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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1904)
TH OREGON AlLY" TOUftNAL, PORTLAWIX TtJFSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER SAIEII AEira EiSJ RIVER TLOT FI1MTER LAG .cCjVERKLICE 1 W A QUANDARY GCLMCE HAS : IN ALBANY jil FAIR RILL tm BEEN SUSPENDED . fQEXKIOT aUwATp. u arvsaj Tm Di i tw mas w " nun us r V (SiteaUl Dlesetcb W tW sereeM "i Vancouver, Wuk., Oct. 11. The polio ' viiumvwi mm In m. euandarr as te "whether Andrew Msttsoa of Karate to tiMatne, sutrject to fits or has been Japed. hUtteon wm picked uf aariy Uil moraine oa tM oi vaow w with Mir Pair overalls, thin shirt an hoe fo 1 sock cm th other. H wa taken th court house and confined in th oounty MIL Me told City htarehal Bte nu on being apprehended 1b Ma half clad imuh Chat be had flta yesterday and did DM knew what ha 414. H la a twwU and wnderstands UiUa English, while hla own artleulatioa of Baalish la quite broken. Ha waa placed la the county JaU o await further ovstl Clone. " 1 '.''.. Shortly after afattoon wA pieced IB Jail, A. I Cook of Best Vaooouw called at tha court house and Interviewed Deputy Sheriff Johnson for tha purpose of ascertaining tb whereabouts of a mas he wished to find, giving tha ax act description of Mattaon. Aecording to Cook's statement Mattaon oallad at hta house Uat night at about and asked to aloap in tha ham. Cook de clined to lot him alep I tha barm, but furnished him with bed tn the house Instead. During tha night Cook states th man got up and hunted through tha house until bo found tha water bucket; after getting him a drink b then returned to bed. Quietness than prevailed until about o'clock thla mora ine:, when Cook and bta wife war w k nniu in afsttaon's room. sounding aa though doaen men wera there. Mattaon waa later board to de scend the stairs and to out doors.' That waa the laat see, of bta guest until be found' blm la the city Jail. ' , . - v , Cook's anxiety to find Mattaon wss mainly du to the fact that Mattaon left hi coat, veat and footwear. Including a new patr of ahoea in hla room. It waa ralnlnr oo'te hard when Mattaon left Coek'e house, and Cook waa apprehensive lest the man would ctalU. and, for that teeaon started on an early search. To Cook during the night before retir ing ha at tad that he had been down to Xalama. where he bad earned MO Bah lns. and that the money waa In the buik. When ba was apprehended by City Marshal Bateaian, Mattaon Stated that he bad worked for .uke at Battle Ground, and had papers to show that his statement was true.-. ' The question h authorities ana now ndeavorins to solve la whether Matt aon to In his right mind. It la partly the belief that ha waa by some meana d ruffed for tha purpose of . securing htf money. He la apparently ta hts sound sense, and hla only vague statements seem to be In hla Inability to speak the Kngllsh Uaguaae aocurately. ... r Marriage license waa issued yesterday 10 WHUam S. T- Perrajm Mia SJdlth 11. gmith. both W VancouTer. Waah. Miss flmltb. being nndor age. bar father, Lewie C Brollh'a ooasest waa raceired by tha dltor. Baasd Adieuxna. . - ' -Tha eoonty eommtaaionerg yesterday finished up their quarterly work except tag th letting of the Smith bridge at La Canter. Tha board then adjourned until next Saturday, at which time they will reconvene for the purpose of open ing the bids upon that bridge. The bids will be opened at 1: o'clock In the afternoon, and .were postponed en account of a misunderstanding and the laok of time In publishing the bids. At the Standard theatre laat night tha prohibitionists bald a grand rally, the principal speaker of the evening be. 1 !ng Profeaeor A. B. Oellerman of Teno ns and the nominee for superintendent of public Instruction oa) that ticket. otrmrma: fAontt vnwnowt A wmo mrt- im ia:wat . m ,t gtU HUlAOaT Of MMW