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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1904)
THg 'OREGON DAILY' frotJRNAE. PORTLAND. TIT" "DAY SVENINO. OCTOBER II. X 11 'oimmat south wm Mdxa vrow vun oos bra bom iv vasrt xv t. w. a. a. rooms. Tha Heme Training aasaolatlon la swmparattvsly mw organisation, which omeeW Thursdays ! I p. u. Uilht T. W. C. A. rooms. Organised tai August lbs OfBoers were elected and tho work atarted so that the mnbm might be reedy tor active study when cation Wm ovar. Tho object of tbo organisa tion la to study tha proper vara for .rearing or dealing with children. Tba snembersbip la now About 4S and these -Inest avoir weak for an Informal pro inn which consists of. a, papar or talk and thorough discussion after Ward, Tba Americas) Mothorbooa, tha orgap of the national motbara" ooncraaa. aad by thia dub. Tha dob haa now applied to tho headquartera el Phila delphia for admission to tbo oongrese and than will pursue tho reejulsr couraa of study. No foaa aro charged, but kntto box la placed an tba tabla for vol-Hntar-y contributions and thia overn tha , iSissIl expanse for necosaarr printing. A nuraarr la conducted la anothor room t thosa sheetings, with a young woman fn charge, to onaMa mothers with ebil dren to attend. . Member of tha aawoclstlon will wiaka Ta thorough eanvaas of tba city begin nlng with tha suburban points farthaat from tba praaant working aantera. JThu they hops to eetabllah neighborhood Olrclos, intaraattng thosa who would not itberwlse attend. A union moating .stated lntarvals will servo to kaop tbam in 4 ouch with ons anotbor. - Tba club Is not for motbors only, but alma to- ba of practical usa for taaobara or nuraaa who or brought In paraonal Contact with children. Tha ofBcera ora Mrs. C If. Woods, praatdcat; Mrs. Sam uel Council, vice-president; lira. m. L Bart. secretary: Mrs. It BL Bristol. traasurar Mrs. I H. Campbell, libra- iiasv . . . . roaxa Oil ARB AXDRJB, '' , fJemadl Special Sarrtoo .) ' . ' ' OrlnnelL la.. Oct. 11. As a prellml nary to tho moating of the national Congregational council to ba hold In lies JUolnes next weak, tho annual mooting of tha American board of foreign aa le sions of tbo Congregational church ooo- Sfany of tha loading mtntstsrs and ohtach workers of that denomination from all over tha United States are la attendance. President Samuel B. Cm yen of Boaton presided over tho opening proceedings today and responded to the address-of welcome delivered by Presi dent D. p Bradley of lows college. An Increase In the amounts of gifts from Individuals and churches, but a marked falling off In legacies. Is shown - Tjy tha financial report to bo presented to tba moating. Tha receipts for the year were I70M01. and the increase of gifts from In dlvlduals and eburohea was 16.61 pver the figures of tha pre vloua yaar. TIN receipts from legacies felt to 1100.000. the lowest la 17 years, and nearly std.oov loan than tho aver- . age during- tha last ten years. itissoumi sat at r AOs. CJexraat Sports! Sorrltt.l " Bt. IauIs. Mow, Oct 11. It looked aa thpugh' a new attendance record would be establlahed at tha world's fair today. so' largo were tba arowds that ware present to take In tho eelebmtlon of Missouri day. r Tha low railroad rates brought thousands of visitors from ov ary nook and corner of tba state, and -tho rush appeared to equal. If not sur pass, the crowds of St Louts day. Gov ernor Dockery and nearly all of the tftor prominent atata officials were fn aiienoanos ana book pare ta we lormai exorcises. wajtt vmtwomm uwa. - fJesrsal apwiat Sarvks. " Vllwahkee. Wla., Oct. 11. ITnlfonn rty ta the bottling laws of tho states as a preliminary to a national law pro tecting bottlers against tho naa of their bottlea by others than tba owners. Is jthe principal aahject to be discussed jt tba annual convention begun here today by the National Bottles' ssso- Vtsttan. The convention Is presided ovar by President Henry Cars of Rock la land. I1L, and Is amended by several hundred delegatso from various eiliea dhroagbowt tha country. . . , , ., .. --v ' WSBBSB XbT SiOsTMIM. ' " , ' - (feeroal gpctaT Service.) Xmdon. Oct. 11. In St. Oaorga's church, Hanover square, where Presi dent Roosevelt was married, aha wed ding took place today of Miss Helen .Benedict, daughter of K U Benedict, 'president of tho Remington - Typewriter company, and Archibald A. Horrelt of Kew Tork. Tha wedding was a quiet eno, only tha relattvee and a few Inti mate friends of tba two families being . aysssnt. . - - , 49DITIOI VO IT ATT (Jesraal Becclal servW. New Tork. Oct. 11. In tha presence f a largo crowd of sightseers tho gun boat Padueeh was successfully Launched today at Morris Heights. - The christ ening ceremony waa performed by Miss Anna May Yetser of Paducah. Ky.,aftsr which city tha gunboat was rntmed. VOTIOS. ' orrrrs tHSsrsmwa - QrAitTitftMAfrrm. PnrtlaftC Or.. BrptMBArr S. 1904- BmIts ' - proMNli, Is tripUMt wiH fe tvcelrrd h-r until 1J 'rlork. soa. Ortahvr