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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1904)
THB D" "OM B'- nAU PORTCAKa T JZSDAY OCTOBER 11,. 1901 . .... ! . ... ., r .a fob nmommT or tAT mirr-iiaiTi nuit ' Betta to hereby Ht titt the CeaBetl w etreet from the aorth Hm f mi Um read to tb Berth II U o( Holledxy avenue, IB th manner provided by rdlMBM Ho. 18.080, apon. Mb tat. part of lot aod Hml of Uad, which T rr.peci.1lj aad pallrlp tottfitss7 bs o Fleabant" HOWE ADOmOKto tb V Portland-BLOCK 1, tot 1, Ladd, TrMtee, M) let 1, William M. Ladd. TrnilM. 861.01; tot t a. jok b. bb- EVV. block B. Bennett JM.; 1, tot L I. ft Onmi, T.fl tot John B. . Bennett 868.01: lot B, Joan BLOC iVmt 1. Portland True tVoapany ef Oregov SW.1T; tat 1, Portland Trust Cuoipe'iy of Oregon, M! 07; tot I. Portland Trust , Oompepy cnVOceaoa, 881 .BS; to .mJ True bnv Ocean. 88.T2. BUH K 4, tot 1. LneUa E. mtU, fol.ii; apt arnn fin- tol 7'iiJ. mT Mann, wa.. a ICt Vf land 11o bBtWMO Wet U Of a. r, aana. a !., U w kU. - Real Twenty-eisnia siree in a fMt est thereof Utf pereltol tWrlU - and between tb eeatl Hm of taet Ash-ay treet and a Hne 24 feet eoath of end parallel - tbrw1lk. 1. P, Keanedy, B42.. A i I? Jinf between the ' IVeoij-eTgntu .traat and a Una lop fret Nt thereof and parallel therewith and kMtn the aorth lio Eaat street and tb south ll3 ef lu( wid. Itmt. ImUA BiKkm.1. - A tr.rt f Uad Irlna WtwM ti WMt th TwMUr-VlclitV Itmt ad Mm 100 t Mt tbrreof .nd pualtot ttwwltb. od " bMWM tb north UnTat Bat Burohto ttnet and tba wtb Urn of B.A Cucb ftrMt. , laatob BihBMB. tlM. A. tract of UM ' lrloi tiNt tba tut Una of Eut twmatf , atftatb atrMt ad a 11m 100 fat waat Itowl ad BraUl therawltk and batwata tba KMtb . Uaa or Ba.t Darla atrt and tba artt Hm , af Baat Cow auaat. laboal Watrtet Maw i. Ili Tl Yvxoo if.Matjir S. fee 4. TlTla . Otdkaav ST.U: tot S. Babractat itraeba. 01dh. ST.U; lot S. Babracbt '' P.aej tot 4 Edward I. Clarfe. mMi lot 4, Guatof r. LiiadfTaw. BST It; Jot t. BtoC Is4craw7 jll.Mt lot t. BaMaal r - tot HhWr, fOa tirXt 1. imn1 Babtoff. Bixr . soatb 4 tot T. J. r. Bwbai orth H Jaaala H. Parallua, J .Huataa. tJT.: totl. Third ftaaVjtfrtam Cburcb af Portland, Orafoa, Traataa. MJ M. j lOOAN'B ADDITIOK to Baat PortUndBUX a: ; T, all of lot ljinf. aait of a Dm W0 laat waat af and aaralUl wttb tba waat llaa t f)1. Eaat Twoaty-alithtb traat. , ' il.Td; tot , Joba T. Baraa, fM-IO; all a j- let i Irlaf aaat if i Um 1CD M waat of " . a ad aaralTal wlt tba waat Uaa af KX -, TwBtr-lcatb atraat Bliaraaa B. tork, v 3.21: tot L Bmaoa B. Clarfc. IZJ-fl. - Flock . tot 6. tiom mpma, Jcmo: tot 4. Tbow rfbaaa. Jin.dli all tot I 1lof aaat of a ia 100 taot waat of aod i parillal Wltb tb waat Una of aat TwaBtr . alfhtb atraot, Tkoaau Popbaan, 5T.0; tot I. Tbonaa Poaaaaa, SM-H: tot 1. Xboaaaa Poa- bana, fW.tTliLOCIC 1. tot , k aon, 2.22i tot , Batar . . alTof tot T bin nM f Hm 1 fcat waat I ana pareuai wita ua win un "t! TwantTabtb atraat. Lodwla; Iff nr, .11 r J i tot. Mm llaa 1M faat Waat of and paraltal with tba wtat Una of ' ; Kaat TwantT-alibtb btra lUrrt U. AaaaM. 32.2t: lot ioTV0 iw. dO di 1M U. Bl LlJVA.S I ADDITION fat tba CM C Part j , land BLOCK IT. aaatarlr H frad ; Elara, 111.4S. BLOCK 4. ni l. frad Btlara. 1 M. 11; tot Prad Kltora, Int f. I Kid Bltora, ftd-OOitot K PradUara. i A tract of laod trine bMwaaa waat Una - iaat Twamtr-ltotn atraot and a Hna 100 - faat waat tkatwef and paraltoT tbarawttb, and r Wtwacn tba north Hna at Bolladar atanoa I - and a Hna 100 font nortk tbnrnaf and nnraUal tborawltb, BUuea of Charity af Hon, of ir Prwrtdanaa of Vaarwtmt, Waablaaton, I40.T. 7 A tract af toad Itoc batwaan tba anab Hsa ; , af Baat Twaatr-aicbtb atraat and a Una ' 100 faat aaat thoraof and parallel taarawlth. and batwaaa tba nartb Una of Baat itarb atraat and tba aontb Una af Baat Plaa atraat i-. Anna fcbaaaar, toZT U- A tract of land Iflna ' brtwaa tba aaat Una af Ba.t Twaatr-alffeth traat and a llaa 100 foot aaat tbareot and ... paraltol ttorWlta. and batwaan tba nortb Una of Baat Plna atraat and tba aontb Hna of Oenaral Andaman ddlaan, Anna ,Bcbaaaf. BX&il. AKDERBOB-g A DDTTIOK BLOCK I tot t, Thaanaa m. Aaaeraoa ana mariaa Tan WlakU. ARlnft: tot A fnaaaaa and CharMt Tan Wlntta. Ctt.M. tX)CK K tot B. TboMM M- Andaraoa and Tbartoa Tu Wlnkto. SU0.0T; tot . Tbmnaa If. Andaraoa and Cbarlaa Van Wlnkto. taT.W; tot . lomaa M. AoOaraan and Cbarlaa Van rWlBktoril.B- BLOCK I. tot 4. Tnoiaaa U. niDBM, Bunk an mu w Andaraan and Onarlaa Tan Wiabla. llan.dO. , BLOCK L tot S, Thovaa M. Andaraon and JF Cbartoa Tan Wlnkto. t0.S3; tot , Tboanaa - y iTAnorraoa and Cbarlaa Van Wlakla. U.3; , tot S, Tboaaaa M. Andaraan and Cbarlaa Van ' Wlnkto, Wb JTi tot 4. Tnon.a M. Andaraon y and CharTra Van Wlnkto. 3 TO. AWTBOHNfe'R PIBST ADDITION ta Baat : Portland BLOCK 24, lot 12, Clt tobttrbaa Sllwar Cnapaar, M4 44t Vt 11, CIU bur ban Ballwaj OsBuanr. SATO: waat 1T.T aWt tot 10. Cltr At BnWban Ballwar Cam- Car. tB.M: waat 10S faat tot 2, City A aarban BatTwaj Compaar, $8.1T) tot 1 at ftabnrbaa Kail way Companjr, t47; . bt 1, Otr Babarban Bail way Canpan V , M.U. BIOCK IT, aoath 00 faat tot 1 ' FT. MeilolUnd. 31.0I: aoath BO faat 1 . V ft, P. If. MrHoUand, $1T.U0; waat T fr af aoath SO faat tot 10, P. MHalan j m aaaaroan atanway taapur. I II, tot fret MHaUand. LOTt nartb U faat. lot 12. JTranh Boda. 11.06; all waat lt d faat tot 10 aacawt writ faat af aanta "og raat at it, rrana n.BOi north ao faat lot 11, Frank flT.111 traat l&T faat tot 8. Bart ha 111.11: tot K Hlba and Ban Baa- Bekaoa, U4.47: tot t, Tba Bawtboma Batata, 11 S. Lock Id. aoutb U tot 12. A. 1. and XX. U Karbaf, 0.TO; aaath tot A. t. and Q. X Kirkar. 17.; norm u P. Turner. B2TT1: waat 20.1 faat 10. K. ft Brook. 112.20: north U tot , , w iihvu aiiaa. ibu ana u ' tot B, Claraaw H. Hlniaa, flt.Ui tot 2. Dort fbr IaatMlla Aria. AM IS: lot 1, Dorothy laa 1 bella Aria, pao . - BLOCK t. aoath H tot 12, B. J. Thorn toa. WO 00: aoath H tot 11, . J. Thornton. llSOSYnortn H lot 12, AdalU nd Prank T. Rtnttn, S2.n8; waat 22 faat tot ' to. Joha B. Andrraoa, lt M; north tot 11. Adella and Prank T. IraJth. 1 44; wrat 22 t v tret lot ft, Lonlaa B. Nathartoa, 1.M: aorth U tot 1 Henry Wlncert. ftlAlt; nortb IT tot, Henry W infer t. SM.81; aoath H lot t, Ba RUaa.tlR.2B; mth H tot 1, Bra 1 Blleo, 80.27. BLOCK ft, aoath W tot 12, Cbarlaa I. A 1 wood. fM; aoath tot 11. Charlee W. Alwond. .ilS.Od: north H tot 12. Tba Uawthoraa Ibtata, n.OA: waat 24.0 ' feet tot 10, Tba Hawtaorna Rat ate. nortb U tot 11. Tba llawthorna Eat ate . ! 4.81; i. fit. ll; I Botate, weat 21. 1 fet tot 2. Tba Hawthorne; north U tot 2, Dancaa MrWlllea, ' IllJJd; narth H lot j, (Macaa Mrlflllea, 3.0Bl anntb H tot 1 Tba Hawthorne ' - Uta, tUa; aoath U tot 1. Ta Haw- . tnaraa tfatate. 22S.0d. HLOCK 1, tot 12. The 1 Hawtbeme Batata, P W; aoath 12 fart waat i 20. T faat tot 10, The Hawthorao Batata. i ' il2.fB; tot U, The Hawthoma Batata, tel.OT; nartb 12 faat wan) 2B.T faat tot )6 Arthar i JrHowltt,Jtt.41. tTORK BLOCK 11, tot , Tba rtawtbonia r. BaUta, tU lfl: lot 4. Bllea 0. Howltt. 117.10; ' ,; tot d. Priderlch tL Bltteaaar, fOO.M. BLOCK v I, 1st I. Bacartty Barlnga A Traat Company. n.44; tot . John RHIa, IIO.M: tot T, Albert ' W. Phllpott, tftl.Mi tot 6, H. t. Power, 6207; tot 4, H U Pawara. tlt.Wi tot U Powera, 2BT.4B. BLOCK 2, lot ft, ' ftoeartty Sarlaga Traat Coaanenr. ftfiAOO: tot 0, Tba Hawrharar Batata, flft-M; tot T, - O WlaraL BaB.Oa. RIXTK 4. tot 4V H. L - Powera, Trnataa, B40.M; lot 4. KVa D. i n.rnaa, tlBrr: tot 5. B. t. Powera, Ttnaree. r BM Vt, BLOCK T, tot t. Jaawa Lafg. BMJU; v j tot t7 Xamea LatK, Bit. 10; lot ioThlav M. 1 llialta, B40.BB: lot 12. btortln nndheTf. ' SS.nT; tot 11, Otta Wlebet, tmTTO. BIKK '"'T J. tot I. Mats tea Berkar, BUAMi tot 11. i Martin lanhera. 