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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1904)
I. THE QJ- XM"IY J0U7NAU PORTLAND. TU2SD4Y FVENINO, OCTOBER 11, 101 t. Si . . "i v CtM "AB IWllM at " plarquaei flawed By A it ot So " Cocaraie ''hatted at 8s" tar Vaudellle ljo Vaudeville Ljrle ...... ...Vauaarl'la mm 4a YaooavtUe The 'National Qrang, which meet tn Fort land neat month, KM dmb granted rat of half far to partle of U or ov, within mil ,of Portlaad. and on and a half far for distance outald of that Unit. Th rat will It In ffot tar day preceding d tw dan follow tar th ton of th grange, and ar granted by all tat road entering th rlty. B. O. leedy and t. O. Wing, atat grange ater of Oregon and Washington, and Deputy ' A. F. MlUrf of Oregon, wm In Portland ymrar Mr. - Muter wmi w wuam togatbr fruit exhibit hmt wr dis played at th fair. $ When you think of th Selley Oat aert tbtnk of a staunch, strong. Beet and comfortable tantr. Th Qetsert oer talnly 1 th pereoal float Ion of perfeo tln tn river craft, and ha oom t h regarded a th vr-rllabU.'1 Thla handsome tmr Imvm Alow treet wharf ovary Monday, Wdnadajr and Friday morning at 1 o'olocb for th trip up th aaagnlAoent Columbia to Th Dlla and way point. Itauatr Zg tat or, another ataunoh Regulator lln boat. lav aam wharf at aan hour n alternating day. Klther a tea rear ; will giv you a peedy and af Journey. Fhon Main 114, ' A roptloa hi honor of Jteva and Mr. W. H. Belleck wu given laat nlgbt at unnyald Methodist Xplaeopal church. A large number war pr ant. A mimical and literary proa-ram randarad. Rev. and Mr. Bollock wlU leave tomorrow for Salem, whar Mr. SeUeefc will -sum hi new dutle. a pastor of Flrat church, to which h wa appointed by Blah op BpUmeyr at th recent a Ion of , th Oroa nfrno at Eugene, Dr. T. B. Ford, who ha been aeslgned to unnyMd ctouren, wlU reaoh th city Thursday. (- vr '- w " Take m ateamboat rid through th mountainous region, amidst th match- , , lea eoenery of Oregon. View th great waterfall, oanyon an gien eeurung th Columbia. Th etaemer Charles R gjpenear leaves foot of Washington treat Mondays, Wednesdays and Frl - days on Its up-rrr run to Th AMUea and way landing, returning on alter nate day. When mmlng to Portland leave th train at The Dalle and ride down to th eitj an th Bp oar. TL Mam USX - . - . v . " Th tmpata reoently grrM tn o th erm Oreon by th Oregoa Dvlopmnt leagu haa'nsulMd tn a broom factory at Roaeburg a starter. Th etUaan there, looking about to see what was needed by their town, saw a good op- trtg for a broom factory and 'promptly subscribed money to start one. - r. 4. Blakelr. Tloe-sreeldent of the league. who rettes at Rosburg. wilt atUnd th Traaa-MHwuMippi eoKgraa at Bt . Loul a dUgt f .the Roaeburg . Comaoarolai eluo-- v V Th) Oregon Railroad rlTigHon v -, eompany has arranged to glra eaour skmlaui to Walla Walla on Portland -"i day an opportunity to stop off on tb .. - returning trip and rtH th Hood Rrrw ' fruit fair, if a sufficient number desire to A a. Th apaalal s wlU b aid- , tracked ttmr In th morning nd .'rbrenight on t Portmnd tn th ntng by the train that arrive here a a:SO A 'clock. Th visitor will nav ntU ' " I:M la th afternoon to see Bond River, V ' Mrs. j. A. Campbell f Seattle met i 'with a painful accident last evening - about I o'clock. Bh wa hurrying to erSaa th street at Fourteenth and Alder .' before a wagon, when ah slipped ea th . '. wet leave and fall, breaking two bone " lu. iu a Iwuliinrinv wee taken fifem tm WBV mtrw rrm mother' horn. Mrs. Campbell m-. visit ing her parent. Capt,-nd Mr. H. 