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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1904)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND. TUZZDAT tFNIWO. fc : WJ JEW OTMMfcr... i i- . . " 1 1 I SUGGESTIONS IN ; SILVERS FLATWARE Batter Spreads Oyster Forks Individual Salad Forks Bullion Spoons Chocolate Spoons Fish Knife and Fork Salad Spoon and Fork The ahov mt4 show m th latest nd beat pattern of th silver smith art. All , heavy la weight, of th polished or my flnlshM and at price that are comma4ahla foe MoapUooal vai- A. C. Feldenheima? Jewelers, Optician. Silvarsmttha f,::CHAEL P1ERTIER ; TO WED YOUNG GIRL Through a brother of lt-yeer-old Mary ftoblnsoa, who eallad at St. Vincent' hoapltal, gd Michael Plertler baa learned that her parenta r willing that aha should merry him. Th oere- Siony will take plao next eWturday or unday, whoa th old man la prmlttd to lara th boapltaL . H dealred to di befor b board of bar acceptance, ba aald, but bow want to Mr. Thoa who know th old man declare that bis dealr to aarry th girl baa developed atno th appearanee of proapoota of a trial for a aarlou of f ana. ' Allen Lewta' Best Brand. AND RECOVER We kin SMaafsetBied Crnas la Per. had for U TMra ud ere waking mem rH''!r sweag aw tale cuwete. tl.SO ,.! -.. .V Wtn bar Wstertreef StTk and Worsted KatrrtmL made om ar mat-proof fraaja. It wMir Mk hoa. , . BjworerlBs rat ft aad be, eerBg ft awtariai ALLESINA two racnrommi Is now in fan b'ibit, tht weather prices on oar Mew Fell Stock REPAIR . ; -I imELLAS L; FOR WEAR .t First Autumn Sale MILLINERY SUITS - AND COATS Is very ennwrtune far tht baTfabX public Sale continues tmtO 9:30 p. m 8etorderr October IS. Note KneQ prices quoted. All our tlf new fell Salt tailored nd fashioned to perfection; eol- - or blue and browns. Autumn Sat Price, whll we bav tham -STJS T ' . . WUMBJi e 9. Harxf-tallered. fashfoned and trim med In tb height of fashion, the latest materia la, iu the new mixed good a, browns, blacks and bluea Including th nw, t Tourist Suit, only flAAO : . AU SI Iacludlnr tha swetlast lln ht me dium priced garment to b had In tha aitv. reduced UCBXV That means new fall garments at on-third ) then they are usu ally sold at this seasoa of th year. T htinirii7vTriiiim)d an4 UBtrimmeeJ Hats, Fart, Etc i T Mle Cap, worth Tea, Bow.. I WWW Mil FtrBB. 1 Z Vntrlmtaed Shape ...........aa I tot Srarfs for only ....aa.B0 Tailored FeK Tarbens. made en wire frame H. S. COPELAND ad Sdt House f t 332 WASH INQTON STREET CURTAILS POWER OF . DISTRICT ATTORNEY u t - ' ' ." ' 1 ' "-' , -, ' awawWaawa-WaaWJaWaawaw , New Method of . Administration of Justice in Cir cuit Court Makes Him and His Assistants J ' ' v Prosecutors Pure and Simple. ; . Ha th Km a tba aaat iurr tars It to pratoabt that a radical change wlU Bav beea amds to tba method f oa- 4iultu arlealnel la tb Olroult oourt. Hitherto, aororiap; a, period of imrd yeare. tba dmtrwt nw arfla baa bata alrB th aoluslr oaatral of such oases. For some tin, however, a majority f th mem bar ox k. Mupt Haa ham disaatlafied with th manner la which many of tba on bav baaa handled, and la eonalderlng what I deemed a ator ffoUv system. TT-.4.. tha nlia which tha fMNlIt h fa proapaot and wlU raaard to which th mtmbtn hava ooafairad with en anothar durtnc th paat wk, th dis trict attornay a uua wiu aw wmuwu mainly to tha proaaoutloa of oaaaa kw.. hAr tha aottrc IB aooordano with tbla Bttbod oa of tb dapatt In tha elroult dapartaant ox uouaty uwra. n.Mi hMm kaa tab la all aaat- tara foUowlac IndletaMnU by tb arnd jury. fUln of Information by tb