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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1904)
V . "THE OREGON DAILY " JOTJRNAlJ, ; PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING OCTC H 11, eKJfra SS OF THE V FootbtvU Game Tomorrow Britt and ficrford Confer. ML sctrai r FOR THE WEEK KAMTAma ARB - itt nr wmxtrxmoT ' - . : ' ,'r V '. .( " P' . ' njsaetal Ylwcetca to The Jssrsal.) New Tvrk, Oct. 1L Football schedule tor awl wek: WRJPNK8DAT. OCTOBER .' ' , Harvar va Batee, at Cambridge. Yale va. Springfield I, M, C JU I Kew Haven, -- Princeton Lafayette, a Prlne ton. Columbia vav' Swarthmore, t "Nw York. Pennsylvania v. aattyaberc, at Phil adelphia. . .Annapolis -v. Balttmor Medical, at Annapolis. slyan vs. Brown, at Providence. ' U)iisn vs. Physlctoo and Surgeons, at Ann Arbor. Yale. 1MB. vs. Bette Academy, at Stamford SATURDAY. OCTOBER It. ' Harvard Ta. West Point, at Wt Point. - - . : h Tala Ta. Bvrsruse, at Kw Hwa "Princeton V. Annapolis, at Annapolla , Columbia vs. Amherst, at Nw York. Pennsylvania ra. Browa. at Phlladel poia. Cornell va, Bracknell, at Ithaca. I Ij fayette va. Bloomsburg, at EaBteu. Pennsylvania State va. Waat Virginia, at Stata college,' Dickinson va. Franklin aad Harebell, at Lsncsstar. . . Michigan va. Ohio S. U.. at Colum bus. . Chicago ra Iowa, at Chicago. ' New York unlvsrsliy va. Trinity, at New York. t Virginia ra. North Carolina, at Char lot tenv ills, -. Colgate vs. Hobart, at Hamilton, - Dartmouth va. Williams, -at Waat Haw ton. - Wesleyan ra. Massachusetts "Aggiee," at Mlddletewn. Illlnola va. Indiana, at Champalcn. 5 Wisconsin va. Notre Dana, at Mil waukee. Yale, 1M. va. WMtotoa, at Fast lump ier!, -i ' 3 Carlisle. Indiana vs.' Albright, at Car lisle. v Harvard. IMS. va. Kxeter. at Bxeter. tnlon va. aiamtltoo, at Clinton. - Of all tha teams perhaps Columbia snows tha beat early form. Morlcy haa ot a promising lot of naw material and foee In with a food nucleua ef tha bast of laat years strong team. Ha haa worked them hard and Intelligently and It la not Improbabla At tbla UM that tha Bluo and Whtta would ba hard to beat by any n now playing. Ona fault by Columbia ao far la a lack of wu laon between the Una man and tha backe. mam KMnd tha Una itart aulckly. but apparently do hot so far aa they mlaht. Aa xceptlon la Tnorpo. wno never etope aoina. and wno la aa prom mm m t.ekl am there la on tha field thla aaaaoa. But the want of harmony la only occasional, consistency eannot ta expect. In every play at this aaa aoa of tha campaign. The defensive work of tha backs Is not good, but there la some pretty Interference for quarter back runa. On the whole tha Columbia team shows more aelf-rellanoe and fin ish than a year ago. and tha faulta are auch as can and wlU ba cured. Blow Improvement la what Coach Hor lay is aiming for. , With a schedule which Includes four' big gamaa with Tale, Pennsylvania. Cornell and Htchl mmm. taatinjr until TfaankaalvlnK. Colum bia's progress baa got ta ba alow or etna (he man will g stale, ootn in Phys ical condition and la playing ability aa Mil. . Columbia's warriors are ta take p holing under the tne tract Ion of Dr. -Q. Payne, trainer of tha team thla sea eon and formerly trainer of many of the best fighters of their day. Tbla will be nut Into tha regular routine of the dally training, aad Its object la to be nnthina- else than to develop footwork bo that the men will be better able to elude tackle, start quickly, ana. in short, to ba able to handle tbemaalvaa la a faster manner. The Princeton authorities are much snoou raced by tha ehowtng made by tha eleven In their gamaa ao far. Tha tae tiea af tha Princeton eoachea for tha next waek will e to etrengthen the defence, and now that Coach Hildebrand 1 here It la expected that ha will de rote considerable time to this and. Princeton's offensive work la Httle short of super, and tha eoachea are mora than sett fled with the devatop saent tn that department. ' Tha athletic nana game nt anaouaeea that arrange ments have been made ta have the fol lowing strong squad of aonchee an hand for tha -entire seaaon: A, R. T. Htkle brand, lto. head one eh. and to .have direct chargs of tha tackles; . O. Holt, 'a. for tha guarde and enters; B T. Davis. '04, for tha ends, and W. H. Bar Oiard. . for the backs. W. H. jM wards. ItM, win spend tbrsa or four daya of aacm week on the field In Charge