IZ. 1M. fr tanbee for ( PMQpptnf lalanda. Is r. forsMtioa faralabpa si. t'slW Stiff re serve rlgbt (a nr)rt or tp ttj nr all aro pnaaM. er aaf sart nro(. Bnlnpea firm 1 talnlnf profnaw aaaald b markt: "Pro (j pnaala for UbUmt tar IWUapla Uteaas." and ?rr..s;rLa'Mr, Ttmk"- irxup WAVTES-sUIX. V .. rrjfiotf KMPLOTHSKT (TiMPAKX. DaTtw A L. L, Wale. ' "IB ktaoa of b-le faratatod M abaft aatta frw to auslerffa; wen to ail rla. tm. smW : av ftwab. IMIs Manwes at. nr. tiamd. SasBi L BKILl.nn AHft OMSRtLLSn LABOJI a an MTlttoae. eAoiiKlf easalM. rvet el eaaraa ta tatlnra. ArrftRwa kMPUTW!tT ArfKi m Wortb bart strait, saer arrsatoaI , fat wtT sUsr good imrtttosa ( annrtantly alTttoad hi 4 tarn I "Hh Waatad'' rolttsias. Taer ad. mrt mtaa - hm Waaud" mv be lasartad wee ef - eharga. WANTED A thnroaahlr Mprrtoarrd arotPt 4i atan: sit sav AOfl rab : Sno ntvntns for nht party. Apply st Oeastora. Tba Dellaa, WANTamToetawber. 444 Waahlagtos st. C la. ' . BTfTATrOWB WAartWJKBVIAlS, .lEWCXTt aoroa uU poatttoa; g4 rat tlW'W I1 Beat Hrrapr-t,to t. .T"iw A frsattos oa a 4M ftoet eu. 1st C Caii The Journal , ..Want Columns RATES I - - Ons" tin. so a lino. " '' . Cms tMl T Insertions; taoluaV tag. Sunday Unas). ISc a line. . One month (Includi Sunday Issues). 76c a Una. Claaolltod advert hsm en fa are payable la advance: minimum -tharge lSe. . "Hrtp Wan tod and situations Wanted" advertlse tnenta are pnbllshed am Umo free of charge. Advertisements most be In by 1!" o'olock nooa for the dally Is sum, and lo o'clock Saturday avsnlng for tbo Sunday laauaa, f- Branch Offices . AS VSBTASSMJIBTS wm be received at regular main offlce rates at tha following places and sent to The Journal tn time for publics tloa la the next issuet 'V ' sTOBVaV; V - It A. Proa too. druggist. US Mat Tnurraaa streets. Nob Hill Pfctrmacy. ! QUerna gtreet. corner II at. A. W. Allen, pharmacist. Iltb and Marshall strseta R B. Jacks, con faction err, te v Washlnjrton street, corner lata, '. $ - : SOUTH 9. T. Jonas Co.. druggists. Front and Olbbs atraeta. Cottel Drug Caw First and Grant atreota, it. Tattle's Pharmecr. IKt MlaMa t alppl a,va. corner Shaver at Klchnta ft Thompson. Ill Russell street, comer Alblna avenua - Jancke Trus; Co.. cor. Hawchorna) and Orano avenues. J. A. Dick, tobacco 134 Crosby T (east end ateet bridge). B. F. Fiilton-o onfrctlonaTT. tT4 5. Rurnalde. cor. Union ava. Jnaram A BuK tobaooonlata. lit Grand avenue. stisjisma. " f , J. R Worth, pnarmsolst, tn Sjat aoat afreet. Brooklyn Pharmacy, cor. Powell . and Mllwauklo streets. WAKTRD Taeng gbI er ONnpaaloe for lady; coara aaa roosi m ae wwi; ar&ooi inar bktcfea. Nil. D. B. Dtvan, 11 IS seat Mala. WANTED Oirt a with H) at soma. CaU balara Kaaf lat. ear. Raswy. a. m., I9e K-b glrta are bard ta fin, bat to reaefc ttw raw. enoanlt Jraraal Wast Oolasiaa. WAKTBD A std tallonaf to as bssbelllag; ataaay asipiorawst. a saiuag. GIRL to aa boaanrerb fmn I tn I; wagaa SU. ooi Kferarf. iimbo waat aos. KaXP tfAJrrO KAU OR WXKAXM. WAJTXD Tracaera. 4S awatb. Ftes Taath- era' Aaeaey. M arvaatk at., oar. gtark. HOKg half-aoM tor Ma at Hotlebaagb'e, fSTH Taylor ht. Tblrd aad herta. trrvAnovi viprimuij. . WAKTBD Man aad wln waat paalHoa la prl vate umil, win ta ae nast aoaaawora tut aoara aad raesi; ati sr!a weal ac do any kind ef wort ; rafarsacaa. Veil a Me. at Nortb kTMraatb at. BlTTATinir wasted by aiaRle sua. it. not aalng bupior or tobecret prirato place or liabt war ea ninm; soea Besw Basra taaa salary, L. Mi. nr scmrnai. . RXPBRIENCED bookkropar a&d trrdtt elrrk IB i-enral atoro want poaiuoB ni citrt boat rerarancaa. c H. nwigart. Barr aotoi. city AM EZPERIRNrETt yeang BM doolroa pnol- non aa Booknoopor: sno raensfmaaneas. Addreaa M. 311 A Mar atroot. AMT poatttoa wantad by Earosoas ef food baMta and apparanre; abl to fir SUBS la- atracaoa,. H so, eiro oaaraat, sm I A TlOg wanted by yeans waa ef sood saints aa owraior ooy. a, aorta I w. math aa ado Beat Si Kb aL TOt'NG bub. 1 yrtra, wenld llko poalttoa aa aaatataat ooeikawpar or ouea aaatotaat. dreaa I Si, care JoaraaL WANTKD Pndttoa by aa ozBrrloeead atoaai heating aaclnoor: km rafaroscaa. T. O. T. E. K so. cars Jearnal. TOITNO sat rf food addroaa wants poalttoa ta ory soen atoro; caa rarsish Boat ef ruoreasae P M, car joaraal. A TOntO sua waati soalttos aa areond haferr s yaara- ipertonce M. r., lap reertooatb awoot setta. d-KRiCAi, pnoiuoa by roiiablo yonng sun: anaa rerareacoa. a. H. w.. sio TbaraMB a POfflTIOw la kttraoa ar dlBlns-reeaii wasea uw eejoet. u ar. ears josroai. CARPENTER aod to lib or wests aUsattoa. ax car joaraal. MAN end wits waat sttasttoa en rases. R St. JoernaL SXPLOTMSRT AOZVOrSS. AXL kladi of BMla hols taratohad aa enert son ii sroo to onpioyor. WXUAMI lOfWL ' m Rerth Soeasd at. raaaa Ret lit. atob ma to vo XrXIABLB HELP. Mesas a votnaa. xre awaeiao. aooo iit. BOTEL bolp ef an Uada foratobod frvo to DWoyrre. Waatrra Kmplormoot aroas. Z2 Third at, Pboaai Hals 1S1A ron ladiks ohlt. PORTLAWtl Wowra'a Em p lorn at Coaipaay. Blf AlUky. cor. M