W9WM fedal Masatrb Is se leeraaL) - Oregoa City, Oct II. The bill for an ordlnanoa granting a franohiaa to the Southern Paotfla railway oa lUUroad avenue baa been superseded by another smbodylng many of lb suggeotiona of the eltlseoa' coaomlttee. The new ordi nance doea net eontata aU tha auggea ttons made, but to looked upon by tbe ooouaiuoe as a vaat lmprovament over tha old one. While It atlU cranta a franchise la perpetuity. It differs from the original document la 4b followlng rc specie: 1st. Tha eastera boundary of th grant la so located a sot U encroach on private property. a- T rtnitTtima to eetabllahed for tbe aommenoement of work on the pro posed subways, ia. within IS daya after th algning of th contract between the railway company and the Uy; and th tim in which Aba work Is to be oeas- jileted 1 limited to elx months. Sd xne rawwoy mtmpmuj ta maintain tha various subways. 4th.. Failure on the part oi in ra m AMniun to nerform any; or all Of tbe eondltlona of th ordlnanoa a hall work a forfeiture of ail nhts there under. Fifth Th const net ion, location ana relocation of tracks Is limited t the Maitt In thin ordlnanoa. Sixth If any part of this franchise shmlr encroach upon any private prop erty, than the franehtoa abaU be void a to such private property. . uaK.H nt h AiHrnii committee axpreaaed tbemaelvea as fairly wail et laflod with tbe new erdlnance except as to the word "perpetual" What actios, ir nr. will be taken by them Is un- IbAown. Had the francbla been re would have been done to proven ine passag of the ordinance In Ita praaent form, but many are of tha opinion that h. mv ha hatter Incur the ex Dense of constructing the team subway at Third street, than to grant a franchise 1m perpetuity. . - - - A letter xrom m nt ivin m Southern Padflo company to tbe mayor and council ears: "W now understand that as a result of agitation by outeldera we are to he asked to Increase the width of th foot ihnn from I to 11 feet, and that some other changes, which will Increase our expenditures very materially, will be suggested. These w consider un reasonable and would request tnei mess !,iar eeautrnments bo withdrawn. We bad hoped, by liberal expenditure and ea MMtanitation. to estabMah and main tain more friendly relatione with your people, and If we are km rainy is wis matter, I am quite sura auob result will follow; otherwise we shall ba com pelled to abandon alt of our plana for improvements o,t that plaoa. v W01 Meart Boom for ennei. - Thai iftrararowded condition Of thS OltT schools was discussed at a board moot ing bald laat night. Th proposal to root a portable buUdftng. will be aban doned If a room tan ba rented for tha accommodation of On grace, ine reni ins of a suitable room was placed In tha bands of th chairman of th board and the city superintendent. a .t It Inn was Hied In th OOUSty court yesterday asking for th appolnt- ment of Mrs. Mors tosieivr mm lstratrlx of tha estate or nor late nus- band, George L HostetUer. The es tate is valued at 91.100. Mrs. M. Hosklns, tnrougn ner nun- at W Gulhan. has filed S dS- murrer' to the complaint Is tha case of O. B. Dimlck against M. Hosklns, on th grounds that th rants states in tha Mimnlalnt are lnautnolat to ooa- stituto a cause of action. MATURE PLANS FOR '( BIG CHIEF'S FUNERAL (paclal mesa tea ta The JearaeL) alam 11 r Ctnt 1 1 Hna of tha CM- Ins evsnta of importance to be held In Cirwnn'm ntatennnliai and A nmoursor Of what will take place during tbe session of tha Lewis and Clark fair will ba the meeting- of tha national grange of the United States. Thar will be represen tative farmers from all over toe ubiiw AiAtAB in ai mitftaMtai At that meeting. and they wUl take back reports with them of what they eee. A. F. Miller of Setlwood earn vp yes- tenta in ana Internal of tha exhibit feature of the com lag national grange, which Is to meet