The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 11, 1904, Page 11, Image 11

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    t;ix osr. daty joctnal. portlakp. Tuesday EvtwiNg October u."ipoi
Bt th
f PorBend. Or.,
far treueBruttoa
IMM BlllM.
Pootap to alacM iMWI
re neper, l eM www
founi amtnm urumuttrt
VrlMd -Bengnnun Sbectot Advertising Uwr,
, 1W KaaaeV UeereW York; N14-
m mum m at s
Bdttorlal Room Male She. f '
aastosa Often Mala tak , , v
-..(, tag. taicne.
('' :., wawmtmxrnom batbs. "-:
Tmw to Cm1. , "'
TW Dally fNtMl. with Sunday, t
TW Dally loarnal, 1 year
' lae fHlly JoernaL with Sunday, 9 BMtM. 9-79
in iMiiy Journal. (' f
. 1 The D.lly Journal With Wuday, I natal. JJ
lb Dally JoernaL I MitU
TW Daily, pat waah, toUrcred, Wade iK
include ............ B
1 """r 9r Sunday
': . . Taras P BtaO, ,
, Tb Dnlly ionrnnL 1 rear ";- i'lflf
, TW Dally Jonrnal, vltk feadey, aeatW. $
The Dally idwul, 9 BewUw..... ......... 9,79
TB. llailr JoamoL 1 nnllll
Tka Dally Jeeraat, With Sunday, 1
IM Daily INIMI, 4 aBOUM. ... ...
TW Bnnoay JinraaL 1 rr ......,.,...
CW hBday Jcwwl, wtm
Th MUWmMP raniaai. .
TW Seal Weekly JoaraaL 9 to 11 saga
Iww. utottrated. Pill MrM n-
art. '! rear
TW Tsfcly tmnml.
TW Weeku"7orcnl. 10W Miim ef MM- "
ln Mek twM. IUatnta. fnU vW4
' rturM, 1 rtr i..,...,
lUalitMCM mU W m by 4R. MtSl
WH, prM irdtn M WMll mohM n
''f. 0. Ws tfl. fwttaw. Or.
wmu tub jotoSIl mat mown
BoIiiK. lDlHO-rkaMr Wa . '
, ooapaar. til ttrtttMi HlNtl .
BIiimbUi b4 Cvrtto ilrMta.
prlnf atrMt; QUnr Mi ft, Wtfc
llHE&rOLUM4L C BnMMlfe, BV- DM
wiDBNOfdta Kawi ctmvr.
OH A HA MUUr4 HoM ataa4; HcaaOl
RuilMwrr MtMa.lBit raraaai atiwt.
BAtT LA KB CITT fcottl aawa ataMi
Butfw Bnw., 41 Mt BmwM mC. loata.
BT Lfif'la nlHn SMdar. l Lanwt atract.
BAN rBANClSCO W. B. Axdlaf. Palao Botal
mwi auM; OoMaMia moa., w mum
atraat; Tri W. Pttta. MM Market atraat.
frXlKASB. WASH. Joka W. OnaaB B Ca.
A(tMArwAtU.-Oaatral Mwb aoMMa , 1IH
Br . T. WtbMi 4t Ua., tiitti bC Aaka7
atraau. at to a. Bala of partor, latu
ToaBrwaai at klttWa favmUUa. J, T-
WlUoa. aurtloDtr. -
WaatfcBf aaaattlaaa M faaral IWMt Bar
OiwfQM. WaaUnflc IN loaaa Taa Mara
Metral aff ta Waaalastoa aaaat
xarmlrC araaa akwly aaata-ard and
term vara Wo tha fraatar aarttaa af IW Parlfe
MrtkwMi. it kaa raual bMrt ralaa la vaatara
Orate an4 . arrtarm California. aa4 aaaaral
ahuwara la
aprUiara laaa
l(Vaa. Tha atom alaa pro4si alfk aaatb
arlv wtaaa alaaw taa Waahlaanaa aaaat; at Ta
ttwaa lalaatf a auxlwun vUxitj ot M adlaa
ttaaa tW aoata aecwrad. torai wrlw Vrra
haa to aoatbwaat tfau awralaf at taa aaoata
' al tha nataatMa rirar and m taa Htralt af Fwra.
TW ladlrattoaa arc far fcMd at aartlr cWadJ
? Matfear. wit aaiwalt aarlaa tW aat
boata; Ugk aeatkarlr wla4a mill mattaw atoag
fa tawt tkti artaraaa and toalrtt, aklftlac
' Ja vaatarlr Wadiifadar tM dlaltalaUial to tare.
- - Mil. .!
Jtavort aaf tBM dartag 0m aaad af IBM tfe
i - e u Mas. kt fa. ttm
Btbufem. Oi....... - 1 fc
Bakrr City. Or..... H
Boanm. Haaa
Buffala. K. T
Charlaatatt, B. 0
Otraff, ID
nartaaad. OkJa... .4
Paanr, CaW.,... ........
Datralt. ktiafe ,
Fraaaa, Cal. ......
Halaaa. Moat............
ladeaandaara. Cal...
KalUpeU. Moat
Kaaaaa l.r Bar.f.,....
Lawwtaa. IdaW. ........
Lea Aafalaa. Cal.
Kaar Orlaaaa, La...
M TarV P.
Oaaka. ?.....,....,.,.
TB '. J. J-
n , m i .is
M ' -'. .M
BB -f. BB 0
TB '-- BB . M
TB - SO . .Ut
Tl i - SB ' B
Tl k U BI
Tt BB T.
M BO ) 9
Bl BB T.
81 , 94 , , !.M
74 f B " l.Tk
Tt '. M .B4
B4 Bn .IB
BB 44 9
BB . 40 .
9B 48 .Ot
BB - BB .3B
T4 SB .tt
9B B4 7 T.
9B 1 49 ' T.
BB . B4 . 9
Boavbarf . Or ........... .
Wtt Laaa. lUh
Baa Aotoaia. Ta
Baa fraartara. Cal
t. Paal, Mina. ...........
Book ana, Wh
Taeaata. Waak
Walla Walla, Waah
Waaklactoa, D. C
KIumim, Ma t
Tbbm Art.
h. T. Ward, ; httaala Mar Mrttfea.
Ollrcr A. Anla. SS; Baalah W. Baraai
laaothar maaaatlnal.
Pater Millar. St: Katt Taat, t.
S. Wins Baltar. SB: Uarto H. HaoaaS, SB.
Mai A. BBUB. 17; Bhawa Frr. SL.
Bd Rarf. SB; Aaato Badla. SB. -Jfaltaa
BowM.H; Lrdli Orafcaai. H.
: WUUaa B. woad, SB; Baill targast, BK
. ; . ' ;
Ottahar a. ta Mr. aad Mrs. laeab V OraW af
ft. llatoB raad4 daaghtar.
