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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1904)
THE- OREGON -DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND.- WEDNESDAY - EVENING, OCTOBER U 1901 "asisq t ttttl itftttTtttttttfttt f tTf t "i"iia NEWS OF t:ew officers rox v.'- i ; ST. HELENS MSB ummn Bounmi oum j. AW XSpSBOVM WOBX XS BBTJ - son bt rwTLun w tm an ooirnronyT-wiuwoih ' The annual election of the Bt Hli Consolidated Vllnlng cowptny was held lo the ra building last evening, at which time Thomas Prince of oroMtw, Mara., and Dundee, CmL. was chosen pres ident; Dr. i. P. Tamlesis and Hugh Mo- Oulr of this city vice-presidenta, ur. Henry Wtl4o Co, trmiurtr, and C H. Murah. secretary. Mr. MeOutre and W. M. .Alderman of Ohio, Were added te the directorate. Th pro per tie owned by the company are In the at. Helena dis trict, Wuh, but sear Portland. . - Dr. U. W. Co entered the 8t Helena diet riot six ye re ago. Since that time lie has been doing as extensive develop sent as he was able to prosecute, by the aid of the several associate enlisted In the wtork. While developing his proper ties, ha has had an eye to the future, and kept enlarging the company's hold in ss until he bow has nearly M claims the distrust, divided Into four troupe. The principal of tbeae la the Lakastd, Sometimes knows as the Sweden. - On this most of the work baa been done, the group embracing IS claims besides tnillaltee, A three-drill aompressor, ac tuated by water power, has been installed at the portal of the lower adit, and one drill is uaed in the face of the main funnei, which has attained a length of $.000 feet. All of this work Is an a large -vein which has bean eroaaeut In but one place, and there walls are about 40 feet apart. After passing through Ave or shoots the face of this drift is juat entering a shoot proved by ISO feet of tunnel at a higher elevation, the ore In the latter work being the richest yet opened In St. Helena. The lower tunnel Is entering the same character of rock, and a very promising shoot will soon b defined for more than a vertical depth of feat. Twelve Claims Mere. The Index group, containing IS claims. Is the second eamp being worked by the St. Helena company. Here a tunnel tie feet long baa been driven -on a large Vein that la about 7 feet wide wear the surface. Al ef the tunnel la In a copper ore that has much promise. , At th JOnxJ group, the third working eamp. about 1,000 feet f work has been done. A crosscut nearly est feet long M being driven at .this property, and will soon eut the main vein, which has been) proven, otherwise merely by surface Work. The United Mines group Is the fourth and last camp. Here work baa not ad vanced so far, the crew being In on oca tunnel about 150 feet. All four camps are working at tbia time, making four dlatlnct crews main tatned by the company. Work at all ex cept the Lakeside la by hand. Near the latter, which- Is on the side of famed Spirit take, where tourists have begun to gather each year on summer outings, the .company has completed excellent ac commodations, it is the purpose to put another drill In a raise or crosscut from the long tunnel soon. Water power to had here for more than double the en ergy used row. Wood stands In Wash ington s greatest raresta everywhere, giving unlimited supply for all purposes. .. . mrveyed hy Vaasat. . . All of the claims have been survey id for patent and a large number of them have been netented by the cmihbt In this respect as In all others, the work of Dr. Cos and hla associates has been with unquestioning confidence in the ultimate richness of the district, and the pioneers are la position to profit by results that follow their work. The railway situation as tt affects this district