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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1904)
You Cm Rely Or. Us v.. TODAY'S MARKETS Higher Values Art Ruling in Lard Hop Btar kct Imitating Rip Van Winkle and 0oe to Sleep Oregon Pot. toe Will Have to Drop. 4BV r-. a J - 7-' y. 'V' I: .) 'it Baton at tkv poetoffln f rttoad. Or.. --rxuo (kfvugh UM malm M m . i ,er. ' for Btavh) ooplm fag papar, 1 nui; 16 M M SUM. I NlW n " 44 I caatm. , . TlUflOVll. witiuMi Omce Mala WO. r ... BdJnrtel tow--Mtti MO. Pobktor ADm-ramo BxnttxmATiTt. ' A'f'BoogMU, Special Adeartlatog AeBct. 190 NiMtg arruol New York; UUmmMJI- !? t"P lml, wllb Bandar. 1 fae....?!? IB The Th tt Dally Journal, with Kunrt.T 1 J;'!J' P 4fUWM atonday as IT wmI, wilt Rwada. I ? ife iniijr JournaL 1 rur I Joaro I with Bunder, th. S . i A! ! fnii. aranta. ............. fl? IS y'tk ttnaar, awBtka 1 Th . I'9"' JournaL Wit fluadft, 1 Aeata. 1 T' It11! nnnl. ! montb7r77;..,.......r TJe Bundey Jonrnel, 1 veer f22 Sundae Journal. montba Th Bemi-Weeklr inmi TheReml-Weekle Journal. to It MM, K to, inuetratod, BUI amrhet Mr . Wto, 1 jer... ...I...., 9. T1i Wn1r Journal. 100 Nlum of aV . - rag Mt-h Ihm, UtaBtratefl. full arht ' - rroert t 1. - Rmlttanne mVhim'im aaad ti graft, keotal ' born, ubmh erdennnd amaH inonti art Acrentahla t u u.t. iduia. 1 TK IflUllAfc P. tk Or. VUU TATR 70VKHA& HAT BR lOURS, Th IommbI kTTZTa h ub an AM , 1n laea: . j J B0I91, IDAHO PteMff kMk Maf. ' CBICAOOPoatomaa Nawa aoaifw, in aa 't' lltNriR. OOtA KoHe Bn titVarj pwnpany., ill lTcatarntfe itraatl 4. . . Bixirattt ana Hurt It Btrnftai "W RlVliK MTTY.ii Hnv MU1 ;,Vi ton ANC'hn.K8-.p. r. 0ar4nr, tw f -ns frnti OUrar A EUloaav W -MOj , kkw Tonic trrr ftmutw'a. Ma ,' ' i OMAHA Mill art! total erwa ataWt M1M-k ' Statto-rrr fimiMnr, lonS FVnua ttraac ' ' fI-T LAlfB CITY ftn7n a"tl iwwa atan; apfnw Kma al Wit IkhK atract. Bontk. -v ITT TOTTt PMIIn Bul 1 Imiit atra -fV ' Sl!f ra NCtSCOW. . Araia. ralaaa hntrt ' acwa him: ao intra im uroa.. x-j trt: Frod W. ritta. Martrt itwt TroMA, WAffHatn lfwi apaapa-V. II l 7 . T. Wltana, Sixth aad A-Hqr tTt. " at f p. ., aala of tadlea tallor-nwrta alU and ? urKats. J. t: Wiiaoo. iwarr. , Hr Um, Bakr 4 Co., at Park awl AlAat . atraoH. at 10 a. an-. aaJa of oail7 fumitara. ' cariM-fi". I'tf Gto. Bakfr A Co., ancHnnra. WXAX-UCK UPOBT, Wak AuiMtlSn. ami hhimhI IihhM fa - Ornanin. Waahlnstoa and IdahoA dlaturbanoa i. "i af n'jiwate auerar la central thla awmlaf oft lb Wbintoo coaati It aaa rauaed a ooadnua. i . - tioa Of abunrerr wuathar la Um nortk faclan atatM and In CallkVrula a far aoulk aa, Loa AnttPln. Tba sn-amiiro la hthft over ttia . ptatvaii rxtloa, Uaht to nodrratelr boarr w,., fatii contltiuw la Uo UlaarMart and UM lupt-M AltaUwlo tallejt, tk lake rrctoB and tha -5 i New Kualaad aiatoa. la tha ao-tbara at a tea V and ahma tb R.-l-k noutittla aaop fair ...wcitbw baa prevailed. TB temjHtair aa riaB iwariiy w , Una and aeoikraitar- Idaho, wkera It la t allahtljr onotrr thaa. It ) ratrrdav moraine. Tb hxllratlaua artv far irilwL akwwrry v irtatbr la thla 41trUt tmt, wltk lUUo -. hane In tiapara tut . O-M-rralluM eloaad At a., at.: f. ... ' . ,. y Tlf. . - 1 jCtlaatav a. fcafcw CitT. 0.,. ....... M 7 Mi; !ah. . J,. m -v - . ' , -1- Max. H n- yrm. Of V e Snflalo, ..3.. f 1 - M fl-arlaatM, IX I.. TS M .01 0 o 0 f. CblfHaTo, 111.... 7 ( iHctuiiatl. Ok(v..i.tti 1 M , Drpttf, Colo......i..... ,70 L-rrta. Cil...',. V. I" - finann. Cat,......'.. TO 6fclTatN. T B flrlfav Maot. M udopnbnco, Ctl.. . ... . , M J lakauhltlr. Ha. J 0 . Kllar'll. Untlt i-.. R3 !. pwlaton. ldabo.'... M , Lua Anjrflaat Cat... , Tt -A Krw VrWiiB. La.,...... W ; KrW fork. If. V i-: .01 , - ;.03 J 4 '. s. o .;:.- Korroik. va .......V ao , Nittk Haad. Waak........ d4 3 M 48 B 0 TO i tt 41 4C 80 M Y'NIHJIH. ntD, .......... ffV I 'liliiulf lohla P. ...... Ti 7 t ' ,Td TI .' 4 t. 4 .;. pmabarg. Pa. rnrtiano, ur. ...... BtMwhirtT, Or, I acraarf'oto. Ca1,...... I Bt. Lmila. Ho. ...I., 1 fealt Ivtke. tub...;....'. Baa Antonio, Tf. ......... Baa fraaeloni. Cat.. .,,..J Rt. Paul. Minn..,. r 00 rlpokano, wa,..,... (Ipokano, waaa...r..,,. an Tamsia, Waak. ' i Vletorla. B. I., W waiia waiia. vraoa to . 5 Wxahtttatoa. P. C. ...... TB Wlnneoinct. Kav t. M . . Taaw, Aria. J. So ' 1 .01 o simrKa. i v . at. rw T - IW Artknr 'atrrat, i daufbtor. OrfnhiT A to Itr. ai,d Ura. Tkaaaak H. ' Vtmlw. at WVi Bast ElaToatt atrt, a daagk- '"i nifton t, to ur. nd Mi Ma Osrkna. t 114 WaaM-irtoa atiwt. a daabtar. Ovitb- X to Mr. a ad Mra. Jaltua L. Motor, t.J-d Toatk atroetv a taua-tor. . , , i , .Vv .7 ' -ooaTtAeiogt MAXAAia, , i ' .j fvofr A. loawf Brtcoaaa. Mroofc aoarlat . m TUlaawek ' V" -fktotwr r. KraHna Pltaarrald. ao4 1 awtarii. at HO Rm( Watrr atrwt; Miia. a-atM aatrr- -vjiin. nuriai af lcoo nr rrntoior-. S OotatM-r T. Oooran M. RaMah. ajrd IB vaora. l At. Vlnoont'a -oaoltal: ami to. Tal-ntar dla- raaa of keart. Burial at At. Maur a awawt J' K . till wood; modem, aclaatinc. aaotplato. Ckaraca AiiiuiB. M.ta: Mt ana. am. viaiiora a. aa. '1 ' a.i k . BWtlaMl ruaaaMaa alilli a Partlaad,' Or. ; . ii : TOO awrwana mound tinn-naiia cwaa-aar. . Akral director a ad aaibalaaora. BO Third yt , aUHt Fboea 807. '.., - ' J. P. rnaar Boa. rnorl drraton kad (nbaiBtot, naoo rtraraa w taotr bow anr labfocut. cornor Third tad Maataoa atroota. f- )ktb' phoan N. 0. 