The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 11, 1904, Image 3

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    I DA
r 'r-l " "k f ya
III UvJ i II & ilk
' A
1 I c
puMH awb- iwahoai iTwnw
won w vmm uuori woauc
: eooa boattb RiM a uui
' Br lthr Friday or Saturday ths snag
boat htethtoma end the new dipper
dredge No. j will hays completed tblr
.HtMi'i work on the Willamette liver,
nod Immediately afterwards they will
proceed to the government moorings op-
posit St. Johns to tla up until mit
spring. They are bow In commission
at Ash' Island, but tomorrow it la ths
Intention to send Uim to Rock Island.
Aft or placing a number of buoys n
th rapid at that plaea thsy wUl Bnlh
up ,tb work laid out for them at the
mouth of th Clackamas rapids, below
Oft ton Cltr. i
With amall amount ofdredglBg and
anagging at that point It la said that
ths channel can bo ptaoad la tho bat of
nondltlon. An tha rainy aaaaoe la naar
at hand It la belloved that no forth ar
Improvamant of tha rlvar will ba needed
until nest lummtr. During tha paat M
houra tha rlvar baa risen oo an average
at tha various points of almost
Inches. It la expected to oontlauo rlalns
. awadualls matu a aood boating stage la
. reached.'
Tha government moorlnga wnT have
atx oocuosats thta wintar. They wilt
ba tha two dlppar dredges, tha snegboet
blcthloma, tha steamers Lincoln and
Mendell and tha aurvay boat Arago,
which la now bain built at tha Portland
shipyards. While tha construction af
this oraft la progressing satisfactorily
It la said that shs- will not ba oomplstsd
In time to to out upon many cruises bo-
fore tha bad weather occurs.
In tow of tha Mendell tha government
barf B wei aent ta natter's landing
this morning to procure rook with which
to start work on tha revetment at Cooa
island, near tha mouth of tha Willam
ette river. Until a abort time ago n
was the Intention to have this work dona
bv contract Bids were acoordmgiy
asked for end, submitted, but tha United
States engineers finally concluded to oo
tha work themselves. It la supposed
from ths decision reached tn the ea
that tha bids tendered war looked upoa
aa being entirely too hick.,- .. ,
..' By Oetobar It th steamship Chtng
W is' sxnectad to reach Portland to
oad for Hongkong. If tha proposed
bums are carried ant aha irlU start
north from Santa Cms today. Tha
t earner' aam will ba-'- aompossd af
flour, altogether, dnd tha amount that
has so far boon engaged oomprlaaa (,
nana Ba Bat Wl f Wnmas
Ohla We Zi Ba Bonm to This Bee.
i barrels.
It is possible' that tha Clarering of
"'the aama Una will be aent to Portland
next month to toad for tha far seat. If
so It is said that she wUl not ba under
. chnrter to the Portland dt Aslatlo eom-
pany. but will be operated by tha man-
. agement of tha China Commercial Una.
her ownere. But thus far this matter
' about bar coming to Portland la wholly.
' conjectural. At tha time tha steamers
' ' were token off tha Portland run last
. " spring Managar Comfort stated that tha
plan of making port Of an try sella bora
Would ba renewed Just aw soon, aa the
business conditions warranted tt. Of
'lata bs has been making hequlrles Into
'. f tha sltustlon, which have led ta the bn-
r, llaf that tha eteamcra will ba brought
,-' back at no dletant data, This bsllsf la
.... considerably strengthened by the fact
- that tha freighters of tha Portland
' Aslatlo Una ara uaabla to handle any-
1 thing ilka all tha business being of-
'fered, - ".. -flr;
's ytm.Bvat Brawn Tbeca Ara Shipped
. . Coming In on' tha steamer Alliance
; this morning from Cooa Bar was tha
first shipment af bops aver grown In
the Cooa Bar country. There were U
bales la tha outfit, and thoaa who ax-
. s mined them pronounced them to ba ol
- -thejery bast grade. By another yar tt
la claimed that hop raising will ba
among the lending lndastrles la the Ora-
gon one at oountlaa, -
Captain' Hardwlck. oomasandar af tha
steemer. raporta that ha made a Terr
fast paaaago from Baa Pranclaoa when
tha fact Is taken Into consideration of
tha number of stops ha made and tha
larga amount af freight taken aa board.