has excited general Interest. Dr. Coe has had surveys made from Cas- the grade does not exceed 1 H per cent. For seven or eight miles a logging road has followed the line of this survey, which is up Toutle river. All of the mute is mrougn magn meant timber, and only about a mil and a barf of the last portion la In a forest reserve. Every assurance to had that some day this route will be .taken by a railway seeking the timber. If no more, but development In the mines win soon command a lino for ore shipments. Dr. Cos's properties have about $1,000 tons of rock the man agement pronounoes . commercial, en dumps, some of wblcb would stand ship ment If sorted. i f , MANY CARLOADS OF " ORE SENT EACH WEEK v:,;,. ;;.; A That shipment of or te the Sumptsr msftsr Is steady, and covers a wide range of work, is attested by the follow ing enumeration given by the manage ment of reneipta for one week: Three cars from the Seven Devils, two cars irom sack the Friday and tha Highland of Peart, Idaho, and Rock Creek, Or, re spectively; three from the Laxy Jim, the iron flux deposit of the smelter; one car from tach of the Prairie Diggings. Xqulty and tha Balaley-Blkhora. and mixed ears from the Snow Creek, Listen Lake, and otrwr Greenhorn and Susan VUl properties. The first shipments of matte have been made by the manage , ment, and the work In general Is -progressing smoothly on every hand, GRANITE HILL'S NEW SHAFT BEING SUNK v;,.,,v.. w- ' A depth of mare than lot feet baa been attained In the new Red Jacket abaft, on the Granite Hill mine, near Grants Pass. This shaft to being sunk on a 'group adjacent to the Granite Hill, and formerly operated separately. Manager Wick re nam Installed on the property the hoist formerly used at Ik Granite Kill shaft before the present excellent plant was placed, and by means of this will open lower levels ef the Red Jacket Halm rapidly as he sen attain depth and drive level. Par a period the ore mined from this work will be hauled by wagon, but later to to be transported to the now mill by an aerial tram. - A contract for too feet of work on th Crow Point property. Cable Cove, Baker county, has been let by th nun anern. Thta work to to be done Is the mam crosscut, which Is now more than TM feet long. Tha additional Work will undoubtedly open the Cmwa point vels at depth. Nearer th aurfam this Vein produced a ood ra4 Of Or. THE MINES i SIFTER MAY GET ME IDAHO ORES uwoour nmrs, at mam, wmxom DAXX.T VmOSVOM SMZSTT FOBS Ol OOBXJBBTBATSS AMD OOMST2- smaST.s cmuBJi oms, zs envois TO BUMFTAB, t f ? The big Lincoln mine at Peart Idaho, to marketing nearly SO tons of oon cen trales i daily since the management re sumed mill operations. With toe prude ore shipped daily, the output of the Lincoln Is aatd to Tun from el to o tons oar dar. The Sumptsr smelter has been getting soma of 'the Pearl or, but does not purchase the L In coin out' put There Is a rumor to th effect that this mine will also ship to Sumptsr before tang. If suob to th case, here will be another .important addition to the ore supply of the Oregon plant. Th Pearl markets by way of ths Em- met -fall line, reaching the Oregon Short Lin to the west of Nampa. The ran haul to Baker City from there to leas than 106 miles, whereas If this same or is ahtpped to Bait. iak tne nam would be across tha sntlrs state of Ida ho and a portion of Utah, s ANOTHER ELEVATOR AT THE DEEP GRAVEL A targe sand elevator to being put an the Deep Gravel Mining- company's property, near Waldo, to assist the hy draulic elevator that has been to use there for a year. W. J. Winter, man ager for the company, has the work pro gressing rapidly as posalble, and will be ready with th additional equipment for th opening, season next month. This placer deposit is