- - - -- --- - T. BUIIaa itfu aa
V' St. Ttaraat'a haapltal; raaaa. ssacar ff Btowash,
Bartol at Laaa Fir aaaattarj. ;
Orraiatortaai aa Oragaa Cttr ear Baa. saat
. . atuwaa,; aviaara. awuuw aww v a
-Adulta. 3Bi rhlWraa, W. TWltora 9 aV aa.
v- ji Parttoad Craaatlaa aaaaatotka,
Tba Htirf B)laM ViBrtiHM .
' ft.atrml dirartan aaa aBbalBars. BB) Wad
' atraat. PWaa SPT.
f a ti.u. a, a hutl aajaaaa aad
. '. t-. MU4 a. M.lf mum aaaah.
' hehawnt. aaraaf .Third sad fiadtaM atraatf.
Bath pbaaaa Ms.
-to A. BJ
Waalar. aautbaaat H tot B blort ,
Umm Jeba'a addltkia to B. JafcaB I9S
Bn P. Capus to Imll .PUbrika, waat ,
lota i asa a. awi Mm, iu v a
to Wy. Hia, tot S. htotk 4B.
tagtoa Pkrt . . . iv'-i--;; '
irnnvraa rara ....... 'i-'i; v
UMiaa m. rrtap, pn: a. aaaaa
U Onad MaralnA addlllnw v
R. A. BHIalda, adiatalatratar. to rlarsMB
f. Altalock. lota aad Mack IB.
'I Tlbbrtta' addltloa a9BB
Hawtbaraa aaUta to Pfad A. IJaeoto,
, tot I, htaeh 19, Hawthafaa'S PhTat ad.
ditlaa v
BtMi BaariBBt to Bahthtto BarBrr,
tot f. btock 4. AIMM ., .. 1
Mrrmaa i. AMtaek to H. M. Skltl. tola '
I (Ml I. fatorh St, Tthtanto' alrtf1na. . S.BBD
Albrrt radarllaa to Brarat ttoaeaatoa. ,
tot L Work 4. AbMbb ,..i...;.u--:' T
T. . Hrarr and wlfa to iaaab Traat,
alilSO (aat to tot U atari t, Barahardi
Pr fit
Lsalaa Brlahaai aad ana ta Inaaebv Kla-
l a-wtii. narrvi Ian4 to MnA
ai, aruia.
rrw ini lion m viminrn wnum
Cbllrav Kmlowmnt a bum) at taa to Aat C.
.- Bardlr-k. lata BB sad 94, htoab t, UaV
lrar I'laaA , t,,.. ......
B'fllba i. Diet arm ta B C. M-iTnart. W
S.-Mark St, iaaa ABBS' Sddltla t
St. Johita . . 9J9
B A Whltwr and a-fa to R. S. Btona, .
t arrra la axttoa St. towaiktf 1 aorta.
rang ait
B'II'Ibwj T. Bnwaa IM wlto ta Jnha r,
rHirbtoim. tota B, 1. k btorh t, Praia-
Milaf addlttml ?. 1 , IBB
Cnliiariila Rnl tatat rMasan? fa W1I-
Ham T. fVa, bft X. 4 and 4. bWk
7. flnaiiir artrtliiffl ?(b. 3 19
pj.-- jlt 1 t rrmnr B
j , -toatTB,
silver sua i
mm bbt m ooa wibboa xb bq
Vnat BtraaL Oat. 11. TW BrlBrtpal faatwak
C taa rartUa wfcoWala aavkaU Mda BI4
HMr raa af atlvaraMa aaiaMa
HalUMt ararva aad adraacad. .
Plac lakam ahawa Mat.
rualtrr ta oalac Wt ataaa..' U
Pacftas Wm ara W klnr- ,
Ho awkat a aUU atopta. f
Advaacaa tat apW awkaL - ' '' .""':,
Baat aal to urd at adraaea, y '
Daaaiad for brat trda ataaaad bofa. :
Poutaaa aUU aoaaa Srcai 'Jtlaoa. , " -:
Bat BUM dotna U wkaat
Oaaaaa ara aaLaf aW
Raar'Baa af Bfliinlli lihrn
It Wa Warn aaaar yaar al
Wat fW Valwaibla rltar Wa aaaa aack a
aaarr rat af llnratdi aafanaa aa la saw a
aaarlac la tha rlvar. TW vatar la aw taror
abla far tha Uaaa ta catch awtieaJlr taar
fall a pari (f aad tha nealpia 1a tbw dty
ara astra bcarr. Loarar srlraa ara ravalUns
alaof taa mar bat
BWIWB IB mall OaW Bp.
A atars aa tW aaasd with Its
caralt af WUbat baa naaaii aWrtaaa
tha aapplUa af traak Sak bara aad prima todar
am Hp aar aoaad hlsWr with tW pnmat ttat at
Be. V atkar bWmm avaaac hi tka Bah au-
Bay Bhuwat It MB1 Sliihf. '
TW boa awkat to aUU atoaataf Ita Bta
TaaWlaka a laaa. B. 9. kamlta. farSNrlr af
Maw York, Wt lata af tha HaclBc caaat. haw
rataraad. Thla bmj aaaaa aaut a tha bop
arkat Wrawkatkat.aaad ar had. K la rat aa
bla la aar- Wbas Mr. Baaltfc vaa Wat W
Kara W aaflnaarad tW W BMrkat aa that
M-leaa, aa paaat at hfaat, want a Uka a
aaaaa trriaaa. Mr. talth baa Was shaaat
froai thai tltf far avar a waak aad at oca that
Uaaa than aaa haaa aathtaf; datat to bopa. Al.
thaagh Mr. saMth la kaaw aa a aaaaa far u
la aot apaaraat am tha aarfaca Bara, aa aat a
laa-W aarcbaaa af Ua to Orrfaa has rat baas
wMMhad thla i aaaaa. Mr. Saalth la BMnMte
ad ataf awaaihlf caaaa hasa to a klftar. Wt
itffvlar daaan aajr tWf Wtlar aot. Ta
Barkat M. hrwaaar. salt atraaa;, bat aa sabw
at tW high Svara arW raaartad. iaraMrs ara
atfk vlltlas to aat thfctr chatoa frada aoada at
Ska, hat 4aalara an aat Is a a bit h wmj
Bagltob BkiWI IB Sbart.
TW Jaaraal that aMcaiaa; mirral tha BB
Wj dtapatch fraaa 1U TacaaM Bornapaaiiat:
HrraMa Klaaar A Ca. af thla rtty laat aaala
raealrad tablagiaal fraat Lawdia airtnc tha
afaVUl rata raa as tha haa raa af Baste ad
aa toaaad by. W Bnallah gwraamt. Taa
r Bort aaj that dariug tba acaaoa af 1904
bop eras af that aaatrr waa SS9 ewt,. aa agalnat
4S.09S eart ta 1B03 aad 111.041 ewt ta 1901 Tba
anauat caaaajapttoB of bopa la Oraat Brltola
M aattaaatad at BOO. 000 ran, whlah wftt eaaaa
tMt eaaitrr ar bar Wartto to tfcto awkat,
BlaaT TiWiaa Shrwa Btaa.
