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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1904)
TK3 C L, jY.rLAN J. t im OF THE SPORTING . WORLD THK BROWNS DEFEAT SIW ASHES GOOD SHOOTING REPORTER SDNS : IN ONE IMG try mum wr-ors pvmxva tn Am, vnoi, vwi vvmsbovs liTTUT ' lIBflU , ill BV8BAU' OOROBTS TO fl ' nrlU(WI 14. fleatfl 4. . i1 ' Starkelle and Stanley; C Halt Bryl and ttlaakenahln. ' -J Seattle prang a" surprise on CharlieJ Hall ami the Portland publl yesterday by discounting the Hum at P0 Bowing at every stage of tli gam. It uuaty reliable Inn-Id leaked Dim anythtug hit oa to pwn wan "d for a cushion, or two, - ' ' Young BMrkrtls. tf Bols Importa tion, was snt against tb Siwaeh alug Bre, and many of th - spectator w- . fldenlly expected aim o get ni, nothing of the aort materialised, for tha lad (rum Taooma had suca a mynwio" assortment that tha heavy i-ttr OUld not lut th'-m at alL - . , Charlie 1111 aaaiiyed th ambaterlng for tha twaalis m.ou hd been aloaing the . EXifta out without any' of them getting within bailing distane f th register until the fourth Ininug, whan he and hi lieutenants hastily lmprww. awj vehicle, of the 1 lying machine order into , servlc. and th whole bunch went up la th air. ft wu without doubt th ' welrdeat xhlbltlon of fielding dished to tha patient and kmg-ufrerlag Portland public la a long time ' , Thlrtn bammen faced Ctiarll Hall fai tha fourth Inula" "d nln of than) tnada the circuit C Hall started th ' performance by pasting McCreedl on th funny bow. This wu follow by IMM to Nadesu and an error bv Wil liams, th Judga to acor. Error by Mobler. ft. Hall. Blankonahip - and Frisk. long fly by Stanley, passes to Holland end Rockenfleld. singles by Starkiila. Drennan and MoCreedle and tw pa ball on the part of Chief Blankenitblp. allowed Portland nln run a Boyle, th Baattl youngster, waa eent to the, relief of Hall, but received - no better support and th locals counted fiv titties against htm. HlhM natvoua yesterday and waa erratic In fielding hie "poet t km, but otberwlee ahowe prom la of developing Into a good pitchar. Rues Hall, the capable manairvw of the Biwaah trtbe. bad a hard day hlmeelf and four bungle ar ehalknl am I net him. thre of which were accured in one Inning and were iweponaibl for tb Browne wrHig two runa. , Huaa Mail, mooict ana wumma iiunro off a lightotnaT double play in tha fifth Inning. The Portland .fielder alao broke Into tha error column In their usual manner, hut owing to Seattta'a inability 4 hit . Btarketla. they were tn no danger of - toning out after that fourth Inning. - Seattle - left for home last night and ! Dag .And hie collection of cellar champ atart for Tacoma this afternoon, where 1 they will endeavor to boost the Tigers toward cimitng the rag. The tele of reaterday-a events old. to the follow ing eoorai AR R. H. Pa A. K, Trnrira. a.C. ....4 2 1 t 0 iiWreedie, T. t , I 1 J Marhii, so. i x i i r riolUnL lb. 4 1 1 It R.K-kenttel Bunkle, S. BUiraells, p. L p. 4 1111 Totals .(. ... .. U 1 27 1C KATTLfK. - -1 AB RttPO. A.B. Van Halt Fen. 4 9 1110 Mahler, 3b. t S f f BlAiikeosJiin, c 4 Frisk, L f. 4 Delehanty, lb. S Broltta. r. f. 4 R. Hall. s. a 4 "Willi una. lb. 4 C. Hail. p. 3 Boyle, p. v.......... Totals'.'