Ore day nf October. 104, M-toied tke akeMaaseat bforOlMriM !te. 14.243. for Mm Imprnvement of Baat BvntMmb bitmL from the aontk line of Belaiont atreet to tb north line of Baal Tavtor etreet. Ik the manner pca- etded br Mrt ad Ke. U.TO0. L mcb lot. land, which are ad n poevtli aieHa1ly and arly btMOted, u be 4 PVTHIB-Lot 1. JHbw Dnthlk, $041 TO; lint 1 John ttathlk. 004.T0. A . tract of land lying Mtweea tb eaet DM or Batt Berentaentb afrcat and a Um 100 feet Mrt tbonof a naraltol therewith and betwewn two rtnee rMpertlvely NO fMt and 100 feet M.ita t ad farall! wltt anath Mm nf aVlnaent ttreet. knkna owner. $14. a. Tract ef land lylnf betWM the eaet Uaa ef Eaet ftotorith OtrMt and Mm M0 feat et therMt and parallel rherowltO and b tweea tw Hm reepavtleely 100 fMt ftqd !M feet aenth of and Mraltol wrth emith In f BklnVMlt OrtMt. rrt B. Imboft, 177.1. 4Jrt of land lytao betweea tk aat II54 of Batt BtreatMntb atreet and line 100 feet wat thereof and parallel therewith and between Uae 1Q fr-t aonth of and Mranel vrtlh aeatt llek t Bvlpvt ftreW End Ike earth in of bieok 1 tkoab and IB ettenatoa eaaterly la It nrirni reorto. Maaey i. SaJU. oitLOft. Traat af toad lytoaj Tb t b dona and tb probable total wt thereof" The coat ef Mtd Improtemeat to k ftaneaaod 0 arorlded hp tb Htr charter poa tb neon arty tpeHalfy beaefttol rherebr and wUA to Urehy dectartd to M all tb tot, parw. of feu and parcela df land lyln betweea ft Uaa IM fret north oT 04 naraltol with tb nertk line T tarpsldo tret and 0 Um 100 feet oath f and Mraltol with thi Mth ItM of BmaslA ttreef and brtwMB a tine Mu fMt Mat of and Mrallel with raa Mat link f Fro at fttreet and rb Mat Hal af aatwMa two Bwa reepoctlvaly 00 30 fMt and 100 fMt Mat of and parallel with tto NN Um ef Beat fevnteentk , aUeet and between a Hm 100 0 fMt aouib of nd parallel thenwlth ewd WtWMn tb n-tb htoa of Baet Taylor etreet and feet north thereof and parallel therewith, J. Bob ertM. $44 40. Tract f Und ly atotweon the wmT 11 m f Baat atoventMntb atrMt. a like 00 toot wort thereof ad Mrallel there with and betweea the aoath lino f Betawnl Kreet and ft Hm 180 fMt aonth thereof and parallel tberewlth. HawthorM BataU. 0344.00. Tract of land tyta between two Una ra apMtlraty 00 fMt and 100 feat wet of and paMltol with tb WMt HM of Beat Bomb toentb atrMt and Moth Um ef Betmoat atreet aod Hm 100 fMt Math thereof and ""'W therewith. AaaoA 9. Kln IIB. Tract TaTdV Irlakl Twwn tb Mt llh f Bt ftotrnteewth atrMt and a Um 100 TeetirMt ttoteol and parallel therewith 01 betWMB twa IkMa fMeecUvely lot fMt aad 100 3-0 feat,, aonth of and nanltol wit the aontb Hn 4f Belmoat treat L7 Hoarord, Oiei.M.fact of land lying tot ween tto treat Ua of Baat fteventoonth Otreat andt Uaa 100 Jeet waat thereof and parallel tbarwWllh aad Onvnoa a Um 100 8-0 fMt Mntb ef and Barallel with the aonth t Of BebBMMt etreet aad betweea tto -nor tb !, t lu. l 1. DoMke. A. O. Otart. 000.40. I Bb!b BLOCK 1, lot 1. Ave O. Starr. lftLnj tot 0, J. r. Dwe.; h P. Panl, Blew. Jot a. a. w. utewt, AO: tot l l 7 DaMk. $48.01. Tract of nd lyln between tb WMt Um of Baat teutMntB Street and a UM 100 feet Mt rreof and ps raj lei tberewlth and betweea I. A "SB TL. "L-" C "J Vi "nJ therewith. 3ka Bohetfea, $4174. Total. $1- BS0.4S. been oaUred la the Desk at of aty Uoa. and la aow dn and payable at the fAr of the City TrMesrnr. lntwfnl mnny of tb United tatra, and If not paw tun w ways itod. tha data of thta notice such proceedln will b take for tto collection st (be oam aa araprerided by tto eoaxter af tto-CJty of Paet- daya kftar tb am pubUcaUow w ttia Mtto. j nvrtm v orm , AodlW of tk City mt Portland. rWtaal Orftson. October 11, 1004. iOOTillfThTT POB TJOBOTZJfXtTT Oft BFBXBO BTKIXT. - - Batto to hereby kItm that tb fJknell of tb aty of Portland. Oreioa. at a meet- pg heM Oth dy or twooer, mt. LihJ rhs aaMamaat he ordlnnnM Re. 14.- 344, fo the toiarofenieBt of Bprlna atrMt. froa tto Weft llM 4? Lmvnedal atroot to tto wait Em 7 TwMtf Orat atrMt. la the manner K Tided br ordlMnM No. It, 000, apoa mcb part of tot and parcel of laod. srhtob r apecOiir and MMUarly tonafttod. to b M fl- OBoVBR:g ADDtTTOH to tb City f Pertlend BLOCK 07. tot 1. Prank lin I. .Itor. TK' TPs'" BSSkV PranlUa rlrnltor: fta.0A . CARTER 0 ADDITION to tto City of lrttoad BLOCK 00, tot 4, P. B. BmcB, $000.01: tot IP. 1 Bmcb. itO.40- lot 0. Helen O. BamadelL 047.00; tot 0. Baton O. BamedeJL tMO W. BLOCK i6, tot 4, M a ry Bridge, $210.00: tot 1 Mary BridOM. $M.3T; tot 1 AlMwortb Natloul Bank, 107.00; hapiatn 0) fMt MBterly from aoathenst corner of Mock 00: ttonM easterly on north Um of Baring afreet 30 feet to BMtbMet earner f tot ft; ttonM northerly to aorthMat corner c tot 0, tbaM aosthwMUrly to airtight Hm : tofutono, ttkty BrldfM, 130.4, begl. In at aoothwMt eoroar of tot 0. theaco MBterly 00 fMt, thence la a strslgbt Hm northMat eoroar of tot ft, tbenM wMterly to north WMt earner ef tot 0, thence watherly to nr inning. AiMwertk PaUeaai jMam, OARTKK'I ADDITION to tb City f Portland BLOCK 04. tot 4. Oeorf V. rianacra, 0307.03; lot 3. Oeorv C. Flanders, $48.17: tot 0, Laura BL N or thrap, J30.7O: tot ft. La ore B. Korthmp. $370.70. BLOCK 01, tot 4. ClemoM Caeamr BaUt. heirs of. $414.70; tot 0. Ctotoe Car Bstato, tolre f. $00.10. BLOCK 01 Booth S a Vk P2. fr keel Dtotrtot Mo. 1, $730.40. BLOCK i), to t 4, Lorlag K. AdVink, 047.13; tot ft. lorlaf K. Adama. OROVBR'0 ADDITION tf tb ttt 4f Fort Und BfOCK 00. tot 1 Porttond Tnrtt Com Mny ef Orepm, 0110.11; lot T, PortUnd Trust ftomnaor af Oimob. 