'R. Robertson, at 471 Aldr atreet. and had xpected to iwturn homo tn a fewdaya '- W. A. Clark, who 64appeered from thla aity two weeks ago, ha written from 8ttl announcing to hi friend . that h ha met with no misfortune. Clark 1 from Bol, T1ho, but h been . residing In Portland for several months. He suddenly disappeared two week o to keep an appointment with a woman named "Fay." Friend became alarmed at hla aboene and Instituted a search for him. Me hearf their ffort and wroto yesterday. , -, .s - Work has been eommonoad on th Mg fill n Ikort Washington street from First etreet to Union avenn by -th PaclAo Constrnctkm eompany. Which baa the ooatraet. Th dirt will b brought from ML. Tabor The Oregon Water Power Railway eompany has started filling Best Water street They will secure gravel from Muff bear Bop Tour Will be Don todayi At no If yo S'"J . Need than, ' Goodyear Sho repair Factory. TamhfU ttoar Oa Co.' offlc. . Free oajl and do livery any reason hi dlatano. v-. ' After October 14 th Oregon Railroad ) Navigation oompnny wlU oarry wheat for M cents per 109 from atatlons north and cast of Wmona Junction, Washing ton, to Mlaaourt river termtnala It 1 eon ceded to b no mor than fair , MAWW a BIAOI , Bill WOMB V , Wlph 44 OSTEOPATHY Hclpf natun to orefcotn many abnormBl conditionB , in body. AdixCJoNorthrup - Suit 41 IMrmm BuikBnff . tf Phon Mam 4f CONSULTATION FRBB 1 that the Mlaaourt rive should hav a rat or I cents less than, th rata to ChloagO territory Bffort ere being mad at Btl Ixmis by th Disciple of Christ to aaeur their oonvanUn for Prtlnd neat year. Among th detesrate ar Rev, B. B. Muckley of th First Christian church. Rev. Albyn Bason of tb Rodney avenue church, and Rsv. J. F. Qhonnley of th Central Christian church. By th overturning of a lamp In room of th Oregon house, at First and Davis streets, a small firs wa started at 1 o'clock this morning. Th ft re men arrived promptly and soon unehed tb flam. Damage t the extant of 41.00 wa Inflicted, mostly by water. M on was Injured. j Portland Wlr A iron Work ar now located at Trenkmaa A Cos on Fourth near Flanders. . Wffe tumd t promptly. t . 4 r y--'v,. Wa-Hoo Tonka Th great bld port fter, arve tonic and llvr regulator. Just what yo need the day For sal by alruggwe. . i ' W elaaa and press your elothea and bin your ho for l.o per month. Unlu tailoring, Cow. 147 Wash ibten. Mate !. ' i Chow Den-Tal-Oum, hav pearly math and prevent decay. . For sal every where. v i .., .- ',. .a. . ;i".t. Chaii B. Potter Co.. rubber stamp work, removed to First street, 'near Btark.' i-.' .- n Rumnag bale October II. 'it, U and 14, at No. m RuaseU atreeC , . . . . ELDER fM QUIET, ALBANY CEICD 9V MMtlTIU ISAt BmlbBmi ' -' .("-"- . ; ' ' PrwMlng Bldar Jj. B. Rockwl of th Bast Portland district. Oregon eon feronco Vf tn Methodist Episcopal church, brands as false th statement that th church at Albany refused to aecept Rev. D. T. Bummrjllla as signed t that eharg. Dr. Rookwell re turnad to thm city yooterday- afternoon and today save out an interview oon oernlng th situation. "From reports eircul4td X xpeeted to. find great turmoil In th ahuroh at Albany, but on th contrary. I found harmony among th member.'' said Dr. Rockwall. -The only difficulty was that tb official board thought beat to .hav a young man a pastor, and objected slightly to the preacher assigned -by th