.' Jl 4 4 34 11 11 RUNS AND HITS BT INNINGS. , US 4 C 7 I 11111 M Wvtrllend nit. . a a t l a a i .Hits . .......8 illlll-4 . , ... " SUMMARY. ' ' Hits Off C. Hall, ty oT Boyle, t. Itolfn baees prennen t Nadeau, lloh cr. Bases on belle Off C Hall, I: off KoiK', : of Btnrkells, 1. Struck out Py C Hall. 1: by Boyle. I; by BtarkeJIs, 1. Miuhle play R. Hall to M'rtiler to WlllUma. Left on baeee Portland, h; Beettle, C, Hit by pitcher McCreedl hy C. Halt Mohler 2. Faaaed Iwlla Blankeneblp A, Stanley 3. Tim of .n;e Two hour. I'mplre Dnvia. m -, Tlierea nothlrr like doing a thing . vk rhomugtily. Of ail tite Saia-as yow ever heard of. Buckles' Arnica Salve Is the beet. It aw-eebs away and cures Burns. Boras. Bruises, Tuts, Bolls. tTloera, Skin Krupllons and I'Mes. It s only 2fio and '' guaranteed to give satisfaction. You ''J To invest your money to ss to hav something or . rainy day. You can best heed this advict by buying a Diamond from us, as our priest are lower than elsewhere and prices ar continually advancing. It will prove a most profitable Investment. . Our Easy Payment System Enables you to buy a Diamond from us, no matter how amaU your income, and ."wear it while saving.'. , , Watcnes MVSB BSB on equally liberal terms and low prices : Tho Pcrtlmd Loan Office Ran Prmnclseto has experienced a great deal of rain this seaeon. which ha oaueed th postponement of a number of tha regular scheduled games thla aeeao. During the past three days tlan Prmiiolaco and Oakland have been un able te play owing to th rain. This Is .a marked contrast to Portland, for thla cliy l s not bad a, poetponed ball game alnoe (be opening week, suite a remarkable tiling for this city. - Th Mrowna leave this afternoon tor Tacoma, where they engage Mike rieher'g rhttortoua 'Hk Jn ia-"me aerlea, eommeocing tomorrow. . Ike But ler will pitch the opening gam and Overall will probably fflcUU for Ta coma. Thla week winds up baseball tn Xlgertown. i ' ' Krve BetiJt will not be able te go with th team on aooownt of his lame back, wbleb wlU aot permit of hi playing for several days. "BklM Roach's anger i. ..mii Hnidir and ha will be able ta pitch agatnat the aeala next week. Roe Hail and hie buaky ftlwaehe left for Seattle las evening, where, com mencing tomorrow, they , start a two weok-e aeries with Vot Angelee. Seattle's chances for the pennant depend greatly on their ability to defeat tb Angela la a majority of th games. Jack McCarthy, who waa not well during th praaent weak, and only of ficiated la two games, has been called te Baa Pranclaco, and Jim McDonald ar rived In Portland this morning en ate way to Seattle, Wnero e la wcomwieu for th week. v v -v- Jpa-OXTIO OOAST UlffVI. ; Taeeeu ,ib; 11,141 .823 I Angele ... Settle Onllaild 2 .HI .4X5 .4Pt Tf.J 8 9 fen tYeriee ... 1 41 ft 10 oolmi1 aa rtrtUnd .378 Uet. !M!2B)M!ST4S!al , Seefe to sjreat Vesaa. ' - Tacoma. Waeh.. Oct Bobby Keefe waa tha star nerformer yesterday after noon and the Seraphs were treated to a liberal coating of whttewaaav Newton was wild and retired m the uura in ning In favor of Halt WHO ra eve lent work. The score: ' - n. n. . LorAngees .t . .8 0 0 0 0 0- J t Batterlee--Kere and Graham; New ton. Hail and Bpiea. Umpire Brown. SATXOVAX. UAwVS. " ' ' At St. aevals. ' First gaam Bt. Lrfiuia . .,......,-;-.? t e, a Cincinnati .--.;. i'v'J.1 1 Hatterlcs. Mcnomey u,mwi' Walker and Be Met, Second gaaas , - j !": St. Louie . 9 y Cinclfinatl . ...'-" Batteries McrJlna -na uuj, Habn and Scblel. Umpire dimmer. R. H. B. Chicago . I Pittahurg , - ..I s Hattartes Browa nd Kilos; Rober--Ulile.and Phelpy v . AJOmiOAal XJsA0Va i v , - ' ; 'i, ,'. M OMaaw. First ga ' T ,f , , ChUngo . . at Louli . . ...... .2 4 batteries Altrocfc and JBulllvan; Siever and Kahoa. Second game . -s . r Chicago . . r-l 4 0 st Louis .' Batter lea Smith and Heydan; Paltv and JLabla. . . - - " . van to nan nr otimn. v iesrsl Ssedsl SerMe.V New York. Oct. 10, About the Various resorts where sporting men congregate la th metropolis a topta of conversation today was th fight between Frank le Nell, the bantamweight champion, and Jem Bowker. the English fighter, whlotl Is to be pulled off in London tonight. Though Bowker has something of a