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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1904)
; T . CT I DAHY r SAL, FCTIXAKIJ, TT' "DAT IV 7INQ, OCTOBER 11. It04, ' I "THR DIP PER if NT SOL-Tt OPh,fKH AQEPfTS Distributing rt for th Premier American Home of the "Quick Meal" Cooking Range. De- PORTLAND'S BEST v 1.-0 tsOWTT AV"nt c trf rT r , . FOR T V LD . '-J Core!, the ROtfAL WORCESTERS Salons troit Cook Stove and Houa HeatereThlrd CARPET SALESROOMS j 5TOKC , FAMOUS bwWN a T SILKS In Ann Socond floor, , ; , Floor. Libber's Famous Cut Oka. : , v HERE ON FOURTH FLOOR ;. QUALITY ; 5 IC? The Home of 1 ' ' " ; ,, . . , .f ' v MAIL YOUR ORDERS. . a-i I ;w ry , , v 1 The Horn of: - f liS'. TT- i H not convenient to come to the itorebop by mail. AU i f a r - ' fln . I Authoritative ( 'A i. "n' friVJ' ) order filled promptly by expert ahopper . Leading mail order I 1 kQffJl1J1tb 1 Authoritative . , . ; $JJ,U a- my. ' house on the coaat. New Fall Catalogue free for the-asking. J AJ$ XW I 1 Fsshfont w 1- '11 so Wfiu or . . U , m- , , a 4 t Fwions , Dashkg Forward Colored Dress Goods Prices - Are Down Quantities Will Go OutTottxwTOW OOLOJtBD DREM'GOOD ' , - SLAUGHTERED FOB , :.f- .' WEDNESDAY. ' Our rapular 41.14 ea 41.44 Truth 'Camalahalr en tlballnee, m plain. attverad, fancy 'strip en lfMh -. ehette effeete. m u the follow - ln eelore: Navy, pv. mola ; akin. Oxfords browna. oaatore. ton, plant, purple, white; wrdtMl en -ehampacne, torn tomorrow . Dln epeeial. ynr., ...... 01.40 Oar rapular 11.44 quality Franch Camalahalr, tore mi above; apo elal for tomorrow onlr, ' yard ........ .,.-......00 Our l.H quality Franco Broad-' W olotbs. food waht wlib rloh .luaUrons flnlsh, ul pur woei mat par ttjr, ft, teefaae wlda, vrf etrMt aelor in th . mortoMBt; r apaetaj (or tomarraw voir. kud ; Oar ll.M euaJlty aUk and wool-Pop. Ua Ghana, Ctapa a Pna and all wocd Votla. all avaatB and atraat oalora la tha aaaortmant tha aaeat raanlanahla tebrla atowa K tor awall ajoatasMai apaotal Par to aaorrow oaly, jrax ! AW A Dash, and a Leap Ahead of Would-be Competitors I Business ! The remarkable apecial value Included in this second week of October collecting relegates into insignificance the so-termed bargains of other stores. 1 Goods ' of superior quality everything bearing the ball-mark and guarantee of this RELIABLE store, no matter what the price may be. No merchandise here of uncertain make or quality in order to make an alluring price possible, THE OLDS, WORTMAN ft KINO STORE is giving such service as Portland never dreamed of. It has steadied and equalised prices on a plane of helpfulness to the public. The old plan was, "Some things cheap, some things a hundred per cent or mor." This A store possibly has not kaaened the average prices of "leaders, but it haa ended the days of the hundred per cent profit on anything. The store grows constantly stronger In stocks the assortments of goods No store in the world has more far-reaching trade connection. Three continent are searched for their best pro duct to bring home to Portland folk We are the recognised authorities on dress in Portlandand in every line represented under the Olds, Wortman fic Iking roofs our business exceeds by far that of any dther store in the northwests W can, meet your demands and well make only such promises as we can keep. ... CORRESPONDENCE . COLUMN In anawar ta tONV KKIMKCB," wm would aap: t Wbr.