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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1904)
THE JQTJRNAU PORTtAKD, TUTSDAY EVENINOt J-. us iir flit pa an TO ADD TO -ROOSEVELT FOURTH TALLEST RULER IN THE WORLD LUMBER INDUSTRY A THAT KEAL8 WHEN ALL ELS 3 FAILS? PATIENTS Wfyerhaaser Company Owns Big Lumber Limib PKONOUNtlCJU wQQij AS V . ; in Oregon and Washington Is to Baud J DEAD ARE RESCUED ; 5 ;vMiU: Here at Early, Date. : FROM TIIE GRAVE -r f 1 'ti .rail CITY'S DiyiiiL Th Wtyerhaoeer Tlaibsr eompsny. f ewiMTi of l,ao,00 acre of timber In Washington an Oregon, a large part of i which la tributary to Portland, la again : .leeklng for a att for a sawmill ta ar i r thin city, Charles Weyerheusar 'end Frank Thatcher of Kliiaaaota sad VL L MoConnMh of Tmcorua, ssoretsry . 'of Ue company, were la Portland within ' the laat week, looking ovar th around. ana Mr. MoConaiek cam again to this city yesterday. - & So far aa can ba learned M deal baa rat be sloeed for a alts, but a num- bar ara undsr consideration, Including about J, foot front oa tha Wll flametts . river at St. John, which la , thld at tit par front foot, ar about 91, aa aero, Tba Wayarbaaaar com pany aunt bora a yaar age aad looked at tba St. John location, welch, waa thea. offered at i par front foot. .Bine that time parts of tba front ?have boon aold ta tba St Johns Woolan smlll and tba two ship build lag oota paeie that ar now constructing pleats "'there, but thora la- anipla around ra- moists, tt la said, for aawmlll pur gees SB, at tba a bora no mod price. 5 Th auUdlng of a sawmill la tha rlela lty af Portland by tha Wayarbaaaar pso- pie la Inevitable and a Urea, modern riaat wUl ba put ta, bat too data of f beginning operetlone to not ajuieunoed. ? Tha mill wlU ba toe to oa tha stoat advaatagsous alta that aaa ba obtelaed fml raaaonabla tans. Thus far w har baaa aeUtag out T loca to already aataMUbad mills la tha Portland district.- said Mr. Mccormta : yesterday, "but haw tons thla will ooa ' tlnua wa da not know. Tba market la ' wary dull at present, and we must either i build a mill ar ehat down logging opsr : etkrae unless wa ean dlapoaa of our gwoduct. I ennast ear when wa Will COAT SUNK; THREE -HUNDRED DROWNED It Continued fraaa Page Ona. - Cm furst ta' the laat and aa down only Vwbea ail ah) am and himsslf have been 4tUled. , & stoeaser oourage and determinatloe i gtre eonatantly held ua before tba people I and troops as tba (deal attitude for Rus- alan soldiers and bla example baa un- doubtedly bad a marveloua bid raj effect.. t Picture of him have been printed and fewnt to Mnkdsa, where they ara dta- trlbutad antona; tba soldiers of aluro yataia'a army, as a stlmaiant to bravery. L ; .. fcvnnoora tini rxm. . . to ttraa aadwell II ' - Uesraal pNtal karftaft.) H VasUactoa, Oot, Xb--Tba oaVlaJ pro- est waa received at the poetamoe da : MTtment yastorday from Dodwall aV Co. ' of Taooma, aamlnst soisura-of mails by a Russian warahlp, from tha steaawr Cslobaa, The protast termed the selsure a outrsca aaaiast this oountry and naked whst aoUoa would ba takaa by the sjovarnmani. , postaisatorSenaral Wyana later aosy, nltsd tba president recardiaa the mat ar. irpoa npreaantatlana by Wynne at the eablnst meeUns; thl moraine tt , iwss decided that tha protest should be ;.tfcea up by tba stats department, and ; tha Russissn foreurn afioe will be naked for facta eoncernrn tha sabrara, Jf prrrata mail waa sonflsoatad, a tape arill ba Ukaa for Its recovery and pra- atios of aloOlar occuxrancas la tba Vd'uture, bit ta Vn .-'( fnata net. it. It is rsnartsd that the 3tuUns baas eraaaid tha Hua rlrar la -tiaary foroe and ara saTsTasarvely attaok dns; the Jspansse. which wars tovinc morthward. aad a kenaral ancaaamaat to paid ta be In proa-rees. taatto .a ' (Jparaal Spsrhii dervtev) rtoma, Oat.Jl.