'y - juuht awTAja Tauwrni; i v. a IT. v RobMaa to Marr lo' luraq,' M- a hi. 4. an aitw.Mt A iTi.nrn. mt U MocA i. t'csaa noma BtMltlon ... John . WIIMB tad wife to Malcolm A. MrKacborn. lot 9, blofe fA. Amira..., ' P-rr II. Birth and wife to Koala I. ,,- Btraln. lot 9 and A uortb fawt !t f ', . btorh 30, WUUawtu Beigbu add)- rloa. : J. K. Barhoar aad Wife trt Lewla Boa- ,efl. andltlded U wet lot B and B.B00 S.9O0 9.000 , 9. Work -a, rtty Martlu tlrar and wlrete Wntor . . J9.000 Kitinei. lot l. aonth n apt S. Hock 3a Biiouralde 1,090 fclTB I r. Ln an4 w(fe to Dj'J. ehf, lota la bV-HM 9. 4. (a, in. lit. aaudry 117, city; AOQ arm I aX-Uana 10, 11 . 14, townablp 1 anrtb. range 1 eaat; tt 7 .arm la Bcttona 8. ft), towns klo 1 .arroa la auctions 8, to, townsklp aoriB. range i mar, etc ,W. J. Heralogua, eaeeater to RatWrTa er Ik, 10.QPO , walk. hU 1 nd B. block 9s Itbb- . A. h. iVoaV and' wifo to' awhn h" Mpinr, mnm i ami t. mtarm ai. rairTiew . . . i BOB Ble Bniliigar and baeband to Xatb . rrlne Ubtte. lota 1 and 9, btorh B. Iranbne , ! T. V. Xiamen and wife to P. A. Teuag ! lot 9. bl'ick K. Tabor Hrlfhtl ....TT . 'Adam TWewr aad wife In IlmrT Wl4e fcriw at al lot a, block 19, AUtlaa - Honawrtmd , Ot T. -Ingram and baabaaO to P. A. B .Too - LI LA..3 Lm jaER nr Bams uun aim rmioma iioir a. an ov own . A-4ajra&n nova ' n .oowa TAToaa vo aiowaa. , ; Frat atfoti Ort. Tba arlarlral foaram trf tba PortUad who4 atari tanaf an Local lard ad-rancoa. . , , pBDcBke Bour 00 hrn. , , Bettr outuok fur poultrr. PuUlOOfl Will BlTB to COBBt lowo?. Two oaro awt potatooa la. . cVttor ma of aataoa cotklnc. ' - Wild aM la aauro ploruUfalt ,What and Boar both qulrl. .7, Hop aaarfcvt ta ulufclerla. 4 . Ht1bw at tba bar ataxaat. .- ' Rka roaaala varr Brai. 2 Crraoorr battar ban ao flrat. '-.S'V y ' laail Lard la Adoaaaai. An adnaea of H" baa boon aaadb la fba qaotatloua on all t'adaa of looal aiannfaetarod lard. Tbla loaToa tao Baarkot lm quit aood t-oadluon. Tha aoar prion an: - Kattlo tX. 10b. 11 Wi aa. HHci W. He, itoau rodorcd. 10a. 10 c. Bo. lOtac; Ma, 10, e. Taoro wan m fAasfpa anda la altaat kaiaa or 1 baoan. ; Paaoaao Jlaat la Lowar. - A eat O aa par aaao la aaaouand 1b tat form onotBUoaa as Paorlan panvaka Bout bjr ib Poarlosa Pood oampaxiy. fba vaar pci-a U. S3 per eaoi No fortbor taanfao appaor la tba eacaal aaarkot prlcoa acntrallj .bclaa ajaoioai or in. . . . . itaw nawia. iot a-oaioy. tVoro aoaaaa to bo a bottao ontlnofe la tba Bonltrr aurkvt. II m aamalar tba eaaa tbat n oeiuu an llrht aa btoadar. bat of Uia ta Bara keca qulia boa?. Too abkaaaa of ttrajo ablpBsrnU Into, tha aiarkot todaj ajar atcan tbat tha arrlraU tkla woeK will fau aff, II ta do. boltar prlrot will raoaU. gitotoaa WIU lUoa to pan ftowa. '( ' It ti roc pooalblo to ooil a vaaoalood or aa of Ongaa potatooa at ta pnaoat cjuotod ncuraa bat aa aooa aa diaaina oporauoaa boroana oral tbo rocolpta will laerraaa and atocka will arramalate uouoa tba ark a wt- ward aonrao. II U t fa"t that tba oataldo po- tot awrhots an aot mt foctrd br tbo (laa of tbo erop la Orcgua or la Waoblngtoa aad anion tbla market bom to such a laval aa to admit of ablpoMBto to tbo California market thora wlH bo a gnat waliiag or too growon tka aoaaon contM to aa end aad tbop nan Bkoat of tbotr crop nmalntng a hand. With an ordinary crop of potatooa Oregon haa about throa-fourtba of A mp to aoip C ontaioa polats, tbo tocaJ aonaaraptloa being ntlmated at arartleaUr a aaarter of tbo normal Jlld. Ira wltk tba aaoruga tbk roar la tbla auto than win bo at leaBt.doabM to aawoat of pouton that tola market eaa a aad aema of tbo atocka will ban to bo aont ont or rot ia tba nllara. Wltb the buying arle in tbU market aboat dBe or TOe tt would bo ponible for BhlBDon to do kualnaM. but abon Iboaa futurao ther Mnnot compel with oataldo mar kU. The rocelpta la Ufa eity ate anowlag quit a autonai larreaw ana ue eiienug" "J tbo farmara an mub Urgoi thaa a week ago. Boaaa mt tba Arowen are a till golag to bold for ae. bat flaott of tb will accept teen. Two can of awoet aolaton arrlrad oa tba a treat from California tbla morning. Contrary to tbo mhllakad nnort there will bo aeveral awn oar of CaHfornta rtTr pptatnad. arrlT In tkla market tbla eeaaea. mS IllMtf flu .. A better ran of nlmoa la appearing la be Columbia and roxrlpta her an larger. Na change In Bab quotation. All aorta of' nh axe la naaal tupplr- Ortn aemng oottor. Mwui Aua St Maam MaatlfaL atawa t relai t tbo oat haa bvomrbt a Very largo anmber of