omtjof th most Interesting of the southern Oregon dis trict, ss It Is th residue of a great basin that may have been a lak. Gravl to about 40 foot deep In the work done. bedrock being easily cleaned. When op erations first began, tits management put In on elevator, and nsed one giant to break down gravel, but sine th pit has been enlarged tn several acres, other giants may be used to advantage and the second elevator la necessary to re move th debris. . . - - . '. ... POWER IS ASSURED OPP MINE The Condor Water Power company. which Is completing ths groat Rogue river dam at Gold Ray. to supply towns and mines with electrical energy, has asked the county court of Jackson county for' permission to' use Rogue river for booming-and storing logs., A franchise ' has also been asked by the company to light Jacksonville, the terms of which are under consideration by th council. A survey hss been mad for a pole line to this elty, and work to well progressed on tha line to Medford. A survey has been made for a pole line to the Opp mine, near Jacksonville, an the management of this concern has con tracted for electrical energy for thd 10 stamp mill. This to ths first mine of southern Oregon to us electricity from a custom plant, and to th pioneer of the extensive patronag expected to be built up by th Condor and th -Golden Drift eompanles. ; LONG CANAL SYSf EM ' IS BEING RENOVATED - v'.i ' ' :' ' ' ' ' On of tha longest canal system for furnishing hydraulic power In southern Oregon, to being renovated and put In shape for commencement of wor next month. Superintendent Frank Ankeny, of the Sterling placers, on Forest creek, has a crew replacing the old headgats and cleaning out bis 17 mjls of ditch. This water aystent provides a bead for four giants during the placer season, bringing th stream from -ths Ltttl Ap pleget, which empties Into th Illinois. The clean-up at the Sterling placers to among the largest of any placer prop erty in the state, but as th company to a closs corporation, no figures are ever given out as to the amount. Work on the banks will commence about tbe mid dle of November. - ' COMPRESSOR AT THE GOLD COIN STARTED J. M. Doyle, manager of th Gold Coin property, near Bourns, Baker eounty, has completed hla compressor plant m oently installed, and commenced develop ment with power drills. Mr. Doyle will do most of his work on the Wind creek aids of th rid which th vela system crosses, and will not have to run o rose- cuts, as drifts are possible practically from th surface. This property was token last winter by a company of West Virginia people, who have furnished th means for equipment and work. , u mot oms A. D. Le Roy of th Bohemia district to In th city, with specimen of ths raw ore opened on the property owned by himself and brothers. The new rock is n more highly oxidised stuff than that which the L Roy owner havs been taking from the other veins, and some of M has th appearance of being colored with cinnabar. Mr, Le Roy states that the new atrlke la being developed fur ther, and tbat he and associates will soon have a better Idea of tne magnitude of the ore body and tha average values carried. WASMZsTOTOsT SOI. : (Beeetsl DUsatdi fc The JoersaL) Tacoma, Waatu Oct. 1 J. Henry Buoey, receiver of th Montesuma Min ing company and the Washington Co operative Mnlng syndicate, has sold the mining properties of these companies to William Flett, for 4,K1. The prop erttos ars located near Fairfax. Con firmation of th sal to now under eon' s (deration by Judg Huston, of tha su perior -court , Manager L, !t Bellman, of the Cali fornia mine. Baker county, hss put six men at work stoning ore for delivery to the Sumptsr smelter.