of the aerab. and Philip king. '91, will ba here aa often aa ha ena coma. Nat Poa. '91, who ta tn charge ef tha f reshmen 'Hevea. will slao contribute ta tha development of the 'varsity, ' While Tala la not pat ta shape there la aa doubt aha will have one of the strong est taama she haa had In years. One groat trouble at Naw Haven haa been tha absanca of a strong scrub. Coach ftafferty haa overcome thla In part by taking tha varsity backe ta tha aeeond team and attaching the scrub back field ta tha ragular Una. Tha ahlft haa worked well. There, haa been no big Influx of prep achooi material at Tale sine IMS. PttlL tha eltuatioa haa improved Since the practice began. Cotton, a big Ne hraakan. not eilalble for tha 'varsity this year; Mar Kay. tha Sea-pound pltrber. and with football experience, and ftockenbarger, a lively freshman, have coma out to bolster up tha scrub, or col lenw taam. Then there' are Klneon. Smith. Brwln. George and others to help the scrub and hope for the 'varalty. Km tMM thai can lumbar Bharvlln. Itoclrwell. Hogan, Bloomer. K looey, Owe- f y, Tripp ana Roranaca in its ran as can ba sot dawn aa other than farmid- ajila. rrank Battarwortb and Prank Hlnkey are now taking aa active Interest la the l" lahlna. Yale eoachea think that the tuatlon at right-and uid balfbaok Is becoming strained. Hare la proving an smtleractory. t Uinta Is 0 rippled, and ntevana, the other randldata for tight end. Is Clumsy and Inexperienced. Hln key will try ta wot up a sat la factory navlra. At lefl halfback Rooms haa failed to X the bill, because hie play la exude i he newlecta chances to take aa 4- tn lbs floe. He has Just bees by Hoyt, he) la tha beat pun SPORTING WORLD ter of tha squad, but whose lias boring Is not sturdy. Tha man aseasd must oe a good punter and plunger, and he has not dmb eia-hted by the eoachea. Tom Shevlra haa bean doing tha most sensational playing af any la we aquaa so far, NmLvmM, mt VCarvaiw d th STOUD of heavy men trying for the center of the itu rsruir n ikm. Parker. Wilder. GunnlCr and White, aggregats Itt pounda and the tallest af the weighty quartet undrr a Ik fnL Por tha pivotal place Cunntff la tha moot likoly van )uet now. He recalls the massive King la activity and aggressiveness. There also la a for midable group trying for tackles Derby, Squires, Meter. Brill and Oveson. It W a Aerca array af talent physically, out h,ihnr thla Una of beef oaa gt tha quick, hard charge say of tha ' team remalna to be aecn. Leas la heard of the ability of tha Harvard enda; thara are no Campbells, Hal Lowells. Bowoitcnea or Coohrenea In sight. The back Held la fast, with the quart rbao poaltwo most dubious. Pannavivanla seems ta have coma out of the klnke somewhat and Is In better shane than she wen la the start. The atnrtanta think tha. team will be a winner. The thing that haa dae mora than anything elae to bolster up the Quakers' causa la (ba return af A. Ju. Hmttb-ruii-hack mt tha it oi eleven. . Aa thla la hie laat pear oa tha Quaker eleven. Smith, who haa caused more discord In Intercol legiate ranks than any man ouUida- af Cutta of Harvard, and Qiaas of Yale, la anxious to gat In every nan, it was aa ooea ouaaUea ta tha laat minute whether Smith would play. It la an open secret that oertala members of ths faculty are opposed to tha' fullback on account of his playing laat year when ba waa really Ineligible, iney nwa mm responsible Jar tba unpleasant position It was placed la over his easa, and think tu. ahnulM hava avaMad the trouble by openly explaining his connection with tha up-state eollaga. Ae be naa aaowa such oommandlnc strength and removed every condition. It la probable that he will ba found back of the line la ail the remaining gamaa. Rochester scored - against bar and hatf been busy exoialnlna. The injunea o Captain Lynafa ta the game were serious. Lynah's Injuries are to bis eioe, wnero he underwent an operatton-for appandl cltle , last summer. Tha wound baa healed completely but the shaking up that a quarterback geta in a aaro-rougnt football game haa proved too much of a train and Lynab la compelled ta keep out of acrtmmagea and games until his Injured slds gets strong agala. Bird will play quarter In Lynah's absence, and Halllday will ba acting captain. Half hankt RJea'a Inluriea have proved nothing serloua, and ba la back In his old place. Coach Warner la not particularly wen satisfied. Wast Point shows lack of -practtea. The nailata show the mum aggresalva defence they always show sharp break ing through and bam tackling-. xne Soldlera aaem t know defenslva wark Intuitively. . WINNING RUNNERS ; v . . ON THE TRACKS j jv, 'ittt , , .,''1 iimmI Smrta Stea.l f New York. Oct 1L Morrla Bark- ra mi ta: trtrat km alv furlanars. Wtthera alia Oeranlum wonj tlma, 1:14. Ptve and ona ball rvionavw-myupm won: tlmei !:. Withers mile Aiaa-a-uai wonj urns. 1:41. Six and ona half furieogs--Oro won: time. Tha Westchester rtanajcap. an ona half furlongs CoUaotor Jessup won: tints. 