conference. . - v "But at no- time has the- board said It would not reoalv th paster assigned by Bishop Spell merer, notwithstanding reports t tb ontrary. t Albany mm bera ar far too-loyal to th church to assume sttoh an attitude, and ar chag rined to hav th matter garbled in such a fain and sensational manner. They are ready to- receive th4tor and to giro him their support,- If h come. However, sine th harmful reports have gained otreulatian. It may- b b will ar range with th bishop to assign him to another charge. In that case another pracbr will b sent to Albany." . BRIDGHHGSULLIVANS -GULCH IS DIFFICULT U Sunday afternoon at th Ar of Jo rPta BuohWL at1 Bast Burns lde street and Union avenu. th iBulllvan'i guloh brldg committee will hold a meeting to determtn what M beet to do la th premise. - - A petition hag been prepared by New ton McCoy and la now In poae melon of Chairman H. . H. NewhalL In formu lating th petition Mr. McCoy explained to the oommltte that h did not be lieve ft would be poBSlhl to build ele vated roadway or wooden bridges end area a large district. The committee desires to assess tb dlatrtat flrat laid out By th council for th two steel bridges, which Mr. McCoy think Im posaibt under th present aharler pro vision. ' T get a petition befor th oounell t all th attorney bel levee it necessary to eecnm a majority of th laat district laid t for assessment, which was based upon a total coat of something Ilk lM.eea. . Degai complication eontmu to -ri In th effort t east Bide residents our their - bridge. Th conviction grow atronger that the eity will haw to repair th present structure that It may be used, until th legislature wlU hav opportunity to amend the charter la tht respect. Several busln men stat unhesitatingly that the city should begin this repair work at once, and pay for It out of the general fund. THEY WANT STRAIGHT PATHS THROUGH PARK . - . -I ' Many rmproTsraenta ar blng made IB Columbia FarK Flower beds ar be ing laid eat, lawn sown and new walk mad. Several winding and circular walks r being constructed through th most attractive sections of th park and when th work now being don is nlshd th plsoe wlU hav a much morg (tractive appearance--Thar ar Way resident In that 'vi cinity, however, who ear mor for don- venlenc than fer look. They o not approve f th olroular walk.' Several of th peonls who hav to pass through th park to catch th oar aay th olroular path make th dlstane too groat for them to walk and that fre quently they miss their ear for th city. Tby hav entered a remonstrance against tb work being don and hav naked that Straight path be laid. Col onel 1 X Hawkins and Ion Lewis hav been appointed a oommlttes by th parkt board. to Investigate th matter, ,. .... xJ . Oovemor George B. Chamberlain ra ta rned yesterday from k trip to the county fair of Wallowa Bounty. It la one of th richest sections of the state, he earn, whers anything will grow that ran be raised In th Willamette valley. W. B. Olafk f th Ohifko eompany wft laat night for a wk stay witk the branch nous at Walla Walla, Wash. F. B. Waits, th well know Roee burg cattleman, 1 to tb elty. Ri -Oovemor T. T. Oeer wf Salem 1 t th Perkins hotel. Charles T. Barlyth Hood Rlvar at tleman. I In town on business. R. fl. Dollar, th atilp builder, Ig reg istered at th Portland from Saa Fran cisco. ' Senator a W. FultoA Is at th Im pertal. . r . r ,t. vox voiuvran fMNiln with Ralnh Stuart this son is A. W. Msrchmont. th celebrated Ennilah novelUt. who oarae aU tb way from LAndm to ollaborat with th actor la th dramatisation of th latest Marchmobt romance, "A Courier of rwtiiM" Tt im aj vat nmubllahad and will be heed back, untU next fall, whan the book will make it appearance simultaneously wth Stuart' proauo tlon of tb nly.