0110.30: tot 0. Portia nil Traat Aonoanv of Orceoa. 313R.M; U L J, 0. Woodvrorth. 033S nl BLOCK. 101, tot 1 Jacob rtolscaaar, $220.37; tot 7, Jacob Flotochoer, 0134.US; tot 0, ThomM . Warren, tntate, 0140.44; lot 1 Tbetaas B. vvii Lk"WB.f el Bilfoar-GuUirto IflTCBtmcat Company. $1 M.03; t 7, BalfMr-Oathrl InrMtment Company, US&'-M. V t: o5d luV tSm.Ht Mat 30 fMt f Nineteenth atreet wewt of and Bdtotatng lot ft, Pirlte Mntwl Life I near a nee Ceannanr of California, $01.40: aontb 00 fMt of Nlaeteeatk street Mt f and nd tolnlng tot 1 City of Portland. $0.77; osJI $ feet of north 70 feet of Ninetecntb ftrt Mat at and tdjolnlnf tot 0, Qty of Portland, ' 08.30; WMt 37 feet of Berth 70 fMt of Nina tMnth atreet east f and adjolnlnglot 0, B1U L. Woodward. $00.51. BLOCK Wf, tot 1 PUB U Woodward. $110.08: tot t. Gear C. FT ndVra, IU4.TB; tot 4, floor go tJ. PORTLANb HKlilHTB Lot 1. Portland Baltwky Company, $310.n; lot l bbm r. Kwing. 121 ail tot I. JainefP. Bsrtnt. $00.71; tot j. )a dim P. Ewlng, $132.00; lot 8. JameM f. Bwtnf, $13r.13; Portland Ballway Compear light of way. $ Total. $7,000. li. A atatamnt at aforMatd BBBMSment hal btwB Mtared la tb Docket of City LleM, and to now Am and payable at tto offlc of the city Treaaarar, la Uwfal money of the ITalted OtatM and If not paid within 00 day from tto data of thla not lr rarh proceeding wUl be taken for tto collection or tb at dm 4 are prided hp tb ckartar tto City f Portland. Tho atoe Mnme&t will bMr tnterewt 10 day aftot th Brat pvbltoaUoR af thto Mtlo. , , THOB. tJ. nBVL.Il". AedlW of the City ef PortUnA, Pert toad, teegon, October 11. 1004. PBOPOI A nr BAAT BLADZftOB 0TKUT. Nartoo to beentre eWea that at th meeting of tb Coo ncll of tto aty of Portland, Orsgpn. Cld on tM oth nay of nctoner, uwt, um im wing fvMtarloa waa adnpted: RMolrsd, That tb Ufncii oc we uij m Pnrtland. Pregoa, aWma it eBpedlent and pre posca to Mnatrttct ft Mwr la Baat Madison itreet from the Mat Uae of Plnaaant flew sd- tltloa to th newer tb Baat Mad I to atrMt t aat Twenty third street. Bald aewer to he ef rltrlned wer pipe ef 10 lachM clear Inside dlanMter with all neceeaary ratch-baalM, ma hotoa, to nap -kotos and brancheo. Bald Mwer a to aor-atmr-tcd la fterdafM With th cbhrtkr and ordlaanM of tto City of Portland, and th plane, apocIOrattoM and e tluatM of the aty Engineer flled In th office of tto Auditor of the City of Portland on th 10th day of SeptaW. IW4, Indorsed: "Cltr Knglneac piaM ant I Bpecinraiif'M nr a avwe-r to East Madison atrMt from tto Mat una ef Plraaant Tlcw Addition to the MWer la Baat Madboa atreet at Baat Twenty -third atreet, and the MthaatM of the wvrk to to om an tn prohabto total mt tbereof." . Tne eoat v Mid ewer m m nasi mi s s provided by th City charter, npoa tho prnn- rty apeHOcally beneOted thereby, aad which la BkreVy deellrbO to k ftD tb tote, part ef tots and forcol 0C MM lying MtVMB hm 100 fMt north of and natallel with tha north Um of Bast Madleoa street and an Msterly ei mmIm la lea amrat nana and n Hm 100 foot Mth f and pnraltol with th aontk Hm ef Beat MeSlaon atrMt and aa eureriy eitcMton la Ms ntont mini, and betwiM th Mat Mm f Baat Twenty thlri Kratl aad ft Um OX fret eaatof and parallel wUh ta Mai Dm mt Pliwsant View addlilon. Tto nglner'O Mtlmat of tb Brenan total mat fnr tto om traction nf said aewer la $4 JO r. tm pun. Mtwotatwam wnmm m a City BnarioMt for tb eaMUBCUon af Mid atw r are berhy adopted. . Beaolved. That tM Aodttor Of tb CHy Of Portland t aad M to beeeby directed to give aetlc ef th prop raw 4 MMtrarttoa af Mid Mwet m btwvMed Vy the City Ckartar. ftroafrance against the above aewar may b Oled la wrlttng with the naderalgned within 2ft day from tb data f tb ftrat pukUMtton of tkl not lea, . , By Order f ft CwabcTt. THOB. fj. AkdltaT af tto Cltt of Perttond. . Pnrttand. Oregon, Ortobtr ft, 1004. roll ncpoaT3nurr or Main Ttbbbt. 1 tomptlaae with reeolkltod Ooptrd at th regular toM ting ef tto Council, held October ft. too, declaring the dletrlrt toMflted by tb Impinvement of Mala Btreet from tb west hm pi uipMi itw .n ot wni nne f King atrMt. and directing tbo Andltor to Crpnr k preltmlMiy Msewment en the tots, x-ke and parrhl of land vrltnla told dlatrleL Now, thrafDM, antic la hereby given tftht pnrb aeMent p nv a tto ta the Andltor's orflM and that say objecttow to wrh hw ment mnt be tied In wrtUng with tto Andltr within 10 day, fro) the 3lat day of October. 2004, the toft day of pnMtoatlok af tbto antics, nd petto to far tier give that Mid obtorttnM will be BMr nr im t'onncii ax mrrtng to to bM m tne 3d day mt Novembr, lr all parsoM atrtoed Itoreky r let therein as oat to prawent ikwif mMtin ipn. tlnn. and Batfl aavek an warned at to deMrt ther rceaneaaaaeal kai keea oimpietoc THfaft. 