aad Horrtooa. Red SOST. PIOlfRRR BhTPXOTMRWT CO. Lobar aontraa- tora; bolp tree to esrstoyera. xli Morrtoaa. BELT wanted and oanohed. omIo oo fooaolo m. w. VK.AK.rn, SDBit waobiBgtoa at. may aa WORE tor woe. torn for wort. BANKlfl OFFICE, M (forth Baeosd at. WAlfTSRvRRATi BSTATR. WANTED Bovo csafc te hey 1 or ft-room atod- am soear, wool aid: purtlrolara 1ra. H fl. euro JnsrnaL - VAsnssiiriB. WANTED Aawnto. lodtoa at gretloaara. to ran- vaaa. Aeer'wa joara' Bona stnro, asi AlSor. WAaTnrA-MISOaaiASOm. WANTED Brorybody 'a want a advorHaad la jnarnal Want Cum mas. Ttioy mloro yos of 11 anBOcaoaarr worry. Roaatsibrr. tha seat to hat be a Hne) 7 avatag. werdo mass a Haa. Try rhoa. WANTEDA eao ar twoorw aowor link stnttos atroBi rastaa: smat b In pood ens dittos aad sold oa a it eaah haato. AA r. w. Uago, Trkoa. Waaa. WANTED to hay. I er I good arcond-hand national ton ifltrra: sha a 4 Bans aBoWMso. call Pboae Mala 274. t t'NFI'BNiaHED roosu. ttght hMiakMplnf; nmai; bot of rafrfns. S3S Third. Mr. SlBirr. Pboea Mala lhlt. WANTED Tan orrond-aoad eaoiaawrlal traoka In good fooxnttom raw hi do sroforrooV MB I'aloa ao., N(th. WANTED Ssialt dairy fans. to IS sows; " at onr. x. 41. raro Josraal. ROOMS ARB ROARR, OONpTfCTINO a reoarlag heeaoT Advorttoa the fact hi Joaraal Wast OalatoM aad fill yoar roosia. BOARD with rnnma. wall farotaVd! wwTatoiwoai toblo boarA HI TblrtoooU at. rVBJILSflSO Waist at. WAWTXB--V0 RXRT. WANT0gv4T koeea. flat r roew to the eity te ba eailad. A goo way to ftad wra- Enta la hi adtvrtUloa: hi lueraal Waat unaae. nay rvacfe UW bind of PMBla yon waat t) warda for W casta WAXTICnMndara mmlabad brnea or flat about f roMua, hf mrrful. nepoaalbla partl-a; e chlldna. Bute sartleelare. D. U, Tba Juaraal. WAKTKDbVwbi aad board wtlb vrirmtm far Ily fr hnatMnd and wife. Addrooe a JaoreaL (Mt price. TWO fanitobad WO roreubaa mnaai beothwaliur. by eaasw. is pciTc rainy, an uocKimiasB FOR BOOKS. fl R PER WEBB Large, etoaa. faratobei aooaafcorpliia muis, with naa ( Unndry, batb, pbona; abw rbap rarstobed eotUfao. J. Laadlgaa. 1M Bbarana Pboae Clay SOB. OOIKG bneaakaoidns I Hawa'l faaod a ptaae to UroT Ttw Joaraal Want OMamaa: tbrr 11 aip yes nea a bar as goes eoickr. SB SIXTH ST. NWly foralabad beaaefcarp tof iprtBriita; Uht Croat nem aa Bret tier. 0. HMly. pros. SQ1H WATER., eor. Oolnaibto Ooaa aping raoma rpiioaabU aatooj etonrH llgbu ls- FITRNianrD aoaarhfnliat rooaai: gae, batt and paoae: no cblldroa. M Clay. CLirTON. bh First of., ear. Oilaaibto Baltoa i 92 prr wtl ai4 Bp. FOB RaVaV-rtrSJnSRBD ROOMS. B1CELT taralabat raoaai. wltb aad wltboet board, la an parta of tha Hty. asaaM advarthed la Journal Waat Colamaa. baca aico people are kioaiag far thasm. SI vare tor lfi casta.' THB OHIO, ion BlovMtb at., aaor MorrbMe I1cly inrnlibra rooaa, alngka or aaoulte; srat-claw board; atoaai boat, oraolala bath. plenty an waits. THB DEXTBB, 1M Twatftb at., ear. Waaa. Mr rloaa. comfortabla rnnaia ; traaoleoto anucrtodi BMdara paatnliaioi, Pbosa Oi as. BIVkRCIDB, HOTEL 94 Boot Oak. Parniahod nd antamUard roonw. Hula aad ta aoita kHigiBg. XI sor work aad as. Pbuaa Soatt as. , AT THE DREW, Nn. let AVcoad. near Ifnrrl aoa, aowty raraNhra Croat roanta; light aoBswaorpiDg ii otoiros. yiNB eoe)fortath faralobd aalto ronnja. Sn Toath. ear. Tutor. stocks Partaiad botaL MEWLT fsraiobad snlot trinaloat 1M roarm at. raoaa sua sxn. 9TICKLY faralased feaai fax teat. MS Yam bill at. , FOR BRKT PurnUbad roosM, at St fifth. FOR PINS atore rooai aa Tambni at.. t par BsoaiB. apply J as. r. snaraoy, toi. caaa nor of Co mm wo. Tolopaosr Hals W. nTOVSXS FOR REST FSRSlTlfRR FOR SALS prRNlgHED S-rooai eotUgei faraitaro to tola. bosao to rest; etoaa I IB. U North Htnth. FURNITTRB of lo-rooni Bat for aale roat. laquire at xozh run at. FUBNITTTRB for tote, hoaoe far roat, laqalra at nrot at. FOR RaTrOVBSS. HOIURg r acareaf at toast, the stnd oa want, bat roe caa mvo a tot of ear faro ana an, aa wail aa tones worry, bf oa eaitlag Jnarnal Want Colnmu for what yea want. Try taosk s words for is aaaw. SBOOM ottaa, Poalnaular- atatloa; rrat $5.00; exenaaar or acli: Inatalltnanta; city watar. p H. Plgfett. lawyer asd aatary, i Hnlasy BMg., eworr. KAD0KSI.T Traaefar A CetoHtottoa Co. J ptonoa nd farnltar tnovod by oipertoncod bib. 1 1A a - " - - tmaA FOB rent or aaW. loll WllHaoM svoaee. Woow booea, an Btodo.