wlldarka late tba rV lara nod raceittta IB tata city ivaay were nnlaa lara. Wltb a BTOneral rala the rooelpts -mr enacted to a how a 'naKil fcearler locraaa and orlcoa Will rtien an lower. Tne agaroa rui (nar ! tan wboleBalo market' today for wild grtna an: Teal, aa.ou per auara; wiogeoa, a.uu per dotott: mallard, to aar. aoaea. . r. . - Waoat aad iTom Both ahH. Moth tba wheat and ti Sour atarbeto an quiet, with but few purobMM Nther war. . TbO eaatarn marari ta aow in, aura anape nm hnrlnar of at nek ban 1 almoat Impnaalble No rahlm for Bonr won roerieoa irora un orteat today. Trice In both wheat nd Bout naohanged. . Hop maraoi ia mamnormg The Vioo market ha token A ert of Rig Vh Wl.bU .Im. anil hi uIh wwe eMtptMl from ap tka ralley ttam morning." TB dealen an aot ao mora ta a nnrry to purraaae aa tbep Bay that tier ban atfeody .btttaA aff more tbla ther an wallow. : Meeuw ttae J aUrhet. Tom Parnll of JETerdtng 4 remH. an f the bar enimttna. "Tne ka altaatloa m prat tlnllr aurbanged. Kerelpta of taney almathr from eoat'rn Oritwi and Waablngtoa an taraa ami offerlnga from raUem point An ngbtrr. lira la and clorer bar la freely offerrQ and prion re mala about Um name aa tba prerleua week." . . , v fjawa Bamam tott rfana. . Tn egg market ka ta good anap with local renlpti a mai lee and moat of tba aoma Cor eUk-tlr freah atock belag mad at Me, Veal aad boga, droaood. an bath quoted BaLr nr war quality. Onnmerr butter of oriltnarr grade naaalna nnior duu vitb raarf aolllag aa- faat U It u Tint Ohm CboeUato M. - - lb Brrt Oblo enntonta war oa the market thla BMNTulng and Bold at lie pa pound, aa ad' vann o about S ooer ta qNotaUoa at hut ataaoa. . . Today' whale earn aaotatload. aa. nrmed. an aa follow: a ' wrala. Flnr and Pood. 1 WWrAT New and aid Walla Walla, Blrt blueatpm. Me: ealn-y. PMc. BAHLIY- rf4, BUOOtLTB; tollod, tSTOO; brewtna, tS.on. OAfPrudBotn' Km---fto. t wbrt. BVT.Btl py. ju.. p'LOf'H Knator Oregori! ' Patent, B4 SO; rhfe. V-'li w'w' '.VUa. MILUlVrPKB Bna.'' lit 90 per tnai aataV 2nf. am.,)k atwrtc opantrr. abon. IlAt Ppnawron rtrtnTfamrbr. WllUmetra Wllr ranrr. 14.oa 1B.O0; ordlnarr. iix.ooa lf.iV)iJ oo; tnrr 9.oriii.o0i grain, 91 .09 in.. hi: Oll.Bdl aheat -' Kega, Weal and Ridoa. flOPaV-1004, 21 M e for extra ebaio( d aw tor enun-e; anajxno ror ptibm. WDOtA-NomlaaJ. Taller, nam to media m. ITfllHc' ae, 10c; eaatera Oregon, Udjlna. MOHAin New. SOc. f SnKBPSKIN'B BbeariaR. 10aot abort oreot. Kttoc; awdlam. wool. BOAj&Oei leag woeU rt1.00 each. . . TAlXOW-PrtmA, pat . AgjBti Xa. i aad ffrwaae. 2t'-o. r rillTTJM BARR-a per tb. baring arm. Hinrjl Dry hldn. Vo. 1. 19 toe aad ap. i;ijje per ini oryaip, no. i, a m i io. 12 Sr; dry drr ml ted Blot; Balled nir. ro. i. aader a me, iHi bait aad ataaa. l-X Ian thaa Are lied hide, eteer. aound. Ibe or over, Yormg. aaatk lot i. Uor R, tabor ' ' Hlghta : f.199 Hawthorn Rat a re to WlllUm T. Oard. ber. lot A, btoet T, Hawthorn pint : alrflttoa , , J BOB AlWft L. Albertaoa to JrWpti tWRartlBi. lota IS and IA, BnuthTj Portland .... SM Carrie R. MelkL and attar ml to H. B. Tfrithn. lot block IB. Uawtbora' ,"' ' Flrat addlllon BIB Portland Lone Pn Cemetnr eompanf' ': , to liana Raamuaan, lat ia, bloc 99, Lnne Fir naaetHt 9 William Ragln to Daniel Bcld, I arr-g to eectton IB. townablp 1 Bouttt, naga I eaat ..... , , "jug i Rnd o R Raad. mm IT aad IS, btoek T, Laltereltr Park ..;.,..,.., 1.B09 tie roar toeuranca and atotraeaj ta real raiaia iraa tbo iitte oiianatee A TIB anr. Chambea. mt Oammern antldlas. 1 SRILSIR PXAJOTB. heteber w. B ntolta, nttea. Wllllama ?oatilSTu0VM rMMmt and Been attaete; rvtubBT lO. R. TteDogr, refalra to awnna, Prmr teeuth between Mill aud Market ttrwtai eoat, th IB, W. ol W. aeaoelBtlon, repatn to 'l!lUT"r twto-Waeblagtow. and AMor airrna , mi, eaj. I1M.JUI In Annd Oreen. rnttag. Rat Balam and Tarlor anetai Thirty nfth bet mot. g rturt "- ib-v to, . H. Pteh. alteraltona tn dweitlng. ewtkeeat nnar Tweiru and Btarh atraot! caut. AIOO. . , . 'if j : t r Tftfte. to to 00 Rm. T; anAar 90 BM Aad '" Tr: atexa and bulla, .eoaad. Be; kip, IB to an lha. Tiio: aoaod. 10 to 14 Ibe, Ac: calf, eoand. a od-r 10 lta BMei nea (aa aalted. 1 per l leaa: enlle. le par lb Kaaj boree bldn. aaird. earh, 91.2ntll.7K; drr, wrb. 91 0011.50; calm bkdaa. ct.. PBtlMtl fat akin. ooanBOn, eaHti. lOfhiAct , Angora, Whth nool OA. . each. BJcCll.OO. Butter. Ban aad PaaJtrr. - BTTTTR HIT Bwt. SaUo: auur. 98 Uo. il'TTIfR ill i aaDaerv. . boaL TI UflMll ecoad grade. ZftV; ootdo faucy. tTUc; ardt- aarr, Oc: aaaiern, Se; Blore.iBUjlBt. EOfl9--No. 1 frb Orvgoa. BStJUte; eaa tar, freaii Hi.-; aecoiida. tS. , , rilBITJtaU-New-Pul) creator, twts, 19019; louug America. I3'fjic. Ptlt'IrilY-J'hlckriiB. railed. 1V n B brua, lOVic pea lb; rooatm. old, i$c par lb; roung, 10e per lb beollon. lOr per lb; fryera, le per Ibi dock, old. lea per R; yioiug. Iftc per Bt: geew, Be per lb; farhaja. Pa U: arraaoa, lac per ia. Ttnlto aad Tagotablaa. , V. POTATOFS Ort'gon. 9uOc4l.