TW BMBafartsma af Dlppar Karj tobarra
aamaaafa aa adraasa af Be par pauad la taa
CoruMW aaAtattoaa. Tha aaw mt h Be par
poo ad. Othrr advaacaa to tW tiWoaa aaalial
ara UWlT-
- i ihiBl Baaa Ttoo Oaato Ktobat.
- Tarbaaa bopa ara be par aaaad higher aa ae
aavat af tba rarvat advaaea la thla rara crop
all wm tba coast. TW ar aaaat prtea Is 99c
W aptoa BarhK W
aheartaf aa apward taadfry aad af kit a Baap
aaaall aaa la tha aaouttoaa haaa aeearrrd.
Llaaaa, aatataas and btocB saasar ara SBaag
laaaa aaeipa at a rata. . . . .
f -- L- Baat Taal Baatod t aa Adrahaa. Vil
Tbara ta acarrirr af tha Wttar gradaa af
ash sraaaJd al aad tW Barfcd tedar M ab
tog a Haa with aataae raaglaff fraa fc to T
Bar tha cbatorat Soada. Tbara ara an aaa nbaral
raartata af aff-grada aaal aad atoatr af aaal
ta aald ataraga bat ebataa atarhs ara Wrd to ab
tola. Tbara Is a gnod amaad tor baca. Wt
prtoaj ma a la aaaatladad wbaa ccaaairpd with
tha aaaCattoaa aa lira stork. Sana hraf aaaaa
this Boralai aad waa bard to aatt at Bo aft as-
Aasthar car af aatatoaa asaw ta this Biralas
frB CaUtorata aad toaad a toad aaa as atarto
war prartWIlr of tha aaaw avalltr aa taa
tocal Botatosa. Offatiaga af haaa aoutoaa raa
ttaaa to laeraaaa bat Baatoia ara still balding
aff ta tba hapa af a towar Barkat. whtoh will
saahto tbaa ta ahip to tha sstalds.
af tha daatera ara Bahlaw affarts to
bar aatoas aad ara af faring 91.B0tJl.Sa to tba
coaatrr. hat tbr raaaat aaear aar atarka. Tha
grawara ar bsMIng iM at Upeettag blghar
prtoaa to rata. Ma abaagaa to tfcto awkat to-
Mat Ltttto Batoff to TTkul. .
TWre waa bat Wtla detaf ta tha whaat an
Wt todar. tha Barkat atlll ahawtoff aa tarJlaa
tlaa to aaa what Chicago aad UrarpaaL ara
golnt to W. TWrS la aaae Wrlag, bat tba
alaaaa ta aaBlaal. Tha aatos af Boar ta tba
aaat caatlsaa. bat aa amaaat af tba sdaaraa
prteas ta wheat taa aawaaast to aaw amalL
Jaaaa caaa to agau thla awratas aad ardarad
fw thoaaaad barrato at fui Bai prWa.
Todar's wkatoatii aaatartoaa, as rarlaad, are
SB toitovai
Brato. Ttoar aad PaaC.
WUBAT Kaw sad al Walla Walla, 9tot
HaaatrB. BBri aaltor. 94c.
BAKLBT rWc 931.aC0Sl.TS; bbbbI. SSL99;
brawtaa. SHOO.
OATS -Pruss tats srto 1 wMts. bbT.99:
gray, sstfto.
B Battars ftrasaa: Pstoato. BS.BSt
atralghto. sa.7B: taltor. 94.00; grahaB. kM,
94.00; lm, 94.49.
MILLBTt-TFB Braa. f!9B9 par taai artd
dllnaa. 9BV.a; aharta. aaaatrp. CBLrOj ahaa,
HAT Pin aaLiii arte Ttajafhf. WTOiBatta
tollar, faarr. $14 0041 U 00- ardlnarf. 91S.004J
1.1.00: aaatara Orravn. 919.004114.00: BiieX
910.004119 00; ctorar. SB BOAlLOOi grata. 911.09
aju.saL aaaas. a',
Bass. Waal aad
BWrBV-lsoa. t10iA tor aitrs Skatoai BB
SOc 4ur efcnW: Mje far pHana.
wool. waaitaaL Taiwr. raa raa aa waa
iraiBe: tna. lac; aaatara Oragaa. 194) 19a.
pTOHillt NtW, SPt.
BHRBraKtKS BhaarlsB. l"49Bsi ahart vast
TOO; Badhus waat, B0O0e; toM WaoL
Bocttll.Bn rack.
Tallow Priaa, psr to, ddBrt Ka, t aad
rmrflM BARK 9 par to. Wtas arlaa.
BID KB Dry Udat, NaT 1. If toa sad aa.
14H19 par to; drp kip, Ko. 1. Ita 19 Ita.
tt"J; itrralf. Ka. I. sad 9 Ma, UUe:
Jrr uttai Wlla sad ttaga. 1-9 kaa toss dry
lot; Baltad Udra, ataar. aaaad. B0 IW ar IW.
709r; SA to BB tos. Yt aadar 99 IW and
". 97tt at an aad WBa. aaaad. Be; kip.
19 to SO, Pal. Tmt aaaad. 19 to 14 IW Be;
calf, aaaad. aadar 19 toa. Btyai aWaa faa.
aaltad, ) par to Waa; rmlai. le par to toapi
haraa Mdta. aartH. aarh. 91 .mvvt: drr. aarh.
91 OOOl.Bfl; aalM' hlda. aar. SRClMkei
aklaa. esBmaa. aarti. lOdJibct Aaaprs, trlto
sal aa. aaeh. SBrABI OO.
- ' Battov. Baa s4 aWdtop. '
wimr.U PAT Swt. 98 H: aaar. Stlt- '
BIBIjJr.yraaiarTy aaat. nyta0t
Storft 94. Ptnarslds ..... . .. ..j... . ..
Prank Trnnbirr. Jr.. to Oaargw W. Watt,
lot 9. block 9. Bralaard .............
Board of arbooi trnataaa to Bat Ward.
JnalOO (art haalnnlag sntnt to north
la af Waaklngtoa 191 faat west of
Intrraerttoa af west lto af Mlaa-
taantk atrrat ,H
Marlon P. Dntoh to A. A. Maltor and aifn,
tola I sad aVbtort 1. Brweira addlttoa.
Oat row rasanaea 'and aMtraehl to
tatata rroB tba Tttla Ooaraata A Traat
aaar. CWatoar af OaBBarn balMta,
oixsxm pbbbotb.
Of-tnawr i. r. Katoaa, raoalrs to Bwatltag.
Matart WtwatB BUth sad Wraalh straato;
Ml. ITft.
Oetohr 19; 9. BttthtaS. fattagB, Btiatoa
atrrat hrtwaaa Vatoa and Badaaj: svaaaas;
aaat BtoO
(trtnttrr 'to. A.' 1. PhnaaT. 9-atnay dwalflag
ativthraat coraar Baat BLchtnalh. a4 ' Baat
ninnrmii rTl"L. a.w".
Octoher 10. O. HatknwBR. l-atorr dwartlng.
Rnat Hrranth atraat balwaaa Liacola aad Urant
anaca: ruat. Sl.ano.