-eartainlri It ! wiernea oonranUnC for you to hava aa aa ount at thla atora and why notf It ooata aothlna. It makaa abopptn aaalar. Wad aotvallp RATHER pow'd pay pour aaeount In a lump oaea a month than at tha ooantara Prieaa ara tha aama. oaah or eradlt, and yea bara ararp prtTllaa of eaah ouatdknara. Tan. lodoad ypp toava tha advantapaa of avarp apaolal aala, of aouraa - why not? And thaapoa oaa phona ar aand tha pounpatar to tha ator for .paar purehaaa. To may pick op a papar and aaa aaaaa thin yo naad advartlaad at a apa olal priea. Httaband forpot to laava anp Bionap homa. Aa aooouat laada pon out of that difficulty. Juat phona an aay Caarpa It" Twill so oat to your houaa aaxt-dallTary. Saea about -it. ' . thji tjarorr MAW, , ... - t . . Third Floor. ' V Now Buy Bum bcrshoots " As Our English Covins vWbBdrXatt;Em.:The American is Umbrellas 1' First Floor EM lr ImJS I Tha Awtaai rain ara ' aara; aooiar days and lonpar aiphta. Tha ion Jolly Win tar la all ahaa and In Oragoa had II with toy. No wondar, ' 4 for - - roaaa - will . felooat l thla for-, Ula hrd -not hitm I ,aadp. , ur oar - aoau ara oaalaaa to A -tha Oraponlaa bat ttmhrallaa Indlapaa- ; aabla. . Bvaryona ahould wo two; atharwlap Uia lona , umbralla la. aura "7 always to ba at tha rraa an of tha v routa whaa wantad. tosat ws om . on . v" Annual Aaturrm Sale of Umbrta--oniali Tha baat aaaka of mabrallas hi Aatarlea. Thay ara tha produot of ona af tha, laadln aaatora faotorlaa ' mada oa honor, for aarrloe. rartioulailr adaptad to tha oonatant avarp dap waar pi ran tham nndar tha oilmatla oondltloaa pravalaod hara. Tha baat rada af noaUriala In tha oovarlns, tha Uphf aot. moat durabla Parapoa (hollow) frana, tha baat add atroapaat aprlnpa, beat awadpaa on hmndlaa and flnaat aalao tlon of tha handlaa tbamoarvaa . Tha ahapa and taaalon, alaaa rapvlar. aawin atrtmp pat Ona, and otaar airaoat andlaaa raar aona for aarrpln tha . ( , Chhdran'a ll-laoh Colonlaia Chlldrati'i flaa tl-lneh polonlal to...$9.5vi MBIM IfUHl WIOTM . . Colonlaia $1.00,. fl.BB, SI. SO Ladloa -lneb Taffat Colon Ula Sl.OO. S.SO, SS.OO Ladlaa ti-lneh SUM Unbrallaa . la Mack and aolora V.... Sl.Bo Man'o -!nch SI. BO to S2S.OO Ladlaa Uatbrallaa la aaakat, mp to 93S.OO V r irih Si UJ) ." J- . IN THE Linen Store and Waist ing Shop , rntsr FLOom. ;v-;, SOUS BAM BABOAINS . , ' IN AIX GOOD TABU ItlKBKS. ' . . An tha knowtap woman wont hava any but tha pood aorta around har houaa. Tbat'a why OLDS, WORT MAN A KINO'S Unn Stara la 00 popular prloaa and qualltlaa alwaya rlpht. Juat now wa'ra halplap aur " folka to prapara tha Thankaptvlnc