-B aawrt mtr wo. Apply Ms on to, aoa siara oa. tol Bin too. FOE RRNT Hoaeoe. cettagw asd flata. Stodors , BBS ap-to-Oato. rentodJtoo of cbaraw. I. Oavarta A Sons, Plrat and TarnhlU eta. FOR RENT CMtape No. 1M Sovoofooath at. bet. Ollaas and Hurt I&qiilro Has Sautb. tae Botox roataarant. tea rirts K. MODERN S-room eattaca for rt. With both. at M Fltat at. CaU M Fraat at phono rront isax. -ROOM hnuoa, mrnor Hawthorsa ava, aad Etovoath at., SlXaOj key a a rood door ooatk. POP. RENT g-room entUae, eomaat collar l at , an RhornMa; hoy st 864 Blstb at. FOB RXTTT TIATS. POR RENT so flat, jo. Nlsth and BihBBBt. raeno Root 1270. xii nor BMoth. FOR ALE RIAL FATE. POR xRALB Flso U-rooBi howM. waat at do. l IT .BOO; wilt ret. fnrnlohml or aBfnratohd; tn ii m aoadqaartara for rarxai and city prop arty; w bars a farnlabod roataarant dolni sood bnalBoaa. IB rrsular botrdrra. raa bo hui on oaor Iwmi: a cornrr hrirk bnatnoaa block. goad loco dm property at a berxals, thia n a sood IfiTtmtmmt: I of I nrrrm an Is rnlrtva Hna, food boeao and eat baftdl&fa. to trado lot ctty prnfM-rir or moaaint itonao. . COAST REAL EST AT B CO., SOT JcfooBoa afreet. RAROATN8 ef avory doarripHoa are esaatantly adrartlaad hi J on ma I Wast Colnmna. Pros orty ownors will de woll to adivrtlw what they wlah te oofl la tbosa eolanoo. m Hno; T average worda toaka a Haa. BhiAP Two now enlnalal roaldoscaa. eatt aide. eioao in; one T and oo s-ronsk rau coocrote haarsnti SMtdrra thronahOBi; a Ion one 7 room, twotorr bonoo. cboaa. Addroaa ewaov, own Bioai Mmitnia ai. POR RALE flood boato asd 1 sere toad. 1 btocha from car Hno; 4-mosi aonao: oil Mode rrnit ana nomoo la ansnaaaee ml Scott ear. get off Staart'a, fsqnlr at atoro. . H. Brtoer. POR ' SALS Ntco Uttla chirk oa maeh. with bnaao and water. o Be car Hno. fid dnw and fia par nvnth. Isqalro third hnsao north of otatlns, Lanrolweod. C L. Bra ha lor. 94 Ann t heaara. ferslrara aad smeBd; coot ss.nDo; ta Biaatre- wit rroa toart oeooi rrnta will pay for piupwiy la S yaam. t Uadlgaa. fS4 arsua. TEST toatral, lOOwlOD. Bart Etahth and Mov rtona ata.. for fl.otw: auitablo to factor, warrboosa at atere; aaply awaar, CM roerta atroot POR RALBgMn will bay a bow bness and kt poxX2S. oa Wlllaniotto hoetovarA laaave 11M WIDoswtto bostovard. FOR HALS H-moto rettaao, rfnwat rollar: tot gMion; si, sno- nn Bbarxus sear gilts; Inenlro at W4 Sixth ot. MODRRN S-rann OOtUa. gond yard, HolUday pork: roaaoaahia, Apply U4 MaU. aoltaUo temw. TFRMB oa 4 and h-ocre nlowa ea car ttnu Ac fare. Frank atoirra. m Cowworelal Mda. MODERN 1 U U Fifth at. FOR SATS PdSRS. A SNAP. '' Owner snttig te toaro and aril Baa atroei ISn sndrr erltlvattoa. Iselodln T aeroa orrh ard and, In Is rlstnthr: T bct aaaH brooh. ooay to rtoart t toad BpHnce. ererk. honao and t-ara, orhnol and chnrch os Oie plaro; Bailee aeattieeet froai Oregos Cttr, Clacbasias roaatr; good plash read. Apply 13 rWth at, algat ooora, TI'REE f-arra tracta, PM per acre; novorat in-arro tracta, mofA Boil, so grarol. M te f4S per acra. all nehr tha O. W. P. tar Una and Inhnooa creek : alao aeroa sear Greoham, 14 acres .la rultlvattoa, 000 fro It trceo g rears eld II WO. Very aaaf teraio on all. Tafco Eotarada ear to aeo asanar at ' f rot bnaar eetb ef Oatoa aroaalng. POB SALS PA RMS Innrered farma for ah ht aR porta of Sre gn and Washington: porntewte amoda to oalt pnrrhoarra. Pnr fan partloBlara as to verl mi rmn-Meo apply to Wax. MaaMaeter, SU Warcootor bldg. yOR SALS OS RXCWANOE ftvarre frait and ttirr tarei 1H aulea ttnm Portlandi pneo, IS.MQ. Addroaa L A Patton. Hntbronk. Or. ORROOW rarna boot theoi !! Aad br asBWor- nwiaoBoa aaaat UUS aahMtoS yea U Ogd What's v itheUse . tf Wasting' Time j tf pom want to bay. Ban, twat ar ganhsagw aaytaing'. tlaa ta Joaraal Waat "-r-rg theyH do the work promptly. 15 Cents for 21 Words ROOMlNa HOURS HEADQUARTHBS. TAPT OS., ISM Ahtsgtoa stock. 3 ROOMS Old aoUblUotod' boardlac baeaa. doing vorr flno hostaeoa. hlgs-claao u trado wall farasriwd. Mass. . Prtoa, IS BOOM! Faraitaro all alee, taeladlng ptaas; go"d location, rhoop rent; BMotly aoaoo : Eooplag; alwaya fulL a2.&0. IS ROOMS oa Fifth bV" short dtotasaa Irem Horrtooa at.; Blcrlr faratohod; aaodoro . ovrnr way: teat T6: haa net hooa ea aauhet tetoe. fl.TOA IS BOOM 8 Oa Bevrsa at., new, stogaat faral tnro; acroui hoot; yeora' ao; thia la a Dttlo salecei prloo rlgbt 1 aarat offered - batee. , . Si ROOMS Now brtokbnUdlag, stossi boat hot aad cold wa.tor la orory toon; or err thing sow and Is good rood I ties; good - toaae test SllSl big Btoaay sukac tS BOOM Alder at. ntooty faratobod, hoaaohooplng; new ctoarbag srsr 'art . sat swats, ai.sunv . Sf ROOMS Oa Rtovoath St.. sear Horrtooa : bearding; alcrlx famlahrd. dolag good bealBoao; teat oajly SsO, oBOO. . 89 ROOMS 4m Fifth at.; good tocattoa; sew , , ctoartsK aboat $M0 per stonth; t yaara' 1 Maaa; this to a borgala. SS,SKk IS ROOMS Ob Mnrrtaoa at.," aU ea ana ftoatl aloaly faraiaaod; roat lew. 3,oOQ. lh BOOMS On Sna at. ; awetl baatding: fi tare and carpets vary boat, hs ROOMS Oa Fifth at.; mat SSBj faaaaklasa all vary Ost; Si.iuft. IS ROOMS Oa Park at.; haardlnci very flea; tocattoa good; roat srs.. mes, at.eua, IT ROOh-xnrnttnra sned: rest oaly good totattos; hoaaa taht l.w)0. . Ii ROOMSoa Tenth at.; reat farsltara . v gnodi aaa gooauwoaMi eoau, . ia -Bvwma Terr Baalt toatobod. Vast real draca part ef town; rent f4A Prtoo . only tTSO. to a fa daya. ' OROCBRY STORR, " Oa .WaaMnstaa at, doli teak haatorasef 40 par eayi una, bopcb. . CORFSCTIONBRY. -v ' nn.irxTKRREN. raroipi aw-., ..oj.ww WB OAR MARB TERMS R ART OF TUB ABOVE. . ALL TTTLwjn nr awm m bu inaua PROTBCTRD AS WELL AS El l, BBS. "" TAFT