- ? - v.. Up. Uirohmint WTOtO th book. "Br Right of Sword." and during hi tout with the eompany keep hi eye an tit drama nightly to discover flaw In Its tag adaptation. Another member cf the party 1 Mrs, Marohmont, who la no tee eager Is literary matters than has husband. "But I cam belong." aald th Jolly HtUe woman, "a maaoot, I am enjoy ln It ' lmmaaasly." ' Mr. Marohmont spent oonatderabi time to Amerioa in former years and iu hla orafound admiration of th progr which 1 being mad "to the stat, 1 wa wonderfully Impressed with m e-tMntla monument of ntrnrl. the BL Louli fain" aald ha "It la the Are ar vmiv fcl ahows that Z hav wit n eased and word fall m In describing m i, fnr It. The various denart- mnt ar handled on such a maaalva seal, th xhlbtts ar of uch un dreamed of exoeUenco and oomplete mm end the baautlaa a numerous that on mind can scarcely comprehend th exposition. I have neara or your com ing fair In Portland and hop It will be -w tn wlalt it. Until I wa at BC Louis, Z eon fee I had no under standing of American enterprise. Thla country ha ubetantlated. In my epln- inn ail the nraiii claims mail for it." In answer to a question as to what effect th so-called American invasion of England 1 having In literary circle, u UsMhauMk remarked that Only a certain style of American work be come popular on the other via. "A book uoh ae When Knighthood w i riAVMr1 la awaltad with Inter est"' AAatiauad th novelist, "while book that ar - distinctively Amsrloan are. naturally, law popular. A notable exception Is th great popularity of 'Mr. Dooley,' to England. HI logic, thugh baaed upon American politics. Is eagerly aeor Ad ha a following, but nt bo lax as as that of Dunn' Dooley.- - . - ' Mr. Marchmonf new hoval, as the title suggest, will be on th romantl j .imii,, m B Rlarht f Sword." and the leading character to believed to bo admirably aultedto tn atyi oi at. at kt I ' Among other well-know work of Mr. Marohmont ar "U tn J" erne ox Woman." 'If Z War Tear andA Daah Pfor a ThTOne." For moiw than twenty year - th author wa an eoitonai m tAKiiine' Ttndoa naor. and hi now owns large Interesta in th Bath Chronicle and other big paper. , WOMEN CLUB MEMBERS VISITING BAKER CITY ' a large party of lub worker toft this morning for Baker City to attend the convention of the State Federation of Women' Club, which mast Wednes day, Thursday and Friday of this week. Mr. T. T. Oeer of Batom. th federation president went with th party and they will be joined by large per tie at Pen dleton, X Orande and Union. The hos pitality ootnmlttee, wearing th red and pink of the Baker"Clty Alpha alub, will meet th visitors and they wlU be enter tained by th member of th organisa tion. Delegate from Portland Include from th Woman's club, th president, Mrs, P. J Mann, Mrs. Martha A. Dei ton. Mm, Martin Rap. Mrs, Barah A. 