1:11 H. Mils and three alataantha Jam I. won; time, 1:M. t Louis, Hex. Oct 1L Oalaaar snm aryi , - ' ' Five and ona naif furlongs, purae Ylnlia won; time, i:se. Six furlongs, purs Psltx M a. tmm IMS - Ona mile and P yards, sailing Sabot won; time, 1:44: . . l flrlansa. hancUoap aFiailK COI Una avaai- lima 1:114. Ona mis and 79 yams, puisa lie tension wonj tlms, :4H- ona mi sna;. a. wyww-sina won: tlma, l:tu. . . -; OMr. Kansas CUr. Ma, Oot 1L Blmrldg summary: ' pout and ' ona-katt furl saga Seasick won; tlma, One ' mile and alxieeatb rajrgln won: tlma. 1:471. Plva furlongs Bell Khwaap tlma, Ona mile Bd Ball won; umn, ife. Bteaplechaaa, handloaa. about 1 miles Beana won; tlma, :4f. On mile and a slxtaenth Portonatxia an; tlma, 1:4. Chicago. Oct 11. Worth eummanrt Sic furlongs Burning Olaaa wont time. 1:11. Ona mltaand slzteentn UtUs Waliy won: tlma, 1:10 l-t. Sis furlonga Prcatana won;' tlma. 1:14. One mile.:' owners handleap-Klngs Blsworth won; tlma. 1:41. Ona mile and a alxteenth Carat won; tlma, 1 :!-. Five and oo naif fnrtonga CWaaal Ruppart won; tlma, 1:0a. STATE 'VARSITY TO HAYE CRACK ELEVEN V-.:". f i ,'; -.A. ' ' (ffpMfai bfejsetek to The Mrattt ' 1 TTiraitv of Oreson. Eii sens. Oot 14. witK ainnther-woek of hard practice at team work Oregon will nave in tam est football team aver turned out ai tha untvarwltv. Saturdav'e game With tha alumni team showed tha weak places. Kvery man on tha aquad was given sn opportunity to play and tha work that the men did wUl have much ta do with the select toa of the team that poes to Albany on Wednesday to play Albany college. Oregon's weak place Is at tackle, Angell. Goodrich. Starr and C. ti. Mr Arthur played welt Latoorette Is the best quarterback that tha college has developed, and hla 4-yard run In Saturday's gasna ranka hhsj aa a etVvar man. Kerroa at fullback. Moorea and Chandler are also strong. . ; , . Chant MeKeever, who la matched to meet Tom Tracey In this city In th near 'future, has asked for a postpona ent af the dat of meeting until No vember f. Tracoy agreed to the post pone men t of the hnnt ami WlU continue hM training aa before. a'..-'"" Ufc4y i.A.HMUU BMTT'S DTEER STARTLES HERFCSD wrJA ont us wwmmm oomiunown srma- ABXaal TO TSSMSSI. Perbapa ba wag ana ware of tha (art at the time, but Willie Britt manager of the doughty Jamas, staggered Al H ef fort Saturday night The blow waa not a Jolt op tba Jaw or a punch la tha solar plexus, por a emaan on umvm. waa another kind of blow, but It actually stunned tha Baltimore manager, never- theleea. Whlla caseins up the Una Ai bumped Into Colonel Willie, wb hap pened ta be la a loquackma mood. Her ford was delighted to find him ready to talk aver tha matter Ml which tne pua- Uc has a keen interest After a few hot air changes, which menace ra generally Indulge in when they arose ona aaothera paths, Harford, who la anxious ta nx up soma pert of a matcb before ne oe parta for horn, suggested, that tby get serious far a ttaaa. Wen fight yoo," asserted WUU. chewing away for dear life an a six furlonar Perfeoto. "We'll ngnt you aii right but wa waat tba puree apllt to suit aa." Watt, what do tow meenr aald Har ford, trying' ta make Willie show hla hand. wall flabt voudf Jimmy gala par cant of the purse, win, lose or draw." And this waa tha blow that made Al Harford gaap for breath. He staggered on hhr feet but dlav not fan. Altar catching hla wind ba gasped. "Did you aay per cant for your brother, wis. losa or drawr ; . -I did.