reputation In Kngland, he la not Consid ered by the oaperts on this side of the water as anything Ilka a match for th American champion, and the latter Is expectd to dispose of him without much difficulty. (Jearnal Special Serrlea.) '! " MoMlnnvUle, Or.. Oct. 10. Up to data the colleg team has ony three games scheduled. The first will bo with Mon mouth, and will be played at Monmouth, October IS. Another Is scheduled with Columbia university for th last of Octo ber or first of November. The Thanke givlng day game will be played at Mo-Mtnrt-ill with Monmouth. Coach Thompson will not take charge of th team until Tweed ay or Wednesday, but the boys ar doing hard, faithful work under ths captain. Two teams have been on th gridiron every night thl week. Have Oft Been Tbld . r 4- ttit by J. A. HOrVV MANY PANS SISN . JiAKEStO PETITION i ov rata SagaSST.m duVSOCXaVTXOV AJU Xat MBTVaTSB 0 OUST BfASTAOn BvaoAxa xv m tirnBBs or oooB'troaT. f . t v V. ;.; -"Portland. Or Oct:!. 1M4.TO th Director of the Portland Baseball Club We, th undersigned cttisen. Inter ested In good eporte snd aralou Of our city's good name, hereby petition you to remove Manager Dug dale, beoauae of th demoralise state of our home team, constant loaaee on th diamond, and th apparent fact that w wilt be tha tall ender so long as he manager Portland's player. "The record of the team since no too charge la ample warrant for auch action. and rhe duty you owe to a patriotic? gen erous public who patronise good piaytng in aeaaon and ouL should be runner Incentive to give the home team' a obanac to play ball' . v Th above' Is a copy of ths petition that circulated last evening by Kdward David and several other leaders of th looal fan, men who bare patronised baseball by paying' their good money To aee Xbelr favorite sport. These men art of excellent standing and are thorough sportsmen, who hav become heartily disgusted with th local manager's Dollcy. Furthermore, as an evidence that this movement Is not confined to ay few "sore heedo." this petition baa been felgped by over 700 men. There ar three or four copies out, and on alone oarrtca 400 names. ast evening Manager Dugrtale made an effort to release Jake Th lei man and Brv Beck, but President B. C. Ely abso lutely refuaad to consider such a step. Mr. Bly a conscientious man end Is doing th best h can to cater te th fans and thereby further tha financial Interests of th club, knd In Justice to him It must be aald that he has accom plished wonders with a loalne team. . i - i i '! - MO-MOUTR W-ffS A VOOTBAX-i, - - 1 Urm Jlpedel -V' ''" Tndepvndence, Or., Oct. 10. The Inde pendence football team, organised by the high school liere, played a vary in teresting game with th Oregon Btate Normal team on the collage campus on Friday afternoon. Th Monmouth team won by a score of IS to 0. but the game was a closely contested gam. Consid ering th school Is mad up of younger boys, while the college. Is more matured Jn Ita athletic lineup, the boys were well pleased with the showing they made and believe they will be able to bold their own with ana high school team In the state. Arrangements ar now being mftdo for th boys to play Albany, Mc- Minn villa, Corvallle and other points' that , have good school team. Mon mouth played Salem Barturday, n-. vxsma ov writ at vtvb. (Jearaei aOK-l-'8rvte. ' , New York, Oct. 10. The asm of th thoroughbred7 mares and' Stallions be- lortKtng to the late WlUlam a Whitney, hwhich Is to take place tonight In Madl- on-Bquar garden, la regarded In horee- clrcles as the moat Important sale or thoroughnredH since 4he dispersal sale of Marous Daly's Bitter Root farm. Th horses are to be sold In order to settle up the Whitney estate.. It Is expected