In Portland on Novem ber Iff and continue in session for win alavn At Armorv balL Th national grange la mad up from delegates from ahA mtmtmm ha v In a alAtA ArSnaea. and fbach atats master and hla wife are the delegates. However, s large attendance la expected Is oddities, to the regular delegates. Arrangements have been mad with all tbe railroads entering Portland for spe- Ihnaa Attandlne. and It la proposed to have two or three excursions out from Portland duringine meeims It Is presumed there will b at least lit of the brightest farmers from aU over the union in attendance, And the etata grangers want to show them as much of Oregon aa may ba possible. On of the tripe pUnned and one that is almoat sure to fructify Is from Portland to Al bany, thane to CorvaSlla. whore th ag ricultural college promises tnem a omn- auet. and thence down th wast sio to Portland. This Is on of th most in structive trip. - - " The state grange i also arranging to twiia mail narritniltural fair In the armory tor th benefit of tbe Vlettora during the grange meeting, and tola Is what brings Miner aero ni urn nm. u. m lAAirtnn- Attar thlnaa to exhibit that wiU show Oregon's resoureea to the best advantage. They bare already arranged to got the exhibit from Linn, Washington and Benton counties, and probably, Marlon. They will amfl hav the State Agrtcul ihhJ aaiUMiuhiMt and also the ex hibit from the experiment farm In the - n.. . 1- a nml. m urana nonai. xnm iwi w - kv rnA LawU and Clark fair from Mrs. Wanda and Mrs. Jonea Will loaned them for thla exhibit " .1 (Sseetal Stssitm t Tbe Jearaat) BaatUa. Oct. 1L Tbe sanastlon cre ated s few days ao along the water front by the announcement that Cept A. C Smith of the barkentlae North west, now at Port Townaend. was miss ing and had probably been murdered, has bees exploded. According to Mate Stevens of the boat,' Smith la apeedlng over the oountry toward the etata of Michigan, where ba baa a wife be has not seen In years. , - BKPAaITZB V OBJMbtOlllOUSXiTa (kseelal Dfeaatdl Tha Jsarnal.) " It one burg. Or., Oct 11. J. T. Krebury, who has been running a restaurant known aa tbe Headlight ta thla place, de parted yesterday, leaving behind him to ta the shape of bills, about half of wbioh la du a grocery firm. His wife loft blm about two weeks o after a quarreL after swallowing a doo of hto danum, which ah claimed she took by mistake. From bora ah wont to Port land, where her mother Uvea. onT sb MAjfas, ' ' (Spwi-J tHaeete to tbe 7earasL k . Kia math Fall a. Or, Oct. 11, Th Oounty clerk yesterday found that th petition filed Saturday asking for A lo cal option election contained the names of only l level voter, while II Is aeo essary to sail aa election. SinrDAT BSmSaTI XaAW TAXIS, . " fSpselsl napalm ta Tm asaraal.t Taooms, Waah., Oct. It In the case of Oi state against Bergfeldt. Judge Snetl of tbe superior court, held the Sun day law closing barber a hope on that day to be valid. (Scmu Dawatcb Tbe Jo-reel,) Maanilam Waah.. Oct. 11. PlattS are being matured for the grand ceremonial runami nf chief Joaeoh. Only a few In diana have returned aa yot from the bop- fields, but others are on toe roao. vrnsn k. ha4 man of Joseph's surviving band return a council will be held and a data aet for a- period of mourning' ana a gen arel pbtlatch. . Indiana from the Flat hatau Man Pnrcna. UmaUlla. Colvlll and Spokane reservaUoBS wlU be present Th ceremonies wnicn are uppoonn h land tbe dead leader In the happy hunt ing-ground will ba witneeaea ny many fell. nannlA an tha OOOOItUnlty fOT 000- anh a AtkMtnelo will nrobablr never again occur In th lives of moat of the present generation, and ruture genera tions Will snow ox it aeuy oranHnory. - . CHEHAL1S BURGLAR K CIYEN FOUR YEARS (IawIaI Dteeefe. The Jesraal.) ' ChehaJto, Wash, Oct' 11. Louie Baker, who was caught In Olympis k tow days aa-o br