After calling at Baraks, and receiving It
cartoada.ef redwood lumber and than
, proceedihg to tha Cooa Bar porta and
being similarly detained In taking an big
auantltlea of freight, the stsamsr com
pleted tha trip, from tha Bar Cltr In
Just four days. Pine weather waa ax
perleaosd durlifg tha est Ire voyage.
Whan ba crossed tha bar yesterday at
about noon tha captain declares that
tha broad sheet af water waa wmooth aa
laaa. and there warn no signs bC
storm brewing. ' .
Brlttah sfcto Bsjbrtdga Bale
Been Bagagad to Cawrp
, Aoeardlng ta the Ban ' Francisco Com
mercial New a, tha British ship Our
brldge has bean chartered at lie td to
load lumber at Portland, for Delagoa
Bay. South Africa. Another Bay City
1 tfl mantles
II Uonthebox H
of the II
I L"' H Prices 15,20, 1 1
ehnuld eee what Wl have In the
line of
&lanos and organs oerore purchasing,
f course, other dealera will try to talk
you out of the Ides, and will tell you all
manner of "fairy teles" to discourage
you from "looking 'round, " knowing well
that If you once get away from them
you may buy elsewhere. Their enxiety
should mahs you all tha more deter
mined to investigate our pianos snU
prlcea. Time paymenta accepted. W
carry only tha better grades of Instru
mentsones we know to be good and
sll are thoroughly guaranteed. We are
pleased to ahow them to all, whether in
tending to pure be ee or not.
Scale Bros,
f Fhno Caf
BTI sad m Warrtasa St Ooa.W. Bag.
newspaper states that aba la chartered
to load on Paget sound. So far aa eaa
be aaosrtalnad no one locally knows any
thing sbout the alleged ehartsr of the
vessel. Tha Durbrldgs has been lying
nt iSan Francisco since July 11. She
la af S.1II toon net register. The flgures
at which aha la reported to have been
engaged are tha, prevailing, re tea for
business af that character. There baa
been only one lumber oar go taken from
Portland to South Africa, during tha
past several months. The Ocrman ship
Blfratda, sailing In July, took out the
In tow of the Oeklahamav and tha
Harvest Queen tha schooners Alios Mo
Donald. Mabel Gale -and the Robert Hind
ara on routs ap the river from Astoria.
The two flrat named wlU receive lum
bar eargoss at Portland, while tha Bind
will load at Vancouver.
With a barge of brick and atone the
stsamsr Oleaola. left down tha rlvar for
Astoria this morning.
Local United States Inspectors Bd
wards and Fuller will leave tonight for
Riparta to Inspect tha steemer Norma.
A email leak baa been dlsosvsred In
the hull of the French bark Duplet,
which b lying la the harbor. Tha mem
bers of tha erew will attempt 4a remedy
It has just been learned In local ship
ping clrclea that the French bark Europe
sallad from Hobart, Tasmania, ror .Port
land an August It. Aa the vessel to
coming la ballast tt ta supposed that
shs has bean ehartored for the outward
trip. The Europe la af S.07 ton net
register. .- -' -f ;
While effecting landing Saturday
night- at tha Montgomery dock to dis
charge S.00O sacks of grain, the steamer
Bailer Oataert crashed Into a piling of
the structure. Aalde from a email por
tion of the railing on her upper deck
and the flagstaff being broken tha
steamer escaped serious damage, Half
a. doeejf of the piles warp badly shat
.I ' ' i i
The Croaoenv of San Francisco, a Bail
ing vessel that has bean gathering up
all tha tlaa available at tha various
Portland saw milla, la now completing a
load of .00 ties at tha Suitor. St
Johns and Cone mUla. and wlU cat
them to San Pedro, California, where
they will be used In eons traction of tha
San Pedro railroad.