- nodded Willi, nwvar mar serious In his Ufa. "What! At yoa trying to. kid mef turned loose Harford, who can talk aa fluently aa Willie when It cornea to a show down. "Juat think what you are asking? You are asking tha ehamploa lightweight af th world to accept tha short and of tha purse, regardless of ths result. Such a thing waa never de manded before la the history of the prise ring. Why. Jimmy ought to con sider himself lucky getting a- mat oh with Oamv Herford'a distressed condition rathar pleased Brother WUII. and be did not relieve him any by aaaartlng that "BrUt waa the drawing card and net Oaa. and therefore entitled to the long and af tha purse, -win. lose or draw." Harford ar gued that Gens waa wverp whit aa at tractive a card aa Britt "Joe haa al ways made good here,- amid AL and your brother baa dona no better. How can yoa lay that Jimmy la tba oardT" Willie replied that he would not dis cuss the point with Harford, and ha mad him feei batter by saying that he might be able to make better Ylnanolal term after talking with Jimmy, who la at present hobnobbing with aristoeracy at Saa Mateo. , Herford, by way af con clusion, said: -1 dont cans when we fight providing it la within th next four months, Qena will fight Britt In October, November, December or Jan uary. It makea no dlfferene ta bias. The sooner tha better.' , After Willie had passed oaf of hear ing Gens' managar resumed: "Britt has got to- fight ua. Public opinion will force htm. Ha haa thrown down the bar, and ha must oosner or later coma ta terma." Calling tha Gans-Waleott battle draw made a difference of 11.14 to Har ford. 'With what ha would hava won In beta added to tha winner and mt tba gats yacetpta figured ap IMta. . BOSTON AMERICANS . AGAIN CHAMPIONS (Jaeeaai asartSl grries. Xsw York, Oct 11, Th champion Bostons, under Jimmy Collins, again won tha American league pennant by breaking even with Clarke OrilBtha' men In tba Anal games of tha season. Had New York won both game they would have won the flag. Boston's per centage ls'.lT and Naw York's .40. Tha scores: First game - M. K.B. Boston , . .... I 0 New Tork . - I I t Battarlaa Dlneea and Cfiger; Chaabro and Klelnow. - . v , ., Second game . . Jt H. m Boston . . .rf,..........V...f t New York - i j I Battarlaa Winter and Doraa; Putt mans and MoGulre. . . first garni1" M- H. H Washington . . . 11 1 Philaderphla . . til I Bettsric mmtm m rut NlMlnin. Second gam " " PL H. K. Washington.. -4 t t Philadelphia . l:1" s Batteries Wool fa and Xlttradga; Waddsll and Noonaa. : rfevalaeid fjltsoura; . 4 ,j . Batteries Hcaa and Bcmls; PUherty and Phelps. , ' - m' v. ..... . ; k it National . ...... ....,.. .1 f 1 American 1 1 Batteries Taylor and Orady; - Plty and Kahoa. - 1 V PACIFIC AND C0LU"3IA TO BATTLE ON GRID , j " V I: Uearsal speclsl gerrfce.l Paclflc University, Poreet Orov. Or., Oct, 1 L Pacific's football teem wHI meat th Columbia eleven on tha Mult nomah field at Portland Wednesday.- It la expected ta be a hotly contested gamf Although Pacific' men have not fully recovered -from Saturdays gam with Hill Military academy they era anxious ta most Columbia on tha gridiron. Captain Phil brook. Pacific's fullback, la probably out of It for tha season. He I la hope that hla collarbone will be well la tlm t participate la tha Thanksgiving gams with Willamette, th last gam of th season. Spagle, the famous end. who played With Paclflc three year ago and wtth-O. A. C laat year haa entered aohool and will be a valaabl addition ta th football aquad. Hs will probably play behind tba line this year, giving Pacific ona of ths heav iest back fields she has had for years. But It la Impossible to 111 big Phil brook's place at full back. ' Purdin. one of laat ye fa tackles, haa also entered srhool. Dlmlck and Luce, th two new man In th Ha sap showing up go wall that Purdia will probably road Seas an smsa. . . .1 l-l bd put at and and will be a valuable sub for tha back neid. More than two taama are on th flW very evening. Coach Mode la putting th men through good bard practice. Last night waa th first heavy rain that has fallen since ths season opened. but It had na effect on tha equad or tha football enthusiasts oa tha aid lines. MULTNOMAH SURE OF -DEFEATING STANFORD ' (Jseraal Spsslsl sarvtee.) San Francisco. Oct. 11. Tn Multnomah Amateur Athletic dub football team of Portland arrived hare thla morning and left for Palo Alto Immediately. The ImnreeslOB seems to prevsll among: the gridiron experts that tha northern elub men will be the victors m tomorrow a struggle, for even Coach Lanngan ox Stanford expressed hla doubt regarding tha collegians' ability to down th crack northern team. The University af. California taam conn den tly expect ta win from tha visitors Saturday, baaing their claims oa their victory over the. Olympics laat week.