ICO. 1BV AUattoa Rtoes. ' . ? '.y , 10S Third St. - Rnolneaa Chance Haada w BAKER REAL BUT ATE CO. Boom S, Caambor ef Co wares. . lonMU Tha aalr ss-te-dats amrtawst boaao la tho city; rent AIM; an eat has. Price. S4.0WI half aa. . aa.srtnw WfrTET. RHrk : toaoo: test si an-. rarsltnrc coed; tone aoa v reaoaa mo groat bargalg taA bwattoat tat SOfora. ROOO. IS BOOMR Pisa torattoat asa Hght: reat on; crntral locatlos; part boaaihaoplng, la ehidlag plana. Mass. SB ROOMS A Mot at.; a geod hmatswati oholca tocattoa; rest aaa. moa ai.auo. IS BOO MR Boot hMBttos ta dty; rest roa- aonabio; gees partag aasaa; aoa t uu to aaa ua, ai.spo. , IS BOOMS Ptrst-elasi fsraltare; etoartag tot) per BMotb: rooms au ubsbi roat raa- aeaabto. ll.hHH St BOOMS A BtoBoy-euker; Fifth at-r fvml- tore very good; s-yeat toaoa; rest (B. A2.0O0, sail .taaa. V WANTBD M Is sBtaesi bosses. y-.: PWmORAPH BAIXERT dofas seed hsstneaa: y wuat a 11 a rmant er am nooa ; z-raar - -loaoe aa grevada; AS par BMSth rent; . 1 aeta ef laatnawato to Saa cmiltlaa, G ROGER Y RTOBX-aihnrh sotnd Saa aaah a bnaiBaaa; bios, cieaa a rock; an enri'w foot, room 3IH40; oa car lino wUl aaU - au ar aa latereat. aiuo. ' BAXSR RRAlTnTATB CO. sb S, Cbawbat sf CoaBaaotea, Or asa I Ptoer. BTJRSXA REAL ESTATE AND RUS1XI CHANCE AOENCT. S Waahlngtoa St. Do ring thia work tha following saarta aro oa Sha bar yaln ooantor: A grocery atere, good trade aad tocattoa. aheap. . A barber ahopf atoan share h S Rvs harbor: aunt bo sold. A eonfoerlonery, with d hawflng alky at tachment; with tao reoldoeco property, APrestaaraat, rUglble toosttoa, good osUb Bahod trade, dolag weJL A well oeWied atock of fjorcbaadtaa with Store seildimra asd rraidesr proper! r. tows, good trade aad soertshl Haa conn try. A dellcatoaaeo eatat; good toeaUoa aad iltbr oatronasa. Wr bare elifTblo and doatranto roat ootato. hoaaoa fnralatied and nafurnlahad, vaoast tota, forma asd Hood Rlrar land. CALL AND SEE tTR ' A BNAP "AT ASH WOOD. OREOON" llA.onO atock graorat Btorcbandlaa at dl arses ti atock caa bo rodnead; bnlldlaga and loto to salo. er will rest, laqalre ef JeeraaL ar write aa today. J. W. A M A. ROB IN BON. BAROA1N SBR IT. IS BOOMS Paraitnre aerlj sew, goad aad ap je data; leaao aflor fair; rant Sen; recoipsi Bits: prtor 91.06O; cm down, 00, boL - siontbly; Birthing hotter os war art. Rllto A Hot day, room Si, BM Morrtaoa at. FOR SALS Oood boolnno rhasro; stare hslM ,1ns aad arneral Bterrbaadtaa with A arrea Is yonng ereaard. aud 10 arrea with dwelling ana ronnx orcBare; soar Bnoineoa ts Address Pnatmaotoe, Caroon. Waaa, WANT to aril yoar haalaaoat Waat to la root ta BOaoethlof sned I No hotter lamotmoat thB adTrrtlatas fat What yea waat la Joaraal Want Msaxas. SI Worda tot IS eonto. Try H. WANTED A partnor la a geaoril aterrhanrila bnoincaai good tocattoa; aood totalnaas; alts td aa a rallmod la Lisa anasty. Addrom L. U, Tba Joarsak w SNAP In momlny-bfajaa. H rooma, ah pew and good farnltnro; keoo to ian; roat Soft; same a aaaa if yoa wast M. PaaxIS at aooo. ... ( JRYTBLRY RTORB dlatk aad fttharsi SMB. Seat 9S . BeaVhTESS OHAJIOkR. raralta and aaw: Iocobm bW; prior 8.IK. HattMidi A Co., Unlfcay blk., Boeood asd htorHooa. SEAL ESTATE haatnaoa to aoUl good W'b- tton; s osap If lakaa boos, pw not. mi Plrat at., room H WANTED Te srU ahoo abo snarantaodj torwa ea Uealrj. Box tT. Joseph. Or. trado 0. Pattea, 930A CTOAS tnd aosfrctloriorr, with too oroow nd Uvliur iewa. SKI First St.. Booth Port-. toad. Roat. am. BLACKHMrTHINO tonla for BOto and BBOp to rant. U dralrod. 62S MlrsaoXM at. FOR SALEOood rootoarsat aotag i. as North Blith. FOB SStR' sTTaWiaXARROSS. POR SALE An a woo at of Bsece la Joaraal Want rVilBM for A eoatB a line ; t avoraso wordi BMka a iTnoi sororal taaorttosa bf an advarttooaoaat asaeuy awss a aato. Tbat'a an. too. UNDERWOOD TTPEWB1TSR. wrIUac. Tabalator. oil baarlns. usat Agaaey Sf Proat at. Pboae Bod lhal. BILLIARD AND POOL tahtas tat, ri aaln oa earr paTsiaBta. TBS BRUNSWTTR.BALRB COURB: At Third tl. Portlasd. POR SMSLYIKS, coon tart or sfsco work caU . Maitoa. (be sarsostat, sea vuaea, 1TBT. RABOAINS la oaean4-hasd wacblaoe. Cadet. ood Typewriter Agracy. SB Front at. THOROOOHRRRD pnlatar papptoa. olra Yaytora Bttxnt. leqalro SO yirat. soar Btarx. UANUKR aVHrorad re say part ef tha etty. I mng ap UBWa sue. FOR SALS RORSBS AR OAXRXASXSL I BUT. aaO. rant at nohaase heroaa. waauaa nnggioa, rasbar tire raaaboata, aaraooa. eaata-l tot ostflto; llrory hi eosaerrfes. Phoao Mais 111. Rod Proat gtaatoa. UMa. tost aft Want BgMBV , uvxwtdts: ta atwaya dlapoaod of wry entokly Tbo rata la SI wards tot IS aeata, Try tboav OXATSTOYARY ARB PAUOSY. MADAMS JOHNSTON Clatrvoyaat. paustot, ears roe ear; sire isen ronanm ana w- nortaat os R affalra sf real Ufa. lot. SB Sevosth at., soar Oak, PALMISTRY had card reading; S eaaatloaa . anaworrd to Ei aaabk. aaata. Soatt 41. naabtogtna at, PROP. CRAVEN haa partora at 148f Sixth at. wbate he will receive csltom ftem t to A BOO BIOL. LOST ARB FOSVB. DON'T ho a toxert