'm Mh n U Watson. Mra C B. Runyon, Mrs. M1UI Trumbull; from th Tuesday Afternoon oiuo, Mrs. u. m. Ollnea, Mr. Heine: Jewish oounell. Mrs. iMwavd Hav. Forastrr club. Mr. A. H. Breyman: Roo soetoty, Mr. Rom Hoyt. TRAGEDIAN'S SON ISft THEATRICAL MANAGER , ' ... -f, ' Arthur Ward, busineea manager of th Floreno Robert oompany. to to tb city. Mr. Ward earn to ahead of ttm to moat hm father, Frederick Ward, whom he had not seen to two year. Tb cele bration attending that joyous reunion being over, th younger Ward la now taixlngr shop. He announce that Mia Roberta will ppr to "Tn of th D'UrbevUl,' and "Mart f th Dow land a." tw of th greatest play to her repertoire. Th engagement will begin next Monday at th Marquam and will tnkertorwnDId you tak yr faual vacation this NmnwrT . . ' Pennlha No. 0 r ' lnkerton Why. I thought yi always pasMd a oonpl of weeks m the country t Penntbs So t did when Z was work in on a alary, but top wn bass now. - mm A truly sMgnlftraat lln to that w are showing and on that will not fait to elicit word of admiration from a purchaser. Th stock I re plete with handsome ttnir piece, . both In ladle and men' 1 Jeweled watches are far from stranger, and a for ultlng you w hold no fear. 'Oooda and prlo alike will plena you. . , . , 4 - f, ' Ws'mak a gpeitoHy of waoab AKWRIGHT 293n0RRfS0N-ST eyery aval:; a life .. ( ) ... r .. . , fftlmW CrtizeWB ApfNcie)tB "Th IHUB COmBafSf." Bvtw el of dtlsen ha alek kloV ny. Th business man rushing through life on tb run fall to realise th constant strain he dally put upon th kldnsra Tb mechanic forced io assume unnatural positions, stooping and straining at hla' work, doe not know that thi baokaoha to simply ktdny ache, The clerk a hi feet, continu ally loaning over a counter or desk: railroaders, conductors, engineer, street car men, subject to constant larrlng. all hav backach from the kidney. Don't neglect a bad back. A lama weak or aching back, if neglected, mean future trouble, kidney trouble, urinary trouble. Dpan'a Kidney Pllla cure every form of kfbacy 111. Cure a bad back and make sick kidney well.. Dosn's Kidney Pills are Indorsed by people yo know. Read what a Portland oltlsoa says: T. W. Bhankland. who la a street oar conductor on the Woodstock street ear line, residing at 710 Klsworth atreet, says: "Some time last fall I began hav ing considerable trouble and annoyance from a dull, aching pain In the back over the kldneya, I think it wa caused from the constant shaking and Jarring of the car. I thought at first It would disap pear aa quickly as it came, but this was not the case. Learning of Dosn's Kid ney Pills. I procured a dok at the Laue Davla Drug Co. 'a store, corner of Yam hill and Third streets, and took them ac cording to directions. Th reeult was entirely . satisfactory. Th backache grow lea and less and soon disappeared, and o far as I can toll It has gone for good, for there hav been no aympUm a It recurrence." For sal by all dealers. Price 10 cents. Mailed by Foater-Mllburn Co.. Buffalo, N. Y- sols agent for th United Bute. Remember th nam DO AN" B and take no aubetltuta. LOYER JILTS : SHE SEEKS TO DIE BsTOB 01 UQVOm A M1TBTBBAOrB BFFBOV OF FOIBOB 1 Bearing herself to tb doorway of th man ehe says ahejlov, Mrs. Mary Zovr ldg. sa Salmon atreet, brooded vor the fact that th man didn't lov her any mor. Bh selected a doorway to Aider street, between Second and Third, for her meditation, and then, police f Aoar declara. - decided -to end bar trouble - 1 Offloer also decair that aba bad an axoees of liquor at the tim. Th great mount of whisky ah had drunk. It I aid, counteracted th ffct of 'th poison aha took, but ah was rendered unooneclo, Bh wss removed to aloon near by. whsre number of men aleo had taken on or mor drinka Back professed to hav studied medlcto tn hi youth and suggested various method of reviving