- The work la be ing don in the upper MVSls, woer ther to a shipping grade of or In two or three drift. The or will be sent down through chutes to tbe No. level, and delivered thence by mesne of th aerial tram to the mill, where wagons nay reach It without difficulty. WIL1VCURE any case of HlUDN or BLADDER DISEASE that is not bey oiid , ftftexeacH. . .y - . . . ... . t of medicines fy-No ;, medicine can do more. WUWm BP TO DIE. B. Bplesel, ,1204 N. Virtrtola St., EvnnsriUs. Ind., wrrtas: "For over five years I wan troubled with ' kidney and bladder affections which caused ma much pain and worry. I tost flesh and was all ran down, anq year ago una to abandon work entirely. I had thro of tha bast physician who did ma no food and I was practically fhvan up to die. Foley's Kidney Cut was recommndd and ton n rat bottls rave me rreat relief. and after taking; tn second bottla 1 was antimly enrod." TWO KZESV 5 AJT0 $LN ' . - SOU AMD RECOMMENDED It Woeaacd, Clarke a, oo and lAas-Davto . . ,b- mr oa. - - A Good Lookout from Indoor depends much en th win dows. For these we supply glass, aaan weights, corda and fasteners of bet quality. Carpenters and builders VIII and it to their advantage to do their hardware buying here, because or ma terial, price, prompt and courteous at tention to patron a . , . .. . Avery & Co. r S3 THIRD flTREET SAVEYOUR MONEY In n lifetime we coroe serosa many a chance to save money, and It la unwto to let th opportunities pasa without taking advantage of them. Our easy payment plan on fine Watches and 1'ta roond gives you a chance to make small Savings svsry week and obtain full value for your money. Before buying a Watch or Diamond elsewhere get our prices. We glvs a guarantee or our Snnda that will protect you. See our I Bp lay of Diamonds la our show wln dow. , UNCLE FRANKLIN " ice vtmsv mm. sfam) to Wonder Will I amy. mm HTM t LOTS AT ST.JOHNP Close to car Uric, and within a ' ; few minutes walk of the ' Mills, Factories Dry dock 55 Down, 33 a Month TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST Cd 6 sn4 T Chamber of Commerce. K 1 S The Real Estate Snaps 1 J Today Too Can Get by Coming Our Way. $100 Bach, extraordinary fin lots on Spokane avenue, within X block of electrlo earn O0 Beautiful acre lot; cosy l-room . cottage; nice barn: choice fruit; I blocka station; Clackamas. $100 Beautiful tot,, fruit, shrubbery and garden ; neat cottage, coiy ' - horn oa,Jaet Eighth St., near ' Falling. t00 An excellent 00-scr farm; good buildings, living water; rich soil; good roads; I miles Olenooe. 11200 Charming 6 -room cottage noma; 14 large fruit trass, on East th at., near Falling. S1000 s full lota on Umatilla ave; Over zo bearing fruit trees; 7-room " house; the best buy-la Sell wood. 11200 Modern i-room cottage; 0 lots; , very cholceat variety fruit, ber k lies and rosea; chicken park and garden; on Peninsular avenue. $3100 For a grand home on Grand avs. . In Holladay's Addition; I rooma strictly modern. A regular draanv The Dunn 'Lawrence Co. .. .f,. . ioh rttif nun. FOR SALE BY S MW, Ogilbee Room 11; 145 First St $1700; Choice corner lot, 10x160 fet with fi-room cottage, within minute' walk of Hadiaon- , Street bridge (Eaat Side); neat, cheap home J 7 BO casn, balance time. Lot i 0x100 feet, with 4-room cottage, near Kth and Beacon streets' (Last Sldel; vary ac cessible to ear lines: low $850 prlea Comer lot, 10x80. with I room cottage, near 18th and El la Worth sta,. in TlbbetU Addition. L$ 900 , zxmi 0OX1M tn Tibbetts Homestead, with different car lines around 1L Ixts BOxlOO feet In Green's Addition, opposite th Oregon Fiirnttur Factory on macadam strsai. from $260 each. All on easy terms. O SOHIttnaS rellnQulshmanta, 7 , , miles from R. K. and county seat; " cabins built; good road; cleared: close to logging strsatn; excellent timber. This & a rare chang . $2S0 each. . nMH ioui anruce and hemlock: ftn ptip timoer; close to water trans-. puruiuuii, win truii y milium feet to the H anctlon. . Prlc $1$ per a or. $,000 AOall spruce and fir timber; near Alaea Bay; will cruise 4 million feet to the H section. Prlc ft per acr. Some On timber latama and kvssse gOsada for looaUeav Maxwell & Burg SIS AMngton Bldg. Homebuilders and Speculators Your Attention! " Do not faH to carefully examine WalsUT ABK property. It Is lo cated on th most sightly fabts land be tween the rivers and on both car lines. No question Walnut Park will become th most valuable resident property In th city of Portland. Prices most lib eral. Terms cash; monthly or quar terly paymenta. Do yourself a kindness by Calling or aendlng for WALNUT PARK maps. - REMEMBER, have many mora choice bargains tn Portland property. W. M- KILUNQSWORTH Floaeec Stoal Ba Sealer. SO ber of Oommeroe. SPECIAL BARGAIN f cTWodern 9-Room House JV- 575 Main Street, corner f Nartflla, lot 43x75 fiset, good residence location. WAKEFIELD, V ' " fries caca 14, S Mioon rem w ' For Sal mi Woodmwrm Terms to suit. Cholc lota In' Laurel wood, $1 per month. Tak 1st Seot$ car. First and Ah dr. , CBORGB W. BMOIVM tOO VatUag lUsg, Vaes Mais tUO. O WOTtTSS for $1,000 each. 4-SVOOM OOTTAOS, corner Si Itth and Cole; lot ftoxifio i.oo. l-SOOai OOTTAOa on Sellwond otrwt, between Wlaeiaelppl and Delay; lot 30 SxllfiILOOO. g-BOOnt KODsa. b. loth and Shaver, as corner lot. Rftx 1 10$ 1 , 700. Call and get trm to suit. Van W. Anderson ol KoXay Biag. ralsd m SOavk. POINT VIEW OrU.TIES WE CAM. TltADS Ifil-acr improved atock farm, near Lyle. Wash., with $$ head horses, buggy, surrey, wagon, all farm- h.K Unplameuta, for Portland propartyv- SeVMOX 47-aera ImDroved farm, trad o larger atock farm S10.00. , Fin hous In Portland. -now rntd for $4$ per month, tmde Into a 'arm. Fine paying restaurant In Portland, will trade for farm. Three cholo lots on t Tabor, worth $1,000; trad for-hom la Brooklyn Heights or near, aod pay cash differ ence. . Thirty gores cholo land, nouee, barn, orchard; 14 miles west of Portland, fur larger acreage $1,000, . Stock general merchandise In good valley towni trade for stock-farm east ern Oregon, Washington or southern Oregon - SaVWhV Fifteen acres apple and berry farm, 1 mile from town of Hood Rlvsr; trade for a horn In Portland- oon. Five acres ImDroved. nice house, at Clackamas, for home in Portland. .v7a acres, house, barn, orchard; 30 acres cultivated; Ons spring water, at Clackamas station; trade for Portlano property. ' $ acres. Improved, fine hous. bam, etc.. at Lenta; trade tot horn la, Port land. 100 acr, near Buxton, Washington nniintv Or ama.ll imDrovunentsi for hous r lots In Portland $100. 6-room now cotUg tn auourua, ror land SSOO. &-rofun nnttare In North Portland; trad Into a farm near Portland agoo. 1 acres Improved, 1 cows, plga, ohica- Mrm ti.n at RiavMion: Iran i SaSooT' " " Fins sswmlll plant; trade for a xarm. Flour mill for other good properly. 7 icml all arond land: 10 acres cul tivated; good largs hous. good orchard. fine location. In Hood Klver valley; trade for good Portland property- Ankny car line; trad for landfi.aoo 100-acr farm, near Groan am; trad into Portland property Ot.OOO. 11 acres, nice land, with 0 room Colonial house. One placs, bath, barn, chicken park, fruit, berries, nics spring of water, at Oregon City; will trade into Portland or Oregon City property. Fine house in Portland; will trade for farm and pay cash difference GOO- IS acre, all good soli; neany au IsveL In Clarke county, Washington; running brook of water; $0 acres fenced; 40 acres cultivated; $ acres orchard; good 7-room house; good barn 0x114 teet; stanchtow for oow; JfUl sx chansr for good property In Portland or Vancouver. Prlc ie.000. 