dla trlot attoroay and appaato from tha aa llo and juatloa aourta. Wba aot tru piu ara moa awwra dlamlaaal wlU aot ba atrd antU an imtiM ttt th facta to mad, ax- oapt wha It la apparaat oa tb fao of thins that ba athar eoara annuo b followad. rrocnUh UMwptloa until tb aoBOlualoa of a atata oaaa, by thia Mtbod of proeadur. th juoc wui abl at all Una to tall th xaet statu of any oaa without rfrno to what may bav baaa don by th dlatrtot at- toriwy or any at hi aapuu. Ph. mmmihi Miniaa HDraad la tha circuit oourt by a aujorlty of th judsaa, aa wall aa tb eioraa ana mwu -that aa appaal fro at a delaloa at th municipal oourt or of a criminal eaat from tba JuaUc oourt, amount practlo ally to aa acquittal. la rapport of thfa oontcntloa tbay poiai to ut reoora a abewlnc a lonaT llat of aot tru bUla Slad, gitoaaiaa ta UU Vtaaawd Mat. t tm Airh nointad aut aa a mat tar of aaoord by on of tb Juds that un dr tb praatnt plaa piiaonara ramaln In th oounur Sau lor bmiwi triaL ' . Julraa vos Frlol, pharrad wttb taroany tmt Months mma. ramalDad IB tb oouaty toll anUl last wak without a trial. On Jury arm waa parwutaw w uhm without hla Wins tahaa Into oourt aad aaotbcr bad almoat axplrad. wba ron pnoi waa taaa uw own aw pnaiud to plaad avUty to aimpl lax oaoy. la Ttow of tb fact that th man had baaa la Jail without a hoarln alBMMt four month. Juoa Fraaer aen tanoad him to oarva only thro months' addlUanal tlma. v m la antlolpattoa of a ottaaaa an im mtam Clarka Bush and John- oa war t at work last wk oa a Ht prprd by aa ot th juaaaa. wiia Um Ida IB tmw ox anwauuns tn wm poaltlon of a number of caaea Bevaral day war rqulrd for th work oa a eouBt ox tha numaroua oooaa wmon nwi . HiMkMi tm auaat of tha Informa tion dlrd. Th result has basn auch that, baslnnlnv ytrday. iBatruouona uk. tmm.mA that a. Mmnllta llat Of all orimiaa! oaaa whlob bav not yt oom FALLS DEAD Mlchaal Barns, about ft reara old. died f a hemorrhage f tb lung as he eat on bench at Second and Coach treet at o'clock tbla mornin When found by poiloemen h waa sit ting upright aa th aid bench, bis banda laspad. ston dead. Removtng th body i his emdartaning narlora. Coroner Flnly mad a search of th clothing to ascertain tb identity of th old man. for no on seemed to t ki in our faror, and our cat in of W ara ahowmf a swell Una of New Walking Skirts. A HI ' trimmed Voile Skirt, wttb silk- " ruffled drop skirts, , only .... ................Siaaa Are her la many aryles sad all th beat makes. W car them v for 2., 11.71 aadr , sovmie OOATS. ' A swell lis of the new-styled garments, In th new mixtures, 1 We ara selling a tlk Coat v ror .Sla0 - : OaTlUmBarS OOATS. Brery garment reduced. All Cnll- dren's Jackets and coats at half ' price. We have them from ; .ot t as 1UU aa ..... xom OOATS rom CatxxsBsw. 14. M Coats, bow ,,.i.m.i.B)M It 00 Coats, sow 7.00 I .0t Coat; bow 4 ..rM t Srarfs for only fa. BO too Scarfn for only ....S4.00 l.Mo Scarfs for only i...,. .tTJO We can pleas ' yo la Furs la medium priced good. ta trial or hay ban dlsmlaaaC shn b prepared. On aooount of tn labor la- volvad in tb preparation of suea a uac it will probably not ba ready for X days or two week. In a few of th caae airaaoy uiTaa- Mntarf h ordaF of tha OOUIt OOthlUB ha been found warranUna: aaaaura, In others it la ten that tner ia bwiuubi wanting. ThoufB u tiai ta mavrh, v contains A aambr of not tru bUls A th llat' la th aa of William nrimu aaaJnat whom raata six eharaas of conduotlna a saloon at Montavllla without a Ucena. Th oaaes uu back to Mil, Four informatlona ohar ln Orlmaa with thia pfUna war flld whll on indictment