Bo a winner, by adverttelng la joaraal waat ceiasua; thor pave aoa root way ts saaaaaa, St worda eat U eantx TO aUBURRB. W1I L EXCHANGB Ana Spits pappy to tody'B aioMaocue ar cantoro; aioo uiaat modal Now Ho Baa acwlag Shacblns for good buggy at driv- wg MC a nor ta roartooaca at. PYRSORAZ. I. J. HI BSHHE1 M E BPraatoe attorasa aad aoaaaotor at law. EM Waablngtoa at.; pos- oawiwa anoor au acta o enaaToaa lot eoMloco er tea ClvU war. Boa slab-A marl war. war In tbo PhlllnMnoa: nooobw Aw aoldtora wMkrwa, aMaer ahlidron aad dtpasdaat ratauvte. MANLY1 visor ftotored br Dr Roborta Nn . OhtowTtft J: $-Tj BKintha, U; Bant aoraraly aoa led hp atau. ikgeata, woooara. ciarka Co,. Portland. Or. kOATHBBINB R JOHNSON, aow located Is her tew snartora. SxS and XSl Allaky bids. Ferial ana acaip aMBasgo. awnirnrlag aad haw-1 driwlag. Pboa as nn stack una. TBAINBD Swedish. Bay eaaoa; also aaiouga treat moat alrea nottet'o bnme - - at her homo ar at 1 Koaa Bratt 411 A 4TX Rsst Piss at. DR. J. B. HARSH, tnlronrarrle. nMoo toal iT.n-1 It chrooR and femato dUoaaeo; appondhrltta tae sain; aasg to. UilropraoUc "THB BOOK OP NATURE, " 'Book of Ufa. U.K. I nn lOhM mS m OI ... .M kfabol Gray." Ttnry ef d Sto." "Naaat totagsea free. A. Srnmato. SB) Plrat at. YOUB preaorlnttoss ar Senre aecnratoly aod Eaonobly alUd at tooorll'a Pharmacy. SST rrtann at., hatwaoa Plrat aad Second ata. PERSONAL Ynr hsataam at pnfoaalnna oa-d IB jenrssi want Ontamwa wilt bring yss to IS erata. Try ti 1 SI BI GHENT price paid for aaen'a cast-off cloth- ins asd onoo at Tan North Tntrd. Fhas Oreaa 4SS. Ordara promptly attended to. WANTED Good table beard In sichsngs fnr Bnt-ctom dontel wot, p St. rare JaarasL WATCHES, dlsmoada. ssov anyraeatai diamond songBt. w. H . Laa. bib Dehnat. CUj WREST RRSBRTR SCRIP. POBERT RESBRYR SCRIP POR BALB3 Ap ! , prurod, anrrstrlrted, ready to 1 aims ilia to aoo; mwoot prices, x r. a F. R Rimy. BOB Chanbar of Oomi ARURJl'SUlRt Goodrich A Goodrich. arcMtocto; 1 rich, eanasltlng oeginear. 71 stb. ATTORRRYS. ANDREW L CHESEM St. ST Waahlngtos Bia., gesarai law oosineet; pa para drawa; tltloa axamlnod. Pbon Mala 1W0. SHEPHERD. ANDERSON A CELLARS, Atiornera. sis-ezo-ezi maroa'ai "lag. ASTRAL FATZR. THB Trinidad Asphalt Partag Office gu Worcester blk. Cs. af PorttonA ROAT B1RUXB. JOHN H YDS Beat hoi It to order and eto. Cor. East Yamhill aad Water ata. RARCXR ABB L1SKTXRTJI, OREGON ROUND U'MBSR C4L, 1S1 ot raona uraat iiti. OfSABS ABB TOBACCO, EBB B BG-GU EST CIGAR COv- - . . Vtouioatata ef . PIRB 0SOARR Porttond. OKIXOPODY ARB BLfJrfCITRZR. WM DBVXNY and ESTELLB DBTBNY. the woiy ononnnc eniropoaiam, aaraara room mm Prow bldg.. 16S Second at. Phoao Mais IJUl. Tbla Is tho tong-halrod goatwawa. Re k. the Bias yos are loosing to. OOAL ARS WtMNft, OSUAT WESTERN COAL CO.. 441 Hort ... Job;' ant. Al nrtcoa; free A iia, waaawn nuns aooom ooai. M oa nor ow.w, ipr utmaoriand f. caatlo Us to. UM' sMimi. dollrerri full walsbtai aottofMSkl uoa gsaraswee, rneaa main Ht. WESTERN PEED A FUEL OOv, 154 North Plfth at, dratora m domeatto aad ata am I coal, aiacxaaiita task sbataaal aad Pboae Mala IV1S. ALBINA FUEL CO., Ballrnad at. and Attoaa avo,, soar tarry; aiab and stosb weed, dry : ooa groon. mono mm sre. STBRL BRIDGR WOOD TARD Wood sad aooL viiksi om mil imam j whim, rnono B. asa. PIONEER FUEL CO.. raawvod from .foot nooa is reat hbib at. rbono Mala lov. C R VELIN, Sret'tlam wood sad coal; offtoe o awiai a to,, nanr rrrry. ury Bia a wooa. OREGON PUEL CO. ; aU klada ef eaal aad a4 Horruoa. paona Mala a. BOO VSR A CONWAY, lit Water St, i. rnono Mais mas. OXMXaTY O0STRACY0RA BAWKINS A CO Roaldonoo, SH Pawrth at. Cbona Front IBB; cement work ef all do arrlvtleaai atap werfc agaalsltyi Work gnar- swwo. CHAR B. CARTES A CO., (formerly Carter A I n i cemsat coatraetara. era Taggan. tost ISTS, All work gmiaaant. . r . ' i OROOXXXT AND aaajgYAKR, WHOLKAALB orockery aad aloaawaro. PraoL atM a oo., loo to toe ntta. eor. Stark si. OOaTVlBglOS MXROXAJfTB. BVBBDING A PARRELL, produse and ooeaaato - aaon MarMaota, 14U rrost BU, Porusaa, ur, mono Maia its. DAVENPORT BROK., ISA yroot at Tralta. pro. aaro; eonoiynoiriita aollrltod; prompt rotama. OARS. TUB OrFICB. SM Waablastoe oC rhose A i- rtcxan m ricaoaaa. OAFS KB ATS, 111 Math at. A asg toaeh Barrod at all bo. fURPBRTBRS ARB sTVZtSERS, A. J. AITTHORS Bad H. S. WOOD, earsoBtoni aad butktora; ropalrlng and Jobhlu; atoro on orn siraroa aaut Bftop sua ueiawnta. I'hoae Clay laU. . A M. DEB. totlldlas and roModoUas: atoro ts turos a apoctalty. BM PUat at. Phono Clay B3. . W..OORDOH, oosntara, bor1a. hosaas h aaa rapotrod. bos yoarts. Clay wy IP TOU waat a aarpoaror call far Meltaa, CIIhi at. Phono Mala I TXT. LAD1ER sad thlkh-oa'a sarstosts. atlk aktrta. watato aod wrappers Wade ts order. 