-whom they claim are about equal la strength to tha Multnomah team. ,' a xooa (pacta! IMsysteh te The Jeers tl.) -Hood River. Or.. Oct' 11. Th. stu dents of th Hood River high achooi hava organised an athletic association with tba following officers: Kstee Bro- slua. D resident; Harold Herehner. vlce- presldsat; Malr Dana, secretary; William Baker. . treasurer; Harold Hershner, Howard Hartley and Klwood Lackey, ex eoutlve aommitta. Tha boya of tha as sociation ara erecting eeurta for bas ket ball and hand ball. They expect to arrange toimuuaanta with taama at tha top mn fJearaal Sseelal asrvtm Philadelphia. Oct 11. Interference on th part of th polio waa all that saved TAddle Hani on from being knocked out by Terry McGovern laat evening. Th boat was scheduled to go six rounds, but the former champion bad hla opponent fairly beaten ' In the' fourth and tha polio stopped th Sgbt The Boilers team defeated tha Bast Twsnty-elghth Street eleven tost Sun day in a hotly contested gam of foot ball by tha score of 1ft to. 1. Th Boilers play South Portland next Sunday. , BOOWUM llOa,m' . ' (learsal gaetal garvtoe.) t Louia. Oct. 11. Tommy Byan knocked out Bob Douglaaa of St Louis laat night tn tha fourth round of what waa to have been aa eight-round go. . j. a... . Muller of Portland aad Barry Queenan af Seattls have Been matohea to meet la a la-round vout at uregon City on November 11. Muller and Jim my Reilly are working togvtnar in wsir training quarts ra. ' (eell Dweau m Th MaraaL) Tacoma. Wash.. Oct 11. Kellaeker, th catcher formerly with Botes, arrived today and WlU catch for Portland thla afternoon, pence r dislocated hla flnger and la reteaoedu The Peril and VMm ar rived tost night. . AT, THE THEATRES arruAaT at ca sUAQTAJC. Ralph Stuart th debonair, whom Portland haa these several years regard ed aa her own. earns horn laat night to thrill aa admiring audience la a sword contest He waa assisted by Prank H. LeRue, hlmaelf an. adept with tha duel ing blade. Together they hava given tha eta re tha moot startling exhibition of Its kind In many season a. Nina tlmea tba ourtaia waa raised laat night at its conclusion, and the young star waa forced to a speech. He apok of "By Bight of Sward" aa a part of Portland. for bar ba received th money to pro duce tha Do rem ua-Waste rvelt-Marc h- mont-Moatague-ot-aL - romantic, comedy. After tba on scene tha duel, which la really a marvel It would be sinful to toy bar th faults af "Br Right of Sword." Tr ona phrase would sxpraaa the condition. It mlsht'b oalled "too cosmopolitan" too much a eonglotnera tlon of authors of various standards. Sometimes it partakes of Hope s "Zenda" stories, again of Dumas' "Mont Cristo," and after that who can . reconcile th mighty drop to Lincoln J. Carter' meth ods T Whan th name of a patent medi cine was interjected aa a "gag," It served its sMirsobe. And when the gallant American remarked, concerning a fleeing Russian soy. "Ha muat have taken you for a Jap" welt that sort af thing might "might" mind you ba expected in ona of Portland dim theatres. But after all la aald. the fact remains that Ralph Stuart la a capital actor, rita role la thla play, aa will be remembered by tboae wh saw It at Baker s theatre two eaanone ago. to a dashing young American whd visits Russia aad be comes sntangled tn a dueling affair be cause of hi striking resemblance to a challcnaad officer whs haa absented himaaif at' the critical hour. Por tha aska of tha letter's sister tha Ameri can pereonstes th absentee, fights th dual, wins It ana tnen win in sister, tin. Stuart's breeay. easy-going manner ia rarely found In romantic drajna. - Ha la a atrona- disciple of art aa revealed in repression, and a light comedian of no little ability, a pleasing voice sno splendid figure add to hla other rich pbs aaaalona. which, taken aa a whole, re deem a character that la excruciatingly overdrawn. . . Thar ta plenty f rattling godfl etrf edy In ."By Right of Sword," especially in the scenes which tranrmtr la th young man's apartment. In fact there 1 a long, rapid succession of laugh un til Hamilton (Stuart) flourishes bis re volver and declares h will find Levtn afei ft ha heavy) If he has "to force th (tee of hell." That Is tne Signs! for