Oriobrr 10. King ratata. wtHbuiaw. worth
mrnrr rhlrtraarh Bnw johana aim la; aaat.
itrWWr IO. L. A, rMrk. raMin to daatltna
Xafrrrann batwaaa Taath tad Kknatk atrstu;
mat. 900.
aaraad trad. Btoi sstalds toary. .7HI
aarr. Sac; aaa
u. ntarn.lBaldC,
Ka. 1 trash jMrnm. Bbmc
Braab. lie
rHUll Naw Pull caaSBL tana, aajiSBi
Young Aowalea, ISHtfUHe. -
POULTB Ck lekao. Jixaa. . jao pw b.
Waa. Utoc 9r lb; ranatnra, U, " par ;
fTTrnt sST toT'dr.-id. Tit 7 to;
reaag. Uc par B; aaaaa. Sa sot
ll aar Bi dnaaanV 1
PrniB and Tantoblas,
aa par aaj aaraaaa.
IWATOBB-Oragaa. 90rBl.UB . Pr 4wt:
Wran' prtoaa, B'jJI tvaaia, par
ik.UTWi99i Wr. prlea.
tl. MO 1.40; CatttoraU. 1.79f SrUa 94BAOt
rafcaat nrftTB Asnlaa. fsaer 0aaa. TBcto
C OB bail rheP srn4-a, JOJtlBc Ws: arsagaa.
ta TatoaeUa. 'tl.moitt.Tt jm W; ba
nanaa. 9 par A i lames. aWioa. 9- 79dJ9. 0B
Cm Boa; raaer. a.ini.n , r -
riteaa. 99a sac tOo. glaaapplaa. WM". P'.
BOttoOc per Wa; paacWa, rdinarp, (3Sc boi;
faacy, dea&oe par boat Paara.
rrapaa. 91 W4jl .IB far W; (jragoa,
tLriw lluntSe par 9-lb baaaat 10-
baahat. l&c; watmaeaaa. wapoa.
L lft
do: cabbaa. Oevari.
91.KtTt.00 ewt; let
taea. Wad. ISe das; graaa
has; ealarr. T9a mr Baa; ta-
aw- mp an.
rtar haaaau l pampktos. 1U
kraerndlah. Te pot B aproau. ar-
vmimv racua arpia . w-"
aar to; asrtoata. .9H
par ia: aacaa, ja
par Bi toaa; paaaBia
BalLSt par IBi
Ear to; araoea. Italia.
PrVaeh. 9H944 ear lb: Is. Callfaran Mack.
9Ht U: Oatttocala wkMaa. par Ik i
plana. sittaO par ta: aaian. bmi w-mm
par tot tocaa. 91 B0 par lB-S) bar,
las. Bats. Bta,
8S! ss? sast a.araica
Cldaa 0. 9B OS; bbia. lac; j P?"i?fi T"
: adraaoa an each baala, Wat Bto wt Bar Saab,
dare; Bap la, I41B4 par B.
rVbei'Mh.. tltoBto!
raoA btaiaet fata Btoa. ordlaarr. IIBJMC
per lb; parka enffe. 9I4.4114:79.
TWJLhUnM. dlffamt gradas. SBd)4Bl M-
aawdar. 3QJQAc: EaglUk araakraar, on
reraat gndea, TmaSV; spldarlag. saaatorad
Japan. So aat graaa Japaa (aarr aaaraa). I0d
AWas-BatotT. to. 4a. Ba. 10a, M SB:
tabla. dalrr. BOa.B 9011.900fta. IbM;
Imported Uaarpnol, BOa. ilB.00dlA0W 100a,
9l4jMai9.00; Bit. 91t.9014.90; J.
f-bla. to. to. Ha. 10a. frMt Wife. Ik.
94.0A; aaeka. BCM. 9b.
SALT Coarne Ball graawd. WOa. SOT to.
to d.B: oa per toa. 99 9r.09: Ltonrpoal
tana nek. 9lB.90d19 99 par toa4 90-0 saafe.
BBlBtps n: loot, 9RT909.9S.
(Abon arieas spatr to sataB af toaathaa
ear lata. Car lata at apadaJ srtoa aaBtort
to Hnetacttoaa. t -
ORAIM BAOB-OatosttB, BLTB4BB C9 aar 99B
BK-B lainarlnl Jnaaa. Mo. 1. 4Ac: Ma. B
4e; Maw Orlaaaa haed. BH99e; Adjaefc. 9toat
. BXAMB-AtowB wBIto. B4 : laB wMt.
96e; atoh. 4Ue; bar, 9bt; Ltoua, 4i
Metlcaa nda. 9U.
H TJT1 Paaaa ta, TUet toaaa. H par ""V
IBs mat- ' Sla.f lABISa Mr ih: faacT
aaatss, MtolBe per Ibj alavMtda. UtolW aar to.
Maata. Plan, aad Pimtolaaa.
PBtoM MEATBIaapaetad Beef, atsaea.
par n aawa. BttnH par i; trataa. an
ssjoe per a: umea. ansaaa. aeraepar an.
rmXH MEATfl Proat streaT Beaf. ataara
ua aiMH ww i at lMn
baa. 16 to 14 IW. 14e par lb; 14 to IBtoa,
19 to SO toa. 14a pa ft: ttaf.
hraakfaat haeaa. itajiae per ro:
Blralea, Ha par
to; racalar ahart etoara. a-
tJ iaUe mmr Ih: anaohad. HUa DOT to:
atoar aaeka. aaannhad. 10c per to: aaMkad. Ut
POT to: Untoa batta, 19 to 19 to
tha. -aaiBfltoL W
par re; aaaoaaa. aa
aaa Ih: dear hauie. -
aanefeed, llUe par lb; aatofcad. UUe per to;
aaatara Mm, 14to par to; arsakfast aaaaa.
imr aar in.
LOCAL LABI) Kettls toaf. IBB. 1H4 POT
to: Sa. 11e aar lb: 96-lb Hna, Uc par to:
aceani rendered. 10a. lt- per lb: W. lOUe par
toi BOa. 10.e par Ih; ennrpannd ttorce. Btoe par
to: tab Bc par Ih: soe, sajo pot ra.
. BASTBBN LA BO 10a. 10l 9a. 10ai 90a.
CAMMBD SALMON Oatoanis rtoar 1-to tons.
91.99: S ib taHe. 99.90; fancy l ib Bar. 99 00;
H to faarr 9a ta. fi.Sn: fancy 1-lb araM. t TB:
Atoafca talV ptak. BBtpBOai rati 91 AO; aaaalaai
PI9H Bock aad. Te par to: fW4w, It par
to; halibut, 9e per lb; enha. Bi n sar sns:
etrtped bask, 10ltH par to: aatSah. Ta par
Ik: aalaaoB. eklanok. 9e sot to: allraraMtta. Be
par lb; berrtag. W per to solea. 9c sot to
abrtnpa, lOe par BT: abad. dnaaed, par to
nereh. he nee to: ahad ane. BOT n
aad. 9 par to: htark sad. 9e par afrear
aalt Be par to: hihater, IZHe; mas BMcaerat.
a; mahk Bne bt Am: aViaadaea- Be Bar to.