The launch Jessie Harklne M receiv
ing an oil burning steam equipment and
will run In tha passenger trade between
St. Johns dock and Portland.
Astoria. Oct 11. Arrived down at
m. Schooner Joseph Rubs.
Left up at T:it a. nw schooners Alice
McDonald and Mabel Cam.
Left ap ax a. av. sohooner Robert H.
Hind. 4 -
. Arrived at Is a. ml, gtoamar Annua,
from San Francisco. .
Arrived at 1:M a, - steamer Oeorge
'. Blder from San Franc Iscov
Astoria, OoC lL-Atesmer Klder left
ap at ie.
Ban Franciseo, Oct. 11. Arrived at T
a. av. steamer Rsdondo, from Portland.
Arrived at It a. Bk, ataaaar Columbia,
from Portland.
Astoria. Oct. ltv Ijsft ap at I p. aa.
steamer Alliance.
Astoria. Oct. XL Ha bar reportj saps
Una down. .
BKOBXO BBjOWBB btoxbb of bawb.
. That County Jsilar Harry Araftoa'a
body does not now rent an a slab at
tha morgue la due entirely to ana man,
Martin Lsasia, who wag convicted af
killing his father-la-taw naar University
Park and la now eonftnedF to the prison
pending the disposition af an appeal to
the anpramo eonrt.
Obtaining aawa and flea la noma un
known way, six desperate In ma tea of
tha iail. headed by Jobs Sullivan, aa
oused af highway robbery, sawed
through tha lock of an Inner cell doer.
While Charles W. Walton played a man
dolin to drown the sound af their work,
and ware about to carry Into execution a
plsa to murder tha Jailer and aU others
whs opposed their plan to escape.
Leasts, aosordlBg ta the plan, waa aent
to the telephone la eompany of Grafton,
and when he returned bis custodian waa
to be overpowered and tied with a rape
made from ootion olotb, aad to eaaa af
an outcry or a struggle to be murdered.
Leasts Informed the laUer af tha plot
against hie Ufa With Deputy Sheriff
Dowaey. rev el vera in hand, ready far
an ew counter. Qraftoa returned to tha
corridor and Informed Sullivan that his
plans were known.
Ripping out aa oath. Sullivan declared
that his Intention bad been to kill Graf
ton. Sheriff Word waa Informed and
the ether deputies summoned. While the
prisoners were being removed to ether
corrldera, tn order that a sssroh eould
be rnsda. Sullivan made a savage on
slaught on Grafton In the effort to es
cape. Grafton knocked him down with
avek fbroa that ons of tha bnssn in the
There ara manr reaaons
'THE foremost merchandise makers as well as the fashloa creators , of the world have contributed of their best for
this store. Every day will be n style show as decreed by customt and one befitting the season, correctly re
fleeting the autumnal modes In costumesf fabrics and all accessories down to minutest details of toilet and wardrobe.
But It will be something more than a style show It will be a comprehensive representative exhibit of new merchant
disc In alt departments a merchandise event worthy of the occasion signalizing the establishment of this wellnown
mercantile Institution that .has tor years been the leader of low prices. Every department throughout the house Is
prepared to make. this season an event both a fulfillment and a- promise? ' -. rr V , . '
A fulfillment of wide reaching plan to fiv the people of Portland a thor
oughly satisfying range of shopping opportunities in Portland's most com
pact, most convenient and best equipped store. . : : . :
The latest and newest pat
terns for fall and winter, lOdV
:. and 15d. . ... . .