2M.T2; tot 12. Hartla - fendearf, 10.44; tot , Tba Hawthorne Batata. 230.10: tot t. The Hawthorne Katate, - ' B, Tb Hawthorn Batata. B7T.T2. RIICK a, tot 0, The riawtnarna Batata, 17.00; lot T. Tba Hawthoma Batata, A.W.01; ror 2" B" Iblaa TatL A atateanent af arnraaald a tared in the Itoeket of City Urna, and to na Jaw and MjaMe at tba afar af tba City Trenani-er, la Uwfal toaaap of Ua Cat tad tataa and tf not paid within B0 day froai th data af thla bntlra aueb fvoeaedlnaa Will a taken far the caUerrloa af tb earoe as fre prorlded bp tba obaraar nf tb City tf Portland. Tba abae aaaiaawjeat artfl beer Intayaat SB dan After tba Brat aaaUcattoa- af thla ' Aedftar af the City of PnrUaat, Portland., Oregon. October 11. 104. PB4POAAL8 P0B BBPAIBZM BOOPB. ' ' Sealed prapaeato wfU be race lead by b Water Board af the Cttr f PnrUand, Oreawa. awttl B a. m.. October 12, im for repairing the rwofa af tba Albtna and tlaeala aad tJ Bereath Hfreet pa aping stattoae. ' SpeclAcatlona and form af arapeaal BMP b 'SbUined at the water offlea. Cite Hah. Wltb aaeh Md mat be depoelted aarttaVd geeb tea lino 00, aaynble ta the Aadltar af the ty af pwtiaad, Oragne, dad beada eeeeptebto & tba Mayer oj the attp iU b raeajaitaA of aaccemrnl bidder. Th right M rear bf M W.tat Baafd - haiert any r aU pro pee la. PMpsaeto ajnat be an weed lb IB eaeewiaa, e-i and a '-d "i al for 8pr1a a 74 d e . eSBta. crrr btoticiav fom IMPBOT BnttJP Off BAAT TKIBTT -POOKTK BTXKBT, wmm i. ah alvaa that tb Onooerl af tba City af Porttond, Orafoa. at 0 Bieet ln b-hl i tba Bth day oT Ortob IftOd, dxlared the aweaoMat by ed1aje Ha. 14,- 21 far tba la arort oaac as ni inirtr-roera BtratTfM tbT aoath Una af Hawthorne new "nTto thT north Una of Wrtaloa atat. (to the auaaer ararldad by erdlnanca Ha, 1B.410. apon each toT part of lot and Parcel M lUnd, whicii are .iwctoUr and peeaiUrly hanafliaa. la &DVBT-DB-LOCat L tot t. w. Taxwr.; tea a, w. w. urw. I1A; tot 27 0. P. Tartar. JBBJBi"fct . ft. W. Taytor, MB TB tot S, TW. Taytor. l.Ot; tot B, O. w. TSyua, jpajaj n i. W. Taytor, 12t.BT: tot 1 0. W. Taylor. iU.M. BLOCK A lot 1. O. W. Tayiar. ITOaT; tot W. Tartan, m u I. W. Tar lor. ill, 14; lot 4. 6. W. Taytor, .. . ... a n w rtA AM' in a . W. Taytor, lltl lot T, 0. W. Taytor, B1TO.T4; lit b 6. W. fator, 1100.41. BLOCjt If tot C O. W. Bnytor. il-t, tot 2. O. W. faylor. tlT2.4T. Traat of land ly I n be tween want Uae af Baat Thirty foarth atraat and Una 100 faat waat thereof and parallel therewith and between twa Una reapactlraly MOT faat and 220.0T feat aoath af and tirallel With the1 aoath Hoe Stephana i treat. Ilea C. Darr. 2222.72. Tract of land Jy Ina batwaaa weal Una af Baat Thirty -foarth atrMt and a Una 100 faat wrat thereof and naral el therewith anal Between two onea reanctlVelr 220.17 feat Ind 2K4.0T feet aoath n4 parallel with the aoath line af tepbene atraat. aaknown awner. Alt. 42. Tract land lyinf tKtwaea waai' uae Baat TWrly-foartb atraat and a Hna lot faat waat themof and parallel th ith and hetveaa twa Una. reanacUvelr fJU.IT faat and feet aaath and parallel with tba emit a Una of Btepbeaa atroet. Joaaab VewaU, tOAa.10, Tract of toad lylnf be-, twaaa waat Une af Baat Thirty raorth a tree and Una 100 feat weat thereof and parallel tharewtra and batwaaa two Unaa reepactlvety BOTOT feat and 4B0.BT feet aoath and parallel with the aoath line of Itrpheaa .treat Joaeah W. Howell. 2211. AS. Tjaet af Uad lylac betwaeB waat Une af Baat Thlrty-faartS treet and a tine 100 faat waat thereof and emllal therewith and between twa Una pectlrely, dBft it faat and dao.Sf feefaoatn and parallel with th. aaath Une of Stephana atraat; Daniel W. Baynatda. tJ71.0T. Tract af Uad lylnf batwaaa weat Una af Baat Thirty -feorth .treet aid a Una 100 fact waat thereof and parallel therewith and between twa liana feepectlTety axi.tT feat and Tdt.BT feet aoutb and aaraltol with tba aoath Una af .Btepnaaa atraaif I. T. BodwaU, . tWl.OT. Tract of land lylnf batwaan want Una af Baat Thbty-fonrtb atraat and a Una 100 faat weat tbereef and aarallal therewith and batwaaa twa Hoe reepaettrrly T02.BT feet and faat aonth and paraltol with the aaatb Hna af Btepbeaa atraat, S. H. Denlhr. 1701 42. Tract af land lyrna bi twaaa want Una af Bat Tblrty-faarth treat and a Una 100 faat waat thereof and Kellel therewith and between a Une l.oso.trr t aaath af and paraltol with tba south Una of Stephen afreet and between tba north llaa of niTlatoa .treat, Peter Van Hooamla aaa. Tnct af land lying batwaaa Baat Una of Baat Thirty roorth atraat and n Una 100 faat aaat thereof and parallel therewith and batwaaa tba aoath Una of Hawthorn arenne and line ISO feat aoath thereof and parallel therewith, Annie U Kent. 8214.08. Tract af land 1lny batwaaa Baat Una of Baat. Thirty -foarth .treat and Hna lOfJ faet aaat thereof and aaraltol therewith and between two Unaa reepectrrety US teat and 1.2T2.M feet aontb af aad paraltol with the aaath Una of Hawthorne arenne. John Bobaon, 82 31AM. A traat af nd lylnt between aaat Una ot- Baat Thirty urth .treat and a Una 100 fret eaat thereof nan arallet therewith and batwaaa a Una 1.2T2.M feat feat aon nth of and parallel with tb ith Uaa af Hawthame areooe anal tba north Una af block A. Park Via oa leaded. unknown owner. HT.tO. PARK TIBW Batanded BTJOCK A. bat SO, Carrto M. weat, Jim nai tot ll, oarna m. Weat, $182.20. BLOCK 10, tot IS, CnrTto hf- Weat 8202.40: tot 12. Carrto U. Wart. flB2.8t tot 11. Carrto M. Weat, 13.04; tot 10. farrle hi. Waat 2202.80. BLOCK 11. i 18, Oania hi. Wet, 8212-08; lot ll Carrto M. Weat, 1101. ; tot 1L Carrie U. Weat. Tltt.Xt: tot 10. Carrfa hL Waat. hATFOBD TPWWW ADDmOJf BLOCK 1. jd( i, a. Man, f , mr m "rM"" 100.02; MIX Leder. I140.B0: weat 0 fact af to 14. tL I. ftewHahaw. IO.0&: watt t faat af tot B, T. J. Arioatroas, 87.08; tot 8. TTj. Arnatronf. 2J4B.08; MIT, .Arav tronf, 2108.30. BLOCK L M 1, 1 J. . ArtnaTran. 1T4.BT; tot T. J. Aranstroas, fl44.2lTwaat faat af lot 14, T7 J. Aran atrona-. BTJ0; waat feat af tot B, T. J. Fotal. m.70AlA i etatenaent nf afnraaald aaaiaiamtt hna been entered in the IWaet of City Dene, and Ik now dan and nay able at tba office af the City Tree rarer, la lawful atoney af tba United Mta and If net aald aat paid within an nay mm tba date of thla notice euah Broceadlnga win be token far the cottocttoa f tba aanw na are proeldad by tba char tar af tba CUT af Fwrtland. Tba abor aaeeauneat wtlT bear ' tatareat 10 dara aftar ma Ant nabUonUoa af thia - Tnta u, i Aadltaf af the Cltp ' Portland. Portland. Oreaoa. October 11. 