Ublaa prlea balpa like thaaa bains . twad. All tbat'a baat In Llnana la hart, haadad. of oottrva. by that boot make tn the woria RiCHARDflorr . BKLFAST IRISH LININi Wa offar unparailala opportanlUaa for hay ara. tha tImaUnaaa of which la bayond quaatloa, for tha aupplyln of avarp , naad nraoont tfr future at a lowar prloo than obtainable olaawhara. Run : throuph t'ja effarlnpa Table Clatho, Lunoh Olotha, Trap dotha, Napkiaa, Danaaka bp tha yard, Dolllaa all at ppaolaj prloaa, , -. , y w j Rapulir . valuaa of t t-lneh Oamaakai apaohU thla weak at. the p Sl.SS Rap. IK.oe doa. Dlnnar Napklna to jnatoh; apaeUl at, dosan SwSS A nmall lea only about 71 doaan of -alaa Napklna, tha baat valuea avar ahown or aold In Portland at tl.Sft doaan; apaolal at SS.S4 plain Batln Paaiaab Luaeh Clotha, 41 Inohae aquara, baat M.IS va uaa. a amall lot only; whlla thay laat, apaolal at, aaeh RUDBPRHA Dfl PHill-Slaa Croohat Spraada, la bandaoma Maraalllaa pattarna. rapular II. ! valua; apaetai at !. run-Staa Croehat Spraada, folly frlnpad an ant aornara, aapaalally adaptad tor braaa bade, rapular ixga raioaaj apaouu una waap at . - . . ... .4... .Sl.SS IMORSj NSW AUTUMN AND W1NTHJI WAISTINOO tH. .,' Cotton Draaa Oooda ara now worn In the oeldar awntho alaioat aa niuab a In turn mar. Tha oottona ara ao pratty, aa wall aa elaanly. It la amall won- ' ar that woman ellnp to tham ao, an majiufaararara hava made It paaatblo to waar thaai all yaar by ineraaalnc tha wotpht. Now thay bava warmth aa wall aa baautyi and whara tha marcartaara art aaa baan broupht Into play tha oottona look wonderfully Ilka aliaa. W oaa hint hut hrtafly of the now rood a. Battar I at tha arao taka in tha haautiaa an the naat ahopptna trip. And than thara'a now Swlval Oranltaa. Suada Plannala, Franrh Plannala and Embroldaratl Mnhalra. tn all whlta and plain eolorlnsa, to divide attention, t Sao the window ahowln thaaa Tim ORBAT aPBdAI WBDNBSDAT SALB OF Women's Underwear ; v'-- FIRST FLOOR.. T7a FOR WOMXN-8 HKBRODB UNDERWaVAJI WORTH l.oe. ; Woman'a WMte an Silver Orey Jaroay Stlbba , Vaata. Faato and Tlphta, U wool, the fhmoua : 'laaroeV Undarwaar. tha baat ll.M valao In too , attp; apaaial for Wadnaaday, parmant. ...TT WOMP3TS tJ M TJNDBRWBAR a. ' Woman'a SwIm Rlbhad Worato Vaata and Fante. white an atlvar pray, rap-11.09 value; apocial. 'aaa . LPS FOR WOMBOr tTNIOIf StTTT WORTH SS.1L Womaop Btaaeta TJnioa Suite, la aftror pray, - tonp alaavaa, ankle lanpth, half open front an 1 epan aeroea boat, rap. I1.TI. vaiuoi apaolal for H yPadnoaday only, aaoh 91.SS - ' Me FOB WOMBOrS Me UNDBRWRAR. . Wonao'a Craam Tinted Oataoa Vaata and Panto. Croat tee oalaoi apootol, oaok SS . ' WOMBNS VBT FOB te f4 . A blp Una of Womoa'a Madluaa Waicht Cotton Vaata 1 astro apaolal at, aaoh B0 V ' Need Petticoats ? Tomorrow for the $2.75 Sort o v- this vat nrrnunT. , -' , . . . ANNBOC-CBOOND FLOOR. I Wadnaaday wa ahall plaaa oa aala la tha Under msalla Aaaaa a lot oi . Ladlaa Uoek PMtloaeKa la marOaiiaad aatmo end moraan ombroldorlns. tha