-A Uaa Tana- dispatch Is the Italian newspaper MUttalra, sayat In aonsequenoa of the Kusslaa adTanoa Oran has shortened bla Has of defense. Tha forces nt Menalpadsa, Tantat and VHmttlna; have been recalled. Tha Jap naial kaea fortified a front It aallea -long at IMo Tans; with forces throws j nnauil AfftsOl taVanHi 'grass aTesa Bam mraas, - Jomaal fcnUl serrta.l K t j noMiti ion or mnn. I J J . V "' ''"ii . ; : ' . ! t b- . build. It- win d spend entirely oa nan. ditlona -Taa aomsaar to la aoeltlaa at ha vlna a Ursa amount of timber that waa barned over darln the tost two seasons, and ttast bo losaed over at anae to save the remaining timber. Bln foroed to eoatlnue logalns; opars tlons we amy be asmpeUsd to bwlht tha mill sooner than baa been contemplated." Mr. MoCormlok to vary chary of words as ta the eapaclty af such a mill, but It Is oertaln that tha plant wlU ba of a else sufficient ta mske It aa Important factor, la tha 1mm bar business of 4ba PPsaine aorthwast. Tba Weyarhaoser oompaay to the larfeat timber bolder la the state of Weshlnctoa. It has a paid up sapital f Ill,6v0,0oa, and a aery law estimate place ltd standtaa- timber at 4e.oos.oe 9. aw faet. About Hi.W acre of Its timber to la Orefoa, soattarad through several count lee oonturuoua ta Portland. The remainder to In Waab rnatoa and distrtbutsd la emry souaty west af tha Cascade. Up ta the tlam tha dompany Ms dona little with these timber hoMlnsa. be yond anaratlna a amsll mill at Ihrerett, which, saws lS.aa feet a day. Frad eiick Weyerbausar la aow aa aid smb. and 1 gradually turning- bto vast In terests ever ta bis four sons, aaa af whom waa 1ft. Portland last week. Tha af floors of thoWeyerbnuser Timber aom- paar arat President. Prederiok Weyer haaser; aios-preeraeat, W. Lslrd, Wl noaa, Minn.; secretary B. u MoCor mlck." Mr. Weyerbausar ta aba nominal treasurer. Other men heavily Interested In the enterprise ara William Carson, aa Iowa millionaire lumberman aad presi dent of the Burlington First National bank; P. M. Musser sad Lafayette Lamb, prominent lumberman of MusaaUna, Iowa.- out oa both wings. About lt,Mf man with to runs have arrtvad ta rslnforos the Japanese.. Yyama baa Issued a sasnlfssto ta his troops, declaring that battle to m mineaL 1 v -r. (Jesraal gserfal garvtee.) Rama, Oct. 11. The eommandsr af tba Italian squadron baa received a dispatch reporting that the Raeetaa flsat at Part Arthur made another gartla but; wag driven beak. The report does n gfog any par ticular but It to surmised that the oomr mander' of tha II uaa taa ships found tha Japanese la muob. atronger shape than was expected and did not endanger hi vessels mora than ha wag aosv neilad to. i (Jesrsal gpumi gsrrka.l" 01 Potsrsbarg, Oat, 11 In a skirmish during; a sand storm. October T, to tba south sf ghaho. 7 Russiam were wounded. The Japanese retired. A portion af a Caueastoa brigada was repulsed near Ouch ad ml Saturday aad IS 8MB wounded. HUGE CAPS IN JETTY -v 11 . " 1 . ..... :: Oaattouad from Page One. - una Ma U gat thraugb thsm. It was Imp Ibis ta reach the eater and af the Jetty without crossing tba bar sad for a time tha attempt at res cue seemed dooaaed to failure. Finally tba tug Walluto arrived upon tba scene, and tha life boat waa Ukaa la taw. Tbo bar wsa crossed and tha Ufa bast waa brought with la a short distance of tha tty. One by ana tha sin aten Jumped from their perilous poetUoa to to the aem and they were picked p by tba Ufa savins1 crew. All of them were saved, tba bar being taoroased In safety. In an taxation af the breaking af the fatty It has bees said that tha plies had been badly satan by teredos, which bad weakened them so greatly that they could not withstand the storm. This theory ta rejected by soma, who say that the piling that wsa weened away had no ti boon ta place long snougb to have baaa esrtously aasasgsd by teredos, saeoe of It baying been pat la anly a yaar ago. rgeaetal Mesatch te Taa Jesrsat) Colfax. Wash.. Oct 11. Olewnle Bud waek. sgsd S years, who was so badly burned by baring a lamp tipped ovar on him yssterdajr, died lent night la agopy at Bt Ignatua hospltsL pa Cast Week FREE TEA ! This week winda up tfa frea tea offer. To trery penon in ertiaf a paid "want ad." in The Sunday Journal will be given absolutely free a naif pound package of Croeeet ft Dcvera famous ';.';.( iiiooid m In any one of tba following flavors t '- 5- , ". . $ . . CEYLON '."