1804. Pawposxs nf7KOT23rnrr or iuuiui BTBKZT. Kottaa tm naeah areea that a tba a.tbaa of tba Oonocll of tba City af Portland, Oregon, aeia na the nth day or ix-tooer, ibub, taa w towing reaolattoa til adopted: KeeoiTed, That the coanrti or rna cirr a Pottland. Oregon, One ma it expedient and pro- aoaaa to Ibuhtot Barnatde atreat fmai th eaat Una af front atraat ta the eaat Una of Third alt eat by graalnc the atraat ta tba proper eub grade, taking up, redreaalnff aad relaying the tone btocka bow la tba .treat ad toylnp tba naceaaary aaw rtona blocka. all to be on a concrete fnwadnrtoa alt lachea ba thick neon; by reptocloA the old rail now la the .traat In th Clrf Babarban Railway Company 'a right ef way and the Portland Railway Oaenpeay' right af way. with greneed raila sat toaa tbaa aaren tnehaa fa dantC and be naeinn the rlrhU of way with etaaa htocba eat ea au taahea af concrete. Aald Ihnpmreaseaf ta be Mada th aewarmiaca with the cbartW and erdlaanee of the City af PortUnd and the plana, aped tea tloaa and eetiBMtee af the City Engineer Bled la the of- nc or tna ABdianr er the uty or rvniana aa tba lBtb day af Bwptaaiber, 104. lndoraed: '-City Bngtaeer'a atone and pecIAcaHona fbr the lmproraaient ef Burnalde atreet from tba eaet Hna ef Front atreet to tba eaat Una ef Third atraat and the eerlaaataa ef tba work t be done aad tba probable total coat tbereef." The eort of aald Unpen Tenant to be aaeeeeed aa provided by the rlty Charter anon, the prop erty specially bene ted thereby and which to Ureby declared ta he all the lata, parte of tots and par re la of land lying between 8 Hne 100 feet north ef and parallel with the north line of Bamalde atreet and a Un 100 feet nmitb ef and parallel with the aonth una at Bainalde atreet and batwaaa a Un low faet eaat ef and paraltol with the east Hna af front atreet and the eaat Mm ef Third atreet. The Rnaiaeer'. eetlntate af tba probable total eaat Tor th laaproranant af aald Bur aa Ida atreat la fT.tOOOn. ' The ahne tntnroeamant hi teh Haaaed a 0 atone block lnprereaeat and eban he ( yxlneoT by the. rtty for period of 20 yearn. I-iTtWea rant the aw ear. at a auioriiy ac m property beneOtad hr aald Improvement, er any poftton thereof, abill not petlttoa for a now or different IrnproeeBwat befer tb ecptraUaa of each perkd. I . The plana, BBerMartoM tnT re tl rna tea at the City engineer for the Impmreraeat el tnM Ournelde atreet are hereby adopted. Beeolred. That tb Aadltar ef tbt Cttp ef Portland be aad be la hereby dtreeted ta tt notice af the prepeaed Imprevemaat ad tald eteet aa aroridid by th dtr charter. HBnaatrancae agatnat tb abor a Impreea nwnt may b tied In writing with tb awder algned within 20 day from lb data af tba Oret pabllcatton ef thla nottca. . Bp erder af tb ' Aadltar af the CUy f rertetmn. Portland. Oroaroa. October A 1804. POb ntrBOTAmart of baat Hatle to hereby rlwa that the ftanwHt ef fb CUy of Partlaad. Oreaoa. at a meeting hekl on the Bth day af October, ltna, declared the aaaeaemeat hyord1aaBCa Mo. 14.841. jar the improreatent of Baat Beeeateeatb atreet, from the awoth nne af nwimnnt atreat a tna aorta Una of Beat Tartar atreet In the manner Bra nded by ordinance Wo. 1B.TD4. onoa earn lot, part of lot and parrel af land, which' are aerially and peawUart biaaBt.B, to ba a Kb'wa. . THIBLnf 2. eJHl - Itarbta, BB42 Tt: tot A loba nwthto. 284. TA A tract ef land lylnf batweea the eaat lino af Baat Seeeoteaath atreet and Hna 200 fret aaat thereof and parallel therewith aad between two line reenerllrele K.t feat and 1)0 eaat tbereef and aaraltol therewith aad be tween twa Hne reepertleely 100 fret and 100 fret aonth af and parallel With ermth Una of BelmnBt atraat Or arte B. I mho ft. 17T.1A A tract af lend lying between, the aat tin af Baat nweeateenth atreet and a line 100 fret eaat theriaf aad parallel therewith aad betweew a Una UO feet aoath of and eralle) with eralh Uae ef Belmmrl atreet and north Hne of Mock A Daortra. and lb) aatenaioa ranter If la tt areeeaf oonree tlaary 1, Rails. 8181 ok Tract of land lying betweea twa Una reapecttrety IB.8B faet and 100 feet eaat of awd paraltol With tb eaat UjJ ef P A S-Tea -nth .treat and between a Ha 1 I U a. af d raJUl with tb 9v LUa af hrtamat aUeet aad lb 101.81 : weat a reel or jot la, a, vowna aw. 8 00; waat 0 feet of tot t, a, Lefler. J m; tot A 3. Lefto14.Blj tot A J. Lettor. IMfeL BLOCK 1 let 1. t I. Cow Met a w. artb Uneaf Pabt fbfeW eWett K0JT DSKkiLbLocK b I.B. am m; tot 2. a. p. pi I-' ' y . 3. P. Mneho. 8180 00; tot 73- W. U.40: tot A JV P. IHnaka. f4AtA. Tract of land Tlyli netwaaa Xt 1 oe Baat awranteanth aarallal tbarewlth aad between the north Hne Of Baat Taytor atreat and a ,B fret narth thereof and paraltol therewith. . Boh nSl. T4fcTrea oftao l.lT the woaTttne af Bat BeT-otaanth btMj Une BO feet weat thereof and, Mt a IU1 there with and batweem the aoath Una Bebont treat and n Una ino feet aaath paraltol tbarewlth. Bawtborna BataU. 2244.08. It at !hn3 tyrnff between twnj -PMdeab to fret and H0 fret weat ef and parallel wltb the waat Una of Baat Beeaa taaatb atraat and aaoth Hnjef Belmont atreet and a Una 100 fret aonth Uarjof and parallel therewith. Amoa Hlaf. lt.t0. TraH of land W"B betwawa th weat Mne ef Bart awwateeath tteaH tnd a Una 100 feat weat tbaraot and paralUI fb era wltb and between two Unaa reaper tlrrly 100 feat and 108 2-2 feet rTi?-t,,!f7 Erallal wlU tba aonth Una of Belmont .treat P koafidrtiei 0ATra-t of land tying laWaVeat Una of Baat BeTentaaatf atraat and Una 100 fret weat thereof .nd Rraltoi tbarewtth aad betwwaa a Una IBB 2-8 t aoath ef and aaraltol with tba aaath Uae ef Aelznea atraat and batweea tU north li... -a 1 A A Burr, mm) 4M. DAKBXR BLOCK tW 1. Ar O. tarr. lin n; tot 2, . P. itoBeaa. ainriai aw a. land tylnc batwaaa tba waat Ilea of Baat beeatoanfn atreet ami Una 1M feetweat thereof and paraltol tbarewlth and batweea the anrtbHoe f Taytor atreat and a Uaa ml feat north ther nndr.llal therewith, iaha KobrtMB.rB4l.TA TanAL 2.- a - af ' aaaiaaasent baa been aa tared at tba City liene. tnd ta bow due an parable at m aiooe ei we uij Traaaarar. la lawfal nMney of the- TJntted tataa, and If not paid wlthla 2B daya fron the data af thla aotlre aneb prooeedlnga wlU be takea far tba rollertioa of the eane a are arerilad bt tb ebaxUf af tha City a Part- UThe above Beeeeeaaent will bade tarereat to t2t tfhar th Brat Pt:!''"i ,ihJ? .f?1 . A editor af the City af PorUand, rwrttoad. Oragoa, October 11, U04. roB ncnoTinarx or ww a ...! tena that fb Coanctl ef the City ef lNtland. Oraawn, mat ing heht aa tba Bth dap ctTTj i4 dectored the aaaiaeenrat by 244, for the laaproTaaaent of Bprloa atreet, frjnj the weet una or wwawa each are tal- UBOVBR B ADDITION l BLOCK AT. let 1. PraakHa L .fV11 180.04; tot I. Prank Un I. roller, l0-82: let a, Prank II a 1. Pltor. 187.1a tot 4 Pranklla I. Puller, 1B0.0C 0ARTKB S ADDITION ta tba City ef Port d -BLOCK 80, lot 4. P, B. ttoaK aW.Bl: tat I. P. K Beach. Bt 40; tot . Hrlea fffeaaadell. 847 88 ; tot VUlw O. BawadelL t BOO M. BLOCK tt. tot 4, Wary Brldea. WIO.SO: tot , Mary Brldgea. 84. IT; tot B, AlaawcrthKatloBat Baak, MTBt; beainnlnc 80 faet eaeterly from aoath weat corner of block 0; then re neater ly oa north Une ef R-lug atroet 20 feet ta southeaat corner ef 87 thence northerly ao aorthanat eornaw af tot 8. thenoa aoutbweeterly la atralcht Una ta aeaiaalng, Mary Brldga, lw.3; begln nlnf at noatbwaat comer af tot B. thenoa eater ty B0 fart thence ha a atrnlgbt Una . ta Bortheaat (or oar of tot B, thence westerly U Borthweet earner of tot , thence anatherly to tMlaalBC, AiawworU KaOoaal Baiat, OARTBB't ADDfTIOM to Ae dtp ef Portland BLOCK tHr tot d. Oaorre C. Plan da a, fOaT at; Jot 8, Oeerew C- lr lander. 84. IT; kit Laara H Northrtrp. BflO 70; tot 4V Laara B. Karthrnn, B2T0.TO. BLOCK tt, tot 4. Ctoatona Cneanr Batata, heir af. B414 78; tot A CtoBrana Caeaar bute. helra of. $3 It. BLOCK 02. aontb U block tl School Dlatrict ' Ke. 1. OTAS td. KLOCaf tl, " tot 4, Lorlng r iLu. iM a. i-A n l W. iiliu. 