40 acres, all fins soUwlS acres culti vated; new bouse, 0 room a, painted; fair barn; 100 iruft trees: near school. church, store, creamery; II mil from Portland: will trao tor noma in rori Und $100. - 2 nice, new houses In good location to exchange for farm S0.0O0. Large hous. in Kvarett, wiia, renua for M par month; will trad Into a farm. - 40 acres, near Th Dalles. Or.: trad tor lota or acreage in or near Portland. 2$ acres, house, bam, orchard, on oar lino, near Lents; will trada into Port land property. -room modern hous. new, idoxxw -round: Die location; trad into farm SOOO. . loo-aors farm, near Chshaiis. wsnn.: trade for property In or near Portland Income property In a good valley town; trada for farm glTtOOO. Income property. In a good valley town; trade for a farm SlftOOft Good home in Portland, land SI, gap, ' Good homo In Hood Rlvar. for land faon. . 4-room cottage, good barn. mil lots adjoining. St.; trade Jn zruit, west ox waat . svia or a farm. , 0 aorea choice land: 4 acres bearing orchard; running water; tt mil to H. K. a tat ion; traaa into a noma inroruano 7-room house, 100x100.- on St. lohna oar line; trade zor a rami giao. SOI acres, aU good level land; no whit soil in good location In Linn county. Or.; can plow nearly all now; $0 acres fanned, balance In pastnrs, running wa ter, house, barns, etc.; will tak a Food home m portiana as part pay. rice $07.00 per acre. 120 acres, improved farm: 10 miles west of Portland; stock, implements, hay, etc.; trade for town property 10 acres good land. ' IT acres culti vated, good barn and orchard: running water; soms goon Timoer; xronu on rood road, iz muss souineaet or rort and; will tak U In good Portland property gtvOOO, 140 acre In Morrow eounty; all good grain land; trade u$to a home la 'Port land SlOO. $1,000 atock In a good lumber cotn- Ciny; trad for a small noma in Fortr no or a grocery busineaa. 100 acres. ImDroved farm. nar Vala Or. ; trad for WlllanMtU valley land or stock of gooda 000 serea all fln land; running wa ter, fin stack range, Klamath county; trad for a valley farm. Prlc 9 It per acre. 2 SO -acre"-farm, near Newberg, Or.: trade for a stock farm: orefer on the coast or eastern Oregon or Washington. Lot in Lower Albina; trade for a home close in on Knet Slds or West Side and pay cash difference. Two fine residence lots in Gslesburg, '11- trad Into property In or about Portland. a acres arood timber near Keedvlll. Or.; good wood proposition; all Jfoou land; trad Into bom or lot in Port land. 0$ acres fine land: 10 acres tn orch ard: all In prim condition,' near Oak land, Or.; will trade Into Chicago or other good city property near SoOS. 12B sere:' 140 seres cultivated, near Roseburg; trad . Into Portland prop erty. KK Snreav-flne improved farm. T milea out, lino road, for Portland property. Hotel, good running order, la good Iowa town; .trad Into Western farm $6,000, 10 acres, an' improved, a mnes out. for Portland, property. New 0-rooTft housa. nno loentlon. 8. Portland; trad Into Improved acreage. General merchaodis busineaa. for farm SSMML 1.7 00 -a ere stock farm, ' In Willamette vallev: trade ror town property or a smaller farm $10 per acr. 1.340-acre Imnroved farm. In Willam ette valley; tak smaller farm part pay per acre. We havs some good bargains In farms and city property for cash. Abovs are only a few of tha many good things w have for trad;, now what have you to offer? .. - - WBWnOtM S BAJCM) SIT AMngton Bldg. St. Johns Park rim new cot tares near Woolen Mill and car Una,. for sal cheap, on tontnU msnt plan. , Ons wtth 1 lots ..'