( per owt; r.urera' urttee. hi.0i': aweote. Al.gDgti.n aar cwt: rrat4. ii.nui.i"' ONTO.VK Loral. 91-9001 ! btirerT Br1. t1JCl.40i California. 1.19; gar Ik, BfJlOe per to. FRESR FRQITS ApMo. faner Oreama. TBeO 1 00 boa: cb-ap gradrB, koaTOe box: ornogoa. to TaleoHaa. 3 6061.75 per hoi; ha- aanaa. Bo nor m: lemone. chow. BS.T9OR.0t per hoi; nner. 930uftl.SO per ben: Jlmea. 4j0Uc pf-rUix; peacke. ordinary. box; fane, aoftrftot- ter box: nearo. 91 .0001.29; frapea. gi.ouai.10 oe box: umr-n. tiu He; Corw.-Ma. ISHflfS per 91b baaketl 10 lb ha abet. lMtH'itfi wateratemnB, Orcron, Me; ean taloupea. TVtfl S pur crate; eaaana. 91.90 pee di-a: backlrbtrrln. Br ner lb: cniiberrin, ti,f per lb; eranlterrle, toeaL B8.RO par kbl; Oapa Cod. aw ter hbl; aniRN, ae per IB. TlOETAtU-KS -Turolpa. 91.JB Pe mem; ear rot. 91.38 t-er sack; beet a. par mcbl Oreena radlsnee. MV ner iloa: ealihaee. Or.acn, 9i ewti lettuce, bead. 1fte deal ertea peppera, 40QB0r per hoi; eelery TRe er dpa; t.,- n kiia. Orfgoo. buai per uox; pareuips, ibcbi 91 99: 1 green pean, Br pet Bi aioeu otttooa. lSUa per doa: local area eom. fl "-'"ftl.M per aaeftt ulo nlani. fell He ner to: etrtag bnaa. ; eoranibora. BOe per act ; eaultnower, TOO OOe per doa: hotter benna, c; puaipklna. lHa per lb: btneridtah, Te pr R! aprouU. Be DKISD F B I " 1 TIP A npiaa, etaonnte. TfBB par lb; sprier. BH013C per lb; Backs. He per m tow: peaebn, BOlBs ner lb; pear per lb; prune. Italtsa. BHCI4H per "! Preneh. 9H tit Vie per lb: Bga. CBUfonia Meek. 1V4 per m; Call ferula white. pee Ibi plume, pitted per lb: date. aaMwn. Ba par m Cud. 91.B0 par JB-m bo. ( . urasansB, aiu jte BnOAK mark baals Cube. 96 40 1 Bowdered. 8 .AS; fntt granulated. M.lil; dry grawilated, .19; boot granulated 99.09; axtn C 99.19; anldaa 0. BS.B: MU. 10c i U bhla. the: boxas. ftoc advance en each basis, an D ton fa aaab. W da;mapl. 14011b par Bb. roKPEhWtlraM aloeha. tlStBe: lara. fa ner. 2fttna; lara. rood, aoaj3rc; Java, ordluarr Mtjaoc; Cneta Bin. faaee. lPOVtei CoaU Rica. good, MOIae; Coat a Rica, ordlnarr, llQlBa per 11: parksa enffee. UflU.H' TKAB-tKiifxw, jj rrerent rr a oea. bdvoobi gew powder, taSfSV: KngllBh bnakfaat. dif ferent grade. jaOOBc: spider leg. UDOolorod Japan. io3A&a,lrraBB Japan (rery aeara). BOO B0c per lb. BALT Kin Rama, 1. aa, 4. 9. 10a, Bl.tfr; table, -dalre. tOa.O.BOajll.fto: 100a, 0 00; I moor red LteariMMtL 50a. ISOOaia.nA ions. Ji4.AoOlB.ooi 224a, 9l3.HOiNi4.fiO: eitra flue. htna. as. aa, no, in. 4.a0 ban, aw ia, 94.00; Bark, Boa, B. BALT T-jiara Half naml 100a. Be torn 9B aoOd.SO; no nee ton. 90 OttT.oOj Llearpool lunm rock. B1R.B04I1A NO per tonj BO-lb rack. 96-M.T5: inoa, 9A.T904.19. (Abnea prlcoa apply to aale of laaa tkap ar lota.v Car tots Bt aaoclal arloaa aohleot to Ruetuattona. TRAI? BAOA-V-att. 9B .TfO pee an BKE Jmnerlal J.n.H f IKK Ma. A. 4; Kew Or lean head. 9U0t AdJaeBi IHci wrewie. e. PRANK Small white. 9SOSo; tori win. ! .: Pb. 4Uc; bar, ttc; uii. ; meiM-aa reds. Ble NUT rVaimta. Tr fmbt. Bt4 per lb: fBW. BAtOe im IKf Mailari hmumH. BRA tV pn rloa: wslnata. lJty.tfrl4Ue per lb! ptne uuia, insfixne pr ri: Blckoer aata. io pa in; rhntnuta, aetern. ttfjlrV ner Bt: Bra all nttt. IRo per th r Alberts. 1 R 1 f per R ; fancy pecaoa. Metis per Ibi almond. 119 pes aV Mta. Plah aad Provlatona. PBRSB UK ATA Inaiw-teV Rnaf 4teW Be per Ibi mwb. BABUt oar lb; mutton, draaaad. 4CAp per lb: larnTa, draaaed. 5Jflc par lb. rn van un a tb ... S5.- par U.: pork. bbvh. OflOUe per tb; pack ers. h pr s; mim, J'Jt per ir: cowe. a ho 4Ve per lb: mutton. Oremed. 4toe per Tb; veal, extra, Ht7t per lb: wtlnary. 94 Ae per Mi: ponr.,V per lh: lamba. flUittnup par lb. HAWS, BAOOM. RTC.-r-Pnrt1aod neh( local) nam. io to To Tba. ltc per lb i 14 to ia to. 14c nar lb; IB to 90 Iba. 14o nee lb; oottoee. Hr par lb bnakfaat bacon. 14A1ne per Tbj Blcnica. I le nor lb : neular naaet ekaan. an amofcrMl, lotto Per Tb: smoked. llUe ner Rt; clear back, nnarankad. lOe ner Tb: smoked, lie per M tTntnn butts. 10 to IB Rte, anamokad, B per in: amoked. Be nar lb: etenr nellies, a. amoaeo, ll4fl nor lb; smoked. 1Z4e per lb; esstera baraa, !44a par lb; braakfaat baaoa. I per tb, LOCrAL. T.ARDBrath Mf 1Aa 11 Ue M in; ae. iie ner IB: W-in Mfna. lie ner lb: etoam rendered, joa. lOtic per lh: 9. 1074 per lb; B0a. 10; c per lb: cb-pound tteree. par "i o'nc per mi owe, obao per in. ""i.a, uiu loa, ioi a. aoa. tTAkWRlt BLir.1 tl.M; Mb tills, 93.B0: fancy I tb Bats. Bt.m; S lb taaee flare. 91 : faarr l ib ovaai. 