0ltOVRBB A land BIOCl ADniTIOK ta the Cttp af Port K aa. tot A Portland Treat Com rregon, tllAtl; tot T, Partlaad nana ot Orma. . trnet CoaapaDy af Orogoa. I HO 88; tot t. Iortlaa4 Trnet company uregon, ein-w, fat BTJ. O. Woodworth, B2K02. BLOCk 101. tot ft, Jacob Pletofhnar, 22Bjr; tot 7, lace rtotoenner. SlM.2Bt let B Tbamnn BL taa. 8140.44: tot a. TBomna BV Warr-i: trnataa. bJm.OO. BUCK 102. tot A 'PHI Bk u. rwaBina. eire-ea, . v. 81828; totT V H. Wit, 18Atl( 51 h n mti aiaaa. bijick 102. tot A Balfenr-Oathrta laeeaiBPtnt CompaBp. 4BO.0St tot T, Bnlfour-aatbrla Inreatmeni uompanj. I 10.80; lot A A. f. and Mary NJcboto, - ton: tat A A. and Mar Ntchom. tM.71; aat 80 feet ef Htnoteeath Street weat af and adjoining tot B. P.clOc Mataal Ufa Inaar ace Company of California. fOl.tti eonth 20 fret of Nineteenth atreet eaat of and ad . totalng tot A City ef Portland. 90. TT; east T7et ef Berth TO feet ef Nineteen tbrtreet eaat of aad adjoining W CUy of Portland, 8ft 30: weat tt feet af wartn TO fret of Nine trenti atreet eest K tni . 4PhSj tot , BUa L. Woodward. t nt . BLOCTK 104. tot A BUa L. Woodward. tltA.BBjtot B. oWae6Trianra. 1 La. 78; tot i, Oaar O. miUNfa tUrrTw-Aa l.Pwrttond B-1rway Company. Wlt.08; lot Af"'t-r Bill 43: tot8, Jajawt. Bwlng. taAJlMot I lame VTrwIiia, l2.tA; tot J. J"" . Kwlnf. 8120 13; Portlnnd Railway Comneay Fight of way. AtJTT tt. TotaU A atateaaent af aforeeald aeeeeenlent baa been entered la tb Docket ef City liena. and is Sw dee ana nay.nie at me oincw ex ty Traaaarar, la lawfal money f the United fttatee aad If net paid wlthla 20 daya fro" id If not paid wlthla to aaya irom ef thla aatlca aneb proceeding will for tbt collection of tba aame aa Ided by th charter af tba City af the date ha taken are proetdwA bp Portland. . . The a bee aaaaaaaaeaf ami aear mnarewc IB dan aftar the Brat nbUoattoA of thla atttao. TTfrns. u. nnsTuin. Aadtbar af the City af PcaUsjat. Porttoad. Oregon. October ll..tt04. T items sxwxb nr kaat maotob MatSM eivaa that af tba maattag of th CoaocU sf th City af Portland, Oregon. bald aa the Bth day f October, Java, taa hm towtat reaolatloa waa adopted; Reaoifeo, IBM am v-nncu w iwe "r-" Portland, Oregon, daema it eawedlent and jre- poaea to ceeatrac a sewer vn aaei itr-et from the eaat Una of Pleaaaat VtoW ad- ditto ta tba sewer ta Beat Madlaoa .treat at Baat Tweatr Ulrd atreet aaia eewer ta ne w Tit rined aewer nip ef 10 Inch clear linua diameter with all neeeeeary ca tah-baatna. au- bolea. Ump-bolea and brancbea, m.iA k . n. JbHti-Hrtad tn eater taaea etk thTehtae and ardtnancea af tba City of BWttana anrl tlu alM aH AcatBnnB aad ttmatea ef the City engineer Aied la the efftc ef the Aadltar of the City of Portland tb Itth day af September, 1004, lndoraed: "City r.ikglneer'a plana and apeclflcatv na W wew In Baat Madlaoa atreet from the eaat ttne of PVaaast View Adcuioa. to u ";V, K tan on atreet ai sa.i i wmj-iuuu tbe eatlmatea f tba wt-rh e b dewa and the probahto total eaat thereof.' The aset ef aald aewer ta be aaaeeeed aa wmMtAM hw lk (Mta Oarfee. nuan the aroB Hi. .nd-iii kHml theeebr. and which i. aereny aeciaraa w no an ne mw. pw lata aa nareela af Und IrlMt between a Hne 100 feet aorth of aad parallel with the north iiu a taut Marilena atroet and aa eaatertf ea- um tm im u.r aenrae and a Hni 100 feat oath of aod paraltol wttb tbe aoath Hne ef Beat Madiaon atreet ana aa easterly in Ita preaent cenraa, and between the eaet Hu a V., TBMtt.tkM street and a HM BY fret aaat of aad parallel wita ta ee una Ptoeeaat View addlttoa. . . . Tba engirt re's aetlmar ef tb fwababta total coat far the eeaeetrnettoa ad aald aawa to an on ' The plana. BWttPttoanj aad eatlmatae af the Oty Bngineer for the aoaatracttoa ai mm tew Reeolred. That the Aaditor af the Ctty j nwttanii ita and ha to iMrriTf directed to aire notion of the arapoead cwaatrnctioa af laid aawar aa aeaeined be the Citr Charter. aVBrMerrancea agalnat tba boea aea may ha aw to vrlHna- with the anderebrned wlthla 20 daya fmm the data ei the Aral anbtteetle of thla at. ! By Order af tba Oamjjrjj. THOt. ft DBTLIrt, Aafltar af tb City ef Porttoad. Pbrttoml, Orataa. October A 1204. POB tB72UTl8tAHT Off BUfll tt etonHsaeo wttb reeelnrteaj dored at tb raAnlar ateeUna ef tbe CoaBcit, held October B. IWH, declarfni tba dlatrict beaeAted by the Improrrvent ef Mala atreat trom the weat Un of Chaumaa street ta the w-et Haa ml kin atreet. and dlreetlag the Anditor to arenara preHmiaarr naaeaament apaa tbe tota, btocka and pnrcele ef land within aald district Now. therefor. Bet Ire la hereby glean th mch saaeeament new ea AI hi the Anditnr'a offle and that any abjection ta aaeh aseeaa ment must be Bled la writing with the Auditor wlthla 10 daya from the Alt day ef October, laoa tba laat day af pubrlcatloaj ef thla no tire, and notice tt farther girrB that aald objection wlU be heard br the Ceaacll at ai aaeerlnf to he held an tbe id day at Rneamba, 1H, and aU paranna MaTtoead tharaby or ietaraated tharela maat be preeant at aald meeting, and ar warned not ta depart tnerefreai . aatll Mch haaa vonmtotea. THOA O. DarVT.lrT. Andttar af the QU ef Partatmm Orate Ortabar lie atOi, , PerftamV lm Af TBHtr.ant atraat. in awe Muia fc wAlnanin) Ho. 18.002. BBOa lot. pert of tat and paroel af Uad. which Millie and i aanl affTT ban at ted. b be ao CRT aTOTVOBnV aB08vBKD DKPBO VI BT U OS BTOBBTt tTAJUCT. Bottaa ta haeabe atraa that at tb maaUwf ef tbe CoaseU of Aa City af Portland, pra- Ka. bald on tb Bth day at October, ltOe, folWwlna reaaiatloa waa adapted! Beeolred, That lb OoaacU of tb Porttoad, Oregon, deease It eaeodtoot and aa tniBniva UarU aTreat froea the aaat Uae af Wihlemg areou ta tbe weat Una of Ualea arsnna in the frUewlaaj ma aaat. bp wlti tint Bp tradlBW thar atreet fwU width w1 fall IntaraectLam ha the Brad At A bp tba Oty bglneei. Seeend-By aainglngr aha arfaa C mm BWr foil width with tall totaraoettoaw ta aVaeat Bra do with graesL jnira h pa-iayina; uaaaaaina. fourth By ODoatracting atone Ajattara. i.lA innMMi hi md. In tetanias wtrli th avalunraa af the CI IT f IVrttoadT aod the puna, .iclncaUona aad eatl matee af the 01 ty Engineer tied to. the ef c of tb Aadltar of th Otr ef Portland on fb fiat day of Beetoaibar. ItOa, todpraedi "Ciqr Engineer't plana ana apecincnu'ina lha lamrMMl m4 lfiwrto air aat from tb est Una ef WtlHama arena to tb weal Hna ef Uatoa .rena. aad th eatlmatea of the warn to a aea aad the eWosaal twtai eaai The coat af said tmarawaiaeaA tt bs tied as preeided by tb city abartar aaaa the proa arty especially benefited thereby aad which ja hereby aW tared to ba all the ton, parts i ef tou and parcels of la ad lying between a Una lot fret north of' sad paraltol wltb tb aorth un at Marr la atreet and a nne iw teea eeoia af and parallel with .the Math Una C Mor. rto street and betweeV the eaat Una f Wil li ma aeaam) and th weat Ha af Uatoa arena. . . . The Piilaooj'a attmata ef tbe rebabto tatal rt forfn IibbiiiiibiiiiI ef aaid Morrto atraat BS.4AB.00, . Tbe above tmaewraaent j a ae ansaea ae a rrarat iBMrveamant and shall be malatalned by the city fur a period ef foot paara, provided that the awner af a matortty af tbe property ha net ted by Mid Improvement, any perttoai thereof, ah a 11 net petlttoa tor aaw dlf hrent Imrrreamaat before tba wilisHm ef Mch period. Th plana, aparteat1oa and aetlmataa af the City Engineer for the InprovaanaBt af paid Morrto atreet a re hereby adopted. ' BMaoiTea. That ua Anaitar ac vwe vv Port land bw and be to hereby directed to ftiva fotloe ef the oronoaad laaproveiaant ef aald treet aa provided by tba alty abartar. v Bmona trance agalnat tb abate laapraee ment may be died la writing with tb ander elgaad wlthla 20 day from tba Onto af lb Brat pabllcatlaa ef tfate notioa. . , V eewar ea ana vvaorii. ... . THOB, t. BWVLrW. Anditor of tba City of PtattlaBd. Portland. Oreaoa. October 104. PBOPOBEB lim CP BTBEBT, - Moftan la barah alvea that tt the nwetrng f the OauBdl of tb City af Portland, Oregon. 