Ask to See Them
Q Children's Coats and Dresses Special A
" The children fare- m well as the grown folks in this special purchase. 600
of the most desirable Coats shown this season sre here, one-third below regu
lar prices. Oretchen, Automobile or Reefer styles, in kersey, cheviot, sibeline
and covet; all the wanted shades, including blue," brown and tan; also 50
Dresses in cashmere or serge; newest colors and styles. All sizes, .4 to 14.
Dresses are .-w- ... . .al.OO $1T5 and 9225
Coata are.1..,;;:;vr;vrM.-.V..7;..;;w..$3.05, f5M) and f 7AO
Clultfs School Coat 69c
Child's Short School Coat, in three colors, blue, red and gray, with cape
. over shoulder, breast trimmed. Special for.,....,,.....,,. .69d
Last year's styles, short length. In blues, reds and grays. Oxfords, well made,
- trimmed in braid, and are worth double, our prices asked. -r - -----
" Your choice of several lots.. ........ ..,..f 4.50, f3.60y f2.75, f 15
We have a special offer in Misses Coats, In blues and tana, kersey cloth, double
V breasted front. Butcher back with belt, flat stitched, stitched collar,
: pleat down side. Friday and' Saturday. . . . . , . ...... , . ... . f 3.98
Drtts Goods Vsives
Mew WelstlagB,. nil arool and nit
sondes; yard ...I.....V... 3(
New Crepe da Albatroea. tn all the new
evening - shades, all oolors, suitable
for dreeses and waists; yard.. .Its
Mew Fmncr BrUilanUaaa In cream and
whits; vsrd
Moire Sklrtlnga. In blaok and aft
shades; vard v..S9d
M-Inob All Wool Soltlnga, fin alt
shades; ymrd -6fta)
ta-lnob AU-WoAl Sklrtlnga, tits and
1.10 values! yard ........95
4-Ineb Black Serge. .601
Now Plaids; yard .:.S5
Fancy Stripes and Plaid SUfca; yd BOO
All Shades tn Wash Silks; yard. .80
Maw Novelties In Stripes and Checks,
eO iBonea wide; yard .,..,.....&04
Mwii's Wal Fniihing
Men's Swlaa Conde TJndarwear, In
brown, tan and natural gray worth
l.i; special 5
Men's Heavy - All Wool Cemelehalr
Underwear, worth I1.M anlti special,
per garment
Men's Pnney Honeycomb g westers,
variety of shades and oolora, at 50g
Men's Heavy Mule Hide Gauntlet
Gloves 4- S5w
Mea n Heavy Merino Hose, dark blue
and gray; I pair SS
Good Heavy Workmen's Hose; t pair
Fancy Half Hose In all oolora and
stripes; t pair ...SSw
GoaS Fast Blaok Hone; S for .-26
back of bia right hand was fractured and
protruded through the flesh. .
Two saws, three iron barn and two
raBors wore found eecreted la tha cells
of the oonsplratora. One raaor was in
Sulllvnn'e pocket.
Besldea Bull van. tha naguaoer, vnoas
Implies ted In the murderous plot wars
John MeDarllng, awaiting trial for onv
bosslement: John Morgan, accused with
Jamea Bowea of attempting to hold up
Policeman Taylor; W. M. Davis, serving
time for selling whisky ta Indlsne; H. J.
Haxea. .held to the grand Jury on a
nharva of laraenr. and Charles W. Wal
ton, awaiting trial on the eaargea or
highway robbery and assault with In
tent ta commit murdeK
Walton BToteete that be waa not a
wllllna member of the plotters' gang. Hs
ears Sullivan threatened to kill him If
he did not accede to his aemanas ana
follow out the instructions given him.
This Is the third time Leasla has
stopped a Jallbreak and possibly mur
der by Informing the authorities of
plana hatched bV the hardened crim
inal Jailer Grafton feela very grate
ful to him, aa does Sheriff Word and
his other deputies. , On the strength of
this performance a strong effort will
be made ta secure executive clemency
for Leasla, He baa bean pieced la an
other part af the prison, where kls Itfs
win not ba In danger from the other
prisoners. .