that many -of them will be bought tn by Harry Payne Whitney, who will continue the breeding, of race borseo at a Bell stud farm, near alngton, Ky. There are eight stallions In th let to be disposed of. They1 are Hamburg, Meddler. Yankee, Nasturtium Bauynoo Bey, JKIlsaarnoek and BaDdrlngham. , ' ' VXRItD TRIALS AT TAOOMA. (jMintal Special Serflee.) Taeomai Oct. 10. Th fifth annual meeting of the Paclflo Northwest Field Trials association will be held thl week on th btg flats near a Conner. To morrow morning tho first brace ox dogs will be sent out to work, and from that time on until late Wednesday spectators will hav ths opportunity to Wtijcb. the beat dogs on th Pacific const. Two stakes wlU be run the Derby and the all-age. Dr. J. M. Meyer of Tacopia will act as Judge In both stakes, -v RTAR-'ROOO-ARS BOOT TORTORT. St Louis, Oct. 10. Bob DoWlaas and Tommy Ryan ar stated ta furnish th fiptic entertainment at tho show to be given by the Jal Alal club tonight The two were scheduled to fight a weeg ago. but the contest was postponed. The, meeting of tho two la expected to re sult In a lively bout ss both are clover fighters and hard afttotay STACKS.OF WHEAT A BILLED FOR BAST C.);-' .. y r-v.--;- Some i.ew features and Interesting materials are being gathered by Rlnaldo M. Hall, advertising agent of the Oregon Railroad A Navigation company, for as In publications that ths company will Issue 'about tb first of the year. Mr. Hall has returned from Spokane and In termediate pointa, where he has secured statistics and plctmree of grain and other product. "1 never saw as much wheat as there to stacked up In sacks at the stations along the lines la eastern Oregon," be says. It Is wonderful to see the amount of grain that' Is being shipped out from Oregon to th east yita fail.' . v. COMES HERE TO REST; GETS. DRUNK INSTEAD -'"v", - "Tb officers say yon ar gettfgg to be a great nuisance, v remarked Munlcf pal Judge Hogue to Belle Perkins, who was before htm Tn a charge of drunken ness this morning. "Intoxication always makes a nuisance of k woman," sh replied, with teass Hoodlna hor even. '.'I'm sorry I got drunk, but I've been cooking in a logging camp tor sis weeks, I brok aown anaer th hard work. I cam to town to rest up, and well, you know ths rest" "Well, you're pretty drunk right now," said Judge Hogue. I'll give you SO days to siratshten you up." .Then Bailiff Oolts. led th woman way to a cell. ' Orandpa Davis small contribution te the campaign fund Indicates his sin cerity in dew ending sconcmy tm public expeodltorea, .., 1 UTILE Ml. ii SEN! OUT C;i OAT 1 UUII HARM AS OOP." f ORZBT IVR RATS oar 'ov fsvn xm tm statiov BX-JAZ-RR SATS IT mom. Chief of Police Hunt ha made change ta him system. He sent Jailer Dills to Patrol ma a Foster's beat last night - roster la under auspeaslon. Now LIHls says he WlU quit bis Job if he Is oot returned te tho central station and placed In his old position. Ho was or la-ins 11 v aanointad Jailer bv the olvll svrvlce commission, with th eon sent of Mayor William a He Is several Inches too Short to pass as a patrolman. "I wiH not hav Mills In th office; be oannot be trusted." said Chief Hunt this morning, spaaklng about the qhanaw. Before I will let him take the position of Jailer again; I'll suspend him and pre fer charges." "Ml quit the foroe Unless reinstated as Jailer," aaya Li 11 is. "I am too abort to be a patrolman, according to tho civil service rules, and th chief baa no right to send me out jon a boat The chief imply wanted te) put a spy te my plana- and therefore transferred me. When ha says he cannot trust m. be aays what Is not true. If his statement la correct thea I want to ask why It waa ho left me In charge of the central