-:r . ' V ' ENGLISH BREAKFAST "OOLONO - C .YOUNO HYSON r ; BASKET FIRED JAPAN PAN FIRED JAPAN SUN DRIED JAPAN v; GUNPOWDER rfv,. A Till toi lis i i MijirtU ta Wbtab Remember, the Tea " la given only to tboee Who 'bring caab ads. for - .!. .;; Jhe .Sunday Journal (tote, TWentx-ODf Words foe 15c pfls8..MOAfaa im' ' An' mngllsbmaa who has been amusing himself by finding eat the height of each of the rulara of tha world hew-', the results, of hie researches la tha aooompanylng sketoh. His reaaarobes. which Include besldsa thass rulara, moat of tha store prominent End is amen, be saya, show that man of grosteet ability are of avaraga height, fh beads of mora Important nations are Juat absvs the avaraga height of the me over whom jhoy rula. - SAIN MAY DAMAGE BIG PRONE CROP Ksiag that gat ta October I threaten to causa tba loss af U ears af prunes that are stiu oa tba trass la tba Grand Roods vallsy. "Tha prune crop hi my dtstrtot to large,' says Judd Gear at Cora, who rep- reeentg tha fifth diatrlot on the etate oertlculturaJ board. "There wars two or three carloads a day leaving the val ley Isat week. Unless ths rain stops, tha prunes not picked prior to October will be a total lass. Tha spple crop thla year to the largest hi tha history of ear district. Picking has not yst begun." Mr. Qesr made a brief report ta tba beard at its annuel meeting la Portland yesterdsy, 1 wbleh be said: - , "Umatilla, Baker, Ualoa and Mainaur asunUse this year produced tha largest and best-matarad fruit are avsr known there, with tba exoeptloa of pears, which ware s partial failure. The cherry crop was targe and nrofitabls, aad tbara was big Increase of acreage of aherriea planted this year. Many aoree of apples ara being planted, principally tba Borne Beauty. Tallow Newtown. Jonathan and Terk Imperial, all good nippers. we need mora prune-drrere la our district. Ths tasest pasta wars warss this year than aver kef ore. Let ths faint-hearted believer hi spraying go oat of tba fruit business, raise wheat sod atllk osws. aad bay his fruit," A. H. Careoa ma A g aienniai report for tha third diatrlot, embracing tha counties pf - lackson, Josephine. Coos. Curry. Douglas, Lake and Klamath, Ha said that not It per cent of the land in thass oountles adapted to growing fruit to now Planted. There ark Bearing apple orchards in Kogna sirar valley that hHve far the last three yaara paid their own ers 1106 sn acre annual profit - Boms other orchards, ha says, have paid "oniy 915 ta 9300 aa aora." because of neglect of amaU details In culture, such as fall ing to spray and to thla sropg at tha proper time. In apples Jackson onanxy proauoee aa much as sll ths other oountles oomblnsd. while Deuglaa county excelled la prane ralslng. In tba last two years e.sog acres of apples and peaches have been planted In Jack bob county, and ba ssfl mates that during tns earning winier this oouaty will plant !. acres of ap nlas aad asachea. There have been t.Mo aorss of apples plantsd In Douglas ooua- tv and 900 acres In Josephine oounty- vkM Minntna Blent bees, nut In and ths orchards Irrigated tha profit here baaa doubled. Ths ralua or tha fruit crop for thass oountles In tha laat two years to estisaated at am,. POOL ROOM ORDINANCE YETOED BY MAYOR (Continued from Fag On a) UoanslnsT Doolroems lass than three month after daolarUig thsm Illegal. Either tha oouaollmsa must taks tha back track and aoospt Us mayor' veto or they must pass tha ardlnsnoo ovar his rata, which oaa scarcely fall to ba regarded by the publlo as a oonfssslon of n titBoe with tba aamblsrs. Slnea tha mayor has awda It plain that tha city's Interests do not demand tba licens ing- of tha poolrooms, tns omy jusuii oatloa for such a step to tha Interests af tba gamblers. Th next masthuv of tba coonctl wm ha held Wednesday, October 19, whoa tha veto but rr it will oome sp lor canMera tton. . ' Tha mayor's actloa fmg aaosed aur artaa and dismay among the gamblers. who have bean dlllgsntly circulating uia Up that ths ordlnenoo we Id either as approved or allowed to bscoaM a law Ithnat tha mayors signature, rrep- rettan had been mada to reopeo uie poolrooms Immediately, and bets nave aeon offered that they would be ruaniag within a week. The oouaou ig now ta gamblers' only bop. - ahM imbtrt af th councH Were tnterr