0. tlayPLTV. Asjdrtor a the at of Portland. rartUnd, Oregon. Octokor 11, 1004. IBOrOBXO TJfPBOV tBhaTT OT aWKBlB 0TBXBT. IfetlM to bereb sImo ttwt it th atoetlng tto CMtocU of tb aty ef Port Und, Ore gon, held on th 6th day f October. 10U4, the fonowtaw rMotattoa waa adoptod: BMolved, That tto Cuaacll of th City of Portland. Oregon, teem It expadlant and propVMa to lpin.M Morrla atreet frt.m the Mat Um of Wllium BvatiM is th nrcat lto of Untoa avsMo u Um fbitowUB aaaMf, to wtt: lira t By arsdlM tb straw! ton width With fntl loremtctfeM to tb grade aa glvwa tb Bece'Rr brtngl a the snrfac f tM etreet roll width, with tul hntatmutoas) k Oawpw grM with grave! 7 bird By re-torlag trtaswatka. Ponrtb i By conatrartlitg atoM gnrer. with the charter and ardlnancM of tto City of IVrtlaad sad the ptoos. nperlOMtloM nd H BtatM Of tto City Itnglne 0)ed to the ui Be of tb Auditor of tha aty 0 Portland or tb rat day ef fleptemtor. 10047 lixtorerd: -'aty Bnglneer' plans and ataxntoatk-M far the laiproranMrnt at Merrts ttrMt froaa tbo Mt Um af WllUam venM to tM west Uae of Uatoa are one. and the MtlmatM of tto werh to b dan OaaTlbn pvababto total Mat tbetMf?' The eeet ef MM toaseevesadnt to to amiMtt m provided by the city charter kpM tto prop ertf rpcIaTFr beaeOted tbereb and which I hereby declared to be II the tots, pnrto of tot end parcaka mt Und lyhui totweei Mm im ihi awth aa aai mm hi witn im nuria Um of MnrrU atreet and a Una 10 feet aottfb of and nsranel with th south UM of Mnc- rfci atrMt, and between th east Hm of Wll Itona Mum and th waot Mm f III Th EagtaMr' 4eniit mi tto prnnekM total eeet for tha hnprovemant of aald MorrlB atrMt to ta.aoe 00. A - Tb above tmpraea at to to to to0M a a gravel Improveameat and shaH be maintained fy the 1t for ft period of f"r fatft, provMed that lb ovraert of metoHtr mt th property heneOtod by MM an pro ox si. r any port ton .UierMf. ahall not petition for aw or 41 f f 1 rent Impravsataat tofor tb OxptrattoB of nch perVvd The plane. apct0MrtoaW and antlma-tM f the aty BnnlMa for tto hwproTmnt ef Met Morrla street ara hereby ad op tad. . Beaolved. That tb Auditor of fh Oty mt Portland M nd he b borehy etrected to give pMic of tto prqpeMd laproeemeat of Bald treat as provided by tbo dty charter. RBoaatrancM agalnet th abora toiprwev meut auy to tied In writing with tft nndcr algned within 30 day from tto data 4 tto Brst pabHcatMn eat tbM set ha. By rc af . tto Council, " . THOB. c. rrrLTit, A editor of tbs Cite ef PsrUaad. PortloanV Oregon, October ft. 1004. PBOPOBKD BBWXK 1ST 3UOC TwXLFTH BTBZXT. MorJe tft beeeby alran that H rht faittag Of tb Cow art! of thi Cltt ef PartUn4, Oregon. heM k th 9th day mt Oetohar, 1004. tto tkl towing reootatloa w adopted: BMolvod, That th OoBBctl mt tb City mt Pott land, Oregon. toema It expedient and aro poir to oonetract sewar A Baat Twelfth triet from SB fMt Mtb of tto aosth Hm f Tbo:nMn atrMt t r connect lo 4 with the aewer In TtnaDoofc atMt. SaTdMWet to be f vltrj fWd aewer pip of eight InchM clear tonld dli meter wlfh all acMtrt catch kMlM. own tola, toawhoto aad brancbe. Jlald aewer to to cametrnctet f ftCMdBBM lb tto cbftrter aad ordlMncea of tbo City of Pert lend and lbs plans. rperlOnttooa nd Mtl matoa of tto City Bnglnesr Oled to tM ef Oce of tho Auditor of the City of PortUnd on tto lfth day of ftopteuiber, 1004, Indorsed: "Cltr Cnglneer'a plana and apecucatlooa far a ewer In Baal Twelfth stMet from fMt aenth Of tto Math Um of Them peon street to kwav ha TUIaasMk atrMt, and tta MtlmatM of the work lo to and th proMbts tntol cost thereof.' TM roat Of OOM Mwe 0 b Mil Mi I 0 narcata af land lrtne north of and naraltol with tb aorfh Hm f1 TiiiamMi street ana im none mm or Tno on atreet nd between ft Una 100 feat tat ef and para list with tta eaat Mm of Baat TweHth atrMt and t UM 100 feet West of and paraUal With the watt HM erf But Twelfth atrMt. Th Bnftinear's Mtlmat mt the nrobabla Mai eoat for tto oatracttoa mt mid mw to $373.00. The ptoM. apectOcattond 0d aatlaMkaa f tto Ctry Bngtner for tn BMtrwcttoa of aald acrar are baraby adopted. , BMolved, That the Auditor of tb City f Portland b and to la hereby directed t giro net ire of tb proposed osmtraettoa at MM atwar u provided by th dty charter. RenooatrancM acalnxt tbo a hot Mwer av to Bled ik writing with the anderalgned within lay fHa th tat t rb Brat public tlon af this netlM. By 4m ef tb OrnmrlJ THOB, ft DBTLfW, ' Akdftor of tb Dty of Pert land. Portland, Oregon, October 1 10O4. PROPOBBO IaWBOVinrrrt or ABXJurr BTBBJtT. WotJe to breb gtem that ot tto moettng f tto Council of th City of Portland. Ore fvm, held on tto Oth day of Octnbar, 1U04. tto following resolution was adopted: BVoolved, That the ConncU of tb aty of Portland, Oregon, deems It eipsdlent and pro pnM to Improve Ankeny atrMt from th West line of Beveath ktreet to the Mt Hm f Park atreet 1 tb fallowing aunear, to-wlt; First By grading the atreet to the proper nh-aradk ftiu width with fall toteraectlom, g faown by the stakes ret ny tb aty Kngtneer. fteeond By caMtrsctV gton btoefc kiaOnt. Third Bv toying tile. fourth By eoMUuctlag OrtUdkl otoa u be. Plftb Bp bringing tbs Mrfae of tto atrewt fell wlJtt wltk full IntarMcitoM to grsd with bltulltblc pavement. . Paid improveipent t made fa acenrdance vtlth thh charter and ordinances of tto City f PnttUnd 4n4 tb plana, anc10-ntlM and Mtt tbate of tha aty BnglnMr Bled In tb oftUa Jt th Aadllor of the City af PortUnd on the tb day f October. 