Sheriff McClarty, In company with J. P. Cogdlll, aa escaped trusty from the penitentiary, pleaded guilty be fore Judge Rice and was today given aentenoe of four years la the peniten tiary. A month ago Baker bulglarlsed Han sen's Jewelry store at Centralis, taking about 1600 worth of stuff. Most of thla he cached away, but some on took It from whore he hid It About III worth of his plunder was found In his and Cogdlll'a possession when they were captured at Olympla. Thla la Baker's second offense, he having but recently returned home from eervlng a year's aentenoe at Walla walla. , Saaaumx? to a Oontaclens Plaeaee Oaa as by a Mieieba. NEWBRO'S HERPICIDfc The OBXwZVAli iedy tbaS kma tbe alrS ! JlMrwm'fl HareMo ess eosie ten late. Tf the daadniff Biicrabe has aeauorea tae hns fnllVlM and kit th Md bal4 and Min ing all ivsMdlas are rTnlHia But. Uhe tae hnml ii hiiwiim en aim wane un G-OINGM GONG III i UKt THE PARDON etfll resialBa la the folHries, tbe hair It frees trots disease sad b-gloa itaiiataral trnwth agala. Don't BeffWt danilrnff et tlllog hair. Waaderfql rMoHa follow the aeo of HarplHAe.- It la so etqnlalu Kalr draalag. Stosa Hehieg ef the enb U- tant l. i i ' g i WSl Save t. narnlslii iiihlll, WOI save ta. Tat lavts ft mmm,1Um Um4m.UMBm.wwtttClH O.. lest. I. jesfc. Wkk.. far ismyii awwx.TctArfows t rmAtmuumm mm smofb. tm MAJCZaTS MATtOSTAZj ai uiQUiurm swo- rknn of tha most important eases that baa been before the etata circuit court for some time waa decided yesterday by judge George H. Burnett In department No. 1 in this City,, TOO case was mw fantMii wrhaat oaao. the outcome "Of the Are which burned thb, property of th OaiAtn flnurlnar mills In ll. and was entitled y George O. Savage aasJnst the Salam Flouring MlUe ca, ana waa oe cided la favor of the plaintiff. .Savage begun th suit to recover th value of oertalB lots of wheat delivered by va rious parties to the Balem Flouring jsiub Co. during the years of 1IM and and waa the result of th fir which, on September II, 119 1 eofisjjmed the company'a plant In tm city, i ns oom platnt Sled by the plaintiff was com posed of U further-and separate actlotio, representing aa many eiairaa, au oi which bad been sawlgnod to Savage. TkA aaa hnarvl an Jul V- a. and T. last, before Judge Burnett wlfhout a jury. In pursuance wf a stipulation oi tha parties and the jneenl of the court gnilBaV SZtOPIaAT OS . OABSOaT Oxjtra 7ob (gssrlal Dtopatei I The JeenwLf Hood River, Or., Oot. 11. Bverythlng Is in readiness for th sixth biennial Hood River fruit fair, which opens Thursday of this week and oontiouee three day a The apples la the orchards of the valley have colored ap aioely and the display of fruit thla year la ex pee tad to surpass th five preceding splendid dlaplaya. The Oregoa Proas association WlU also meet st Hood River Friday and Sat urday of this week. Tha rooms of the Commercial club will ba thrown open for the headquarters of th newepaper fra ternity, and for too business aaeetlnc of the association. . On hundred Orge editors have a nouneed their Intention to attend tho Hood River meeting. President Moor head Of tbe Junction City Times has pro pared a good proe; ram, which Includes, an ad drees by Henry B. Reed of tbe Lewie and Clark corporation, who win tall something of th HOC fair. Batovrnor T. T. Qeer, now editorial writer on tho Salem Statesman, wilt deliver aa ad dreea on th influence of newspapers. W. a. Ollstrap of th Bugns Regular wiU gir th "Sweets of Newepapar Ufa," and Walter Hogs of tho For est Orovo Times, the "Bitter.- Mrs. Abigail Scot; Punlway wlllteU of "Wo- r. 