was louna mei by the srand jury In 1. and two tru bllla ware returned by th last fraud jury. Ball has baaa riven oa every chare and Urlmae naa uiraraur w aklaaa nf not aulltV. Not B Sinai eas has aver bn brought to triaL K. Dun waa arreeteo June a. onarswa with llleaai votlnc oa a warrant lud from th 9ollo court. Th books of th sheriff show that ba was admitted to balL No laformaUoB baa rr ba fUad aralnst blm in th circuit oourt. Henry Krus; was arraatad afay t and charred with aaaaultlnr a womaa. A not tru bill was filed by th district attoroay Jun IT ana ha waa dismissal from custody. IX Cully waa aharred with obtain lbc money by falsa pretenae July 1A A not tru blU was Bled by th dis trict attorney August ,! and ba was ordered released. . Jams Hotman waa arrastai oa twa charges of malicious destruction of property July M. Hot trua bills ware nied and be was released August St. A. J. Brown was oonvtctod of laroanv by ambaatlsmaot la tha municipal oourt July 17 and appealed to to oircult oourt. Bail waa grVan. His oaaa did not asm up at all Ul C -H. Zsrglar was charged with lar ceny Aurust I. A not tru blU waa fUad k. walfiaaait AuKlUt 10. R. Nudslmas was released, supposedly an a polio oourt do it a. juiy ss, osing charged with arson tw days previously. Investigation abowed th bond could not b found. Nudelaiaa waa agala-taken into utody September a, - Th sheriff would not releas Mudalmaa untu a aaw A not true bill was filed m th oass of linens BUlingV charged vtth asaattit- Ing a UtUe girl. . No suit oa tha bond of Annla Pollard ba beea brought. Sh waa chargad with ' itnwnv aacured her liberty on bond and left tha atata No suit has ever beoa brought against bar nonos- men. " Ba . obarwed with robbery. also fled whll out on ball after he bad hM MRvlotad and taken aa appeal ta tb -supreme oourt. In thto Instance win ha tmnoaaibla to recover, aa the mortgage to property in Beat tie, trana f erred to Charles AHsky, a bondsman, waa not filed at Seattle. No tnyeatiga Uea waa mad of tb mortgage previous to Judge Bears being advised, to accept ON BENCH N STREET know bis name. A Uttsr revealed th desired InfonaaUoa. He was Michael Burns. Hto bom to aot yet known. No relative have been located and no friend naa oome forward ta tak abarg of tb body. -On Baa who saw tha body aald ba had aeon htm at Vancouver, Wash re oenUy." aald Coroner Flnley. "He told m th old man had a hemorrhage there on day, nearly dying. I shell bold th body a while, hoping some on will oar to claim It and sav him from aa ob scure burial. According to totters lo bis posse ion, be has a Mttla property somewhere, but tb exact location to not dlciod " -. - - . MORE HONORS FOR , DR HOMER KEENEY Dr. Homer I. Kar af thai olty, has recently beea appointed vice-president of th Alumni Association Of Jefferson Medical college, Philadelphia. Announce ment of bis appoinunent reaohd tba olty yea tarda y. His friends regard th appointment aa a distinctive mark of honor la view of the fact that there are aeverel thousand alumni of tb institution. Dr. Keeney graduated from Jefferson coll eg with tha clans of 1901. Whll at th college he waa mad president of th Alpha Kappa fraternity, loading of tb pro fessional Greek letter aocletle. He was alao secretary of th W. W. Keen Sur gical society, poring hla last year at th college be waa editor-ln-chlef of tb class day book, a publication tosuad by the member of th class. Ota b la graduation Dr. Kaey reoerred the SDpolntment from hi class aa a member of the house staff of Jefferson hospital, Philadelphia. He accepted th poaltlon and remained