Sullivan and tha ether conspirators
nave been placed In solitary oonnnemsnt
Jsllen Grafton's Injury la af a serious
nature, and he will be unable ta use his
right band, which la la spllata, far some
time. 1
Some time ago Jack McCarthy, sen
tenoed to nerve two yearn for the Uieft
of furs front O. P. Rumeltn a Sons,
wrote Leasla a letter. He wes evidently
afraid to deliver It on aoeeunt of the
naturs of Hs contents, and gave It to
Charles ' Meehen for delivery. Meehan
did not relish the assignment and handed
the letter ta Harry Thomsa, who was
recently eoqultted af a charge of tar
rmx Pm wa.T m
tTi is. ,
rnats $..0A
Mies' and ChUdren't Fail
Xadlea White Wool Union Sulta. but
loned la toe Onelta stria, rag.;
epeelal $1.0w
Le dies' Wool Plaited Gray Ribbed
Vests and Pants, rag, 7 la; spec'l ftO
Ladles' jriseoe Used Vesta and Panta,
rag. to; special IS
tadles' Fine Ribbed Fleece Lined
- White Vesta and Pants; epeelal 85
Ladles' Fleece Lined Gray and Cream
Colored Ribbed Union Sulta; apo
dal 48
Children's Fleeee Lined Gray Ribbed
Union Sulta; special 85
Misses' Gray Ribbed Fleeee Lined
Union Sulta, Onelta atyla ......BO
Boys' Heavy Ribbed Gray Union
Suits; epeelal BO
Boys Camelahetr Wool Underwear,
rag. efto special, all slass ......85
' Women and Miie
Ladles Heavy Ribbed Black Cashmere
special 86
Lad tee' Bxtrn Fine Blaok
Hose, gray heels and toes
Ladles' Out-81sa Ribbed
ap'l 85
Hoes; special
Misses' and ChUdren'e lxl or 11
Ribbed CaahmsVe Hose; special SB
Infanta Black Cashmere Hoes, silk
heels and toes; special .16
Mlseee Fine Ribbed Lisle Thread
Hose. rag. fee; special, alt slass 15
Boys Irosciad Hoee, reg. Uo; spe
cial ... . y.18
oeny. When Thomas was leaving the
jail he handed Leasla the letter.
It Is a vituperative communication, ta
which McCarthy upbraids Leasla for
"giving away" plans ta break JalL This
letter la taken by tha authorities as a
high tribute to Leasla, aa It shows that
he has bean elnoere in his efforts to
prevent iallbreaks and murder and has
thereby gained tha 111 Will af ether la-
six Witnesses tell
Six mora witnesses took tha stand in
tha circuit court before Judge Fraaer
this morning and testified that the Insti
tutions of tha Sanatoria m eompany at
Meant Tabor constitute a nuleanea. They
were H. W. Hodges, Mrs. Agnes Bodley,
Mrs. Minnie Humphrey, Mrs. Corn
Haras. Miss Riiaabetk Geatanbela and
JOevIe G Stearna
All the witneaaee swore that tha noises
and outcries made by patients at tha
sanatorium disturb their rest at night
and oauas them to be apprehenelva of
harm. Mrs. Hayes testified that In sev
eral tnstaneee patients bad behaved la
a manner exciting the disgust of these
who war obliged to witness their en
tice, .