1M a th 9th day or rxtooer, tpua, ua sew lawlnf reaolattoa waa adopted: eeoivea, nat tne ixoaeu ea aw vnr PmHand. Oregon, Jimi It eipedlrnt and pro- wm rn MHifvl a aaerar In Eaat Twelfth elreet ream 99 f.-et aonth of tbe aoath Una of Thonmea atreat ta eon nee I loo with tb aewer In Tillamook atreet. Bald aawar to be of altrl- IWd aewer ptpw f eight Inch ewer taaiae rtla mater wtfb aU naceaaary retrh-baala. man hole, tamp-natoa aad hranchaa. Bald aewer ta be eonatmcted t .ccordanea wllb tbe charter tnd ardlnancee ef the City of PcrttoBd and tba plan. apecUtoatioa ana ran mataa ef tba City Engineer tied 1 the of fice of the Anditor of the City of Portland en the 17tb day er neptemner, iwims inocaen: "1ty Bnglneer'a plana and apeelBcat toaa for aewer la Bast twelfth atreat from 28 feet aonth af the aontb lino af Thompson atreet ta a aewar la Tillamook .treat and the eetlmeJee of the work tn b deae aad tba Braaabto twtal MTbe raat sf Mid aewer to ba tM a provided hp the lty charter epos the ioprty Socially to netted thefchy and whlrt U hereby dared to be all th Iota, parts ef tots and n.rk. af bind Iiina hetwaan a tin 100 fret north ef and parallel with tbe north Une of TUieaaooa atreat ana na aaata no oi nar aon street and between a Un 100 feet aaat of ml urallat a Ith tha eaat Hne af Hast Twelfth et rent and a Une 100 feet weat of and paraUet with th weat Haa ef But Twelfth atreet . . . Tba Ewglneer'a estimate of the nr oh a Die awaj coat far tba aaaatractlaa ef mid sewer m 82TI.00. . . TBe BUBS, epawrneaawnna laa auaiia tbe Ctty Engineer far tb sanstraotlsa ef MM awarar are hwah adnatad. Reaorvea, That tba Aaamr or na viiy o Portland be and he to hereby directed to give aetlce of tbe prop aa4 saatracttoa ef aald aewer aa emvirled bv ika Htv charter. Kernonatrancea agalnat tbe abova sewer Mf be tied la writing with tb anderaifned wtthta 20 dan froea the data tit tba Arat aaibctonUoa af thla aetlce. Bp ardar a b tmaacn. . j- THOB. 1 pBTtlrf, Auditor ef tbe City of Partlaad. j PU (lainf. Oregon, October B, 180. mpRorrnrxn-T BTRXXT. OP AjrXKBT KaMe to berebp glet that at tb m.irhat af tb Cbanctt ef the City af PorUand,. Ore- tcn. bald oa tbe at any er octoaer, lava, tae faltowlnp ratolatlon was adopted: . Rreolved. That th Coancll of tb city af Portland, Oregon, dee ma It expedient and pre pnees to In prove Ankeny atreet from the weet Une f Seventh atreet to the east Una ef Part Street la tbe following manner, tn-wtt: Plrat By grading tie atreet to the nreeer eeh-grade fnll width with fnU rateraectlana. a BbowB by the Itakef ret oy the Cltv Engineer. Second By cnMtrarufcf awes awes neaaar, ird Br foarth By eonetrnottodT ertaMal t ttaa eath. . Fifth BP brtadinAT taw same or m etreet frll wljth Ith lull toLaraectlocai to ft ado with bttallthlc pnvemeat ' l,M lmnrnveoant to tw SMda ha nCOOCdanee wltb the charter and ardtnancea of tbe Oty of Portland and the plans, apeciovatioaa ana eati 0tea af the City Bngineer filed la the eftx of th Andllor af 'he City ef PorUand oa the 4th day ef October. 1004. lndoraed: "City Bn 8l.eers plana and apeclficatlens Bar the Im provement of Ana ear atreet from tbe weet Hne of Seventh etreet to the - eaat Hne ef Park .treat and the eetlmateai ef tbe work to be dene aad tbe .probable total met thereof." Tbe cost of Mid Improvement to be a ease a f aa provided by tb city charter apon the prop erty apeclally and aecnrlarly hweeflted thereby and Which ll hereby declared to be tb follow- Ing; Booth H Stock . usewa saaitioa n tne Cltv ef Portland; erath U ef Park block A and the narth to f btoefc aorth owe-half St, PortUnd. .. . . Te Eiatineert Mtiaut er tn Breaaat arrai at for th laacoviBUBt f tald Ankaay BUeet to 1.122 00. . The above iBprnveaaent to to be rlaaaed aa a Mtallthlc pavement aod aha 11 ba maintained by the city far a period ef ebykt rear, pro vided that the owner ef a majority ef the property benefited by Mia improve roent ar say different Impr tamest to Core the esafJoa af TbPnana. MSritcarloae aad Mtttnatot af tb City Engineer lor u fmnrovemeat sf Mid Arreny atrtet sr hereby artopted. Reeom. Teat raa Anemor or taa crry ar PortUnd be aad be to hereby directed to pie aatlca ef tb proponed Improvement . ef said Mreot a provided by tbe city charter.. RemonatrancM agalnat tne anove imaewa meat bit ba Bled In wrtttr.f with tba andsr etgned within 20 dava from tb date af th fiiet aatUcntlm f thle notia. . Bp order af tba Oouori" , TUOft, 0. DaTVLTw, - Aadttar f tb CTty af IWttond. Pwrtiand, Oregon, Octotwr S. 1004. PMPOSXO IMPKOTXMAaTT 01 BAST TAM- XOX STREET, Ketto bl berebr give that at tbt ntoattn; nf tbe Conacll of the City of PortUnd. Ore- Ba, held ca th ota f ar octeawr, iwm, in I lowing resolatlew waa aaooted: Heaolved, That ta uoaacii or me cirp oa Portland, Oreaoa. dee ma it ssaedlant and jare pnsaa to Improf Bast Yamhill atreet front the Mt Hne f Beat Thirty fonrth street to th weat Une of Baat TUrty-aUth atreet it lb tallowing manner, to-wlt: . Plrat By bringing tb atreet to frad M wa by tba stake set ay ina tatr aaainaar. Seenad By eortretlp- w node a aidewaika la KMeauiM with the c ty CiMtiaeer a slaaa. aveclflcattone and eatUnatea. Bald lmprovemeai w i wm mv hiri with th charter aad ordinance af th City of Portland and th plane, spfetAeattoas and eatlmatea ef the City Engine Sled la the cftoa ef tb Aadltar f the Oty ef Portlnnd an tba ttth dar of ftoatomher, 1KH, hvtoreed. "City Engineer's sH and Sfeclftcatten for rhe iBBBrovemeat T Barf Yamblll street from tbe Mat Hne ef Baat Thirty-fourth street ta th weat Une ef Baat Thtrty-Aftb Street and the eottmatee of the Work ta ba doa and Tba mat af Mid Improve meat erased sa arofided by the city abartar apoa the property epaoairy aeanmtaa laereay ana .k.trn ta harebv aWlared te be all the tot. parts f tota sad Paroela f land lytaf batweea a line too faet north ef sad parallel with tba north Ua t Ba.t Taaablll atreet sad a Una Ino faet aoath of aad parallel with the snath toaa a htoat Tamblll street and between the eaat Una of Bast Thirty foarth etreet aad lb wtat Une ef Eaat Thlrtj-ffth Street Tb Baainar'a earlmat af tb avwhabto ?t.l rest for tbe rmnroramamt t Bald maat ahlllrtraat to BlTtOO. Tbe plane, apeetacatkeee aad oetlmatea af tb City Bngiaeer for tb Improve mrrtt ef aald Eaat Tamhlll atreet are hereby adapted. Reanlvad. That ta aarnor in nty e Partlaad b aad ba to hereby dlreeted to I aat Ira af the oroeoeed lawrevement of i treet ae provided by tba Hty charter, maiannetrnnoa aamtoat the a do re aaaat eaav ba tied la wrlUng With tb ander- signed wftbla 20 daya from ate Ante af tbe Bret nal-licstton ef Ikto so tire, a avatar ad tarn Oannrit. 