for a short time before coming to Portland where he has risen to a positloa of distinction la tba local profession. Lant June Dr. Keeney waa lotd president of th alumni association of th University of Oregon, where he grad uated hafor attending Jefferson col lege. ' - ' - - Rummage Sale. ' Th -Jswteh Ladles' Endeavor aoctety holds a rummage sale beginning; Mon day. October 10. at Its Third Street. WlU you kindly nd u your donations, or telephoB Mala llt7 and we will oall for themT IS A WORTHLESS MARSH INCLUDED IN YOUft REAL ESTATE OWNINGS? Thet'deeeat pay. Tjet M StU ye til dralMfe erattaL Penr lend traMferSMMl into frrtlle, ennt beariag ride M) whet we SMtlbl. W weald be pletd ts wi II yea farther lafersaios aad arise hen. , DIAMOND BRICK CO Oflm tat BwMeO 9k.. Fernaaa, Or, ; Ta-i test Aak-ay SU . FATHER OBSTELU MAKES EXPLANATION -Ta ha Pnbllo la vlw of th fact thtt there seams to xtot a aarloas mla uaaaratandlnaT OB tba part of tb P0- pl ud aoma of tb clergy coaoerniag that portion of th Cathedral parish in cluded between Harrtooa and JflraOB .traata. and from tha river 'west to Twelfth attwst. I wUh ta make tb fol lowing etatement aad pobllab tba fasts as thy really arat "Th nrat intimation of th maltnfor matton mad public was oa last Baatar Sunday, when Bav. Father Kennedy. v. ... at tha CathadraL an- nouaoed from th pulpit that tha aauUi boundary of tb catnearni pa nan waa k. uth aiia Af Harrlaon a treat. Tbla ..nMMwnail waa oarafullr noted In a ubsequent tosu of th Caabotla Sea- tlaaL Th number xor uciooar a, tha aama MBtr repeated a Ilka atatement. About twa weeks ago a sim ilar copy appeared la tba columns of th Oraroalan la connection with an article on tb contamplatsa Cathedral .ph.t thau tnaiAttatln? statements ara not exact and misleading. I wish to prove from th following facta: nti- ....II. annah th CathOlfa) rSldnl who live between Harrison and Jeffer son street and from th river to Twelfth street, eenalder themselves as having been deceived by me, whea in th month of May. W. X vlsltd each of them and Informed them that I had been authorised by th moot reverend kM.k.. t iwiiiatt them to attend 8t, MicbaaV church In futura, to rent pws and da other thing. rom iwi to time aloe then they bav been, hear ing from the pulpit and reading from the pre statements in direct contra diction to mine. Hnc I fey Justified in appearing wltb a correct sutemsnt of th truth, which la In aubstaaoa as follow! TARS FROM EVERY COUNTRY ARE HERE fXABBOB) ZS AJTB BA Via .MMBnt tha snany Bblna BOW m port,. Rev. J. Cummlng Bruo reports that th Seemen institute is orowueu a almnat tha nnlnt of OVerflOWUlB Vry night. Most of th Bailors wb con gregate thsr are apprnuca, ana aiw spending an hour or two at tb Insti tute they return t m snip. ruiViti tha naa waakr a. OCCamttt baa beea busUy occupied preparing a list oi nfrtammnia-tor uw aauwa. k v. k... .ham ttt tha Institute bav decided ta provida aoat form of entertain meat aurmg every augo w tb week. ' Oa every Wedneoday vnhg there will b a eonoert, many of th leading arttota promlalng to ba preeent ta aon- .vt.a tn tha nrwrUL OiBM Bnd muato wlU make up tb diversion for Saturday and Monday nignta. iumqv .u ananal ntaallar WlU b bld whaa awraaanta.tlaa from th VriOUS ohuroh will attend and assist la tha eervicea. Naat Tuawaay oang us services Will be In obara of tb Grace Method lat ohuroh. - A aerie of game wlU a bald Thurs day evening, and thoa at tba bead of th movement appear aoandant that thto featur to going to prove popular, and tt la tb Intention to bld a sort of bil ls, rd tournament vry