1AX Btoroatb at. Tolophoao Mala WIT. MRS. MoEIRnRN. orttotto I out bins Ul htorrtoos at BO ARB RORSR ROdPTTAL. DR R J. CARNEY, a - R. vatorlaary ear paun. renwTed Aa US flbnaa aC, sat Pearth aaa tins auk a M'i m 1 1 'HiTBg-BtTar;1 iBi -ti ; BTXTJf S ARB OXXahTTsW PORTLAND STEAM CLEANING AND DYEING Worsa; practical hatter la eonnoctlos; foatMr Boos sad phiBMe etoooed and car ld or aa oa- I part, ni roar a. new cioy to. j CLOTHES CLEANED. AND PBjnsspM par swaU. Osleas Taltortas Ckk. MT Waabra tea sc. W, TURNER. Bmfaoatoaal dor and daaaot: bob jarroreon at. Fboaa Mais xbix I U BBOOBATOBS, BBNRY BERORR ISO Plrat at: wallnBPor. Ingralsa. 'tupeotrtoa, tor docorBtlag. tatov BAhTCTRB. MRS. GRANT'S adatt anA rblldtOB's elaaaoa. Acadoaiy ef Maalc, Morrtaoa at., eor, Sotosd. aXSCTRlOAL WORRR, ' . SOhTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Ooojpanr. st Stark at.. PortUad; O. H for arorytblng la tba etoettteal asew. Mala ism Wr BOAS, nrBtAR tTVRXOS. HYLR A BCHT'MACHER. MoatavlHa. Or.. r.. far nora ana Indian curtoa; for boaa saix sttrei Sara stoooy by baring fare ef SB. PRATRRBAK, DTSORAVOX, ORDER OP WASHINOTON Poromost fratar- aal aodety of oortbwoat; arotocta tba II las. J. L. Mltcbou. vasrosM aocrotar. SIX and CIS Marnoaai hoax.. Pattlaad. Ot. Roto. DRRITVRR PAOTOBXER FUBNmTRB mawofarrarlna and mclal orders. U EBvoBBhya fanutaraltctory.TO Proat at. OREGON Paraltsro Ma no far farina Cow sear Maasfartarera ef faraitaro for the trado. SOB First at. lUBSllUBE BKyATRDIB. UPHOLRTBRINO. repairing; toattreaoos Bxade to ardor. Uncle Diok'B, SS Waahtoatea at. Phoao Red IIS. - " ! i ' T '" nilT' ".r"'. "Tlifl 1 WADHAMS A CO.. wbomou grocors. maaa farterm and loaawlaiiaa and Oak ata marches to. Pearth I I"1: ALLBN LEWI g. eammlaaloa aad prodsce mar- rront and Darla ata.. PortUnd, Or. RASJrWDOB FLfMRR, HARDWOOD Boors, strictly ap ta Sato; rat ana nooomina oorniar. SoaTlmmo, EnARf)g CO.. SOS Front St snritAR MATR ROLLS. i. $. BORO, BMafr. hssus hair rolla. 491 S. stb. mono xait axil. Btore. ana Morrtoaa at. ROTXXS. BOTEL PorttonA Aawrleaa sma; SA Si pat doy. RELYEDERB: Esropoaa plsai 4th and Aldor ata. ZRStySAROR, ISAAC LV WHITR Sre isiaiaaia. SOS Doken Udg. JAS Mel. WOOD, swploym' HaMHty sad la mntui nocioem Bnroir BOSna ov SB SJBSa. roowo oi. mm mcnay nwa. 441 Sherlock bldg. Oregon Pbosa Clay AM, FIRS I NBU B A NCBJ. P. Koenody A Cow, Sit onorsnco oioaT. mm bum ions. ARTHUR. WILSON. Sre tnasranoa. - aaar leak bldg. Phono Mala loot. 1 TR0R WORKS. PHOENIX IRON WORKaSnttneon. Btaaa- nrtnnr of aunaa. mining, lofting and saw still macblaoTT: nremnt attentlua to muii work. Phono East SB. Hawthorae ava.. A S 3d. BrVSIOALi PIANO, or aha. theory ef mosto. Long, atndie 40H Tootny ssdg.; goMtaly ro- nun Mais tiio. VIOLIN, ma ado tin. cornet, slaristt aad all string and wind iBOtrumebta. Prof. Edwm A. Smith, htols 4T0I. S4 Twelfth at MR AND MRS. ft A. WEBBER, hanto. axanda i p'tt laatrecttoa "jlala SPP3. 1TX W. Park. BTVSX0 BRAXXBSL PiapjER MUSIC CO.. ISO Third at. Victor tatty ing aaaminani re pa mng. nes sob. MAOVXTIO MZALXMS, ALL diseases treated. BBothod uaght; "Now Thongbt ' reading-room. Mrs. X H. Bart. A. O. U. W. bldg., M Bad Taj tor. MatallTl. MAO NET 10 henUng aad race arraimrnt rree. Roam 48. I3n Wash- tngtoa at. Mala tSM. OVERALLS BOBS OP THB ROAD OVBBALS and nwchaa- m nnniw anion maaa. n a oats a tae hw manaracTurrra, fsriiaoo. or. FAIRYTR ARB PAPSR-RAVSIR. CR1CKHON A REIAON. aolntUg. deceratlag. papor-eanglog, X01H Russen at.: workmas atfj and matertol gaaraatoaA Pbaaa talus P. B SUTTON, ps later and poperhaager. MadlBoa at. at and of brtdsn. PRIRTIR. BUI HONG A CO. Float aad Stark ata.. print. . uwtpiiii, oiaan doosh. nna orn- supplies; work don on time: moat cosuloi priotiBg srsce ta tha wort Hals 104. ANDERSON S DUNIWAY COMPANY, prl arras! mMSTtpiiif. ota an biibi. rneaa Mala IT. fd Alder st an,VsnaTBA rONNERRERd A SADRMACHER. aaMtara plambsra, g4 Poarth at Boa pbosee. POX A Co,, sanitary rjambora, ttl toeoad Mala tad Balmon. Dresos Phono Msls : bet 1001 MASSASS. MRS, 0B ROCK, sradnal St . Baas MA , MOSSY TO LOAN. PRBO H. ST BO NO, FINANCIAL A6BNT, . . Moaor to toas. No romniiBoloa. I aw to a poaltton to auka lum- Lata kaaa on improved real stato or to building purpoeooi - arr aawaut: mudorato totaroat. Wa V- prvva Iiniub from plans and adraaca atoaet ae sslldlog prugraoaos. Ogttoa la tapai at anor ane year. V PHBD U, STEoNO, Plaaaclal Agoat, AOS Sooond ot.. aaar gtark.' . , THB STAR LOAN CO, Any mlartod rniU;. wasa-oarnat. aaa get OB ala seta, arliaeet Brirso . 'Ola. to or aa I I s) er m i 4.00 at M (1. H-He(B. wooa : nor re aa KSSjtnS R.dv Hepay to .(JO Repay m axon at gi.os SALABY LOANS Yoa aoa borrow SMaaj froa aa on yoar aalary or Ineoaio to eao to ala atouiha, la anj amount frvat SB to fioo; hitf all flogorlatlona are strictly prfeate an!" eooBdautlal: payniMita onanondod la cast of ai-knrax , The Croaeeat Luos Co.. S17 Ora ..gosUa bldg. SALARY. LOANS Aar aalartod 'pcraon ha ring n ofaaoy position wltb roapenalblr arm eaa oMals monej oa tho ooty p.iraent plaa. wltb pnlUclty or daisy; all bu-lnew troaled J'letlT etoJdeotlal. NORTHWEST LOAN CO... Ml ALlngtoB bMg. -Ity.. .LOANS ON 1HB BABY PAYMENT PLAN... i Ts Salartod Peoplo. Strictly ConOdaatlal. , F O'QC boura. a. m. te p. m, iMPLOYSES7 LOAN c6.. " Phoao SM. Roosi Tt, Tho Dohasi hldgi S. W. eat. Third and Waahlngtea asm. MONRY TO LOAN oo real, perooeal and onU lairrai OOCWTUt; SBOClal BttoBtloa M ebBIlrl toortgagea; nctoa hoofht. C. W. WltoillS CostsMrclal bU. phoss Mala IxaS. IIGHLY raanootable pUoa who.