OTSTS RB Shoal water bar. par rL tB)
par aack. 94.00 art: OlyBpta. par mck, 96 Si:
CLAMS Bard SheU. par baa. 99.00: raas
da ana. 9X90 or ko. . .
ltoto, Oaal OOa. IW.
OPS Pan fcUalla. Utoi ataadard. ltftai
Stoat, Mat.
COAL OIL -Pearl ar Astfal- Caaaa. ttU
aar gait water whits, toa Wto 19c par gaL
wnoda par gal: Wadllght. lTO-dac aaaaa
SSUc per cal. Iroa bMa 17a par gaL
UKBSCDOIL Pan raw, to bale 94c asp gal
eaaaa 9c per gal; seanlne kettle boltod, eaaaa
91c per gal. M0 iBc per gal; araaad eak.
ear kta S9.w9 pot to, ton than ears 9S9.09
bbto 90c par gal: at,
ftroa bhte 19e per gaL
BIN ZI KB Wp aaa
hhAa IRlAe aaa aaT
9B par gL Baa
aaa Set par gL
Bto POT gL Baa
PAINT OIL Baw. bMa SSe par gaL
I per gal: hallnd. xaeea Oe par gal.
TUBPSJfTTKB In Baaea B0 par gaL wa
Ma. Ble per gaL Bob bbto TW Bar fL U
ae Iota tf
Mta sac per a a 1. . .
ITB LB AD Ton tots TM jar tow BBS-to
tte per Ih. Iras tobj Be par V
BB MAI IB Pnaent Waa at 99.99.
toM T
Onav Select Oner
Par Par Par
Pt, tort, Mfi
StaHMHAma aaanar
teas tot to mil. Bl ft.. 9 S.9B H9.99 1X999
Benfh, dlmeaelona nrntor
alaes t Itilt. 9449 ft... BBS 17.99 tt.99
Boaia. alnieaaloaa regatar mM
alana to 12il57 49-49 ft... UB9 to 09 99 BB
Bench, aHnaloas relator
ilea ta Hi 11 flO-90 ft . . . 19-99 99.09 9k. SB
Par aack ddttlaaal s laches
ta width add....,
Par add aad fraettoaal
alana sawed add aat tost
tfcaa ,
Per sawta rarttoal grata
to 4ilS add
QjBBaa nagh Wards, regw-
141 B99 B99
IB) M 4.99
9.99 BBS 9.99
tor auaa ta is la. wioa
to 94 fL. toAV, aSBnid
langtba .71. 7T7..., , BBS 11
perlBed aVaaTtBS f BWBt fl- POT -
Boirn to
toaa BWa 1
to thichaaaa.
irralabad W
I are a Chafe On.)
L P. Hatwn B On.
mmm PVnBPtam. Ort. 11. K.
n: Then baa Been tit tie ar no tetereet ta
are In aa aeaoaat of tha bad wins aaat. Oatalda
trading waa aotleeaMr ahaent.
BarW W been dull bat Srto.
Tltr- aCBrlal IIJIj. aa, Barks t
Wheat Onen. Hufe. Low. Ctoat.
DeeeBber ....fl aOto 1.A Si bOU 1 H
Mar .1 1.01 1.99 . l-aJ, 11
OtaaBbaT..;. L11 l tl Ll 1.19
TBIatoB PanrBat Vsrp Stnaaj B
BB Oaatt BAa Been Pa ML
tSnsrta! Dtosstek to Tha rarat.l
TacaBa. Waab Oct. 11. Then Wa bee
antta a Sarrr la tha Wheat Bar net bar tW
Kat Brw daye, and hfaeatem haa aald ap to
He, and ta on taaUnee SB waa paid, km
one taternted annul to knew what canned the
Biirrr, but .It aar Bleed aaater anrchnaera
nasi wheat and an HUng ta pay wall for IL
The adranc, area thoack temporarr. t baaing
me afreet or caaatng kuistrs
wheat far batter arieas.
Is alias tbeir
1 Uaaraaal Brato Bwtwi
UverwaaV. oat. II Claaei WhOTt Opttoaa
Beaange- . .... J
tara Opttoaa 4 daws. . .
Vaw Tarb Leaden Stter.
M TsrBf Oct U-Buna, I lilih,
totoopaa. TJcOll B par emia; sawjiai ai
aVt; hacklebrrrlra. 9e per lb; craBberrlra, IHe
par lb; cranberrtoa, tocat $9 M par hb! Cap
Cad. 99 par bbl; prnnaa. Sc Bar tot
VBOWABUES-TnrBliB. V.-9 par Baeft aar-
ai aa iiata li s Bar aaea:
nmm raauliaa io aaa
pavpera, aoaaann par
a.toea, Orecoa. B)in per baa; paraajpa. Tcaj
9199; gram aaa. 9 par toi fic .stoa.
ItWe par Soa: local rraaa rx-iu tl.'Wtol.y iwr
nefc; pto plant. tdJlH sar Bn striae aaaaa.
w.Iim Bnc nar aaeft: aaallflower. TBO
raw, sajioa pat B raaatea. aanaaapi. aw
90e par 0oa: wahiata. 1Xu,Al4tie per tot Pna
aata. loajiSHe par to: hickory aata. 10c jsr tot
AaawM mmmtmZT MB1 w Bl' ftnal aat.
mr par re: pork. Mark, acjflae par m; p---
Se par to; baUa. SHc par b: eowa. mym
t par : BMttaa. driaiil 49c aar to;
1, ua. TQ7He par ID: nroiaarr. trnc par
is ii-tan.
Cattl and 8hawp Quotad Finn In Portland
Very Heavy Run oi Sihrerside Salmon Strikea
Kiver Th Union Pacific Sbowa Activity.
prices cf l:os
PartUad Vatoa Statkraraa. Betabsr tl. TW
dtBaad tor pnod stand pecking baa sf Balskad
aaaUtr M aavartaa s great iBpraeawaat sad
pnaent prion an Wtag beta arp 9rm. Tba
mm to tha aaat ta block, China faB and la
ntockara aad feadan had to Utter tw an
bardlr wasted at aU. The attaatka In boa
la rather acate and aweb deaaada aaon tW re-
ertpta af at ban than par era daring tha- aet
raw say. U law at Oiai caaaa ai son mi.,
tha awkat wlU nry likely ntata lto geod
aa and prtoaa raaais auuanarr,
bat aa the athsr band torga nontpta wnaht
caaaa a araap.
Tha haul nor attto to now abMrlng aa rnv
prwnaent and prlraa an abowing tai
to map a trlW hlrhar ta tha near taton.
The aheap awkat to ta emrellent ahasa BM
ttveatoefe aen hare an H1I tatklug af an early
adraaoa to tha anattona. Poar grade aheap
wlU par better to keep at Wane, fcicasM torn
to a deaand ben tor tha.