While trying ta alight from a moving
street ear. Miss Julia Asplsnd af T4C Sa
vior street, waa badly hurt yesterday
afternoon. Shs boarded an S ear af the
City Suburban and instead af waiting
until the ear stopped at Twenty-third
street, attempted ta Jump oft ta front
of her house. She waa thrown violently
to the ground and the step of the car
caught la her dress. She waa dragged
along la the mud for several feet and
narrowly escaped being pulled under the
oar. Although Injured Mies Asplsnd
wsa able to go to her home Basse 1st ed
and this morning waa better. .,f ,
MS . puplle la New berg's
-. ; V - ; -,
Motion Cotrnter
Finishing Braid, nseorted patterns,
wblta only; t tot B
Ladles' Duplea Moae Supporters, aa-
sorted oolora, rag. Sfet special. -lO
Lustra Croshet Cottoa. In all aolorai
$ for ,..,rw.... ....
Pyrnlnt Draaaing Combs, In oolora;
.. B
Stamped Doll lea, assorted slsee and
patterns: from 8 D IB
Needle Pointed Pins. 4at count; S pkgs
for B
Folding Mirrors .....lO
Hand Mirrors ........ 6
CeUaloid Combs, assorted oolora. . lO
M different atylee Hair Ornament
Combs ......16 TO 85
Patent Pearl Buttons; t dos......6
Velveteen Binding; yard 1
Dress Braid, aasorted eolora; yd. .1
y Bedspreads
I M Be Spreads, full Bias,
1 M Be Spreads, good sum
crochet ........88
13. eg Spread e these are antra larga
else, pere white Marseilles patterns,
good weight and good value for
Hi our prtee SIM
Lace Cartalni ;
Tin Curtain. J yards long. 4.. .48
11. Curtain. t yards leng....6d
ll. Curtain. 9 yards )ong....'i.
11. OS Curtain, H In. wide, SH yards
leng v 84.45
'v-', ;V
City Jailer LHtla baa been taken from
his beat aa a patrolman, to which ha
waa assigned yesterday by Chief af Po
lios Hunt, aad returned to his old posi
tion as jeller, which he holds under
the civil service. It was not until Chlsf
Hunt bad the section of tha ehartsr
read ta him by Mayor Will Urns provid
ing for ths appointment or the removal
of city employee under the orvll servles
rules that Chief Hunt realised the mis
take Into which aia high-handed meth
ods had led him.
Merer Williams aald that morning
that ba bad notifted tha chief of the
regulations af the civil aervlee com
mission,, and shown him hie mistake.
Hs said, however, that hs had not or
dered the chief to reinstate Llllle. He
did not knew what action the ablet bad
, There le a meeting af tha civil service
00m mission this afternoon. An Inves
tigation U1 ba made Into Chief Uaat'a
action. ,
Unless negotiations should fan at the
last moment, a deal 'will be closed late
this aftsrnong or tomorrow whereby the
Baker theatre will pass into the hernial
of Keating A Flood, proprietors of the
Lgrle theatre, on a I eaaa, and will ea
A promise of the merchandise character, the values, the accommodating spirit
and the business methods that will be found here every week and every day
the whole year round.. . v ";; : , ' r
Superb Gathering
Blegant but Inexpensive Is the thought which occurs
to the observer of the well selected lines in this depart
mentcomprising the latest ideas embodied choice and
desirable materials.
Comparison places our apparel-high above the aorta
usually sold at similar prices. That fact has been proven
to thousands of Portland women, and we can prove It to
you if you will take the time to call.
Suits from f 12.50, f 15.00, f 17.50, f 18.00,
920.00, 922.50. 925.00 and 930.00. f
Swell Tourist Coats
Blue, brown and black cheviots and serges. : Fancy
mixtures and mannish material styles. Tourist Coat,
jaunty Norfolk Jacket, the new blouse and 22-inch coat,
in loose and tight fitting, smartly trimmed with silk
braids, velvets, Persian bands, solid color clothe and fancy
buttons. Priced st 99.50, 910.00, 912.50, 915.00,
917.50 to 920.00. :. --w...,r;.'