99 TB: A tort ten, ptnh. BBOOOo; rod. Bl.90; aamlaal rail. x H1 Plftlt- Bcck end. To h tb BMiaaa Ah ar lb; hsllbut. tV-f oee Tb; era ha, 91 20 per dor: nnpeu oasa, ixeriBH par in; nnn. Te per lh: wtmon. chlnook. nr per tb:' allrenlde, Ac oer mi aernne. no nee ni baim. m nu w- ahrlrapa. V per lb; abad, dreoaed. per H( perch. Be per tb: abad roe. aer lb: shad. Oe ner Ibi Mark and Be nee IKi a4tea emeif. nr nar m: lifr. t24e: reeah mackerel, ae; erawnan, gne ner do! BjnaBers. Be use Hi. OTBTKRA Phoal water bar. per pat. ; nor aack. 94 00 net; Oljmpla. per sack. 9 Ml fXAlt nard aheTJ. awe an 9 Ai mbw mm, axtw- er gov Palate. Oaal ftfla. Rba. RAPB Pawn Manila. lllLt .Mta4 aaf Blsal. lOHe. w COAb OFT, Peart or Aatral fftna, flHe pit 111 1 .water wnm. xrou ttuia inn na hi wood par gal: had11rkt. tTft-deg, aaaea ww- per bui. iron aunt lie per gai. LIN' RED OIT Pnre raw. In Mtta lUe w ml enan SOc nee eal: eennlne bettU hnlld m ic wer a-at. bdm bK Ber arai: nrnnnfl cake. car lot 929.00 par tog. toaa tfaaa an 920.00 per tnn. ... 9 A i'LTNB Art-deA-. eoan B2e ner ml tot BBNO.TKR Afllew. - AA ataw ami. bhla IB He per gal. . paint OIL Raw, bMa We per gaL aaon 9B ner al: helled, eaaea 40e nee eat TCRPKNTtTfR In nan BBc per gal. jroadea Mile, Ble per gal. Iron bbls TO par & lft-a nee lota Me ner a). . WniTR LBAD Tne tot tV or Rj. BOB-Rj tote Te per u, Wbs lots Ac pee R WIKB WAnA Preaent ban at 98.4' ' '' '-, . . f Coaa. AVIeet Clear 1 Per Per' Per M r U t ae ae ftooeV Matanalona reewtar ' sis- til to 1212, Bt ft. 9 BjOO HAO 99. 09 Rough, dlarensffln regular aise to 12x12. S4-40 ft... 990 JT.99 BAOO wwn. . uiTnenamia regnrar slaea to ltill. 2B ft... llBv to an aa an aVnirh. dHmenetona rebir atan to 12H2. no-ao rt... ia aa mm anon ror raen anaiitoaai 1 incnaw ta width add 1.00 109 An ir oot and . rrsctlettal slat sawed adR ot lee Por Mwlrag"Trltni'graia ta 4x12 add Oommon rough bunrda. rerd- 2, 0B B.QR ABO 0.90 Ur sltn to it ta. wide - .'; to 94 Bt. laa.. . aeaorted " ' ; Jangtha t - 980 11 BS ' 9icffld toantba auf korA ilal . M ea addttlouaL Rnard tn eeasdat b man is lu. a.a a - - ta tblekang, . " SHEEP CONTINUE TO IMPROVE IN TONE Kwtland fnbm Btoehnrda. twd. trtwrae ton of tb sheas market mulluuee le, but there wrre ao chaugea m tbo quiaUena todar. Pint bona are aelllne all el. hi h.,t cattle an dnll. The receipts during tb net j boar eoaeieted of 40 ioffB, au aattld and TOO heep. frfrtctal rnHuaT pHeear todar SJ-eT " '-.J rtlle AVet eeetn Oree.ia a teen. BR TBA no: beet ntlcr aieen. A2 7fl: aanfHnaa aiMea. 92.SA: onwa. AgOO; bulla. 9I.T9; ataga, 93.. ruae "-mi nrary, ao 'V; BWrcg, 14 no; China ta. aa.KiaAA.UO: aihra uil ai on e.he.. Taet aralA-fed anltiea am lamb. 99.7&O9.00: mlxi-d abp. Ait3Jo. . . OwAT Blaajn From Um Chtatgo Naw. rtfat Han No, air; I don't DrtarA to know anything; aborat women. ttoeond htnn IndeaOI Alow lengr BMv POU tne Bnaxrt47 , ST. PAUL WEAKER; ' PRICES DECLINED Kew York. Oct. to. tb tocb BMrhet today Rt. I'aal cluoed point dowa. tbo mar ket epeulua at 17 and closing at ltd. Amal gamated Cupper oueued at Oil1 and closed ai a rlae of Vi pulat. Rugar otM-ued aud cloaed dull at liV. Brooklyn lUpfd Tnnalt wa potat tower at 9tVh. Brie, common, waa ouwn too aame amount, with the rloae at Uty . Loulatllla A Naahvllle was weak aud leal H point, tb market nprnlng at 13bt and elualitg at 199. I'attcd Blate BleeL common, wa iiwni and show ad a rlae of tk naint.. Preferred lk'4 plnt blgber at Tr). Tbdar'g olftctoi stuck amrketi ' Cloaiag - onea. Bid. Aamtgamatod Copper Co itw a.1 Atrulaou. cemmua Kt tt34 Aiuerlcaa Bugar, poaunon .i 14 -2ta Haltimon A ifhlo. cvDiuon.,,, ti tiu Brook ly a Hjipld Mff U lauauian ratiac. couiauon ........lirjk 132 Chi.. Mil. A At. PbuI ...107 lfl Colorado Puet Iron, catomma,... M ' Mi Erie, comauoa SJia Sjft m'ubitiiib 7aBnu...,.,...,.jiui' izn Manhattan Elevated IM 1M Utaeourl PaclOc luj U TYurM)lanta Malhrag ia? Peoiilea 1K Light Cofea ei.,.10Hi lMiJ lT"wd Btret Car, omatod ,. 20 UH Neaoiug. momoa Tab) tz4 k iiwim. i uiuva . ........ ae Southern Pad Ac l BV Ht. LouU A Ban Pre ad boo, Bd pfd. Brl t'ulon Pa ilac, nmmua 104 raited States Bteel Co,, pommoi IM i m ua Btaree ntrel Co.. meferred. Wniar Caloa Tulograpb 98 ta ' BAR PRAR02B00 RUtlBO BT0CKB. Ban Praactoea. 0f.CailalBA atocha: ' i:kaaiia' Rid. inwnaa. maiiaa tuunioni . Mldwar :tt McMamarau,... Toaopab. Nevada .(... Tom-uah. Gold Moaatain oaik .ID .T4 Juubu , ,',..,.,,,1 TuuonaB. Gold Pleat .on upblr 9.T0 Mfttcaa I an ilould A rarrr .....4... .ISA it A Belcher' .V..".""".V.".lit".'.V., 11 Heat a Helcher l.BA (on. CaUtotala. Tt.... L i.m Hang '.t.J'II'r!".!!"" j Cbollar , .1 Ietlt , i......,...,.,,,,, ir,',! i, .1 as 29 IBA ucciaaaui - m And .4 .an oueoHdated New jaTrb ."TA Hale a .N'rfvroaa ,4, Crown Point .....,, Yellow Jacket ..... .19 an . .03 Oouniidatod Imperial Alpha Ooant&Uw'.ItlXy.IIt'.tllll! . !lA DO mn Nanqa t, If." . t...-..... ....... r.... .ISA Bumoa . .f i.. ...... ...,......., ' .30 Kacbeinar .........1 .90. 6wA Orerman ... ........ ., .20 .99 .54 luieuusua ............... ..1. Wlrer I11U , Ukaileng - , v. 0DAY0 0LBAJUR00, The Portland thirl ist aim iMiitil naw a fnllnn- T " Clnrlug ... '.'