1 r . r ' THOB. O. BarVUrf. VWAT BBBtamTPBto mABJmBBmmma WimymBBj Bj dmWVWW T OTT B0TT0BB. tai y-mmmmm PROPOCXB BWKB KB MBVaT BOAS, KAAT TtrXBTT-nBAT STREET, EAAT TRVTBA mm, BASS TWARTT-dXEOOBB ATAKXT ABB 0BJHV0 STAXTt. Kettc. to berebr aiven that at fb BMittng at theXOuaacU ef Ae City af PorUand, .Ore goa, held oa tba ith day ef Octotxr, 1804. tba fcllowiaa- raeolnttoa waa adopted: AaeoJ red. That the Council af th City af Pvtlaad. Oregon, aeeBM tt akfiedtoat and pre- poaea te conatract a aewar u Bandy roe a. East Twenty -tret atreet Aaat Irving atreet. Baat Twenty eaeond atraat and Oregua Street, ftum tbe . fataraecttoa af Orea-on atreet and Sandy read ta tbe aewar la Eaat Twentieth treat at Sandy read. Aald aewer ta be at Tltrlbad sewer pipe wttb aU neceaaary Mten realaa, nun bolea. tomp-hola. and braurhea, and U. he af the following diaaenatoaa: Of 10 lacbea clear Inaide diameter .from tbe uteraecttoa of Orawva atreet with Sandy road to a point la Oregua atreet at Beat Tweaty-alitb aUeet; thence of 12 lacbaa clear Inside diameter from a point ta Oregon atreet at Eaat Twenty-alath Street to a point la Oregon, atreet at Beat Tweaty-fearth street; thence ef 14 IncbM clear toatda dlaaieter from a point la Oregua street at Baat Tweaty-foarth Street to a point la 0rgua atreet at Bast Twaty aecond atroet; thence ef IB lacbea clear ina Ida diameter from a aula! In Beat Twenty -aecood aUeet ure Tr nay second Son atreet to a point in Eaat Twei tireet at Beat Irving treat: the lichee etosr raalAe dUaaatar from a ar-e e theaa of 18 anUt la Irving atreet at Eaat Twanty-aeeond atreet tn a ant at 1 Aaat lrvina atreat at East Twrety first street: tbeaoa of SO lacbea clear Isold dleaaatr from point ta Bast Twenty -firet ati ret at Eaat Irving street ta a point la Reel Twenty-Aral Street at Eaat wQaa Street; Ueno af 22 Whan clear Inside diameter to cocnecttoa with the aawar to Bandy send at Beat Twentieth atreet Said aewer ta be eoawfraotod la MMatoac with th charter and ordinances af tba City ef Portland and tba plans, speeUVatloaa and eatlmatea of tbe. City Engleeec Bled It. the office ef the Aadttor ef th City ef .Portland aa tb 10th day ef September. 1804. taaaraed: City Engineer's plana and wecttcettona for 8 aewar In Bendy read. Eaat Twenty-drat strset Eaat Irvtng street, Kaat Twenty aeoena aweev and Oragea street from tbe tateraeriloe nf Ore- En street and Bandy read to the aewar ta at Tweattoth atreat at Bandy rood, and tba eatlmatea af tba work ta ba doe aad lb prob able total coat thereof." Bald aewar to he om treated far tb narpasa a anwlna all (ha tola, narta at tot. and Pkrceto of Und lying wlthla the district boasted and deecrtbed foltowa: Commend n nt n nolnt W nest aeata k th aoath Uae ef Sandy read to recta agntar MtMMnHt and 1QO faat Waat ef the WMt Una nt Kaai Taraatr.arat atraat: tbene north .long a line 100 feet weat of and parallel wim u Weet Haa ef Baat Twenty-Brat atreet w a tn. in) nwt anrrb a aha north Une ef East Living street; thance Mat along Une.luO feet north ef and parallel with the north Und of, Eaat Irving; atreet to a point 100 feet weet er tne weat line ef Beat Twenty-aaeond Street; thence aorth atons "a lvO fret ct of and parallel with the wast Una af Baat Twenty-second atraat tn a nolnt 100 feet north ef the oortb Un ef Oregon atreet; tkence seat atong a Unt ino faet ntrth ef and paraltol win taa aorta Une ef Oreaoa atreet to the ceo tor Un ef Pet Twenty eeeend rtreeti teeoce aorth atong tba eeater line of Beat Twenty-eecoad street to tbe center line ef Pacific street: thence eaat atong the eeater Use of Pwelftc street to the eeater line of Boat Twenty -eighth street; thence aoath etanf the center line of East Twt.ty-elgbtb atreet to point to Eaat Twenty eighth atreet 100 fret aonth ef th eoath Un of the Sandy road to Wtaagnler maa.arameat : tbeaoa la nenthweelerly direct toe alone- a Ha V0 feet soalbeaaterly from and parallel with tbe Motherly Una of the Bandy road la ree tangnmr saMaareabtat to she ptaea sf tsto- na aaat af Mid aewar ta be ae eased M Pro vided by the city charter apon tbe lota parts of lot and perrela of la nrf lying wttfaln the dlrtrtct beretnaefore boandad aad described. . Tbe Bnglneer'a eetlmato ef tbe probable tatal oat far tba eoawtrocUe f. Mid sawer to a 2ia ao. The plaas, perttVattoaa md astrmstot f tb City Bnglaawr far tbe aaaatractlaa af aald newer era barabr adonted. aVaolved That tba Auditor af tba City af Portland he and be to hereby dtreetrd to aive attic of the proposed eonetructWm af aald wer aa pre rifled by tbe city charter. Bamonotranee ana I nat ina above aewer mar is filed in writing wltb tb vnasrstgnea witnm dars fro a tba dato of th Brat aablleatloa ef this saties. . Aaditor of tba nty of PortUaaV Portland. Oregoo, October A ltot. PROPOSXB OIVBOTOIBaTI OP BAST PTATE aTTRXET. Hotftea to awrwbs aiven that at fb meeting ef the Cwanctl of the CTty ef PortUnd, Ore- aa, held ea the tth day ar octet ha enllnvlBaf waa aatonted Reeolved. That the Coanril of tbe Cttp of Portland, Oregon, deems tt erpedlent and pre- noea to Improve Eaet pin I tree I from ua Mat Une ef East fifteenth street to the eaat Une of Beat Eighteenth atrMt to .tba) fallowing Pirat Or era ding tba atreet fall width wttb fall toleraectiona to the proper eot f rade aa slwa by th atakae set by the City Bngineer, Second By ptmr'rir the ear rare er ue atreei toll width with full htaraarttoaa to grade wltb Third Byw renarrncthig art racial Item tlda walk hi accerdanra with tbe City Amines w nlanh. apeclfleatione and eat I ova tee. P narth By canatrnctlng woodea Stan Tba to accordance with the City Bnslaaer's Siaaa. apecincattona and eatlm.tM. nrra nr eooeimrting u ma a raawau. Sixth By ronatractlng boa and stone gnt ra In aeeordanca wltb tba City. BrurlMSr't nlana. aneelflratlona and aatlmatM. Raid ImprovenMBt to be made ta with tbe cbartar sad ordinance af th ttt Par (land and th nlana. esednCBttoi eetlmaUe ef the City Engineer filed la tbe ef Ac of the Aodltor' tor' ec th the City af PortUnd b the dth day ef October, ltoe, toOnraedi Citr Bnglneer'a plan and specifications for he Improvement of Eaat PIm trMt from tbe i or East Fifteenth atreet to tn eaai Beet Eighteenth street end the a 1 the work to bt sane sad tb probe hk t thereof." at af aald Inaotovemcet ta bs assessed M provided by th city charter poa the prop erty specially end fecattarlr benefited thereby and which to hereby declared ta be aU the let. Rrts af tots and Parceia ot una lying -eew a He 100 feel aorth ef and paraltol wllh the north Hna ef Baat Pin street and a Une 100 feet sooth of aad parallel with tb acath Uae of Baat Piae atreet and between the Met Hne sf Baat Firteeata atreet an a Un 100 feat eaet ef and paraltol wltb tb raat line of Eaat Eighteenth street. The Bngineer a Mtimste ef tn prenenw wn cost for the tmnrovemeat f Mid Beat plaa Street IS 1,446.00. The above Improvement m te M cuase m s ravel Improvement asd aha 11 he saalntalned by the city far a period ef flv yp. provided that the ewnera of a ma tori ty af th property be netted by Mtd Improvement ar sap portion man ant petition roc a new ar aii norevemsmt tafer tba Mptrattos ef each period. . , Tmn. apeclftMttoM ana eetfmatM ef tba City tTngtaeer for the Improvement af said Eaet Fine atreet ire Beeeoy aooetea. BeMlved, That th Auditor ef the Ctty et Porttoad he aad he to hereby directed tf five notice of the sroooaed Improvement f MM treet aa provided by the city charter. Raaaonatraneea against tae aoove imprevwmeai mar aa filed la writing with the aaderslgaed wlthla 20 days from tb data of th first pab licet too of thla notice. By order sf tb CwaHT ' Aadftof of the City at Pwrttoad. . Partis nd, Oregon, Oct iter A 1004. PROPOSED SEWXB IB aTJJTBKBOTA AvTOrtrB. Motice to hereby givea that at tbe Basetlng Of tbe Cwanctl of tb City ef Portland. Ore- Cu bld en tne sta say t wctooer. inve, im knrlog reeolvrtoa waa adopted : Reeolved. That the CeancA ot the City ef PtrtUod. Oeagoo, deem It erpedlent aad pro prees to Mnatruct S Mwer tn Mlaaeeet avenM from tbe south Hm ef Preoeett etreet to a connartloa wltb tbe newer la Bhnvev street (aid eewer to be nf vltrlfted Mwer pipe with alt Beceeaary ewtrb-baaina, Ban hole, la Mp -bole aad braachea. aad to be of the following ireaatoM: Of 10 lacbea fleer Inald diameter fn.m tba aoutb- Una af Weeeatt treet to a point la Mlaneeots aveaa at Mean. Street: tlince of 12 laches tnetde dt a meter to 8 petal In Mlnaasota avfno at Shaver atreet. Bald eewer ta be MMtracted to accord aea With tha charter and or dine seen ef the City er Portland and tbe plana. anaHSeattoaa and estimate of tbe City Rnglueer tied la the effice nf the Aaditor ef tbe Otr of Portland aa tba 1Mb dap ef BWptrmber. 