Conitbrtt for Cool Mghu
An antra, geod fall sme ar.i .88
Full slsa pure white filled Sanitary
Comfort ev 4, . ,.s..g)1..45
A nice sllkoMoe.eovered full atse Com
fort for BLOB
iderdown, antra quality, well made
and a great bargain, reduced from
.st to ................ ....4.50
Blankets for Comfort
Blankets White, tan an gray,
a pair 8
A natter guallty, a good servlos Blsn-
ket ....88
Bxtra larga Blanket, that will cover
any bad, a pair 81-35
All woof Oregon Blanket, real
values ..$8.88
A better grade .......83.85
We nave them In pure wool, white,
for.....e.95, 84.86 and 4.15
. Domwtic Articles
Sheets, TSnta, worth eaa.,. SO
Sheets, elate, worth Tee...; 48
Pillow Cases, xlC worth lie, .
new 8
Pillow Caaea, eeaJa, worth lie,
w ...11
Pillow Caaea, tiaSft, worth lOd, (
ow t 18
lVliacelUneoas Bargains
Boys and Girls Sweaters, age !-.
fancy at ripen ....... .. t. . .86
Men's Umbrellas, strong frame,
at ................ BO to
ten -cent vaudeville house. The
Oregon Theatre eompany, which awns
ths Baker, haa agreed to a msse, but
It Is not as yst signed.
This Is but one step an ths part af
Keating a Flood m building a vaude
ville circuit, which will Include houses
In St. Paul and Minneapolis. They have
sent aa agent ta Chicago, from which
point ail the acts af tha circuit will be
sent out.
Albany. Or., Oct 11. Tha Southern
Pacino freight depot waa entered Inst
night by btirglare and a quantity af
pocket knives, half s doasn bottles of
soda watsr and a quantity of canned Aeh
and ammunition was stolen. The burg
lars entered through a transom and sre
supposed to bs trarape bent on a whole
sale cleanup
mrtee Im tweeftr-eve nn aee eever tease er
ettf til he eaeaa taata imCiMinU. S1W'
he Sea a taeles Oaatawei
bee sever bad
Ike eeeaaebe. They have eellnlr cares htm.
OeeeereW ea what rea teeaanaee taew te ee. J
will stve ra We artvllese e sataa ht seam."
um SsslBOt sa, W4aati
Raal for
Tha Dowem
.Plesae-t. B-
g 1 a ST
' 60c a year. A swell monthly
of fashion and fiction. ,
Get a Free Copy
of Women's
School Suits for Boys .
Boya Suits far soboaL two pteees,
ohevlot, dark Mae ....;,..$1AS
Two-piece Suit, new ntfsed goods, all
W00L well made ......88.B
framed Pictures
Many to select from, handsome frames
and glass, worth and sold by picture
dealera for H.7I and it, bare.. .88
Children's colored botdeied School
Handkerablafa; $ for 6
Ladles bemstltched Handnerehlefs,
with laoe corners, regular Ta and loe
quality; special, each 4
Ladles too hematite bed linen Hand'
kerchlefa; speclai, each ........10
Wide satin taffeta Ribbon, regular lee
yard; special, yard IB
Oood Satin Groa Grain Ribbon, all
'oolora; special, yard ..... ..8Va
Fancy white emhrotcered Turnovers;
special, each .H.B
Ladles' black wool Mltteaa. gang
auallty; epeelal. pair 18
Good muslin and nstneook Kmboldsry,
from Itt ta Inches width; special,
mrd .....a
Bngllsh Torchon Lneea, t toehas wide,
good quality; special at, yard.... 8
Normandy vail Laeee and Inaartlona
to match, regular so aad Ida ounllty;
special at, -yard 5
Black silk grosa grain Rett tag. good
quality; specUU. yam 18
Will be called for promptly
and delivered the hour we
promise to ret lira tt.
' We make a specialty of
the new dull finish that is by
far, the best finish ever in
vented. No saw edges on
your collars. Give us a trial
order - - : v ; . ,v
West Side Office 129 8th St
Laundry, Water 8 treat, ,
East Side.
ad oaten -
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