.....I.S1,0S0 On with 1 2-1 lots ii.oao Three with 1 full lot each... f 000 The Woolen KtUs will be In operation soon and 00 to 100 new houses will be needed in St. Johns. CHIPMAN & KING Ssneral Arsto, St. JTehas. -L O. stolarook, Owaev. TOg CO mass ef 9SOr S90 TREM0NT PLACE TREM0NT PLACE Tha Cheapest Lots on th Market Loca tion First-Class. - Corners. .... .- ..... Sfo 1NBIDBS..... ....,..$84 . . $S Down and 85 Par Month. ' . Ooaa' and Take Tow Ptok. v; . ism nimo Street, r. CLAIRVOYANT SOSITITSLT SO SQVAL OS SASTS l M3M noruaioi. 30314 rWashinctos) Stiwst. " Sir Francis DrmK $10.00 Completa aw Ufa RntOnn for SI If This Week Only mi i t vorrn WO OaTAJMia tTVXSSS g A TIST AOTOSjT .... TOO PAS ... f . ( MM TVS JTO4W. AXWATS OOsTntn.T TMM BST. mwajinosdi Anm vo ,Kmsor i nugai TMMMl maw to OTsnuMoni tu TBOtraajs Sear Bast rear nreeent Ut sad year as tir fater and TrrUtiBS caa se teM br cooialtlug Ilk rRaNCIB DBAKS. the world eminent trance clairvoyant ssd spirit ajedlnsk whe le the greeteat vaatar of eccslt adeem sad psyekls feres the world has ever kaswa. OarefmUy. An Von usishnio (Tomte no FuU Jndg.f seratsarv Otolmraat sewer, esmbbwd with kla auperler knowledge ef eccmt force, eaables kUn te read annua Ufa with a&err las aeearaey from lBiaacy te eld as. B" powers are wonderful and tadtspsteblei bU adrtoe hj reHaMe; hla lBfonsattoa elear; tom rlae and te the point hi Lere. Cesrtahlp. ktar riaf. Dlfarce. ftelee. Wills, Patents, Jotnera, PrnaMB. inveaHBentS, apecsiaiioas, rrwwrij, Panaleaa. aurtiuM. OU aod sUalag CUtsw, PUnaias. .etc, etc a OassOlsn. WHnost say srvlees awewladse, and kavtag ne aatsral swena of knowing who yott are. whence er Bar whet yoe caste, he telle yew bum, age. pecapatkv. wbere yea Uv. He tolla Ton ef frlnila and amandee. wke H true and who n f be; telle yos wheal and when ye win auuTj, giiriBg sasiea, saiea, men. and h-atloca takfna an fa la advaaee. and aeetyUag aoo unleea eattataetlaa la glvea. , ooo 00 Forfeit, I wfli ferfeH $000 where I tall te tea yes hew to faadiMte anyone yos deews, w to take year eMmlea year friends, enae a epeedy aurrUfe wlta the ene ef year choice, aire res sned leek and awke yoe amcaaafol In esr bojlntaa. remove evil Infli sstte the eeparated. fin ye Iscby nosibera locate tbe earts'a beried tMasres, sattle the old estates tbat Hate ha pUced seyoad tbe lawyer'a mreydsaay and ppattlTVly ,aaults year teslBiai. . 10 a sl te 0 s. au Deny and . SIR FRANCIS DRAKE $0$H waialarfca Street, Fifth and Irasniagtoa Sta, The Olive. NIGHT SCHOOL Business College M10IL 3 flOIITllS. $13.00 TUITIOR. 6 flOimLS. S23.00 CUXX A3f SaTBOZA sTOir. . mmmrn fob oataMtTS. Mineral Springs To Wbom It May CenoerB-- I earn to th above springs a Aprtt $ to take treatment for my eyas. I bad a vary sever attack of eatarrh of the eyes, was almost blind after treating with the beat specialists that oould be found, and suffering for nine yeara. I have at last found a cur r at too FAMOUS TUSCAN SPRINGS, f eas not praise them too highly. I bop that other that are afflicted will glvs tsssn Boomtoo. OusniusMtiial Bldg- Portland, sfrrJCT Fatmar. at Farmer, Or was ured off rheumatism. If yon are sick writ to us; we will gtve you th nam end address of soma one sured of slmUar oomptolnt. Tvuosji Mliseral SerinfpCorp : VVSOASt, OA , -. . SBe FOB SOTTX.S OF frFOBUOX ABB OATABBB SAXjT. VYEINHARD'S City Kaigait aatd Blost OssaptoOs ' Brewery the BaitkoeaO, . Bottled Beer Specialty If. TB. OSoo IStb and Bars aid v PORTLAND, OBIXJON. . Tool ansineO toign m ywwtos xnno psodaably Oban fc$? todctna; s stoeaespOsdT nonra nr wa) Sliitkesi S ton pr woak Tjailalss ....0 bears pes? wasft Bngltob ......0 nens per woak XHtss illlay.m be" Sen oroak tojellrsg V.....1H asnav per wee AiiikuMo ....IH kofvg pr vat Skeind aatonlaOten.I haw peg woak , f TISCAN Brewery VEILCF MYSTERY tf the 1M.s- Otintykto : , - - Truce JUuji ana Pdaut ' PBOF. TAB 00BTL4VB Waaalagta gtreeC lOCMpteto