a tat ton aa acting captain on tho Sunday Captain Simmons was burled. f- Around police headquarters It Is com mon gossip that revenge ,1s the sol ob ject of tho change, so far aa th chief Js oonoerned. It Is said ho ha never fan cied either Lillis or bis brother, who Ik a deputy lb the city engineer's office and wears a special policeman's star. Th latter recently arrested Guy Kelly, an "sscaped"' prisoner from tb ctty jail, much to th chagrin-of Hunt The circumstance of the appointment of LUlls as Jelier are also said to have greatly angered the chief. He tbld Lil lia there was no opportunity for the po ult ton, but Llllla was appointed neverlbe- leea. v Poll cam an Wendorf, until Saturday as sistant to Bailiff OoUx la ths municipal court waa selected by the chief "to be Jailer, la the piece of Llllla Ths chief aaya he can trust Wsndorr. as Tie baa tried blm La many places and kow m him to bo reliable. J p --y. ii I.- .i.i m '- i I."- '. :t STATE E9ARD LOS AT LUSCIOUS FRUIT 1 p" i BXR-BTTB aVMAS OF mrmi osuar rtvs ' of RTXCT0TV-AlarrS w m m M TXBT OATRSX AT CROafa-R OF OO Luscious fruit wag en. exhlbttic- In the room of tho Oregon state- board of horticulture . when tho board mat in annual eeeaton today at the Portland chamber of commerce rooms te the Mo hawk building. There -were present President Bl U Smith of Hood River. W. K. Newell of Dllley, A. R Carson of Orsnts Paso, Judd Orew of Cove, R. IL Webber of The Dalles, C A Park of. Salem and Oeorgs H. Lamberaon of Portland, making a full attendance of the board. The members - arrived dur ing th forenoon, and this afternoon was devoted to bearing and discussing re ports. '. The fruit had been shipped . in ad vance by s few of th members for in spection and. sampling at tho oesaioa. Whit Niagara. Moore's Diamond and Word en gripoa were sent by Mr. Neweil from DUtey, where bla vineyard Is win ning a great reputation. Mr, Webber of Th Dalle sent a prise lot of grapes. Including Muscats, Jsutdrs and To kays, and also a box of large ftalaway peaches. The board will probably fin ish Its session today. It Is Ut Inten tion to visit the walnut ranch of H, J. Blddlo, BUt miles from Vancouver, . to morrow, tf the members are able to devote the tin to tho trip. "Walnut and filbert culture la to be come a great Industry In Oregon," said President K. L. Smith today. "The climate of this state, and particularly the Wlllamett valley. Is perfectly adapted to these auta. and they grow to perfection oven In Baker county and the solder sections of the state. Ther. are a number of large archards started and some Of them bearing. The Dundee, Yamhill county, nut has kl ready earne.1 a reputation for. being superior to.tnjr imported nat" Thomas Prince of Yamhill county has an orchard of 00 aeres of walnuts- and niberta, and 10 scree of these are bear ing. J. V. Stumpf of Polk county has 100 acres In nuts. This Is a new orch ard. The trees begin bearing when ( or years old. v V dHIEF HUNT RELEASES WOMAN "HOP" FIEND Chief of Pol lc Hunt thM morning re leased Nellie Smith, who was last night captured In a Chinese opium den by fteraaant of Police Hoaeboom and Police man Bndlcott Thar was no question ain to th guilt of the woman, t,h officers say, but ths chief took pity on her and this morning bade her go forth from th jaU Into the air of freedom. - Sergeant Hogeboom stated this mo ris ing that it liad been learned thr woman Is of a good family la Seattle, and that aho had promised to return to bar bom. Ten missionaries who are ea route to different Asiatic potnta, where they ill Work under the auspices of the American Baptist Missionary union, stopped over In this city yesterday. Id ths party' were Rev. A W, Wilder, X. D.; Rev. R. T. Capen, Rev. John H. Ortffla and Wife snd Rev. H. W. Mungor, all of whom go to China; Rev. F. H. Harrington and Rev. Fred Merrlfleld who go to Japan; Rev. Raphael Thomas, M. D., of the Hrfrvardi Medical school, and Miss Bertha Kuhlen, who go to the Philippine, and Rev. Mr. Campbell, who will work among the Chinese of this coast They spoke In several churches and ta the T. .M. C. A. yesterday. BLOOD Is tb went sterna' eo earta. yt th etalm ?!