.. . ..I l,9SS,Ton Balance ........;. , TO, AST, 94 'FRISCO SELLS WHEAT AND PRICES GO-DOWN (Ptrrulibed by Orerber. Btarr 0 Cook Oa.) Ran FrBBctseo. Oct. 10. B. P. Hutton At Cti. nr: There ba been a weak undertone to wheat todar. many aelllng on good tain over the state, but Just what aaiaa ban to do with tb ireaent -wheat crop 1 not exactly clear. The 'art that foretra burera an la tba market and wheat 1 beliiar taken for eaoort la vldence tbat the for sign era an looking to oar market for annDllea. While we mar not feel tha affect of tbla right away, the closing stoat of this crop rear must abow It true effect. Tbo local rrowg haa bee hammer in Dentnber wheat bobiw 91.00 fur three roontfi and their effort ban rnulted In Bought.1- Wa poaalder wneat woria awa money, oMtdacf ac tp adl IIom that eclat. .. Bailer la dull and la mm to MM higher. There. h aot much doing. It aaay tak a lit tle time to got an adraim bat It wltt 00 am la TodaTa eftctat U:90 a. to. ararkett Onea. Wnekt Decembr..v..l Bl '' May.. 1.91 H Barley Betubef... 1.1034 Bh uew. , vipua. B1.S1H fllB0A , 199 0.91 as I.U .1.11 . ORauaT nantta nrrpxy.; CWeagB, Oct, SaWAAbBrlcAAl grabB WPpfy : Wteat!ncrean mt 8 tot rirto tmabela. Cora Dtcrwi at l,a4,ooo baabela. ttofbiB Tbsssb. Onto Market. -1 Tarema. Wash.. Oct.' 10.-Wbeal ta 3 atrniaf. Be vera I uma wan made hen at ST ftTUe far bluestem to Mitern ear t laa. Im. dealan an still quoting blunt am a BBc and ciuo ana) rem ac an. . - ' - JJvanaal Onto Rferfcet, Unraool. Oct. 10. Ckaaai ITl'knfr faansaa oar, tb, tali mwar Bntlki Orato Itarfcet. Waaa., Oct ia BkaMrtoak, Bdattle, dab, 19c. "51,000 A SHARE NOT, EXCESSIVEMTHOMAS ... ;.; , . (Journal ftpectal awrHot.1 KW York, Oot. It. "I tMld 1100.090 for 100-ahArwa of KorthPni Pacific atock In tha tmrato of 1901, bacauaw t waa In Honor bound to d silver tb aha r eh. I flla not eonslcNrr th prlea ajteoaalv, a It mlgtit Juat as wall have anno to $2,000 a BhAra." Tblft atataraant by B. H. Thoro- makvfcrnrir grwaldnt of tha New York atndk xchang. waa pnado nnctor oath SAturrinr at a bdAiinR befora Hfr P. A Avvlll fn m kult brrmwht bp J. X O'Lanarr of tli lea go to rwovar $99,009 maiRlns whtoh .ho lot in the) panic throuAb a ahort aala of No it ham Paclflo atock. Thontaa denied that b kw of anr ooiraplnter or svuttllna on th as. cbans tbat atop, aa Cletanr aJUaoa ther waa, ...... BmROnmw TTjrRa woaaa.. (Bpectol nteaTto Tba Journal.) ' Vnneourer. B., C. Oct. . Tha flrat rtneaar works 10 bo emoted tn Brltlah Columbia ta row being construct d rn thla city, tt la xpctd th factorr will b la op rat Ion In January next. It will nav an annual capacity of 100,909 aratloria of Tlrmgar. Aa at prwnt all tfc vinegar used In BritlBtt Columbia la obtained, from utd polnta, H wfll tm aa laa. wnau wiauairy lor in I a provtnoa. -V RATaa aaxo to aaav. . i (Joanml aaawtat 8wrlw.l ' MIlwAuken. Win,. Oct IB Tha body nf tbo tat rNtotnaator-Owncral Hnry C. Pwyn waa interred ia Porwat Ho on oemetnry ratroar aftomooa. Tha ar vloea at tha Rrar war of a prtvato natur. It la estimated that nan than f 5.090 peTBona Viewed th body at tha dtp hall rwror 10 waa removed to All alata cathaxlraX - . . btuay nt.a AjaSBaoau " (Journal Bpeetal BVevMe,) Bonton. Mao., Oct. to An vat of ranch IntOraat to plnygjoTa la tb ta- ItlAi production of -Th Tnl of Aaaur" at tbo T rwmont thr-atra top I art t. Tha pMp M tb work of Ttiotnan BaUr A14- nrh and tronta of anotent Biblloal tlmeu. Ml Nano 0NIII M have tha nrlia. olpad part of tha parforrMnea, . T!n't aafa to ha n dav nrlthour TVe TrirttnF Ecloctrtc' Oil 'tn lb house. Never ran tall what moannt am auioi. daat la aotas to aappvo. . ,. . . v,i':eat takes an UPWARD COURSE obexoaoo auaaaw oaavo aowa or AT-RCRarRRn OaOWO a OAZV OR 90 CMrP. AJTR) RLAT L ooaar ajtr oatr aowa. V0DAI WHBAT MAAKRY. vv fRea Cine CVeo Rln ' Tttlay Today " Krl. , Today te rem ear aj bi.uha 91-uh a May ... m 1.UBA .WVW raparlAl Mapatoh to Tb Joareal fWoaao. Oct, lo. Tb want mark! waa The fact 'that the tbrlbla supply I thu' eouo try abowa a Very hoary tgrruan did aot Wurry tbo bull alewent. aa ther Mr that an lacreaaa It Blwaja abowa At tbla aarioO af tba year. A tower market at the eneulne to .Ueeenool had lm ofibct aad tba tint prkea here showed a deetla. At tb pelag fqrwn. B1.0914, Deoomhor wheat waa unchanged from the cloalng aC Fri day. Prom tbla point tha market took a down ward eeorae unul It nachod the boftom at 91.0TV. Then waa another motion toward lb, which carried prlra to 91 the hlgb and cloalng Agun. Tbla ta aa adnaea of hie freai the nrorloua day's ctoelna. May option opened at ll.Mtt, a deellB of Ho from th cloalng of Friday. May touched the top at 91.00 V which waa practically the cloalng; Bgun. The option jbAowb ah advaan of w I from tba etoalaa mt tba anvtoaa amy hla. The aora market fjonttaaea It-, aownward aeuTM and prim or practtnlly lc lower, Tbe oat market la tower. Tba reaeoae an the large attpplloa and armpatay wilb com, ?rnvlslooa are loerer. . , oday'a official paarftatai Wheat-, Open. Itoe ,$1 on Law. Cloee. 