- todlea and Ei aaa borrow aaoney oa dUmuDda and by. Collateral Loan Bonk, SAB Waas- at Tele phoao BUcfe TL SES Tbo DaBs-Lowrenoa Co.. real aauto and gaanrlal agrntar axonoy ta toas oa awrtsaxe eecBrtttoa at low ratos la mas iteaa lW to 14SH Plrat at. MOBTGAOB LOANS os tmpvovod asd farm property rt kiweat enrreat rataa: balldlng tooaaMsatatlntrnt toaae, Wm. MaaMaatar 11 Worceater bldg. M0NBY loaned oa ptoaoa faraitaro aod rooitai oerontteo: au riiMi atrtc Vato n.. ni. MOM BY TO -LOAN, to larss or 'small Bmoanta on ma ooennty; mwoot ream, wiiuam w. Bock. BOT Falling bldg. MONEY ADVANCED oalarlod seonto. toaawtora. etc.. wiTonnt aaenntr; eaay parawata; iarw ret bealnoaa la 4 Bvtacipal elttoa. Tehae EM Abtogtoa bldg. AM peeoared i red to any good aotra eared oa of reel ootato lr. Oregon or Waah 9. E. Nob to. til Commercial blk. anr kind tngton. B. CHATTRI. toaoa is amonnni ranalag from PB n so noo; rnontng boaoea a anerlalty. Raw Bra Laos 4 Trust Co.. 90S AMagtoa Mdg. MONSY te loan Is onms of SB. 00 and eg oa all kinds of aoewrlttoa: atrlctlr eofifldeattol. ,SM Onmswrclal Mb. Phoao Mala 1B0B. MONEY TO LOAN nn Improved ar Bnlmamred city property, ta him m (. ramas. wa kloo Oa . SSS Aider at. LOANS at towoot rates aa foralraro. ntasoat anv aatniity antod parr ham A Raatorn Loaa efftoa. 41 McKay Mdg. MONEY TO LOAN on rlaehaBMo monty Undo. R. r. and P. R Riley. SOS Chamber Of Cam-' WE hove a a tv wlahlns to make s ft prlvata Vwna. SHt Mohawk bldg. PATENT ATT0RRXYR B. C. WRIGHT, dnmmrlr and fnrrhrn sotomtai tofringoBMBt caara. got Dekcmoldg. PLATnrS,' THE OBEOOR PLATING WORKS. 4B1 Waah tattoo Ot. Phoss SSTS. Pnltohtsg. ptoUag and jacnnerttig. ROPX. PORTLANn CORDAGE CO. nd Northrsp ata., Portland LARGEST atock I rity: Dtobntd work: torhnsta tf-ened. Repair, jau wort, stael celling, treat Stoat nd goods meriting, net. patronage. J. B. Darts, eft Third at.' WRZSB CTTPPnig, MAKB MONBY! UBB PRESS CLIPPING Blag an Bhicfc 11 sad ardor a mentb'o orrrtea enoorlsa tst town la aav at aH mas ata tee; da Mr awamnsat aorvtee; advance re 'ta nn an contract work. . rotaaag etnrsj Berong at. PAINTS, OILS ARB SLABS. P. R. REACH CO. Pioneer Paint On., aetllna tbo beet tblnt wade In nalnta and ynrsl bnlldln alatrrlela: orlnenwlxM and glaalng a special ty. IBS Plmt at Phoae Main 1M4. f. P. pTXLER CO. Ma O" factneora Wane or Lend, Pnnealt Paint. Ropallne; a rnarantos srren with svary gaDna af selst aussfas tnrod by aa. RASMtTSREN A CO. ToMwro. nalsta. ell, glaoa axeh and donra. lAfi plrat at. ROOPTR. TIN rooping. nttorlos. rialrin and gaaarat aMng. M, bnoll, 111 Jefferson at. AIX Blade of mofo raalred and oatstsd. 1 ParreD, MU, Frat. gentt S4S. RVRRER STAMPS, P. C. STAMP WORKS, SM. Alder at.. Mala TI": rahtter stawna Beow. atenctta. bsg saae. trado rhrebai road to aatatotee. CHA8. R POTTER A CO.. rnMw tramps., re stored to an Plrat at., nesr Start at. SPRAYTR ARB WRTTSTASBTR. 1 WANT to bM on yoar natnMos af roots, dor. Warobflears. store, bulla, atina, BtetoriM an all othor alnitlar work dene Is eO at WBr paints. Is soma reanecta better then hntea. With th snrar nnmp; mv own nreeeoo; maoy yara nf etnerlenee Aesrao fWA paaf Wsb ingtoa. Pbonr llntoa S3M. R N. Moraaa. BPS VINO- and whltewaahlne. Sioaal. mrna. onoo. m, . swrii fn. Call nn Scott MS4. wP wtTI call and rlo ma flmrea a vonr wneh. Th loroxr ' faacrtne onrartng Bad n-Mttwsstilnt not Of 1 a MeRnonub aaaaty. . 10 Mllwaahla at., Pnrtland. Or. " , STORAOR ARB TRARbTFJL SAFER, ntasnt and fa ml rare mneed. aaahed ready for ebinmng onn pnipnei: an worn puaninteed; laree. s-eterr. brick, freoroof warebona to atnrase. omen IBB First at C. M. OLSEN. Phono Mala 54T. O. O PICK. nfSce M pleat at., between ttw. and Oak ata.: nhono bog; Ida nna and faml rnre moret mrtn poewefi inning; m. SMtdtona Brrnrnef brick wan bonoo. Froot and nav ra. tatrWYJASRS ARB PTXTirSES. BHOWCABES nf ever? deorrtattosi hank, bat and Btora n lores mono to nroer. xno unas MannfactarlPg Co.. rwiiana ane Seattle. TTPSW SI TABS. TOST TYPEWRITER HEAnQrARTBl xxo atarx strert. We swot, rooolr. oell. aacbans AH aanntlea to an Rtssdard maehlnaa kn op ta flno. Da TP want a atenngrapfcer op trntotf Wa have net or gnM aoputaato. VWca goTL, - . UNOFRWOOD nSlRT.R TTPRWRTTER. Bgeacp at OB rront . poooo at ipoi. TRARnTRR ARB nUVXlR, OREGON TRANSPER CO.. 14 North Blatb. Phone Mala SB. Heavy haarlng aad atorsr. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY No. Isgtoa at. Pboae Mala asS. Se&M. Wash YUWBL SUPPLY. ki 'Xr miLY-Vmb, brash, boob, &sot aViath. Lawreaoa Rroa.' Towsl SnsolX .. Ponrth asd Conch. Pboae 2S. WALLS APS X. -J MOBGAN WALLPAPER CO.. 114 lag Tlllll at. baa. XaavbUl sad Xay hnr, PorttossV Corner Ppertooatb . Or.