fifth night of th week. Chess, cheokera and .athar game wUl also ba introduced. Friday wlU be "German day." At that tlm special program U1 b arranged for tha ben At of all tba German see man in port Tba ragutex lastltuU tm will ha bald Sunday Bights. While th sailors do aot mako It a point of dining during- the vlelta, they r almost invanaoiy proTKiM w ta and light refreshments before tbay wnd their way back to tha ship. , LEGAL LIGHTS SPAR WITH HONORS EVEN . M math aaalnat aa. enthnstoam agaiiwt eootna and xperlne. Tbay got aa avB breajE an in xun w- neck and neck. But vry person la tb elroult oourt was amused, . Attorney J. a M or eland wanted the suit of Orvttle O. Jennings against Helen CL Jetmlngs for a divorce and tb suit for tb cancellation of a deed set for the aam day. Attorney Jerry Broa augh desired two days to be given th oaaes. On insisted that tb divorce ault a tried first and th thr th property suit. ' "Th divoro suit was fUa nrst, your honor.' declared Attorney Bron augh. 4dr easing Presiding - Judge -rbyr exactly tha aam fcmd af salt,' asssrted Attorney Mere land; "0b to to annul a dead and tb other a mar riag.M k "We'll nd tw onya, added Broa. anaTb. You'll find oa la ampl." retorted Moreland. 1 ' Tou don't know bow atraeh evidence we intend to totroduce, declared Jerry m.i. "No. but t hare an Idea of what gvd a. in . aha rravJiMld. Her th discussion ended. All the auditors were waiting for th next bit of repartee when Judge Oeorg mad hla presence felt. -Hum," he began, elearlna hla throat. "I don't know about tbla case vary well, but I will set both for October it. If more Um to needed It can be taken. Thus Attorney Moreland got a singt day and Attorney Broaaugh get th privilege of taking more Mm If H to found necessary. Both retired from th field with honor. Neither bad a sec ond. - i ' ' NEW AUDITOR HERE; ' LOOKS OYER OFFICE H. J. Stirling, newly appointed audi tor of th Oregon Railroad A Navigation company, to in th city for a weak to fa miliarise himself with th work of th office before th departur of II I Ben son, whom he succeed. After a week here he will go to Omaha, t turn over his offlo there to hla snooeaaor. Sine IBM Mr. Stirling baa been freight audi tor f th Union Pacific. At tb tlm of receiving hi appointment t Portland h waa traveling la California, and he came her at once to go over the affair of hi new efno before the departur of nto prsdeeeaaor. He has been la th ac counting department of vartoua' roads II year- with th Lake Share A South em, th Mlohlgea Central, th Toledo, Cincinnati A St. Louis, and th Union Pacific. He will tak active abarg of hi Portland ofltow Jabor 1 T oaOwpyj WITS TBBV nVOKB OB Oiairi OTST1TUTB ,'MMMl aaiaOOs BBTT.T.TdBT VBOeBABXe ABB AB SUUrttBB BOB TBBIB BBBBBTf. . -On tb Ttb of February, lttt. tha winht ntwanand arahbiahOB. OOnal dSTln that th Catbolto people living In the neighborhood of st. auutMie ww Inoonv-ntont distance from tha Ca- k1r.l anil alan On BOOOUBt Of th Italian people belnr acattered far and wide and other wis unaoi w auppon tht Mkumh and after ha vlna ooa- auiied with Rev. Father B. IX Cay. T. J. McNally ami J. J. Watara. who war residing at tb Cathedral at tb tim.v MtiAiudaa ttt aiva m tb above authorisation, towlt: Th people living between Harrison ana .iwnnwajwww, and from tha river west to Twelfth mm! aiuMiit ha aanaldered and eon- sider themaaive aa anUUad to attend at hflflhaal'a narleh. But for mason doomed prudent just then aald arianaw. menu were not to be mad public. " Accordingly. April 1. Itas, I, tba mar derslgned. waa duly authorised by