1004, lndoraed: City Eaaiaerr a aUn and eeerlacationa fa I aewer Railnneoola from tb Soetb Hne ot eacott atreet t tb oawer in Shaver atreet, and tb eatlmatea ef tbe work to be dene and the probable total cost thereat. ' Tba eaat af Mid newer to be aaaaawed aa vfeVd by the elty charter ana tne property sptclsll beeeOtcd thereby 84 which hi hereby derlerea to be all tbe tots, parts of lata and narrate af toad lytaa betweea Une 100 fret wet f and parallel with tba weet Use of Minnesota venue and a Um 100 feet eaat of nd parallel with th eelt rhe Sf Mlnneeeta arenne and betweea the aorth Hm af Kb aver treat and the aaath Hn f Piiotott arrest. Tb BaaTiaera estimate af tha proa I to total rent tor tba una tree Uaa af MM Mwar hi Tbs ptoaa, saaeiScaltoas sad Mttamtos af the Ctty aVigtoaer for the traction ef said aaee are hereby adaated. Renelved, That the Audi tar nf tb City" ef Tt it la ad a a a a w iroor mrectea v five nollce ef the acnaeeod roaatrartioa af aald aewer aa direr ted by tb elty chat lev. RemeaatranrM aaatnat the tbnv aewar Baav Ar tied ta writing with tbe eadeealraad within 20 day from tbe dato et th Stat pablleatto af Warne---' mmrf TTT OS. ft BWWV'W. ' Aadltar of the Ctty o rmuamt. , Itortto!, ea. ftebat i, M04, 0ITT AVll4JAnV raB mPauitsAtBir ot rauw TBXXX. Rett to aleeai that tba oaencu aa ih, rile af PortUnd, OraguA. at a mrrt- lag arm oa in tn ""Tj a-.iaiHyJ eh. laaimnt br ardlnaace Hi w, arvak la. 14.- AtA. far aba laanreeemaaU of Plrat atreet from in. I Hihaa tha aaatb Un of O rover atreet to tbe narth Dne at uaia Street, m too auaaer prwvtded by ardlaaac No. 1A70B, epoa each tot part ef tot and parcel of toad, which ar opecm'ltr aafi PcalUxl hiMtlid, tt bs M CahT'THSKA ADDITIOM to ba Mtp of land M atld oat by tb Soatb Portland. btt Aaaociattoa miAHUt iia, am en OoantlM la reel meat Traat .41itol 4. Vera H ay aea, BS . OT. JB, tot 1. Prad Kpagele, 3A0T; nor tau Aaaoctottoa BLOCK 11A tot B, Rortb- , aaimiiaa-. BIOCK 1JB, tot 1. Prod Kpagel. 8A0T; nortb Jo teat ar tot 2. MSB Hair. ; eon in ia w lot 2. loba Molt. Wat; north d j fret ef lot 2? John Mnlr, 28T 44; eoath S .faet f . lot A Marchwa 1. Boyd. 800 Bran. 1180.41: all ef sooth U of tot 2 Mcept Oregon California Ballroad Oam paay a rignt if war. Oeorg, Wald-a. 860 37: north i ef toT except Oregea CaHfornls Balhfosa Oempany's right af way, olly M rWd. 8BA.S8; all af lot I except Oregea A California Ratlroad Company's rignt af way. Phillip Lawton. 111.80; all a of tot 4 Meant fhraaua A lUMrnmla Railroad C ef way. PhUlIp Lawton, ftlOt 00. aaoa d all ef Met to ef tot 1 enrept Oreaoa can farnU Abrab la Batlroad Oecanany a 8M ef way. bam pllley, 848.03 T sU ef wrat H af lot i cent Oregea A Onltfornla RallroidOom- 1 INvma paay a right at way. uyrua vuipu, all ef aertb H ef tot 2 eacept Or.s A Cali fornia Railroad Company', right way, Marvap B Green. 17.2B; all aT aaath ot tot 8 eaeept Oreayo A Callfocnto Balrroad Comnaay'a right ef way, U wreaoa ttrd. S.44TaU of tot 2 except Oregon fit fHfornU allrcad Oompasf'a right f way, tawneace Strand, B(M: ah ef tot 4 eneeirt Oreaoa California Railroad Company's rffht ff way, Lawrenee Strand. 101.787 BLOCK 12. lot I John P. Caplea. flulB; north to tot 2 JohbT CptosTpt It; soatb H ot A Wil liam ft. tayler. 80S.3t; tot 2. wfttlam . Say tar, 87 Bt: tot 4, A. U MUla. tiM.Jh. BLOCK 118. tot , J. WTiwawh Brut. Beirs of. SS.41I weit feet lot T. Rermaa, B. t1n torth, 88 M: eaat BS feet lot B. P.L- Wright, ll.nO. BLOCK ISA tot A Pwortb Preabyteri.a Chareh. Bli.OTi tot I. Pwartb PreabytorUa Charch, 3-41j aoath .. ar ah Cohn. 22.411 aorth H , Mo-a 822 41 ; tot B, Marcos aedp, 1 808.81. BLOCK UA tot A B P Btraee. JiaABTl tot I. B. T. Strew, HAN; tot a. la tot 17 Anna VC. Baroft. BlSaVOT. .BLOCK 14T. WMt u tat II, AlHanc Treat ftamnasy 14t, west H tot A AlHanc Treat "peay r Ttonde. Beettond, ItT.oT; weat U tot f. A Ilia nee Traat Company of Daadee, BcotUnd. 2141.01: it a kit L A oam taiun. f, Adam Caflle, B2B. B4 ; tot AH. 4 lot A Adam CatUa. .228.01: aat H tot Thorn LOOK 180, aU af lot eaat of Oreaoa A allfnrnla Railroad Oomaany's light ef way. toaanhin oTOrerend. fttl-TTl all ef tot T eaat of Oregon A CaUfornia EaltroadCoej aany'B right f way. Joaephlne O. Oraread. IS. ill aU af tot T weet of Orema Can- KrnU Ballroal fpanv'. rtght ofway ha B. Wild, S4t.4ljaH f tot S west ef Oreawa OalHorala Mlhroad Ooanpany'a right ef wap, Adeline Wild. 8 108. ; aU of ITil MaTir OregoB sV CAfVn,. Ballrrad Company a right ji way. Walter hlett, iB.14? ill of Vet fT weat of Orrgoaj CaU furaa Railroad Company 'a right af way. I. linger. B12I.T4. Right ef way through ..LrTei iaa .r llwT irntnere? adattton tfTtkm Citr of -Portland M tald oat by toe Saatb Porttoad Real Eatato Aaaactottoa, Ore- on A California MUtrvna wamanny, w".a. Pf,r an km u A atatemeat of ataeeaaid sjaaeeeenent haw haea entered to the Docket ef City Wen, nd la now jtoe and Br abto At th Office af tbe nty Treaaorer. U Uwfal awney af the letted the date af thia aetlce eaeta praaeedlng will be take far tbe coUccttoa f . th same as kre provided bp tb cbartar ef Net wtp m Portland. . ... . . . The SBOO Msasaansw wiii war TT 10 dava aftaa th Slat anjjUMtaoa as we i -iaajM e " - . -Aedlta af the Ctto'wf PmUaaaV PortUnd. Oregon, October 11. MO. pob iMTRcnriafXjrT or ' B2UVBB BTBXET. MaCtoa la hereby Uvea that tbe ftostMfl af tk, rtt a Pnettand. Oreaoa. et a meet Ina- held on tbe Dth Mr er unenv, anu declared ta eacMmeat bp erdiaanc Kw. 14. aaa fa tha tmnraraaaaat ef Shaver street fvaaa tha eaatae tine of OoWjmerrlal etreet to the out Hoe ef Mtosisaippl averme la tb ma cner provided by oral na ore He, 11 TTT. apoa Mch tot, past tot and perMl etv und, wnicn are specially ana Baaaunraj aaaantan, w . CEMTKAL ALU IN A BLOCK 1A tot B. B. aad M. Lawaoa.; tot f , H. nnd hL Uwaoa. - A82.B71 tot 10, Eogeot i 'Wlt JgB-M; tot A Srloot butrtot wo. 1, 808.42; tot f Rw-henl Matrtet Wa. U ua.Slf m aw. IHatrtot No. 1, A 16; kit t, School Dlatrlrt o. 1- IB. BLOCK IA kit A Tbereal. SI . 1- a, ae. l.BT: tot T. John P. weica. bm.m; lot 10, Mertoa B Tnompeoa, 81B.a aM 8V uveT. e".m t mr 'i - Mertoa A Thnaafaanei. AK7. MCLTNOM AH BLOCK 18, tot im b. uma Qundera wraon,; art an, vaxria -. ; Carrie B. Onnder son, 821.08 j tot i. sfi mssejsy, e-a" a IJu nvtraa. SttT.M. CENTBAL A UBI N A- BLOC K tl, W 1. I. C. Onre, 84. np; est A. J. V. uore. en in, Jr-JphTne Beradorf, 120 M: tot 10, Josephine Blevedorf, BAA BO, RLOCK 20, tot 1. Q. W. Lawreace. MOT: tot KO. W wrance. inhma H. Osntenbela, 802.48. latl.TMOW AH BLOCK 24. tot 1. CBaWtoa Kerr. BnT.lal KM B. arawna tot A Altos Uarv Oaldea. 