2 $ LOT 4 tl.oAtkA May l.UB 1.09), 1.ob 0 IW.... TbJ T .40 A .40 '' ? . M , ja , a .... 1AT9 a May Oat-- Ttoe , amy...., Fork May..... .90 5 0 4bj lRBB TRAFFIC AGENTS TO V : MEET AT VANCOUVER ' (Spacta Mapatoh to Tb Jovraat.) Yancotrrer, B. C. Oot, i9. Th Paclflo Coaat Aaaoclatlon of Trafno Agonta, dla- trlot No. 1. wlU hold It oonvonUon In tbla dtp Ootobar 14. Tha aaaoelatkta ambraoaa offloara of tba rail road tn Beattl, Port land, Tacoma, Ban rranolAoo am Vbjv- oouvan it la xpotd taat Bt mmbra will b proa ont. Tha buglnea aaaalaa wilt ba 1trl tn th mornlDR, when quaatlona oonooralaR rataa, a to., will ba dlcuad- and aoted upoq, in th afternoon tb rlattorg will bo taken, around tha itp in carriage and lo tha araalaR they will ba ntrtAlnd at a banquot at tba Modal Vanoouvar. Th local eomrnltt rlavlnar ebard of th arrana omenta oon alata of C. W. Wurttla, J, a McMullon and O. B. Smith. , RrXaTRtRROTA. aAVTaYm. v i ' r (JtMtrnal Booctol Bervlce,! liflnRcmpollN. Mlna.. -Oot. 10.tey and elarleat delegatea aro arrlvuiR Ir lara number for tba atata Baptlat aonraa tlon "which fcwRtna It ooaatona tonight In Calvary church and oontlnuao until tha and. of th waak. Tha proa ram givw p roan to of a- m eating of op- tlonal Intoroat to tha denoailnatlon. Atnona th ached uled apoakera ara Pro- foaaor C. SL Hendaraon of th Untvaralty of Chloaao, Dr. T. I- Katntan, dlatrlot aecretary of tha Amrloa BAptlat Pub lication Boetoty.'and Rav. C. At. Antla- dlL a well known ml1onary warkar lRtIp rturnd from tbo Cong. . . oa-AaY BLBRTARoa tar aoovoa ' fJearaal Spaetal Srre.t Boston, Oof, 10. A lively lntaraat ts dtaplayad In tha Mr ralaalonary raaaa me Una to Ba held ta Tram ont Tom pi tonight ha a faaturo of U KplcopJ ganoral eonvantion row la aaaBton. Amonc tha landing ctiurchann who will Bpaak ara tha Arehblahop of Canterbury, th Riant Bv. John AloKlai, blahop of Toklo; th RlRht Rv. aantual D. Frau aon of Wat Aftie tha - Right Rov. Frdr1ok R, Oravoav blah op of Bhaaa hal; tha RlRht Ror. Charlaa H. Brnt, blahop of th Phlllpptnea; Blahop Luehyn Lao Klnaolvlng of aovthern BrmsiL and Blahop rUr T. Row of AJaaka. ,f ' WO - (Jotwaal Baoetal 8eawtee,l Salt Laka, L'tah., Oot. IB. dub wo men frbta all porta of tb United fJtat are writing; lettara to UUh proteatloa aaalnat th reported compact entered Into by Ooneral John B. Clarhaon of New York, acting aa tha paraonal aant of President Rooaarelt and tha Mormon loader, bp Which tha church pled fee Itself to throw th lector l rota of Utah to Rooeevelt in char a for th president ulna hla tnflunc to atop tha aenat a invastlgatlon of th Mormon church and to oaU off lha Satoot mat ter. ' w. a. wixRORm axaoa aaowaaa. (Jearaal Bpntal twrvto.) ' Nrtrfolh, Va., Oct. It. While bath In a At Vtrg-lnJa baach reaterday, Mine Bea- l Wllaoo, Bleo of th lata William I Wllaon, k-potmBtor-enral. was drowned. 8 ho waa one of a oartv of four woman who ware learning to float under th direction of B. Rtorwiand, a reeldantv oft tha beachi and before he waa awaSp of It Mveral af them had drifted beyond their depth. Tba others wera iwacued. - Endorsed by Pbyslcloai There ta a larva number of "taadlcar preparatlone that, the newapapera of the country have proven by analyale and teat to .be either ralualasa or laa In jurious. Thora ara aoma emotion: aome of aurh pronounoed merit that phy. atciana inaoree tnm, in eplte of the veraaa phytdn'g Avargton to Inowralaa no advrtld remedy. In. thla oiane may ba placed hrdreaoa nd gl ywoaon. Although thee prepara tion have beea widely advertised, lead tne phyelotana eonoede thtr wonderful curatlv proper tie by preecrlhlnR thm right along with th most aratlfyinff ra aulta. - ' ' , I Journal Brjeetol Beevlce ) Detroit, MW-b- Oct, 1. Sovoral hUn tired delegate aaaembled at the Motet Cadillac today for tha 19th annual con vention af th Maator Horeeahoena' In tmatlonal aaeoetAtlon. Tb Aaaaclatlon, which was organised llyears Ago. haa branflhaa throuahout tha United State, In two of the Canadian provlnoee and in Mnwalt, and la regarded aa one of th strongest labor organlBAtlona In Amer ica, The ooavontiua wlU oovaf four or fir days, v . . mww aBrwma aaoTaox. '., For many things. A few: Good eoods; the lowest prKes; quick delivery; personal attention to all orders. Let us hear from you. ' 1.00 " . 10 pounda Dry araaulatad OtMpaf , 1 oaae Coadamiad Craara. ' : 35o ' 1 1 yousda Oood Yfclto Baaao 35o . . 1 10 pounda Chotca Brotaa Bjeo ;. 25--, : - 'i Pound Oood Ounpowdaf Taa, .:;. 50o i Pound Boat Cyiom bland Taa Pound fraah rwaat Coorta IUo Coffaa Pound Hoff Btaa Hon a Jam and ltocRa td - .' Coffaa , , . ';20o o - " Gas Bakar'B or OhlrardeUra Cocoa . 1 20o , Paxaaaa Poatum or riRpruao Caroat -374 Wanfclngton 8treet. . Quick Delivery. . ' , , Phone. ;WEINHARpfS City Brewery V Bottled Beer a Spedaity v;; ' imxaraoaa ao, vs. PORTLAND, ORBOON, b"t C0AL"0USE Screenings,' delivered . . . . . S 4.00 Raven Nut Coal.. 5.75 Carbon Hill Lump.......7.50 Australian Lump ........ S8J0O Rock Springs llump.....f8.50 Special Rates on Five-Ton Lota. Vulcan Coal' Co. Phone Main 776. TWO BroTJBTRR for 21.900 oaeh. AVaOOM OOTTAOR, corner u. itth and. VMS lOl BOX 1UO -1,VUV. aOOBf OOTTAOR on Sallwood atraet. between Mlealsalppl and Delay; lot e-aoOBt aorjRSL K. loth ana BbAver, aa eornar jl son io 91,70, Coll and Bt tarma to suit. . t,1. Vaim We Anderson Room BOi BatoRay Bldf. Third B Rkark. j V .CUTLERY EVERY.BLADEVARRANTE) BaeWrfarfSeeaeeSeWaaawaieWeemeaeBea KSS. WlzSLOW'S S88TKS3 SYRCP BtJliB BRiBbTRilnoaaof Mowaen for tbotr eblldnn while Teething ror over Plfty Teen, It auotha tb ahlld, eoftene the guma. allay ell paja. cam wind nUj aad M tba boot pameily for dlorrbom. aaanun ri-i-inraii 1 ii ra-i rmn iumi r-ry-ij MEN AND WOMEN. Cm Big 01 for as natural d Ue ba rg , la 9am teat too a, IrrlUtloea r uleeratlona e. mt muoona saenibranaa. 1 rsaMeaaa. BVllaa uJuiuM EtrmCBUirALCA aeut or Boieeuoaa. RaaBaAn,a 1 BmeObrR 1 ggtilg, a aoa 1 ra paaiu wrapper. J by expraaa. propaid, le SJ At N. ar 1 bottles a TB. ) fnemtiar ant ou reaeeaR Prom th Chicago Newa ' -" ' He- Tou look at ao aa tf wou thought X waa o fool. . Bhe- I boa your paidort. You cant ba euch a fool after all. . . v ; He What do you mean? : " She Tour remark ahowa that you pooneoe tha ability ta read one'a tbouabta at a (lance. ia tha Rtaaia. ' " Prom the Chicago News. "What a pretty girl." corarmneeited th photoajraphar. "Why. yoa art Bwaet nouab to eat," "Thanks," roe ponded tha maiden, with a deep bKiah, "and hi that the reason you are going ta pat me on a platr FELLOWS fLAROCIIEl raylcia ayly y k a preaetflc II mVUAM4L rwvm, OOiM H ' rowo4ataao - UTIITTTA ntmir OVERBECK, STARR f T' n Member Chicago Board or T PaOYTRTOBTBt OOTTOV, W 109 Third, Strawt, McKay b wa ao a 9 " -X p e b p A sv Oon Dr. Wa Norton Davis. IN A WEEK we treat neaaofan bH prrnf a man aad ' ebroato dlaeaan of aea, alee hload, atomack. heart, llvvr, kidney and throat troablsa. Wa cun BtPHILLIS (without Baenarr) to stay cared forever. In 89 to S3 days. We nrn BTRiCTURa. wttamtt openthm a tala, to ll ra. We atna i ItoBMdlately. of aay man 1 Oralmv ffe reeott of etf abuse. We csd restore tb toxoal vtgu aar man ande 90 by mesas aC loaal tTae Bteat panMaP to WMlr, - We Core Gonorrhoea in a WeeK The doeton of tota roetttute an art ngumr padaafn, hara had 'ma ay Am siparlcao, ban beea know tn Portland nr is yr ban A reputation te Btolntatn, and will BBdor take aa eaaa anion oertola ar ana ba ef ts cted. We gnanato to nr to eeery ease we wmtor toko or charge mm fn. CrTusultstl.m freo. Let ten eonfldentlat tnatnctln BOOK PUB KR aulled free lu ntoln wnnner. ' If roe nano n)I at efric. wrtto top tfaa bUnk. Boat tnetrnaat aneomofsX SB saart 9 fo and T to ' , , . boudaya. 10 to ht. awAey aad j kwdlar anedaHate to the HartwawaV Dr. W. Norton Davis & Co Taa aoy Rtotai, a. a. Ooa. Vurd amd i POBtTXAJTO, COaROrOBL Mineral Springs iT AT nr ToWIomItMiyCotBfrii I am to tba above so tin am aa Aorll te take treatment for mr area. I Bed a rery eererp Attack of aatnxrb of tba oyea. waa eumoal blind after treatlaj wttn ta peat apeeiatiats tnat eouio ao found, and aufTarlnR for Rln rar. f have at last found a tcur Kara at taa P AMOUR TUBCAlff BFR1NOR. I oan Rot pralb thm too highly. 1 hope that others that Are afflicted will Rive a in, itagpaotruur. W. ta. PALMER. Bwmi tot. Onm ntOTelal Bldav. PcrtlAmd, Mr. XTC Parmer, af Patee Or waa eared of rbeuinatlBTa. Ii yon ara alck writ to ua; wa will aire pou tba name and addraaa of aoaaa aaw eared aC a alsdllar aampUlnt. . , - Tticaii Mlivtw SpiaCoi aaaa soa tob wmi op arosuica AID OmTABaa RAXiR. Boston Painless Dentists Known the - world over, ara the only dentlata In Portland having- tha lata bo tanical DlSCOVeRY to apply to tbo rutin for EXT R ACTING. FriXTNO and CROWNING! TEETH WITHOUT PAiN. and fuarantaad for TBK YEARB. RaamraatloB ; ek... BUrer PlUlmya 7.... Sold puling ..Sl-wO PuU Set Toatk tnat SO fPaWA. fr. Bold Orowaa SB.00 ta f O Brldare Work , O000 to fc-O OUR BUCCESS la flue to our PAIN LESS METHOD9, LOW PRICES AND OOOD WORK DONE BT SPECIALISTS tn each department. NO STUDENTS la th office. All work don PAINLESSLY by SPECIALISTS of lone; yr expe rience. Give ua a call, and you will And wo do just aa wa advertise. Boston Dental Parlors sTtfth amd . . SB IV. Ratahltoaed Ittfl. 97Y Portland Marble Works SCHANBrf O NEW. Manufaoturwra of and dealer la all kind of Marble,' Grange and Stone Work !Catlmatee Olraa aar . , Appilcatlovw 268 FIH5T STKET Bet Madtaon and Jffraoa Strvata. ' PORTteAND. Or, , 162 Acres On railroad: SS acre In outtlratJoa: tt head of hpi aU for 9900, k ' hotel ; That to laad. aublrt-to fjaylnar over 20 per cent oa lavatmat. aoai SOS AVnaky midaT. pmrOaad. . aOWWTJro. ROTRTWR 0 OOv, Kptabllahad 1IM WRtRAV ARB BTTOOR aeosa 0. Ovwaad Pieor. CTBLAMBaRV OP Ctfama.e4TQ. TUSCAN TEETH ..area Buo rr ft 1 ih