TW racelDtt today wars vary saaB sai saa-
etotd f snly BS bogs. , . , ,
OfnVUl raHnp pHcaa today an:
Cattle Beat eastern Orcaua atean, SX.TBfJ
9.00: best raller ateera, 92 TB; :paedluB a tear.
BXtO: eawa. 99.00; bulla. i Tt; maTfBOO.
Hoga peat a eery, mod; niaea. "
totoT94.a4l9J: stockcr and faedara. 9a.9aj
A 90.
Sheen Best grain-fad wetben aad totoba.
B790Ot all abaap. S.9B.90. .
Psrntohad bp O art hack. Starr to CB Cb.)
Kaw York., Oat. 11. The alack BMrkat today
was vary ectlre aad stnsg. wm Man sny
1b to tha aa tire llvt. tha faaarabto crop
hnrlng anaa laSttenoa a tha aurk. dtrenghh
was abowa ta L'nloa PselW nnd Peanayirania,
te teaching a new high raeeror nmng
at 108. Brooklrt, Rapid Transit and St. fan)
nHa ehewed atrengtb, while tba ntle ta general
wen ateady to atrong. IB ta inanacnai ui.
while then wan no eperlel feature, atrengtb
aaa sbowa ta tW tort. The Steel
ntradr. AaalanBateB Ooppar
big bar.
ateady. Preaeed Steel Car show
atrangth and looks Uka It will aeU
Tka enteral aentlaeat to Will ah.
vTaJay's sfBctol atnak aarfcet:
Amal. Copper 0..,o..
Atrhtooa. coB
Aa. Sagnr. coa..
Brooklyn. Sapid Irene! t.
Canadian Pa cine, eea. .
Chi.. MIL B St. Pnol...
Oolo. Paal m Ire, torn.,
Loalarllle B Kaakrllla..
ManbattaJi KVentod....
Mlaaoart Parts..,
New York Central
Peanaylrnnla By
P. 0.. U B a On......
Beading, eon., .........
Southern PaciBe
Untoa PartBc. saa
U. 8. Steel ua., eoB. .V.
Ba pralemd
Pranetoa, OH.
,t , : ana.
Water 97 98
Bid. Aat.
Sru Vatlev WarOT - si SA h
Saa Pnartac oaf
Hawaiian Suaar ..... 97
r ..... ..... ai ...
Unaokea faitr
Untcklnaoa Soaar
Sr!. 2
Ma k a well Bnar
Pnauhaa Snr 1 99
Cvfitra CVieta Water . .i?..
Alaaha Park era' Aaaarutnaa io , wt
Callforsta Wins Anncrtattom 89
Parlac Stataa Telepnone iu
At B BBtoMioBT f tttt Board of tiustaSB
of tB Pvrtland oWunbar ot eoamros
todar ooninttt ooaatatlns Off W. J.
Burns. W. U. Corfoatt aad Alfrwd Tucker
was appaintad to lawatlsta tfawraAc
ratal In thla dtp and raport to tba
oBsjnbar. Promls of reduction of
ratal for Portland, aaada bp stoa rratt
elaoo off totals of th board of undwr
wrltsra, Ba baan dlarearnrdad. and on
tba contrary rate bavo noon ralsad on
Ixwr Alblna wntar front property, and
arepartp abuttlnc n tba rwosntlp
wrantad pip Una rout from th Port
land Oaa company's plant to tba rtvor.
Tno transportation ooamltt anad a
rwport rwvlslnaT Ha forntsr poaltloa aa op
poaad to atnslon of tha powara af tha
Intdrstato oowannroa ootnoatoelon, slnos
It la decided bp tha commission that at
Its oomlnff aawstins; at BL LaulB It will
arransa ta have a rwprrasntatlva of tba
Pacific; aoaat addod bo tbo oomalsslon.
Tbo Bit. Tabor Improvement associa
tion, at a mUns bald laat ovanlns;, took
stepn to Incorporate tho town of ML
Tabor. Pursuant to a report by tho
onalrman, Q. H. Andrew. favorltiB such
a eoursa, a com mitt will at onoa b
appointed to franto a charter and Mult
nomah oounty'a raproaantatlraa wlu b
asked to ooouro lto pnaaaara at tho nest
pe anion of tha legislature.
Tha town will aonslst of school district
No. 9, asoeptlnc that th ' southern
boundary will extend ta tb Section Una
road. Th asaootatfoo wlU post notlras
at all stations on th ML Tabor olectrlc
lino where tho company furnishes llghta,
and oifsr a oultabl reward for tha eoa
vlotion of any, Praon cwaaalttlns wan
tan Injury to tho Msbts. Durlns; tb
wlatar months tha asaocUtlon will ssaot
at WoodtnM halL - - -
flaaenaj atojetol aWto
Halifax, Oat. 11. Th coast inf Btaanv
er call aank oat Prism Mward to land to
day and 19 aa of tno craw war
drownaL A high aalo waa beowln and
heavy seas running; when Ut veaael, ap
parently la a dlaablod ondHlon, waa
II rat obaarvod approach hs In shore.
Hoe tried vainly to keep fro to) Btrtklnf
ok tho rocks, bat to no nvalL -
Tba Ufa savins arow shade eyarf af
fort to throw allne ta tbo hclpleaa aw,
but tha strong wind nnd wava, rolling;
almost raoantatn high, prevented anp ae
slatane bslnf clvaoj and thay wore graaV
aallp awopt twiy. -
Lara oua title of Coos count AJrplsa
ara Win sblppad U CauUlornia, v.
! i L
93 94H 93 94
193 193 IBS 198
9B 90 99
1U 133 1W 182
1M 1BH 199 197
tf 97 9S B
UB tl 137 13
lS4llM 194 104
101 2(101 10O 100
19o2:i39 I903 1
1M 194 1U 194
lOS 1082 10B.
73 72 71 T3
m 99 90 W
10V 106 109 104
19 10 ! i
TT 77 74 i 71
(rarnM9 by Oeerheek. Starr B Cache fje.)
Chleacu. Oct. 11. Lucas A Bryaa aayi Wheat
bad anethOT aaa af In good reaction" daya.
After opening arr ana snowing aaa wansneea
heeaoaa tat aaar apathetic, cablan the awkat
tnuk wkat to knows aaong trader aa a
'brace" and aparted right ap lc. rtotlnf at
nearly the top prlea of the aeaalea. Then
waa ooed bay In by tha aertkweat thla Bernlng
and Ben froa Mianeepajte aaw ta tba city ear
that bnUleb enthnstoaa to hr as aasss aha tad
to that territory.
The Attctretlaa sKaattoa to easnlng asas
anxiety aaoag tha tocal crowd and aulte fro
eorcttog- of aWrt raatractn wan ta arid Dee
Joet baton the etom. Wheat certainly atwwa
a aaat pnoaenai racuperntm power an an
tone ataupa aad wa thlak that antll on hi
aVBnltely known f eandlttoa to Anstralla and
the Argentina tba abort aids to, to any tW toaaL
( laiaw Stoyara Shart.