- WHEN ZOO OW WHAT TO DO. Many. fese aist- l T 1 ,,t- ""r I the L I ptosth. ulcers, ratlin LWIe raTTarV it - blood unison. n4 to DE BKr SO Arc St., Flu ri'tpMa. Pn., far IROWK'I WOOD craE, fu.oo m bottle; hats a gold la aalg Or iraafc Sas. PwllsaO Hetel Pbaraiycy. AT THE fk ATT OO&Va-n LA'S RRST FRODUOTI . In all slnosrlty, ths Columbia th stock company has ollpssd all pr efforts by 1U magnificent presentation of "An American ClUseu." The man agemeat o reward Is ledger tndlcau. the largest matin and tb larg evening attendance la tb history of U house, both undsr date of yterday. . Nat GoodwlA cam near Ui truth, when he proclaimed th Ryly play the best of sU American light oomedlaa. Certainly H baa not been surpassed by an American author In th flld of polls comedy. No average brain conceived a plot so novel, auch a succession of screaming situations, nor - the tender patboa of the two Isst acts, fortunes of the distant self-d,elved hiiahaiul and wife are Bet aright The staaa ualneas" In thl prod ac tion Is little short of wondsrful and r flecta uni-eervmd credit upon SUgo Dl- ri Rarfiard. The wordless scons oe- twesn Miss Conntlss and Miss Brsndt with tho violets and the emoklng Jacket touched- ovary senUnntal chord In th heart of tha audience, and Mr. Bourns' fw minDta. wits the' liniment bottle waa aa clever a pleo of pantomlne as r .uir MnMl 4b Aftd th gOWnS tha exoulalta creations worn by Mtssi Hnuattsa and other women te tho Cast ra Mr ! of tba BBOdlSt'S Sit. Th setting of th second set Is a fin Spool ment fo th wor of Scenic Artist Xing. In fact th whole production Is drooaed effectively,- We. naiinii'i aonosntloB of the tltl role waa better ac times than other- He Is Inclined to read his oomeay lines with too much soato. His voice to not urally powerful and penetrating and this part floe not require extra vocal exer tion. Ttie nuieter aoenea, e iae especially, be read without a naw Miss Counties' portrayal of tna pan that made Maxlne SUtt famous was superior even to ber Lady Algy.or her beat wort: in Cantaln Lettarblair," Her appearance was stunning at ail times. In black sh was a picture. The individual hit of th performance was Mr. Bowreaf Simms, ths servant. His disguise was so perfect that he es caped the usual outburst of recognition urxtn hta first aDnearaneO, . We had not been led to suspect that Bowles os- mmI aunk twmarkabla -bllltr as a character comedian. Mlsa Brandt Is seen to fin advantage aa th Amertcaa girt. Hr progress Is noticeable week by week. The otner members of tb cast are playing th earn elase of roles wey. nave naa wr weeks -In succession and playing them tha same aa ever, one xcptloa being Mr. Beaton, who portrays the German Strobble, "waiting tfor the boom." Dot Bernard waa well received upon ber first appearance with- the company, as Mer oury. the office boy. t - ,i v. , . v. ' . ( m e. miLLg AT OORBRATS. . Cordray'a patrons revel In a billowy thriller for the first half Of tbe Week "burled aj; Sea," presented by th Hum phrey Chapman company. With Orral Humphrey in thaat Tho uaual Sun day multitudes were an hand yesterday and found the attraction well worth while. The plot ohlefly eoneerns Walter Allen (Mr. Humphrey) and Bima Qoelet (Elsa Van Braham) whose faith In each other Is powerful enough to