tragic event. Tnrartr tne csar is saved from a train wreck plotted by th nihilists. Hamilton la accused of mur dering the' chief of.pdlic. I freed, all wrong to righted and tha alstr of the man he la impersonating become his hrlite Th second actor of fti east to A If Helton, who play Benmet th vIt Tha remainder of tba support average hb fairly A W. Marchmont, th noted London author, who wrote th novel from which the dIit la taken, snt tn a bog laat even ing with Mr. Marchmont. Th author has written a naw play .for Stuart, en titled "A Courier of Fortune," and ex pects seoa to aa It In rehearse 1. , RACK WHITNEY. "An American Cttlsen." which ha taken the Columbia patrons by storm. contain many simple Incident affecting American patrlotlem. But there to on Una spoken by Mr. Baum each night that is simplicity Itself, yet never falls t bring out a spoounsous round ol ap- TBB BfTTftWsMF f UPIOJUOUB please. 1 In order ta aav his alnvt bankrupt firm from disgrace the Aoa-i-oan la about to sign away his cUlseo and become a Britisher, which ere t, terma enacted by the will of an unoie before he may obtain Bis inaenunoa. Ha ta writing the executor: "And I hereby renounce say nationality" the actor stops short tbougntruuy onswt the tla of hie penholder and mutters. with a wealth of pathos. "What haa Unci Sam ever dona t mar Th audience does not believe he haa hanged hie mind, but the situation la so sympathetic, and Mr. Banme renders th line so capitally, that tha spectators by their plaudits seem to b trying. to convince th el Use n -that ha ought not finish th document Ther was a warm welcome yesterday at the various performances at th Lyric theatre, for R O. Welch, formerly man agar of tha Columbia theatre, aaelsted by Misses Kitty Frances, May Beatrice and Kitty Dyer, ba produces aa uproar- loualy funny little fare entitled "The Flip Mr. Plop.' It told the store af a man who had traveled 1.00 miles In search of a wife. Ml Frances plays ths nart of an old Irish woman who haa two marriageable daughters, aad th trio endeavor ta capture Mr. Plop. Miss Be atrice alnea "Tha Spirit of 7" la good stria, while Mr. Welch make a hit with an offering entitled "it taa Man With th Dough." Th rest of th bill 1 good. Murray K. Hill I funny and causes many a laugh with hla "The Man With the Hose,"" Guernsey, Wilson and Ryan are good nVuslclans. Burdsalanl to a clever knockabout artist Swan and Swan are comical. Harry Hoyt haa a pleasing aeng Hi The Hills of California." and ths pictures ara good. ' Tha bloacop pictures are up to tha usual mark. - TSm. wihhi na will wave hla naaic wand before tha curious gaaa of local play goers at tha htarquam Grand theatre next Thursday, Friday ana amiuraay ihia rvtniu 11 1 A it. with a. sns- ,lal-artA nallnaa ftaturdaV. Th UW extra vaganss eomee here with a phenom enal reoora or aii winter mam mti la New York City, where tba crttlca nnanlBMualy reels red It tba moot su perbly arrayed, beautifully staged and humorously piayed spec tads aver given at any tlm In thattdty. .; -The Wlsard of Oa1 baa tn speciaj aalwantan af nelna founded anon a mod ern fairy tala. Prank Baum, tha au thor, haa aueeaaded la dramatising me story with ao much adroitness and skill ,. all nf tha whlmalcal and fantastical creations af tha anginal ara preserved in their innerem numor mum nra. Soata ara bow aellltut far tha aUr aw gageaaant' OUM1BB. WlfueaMie Itebdrta. ode at' Portland favorite actresses, will be th attraction at tha Marquam Grand for the entire week commencing Monday night Octo ber IT. She will present two elaborate nrod actions of Tee of the D-Urber- vlllee" and "Marta af th Lowianda. Among the players supporting tha gifted actress ars Messrs. Hobart Boo worth. Lucius Henderson, William Yeranoa, Orecory Rogers. Starling Lord Whitney, Christopher Lynton. Forrest Seebury, Philip Lord, William Woodson ana tne Misses Georgia Woedthorpe, Louise Rovoa. Adele Worth. Lillian Armaby. Anita Alien aad OUIs Cooper. Th ad varme sale of seats will open next Friday morning at ! a' dock. - There 1 a bill of all-round vaudeville goodneae at -tha Arcade this week, and despite th fact that tha topftnera aa tha card, th Hue gel brothers, were among th missing yesterday, every audMoce Treated th show with applause. Tha Huegal brothers were delayed by a ratt roed wrack and will cat in today. Tha work of Peres and King created a good