1004. Indorsed; "City Bn glreer'a plaM and apeclnesttoM fef in Im prove ment of Ankeny atrMt frm the west Hae of Oaventh etrMt to the aat line ef Park atrMt, and tto MtlmatM af the work to to dene and tbprobable total roat thereof.' Th Mat of told Improvement to b anima prwrlded by th dtr charter a no, tha prop erty speelajly and peculiarly he nan tad tharaby and which ll hereby declared to be to follow ing: Boath U htock 84. Conch addition to tM City r Portland) aeor or park nioeB A and tto nartfe, Vk f stock Mrth sna-kalf 00. Tt Bnylnm't eSlHaeto mt tha protobto total cMt for the laprotcaaaat at ld AaAany atrr-t to $1,130 06. The bore ImproTratont h) to ke ctoMed m b bltvUtble pavement and aba II to maintained by the etty for a period of tight yMre, pro. vlded that tha aw ner of a matonty nf the protxTty beneOted by mIo imnroMinent mt any portion thereof shall not petition for a new r different Imprawment to far th eipn-ttto f awrb period. The plans. apiriftrattoM and mrlmatoa f th Otr Bnglneer for the ImnroTemoat ef Mid Arreny atrMt ire hereby adopted. EeMtved, ftat A not tar of tb ty f Pnrttoad b and he ta hereby directed to tie antic ef the proposed Improvement of aald etrei't a provided by tb t4ty charter. RemonafrBBcM agalMt tna abor Inrprnv rent mav be Bled In wrltlrg wltk th Bnoet allrncd within ftd oars from tta dst f tto tiat poMlcattM f tkl cotto. . Bf rda mt tb ConnHI. ' ' THOB. C. MTtlN. Andrte of tb aty f Pwrttoad. fNwtbad. Oregon, Octntwr S. 1004. PBOPOdXD IttPBOTBatXtTT Of BABT TAM- KILL BTKXBT. Notto to hereby glrfta that kt tb Meeting at tb Coundt of th City of Portland. Ore- Ra. toU en tb Oth day of OctoMr, 1804, tb lowing tMolutlon waa adopted: RMolvedl That th Council of fh City Of Portland. Oregon, deiam It enpedlMt and pro pMM to Impror Bast Yamhill atrMt from the Mat Um of Baat Thirty fnwrth atreet to the WMt Hue of Baat TnirtyfU ahreot to tto toUr-wIng awtiMr, to-wlt: . . . ihr.t R brlnalha tu Btrftet M aTrad M how by th ktake Mt by the aty Engineer. Second By conetrnetlng wonde atdewslka to record a nee wltk the City Buglnect' plant, averlncattone and Mtlmatre. aid Imprevkmeat to 1 UMeh is aatornaw With tb charter aad erdtoaacM f the City of Portland atd ttj nlana, ap)ciAVatl.o and asttmatM of the ctty Bnglarar Bled Ik tto of tb Auditor af the Ctty of Portland mm tto JBtb day of Oeptomher, 10rt4, ladorawd: "City Banneer a pun ana spec idt nous ror tha Improvement kf Baat Tatnhlll atreet from the seat line of Beat Thirty fnnrth atreet to th waat Hm mt Bast Tblrty-Oftb MrMt and tk MtlmatM ef toe tmrfc to b dow and tne probable toUl eoat thereof. Th rat ef Ml ImproreroMt to to ma- d M nrtrrMM ny tne rtty tkartw upon arwBorty eaeelally tonedtad thereby and ih a ate to herebv declared .to to all th tot a. porta tt tots and parrels of hind (ring brtwMB a tin too ftet nortkof and parallel with tha norlh Um of Baat Tamhlll street and tlx 100 feet Mkth ef and parallel with IM awalb Hm of Bast Tamoill atreet and betWMft the Mat Um af Baat Thirty -fqortb atreet and tbr wiat UM mt Batt Thirty Of tb atrMt Th Rnginssr'a at1mat ef tto probable krtal aoat tor fh Impreeun t ad aald Bast TaaihlU atrMt hi $I7D no. TM Dlaaa. atwlActttoM aid ttmct0 mt the Clfy Knglneer for tb Ira prora ment of MtJ Rat Timhlll atreet are hereby adopted. RMolvwOi That tot Audita of TM City of Hnrtlaad. M and h4 la hereby directed tn rlri nolle ef tto prepMad ImarMemrat W Mid iimt M provided by tM city charter. RemowatrancM agatoat tb chev i ment may to Btod to writing with tb t may M Rww m writing Wltk tb under- isned within 20 ,tr from tto dato of tto ftrat pnMtontton of this not lea. . Bg arda ml tta OMntit. . THO ft DBTT.1N Auditor af tM Cltt f PkUbbA, Partlanl vbm Octator ft, 1004. , 1TMBOBBB BTf TOT BAK7JT BO AH, BABT TWIVTT-rTBOT BTB1XT. BABT IBTIlfO BTBXXT, KABf TWBktTT-ftXOOBl) ftTBKBT ABB OBJtdMB BTBBZT. Kattot ta BMar a4aa tkat at tha maoflM ta Council of tie Cltr of Portland, ore- goa, held on tto Oth day ef Ortoba. MM, the tolkiwlaa rMotottoa. wm awtopted: Beaolved. That the Council wf tto aty mt Portland, Oregon, dVeaM It expedient and pro- pooM to eouatruct nts In Bandy roe. But -TwMty-nrH Mceot, Bast Irving atrret. Beat Twontr-aeoand atrMt and Orrj.m alrwt. fiom the Uleraectlo ef Oreaon etrMt and Bandy Mtd to the tower I Best Twentieth rwt t Baadr road. Bald Mwer to to of vltrtaed www ptpa with all McMearr Mtck t-ealM, Ma-kole, lama-ootoa and braurhes, and to U of the (ollowlug otmeoatoM: Of 10 InchM rarer laeld diameter from tto Inbtesectlna of ttnmou StrMt with Bnndy road to a puaat I Oregon atreet t Baet Twenty-eticb strMti thane af 11 InchM clear teal da dlauietrt from a point la Oregoa street at Baat Twty-rrth Btreet to plnt la OregM etrMt at Best Twenty-fourth atrMt; thawM ef 14 tockM etosr to a 14 dtotneaa from so tut la Oragwa street at Baat Tweatr-fuorth atrMt