th woman who toy prone on th floor. On advocated high -be 11a, another "riokle," and still another thought brandy and soda th only restorative. Th arrival of police oftloera prevented a demonstration of their aclntlflo ablll- Tiea. Bh wa taken to Oood Samaritan hos pital, where admittance was denied her beceuee of bar violent action. The) she was taken to lit Salmon street, whore ah reside. ' Th woman la aald to hav mad two prevloua attempt at aulcide because tb man refused to reciprocate her arreo- tlons. Bh wa well dressed when found to the doorway. , UWew aMerfSt8tlsnciH : A popular form of advertising with Shorthand publishers ha been th pre sentation of statistic, baaed upon data obtained prior t th publication of Oragg shorthand: W believe that a re vival of this practice would prove in teresting: but It to clear that statistics of any sort, to be Bocurat r of valu. mut b brought up to data. Condition that exlated 10 years ago ar likely to be wholly ohanged now. With thla Idea to view we recently sent out a letter to business and high school now ing Gregg shorthand, requesting them to In form u what system of shorthand Phey previously used. Th result 1 given In th following graph! summary,.', com plied from 110 replies received: school ohanged from Graham to Oragg. - 44 school changed frost Bos Pitman to Gregg. - II schools changed from Cross to Gregg. 1 ohool changedts from Mune to Gregg. II school changed from Prnta to Gragg. t eohoeto ohngd frost laws Pitman to Gragg. - - 4 choola hanged frona-'McK to Gregg. 1 chool ehanged from Porter to Gregg. 1 school changed from I4ndley to Gregg. . 1 school changed from Bloen-Dvployan C Gragg. r Th above flgnre toll th unmistaka ble story of shorthand progrea. They how that Gregg shorthand baa made It sreeteet Inroad Into what were once known as th 'standard ayetetne. Th fore of th argument to irresletfble ther to progress to ah art hand a to other things. Write for our booklet. "About Gregg Shorthand." Holme Buajn Cellegm, Portland. Or. NO WORDS WASTED IN 1 POUNDMASTER'S REPORT poundtnaater Fred W. Read he a way all hi own to making out reports. He Wast aside all unnecessary language and gets at th pith of thing In -a fsw word as poaatbt, yet hi report are far more, Intelllgibl than if h went Into lengthy details. HI September report of th dog situa tion at th pound, which ha been pre sented t th executive board, stado th memoera inet bwij aev in ama ment when it wa read. It wa a follows: r- , Does cauchti... ...... .......... lib Dead dogs 14 Dogs on hand. ,..,....,.......,,. . II "What thatr quickly Inquired Wil liam Filed ner. "He 1 not good bookeeper. He for got th balance." returned another mem ber ef the boer. J It was explained that th lanoe" had been redeemed at tb pound. i Th Orvaofi lUllroad A Navigation nmpany nnuac a rat of cent per 100 on wheat from territory north- Mat of Winona, Washington, to Omaha. Bt Joseph. Leaven worth. Kan City, Atrhlsoa and Council Stuff, effective October la. 1. B. Miller, rel freight lift M -...i POSSOaT BTT IB fJBBBA ZaTFtVO- M 0 KRIS :;CHAIRSj S 1 Have you J one you can spend a whole evening in and not grovv weary of ? If not, you'd better see our Morris Chairs. Fifty new patterns : in Golden Oak, Weathered Oak and Ma ; hogany. The prices are very moderate. ; ':. LET US ' ' ; It ybix $v out of town and need anything for the house, just tend - ! for our new catalogue. A postal caM'witii your nm and address SYMPATHY al You don't hear