Ia anra tW Mar aptloa apenad aff c
ytotenlar's cloning prices and nbowed
weakaeee early hut an tW gnat turs la t
this nreal waa farorably affected aad lifted
by aataios tranng m the eioee ar an ausu
la raa naoDhs. anea an ax now BBS mi iar-
rlnaton Patten crowd, an eredlbM with Wlnjti
abort of tha staff ta a gnat anient. Tney
bave the tern ta their elentM aattlnw were-
torn cbarges, as tba price makao little dlffer
anca to theau TW crop hi tanked apoa by aoasa
of CW good Puerto her aa being largs for
th price, set ta peraureau aaa traa v
aldart baaaa rataea atrang.
la ants tha Mar acttoa ahowa a aat break
of c andOT laat night's cloning. Tba Arawar
alerntara ban sew B.BOO. 000 Wah eto af thla
aptloa bedgad sad tW toa Internet to ant
ttred, aa Tt Is aat rerp alfBmlt to laaglna
tha caaaa af the grsdnal yteldlnff of prrcea.
Tb Araoar elevator aeopB nay tney rains
wt will aell 9c towar before aeit aprtn.
Ia prwrtotons a atrong and ateady market to
day oaaaed aoae aorprtoc, aa the raacttoaary
tendency mt the cnerae gnins aaa me eerty
weakneM to wheat was looked apna sa aa
ta' era Me to tW prarlatos aarket. The receipts
not beln ap te ai pert at tone and the bidding for
una ans mm BMaing ror
the big foar made a
tarr era t urea aaong the Dig roar ataoe
steady teas sad tha cJeee
B arnetol aarfestol
Dae.... J l.
1-07 LOSBV
1.07 1.08
M .BTto
On to
Dee..... 4f" ,r
i B
ttoirsiJ Oatoaa BwitoMu
Oct. II. Oettoa fa
1 to 9 points higher than yatatBar
Tnneaa . Waah., Oct. 11. The taaaetod
ranee ta wheat has been aad. Bloat
waat to ST sat stab and red to 99a today.
Baa aSawfJsss. Art 11. WbIbb eaptottosst
- Bid.
reftoar farM.w .94
nnMsaa. too. .91 .ST
BelBMBl 99
Mldwny , .47
McHanurs 99
To no pah. He: , .08
Tenopaa. 9). Mt.' -IB
Tnpah. Bat... L79
Jnmbo .TB
TnttoaeB. 9). P.. .09
Can. iBpartol. .90
Kentacky ,09
Alpha Oaa 19
etcher .OB
Cenadeae ..... t-loA,
Sierra Kenan.. .SB
Vtab It
Sena-nap' A
ntne qaer . , jmiK
Seg. BeleBST .11
OTcraaa ,19
inntlc ...,4 ISA
Cnlon Coa , .
BIItot Hill ..... .93
Ojir .09
Mefiass i me
Oouid Cnrrr. .94
Best B Belcher. ,.01
COB. UBL, Xa. . I.SB
Be rag 99
CbAiw -I
Potoel 19
Rale B Marenss .94
Crows Point ... .19
(allenga ...... M
Orrldeatal BOA
fssr:v:.'::z j
Tb Pnrttoad ctoartag -baaaa repeetod todap an
Bnlaacaa 117.199.44
Arsumvnt on tba dtwurrr Interpoaed
by Attorner Bd Mandanball to tb
oharg of oonducttnar kano pa ma, filed
agr load Ptr Grant and Nathan Solo
mon, proprietor of tho Portland club,
boss In tb court thla Bnornlna;
bafora Proaldlnaj Judaa Oeorg. Tha
tat waa rprWntd by Deputy Dis
trict Attorney Moetr and A da ma.
It la tbo contention of Attorney Man-
darabaU, ' who appears aa apaclal eounaal
ra tha oaaa, and Attornepa Spencor to
Davis, who ar oounoat In all tha gamb
ling; eaaaa, that tba city charter revoke
th riaht of tha stnt to rwarulata or
control gambling; rn Portland.
Th stnts's eounaal take tha stand that
pthe ohartar provtalona pointed out in
rapport of this now do not apply ta
semolina; or other crimes against tb
atata law.
D. M. ftoblln, proprietor of tha Amor,
loan Exchangw, a aaloon on upper First
street, was arroatad laat night and ar
raJaned today on a charge of keeping
th doors of tha eetabllshment open ba
twea thv hours of 1 and a. a.1 Hi
ptaaded not guiltr, and his ease was sat
for hearing; ba tha municipal court to
morrow. Tho , aaloon waa forma rip
owned by O. A. Lane, who baa been
arrested nanterous times and convicted
for aeiiint liquor to minors and roa
nlnT B disorderly place,
Four demnrrars to the suit broogbt
ta restrain th municipal offlctola from
oarrylna- put the provltoona ot tba box
ordinance adopted by the city council
were fllod la th circuit ooiirt yesterday
by City Attorney McNary. Th ground
a pacified la each oaa waa that th eom
p taint doe not atata eafflctont grounds
to constitute a anus of action. The
tint for Scaring argument on tba de
murrer baa not been set.
A Btartllng Incident to) narrated by
John Oliver ef Philadelphia, aa follows:
1 waa In an awful eondltlon. My ekla
waa almost yellow, aye eunkan, tongue
coated, pain continually to back and
aid, aa appetite, growing wvafeor dip
by day. Three physicians bad given me
up. Then I wa ad v toed to aaa Klectrlc
BlttBra; to my groat xy, the Brat battle
made a decided lmprovmnt, I oa
United their see for three wka, and am
now a well man. 1 know they robbed
the grave of another victim." N on
ahould fall to try thorn. Only IB cent.
Guaranteed, at Red Croea Pharmacy.
Sixth and Oa etreets. aa lb) way to
m BtwtpflkB. ...
ABOto aaWlt'maTini SVV
; ATa aeSTaraaX , ; 4 .-
TIvb OrtoBt ChhiwB) Oacttsp
Is etltol Stan Ba.
cauaa hlBWonatorful
fiira era ao wall
nova thrwwfhout
tb United SUtatL
and Baajauaa ao mint
5 paoDl ar thankfol
Ma BIbi for aavta
tiiatr llTwa frora
. TU treats, nap and
Bll dlaaasaa vltB
4 powwrful CBIBSBB
f Barbs, root, bud
1 barks and veartblea
a that axe nntirn4y nn-
.. utua la rrtla eouw-
arnown in naaionu -. a - , -,
dlha rtto wn oatsxTlL
aat In IrouWa. rtinstiam sP
vouanasa. stomseb. ltoi.Wfl
anal trouDls ana an prim
HuMrada at taatlmotitals. CbrsP
aaadarata- CnT! and a b'w . ,
tonttonts Mt of th el IT wrtta) TW
Msnk aad alnrwtar. mMm mm. v
TBI AUor strwat. rwtJaaBV ObV Msa.
ttaal this BSaSA
lwaswHpw4r. fhrWmWvwr;
Orifal SlTana
Fint aad Oak Btrs9M IXafa 165
a BAJr iaAwaiaeo
,Wr af
BaOdtag, Thha and
Bead OfBes, 98
Old Bread Street, Laadsa.