lowed oa rha atoyors reta of the poolroom ordinance and net one of them would give aa answer how they were wring ta rate whan tha proposed ordi nance eomes before tha eaunell again. Dr. aanford Whttrng ssld that ha to ..hi ta stats kow ba will vote until after be bag mora fully lnveotlgatsd tha ahsrritt stated that ha csnnot ay what tha ooandl will do sines ths ordinance hsa beea vetoed. He said ha was unable to state bow bs will vote. wit sfeeiisr sara he bag not nmde up bio mind whMb way ho will rot, neither does ha know what the other eeunciimea will do whoa tno Anal rate takes place. J. av9 orapge vovm. -; ' (tosrasl sperlal ssrrWe.) : ' 1 Bltlsiorsv .Oct. llJ-Namlasa Davis anena hi sanuMlan tour last night by addressing a large and approving audl snes here. Bn-genatar Whyta, David B. Hill and genators Daniels, gad Oormaa will aooampmay Davis on nis sour thraugb Maryland sad Wast Virginia. - - .41 fgserlat Pus to The bsal) h Cheney. Wssh.. Oat, 11. Oecsr K Al ton, aged It years, a student at tha state normal school died of amallpog yester day. His body will be ramovad to Wil bur, where his perentg live. Mono of Us 9vn m o oora bat nrama mat mm mm noaa tr wmmctmAr omora aoo at kaatt ttoeawma tattia tHsM rnWDbMb nmbxaim RISKS KECK :T0 SEE LADOTlSG aaoB. gometktpg llfco Tt.tog peopto wltnsssad. tbo launohlag of tha battlosaif Hsbraska la Seattle, hut af that vast boat H to doubtful If anybody want to aaore daa- gsraua sxtremes ts be p reseat than org H. -Jordan, aisnagar af maipb Stuart, -- - '- Mr. Jordsa had beea p tha Ita oa business gad upon his return to Seattle learned that ho had Issa than one hour ta gat down to tha dosha before high Use, ths moment set for the launching. He sot Into a cab and wss driven at frantic speed through ths town ta tha atsrfront. There he gaasd upon the mighty multitude. Jamming elbows and 0 aiitlng for points of vantage ana ho was oa ths extreme autelda. Ths sftanaaer'B mind was occupied ay two Uoughta - why Ralph Stuart couldn't play before a crowd of similar atos and why ho Jordan gbsuld not ae up front Inspiration. Ma rushed tha outer suard with a rapid story of bla Journey all Us way from Mew Terk to writs aa account of. the or eat for tha Sunday World. -"N Mb inn doing; unless Mr. Jordan ooold show a press ticket and obtain nas eege an the newspaper boat, which, ay ths way. had gone to ths front some hours earlier. The showman wsa about ta give up ta desperation when his eyes fell on a mass of togs, unjoined, extend ing, from where he stood a distance of three blocks to the very keel of Us now Vessel. Ho determined ta take the risk and leaped down onto tha floating Um bers. Carefully ha picked bis way over the togs, expecting a -plunge Into the billows st each moment, but somehow man red to get through In safsty. Then he discovered that la sptts.of his height, which to over alx feet, bla only view of the boat was obtained by leaping Into the air. At that moment anotbsr enthu siast appeared, carting a barrel. lid stood upon UO bead af tt and calmly reviewed the scans. This wsa too much for Jlrdaa. Ha threatened to Mho a complaint unless bo got la oa the, schema. Th only practical method wsa to place a scut! Ing across Us top of this barrel and each tax on sad of It a a standing place, with a One prospect of Us other fellow, la oaa one should loss bto balance, being hurled over ths starboard aide of Ua nary a aew poe ssssioa. While fhty were still debating tha subject, somebody shouted "High tide," and regardless of ooneeqsenoes, Jordan clambered strata Us scantling and the two sngaged In a momentary Qraeeo Romaa wrestling match ta retain a foot ing. Down tha ways earns the Nebraska. Aa she waa going past, Jordan In his an thuslasm mads a diva ta get a twig from one of the Christmas trees with which shs was deoorated. Ths result wsa a mlxup at that end of UO barrel Immedi ately osmmunloatlnc wlU Ua ground work. But Jordsa god hlg Christmas tree. ' And ht saw tha Msbrasha ucasssfuUy Ua ached. . 