'Ta: Mannlnc. bound ovor recently to answer to th circuit court for plck tnr tha noekets of Rimer Kin August 11, the day Rlngllng'e circus was hero. pleaded guilty yesterday ana waa sen tenced to nay a fine of flOO-or go to Jail for lift dava. ho evidently choosing tho Utter, .as the fins to net yot paid. t inn of tha Paaae H. H. Turner to day bound over C. J. Ryan, Arrested on Saturday as Roeeburg on a charge of i man tw hntiea. to sopot before the circuit court under 9100 bo ode which be gave with F. P. Talklngtoo and Oeorge Patterson aa sureties. - INCORPORATE NEW ELECTRIC RAILWAY v (Bperiet &kpeteh to Ta JeamaL) .Independeaos, Or- Oct 11. Articles of Incorporation were filed today by J. ht Stark, Dava Calbreath and C L. Fltchard for the "Independence and Salem MUectrle Railway company," with tho piece of bualneea located at Inde pendence. Th capital stock of tbe In corporation to llOO.frO. divided into 1,000 shares of a par value of 1100 a share, . The object purposes and busi ness of tho corporation is to construct and equip railroad, telephone and tele graph lines from Indepcndenoo to Salem, with branch lines as may bo necessary, as selected by th board of directors. Tho Hno to be operated with steam or electric power, or both. - , MANY ANXIOUS TO GIVE GIRL A HOME . fgaselat Disss tek ta The JMral.)i Seattle, Oct 11. Belli Moody, the 14-year-old girl who two weeks sgo .ap pealed to Superintendent of School Cooper for a noma after oho had been refused tooth at her own horn and' the Industrial school because no one can do anything with- her, ess hav all tho homes shewiehea. - A doaen offers hav been mad to Su perlntendent Cooper to take the girl by residents of the atats. and one woman in Pennerlvnnla has wind to make no dis position of tho child until he received her letter, aa she wants bar cuatody. No award will bo mads until all tho homee bavo been thoroughly Investl- gated. tniAw ruui tnxTT. ' rtWMal Tllaaali a at The Journal. 1 , Pendleton, Or., Oct 11. John Wallet ala. am Indian, was allowed to Dlead guilty to g chars of simple assault In th state circuit court u yeeteroay afternoon and was fined $60. Wallets! was arrested about two months ago. charged with assault with a dangerous weapon. He entered a plea of not guiHr st the time. H struck Albert Jensen, a wtrlte mas. on tho head with a rook. In flicting a oertooo wound. ' ' , - n i' " AAVOOKOaV SHORTAGE OF CARS ' ' : JAY CAUSE FAMINE ' . n' : . - - - :.. -i - (Speetal Ptojitm t The JeoraaM ' Taooma. Oct 11. An appeal for 10 cars a day, coming- from North Taktms hay and produoo shippers, has bees re cclvoA at Northern PaclOo headquarters hero. Tho oommunlcatlon is addressed to C. M, Levey, aaa latent to Preeldsnt EHIlott, who to now lb St Paul. He bas been ad-zleed of the action of North Taklma shippers, but has not yet replied. Tho document acts forth th seed of oars, tbe -present etrlngency and tbe looses that will ba entailed on shippers. Commission men - refuse to buy and shippers are unable, to QU orders now oa their books. Wheat shipments from tho Sound oountry are now inonopollslng tho ears of the Northern PaclOo, and unless re lief t had from other ecu rose there may bo a famine In potatoes and hay. Local cfnclala. eey they are dotngr au m their power to relieve the strtsswneyv They are borrowing cars from other lines, but cannot meet th demanda upon the road. WILL TESTIFY-THEY HEARD CRY FOR HELP 'V ifaveela. Bbwalw to The sesraatt-V - -s Seattle, Oct, 11 Tho polios detectives Working oil tho Wfluun Oehler murder mystery have found two men. Whose names they are keeping in reserve, who will testify at tha coroner's Inquest Thursday that oa Monday night Octo ber S, tho time Oehler to supposed to hav been killed., they beard cries of Help four blocks from where tho body pas found. -Early on tho same morning testimony Will be produced to show that three men la an express wossa drove down First avenue and stopped on tho bridge over the tide flats near where Oehler" body was found. . ' . . PROMINENT CITIZEN V . OF MONDOYI SHOT X "fSmlsl Maaatm to Ta fearaaL . SeatU. Oct 11-Alfred Lone, a wealthy eitlaoS