to Point la Oregoa atracl af Boat Twraty-oecwneT atrMt; thane of 1 tochM ctoef tneld dlaasotaf from a point 1 Baat Twenty-Mcwnd alrMt at Ore- Ban atrMt to ft notot ta Caa Twenty -eeeood 1 1 Met- at Bart Jrrtng strMf; tbenc .of 10 itene clear lnaio diameter from a pent m ftsat errto atreet st Beat TwMty-aMond treet to potat In Bast hrvtag tMt at Bast Twantr ftrat atrMl: ttoaia af ft tochM etoar lualde dUmetr from point hi Baat Tweaty-jrat Diet at Bast Irvta atoMt to point ta Beet Twaoty-arst atrMt at Ban ana a a sown; ttoaws mt t iscton etoar laatd dlaaMtor to a mumcOpi wltk tk wr to Beady road at Baat Twentieth Itnt t . flAltJ Nffff 10 to 6tttttkBgl W -aafwBBTwW wltk tb eharter sad rd1nance ef tto aty of PMtUnd aad the ntona, apeelAcattoo and MtlmatM of the City BnglMer Bled In tbo office of tta A ussier at the City ot Portia ad oa tto 10th day f Beptemtor, 104. todorMd: '-City SnglMer ptoM sad oaeefkeetton tor 4 Kprs tn ftandy nad. Baat Twenty-Orat atrMt, at Irving atrMt, Baat Tweaty-eood etreet and Oregon atrMt from tb tofarseritoa af Ore goa atreet and Bandy road 1 the eewar la Baat Tweatleth atrett t Bandy road, and tha MtlmatM of tto work to to dow and tn arwb- sbto total CMt thereof." Bald sawaa an Ba amUatttl 0 to of sewerlP? all th tots, jrarto of tot and Mrwto of land lying wttbia (he dtotrlct ktnadad Wnnratim at k point jnw ntt aowra m IM OOWtft IM T MMy POM m Meianniar aSMauMDMnl anal MO f-at WMt of tto waot llM of Esst Twenty-Bret trst; tbeaM artb aloe ItM in imi wat or ana pareirri win im WMt Hm af Baal Twentr-aVat. atreet to point 100 fMt north of th north lto of Boat it v lag atoaet: thtoc Mat atoag dm iwimi north of and naraltol with tho aorth Hm of East lrvin srrMt ta a noinr too imi weal n raa WMt HM af Baat Tawtr nmd MMOt: thence nortt along a Hm 1U0 fMt weet of and parallel with tto west Hm f Baat Twenty-soeond atreet to 4 polar 100 feet north ef tb north llna of Oregon fttroet; ttence cut along ft iht inn Boa BUWtB of anA swrallel Wit B IM MTU Um of Oregon etrMt to th Matsf Um, of tto Mater Hm of Bast Twenty -second atreet to tbo eeater Um ef Pacific atreet) tbenM Mt along tb Mater Hm of Pacific etrMt to tae center in ot Bast Twenty-eignin itrwi: then aoath along tto center Un f Baet Tm-Ltv-elBtn Itraot to a nolnt la Boat Twenty ctofatb atreet 100 feet south of tbo south Hm of th Oaadr Mad In rsctannlsr mat aur Ml' nt : tkeM ta eouihwMtriy traction along un 100 fret Mtheaitorly from and pnraltol Wltk th oftkeriy im ot aba MDdy rtu in rec Ungnlk ntMavanerwt to tto plac t bog la alng. Th cost of aald mwt to to fteaeeeed m pr- vtded by tto dty chart uaoa tb toto, porta or lot ana parcel r una mug witni c dtotrtct berelaMfore bonnnrd and doscrtbad. TM BnarlnaM'a Mtlmat af tto nrobable total com fur tto saamtoMttoB af aftld eewst to 04 Tto BUM. :e aty Kb Hess) aad ettaete mt tb afr Kiurlnaer for th awMtraettoa mt or t: Mid mwm arr beratty adovted. raolv, That tk Auditor or Tk City or PortUjtd to and to to bsreky direct ad to give notice of the proposed coMtrnctto mt Mid awwM m arovtasd by tto dty ebartor. BmonsnancM agalut tha above Merer may to tied ta writing with the unoenlgned within 30 days from tto dot f tta tot pnbltoattom f Uts no ilea. By cwar of tb fjMartl THOB 0. DBTLIN. , Auditor f tta Qty of Perttoad. Portltod. Orrgoa. October ft, 1004. PBOPOBKO TJfPAOTKMBBT 0V BABT FI3TB BTBXBT. ... ... ,. Motto la has ear svan that at th ametlM f the CoancU of the City ef PortUnd, Or- K. held oa ta Oth Oar or octohor, 1004. fnllnartoar roMlntlM waa adonted: BmoI rod. That the Osnodl of th City mt PortUnd, Oregon, torn it eapsdient aa pro- bomb to Improve Baat PlM atreet from tt Mat b to improve Baat nne street jroas ma mbi of But Fifteenth Btreet to tto eaat line Una or Bast mteeau atreet a um eaat nne of Baat tlgbtaentft tTMl 1 tto following manner, to-wlt: First By gradraf the atrMt faU width with fait Intersections to the proper anb -grade a atwa by the ttahM set by the Citr Bogtaaor. Oreo n4 -By toinglng the snrfac el the atrMt rail width wltft rau istarsMtiOM t grsM witn Third By rew reacting arttAdal stoM ld wtlkt hi aerordanM with the aty Bnglnaor' plans. spMltMtloM and MtlmatM. , toe rib Br con true ting woedrn d dews Ike ta aceordanc witk tM city Baginanr a plan. rpeclflcetlona and MtlmatM. Plfth By cenatraetlng wood cromwaTtA Hath Br canatrnetln box kat atooe gut- tcra la accordaBC wltt th aty Bagtoewr't plan. BpeclncatloM a Mtlmat. Raid fmpmvemeat to be made la Icffordkoe with tto charter and ordtnaacM of tM aty of Portland and too plane, aperl ftrat Iom and MtlmatM of the city Bug loeer gjoo la tn of fice of tto Auditor of tb Ctty of Portland aa tta 4th day of October. iM. htdoraed: "Ctty Bnrloeer a plana and apeclOeatloM for the Improvement ef But Pine atraot from tb Mat Um of Eaat rirteentk atrMt t tM Mai Un of Baat BlgbtMntb atreet. aad tb eitl rate of the Work to to Bom and tto probabto total cent thereof. Tto cost of Mid tmprBMBseat to to oaaenekd M provided by tto dty charter upon tto prop erty specially and peculiarly benefited thereby and which la hereby declared to be all th tote. part af tot and parcels of toad lying to Iwmb