4 - POLICEMAN KILLS 1 5 JEALOUS HUSBAND - (apsrui fmpatdl to tba Icaraal.) ' Spokane, Wash Oct. 11. Otto Claud, proprietor of ths Broadway cars, was shot and killed Ik a ftght by Ofllesr Dial lsat night at f o'clock. Dial followed his wlfs to th restaurant hwpt by Claud whom ho suspected, and driving him oat lata UO street, ahot htm four times. OPERATIONS NOT ALWAYS , ' i NECESSARY :- v t suffered antoid agonr with, pitos for over three years. Two dsctora told mo no thins- but an speratioa would sure sm. I tried different ranwdlss, but notblni did ms any good until I assd pyramid Flls Curs. I bought alx to eent boxes at ths drug stars, and aow I oaa do my work and go out, where be fore I spent most of my time lying down.' I thank God for giving ths dis coverer ths knowledge to mske sash a sure. I recommend It to all my frlsnds, and If I ever have plies again will cer tainly use thl remarkable remedy. Ton oaa uss this in any way you wish to make known the wonderful merit of Pyramid PU Cure." Mrs. William Mucky, It MarahaU street. BJlaabeU. M. J. f Ths pdrteaoa of thla tody to that of thousands of others whs hava beea saaarad that aethlag short of aa opera tic would lid them af this distressing oamatslat On the face of It It appear as If too many surgeons operate la order that they may beep 'their hand to, and lose aa portion of their skill : than, again, too many surgeons are anxious to ex periment (like ths scientific man In Mark Twain patbatto story af tha dog and hr little puppy), and do not have proper regard for a patient's physios welfare or condltlea. Wa sdvlse every sufferer ta think rwtos before submitting ta aa eporattoa for pi lea, and auggcat that those In teracted writs ts tha Pyramid Drug Co.. Marshall, Mich-, for their ilttlo book on the causes and ours of piles. Which to jona-inT, sUfitn vo msVUTsl aTUAsrT, VAdt IfflUMst TTMB SSf HAffUi BVV IIUII- aut mmm sTsramsggg aura IWff MTjm ,Wgvltn UUffMUSM KEfRIGERATOS CAS HEARG OPENED wunmmm bv raTBvraB av f m rmxvATa BAXLWA-ra, . 4 (TsBraal SpMtal gwrtee.) Chisago, Oct. 11. Ths totsrststo oom meroo commission ysstsrday began Us hearing of arguments and taking of tes timony In-the Investigation of Us pri vate refrigerator oar company. , J. W. Mldgley. representing tha Mor gan and Mill railroad Interest, argued that tha Intsrssts of ths publlo were best uboorvsd by a transfer of Ua re frigerator lines to th railroad. Only three members of ths commis sion were present, but corporation law yers thronged th. courtroom, and rsp rsssntattvs af all Ua Interested com panies were present.. Assistant United Btatss Attorney-General Pagia and United Statse District Attorney Beth observed the procssdlags that promise ta' reveal sensational things. " 'Mids-ley said "capitalists aad financial men Ilk W. X. Vanderbllt, who owa tha railroads of the oountry, want re sult They want Saratoga and divi dend, gad Usy doa't car how they gat Xhsm." Trains Manager Shana of the Vrto railroad wss before the commission' this afternoon and teat I lied that tha pri vate lines ara paid 1st per cent com missi oa aa aU freight obtained by them for shipment ovsr osrtsla roads. This glvss the owners af the ears a rebate of H per cent la many cases, sad makes It Impossible for small shippers to com pete with car owners. Hs ssld tha In dependent meat packers were ana bla to compete with ths big packers, who ara large ownero of cars. , ' - C General Freight Agent Brook of the Fere Marquette line admitted that bis road waa under contrast with Armour, Swift and other big packer to per petuate tho present rates for seven years, tha pseksrs agreeing to furnish from, 2d to' cars a week each... , PARKER WILL WIN, 5 v DECLARES TAGGART .:;,-.;- tJaamel taackd ssrrlm.) . New York, Oct. 11. Chairman Tag gart of tha Dameeratle national oommlt tas greeted vlsttors with a radiant soan tsnaaos today, asssrtlng that he had re ceived a forecast of the electoral rot in tha eomlac election which pointed eon clusivsly ta tha elseUog of Parker and Davto. Taggart did not make publlo Us ftgursg nor give laformatloa aa ta ths source, -But," be said. you may quote ma as saying I am convinced by thsm that Parker and Davto will ba elected. You may say also that 1- am not going to Indiana ta mania there until aftsr the election. 