80 83 fL.... ani na Riant af war way PortUnd ailwar company, aau-ia. iwu, e., A atalemeot f aforeeald aeaoMment haa beea aa.aa la tha Docket Of C1U UL BM B new dne and payehie at tne erne wi i w Hty Traarer, to Uwfal money of the United Statas aad If not paid wtthta 80 daya from to. fctief Uto antlci each arwcewdlng will bV takea for th coltocttoa of" th earn aa ar prorlM bp., taw nartar sv vuy. en The above area samlet wltl bear 10 days aftar Um first rhlUrtoa sf this aotlss. . . : . ,w v inua v. wn, Aaditor at th City ef Partlaafi. Pnrtland. Oreae. Octoher u. lew, AawBSaUmrT fOB mPROTKKXRT 087 ATMMVM. ffartos to hereby gtiwa that tb Cwawcfl pf the Hty ef Portland. Oregoa. at aieei- Ing held oa tne ota My oi iA.-ran, aw.. ecured the assessment by erdtaance Na, 14, IT. for th Improvement of Plrat arenas, from the aorth Un of Lat street to the norfberly m. a la rKa ainaf nraeidad br erdlBM Ha, 18.OT0. apon Mch tot part ef tot and sawrel of toad, which are apedaltp aad pecnlUrlr heaeOted. to be as foltowa. : CITT VlttW r.tna awiiiiub i fan lanoV-BLOCK i. tot eVJtoatohjla p. Speak e. 271.04; tot IS, 3. T. Brows. STl-fl: tot It PortUnd Cremattoa AaaocUttoa. tel. 48; tot 2. PortUnd Cramattod Aaaociafton. ILfKK a, tot a, Xaha. lit OSt tot 10. KohaT B20Tj lit jFu Koha. 804. 07; aa ta 71 V.ha. til ATT. BLOCK 1. tot A rrank ana ntarnaiena stwaner. ai o, i rank Dd Magilntoaa Kleaaer. 38.2B. A net of land &1nc between the weet fin af Plrat aveaae and a Une 100 frat west haae aaal Mnlbl tbarewlth and between tbe aertb Uaa ef Ash street extended westerly la Ita prevent apnrae and the nortb Ho of iawnat atiwot extended westerly tn Ita prearnt conraet PortUnd CrenMtaas AMasih tton. BftOT PO. Total. 81.S41.00. , A- aratnenaat af afnroMld aeeeaamewt BOB b entered to th Dorset Of City Lien, asd to now da and payanie ar tne em re ai ino City Treenrer, In Uwfal avoney ef the Vatted at taa ana ir aaa nam vninrn au aar imia th dato f thla Mil re ear preeeadlaga wlU be takea far th ceUecttoa ef tbe Mm as are provided bp tb chart f tha aty Waalakal. Tha aba anaaasmowi wiM bear M dan after tba Bret wabttMUoa of this setJes. . , TBOB. C. XnJTMH, ' Anmtop af the Ctty af Partlaas. PnrtUnd, Oreaoa. October 11. ItOA PROPOSALS FOB EBBS FOB TKE STRRXT OrUaTtJIB AKD BwIKXXIJIO BEPAH7- am. - Sealed pretaMato witj be twMlratl at th afse th. Anilluaf af tba Citr af PortiaaaL an til m.. 7b.,.L., aa lane At B a ea . faa far- alehlnf the Bureet Osaaaml aad wuUnf Da. Tent with , ... tons ebMt bar. tons trey wM ' , ' ;; d taa seantrp hrss, ' - a h.ttr tA la, auda at th CttV BeSBL StV tee Bth aad btodtoaa streets. Samp toe ef era and Mto weal ha sabrnttt-d wtthbtd and bap Mblert to aparoval en delivery. Vo pi i pass I will he eoaaitared antoM arejea Satodhy a eartifted oberh payahto ta th erder Oeoroe H. WllUa-m, Mayor of tb City ef Pertl!, eonal ta It par MM of UM asvtsto aatoant of tb btd. . . Trha rlgbt to ntorf SOP sRa) sS MAB tl atretry AeaBtar f the City f Pari I sa A Portland. Oreaoa. October A lWM. faaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaanana Lwl W..ewhai,J ' - (a le. hwhMssewaye --m nf e-e 0 md Union Pacific 3 TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY Throng rrflmaa standard and hamlet toaa. tog mm dally to Omaha CAUag, Bphani toortat ateeplna; car daily to Kaam Cttr I throuah Pa llaa an totrrlat atoetrtna ran neras ally naadncted) weekly tofnlrago, BeaUanaal abalr eara (eeeta OveT to the Baa dally. UKIOIf DEPOT. fflUCA SO -PORTLAND SrRrIAL Par She Eaet eta log tan. SPOKANE PLTER. Per Paatera Wash In-1 tea. Walla Walla. Lew to tna, Coear- a1 A Uae and Brest aWthernJ bp! aat. ATLANTIC RLTPROtfJ Pag tb East via Baat :lSp.aa.l T:18a.ak ngvaa. I unity. ipeuy. POB BAH PRAMCTSOO 11 to. W. Oct A IA SA . B. Calamnta- an .Dock. Bmta. mh -1. 2:00 8VS1 wi. a, is, aa. , I i "Oolnmkm Bteer IMvUtoa.' POB ASTORIA aad way) t Ota, m. points, caaaertlnar with Dei Ir. Abort atmr. for Ilwac and ex. fiandnr 8 .00 p. 8h NortB Beech, etr. Baa- Saturday eatot jhah-s. doek. lio no n. aa. "'tamhiirtiw Beats. rtm DATTOIf. Oreenal Oft and TamhIU Blverl vnara- B. B-M a. aa- points, aire. Bath sad Csliy. Dally. BWana, aon-OV. 0nc. (Water aarmJttlaar.l Awaats River Banto, FOB LCWIBTOK, Ma..l 8 . Bh. and way points rromlr,iiy A boot I K) a. an. aipana, wasa,, eimra.uK. fif Inane. V""w nna uwwimom. aa Pride y, TICKET OPT1CE. Third and Waaadartaa. Bala . peon mala 712, AVBtAVXO A, . Odh, Par Tokohama aad Ptoaa than -alrha a rwoe, oaganati ana aaangnat taa la tohlar tretfht eta annectInaT steeeear for MaalU. Port Ar- thar and VlaAlvMtok: B. S. AKaRIA. Oct anivMioa: a. a. B 8. ABA0ON1A. Oct 20; S. S. HUM AKT7A. Hoe. 21. Par freiadM aaat rnrlhae aarttaalaiai apply to 1 2AWM H. DBWBOff. Aaent Tatosbowa Mala 29A Upper AUaba EASTvta3 SOUTH fJWTOB BITOT, Arrii otr aland isrtmi trains, for Ml em. Roae-I anrg. Aahlaad, Sacra -I fiJtp.ta menu. Or den. San Fran- T:Ba.m Clsca, Stork tn. Lm Abm Kea, El Paaa. Hew ON na and the Raat. I Uomin train necta at Woodbnra dally sxeeft Ban day with train tor Mt 1BLA T:80a,ato Angel, fill vef tea,! Rrowaavilto, S p r I a sm field. WSaaUlBS 0 B 01 Matron. Albaap a necta at Wo d!0ta.m. oodburn with 10:10 Ana, Mt Aaael tea kcak Ball T:1A 114:80 n.m. Owvatrl lit fA m Bh eridaa paaeengec . Mtolly, 1 1 Daily, except Sunday. Fasttoad Oawsg Bwhurhan Barvtoa aad vtvtaiaa. Depot foot or Jeffereoa Street " Leav Portland deity tor Oaw.a 7 8 a. ax. 12.80, Bfi, If. BSD, 28, SitO, 10:10 a m, rwiT; (eacent laaday). tld. 8 80. B BS. To V a. nt.t 4:00, U 80 p. a. aVaaday nly. 8 0S RtntwbmT from arrtve Pwrtiand datlp SB. S:1B. T it. t fji. 8:80 a. tal I M, 2:06. 11:10 A to. Dally (eaeept Son day) S:2fi T:K. 8:80. 10 11 48 a m. Except Ifiaisy. UJB a. m. Banaay oniy, m oo a. m. , Lmvm rrm same aeroi nv imiwe awa nanr mediate polnta dally (except Bsaday) Aim S She Arrive Portland 10:20 n. m. Tb iopanaae-Monrooi moway uam opera IM dally te btoamoath and Air lie. Oon nectlng with Swath era Parlfie Maapaay'i tree ha at Daiua ana independence, Pirat-elena far from Portland and Ian Pranclaca U0 krrta, BB; fr Tin. sacond-cUM berth W 50, Tlcheta to Eastern sol not and I Japan, Chins, Honolato and AnatraUa. CTty Ticket Oftce earner Third aat ingtna arreete. rnnM JU1BT1. CTW. BTIHOEB. W. B. COMA. CTty Ticket Agent Oaa, Peas. A eaat. TIME CARD ' TRAINS ? TJHIOH DEPOT. Imsarto. fi:8Sa,m. IMhA Arrtoaa, B:tOB.Sbi Paget ftoavnt Limited Tinaii. taa t tie niavaala. Soafb Bend scd Orap's eUrber "Ictn i-naaS UaaltwA far Tare tna, BoatUe. kntto, Bt rant Min- umIIi nrirara. Mew fi orb. Boston and poiatoi Baat ana boo l nee at. Twla-niv Rxnrsan. ; , '" f--BBS.Sk TacoBM, Beat tie. 8pe- tane. Helawa, Bt. Pant IlnnaapoUa Chtosge, Hew Tork. Beetoa and ItrBBp. Bk sU potato Eaat aal.ri . - . . ; ' ; ' BrSta, Bk. PuVet Bousd Banea City -St Lotus SoecUI. for Taeoma, Bra ttto. Butane. Hutta. RllUnaW. Denver, Omaha, Kaneaa City, St. Lento aad all aototo Beat aad fienth- ry .1, AH tratoa AnUr anceat Mtoath branch. I Oaarral P.saaafor AraA at, aar. Tnlrd, IrWtUaA Oh. Morvlaaa Astoria & Columbia v ' River Railroad Co. lam. I tnnoB DatPOT. i ?T.i( a. Bh IWIA Dally. , Far mnraars. Bslator. CTetakanle. Weetp-ft. mrtna. Aaterto. War- rentaa, Plaral, tln4 Btond. Port BYevene, OeerhSrt Par. Seaalde. Aalerta tnd BeaMaro. BABnat dallpv TrtA m. 40 A at, Daily t itos I Bai B. P. SSd P. A.. Aatc, t, o CL A. fTWWART, fmmeratol AsMI, tat A Bt Ptoma M-fct BUA Leave. Arrtvea. t 18 a. B-BBl.81 DeUfV DaUy. . aaHdMaaaaM l' t-W a, m. Brsa.sto. ItoUp. iDaUp. i ' " to the 4. 'i --. at h .V