BUto Pattloaata nwda oapaoially for at out Apuraa In a roat variety of atyiaa. rtpuiar (Ml; epeeial at ......... Sa.Sf ART SHOP STBC1AL SMOONP FLOOR. V Larp Taaaala for aornara of ouahiona tn varle- atad eoloro, rapalar PS aa 4o par oat of 4: aptalaj at, a not of. 4... ....... et of 4a ..aS) THE PANAMA CANAL MODEL VOTINO : . ' CONTEST V . OTRBR AMBR1CAN CANALS. The moat tmportaat ablp eaaal now hi oparauo In Amorloa hi tha abort eaaal whloh fiaaka the raplda lu. tha Saalt Sto Maria rivar, eon eaotlnp Laka Superior with Lake Baron. The alaar dhnanalona of tha principal look are: Lanpth, SOP faat: width, le faat and dapth ovar mltra allL tl faat. with a lift of 1 Paat. The oanal la owned aa op erated by tha Unitad Statao povara. meat fraa of toila. It la eleaa ta parvlpaUoa by loo four or five aoeatha af tha yaar. Ita trade dur In tha navlpatlon aaaooa af lite, a period of m dayn. eompciead U, Ut,lie tone of frofpht, valuad at tULMl.Tie, or mora than double the traffla of the Suaa eaaal for the aame parlo. . STANDING AT P. M. TB8TBRDAT Portland Academy Hfpb School . , St. Marya Academy ........ Martiaon., 4 Atkinson . . Will lama Avanua . . . ....... Park Fallrnp... ... Sunnyaldo . .. ............. H )ph land . .. -Ualladay . . C antral . , . Clinton Kelly Chapman . . , .............. Couch . Total votoo .....r...Ul.M ef.ose 41,441 41.744 S4.4I4 SO 12C ip.e it, toe tt.o 1M44 11,111 14.474 9.411 4.ftl . .! . Raincoats Women's and I ChildreifSeoe SECOND FLOOR SALONS WO ME ITS OUTER WEAR. X Th aotomStic reporter of store new emanatinf from one of the "also ran" class of stores Z X said vestertlay that his store jrsb the "only one in town showing complete sasortment of 1 1 women' and children' raincoats."' This statement showed 'one of two thing-probably X both a woeful ignorance of trutn or what o$ner stores snow. ... i,. 1 THE PACTS ARE THESE: "'-i This store can show two for one of every, raincoat included in thef showing of local X and the cot are here to prove It ; But nobody gets footed. ,The writings of some stories are 0 . .... ... . . i j.t d.L .J A tlWuiJfl X f quite unsafe to tase witnoux ammmg now oywa, asopping uw umu-waiuj mw iouuub w v dose of salts of mirth. We said ywPterday nT repeat today "HUNDREDS OP NEW ? f RAINCOATS CAME BY EXPRESS SATURDAY. Beautiful garments, adapted for wear cm peaiitifui days wnen sunstune reigns or protecnoft agamsr. cne eicmenip un sxorm. xnc r f new ones are full of surprising swagger newness. As easy to get into aa a man. full dress t topcoat. Indeed, some of tnem are moaeiea alter mat garment, meeuey vraveneTxes, wiu t a world of quiet, dignified beauty and smart effect. Pretty tonings on collar and cuffs of J W . . a . ... . 