of MondTt shot Hy Gunning, one of tho moat prominent cltlsana of that place, In front of tbe Lincoln County State bank yesterday. Ourmlng will probably die. The men have been at log-gerhead for seme time Long entered tho bank a short time before the ehootlag and de clared to too cashier that Ounnmg was waiting for him outside. Ho later went out of tho bank and th booting began. MOUNTAIN LION IS V ? ' KILLED ATTACKING ' .'4' fSaaaal fnaaatab to Tbs loersal) Taooma, Wash., Oot. 11 T. A. Wright of Sumner, Wan while bunting near Bavtonvllle. on the Tacoma A Eastern Miimaii if aa. nttot and killed tbe larseat moustala lion ever seen In this part of tho country. The animal measures) v foot from tip of nose to tip of talk it was a luckr shot for Wright. Tho Hob bad Wiled a deer and waa lying upon Its prey when he first saw tha beast. Th animal turned upon the hunter and waa about to spring when Wright Sred. the Hon falling dead, with a bullet 1s Its brain. Wrlgbt brought too skis to Ta ooma today- f RVBTAWAT anriarrxiJl A FTTTSSTiR O OsTDTTWlTS. ' ' tsptetal Maya tea to Ta JearaeL) Albany, Or., Oct 11. William Flts--..a tt atahbina two men at Waterloo, in this oounty. ta a quarrel at a dance last Friday and arrested Sun day, to in the county Jell here awaiting th actios of too circuit abort He waa arraigned In th Jostio oour ax v hatM vaatAMiA v Afternoon, waived examination and was held under H.eOO raiiaHaa a oawail a farmer residing soar Berlin, it miles east of Lebanon, tha aamrtalBi. committed BUlOtdO 1 his barn Sunday sight by shooting him self through tho mouth, rowan m in. an. m a ntnMar. Ma WSS It yOSTg Old, h wife evtns; died a year ago. He rOOOntly nag anuinaniBn . hvu.- ka aitiiaA at rjelbort Devlne and his daughter, a girl under II years of ass. The ease was settles oy a as-x-rlage between Devine sad ths girl, tha . a.blna. aalAaiA In Walla WalU, where the two v had met whUe Devlne was out oa haiC This, seebted to pry on Powell's mind. . - Meavy Saatm ran. a Hla ntMrna vnatordav and i. . niaht has thoroosrhlr ssturatod this portion of tho valley. The rain asesaad to bo general and the farmers rwpor that ft hss dons s great deal of good. Tho dru store ef Harvey W. Davis at Hal say hag been attached upon a sun In which tbs Blumauer St Frank Drug; eompany of Portland la tho plaintif f. DEPUTIES PLACE SMITH OS RILL Of STTATBM3MTS. v i vy thm Kin! Tod Hsntw Always Borjwht, snd which k4 besmN la asw fur ra 80 ycsvta mmm trorne tarn slttrira oC , mtid hsd) boea rjossdo tmder his ptm sons! soporlsloa slnos Its iiifxaaWA jf AIlaTWIM Oabd) tO deOCBTC) TOU ill thiSs M All OoontaiisatA. ImltsLostS svad M JliaUa-tTOtwl' aVr b JaxiMbTliMt. that trifla with and mdaarr tha liaalth af .JLUaaaVmtw sUUl IIUIlAawlgrpSaTleMICa safhlllSt Bl9arllBats t IVhat Is CAST0RIA' O-storla ta m IxannlMS sabartota ftw Osator OH Pmw .. ' drorto, rops and SootLxtiis; Mjnp I -, I mtaiiis sbelthr Oplom Axtorpliliia mam mQktm Hmrootim gsabstanocw Its a Is lta gTiaraatnti It dea troys Vorni . ; ad allay- Fereili-veas. It aurea IMarrhofia and Wubd : ' Cotlo. It ntitrtas Taatlilaa; TraaWa, rordl Ooaseaaattosi ; , aad Ftatnltaacys- It assimllstaa tha Food, asraiaas tha , , Mtataaeh and Btywals. sarins; hmMbj vad msauisl a-Mf ; Taa CliUdrs Ascsa Tha Uatlidr friaiida . CINUINK CASTORI A ? ALWAYS Beaxt thm Blgnrntox of -v-r - s ' ' lta Kind You Hare Always Bought , In Use Fqr Over 30 Year. .ni-.a.l m.,m. sot aaTuaasa. ' t RsfNlal IMspatch to The Joarnal Pendleton, Or., Oct. 11. Ward f an ker, the 10-yeur-old lad who ran away from homo Thuraday becaua bis moth er whipped him, was returned to Pen dleton yesterday.