tb moat reverend archbishop to take th oMwua of the people living wlthla tba confine of th above named bouadav rlea, to rent them pews, and to aamia latsr ta all their spiritual want. In cludinr marriagea. He furthermore Invested ma with power of granting tha nniiMrV aaafcrimonlal dlDnation If nscessary. tTb right and priv ilege war granted, m oy nia .arao both verbally and la writing. ut- tha .pin nf is At. whan th Ca thedral clergy Instituted a census of their pariah, th. arcnoisnop, roroaoe Ha. Vaihat BTannadv to interfer Wltb th famiU living la tba abov named district. , ' HAU th abov statements ar true. t - tham in aji eharttv and kind- neaa, ia jus tie to the Catholic people who wars tod to believe that I bad da oelred them, and la justtoa t myaelf. -Vry raspectruuy yours. AJKXANDER CKSTBlXi " -Paatoc of SL Mlohaara" PICTDRE PLAN IS ,: KILLED BY BOARD r. O. Cohen ran aminat a snag at tha meetlnr of th city achool board tost night when he sought tb endorsement a tha hau hi tha Brlvileaw of nboto- graphlng tha sohaol children and th buUdlngs of Portland for tn senoor ex hibit at tb Lewis and Clark fair. Mr. rVihaa atatad that a aollacttaa -Of VtSW of thto stt would eost tb fair man agement nearly II. 000 if omon war hired to do the work. - By hla plan It would coat th fair management nothing. Ha stated that he would tak tb pic ture if tb board would allow tha tea ch ar to receive orders from the pupils. Ia thto manner ha would ba paid for bis trouble. Th board refused to aoxuddar any auch plaa, . At last tba Atkinson achool pupils kata an ennortunlty of study. Mem ber of tb first six grades met y eater day morning in th. portable rooms at tha Tu aflhAnt. The other three arade bav been aaaambllng for work la tb portable rooms at tba oouon aonooi. There waa a small attendance, as tha children bar a lona: distance t walk. St Johns desire to purchase eeveral of th portable room, but oupanniena nt Rtaler aald thsr war Don for sals at tha preeent time. There will be eeveral wnap tna neax tag plant at tb Atkinson school is completed," said be, addressing J. V. taaah "14 tm au Harare out when that win b It to mora than X can do." Night schools at tba High, Central and wmthma arena school buildings will Opea October l. m. A. Muner was etaoaea Bight principal at tb High chool. with Mr. J. B. Corns toek and u w r Aiiwnne aa aaalataJita. H. R. Wtnobell wUl hav charge af the W 011a roe avenue and & B Haghaoa or tb Central night schools. astaa Parria Hunt, who WB recently transferred from th Sellwood to tb Ockloy Qreoa achool. waa sent back to tak charge of, eighth and alnth grade work at tb Sellwood BCbooL Mia Ta lari, Oraatbou waa ohoeea teacher 1a the Ockley Oreen chooL Miss Fiomne Bettlnger was elected a half pay teacher at Ockley Oreen. Mrs. May B. Brans waa choeea aseistaat drawing teacher. Th Ladles AM aactoty of tha High land Congregational church will give a Ten Cent Tea" Wednesday afternoon from l to I, at th horn of Mrs. Walter Bmltoy, Ml Bast Ninth -treet. It. , ' , Plio"SL Unit Trip Now, : OB October IT, ft and ft th O B. A w will an la aall vary low-rat wrenr- alon tickets to St Lout, good returning until December . rarweumr wu w. Stinger, city ticket agent Third and Washington treeta. . Allen Terla Best BranA SOIX AGENT FOR THE r CELXBRATED i , DINLAP HAT TnAtf0aeUitysjt4 Sty 1 Tht are -flocks" f bata. but ami of them ara of tba asms f anther aa THE ROBSON Th best hat that oaa.' b' mad for . RODirJSON & CO. 289 Wshinl(Hi Street, Ttrllu Hotel WtfOtlarilB OOBBB WTJ A .; aUffVBAOB XBT BJB Stlg SjajiB VO BATS BOBOOB TMAOMMMK WOBX FOB BXat taT BBOUBXBe BZOWtrBBB WOm UW1B ABB OXAJUC FAZB. ., Vl-sa34 J A Rain Coat Top . V A Year 'Round-Coat ' 1 Jhtms tlirBS rMtares srs eombined Irl ths v . , l-:T. . -' I y 'VlQUAPROOFnli! RAIN 0)AT : '' ' ' '' :-.:"'"t-'.' .. . V".