Thia hank tranaacB a
general hanking ka
Bahed toaaa, aiaconnta Mile ana unmea
lattan f credit avalUhle for wanton and
the nanrchane of aerehaaoMe W any aty er
arid. Deals to for nan an aoi
Deals la for elan and doaatto
Ijuereet aald an all tlae Oepoalta.
oa a
BM Hscriaea
akin Si
Allowed aa Tlaa and Wrings
Acta as Tl sain tor sat a tea.
aad brtttr ef credit anltobto to Stt
ad tha world.
ADAMS j....Preaident
LEWIS i.,..P1rt Tin-Preaio. at
MILLS.... Baaed Ptot-Prpaldent
JUBITS Secretary
of Portland, On.
raatoailtl Pepoeitory and nnaaetal Aaaat af
(ha United States.
Pverfdeet f JiJVHl
Caakler .....I. W. BBWKIRK
Aaa latent Oatola -W a AI.VORD
Secnod AnsUtont Caehier p. P. 9TXV1NB
Latum sf credit Mowed ara I labia to Bareee
and tb Bantam Statea.
Msht behsag and Tekjgrapbto Tnarfen
M oa Baw Torn, towton, Alrue, St. Lea
St. PanL Oaaka, W Tranrlne aad IW
principal setate la IW North weet.
gtaht and Use MUa draws ta ansa to sM
nLaedoa. Parle, Berlla. Praakfort-ea-tha
Mela, Hong Kan. TakokAB. Copeahajta.
Chrktlanla. Stockbola, St. Peterahnrg. Mae
r, Eortcb, Bono In to.
Ccitocttons aede as fa ran bto toraa.
ABB yuiTwn, aaa ,
tEataniianea ra nw. j
m " k,kta hu
OnltoctloBa Btaae at all points a rneorabto
Irtera ar erit aaae arauaoie us
Blsht Bxebang and Telegraphic Traaafera
Bold aa Mew York, .Waafclngton. Chicago, Bt.
Luale. Denver, OsuTha, San Pre art eea aad
Montana and Brittok Cotaafcls.
EirhanAT atM on London, rjta. Bailta,
r4" C Ba Bong, teaohaaa, btaaU and
Uwrraii btatm btatiobtax babth,
tmaaaets 9 Oeaaral Banking Btonsaa.
Aveilhble hi aB el tlae af the Ualtod Dtoto aad
ceepa. Baag Bang and ataalta,
PrasMeatr. ....,,..., . BL AJBBWOBTTI
viee-rraaaiiii --ji ' ;
Caahier B. W. SOHMSKB
Aaatotant CaaMer a, bl ttkiuut
J PBAlfaT WATSON.. PraatoaBt
B. L. DI'RHAM vtaa Pr,,iaat
A. W. BOIT. Caahler
OBOPnit W. B0T ...... ..J.aatotsBt Cnnhtor
Tnaanato a Bairal Bank I a Bnalaea.
gaafto aad krttan of credit leaned aveitohto
to all parts at the world.
OaOecwoe a ssectaltr. Oold daet Weawt.
aroamra ffmrMf. to
Off (tlt-edr Inreataeata .r. Manic I pal
eUilnU Beaan. WrHa m avU. ,
I9SH tint SL, ltortlflad, tanjea.
0b fWrtaad Seal Batata at lawaa Batoto
Titian Inanrd. Ahetnet ritrntahM.
Baa A ChaBhav af Caaaa irw.
r aaiama ' .
n dVHIIaSnaV O
-v Man bare Cbicnao Board of T v
BBbtotoTaa, 9
11 Third Street, fe
Dr. We Norton DavU
Wa haat aiuaafany BB prtrat aarvea aad
Ohroatc dlaeaeee ef Baa. alee btood. eteaaah.
Wart, Urv, kidney and threat troabha. Wa
can STPniLLlS (wlthoat Berawrl stay
eared fonrw, to 99 to 90 daya. We laaaea
STRIOXUBB. wttheat aanea at anto. to if
We pto aratas; tW taawtt af Satf abaaa,
BBBadlntely. We ma naton taa aanaal vtoa
mt any aaa seder 9n by Beam at total toaato
We Core GoibXriioea In a Wee
TW daeton af this htotrfato an aTJ iastot
Cdaataa. have bad Bany years afrfena.
Waa known ta Portland tor ll reare
ken a reputation a awl ntata, aad wtB aadaa.
take a
snJaa. sartala sm
Wa Batraatoa ta iBe
a saanstos ewn to evary aaa too nwdna.
or eharge a fa. Otawltatio fne. Jjtj
ceafldentlaL lnahracHn BOOK P0B MAB
II yoa mbbW call at offie, wrtta
tto btoafe.
M - a a n .a t Bl
TSje nadkks aaartaltota Bi 9h
Dr.W. Norton Davis 4 Co
Thm BTaf aT4aL BT. to.
Mineral Springs
to taAe treatment for my ayea, fk 1
a very aerer attack af aatarrk af a
eyea, waa almost blind after lisanli g
wim uwa waaw eiiesnuiaia wm
found, and suffrtng for nln yanrn. 1
bav at laat found a ctm Wa Bt ttoj
not prnln them too blgbly. IBop ti it
other that ara afflletad srhU giro tkanm
a trtai B-toHnhLfuily, 9aL1 ;:
Koosb U. CiaamarntaT Bid, riitBIBa,
M?lTc Ptm-. at Pjktmay. fto, aaa
en raw or pnenmanstn.. as yoa naw m u
writ to na; wo will gtr yea tba nana
and ndrtrnna of aocn an eared ad.B
alanllar eoeaplalaL
Tacan Mitral Spri&gCor.w
Boston Painless Dentists
Known uio woria srar, wrw ne w
dentists In Portland having tba lata bo
h t '
live ruiiags a
Void IMlUngs . ... . ..... f1-
Pull Sat TawtB Batot Bt 9aw-n..j.. f
SoU Orowns f
BridnWork , ....nLOS B 9u 49
OuR srcCESS hi due to our PXi!
In eac department. NO Vu' '3
th ofnee. All work don PAINLESSLY
by SPEOIALtSTS of long yss p
Henc. Olve ua a call, and you WlU nod
wa do rt aa wa adrertlee.
Boston Dental Parlors
City Brewery
Bayyart aaat
touted Beer a Specialty
.i ffBOtBWMoaa mk ta
Grahfrtv1siwas, Slocks tod BoiKto
Largrat Prtvato Wnw
W TKaJtlbltahad
PAonm , Srwa-d F.
fratAJaaaTto Ot t, -
tanleal Ll to
guma for EXTRA CTINO.
and amraateed for TKN
Room I Cham bar of CoBSjaaras, OrSBng
Floor. .
. ftoattwl aaat Bnrplaa B90b,SS9,9B
- toiabsr b -V.--
ahatosi to Aaarton. j
We fSarg Be awtoraat to tWrytag atom
. Stoeba,
- -- J
't .t