Impression. Th mala member of th team la an excellent poser, and bis representations of noted figures la an cient history war clever. Th female member of tn team haa a fair voice. Everybody laughed aloud at the fua nylsras of th Helm children in their clever sketch entitled - "My German Sweetheart " - - Kate Coy to never waa fa better votoe. and made a hit with "Just Plain Polks," Th picture war worth mention. Tha m ovine clotures deal with Buster Brown's adventure, and are very fanny. Rose Boatmen, a ohlo little Frenchwom an, aang a number of excellent aonga la a manner that won tha euaieooe. , There ara several good attraotlona on tha bUl at the Star theatre thla weak. anr ana of which la well worth going to ass. Banford and Darlington, a team of sketch artists, furnish the best oa the bill. Their Jokes, aonga and lightning changes are vary amusing. Tha male member of th due made hla hit In the character of a Chinaman. . The woman did some clever contortion turns. Dntch Walton, tha musical Dutchman. to Out for aeeond honors and be ae- servee them. - Hla Imitations and' excel lent playing n tha concertina ara the feature af hla act Leo rev Che gymnast, oreatrs a sensation on the trapes sus pended from ths center of the theatre. He worka directly above the audience. Seville and Pagan, who do a" clever bit of singing and dancing, come In for a good share of the applause, will - C Hart sings gom pretty ballad and the moving pioturee present aeveral Inter esting eocnes. . ;v AT Birov. . Tha hit at tha Bijou theatre this week to the Owen and Lisle Comedy com pany la a minstrel first part Ther ara seven members of ths company and, they are equal to any white mlnstref show. They are very clever with tha bones and tambourine and their aonga and )okes are new. Ther la some clever dancing. A new novelty to the Illustrated songs by the "male quartet. George and Paul ina Kldd prove to, be fun makers. Their drum specialty la th feature of their act Bdith LaMarr wiaga some oatohy aonga, Something aw IB moving picture to ehown. An actual seen from a New York fir 1 produced. With th flame bunting from a skyscraper, men and women are plunging headlong from the building lata the oaten aats af tha firemen. -- ,' iii V IT TB A PAatOTTS PUT. - "Burled at Sea. which th Humphrey Chapman company la presenting at Cor d ray's, haa been well received. Seme of th Isrgeet audience that hava aver witnessed a play at Cord ray's hava been wrought up to the highest pitch of excitement by the stirring situations and thrilling aceeea with -which th drama abounds. - V On Thursday Might for tha first tlma In this city that idyl of tha south mountaina, "Knoba a' Tennessee," wll I" be presented st Cord ray a. It 1 a thril ling' drama of the backwoods containing many sensational climaxes and soma of the prettiest Unas ever written by a dra mallet I POPUXtAS) PKICsl Ralph Stuart, the romantic actor, whose friend are unlimited In thla city. will preeent hi uccessful drama. "By Bight of Sword," aa th matinee attrac tion at the Mem nam Grand theatre to morrow (Wadneaday) Afternoon, at 1:11 o'clock. Popular prleea will prevail. U.JI GLlia L Com d felalta V,":h a v Tci!? Veil Educated In Occult Science In Egypt and India THX VEILED PROPHETESS I TELL YOUR NAME $10.00 ComfOatg $1 Ufe Rweufin for ThltWeekOialy at wo. arm wMTox? gr,, oca. Firrm m BvOar Buaittvz, ni aa. RATI TOP taW KTRt gHB IS TUB TALK or THS TOWS. Waa trade mt aoawntoUtteaa, set- a .ebfefto complaint, set one nUUka Smos. A call will coewnes tba BMet skeptical that tab) gifted wsraaa stakss ne Mle boaaUV BIAD WXAT TKX VAX! BAYS. Km Vnrk HM aava: "WoM Bke Bndeh aad Anas Sva ray ow staa -Mm raanart of taa Bablle sad Bar ben eordlslty received by Aroertcaaa." Bodali Brrnhrae bee as warmer sno aw rrlandB snrwlwre tee ahe has ta. tfela city toaar. Thla fart atona Is a tribute M er blab end visaing pwonanty. Taiaeram. atSAB WHAT Til PSOFLS AT. ' ' Pafaaa ara bat tar la XU lyslSISI. tlUaUBl to year sewer. J. J. St. . ir roe nMn xsnws bm sii aqr ntw rvm eeajd apt safe teld aw mere esrrerOyv--Uiam ft ' ir I mM ! avervflaa akest rear ss- errhv I woald, Cor they, have made SHt sassy, -in I. .a ' My fersr earal sack nwsagh yew. aewerv Olara W. on tbox wnx jun Kn ini.: imnots. . Otves xeawa. datei. farts sad fgarea, tens who Is true er fake te yoe, wsow yog ahael aurrv an waea. Budab Beiatcae t1b yea the aesMs ef year frtosdi. ene jlaa mt strata, and sew te gals year heart's Ofalie; n raet, au res wwa m now wra yoa plitnty and eorraetty. to yew serfect Htlsfartlen. If set, roe have sntafng Is pay, tor mttsfirMon fafneraetid to alL . , XDDAX IIIIIHIM VAXRS no M I1TAKE. sTfBBYTHINa TOLD ItOTHlKO 00P CKAUCD. mt tn Kcarrt op Ali If totsrested est this aeVsrttetnwat est ad artag It with yoa. Been. B i a k , sjaseare latieaaa. OhH srivstoty htimH . 