- He was located In Spokane. Th boy la email for his age, and says be eat" his way to Spokane on a basimir-enr. - fttaartsl masst-a to tbe Joereal.) - Rneeburg. Or.. Oct 11. Oeorge Davis has been taken to th asylum pursuant to an order by the count yVourt Hi In annttr waa reused by taking patent med- Ilrln containing alreho). whtrh lost him his reason so completely that he knew ao thing aad Wa4rd around ! I Two "VV!ays Have you noticed s " dltTlcalty In breathing short, quick breath when you are walking, going up stairs, sins Ins, or are angry and excltedT You may not think what this means, but doctors .will Mil you It meana weak heart action. Tak Dr. Miles New Heart Cur st onoa. It will strengthen and build up the weakened netvea and mnaclea of the heart, and make It strong apd healthy. t 1 This Is one wsy tbe right wayv I Neglect It a little while, and you win then notice Fluttering. Palpitation, Du llness, Fainting Spells, Tln In region of heart, side and shoulders. Stomach and kidney troubles. Thla Is serious. It 1 -the other way th wrong way. Dr.MllesHetAitCur la a safe, sure remedy, nd ta curtng Heart dlseaee right alone, as thousands Will testify. I had enlargement of the heart. The doctors said Icould live but a ahort time. I took Dr. Miles' New Heart Oure, which reetored me toperfect health.' A. 11. BASSETT. Wellington. Ohio Money back U Srst bottls falls to sossAt, . -. -, W nntna tha atrill bv DeOUtr 8he ina amaai and rvtntaiui vastetrdr after noon, John Smith, the painter, accused of tbe murder of Ous aiwuor. ooniea em phatically having any thing- to do wi the crime. His story waa .marked by a number of admleeioas In part of things which he to said to have dons after at first denying them vigorously. ' Smith admitted that ha believed bis boy's death eras duo to hla wife separat ing from him and going into -. amp basement to live. Jie aais so mameu naiiaa fna thia bat bad navoT told any body about It. That ho bad been on tho east side within tw months ho denied from Srst to last. ' Tbs sight tbs murder was eosunitted. Smith asserted, be went V vaudeville theatre and afterward to the Ldnooln saloon, from which plsoo he proooeded to bis room wnicn- no snarea wiut sat. rtlaaaa Thla avnanava tin WOuld awoar that ho was with bar at tbs Unas tho murder was oommltted. Smith was not oertaiB ho oould secure other wlt uaaaa tA nmVA fA sltbl but beliSVed th landlord had seen him enter tbe house that sight and also that persons living in a room near hlmy could testify to his bavins been there. Tho prisoner, ad mines nAving- iiwunts with Crawford, who h sajd had tried a. ana hi ma tn m na nnn of thS doCkS and settle their troubles by a fislie argument. He said ba bad avoiaes anyuuns oi wo kineV' afiaa Wava Smith, tha aoeuaed man's RdaughUr, vleltad him at ths county Jail yea t a rosy, sna aaserieu nor 0111 in uim When taken Into Justice Baton's oourt this momlDg. John Smith pleaded not guilty to tho charge 01 sustaining- im proper Seiatlons with Mrs. M. Olsaa. Tho woman entered tho same plea. Their trial was set for Thursday morning. When Smith returned to the oounty aii hta rtauathtar. Navs. waa awaltlaK him. Their sreetlnji was aSeetlonato. "Sis." asserted smitn, piscina one arm a his daughter's shoulder and tho other . ui attMn'a. hla laul la amlaar tn bo your motbef' In tho future I am go- tns to try to get a iioanaa sna snarry her tomorrow. . I Want yon to treat her wll.- v Tho two womea fell vpoa each oth org nook and wept. Tho throe remained ta conversation for a ahorb time, until tho prisoners were sent to their ell - ' ' Jesmal Special Snrrlee.) ' - ' "Bnth. Me., Oct,. 