Um 100 toct north, of and parallel with th aorta Hm of Beat PHn atrMt and Una 10O tost south Of aad parallel with the Mtth Hn4 of Batt P1m atrMt nd between tM mm Hm of Baat fifteenth ttrMt and a Um 100 feet Mat of and parallel With tto Mat Um or Baat BlgbtMntn etreet. Tb KnglnMr-s Mtlmat of tb probabto total cnt far tha Imaroremeat mt Mtd Baat Ptoe Street M $1,440.00. . nie anor imnrovemeai m 1 m euasea a Karri lrDprtrvement and aball be malutalaed th dty for a neriod of Am years, pmvtded that tbs owmm of a km tort ty of tfc property he aed ted by Mid improve meat r any porUiin tl'trenf ahall not net It lon for new or dif ferent Imnrovamaat tofor lto nidrattoa of aeh perwi. tm Jans. apt r im rt an est 1 mot m at ne flty Kngl Mcr far t to Improvement of M Eaat Pine a I rest ar berehr adoctoa. Beaolved. That tb Auditor of the Ctty f Pert land M and b ta heretr girseteo t aire notice of the peepoMd Improrement d Mid atrMt aa provided or th city charter. Remonatrai-et agtlntt the a hove Impmveaekt may M Bled in writing with the smdersigned wlfhtn 3A day fmm fh dato af tb Brat aub- UMtioa nr tkia aouc. By order f tto Cunrt1 ' THf. 0. DFJTLrW, Auditor of th aty of Portland. Pnrttond. Oregon. Oct iter 1 10M. tBOPOOBB BXWBR IB BOBITKOOTA ATXBVB. Tdrrtto H heeewr given that at tb SMetlng of tto Council of tha City of Portland. Ore gon, held m the oth day of October. 1004, U ttltowlng tMtnlton N adopttd: Beaolved, That the lnncll sr IB Crtp Of PtrtlaaaV Orogon, deem It ernedleat and pro- ptae to ewnatrnei a Merer in ninirMti vwbm from the anntb line of Preorott street to connect 1-4 tolth tb aewer fat BMver treet. bald sewer to be wf tltrlasd aewer pipe kith all ueeemary Mteh-badna, msn-botos, tomp-totoa ml hraucbM. ana to M or toe toihrning oi c melon!; Of 10 Inch rleer Ineide diameter frrm th sowtb HM f l'reeeott itreet to rrfnt la Mli'Lerot avenM t Maewn etreet : H tare of 12 tochM Inalde dlanteter t pout IB Htrneeot atenue at Quiver atrvet. Raid sewer to be oaetructed ta arcftrdkBc ritt the eharter and wdlMeM of th Cltr mt Portland and the ntona, apce I feat lows and wttmatM of the Cltv Kaglneer Oled in the eforv of tb Audi to,- ef th City of Portland Hjld lfHh day of oestrtnner. ieH. Tnonraeai 'city laaiaeer't BUM and epeelfif f looa fr eewar to Minnesota from the snsth Dm af fiescott atrMt t tt stwer Id Bbavet atrMt. and the Mtlmates f the work to b uoM a art the urottoht total rwat thereor." Th cMt nf Mid aewer to M timid U fVf rtWd br tke cltr charter mron the Brouertr penally benefited thereby and whl.-fc H herebv oeciarea to do bii too mu, ports i fib ana Miffh of toad tele, between Um lno fMt wiet of sod para ill I with tb west Um of MlnleMi arenwe aid ft Hm IM feet Mat of and parallel with tM net Um of Minnesota arena and betwMU the narth Hm ef dhaM Street and tto aovth Hm of Preeeett a tree I. Th Bngioear' Mtiuiat M tar prnMt le total Mt Pat tta MMtrwcttoa f Mid new to $71. Tb atasa, auocltoaitoeai ad ettte mt the aty Kigliteet for the com Um Uoa mm tjwer are befehy edopted. Hemttfi ntt in anentor wr rue cite nr fVittond to and he I Lrcbv directed to give Mtlo ef the nrapoaad twer M dtrerte by thl miction gain tha city charier. RemoMtrtnrM 1 a sal oat tke above m hove wt mav be Oled I writing with the undersigned art t bin Bi aays rrom toe MU M an Brat publtoatto at ttto aotiM. BP araer Off nhf owbrii. THOB. C. BBPt.lrf. AnOetar atf lb aty f Pr1ton4 rwrtto; Ortp. ttta6st $, 1004, PBB laTpmorifxaT or rasr BTBZBC. Mot toe to fcerrby rl'a tkat tto Cawaetl at tbo aty flf Portland, Oregon, at a meet ing fceld oa tbo Oth day of October, loot. (Wtored n aaaoMmeni oy awoioaut n, for fh haproMOtajrt ef liret atreet. from W0 ttwt anath of tb aeuth Hm ef Ovar treet to tto north Hoe of UalM atwt. Is the manner overlord bf aritl nance Ho. 10.70. non Mvk lot, port ef tot sod pare of toad, which are specially and pniiarty aaai. a mm m foltowa. via: . CAKOTHBURr APB4T10 to tn Ctty Of Pwt- 6n M ISM 01 Oy WO uowin rrruaa .tat Aaeoctattoa BlCK Hi tot . Nert eru Oaunttoa lavMtmnt Troet. U ml ted.. S41: tot 4. Torn U.ysM. 04 47 BLOCK . U 1, Prod Opagrto 00.01; aorfb Mf ft lwtii m lot f JoSTMulr, $07.44; 'anntb feet af tot 1. nKriftit-nA ffj,vrif Bra a. $100.41; atl of aoutk U of tot ekcewj OveVm A t"aHfnrnlj BallidrCopaiipB right sV w7y. Oawrg . Walden. $fA7; sH of rth M of tot S ewes Origi Cal Korato llrMd Cotupaw' '( of way, Rlly M. P.! $0.38: alT of tot $ jlJ,r0BA caurotTla nain-oaa company nm wj. Phtlllp Lawtrm. Oltl.Ofl Oreguo A CallfotnU ftal Ilroad n'arlgK of way, ruuig lwu n. 1107.00. BIAM a ISO. H of tot 1 eirept Pait 111 or 1 Mat wwy, Abrabsm DUtoy, 040.O.V all sf west of tot 1 eaospt Urrgun CHIornt msiitpuo 1 nany'a right of way. Uyra Oulnan, JJT.1'. an ot aortn nwyi vrn w for at BailrMd Ormpany. rtobt f Way, MarvtP ft. Gie, tll.