1 1 brilliantly colorcfl velvets ye, ana pesxei ciotn. nrwm ox u .earner inimnuigs. anvra t ; are ddsens of new detail touches to Enthuse over. . Some of the coats have box plaited back X ; and fronf from collar to, hip. The Palette (cape sleeve) Coat Is a favorite In fact, Fash- f '' ion's latest. ' The show of good looking styles at from f 15 to f 25 is noteworthy. It's t t Raincoat Year, and this showing hero la far away th bet and greatest on the cost. WeNre t X twice as many aa any otner tnree local stores, voats, tnat are m to guara me mon magnm- cent opera gown or ball dress; costs that ar appropriat for street. - Any. Price You Choose $10 to $50 i , f Mi )'"" ' ANNUAL' ' OUTFITTINO TIME Fall and Winter Footwear .- FXBST FLOOB. ' - ' V A STOUT OF AMBBICAN SROB4L Aa aarly aa Its. Thomaa Baar. a eheemafcer. arrtvo ta New Bnaiand oa the Mayflower with, a eupply of hldaa aad etartad Amortea'a Sret boot aa abo uduatry. Ao early aa 1441 the bnrlnaaa woe bata oarrlad oa profitably ta Paonaylvanla. an a UtUo later the Colonial Lapialatura af that atata paaaad lawa rapulatln tha malarial a an the prloaa of boota aad heae. Durlnp tha BavoluUoa moat of the ah oaa worn by the Continental Army ware mada thronphoot tha Colonlao, and n wee reeorded for uallty aa aarrloe thay wore ulto aa pood a thaaa broupht from Enpland. TODAT AM SRI OA If SHOES AJtB TrTBJ BB0T TH THB WOULD an ABBOrtaaa ahoa ohopo are apaolnp ap la moat of tha mrpor el Uaa abroad, almply Vacauoo tha paopla them will bava no othar ahoaa. In nine moot ha of ltol Oroat Britain alone Import ad a mUlloa aad a half eollara worth of Amorlcaa ahoaa. Fairly rapraaantaUvo of the boot Amarteaa ahoaa made ara Oor . pinproa Olorlaa," for moa or Pinpraare ocuo1 Shoe foe woman, at SS.SS on BS.OO Plnpraa'e 'TrotooUoaT Shoo for Tha fameea tX W. K." Shoa for woman S4.SS aien 0S.5 FlnaTaoa "Governor" Shoe for Bench-made Pattern Shoaa, wry .94.00' reaay, for woman BO ie ; .Women's Sboes--Spexisl Values This Week in the Footwear Aisles SS.S4 Von womnra te. an . 14 44 SHOES. Woman'! Winter Shoee, made et boa; ealf, Bluohara out, doabia aalae, military haala, rapular 41 14 and , t $4.40 value: apaolal for Wadnaa day at. pair aa.94 WOMEN'S 4.M AKD 14.04 SHOBS for Womona Shoee for droae op etrooft - waar, with matt tope, patant . vampa, waH aolae, military haala, - buttoa or laoa, rapular 4.00 en ' 4.4e voJuaoi apaolal at. V pair SB. OS BB.T1 FOB WOHBK-S 44. . SHOB4L Woman'a Shoae made af patant bUt, , with wait aolaa, full round toaa, haala, matt . topa. military otyllah, rocular 44.44 valua; apa olal. pair SB.Tl I Free 1 Free 1 Freeli DOWT BUT BUBBERSt WS " OXVB 'Bit AWATI y, ' .-. For few ayp only, wtth every purehaaa of tt.44 or ovar 1 a raynlae prteia, wa will plvo I ABSOLUTELY FREE, a pair , of woman'a beat oualKy Rub- , bare, all alaaa and all naw. frank, parfaat poeda. Thla ' offer oao not apply on pboaa marked or eald at apoelal aala ! prloaa. CHILD REIT SHOES. , Cbndroao Sohool Shoae, box ealf laoa, nKoellenl waartnp eualltttaei Staaa 4 to 4. rapular 11.44 valua; Bpoolal. pair.... .-BLOS, Stoae t to 1L rapular 1.74 valuaj apaolaL pair 01.30 tea 1114 to S. rapuUr 11.44 valua: apaomL pair ..4...