0 sWMASV f jesrsat gpeaW Srvto. "- ' ' Boston, Masa, Oct. H. Tho annual dinner of Ue Republican club of Mas sachusetts takes place tonight end promisee to bs one of Ue Important events of Us eempalga la thla vlelalty. Bealdea Governor Bates and Senator Lodge, tha speaksrs are to Include Sea ator Poraksr of Ohio and former Sana tor Tharotoa af Msbraska, ' . - PdTmsdsntg ct iowa" j . 1 fjearsel gaeclal gerrleal v ' CauncU Bluffs. Oct. 1L Fairbanks begab tha final jaunt of hlo western tour this morning, starting en a twa days' trip Urough Iowa. Ha wlU end tha tour with a day la Illinois, t v ,. ; Jearaal geealsl Ssrvka.) ' ' Mow York, Oct. 11. It Is annoanord that Grovsr Cleveland will prsstds at Us bualnsss man's mass masting which will be held la Carnegl hall October 11. This will probably b his only appsar aaoa h tha present eampaiga , I'HIIKFX KVIIIh A fall ' VIIVIaU Mlltsv nuv ' I v COMMITS SUICIDE " K' - (Jasrsal apMtol ssrrle. " " tiOd Angeles, Oct 11. After a flight flit BtrugglS' testing three hours la a darkened room wltk a oraaad husband. Mrs. WUl Ism M. Pax ton. a bride of two months, sank to Us floor exhausted aa the msa plunged a knife Into tho right aide of his neck and chest, th last thrust piercing hlg hsart. Tba struggld snd sulclds occurred shortly after 9 o'clock yastorday morning. Accompa nied by bis wife. Paxtoa spent the sven tng at a dears la a hall on South Spring street, and boarded ths last ear for ths sast stda When ha left tha aar Paxton oora msnesd sobbing snd acting In a peculiar manner. "After we returned home h threw his arms about me and choked me." said Mrs. Paxton at tha Inquest. "The room wss dark, and we struggled about, overturning chairs and upsetting a table. He bad, a knife In his hand, with tha blade open, and I thought he meant to out me, I fell on tha floor. and then ha struck at bto neck with tho mpoa." 1 . t Santa Fa, M. M.. Oct. Jl The flood' situation has Improved, but there to great destttutlonA Mo additional load ol slf to reaorted, '" '.'' - By Panopathic Proiegaor'i Strango, Intangibls, Unseen Fores of , Mighty PotsmcyXUvTVwS tha. Vital Spark; and Banishes !, f '. Deadly Diseases rith Uanrelous Ease aad Simplicity, v ' DOES AWAY WITH YET MAXES H DEAF HEAR AND THE LAME WALK, . ; ; AND PERFORMS OTHER SEEMING MIRA:.V . ; f V V k' CLES THAT PROVE THERE IS r ;,wrr . u : -mmm 'W y;,- - NO DISEASE HE MAY NOT CURE . T"'1 ''! ' - "'- "' No Sufferer Turned Away By This Man Who Devotes Hit Life to , the $ick and Afflicted Offers Treatment and Services Ah- i ;: i sohitery , Free to AU Who Ask, Healing Those -v J , Near and Far Alike-Praied by Minis- - i ' ' ;'r....: ,- . - . tsrs of the. Gospel Vr ' - -' i Sooelal Oorragpofidenooj Kew Tor. Oct. 7. Seeing Oct. f .Boeing hi ba llovtng. and wltnaaslng tha oseming mlraolog performed by Prof, wnilam Wallac Hadler. inaheg ana exclaim: "Is there a known limit to thai man s healing power? hi thora a aingls, dis ease ho cannot euraT Is there any case oo hopelsss that bo cannot restore brohably no wthar phyalelan la tho worid treats aa many pattenu as thla famous profsssor of panopathy and physlactrlcg. They some to him by scores and hundreds. Tha sick and Buffertng. tha lam and halt, tha- eon sumptlve and paralytic, tho drug fiend and Us drunkard; Invalids from al most svry known dlssaaa form' an endless procession seeking; health at his hands. And this wonderful man, thla wlsard of science, thla peat hearted physician receive thsm treats them cures them. Heals them of diseases pronounosd Incurable by tha medical profession, cures thsm after they hare bean doomed to daaU by doctors, revives health and strength ts tba face of earning lmposslbllltl. Not m a spirit of boasting ar vanity, bat la a qnist calm statement of fact ha say there is no disease ha may sot cure, says it, and what Ig mors, prove It. During a recent talk with this man who has revolutionised tha theory aad practice of modlclno ha aaJ; . -Thousands of precious human Uvea era need lessly sacrificed ovary year by aaalawo medletnsB and brutal Burgary that kill oftsnsr than thy curs. AH upright members of ths medical profaaaton know this whether they will admit It or, not, and tt Is tlms that th general public was roads' aware of th facta. "Cases