-B;j all rfff. Lt HMat fVreataa Compaky right of war inn 44: all of lot t ekcent T.wm Btratat. Oregoa A Califorwto kalferead CentMay' right f way, LawrewM Btrsnd, 004-06: aU nirana, aon.uD' nu oc n Californtft Jtallraad Com of tot 4 except Oregoa A apaay's ngni or wsy. tawresM BtMnO, stAi n. 70. BLOCK: 143. tot 1. Jaha P. Cantoe. ti 30.00: north m tot 1 Job P. CsplM, $M3t; Math 1 M a. w n ttom II. Baytor, Ofiu.M; tot 1 William H Say toe. ftTBM- tot aA. L MllS tl. BLOCK William S 111 tot A X WT tweek Batata. Hairs of. t41; west feef tot 1 Herman H. iteln th, (HO: Mtt Oft feet lot 5, P. L. Wright, M. BLOCK 130, tot 1 fourth PTMbyterian ur.b, $.1.07; tot T. Pourtb prMbyterlan Church, B.41 aeotb r.'.?i3rtS fcl wc-7 w.' tot ft. Ana 0, Bam ft. $130 07. BLOCK 147. WMt U tot 1 Alttonro Trust Con. pom f rtoaaSA Scotland. $147,47: west Mj. Alliance TrMt Company ef Dundee mUa.od. 1141.01: Mat U tot 0. Adm Cattto, 3B.M; Mat to lot T. idem Cat lie, OaOOJ: tot A H. IrtboanMoa EaUte. Halra "T104: t I, H. jTfhooipaon Batata, Heir ef. 014 W. BLACK 150. atl of tot Mat f Oregon A California Railroad ConvpanjA right of way, JonepblM 0. Orereod. 71; all ef tot T Met of Oregon A CaUornU hUltroadCo panr'a right of way. ioMphlne 0. Orerend. 12! ..s X-r-tf Jsr-f :;: B. Wild. $40.41; aU of tot 0 went af Oregon A California lafiroat CoopanyJ H" ht of way. AdellM lld, $fOB dot a 1 of 4 MM of Oregon A Clbwnla Bnrod Co-nan j a rlaht "of Say. tltor Ktott, faVTfT aU mt fat S wset of Orroa A CH ftnrnla BailrMd Compa ay ra right ad way . IJagM, 1T4. Right Of way trough btoeks 1X1. 10 and 100. Ctkers' addition to tn ttty 7 Portland M laid out by the ftonth Portland leal Batata Aeawrtalton, KA Caltforato BaUrosd Ceaapaag. $4 110. roe,oB2.u. A atatement of afovmatd neeMment to hewn entered In tt Docket of City Liens, m m new due an4 par 1 Me at tto f0c of th Slty TroMnrar, la lawful money f la Cajted tato and If not paid within 3day from tho data af thhi .Mtlc euch nroceodlngs Wilt he taken for tto eellertton mt the aam aa af prortatod by tto durtof mt tta Ctty ef Portland. . . The abor BCMBwmt em near Mraevwc t day aft at tta trat. pubnestlesi mt tbto -nrul 4JPR 11. 204. ITLIN. Avditor mt the at ortUnB. Pet IlilM Oregon, October AftftBSBBTXBT TOR XKPKOTXJCZBT Or BJMATBB BTBXXT. M-i . tk. ek rtaull f the aty ef Portlani Oraaoa. itl meet Uur held M tb Oth day of fVtober. 1004. derUred the Maim meat by erdlnaocw Mb. 14,- pen, ror im inprowoMi m .k- r'Amau..(al ati I tn 11 Mat line or anaiiawipiii manner provided by ordinance No. 18.73T, wooo Mch tot. part of tot and yre ef toad, which ar apectaUy and nackUarly tonefiUd, to to CENTRAL ALH'l N A BLOCK 11 to 1 B and M. Uvwm. 00.10; tot T.p. and M. Lawaon, 0n.Bi; aw IO, asnsene s. rermi. ey--, tot 0. BngeM I Parrrll. 00.14. BLOCK If. M 1. Schuol ttorrlrt Not 1. OOldSt tot f. KoTlT $53,147 BLOCK IS.' totX Tbereel-i 1- Btopper. Ifll.H l J. Jonu r. y ear wi.w, lot 10. Jiertna B. 1 twomj-oB, $10.41; tot , Merton B. Thotnpeou 4&.ST. IJVLTKOMAHIIUK'K 11 Mil. COrrto B. Ounderaon. $07.40; lot 13, CwrieB. Ounder on, 021.03; lot 14. Jaloet B. MiMef, $0-"i tot 10. Uaa flrifAa. iJ- lpbfne'lradA, $20IMTot 1.' Joajobln Bleradorf, IM.M. BLOCK 3D, tot L O. W. Lawrence, $B37: &t 1 0. W-JAwreoc. rriva wVtvaa x&jm AmhroM B. Oantenbaln. $t.4$. BTLTNOMAH BLOCK 34. tot 1. taB Kerr. tBT.70: tot 1 Chrlttina Kerr to. Mi lot 1 Altos ilary Ooldeit. $6 S3: tot Iff. B Thompson, $104. .night efway PtUnd Bal1wayConjpay. R4lll Total. $1130.11. . r.M mmmiA IH BMM.H entered In tb Dorset of City Lien, and to now dne and nayahl at th offic of tto r. ru.HM ta lawful aannev of the United BtatM and aat paid within SO day from tM data or inn ncn- eaca nTnuH- to taken for tto colleertou at tto nam aa IT- W tho okarto of tb Otr Of PortUnd. . . The BOOTS smi Matin 1 win n-wi iwm 10 day after tto ftrat nubltostton f thto Otic, a THOB, U. PBVbin, Auditor of tbs aty of PortuaA. Perttond, Oregon, October 11. 19M. Amafa.aww row, nR0TKXXjrT Of PIBBT ATXKVB. . None fV kereny fin mat nw v mt the City ef PortUnd, Oregon, at a Ing held en th Oth day of October, declared th aesMameet by erdinaare N Notto hereby glewa that tta CsnH1 at mee-- 1004. 14.- S47, for th Improvement of first aM. from tt Berth Um of Locnat atrMt to tto northerly fine of Ash Btreet. la tto manner prwrlded by ordinance So. 12.070. apoa Mcb t, part af lot and parcel or una. wbim are ap-wwiir awaa peenltarly beneOted. to be aa foltoara. vto: fclTT VIKW PARK ADDITION to B4t rVsrt land BLOCK 0, IM 1 Benjamin P. BpMk. $72.04: tot 10. J. T. Brown. $71.41; tot 11, PortUnd CreamttoB AaaodBttoa. $M.40; tot 12. Portland Cremation Aasodsttonu $114 11. BLOCK 0. tot B. 1. BOBB, aijn.Mt 101 lu. L. Kubn, 002.07i lot 11. IV. KuhV $04.07: tol t 11 L. Knbn. $110.77. BLOCK 1, tot 0. Prank and Magdalen a K leaner. $41.40; tot 10. rr.nk .a Ibntilaia KIMatT. 023.30. A tract of bind lying betweea th weet Tine f first avn and line 100 fMt WMt thereof and parallel therewith and bet wean tbo north Hm ef Aeh atrMt extended WMterly ta Ita preeent ourse and th north II M or Locuat etrMt ei tended westerly In tts EMsnt course, PortUnd Cremation A atari t . $117.00. Total. 