11. The battleship Oeorgla, built for tho United States Navy, was sooceosruiiy isuacn 1 11 oa tho Bath iron Works today. Th Ooor- a. a arfatAV Ah In Of thS NSW JerSCV and Virginia, now bonding; Is of 14,141 tons displacement; sna wui em Mias Stella Tata, daughter of Con greasman Csrter Tste of Georgia, ss the ship glided down tbs ways, brok a bottle of American champagne , over ths bows and named tho vee seL (Jecrsal Spec 1 fcerrlea.) - AtiMen. in.. Oct. 11. Th annual con vention of tho Illjnole Stat Federalton of Lavbor, which began Its session In Aurora today, bids falr-to bo on of tho most Important meetings In tho his tory of tbe organisation. Delegates are In attendance from the local braochoa throughout tha etata One of the chief topics of discussion will be ths convict labor tow. - : ' . pax , h m t aaarxax ps it. was tJoorssl sV il Servtca.) ' " Buffalo, N. T.. O" II Th National Assoc let ton of Paint, Oil end .Varnish deslera began Ita seventeenth annual meeting In Buffalo today. About 109 dealers from New York, Chicago. Pitts burg, Baltimore, Cleveland, Detroit and other eltlee Are In attendance. A .dls ousslson of various measures looking a tha nlnaer arotectlon of tho Interest a of the trade will occupy the business saswaaaBnwas ' 1 :' . iTr ; il 1 lwsetwewwilselOA : r M L M ;' - II ' lwaAUu-agkPfnist-Maarf fl " I Vi rl . f - ' 1' 1 dtaMfl af It I talak l'4)MaaM , mw s si ' w - m a 1 1 a a . a 1. B w-naa mm -m .. ..4 - l"ba ,, ?f u - M lif latalos S as ; mmmm" tXL aVrV- -.1 C-u.vnas,.., , ' f Tins . .,H,,.f ' I Saa't aai hew 1 sat tkant, Mea4, set whea I aM a atrihSi ll'a bm ar eU M. Leah Jatf ta It (iS UM rika. BaHaa ef tfts 1ks," by WaHac Irwla. C !"' I by . , aEsiUst' Weakly. T by irslasia . Sft7M To St Louis cad Rstam : V -J v ,' ?- The Rock Is nd System offefs two natm v to rat World'! Fair Ckr -via 6c P-aW ; VTt--tmJUi sad througti Scenic Colorado. V TvochsBftf to Sc honh sai : ' fit PgnJ 10 SU leads. r. ' :y . i U .?J ; Fea A. H. HcDsstsv Osssral Am"- I I t .a) 3rd Street, oar. Alder Streot, 7 V THE ORDER OF WASHINGTON STARTED waOT;)?-;L?;; v b 1 Trc a or rnoorrxi v n Arn mf I , falmla VVIllliaV ILI WtWLl ... 1 'Good tourwx Furniabed to Men and Women Who J Jj-.i-Cmn Pm Required Examir '-. ALL VVHJ ARE WOER THE AGE Of SIXTY CAN JOIN "V . Ifyoa want ths beat fiaarnsl bisurancs in tha world, to westlgats tbs pisrjs of Tbe Oi of VVm for fnU per- ticulafas pampbssta. etc saldress. girinf yoar sge t rrrwTfT.i aw aa v , 1 613 Msrqaero Bldg txttsnd Ora. seealons of the convention. Stop For Colllas Hot Springs, ately i A covered nlstform 'has besti erected by the 0. R. N. immediately opposite nnlllna Hnt Sniinara for tha aooommoda- tlos of passengers Who desire to visit this resort. Ths Spokane Flyer, train I and 4, stop at this point oa flag to take on or let off aeasengera A oosn modlous launch aieets snd carries all paassngers and baggage across tbs river to ths hoteL ffhs Only Oaw. ' . ' From th Chicago Nws Ths piano practice of A Slrl IS snslc to fear soother !,. . . . When It Comes to Colors WelL the man who can select a necktie that will please his wlf ta a worl- der. We pleas th wive of thousand of men with our selection of a colors out men, mess you. we gvs insm a onoicn ot iwir nuifrmi a perb colors In plain house palnL Ths paint that won't come off made a in our own Portland factory apeelatly for thla climate eold under the X moat libera) of guarantaea Color card maUed en receipt of sostai sard' Z request. . " - n . T . , Fisher, Thorseri &. Cq. ; isa ia, km wmornm a mmsr. - 00a. wmornrn asra st' -J mi i A 11 I - - -MV 1 1 ta .w The Portland : 1 ' 1 AatosVsa Has - $3 Palwrwai taysFiJ . t WnQtUaTTW PO TOUthTrs' AJSf MStaAV TaUVHaastS annetnl earns ntadA tn fan n tea asat naOxT aontlecGea. ' A ui odets jb. Ui am w aaa X OOVB OF " (Jearaat awaetal SarrWa.) San Dleso, Cel.. Oct 11. This elty Is (11 led with vialtors who are here, to attend ths annual session of tbs high court. Independent Order of. Foresters. The various branches of ths order throofjhout California are represented by. several hundred delegst, anany. oi -Ulaa sad lawtg asst BrsaaV whom are aoeompanled by tnetr wrres and famUies. Tho sessions will eotf tlaue several days sad will bs presided over bf It K. Wersehllas, of Los Aa gslest blajh on let ranger. . n ij n- 11 e i T