have come to me that hsva baffled pom of Us beat physicians In th oountry; whors one doctor baa said tho trouble was with tha stomach, an. other gaid heart, gtUl another diag nosed kidney dlssaaa or something else. But In each case 1 was abl to see Uo real causs and by removing It I isstoied tho patient to perfect health. I have known storm oh trouble ta bs diagnosed as heart dlssaaa, and heart disease aa rheumatism and count Irs similar Ingtancea. When thess mis take ara made, and th patient k treated for tha wrong disease how ean the sufferer hope to get well f It Is ss If you tried to euro deafness by wear ing ere -glasses. On u Just about aa sensible aa the other. But I meka a careful diagnosis of each oaa that comes to me and treat the real cause. 1 hay discarded th assises druse and medicine oarnmonly prescribed by physicians snd sa a svstsra of treat ment that to aa much atrperlor to modern medical practice as tho sun Is to a candle. Now that I have per fected It after lone year of practice and experiment, I find that I have th power to cure my patients without their coming to mo or my tfotng to thsm. For Instance, read this letter from the Rev. Pamuai Sutton, an emi nent divine of Williamsburg. Ky. You see he saya: ' 1 feel thankful ta Ood that I was directed to you for relief from tny bodily oalno and tils. I feel euro that our Heavenly - Pother hen helped snd directed you ta working out tho oscrrt of power over disease. Tour efforts must be aeeompanlcd br the holy spirit ta aocompltsh such miraculous cures, I know and believe that there a nothing to equal yow treatment for the release of suffering ones from pain, weakness and dlssaaa. I wish all suffering ones know Its power to heal ss I do. since tt cured mo of heart and kidney disease, catarrh of the bladdsr and hemorrhoids. Dsar Doctor, 1 cannot find words to express my thsnks to yon for your kindness to me In ridding me of all my physical sufferings. My prayers ara that ethers map do ao I have don, writs to you and get relief, and that yea may ho Joyful tn abundanoe en this garth and m the world to corns for your faithful Search and your raeceaa irm finding such wonderful power that when your treatment eomes In oonUct wlU dbjsaa, Ulnes arust givg way to bsalth "My sxpetience has proved that there hi no dlssaaa I may not our. I do not ear how severe the case may he. how chronic, how long; standi na. -What other men have said or failed to do or whether the patient has been pronounced Incurable or not. I am just as ready to ours consumption, cancer, paralysis, Brtghta disease, or ganto weakness, deafness, any of the drug or liquor feablta, and other so called Incurable disease aa I am ta cure stomach and bowel trouble, rheamatlsm rarrvoug prostration, blood disorders, catarrh or any of the other STCS'I SIGNALS ARE : , CALLED INTO ISE For the flrst tlma ta several inenthe storm warning signals are agaia frying at the meuU of the Colombia rtver snd J uaa de Fuea at rait Aotiag Ptstrtot Pnrecseesr Wollsber ordered them dis played yesterday afternoon. Tho esaot vstoelty af the wind Has net been as rartaineA. altbeuBli a sesnmun (cat lea re ceived by the a ether bureau thjs morn ing contained th Information "that a iron southerly, hioa we rag ,-4 -A ; USELESS1 DRUGS lllg that human flssh ta heir to. I hava don ao mank-tlmsg ever. With out Intending to boast. 1 may safely -aay that I treat more paUenta In a year than Ua average physician does In a , lifetime, and among thess ara num- bared many of the worst cases In tho. oountry. And I cure because 1 have at my command a power over disease ao -great that its sxtsnt ean hardly, b realised. Becently4 received this lot tor from Mr. Victoria Wallac of -Great Falls, Mont., which wlU glva you. i an Idea of how my patients regard imy power to cure. She writes; Tott must be divine bealef, gifted of Ood to perform such mrreokr of totaling. I wsa bo 111 and bad been for many years that I prayed for4eaU to and my suffering my aaronies. But Ua Great Maatsr knew better and I believe He -directed me to you that 1 might find life aad health. I was a physical . wreck, suffering from rheumatism, hsart disss ss. and nervous prostration, and It seemed Ilka hell at tlmss, the : horror 1 can never sxprees. 