11.041.00. A- atateoaeat af afotMald lawitBtllt htt been entered 1b the Docket of aty Urn, and M mw tta and payable at th efflro of the City Treaaarer, fa lawful atoney ef lb United State and If not paid Wltbla 00 day from the date mt thto no 11 nch Broreedlng will be taken for tto collect ton of th Mine m are provided by tta krto of tb City t Portland. . - ; The abor aaoessnMst wtlt bear tatereat 10 day after Gb Aral publication af ttto nottc. - , , - , THOffc TJi DBTiiie, Aadfto of the City of Port toad. Pnrtland. Arecoa. October 11, lptv. ajBawaMjasMg III I 11 m ttotjoB OOnod IBB tnatrA Bl 3Trartawt4ntlnritaml Trtklnoo Dtmlly PAST TIME' TO BTOKAKB. JT. tAtTIa, DULUf H, MINNEAPOLIS. PHICAOO VKD . Aleb POINTS JCABT. Dayllgrit trip throuBh th Caacad And Rofkr tnountnlna, rot full portlo alars, rat, foldortv tw oaU ett or od dro . 3K. WICWJOOW, OWy TmBOO ahfh, IBB yalyd Bkioot, Bnttfd . IIFw Vnwm, fhtdffA ntthwH wbMPkwaJ eeHhlua W 5 tooth in okltd.oi at U.e gm aij. 1 1 pJ. nrwa wind UUa Mai Ik too bank onv r tor ajarrruM. rw-0 A ator' fc - UMION Vacitiz 3 TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY eRrou)gb Pifim1 ntondavd? g toartot keew e aaui Mlhr to OsmM. ChtoBM. BnofcaaM tonrltt leeplag Mrs dally to Kanau Cltrt lpaai tr.iil,aaa Irartot alaardna: aui iMrwk II iMta-rnli wmIIi to ChleasoL BecUtoaB choir mm (Mats fkMr to (to Book snaly. UNION DBPAT. ArrlVM. CHlCAftn POKTSAND BPRC1AL. 10 a. am. Bat tta Beat vta Dnllp. Ittoito, lag tan. BPOKANB fl.TPB. Po Baatera Wawhlna torn Walla Walla. Lew OrUmnt, toton, CoeM 4'AWmJ Dn-Lp. . rOolto. and awe at piaruur ATLAMTTfl BXPBK8S. fat lb Bast Tta ttuat-i lnston. I "TfelAJIAWT3tKB POm BAM PatAMClBCO: B. A fe. P. Oct. til : 1 1 Otambto--- Oct. til 21 " ' ' OeWmmn llew twetotow. PfrB A0TOBIA and way points, connecting with Saar. tor Bwm and ortb BaaaV air ataa. :00 a. am. Dally. I. Sunday I:4B, Btotnroay 10:00 p. m. fin, Aah at dnefc. fasthiifBTvar Boat. I OR BATTrW. OMBnot . Cltr and Tamk'm Bteer -'WAB. OrMavan. imts, arra. Ruth l iodoc. Aeb-t. doct. 4 Water MrmMti&aT.l Leiiy. , Baa Oat iTHlly. 'ea.Baatys Bnna BlraFBwutfc POB LBWIRTON, Ids.. . . aneT way notnto from Dsuy. Rlnarta. Weak.. Btaira. i. Ala Aboat 0 00a,0to Baity, a, frldkr. VFMWJBI iwuwa, TICKBT OrriCB Third aad WeeaUagtoa. fant Oka atoia TJ AWXAVXO Par Infcaki and ftoag Bon. adllra ri nrbs, Nagnukl and BtongbnL Uktog freigkl T1 eena retina ilaamaaa lor MaaUa. Part Aaw tbar and TladlvMtok: ft. 1 ARABIA. Oct, ll B B. AKAUONIA, Oct. SB; B. S. NtTbtAnTTTA, No. 21. Per freM and tart tor aasueutoa auply to IJtVHl ft. DBWBflir a matt TelewtoM fos. Cpcsr AUata DncOj. EAST SOUTH Lmvos. UNION DBPOT. " " T . . ,. ' 0:30 p. m OTBRLAND BXPR rrataa, for Bttoaa. Roe- bur. Aabiand. sacra menta. Ogden. feu Prnn- claro, Stockton, Lot AnH tele. Bi paao, new oe- toana a Ml tb But. htoralM train i necto at Weodburn) daily ascent Sunday with train tar ML KTiSB Angel. Sllvtrt. HrnwMdIle. B pr 1 a - Arid. WMdHag lid natron. Albanr m waste 4.M. neete at Weodburn with Mt. A nad aad BUver- 10:1 ton tocsl. T:S0 . as. y4:0Q p.m. Daily, tnt t il al Bi OwraltU 11 0 00 p. m fth eridaiii ya seen rer r. eteept Sunday. ftuburben Sarraa amd Taamnfl Bi vis ton. S Depot Pokt of Jeffarofta fWreet. Lmm Portland dally for Oswego T:30 a. tk.t 15 BO. 25. :. 120. 4:29. 0:90. 10:10 a. m. Dally (cacept Rnnday), BJ0( 4 30. 0:80. 10:3a tT a..; 4.00, UM p. to. Baaday only. OiOB Retorting from Otweg. trrt Psrtland dan 8:M a. m.; 1:M. t:M. 4:30. 0 10. 7 . :ML 11:10 P. m. Dally (except Sunday) 0:31 7 in, 0:01 14:20. 11:40 ft. at- Baeept lfAnaay,3dB n. am. ftuodar Mly, lo 00 a. m. Lmvm from um depot tor ttotta and to tae. mediate points dally (except Sunday) 0:M Ow tot Arrive Portland 10:20 f. m. The lBdeMdor-h(nnmoat Veto Idem opera tM dally to Monmnutk and Alrtht, con nect In wltt Aoather Pacta mmptny' trsdnf kt Dallas and Independence, Pirat-cteM fare from Portland to BatramiQtb aad Baa rraurt Tm. kertta Ri far til. aecond-elaM berth $2.M. Tleketo to Baatwrn Balnta sad I Jaan, CklM, Honnluhl and A 'it trails. aty" Ticket Offlc corner Third and Waatto lagtnn ttreeta. PboM Mala TU C W. 8TINOPB. W. B. COMAN, aty T1ht Agent. r Oenv Km. tfwi TIME CARD TRAINS PORTLtUVD CNtOB DBPOT. pwget Benwd Limited, for TMma fteattto Olympla. South Bend and Oray'a Bar tor Nortb Cnaat UnrttoA. ft TkeomL (tost tie. Butte, St. rank Mln prapolis. Chicago, New York. Baotok and krdato Baat and BoothMet. TariaHte xnraaa fM Depwrm. :$0 . . Arrtve. ft:00 0.. flNkl Tacemd. Seattle, Bp-1 kane. Helena, St Paul, Minneapolis Chicago, New York. Bwaton and all aolnta Baat aad Suutheaat. Paget Sootid Kasoas aty-lt. Lnuto Ope rial, for Tfcroma. Sea t tie, BpetiaM. Butt. Billings, Denver, Omaha. Ranee e aty, St. Lout and all point Bast and Bontb- r:L . . - ; . UNO .. 1 ; 1 1 ro. . ttotn. Aft trata datty cpt n South kranch. A. D. charltor, Aaatotaat Oonwral PsaMnger Ageat, ' tM Merrlaon at.. ar. Third, Portia ad. Or. Astoria & Columbia ; V River Railroad Co. Lmvo. 1 VNTON DBPOT. h ArTtetd. HULA Dally. Pnr Margmw, Ralwtor.'Daitf. natakaale. Wwtporf. 11 .10 0. rttrtnB. AatMta. War renin, f la tel. fttm-1 aaortd. Port Stevens, Oearkart Park. nVialde, Astorin and atoaeAes. taWM Aittp, t OOn, m. Baily, , fttdO. ak. . e mi Til , F. nd P, A.. Arte. , f" ft A. BTBWtBT, ComaMTCtol Agent. n at. PboM Mala Ou. 1 In th rkbeat train, Mr and art e " ftoworU. 1- .eaet aaat af imrUo. Oregon. ortf'f MAP Fit tt- DrerhMta ,! l-IOex- MO p. I Ttbtn. to. Defly. (ttotly. Bbtoaw. 1 . 1 ,