$1.0 TOOTHS AJfD BOYS' SHOES. -J Shoae af bop aolaa. heavy Teeth'e an Boye ealf. with eoabie winter nppara. full roan baat poaalula eaoa for waar Stea 11 m IP; epoalal prloo fop Wadnaaday at. pair SI. SO 81 a 1414 to I: apactal prloo for ' Wadnaaday at. pair . .... -01. TS Slnaa tt to lei apoolef prloa for , Wadnaaday at. pair BS.OO A SALE OF DAZZLTTfQ WHITE IK THB MILLINERY SALONS .-. : BBOOKD FLOOR. : i ,. j Wednesday All White Hats , (THB COUMTISS SAILOB . . ALOKE EXCEPTED AT EXACTLY ONE-THIRD ' OFT REGULAR PRICES ' No womaafa mllBaory eaebot la eeaa piata without at leant oaa whlta .hat. Thle to a aaoaj et white for opera, thaatra en evenin. waar. White to queaev Tborefore la ofrarln yevtahi tadaooaaont for Wadnaaday wa plane' before yon a timely ee wan aa at traotlve apoeial. MApnlfloant eraa tlona are inoludad ovarythln; la feet, from tha almpla llttla whlta eraatloa at fil.OB up to lta arlato eratto Froneh aiatar with tha Barutan aaoant at SS6V The ConnUaa SeUor alone oaaaptad okooao any white hat In the atora Wadnooday, 01.08 to SSS Ot ONE-THIRD OFFI , 73 Cents for Silks That Are Rare . Values at One . v Dollar a Yard ' AKXBX-r-PTRST FLOOR. The avion! aUka te tha eala of the, peat two day have made a aanaatloa thaaa baantlfnl Poaa e Soiao and larfataa. rleh Balahy fabric. It waa the boot look ta the world that ear hayor, now ta Now Tor, pot fhom from the manufaotnrar'a epaet to ooll at the prloaa we're offertn tkam at. Ha waa aotne book to Bhvopa to pat more atlka, - bat oouldnt leave aatu he had elaaraa p ha ptoeka, Una too oo for the aaonoy wet eoll 'am for rocnlarly.. We boupht 'em ta a minute at the aoorlBoo prloo to , turn over to yon at the aama. We oupht to aa a hip ollk boalaaae tomorrow. The Last Day of the Sale Baauiar aU pv Sim hmek Paaa e Solet epeeial for tomor row .'....raw Rapular 11.14 all pare Silk Maok Paaa a Sotai apaeml for tomr raw TOO Bopalar 11-44 all were Silk Maok Paaa da Sotel apaolal far tomer- row a Rapular pl.ti ell pure Silk black , Ptaw e Sole; apaolal far tomor- 09v Rapular II 14 all pura St lk Maak Paau 4a Sola; Bpoolal for tomor row 04.11 Rapumr ti e yar wm blaek Tar fate; apodal for tomorrow. $1.81 Bopulw tI14 par wlda Mack Taf fata; apaolal tor tomorrew.f Ul Oar rapular 1IHO yard wlda faat . blaek Paroallna. tha prada athare aU for 14o and too par yard; apaolal for tomorrow, yard. .. i SPECIAL PRICES ON BROADCLOTH ? Oof 11.49 oaaMty: apeeml for to ; morrow only, yard $1.10 Oar ti de eoaUty: apacwl to . morrow only, yard SS.S0 for' to- Our .I4 quality: epeeial for to. 01. SO morrow anlyr par 00.00 for to- . Dor I4.0P quality; epeeial. for ta- 01. SO morrow only, yard ........ or to- ' Our 14 14 eualltp: epeeial fr t S&.OS . morrow only, yard Sj Thaee Broadeletbe are without eaaetloa the beet valeaa to ba roved a where at the rapular prtoe. and aa Dame FaahloB hoe dr- tha proper 000110, thla opportunity off ara one of tha bw wrimia wlU have thla eoaeea to aero oa the wanted ek enallty: apoelal I morrow ealy, yard ...... .' Oar IS.II quality; epeeial morrow only, yard Oar ! 14 euallty; epoalal morrow ealy, par ......