1 pleaded to Heaven te take ma bora out of my misery. I waa In thla stats whan you , earns ta my rescue with your skill, your heart full af sympathy and akllL .' Toe have cared mo ao completely that the past aeems Ilk a nightmare which I want to forget. - In tha three weeks ,. treatment I have grown JO year yowgse In look. Although M yaara . of age, I feel 11k a woman of 10. X marvel at' myself. I look forward to. a s long life af usefulness. Ton certainly -. rescued ms from the grave aftsr ether eminent physician had f ailed.; .An- . other clergyman, ths Bv. T. Horrts, X. D. of Hsxwood, Tex., whom I cured of a complication of disease write to me, saying: 'I am much stronger and more active than t hava bean for years. I Bhall always thank God and you ao .' His .servant for the great benefits you -hava conferred upon me, and shall take 1 great pleasure in recommending you aa . ons of Ua moat courteous, sfflclent Christian gerRlemen whom I hava ever known. 1 shall always hold myself ready to serve you as s benenclary of 'I your wonderful skill. Command me. whenever X ean eerve you in anything. May God, our common Father, pre serve you long In th land of Ua liv ing.' Even dqctore are compelled to admit that my power la greater than their own medicines. Dr. J. C Feather. M. EL of Bhsaklsyvlllar Pa was afflicted wHh that terrible dlssaaa. locomotor-ataxia. He finally put him- 1 self under my cars, and now ha writs me that ha la cured and can walk without the crutch so he carrlsd for ao long. I could go on indefinitely teHIng you of case aftsr oaa similar to Usee, but those ara sufficient to prove t snyons that I have been able to re store health In Ua face of what seemed : oertaln death. " "But how about those who cannot afford ta come to New York to have . you treat themT 'It doaa not mske tha slightest dif ference. X cure thsm In their own homes Just aa aaally and Just as surely as if I went to thsm or they came to me. Distance cannot weaken Ue heal Ing power I nave. AH that anyone who to 111 bt any way from any causa, has to do Is to writ ma s letter, ad- ' dressing William Wallace Hadlsy. M. D office 1021 K, TM Madison svsnus. Nsw York, telling me ue dmsaee Usy suffer from, most, or their principal symptoms, agw. and aaa, and 1 wilt give thsm a course of homo treatment , absolutely free of charge. "Surely you do not msan that pott glvs ssrvloes and treatment fro to -anyone msrely for the asking? "Yes. I mean Just that. I belkrva '' that as Christian It Is my duty to Ood and man to help all who are In need. When I hava been given tha Sower to curs, I do not believe that I are the right to make anyone waste -his money on useless drug whan I can heal him without them. Wa all owe ' S duty to our fallow-man. Ws must sil serve In ons way or another, Where a rich man gves money, X glva health. X am not a millionaire, hut X am able to afford to do my share toward relieving the a offerings of mankind. And I am happy to give freely of my aervtcea wherever they ar needed. And I am especially anxious to cur any poor mortal who ha been told that his or hsr case ta incur bis, that there la no hope left oa earth. Or anyone who has grown weary spending ntoney on drugs and doctor in s vain search far health. If they will writs to ma and accept my offer, there la not only hope, but an almost absojut certainty that thev need be sick no longer. And tt Ig a blessing that my power makes a let ter to ma do Just as much good as a lata aa tt slock. Aa tha svivarnmsnt wtr Ig sswn tt baa baa tmpaaefsts t obtain a fall report. . . t Mr. Wollabrr states Chat tha wind at Tatoesh Island Ula saemiag had . maximum velocity of 4 miles a boor, and Ua storm preduesd high southerly winds all ateug ttae Washington coast. Heavy rains have fallen ht the greater pert km of the Paewe northwest. Tha Indications ar for cloudy weather with showers during Ua next it hours. Ths forecast ahowa that high southerly wind will continue along th esest thla aftemooa and tonight, shifting to west er X toasorrew aad aimlnHklng is tore stbsc giadeais to OW - Jwnt frag mw sUumv t- w