291 Morrison St, Corner Fifth asms Fleer at aestea aeatai Mies,, THE WOGGLE'BUO AND THE MONKEY Know their buelnee. Both dclar tha i.rnii trutn tnat GLOBE WATERPROOF PAINT Is THE BEST PAINT MADE The manufacturers give a smrantee with vry package aoU PORTLAND PAINT AND 0VALL PAPER CO. tag laaoad St Tat, Wtoak Sre. St. Helens Hall Studio ztwsaaamra f ' WATmS OOXrOB , m in m wow IAP1B rUTJlTBAl cut McmxiXkTarai OOVRJUtS Uf BaVAl inetrnctor M1se Leone Caee-Baer. HOUTB io 12 a. m. uiiy. , THB SIBTXR . BUPBRIOR, nill rlllltary Academy POBTLAPTA OSKwOSL A sflvate V saboeL Maasal tra tary dlaripllDt, eelMge wvpa ra tios. . Boya sf ear in admit tad Oshw. CALL TSSM ROW 1 , AB CUT Tiller OUT ' aui ti m rw w -wm wm "to ' fiilltary Aaaaacay, Portland. Or. I aav .I., soya, wbesl 1 waat te aasd to a Snirrarr eeaeoi. ineir sasa ara ,, PViaa aaad sie prints and terms: ilea fllsjWetai eeaenpure numna ea yeaa snprot. I -r Ptoair.....;....'4-..a., ' v ' (AAwaei). Your Evenings Say Monday, Wednesday and Friday, with our assistance, may profitably oe devoted to self-improvement: inr&nroiaAK imbtitutb, , aa arxTgx grmna-y. 1TS. , . I Bhsansaas as shsaMkaew f 1 MUTvTl L Tha mwtr T ab- it tha waa arret wsernag bar ay ffr n ..a. at . at alaiap foe 1) rtrl si . M-aM It fi ' ,v inl. i and iSIiw y i.U (mii.. w . Tunes BlSgn Sew Vera, For Sals Br woo ". ca- w b ott. M Hi iiSB P. aafdP atres I . ?mM I Ills Feusailt , v PkOF. YAP OOBTLaPB glSti Waanlngtae Itmet. $10 Complete lfe r Reed inn 1 for ThU Week Only yo eiAssi oai-sss , SATXBX AOTOaT. TOU TO WM TKM PUlHfT, . It la Jast at oheas t see the tosh FBOr. TAX? TtOmtttAMB. baahalna that atnr ef tea TMet ait thla Htr woald hs oclr tea aaaloaa to aonaaM good, tenable eialrvoyaat aad pahnhtl If txer ware Brat aasarae af neetvtog soma hesadt. I tbarefora g aeraey saismsiy eg aad gaar sata Wllheel say pravtooa kaowjsdye, and savtog aa satural raeaM of kaewlag ae yoa are, w boons er for what yes mxte, TwtU toll yeet Ufa set ter than yoa taa toD It to bm. 1 wMI aaU aa br sum. Ok CHAKOS YOC MOT OKS PaWRT. ' THIS U BONMT. 1 IT WOT? I Will give yea lack that wtas saeeam to hn. BMrrlaaa. dlveres. speeshitloa. builaiM. bealtb aad tramaotteBS of all ktodab re store tort effaeaoee, easse speedy aad happy surriagae: raealU the aa para tad; Iwltl tell ye hew to gals the lave ef the eae ye Basin tbocgh mllea awayt. will tell was .aad yea win starry. . . wiu teu ros wsat Da yoa wtaa to kaew Beefs yea ekexM kaawl If yoa win Boeeeed to year ejtoariaklagsl If yoa wlU stake a esaage In besuuasl If yoa wll! win your lawseltf If yoar dosMtle tteshles will aaoa salt If yoa weald obtain year araWdaal . v If row land contains ratssrel, sU et.gBSl " If yoa bare cartala toaky daysl ?t yoa era levedT " " . f ye will mm id la a mif.ii dint a- Whare to lavaet to raw saw' . If yoa weald eaeeai Med ta yoar Tee sfrak i 1a BitolBg sxeaiMtoaat -win fa turn? wUl, torsMS ysa to vm 5f yoa are taeky f aba at frieeda If oast tatarer "nusdCl the beaal eeiatade af yen pom aaener bare, th toe at sheuM telssg to real , if se, SBBM sad bera a swm sad sera remedy that win dispel tba dark stoss aad lift the lead treat year sjbtag beari. e great ste tba pewera ef this aaaa fast brtnr tosethar the tteart hna- bead er wife who hav ay alaaoarea iuismh. Rears a. av to a, at. beffty PROP. VAN CORTLAND S1I14 Wa NIGHT SCHOOL BehnXe-Walker Business College lumen 3 ran moo POtt OATAXOdlVah NIGHT SCHOOL ' r Monday Wednesday, friday V Month . a-. S 6.00 v 3 Months . e W.00 v 6 Months . 25.00 : Holmes Business College TswxsHI ee. DevWdSKs. Cstahllshed tn lit. Open all th year. Private or olaaa Inatructloa. Thousand of graduates In positions; opportunitlea constantly eccurTlng. It pay to attend our school. Catalogue, Bpecuaeoa. auh, frea VP.APJawmOWeBaPTWP- BhsebsBBd aaae Baxai peg gaaj fcnsmuatoT.lH etdesx peg Weak aTattratoaurbto beensj pea week e)Whaa ' S Baaon) peg wexdl PARS AWm WASXUSBTUB SfBSBie aHrwinin oaaOB-e-