Life RwerdlBgt tbr 1 Weok Only BO OBAAOB USLBSS , . SATUFAOTOmT. - vmv a mm m n ' -. la 7eat at obeas to eee the besa. " - ' FBOF. TABOOBTBABB. iHsiiig that many ef the beet elttaees f tola citr wtMld be only to aaxtoas- to eeamlt a good, reliable clairvoyant sad palmist If they were arst ssssred ef recefrlag some seseot, I tkMetore 0 aareby solealy agree sad gear aataa Wlrhoet say stekma kimledgs, sad asvtag as aatural amm ef knowing wbe yea are, wsese er tor what yea wbm, I will toll yew Ufe bat' trr tbaa yea can toll tt to me. 1 will eaS " ot CHaSOS YOU HOT ONI PSNWT. .' THIS II HONEST, Ig IT HOT? 1 Win give yea leek that wins eaeeees to tore, saarrlass. dlverae, apeealatloa. bnalaeae, bralth and traneaettons ef all glads: re rtora lost sffectlflne, eaase speedy and sappy marriages; reanlte the aa para tad; I will teD yes how to gain tae leva ef the eae yes deaire. evea thecgh sillet away; will toll Wke ssd Vbsa you win marry. 1 . . I will tell yes what elefcsass yen am OMBbtol with, and hew to ear it. Do yes wish to know fsets yes sbesM kmewt If ro a will sseeeed to year aodertafclsgs? If yea will make a ekaoge la bests! f yon will -win your lawssttl f your do mantle troubles will eaea and , If yo would obtain year ambition? If yoar land eontatas tnlnaral. el er gast if ye have eertalB tacky sayat f you are kwedf ... 1 If yea will saeeaed hi s Mfssslauf What toslBeee ram sfcoald feUewl - Wker to inveet U Bnsisiss i yo M In 2?- you are tacky to sjlatag sssmhi . It ihwat frUnda will aetnral IT If seat nwbles wiu awwsat sag sa san fa tore? la year kaWiaul er wife sBtroeT f- ' Has On denes rnai aisalli Ss SSSSK aslerade ef year besMl 1 Dees aaetber asar the tor tad atasnttoA tkat skoald beleag to yest ir se, eosto aaa leers a swm ena tnr resMdy that will dispel tbe dark etosds Sani lift the lead frost yenr aehlng heart. a great ere tbe power ef this msn that be eaa bring together t$e sweetheart, has. bend er wife wbe kav bees stragd by slaaderaas Hoexe a aw to n. m. wry sag PROF. VAN CORTLAND tU WaaMagtoe street; ako artvsto sacra asp fm nuts arretf. Pr W. Norton DavU. IN A WEEK We treat eseeeeefeny bB Brirata aerveai and fhreele diaaaaaa ef smb. also bleed, stomach. heart, -Urar. kidney sad ttreat tressle. W core BTrHiuLiB fwiUM. naweatf) w eny eared forerer, la 00 to 00 days, we tsaiiv BTRIOTUAg, witaeat syststtns r Sato, to we sen dMlaa. k msbM at estf asn. toMBegJately. We eas restore tte.sexaal vtae ef say man oaser an bv nMsss ef bmi Sraaa awst peeakar to assaslvaa. We Cart Gonwrhoea tn a Week The deetors f thto taetttato ere aS rerslat Cdeatee, have had mdt years experleaea, aeea knows la Portland far IB rears. bar a repetotios to BHtntats. and wtn ssdar- toke a eaea sales eartala ear M k e tortea. We gnerasto to ear to every eats w anator- ke er -hart" se fee. OBhealtaMos tree, tft re eeafldeatlaL faetrserlve BOOK FOB BBS Bta tied free la pfalp wrappar. , If yo eassot eB at ernes, writ tor eaas tie fassk. Beau treatsMst sseessafaL OS at Bears 0 to 0. end T to kotlaays, M to St, --('-:" . a toaatog eeart.nate to ths W . , antapiisses lass. , . ti Dr.W. Norton Davis & Co. Tsn Be aikt ST. 1 " Finn Streets. imuVO, OBBOrOaT. Portland ; Marble Works SCRANKTt Sj RBU. Manufaotnrara of and dealers la ail kinds of Marble Granite and , . SlooeWort Itotimates Otvoa Application. 268 HBT STBT Bet. Madison and Jefferson Stroats. POHTLAMIA Or. -m MEN AND WOMEH. I tIh Ms aa i f mtatam., I Ofachu-raa.taSMnaiatloat. OnaneKud m nrltatieae er alaeraitoss se h Mtc. ajaacMi nMsbranaa. rnpiaaet s mm, patoises, sad aet astrin aj ua m, seat er Mboseea awmntn j er emt la alnhi wi Clnalar saart rasfeft. V"!0, I St TO. let flc tf Wt 1 X I a rl K ' "jfr ""anl111 Vji"-! ana" ejrraunT OtMB SOW t all Deunatoen. - ralUTsr i I