- -- -' ( ' . .;:..-(?--v, -v . v -r -f llisss puinetrts sr cofTwCt In styls. At, work- ixbmtiBhip nd sll'tbs Uttlt details ihst distifr- faish high frails Hrel trom ths cotTirnois E BUFFUM & PENDLETON ".' Oothieisj , Jlstters . Fimiiafcars V .7" : 811 MORRISON 8Ta OPP. POSTOFFICB ,-. t .V' r-"; B&ron's Shoe Storo's Wet Weather Shoe Specials A Men's Shoe ':r;-. Specicl ; Here arc ths Shoes tor all merit . snd all occasions, made of extra good vid kid, box calf and riBCoJ Ized chrome tanned calf;1 soft and pliable, that will give the wearer satisfac tory wear j soles sewed by band and thoroughly vis colized to keep , out the wet - ; r $3.45 Is the price THIS WEEK Tk Sttrc taT tht Eceseatc-1 BARON'S SHOE STORE 330-332 MottIsob St., mst Second October ! . f Sunset OB California Magazine Oeneral nfacArthur and other army emcars dyrfb 'tba reBt milltanr maneaver hi CaJIfornhv eaoh artlal being profaeelj Illustrated wltb halftone, and eolored drawlaa by Edward OueueL Interesting artiele ea CaJIfornle, and Oregon, "How OUr OU la hThde," "How Almonds ara Orown," and flne desortptton of Plumas and Sutter. Vw great California siwiillay lad Baa af nrtlei , western stories, skatehoa and verse. v v- 10 Cents a Copy YOU CAN BUY : SUNSET MAGAZINE V ; AT AJUL NEWS-STANDS SPELLING BEES WILL AKUSE EliCCXLYMTES At araeant Bttng of tb Brooklyn School Alumal asociatia It was da elded U hold S spelling match at each of th Bsenthly mtlagB of tha Bodaty. The eaatcbaa ara U a after tha "good ld-fabl0nad way," that is, tw pellers of known ability will choos sides, and thee for it minute hard and tricky words wlU be given out. - Thia aort of amusement was decided upon tn order that th art of spell lag would not become a lost on among Brook lyn' sons and daaghtsra. Last Friday evening tb following of ficers war elected for ths ensuing year: Vrnest Ooldapa, presldeatt Mis Julia Jackson vice-president; atlas Ethel Basely, eeretary; Miss Agnes Duncan, treasurer; M. B tMmmtek, Jr sergeant-at-arms; Mis Lea SberretU registrar. , Th meeting of th aeeoeletloB will be held oa th flrst Pride y of each month, at T:I0 a, m. Tb aat meeting, tt it aaeeoUd, jrUt fe bald to lb aw Coat a Women's ; Shoe Spedcl Good looking .and honest made Shoes, or the fair sex; vid kid, patent kid and velours, calf uppers with medium weight flex ible solid-leather . lea--. every pair made to hold their shape mnd wear right. &nd the price win be I$2.95l t THIS WEEK, i Sattrs Li " V Life assembly hall of ths school, now ta tb ours of creation, . . Th resident of Hood stroM bet seen Clay street and th bridge ar indignant becau tba street leaniag departmaat baa not swept th street sine th new pavement waa laid. Tb Street la aor ered with rubbish f every description and th Belgian blocks wo entirely hid dea by ths dirt. Thar wsa a big sensation ta ta. rtll. Ind., when W. H. Brown of that pise, wb waa expected to dl. had hi Mf a, saved by Dr. Kiag- Nw Du oovery for Consumption, Hs writ: "1 endured insufferable agrmta from Asthma, but your Mow Dlsoovry gar ms lmmadlste relief and soon thereafter effected a oomplst car, similar cure of Consumption, pMumonta, Broaohltla and Grip ar numerous. It's th peer, less remedy for air throat and lung troubles. Frto 10 and l.t, Ouaran teed by Red Croe Pharmacy, corner sixth and Oak streets, oa tha Wh to .th fogtofaoa, - . 1 r - "' s.