much about aympBthy in dentistry. . Do you? People usually apeak of dentists aa croej and calloused to the pain they inflict - That is because our methods have not been tried. We are so confident that we can operate successfully 'without pain in any instance or under any conditions that we ask for a close investigation of our methods. . As- to the v durability of our work, we invite investigation also. Dr. B. E Wright's Dental ; Washington Street, Corner Seventh. Onto RMn-4 . m, t p. m. Jtondaya, I m. to 1 p. m. . . PHONWJ BramOfBMlaangloffB i a a Mi f v GEO. BLACK PUEUC ACCOUNTANT SU W r BUg. Pkeae Was li. Oessral Pratlea. tevaettf attoas. Satat Worn. Snestal aad Perteoleal Aaolta goat oi th O. PL A N. Co., returaed yeeterday from Chicago, whar ha at tended meeting of the head of freight epartsaeat of th HarrlsMa lln. Wf Ms fair Excirsim. Additional date off saw for world fair ticket hav sees announced hp. tb Canadian 1 Pactftc - On October 17. It, Is, special ronnd trip tickets to Bt. Loul and easur point will be o l at vry low rata. Tickets good for stop-over privilege and a cholos ef rente returning. Per full particular, oall en e Ad dree, r. K. lohnaon. F. As 1. A 141 Third vtreet, Pvrtlandi Or. a comfortable reading chair SEND YOU OUR NEW CATALOQUE V J MAZK till.. . i WA AmusjutBjnrs. Inavqumtarajid Theatre VrS. Tnslgfet aa alafet esalar-srlra Bvef lne at S:lt o'ctoek, PerUaad taearlte arw. RALPH STUART la ta tartUtag mamarla amma, -BY RIGHT OP8WORD." K"bIhc adres fl. 1. BOr. Me. me. Poo- atli telera. IU aOt. chlMre idxiu lot, cftlMre las S aay part ef me aat .tre. Ptm a- BUT' Offices UAKBX0V OWN TESJf 3 Columbia THeatre v- ego. L. BASSS. Hasager. 14tk snd WMhlnftoa. Pbone Us. Tenlgbt at I and rll ttts week, wattasa Batardaj, CnlvwMa Taeatre Steefe Cemsaal la Mat C. Ooodwla'a greatist aacetee (An AmsHosn Cltlnam. Br HsoaHae LaeMte kley. PB1CSS Bveoln. Ue, Be ssd sCr; watt ee, IOp. Ue and SV. Downtown U-kt of re. Rmre Wartls'a drag store, tuts sad Waahlasloa stneta, freex M a. afc m I p. St teretre, after T p. k Marquam Grand Theatre " il? Tbateaay, PrMer. Satardar alakftJ. ttei II. 14. la, X4 KpKial pHce BMUaee Satarday. Tee amalral axtravagaaaa. tub wizard op ox." ftHealcg prices Satire lower fear, II.sOi aelnj. fret iwm. fl; grat 1 of hit I wa. ibv: last t rewe ta oelraer. 0 tetlre Caimy, 10& sum an Km. SIC fieeclal watlae ericas knllre 1 ami tl; balre, grat row, TBc; last rewe, DOe. Entire gaikFrr. St. Brets aew eMlta. raWafrnw Thoafra) Careray A . Pertleaers Peaslef PlarSema TW Teasay aad W Otobar 11 IS. 'BURieO AT S13A.f Ta are aay, mlar, ktardar maUaee sad Hal krld'a sreat tinelhra clar. . xvoh e Tuvimwaa. Prates yight, ins, . 0c: aperlal Meatvi setts, Bar. Matlnae prices, 30c te ear part el the eoeae; ehlMrea, aeerUI saata, Me. TUB STAR THBATR8 Tka Bknrea aad Weal andwUl Tkeater. , aAriomn ato Daium SUTOBT WAX. TO ST. 1 UOBa, - BAVrnts AMD rABAJT. . wm o. ion. , m raoraoTOBoora. Skews J ta 4 1 p. a.. 7 80 tn tit; a - o nerl aowJaata. le feearved aei aaata. Sc. The Lyrio Thecitrw . Thai Wash- . v B. WTCOMti OO. . mnn, wrxsosr s ajTAaT, , irusjnf x. still. v , . tomw tTD-hwx " . IA11T KOTT, SW AW A SWAaT, TKB VXTAAOOWa, aNrfanaaatea I N 4:30. T pt MM a, m. AAaaUaaMt 10 ceeteae Uiker. ef Mm vaaeMiaa. CsatTwwi im para-mence fmai ft-raencea fmaa t a stsl A laOMaa 1 IV p. Se woai f te l.m p. m, Aad inoara eaetia tea prfnraaaae east la tae tlMetra, 10 The Arcade Theatre... Th SMgrnal waaeny TMaawyttt t(mr I I' I TW aaaae