finally con quer too efforts of the plotting Vil lain to thwart thsir loe.T-Th ott nax of (tn plar occurs in th third act it affords every chance lor mar roe scenic effects and exponas has not been snared to make them elaborate. ' Of especial . note is the mM -ocean scene, which all but brings tba audience, to Its feet cheering. Mr. Humphrey ft) a haodaem lover and has learned a lesson that actors too frequently find tmpossibls, namely, bow to wear a oiwii uii. vnt iwmp w oompany Is notable for Ita women. Mlsa Van Braham hag beauty in ber favor and la handsomely costumed. Miss Willis and Miss Condon ar good looking and very acceptable as he heavy women Ingenue, respectively. V Lois Belmour eauaht tba. audience fa character role and It Is not nor fault that th manu script' contains k smack of profanity, which crates oa th ear. 7 . ' . . RACK WHJTNnTY. ' RAXFX SWAMP tOIIMf. A - Jnat now, when the eyes of ths world ase turned on .Russia trembling In the throes of war With Japan. "By Right of Sword," which Ralph Stuart produces at the Marquam Grand tonight for three nights and a. popular price Wednesday matinee is certainly a timely play. All th scenes are laid In Russia and. Arthur M. Marohmoot'a exposition of military aril political llfs tn the land of the mau ls drawn from long experience tn that country. - Readers are familiar with the story to novel form, and Ita translation to the etas by jcilaabeth Doremua anil Leontdas Wastervelt has lost none of Its .original thrill, while it baa gained con siderably In comedy effect. - The story vdeais wltk th exciting aoV venture of a happy-gw-hicky young American. Richard Hamilton by name. who happen into Moscow Just at the time wbeo one Alexis Petrovltch, a lieu tenant la lbs Moscow Hussars, is leav ing Russia under a cloud. Such l tb rosentblanoo between the two young men that Hamilton is mistaken for Petrovltch and as tho latter has a vary banning sister who Is considerably ember reaped by his dtsappes ranee, Hamilton gallantly volunteers to bo a brother to her. But this deception plunges him -Into a mass of complications, and he te obligated to asstfm not only the debts and duals of the' .jnlsslng lieutenant but also love affair; and membership la rvolaUoa exysoclstys - " . . ... .x ' ASVAJTOR SAM TOMORROW. : The advance sal of seats will open tomorrow (Tuesday), at 10 o'clock, for the musical comedy extravagansa, "The Wlsard of Or which com to tho Mar quam Grand (theatre nekt Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. October It, 14 and II, wlthrKpeclal price matinee Saturday. Th scarecrow In-"The Wis- ard of OV baa to stand motionless for It minute at a at regie h, perched upon a pole In a cornfield, while a scene la tak ing place In ' tho foreground. Tho oyeg of the audience ar constantly upon bim and bs must not move a muscle of his face or body or the Illusion would bo destroyed. His outstretched arms an supported by a cross piece palled to the pole, and during tb "rati performance of "The wlsard of Ox" both of th Scarecrow' arm went sound asleep and when Dorothy came to take him frbm th pole be really needed her support un til ho oould restore th circulation, v stars at rmm staj . A stage full of shooting stars would bo ah undoubted novelty and something akin to It Is on th new program of tho Star theatre which open for ths com ing week, this afternoon. Th Diamond trio, who are looked to produce this as tronomical effect ta oompoaed of.tne thre faateet Indian club toaeers In the world of vaudeville. Th amis leal act of Dutch Walton, k melodious oomedwn. is another feature of the bill, a te th thrilling giant awing of Loom. Alto get he th program leaves little to be desired te the way of entertainment AROASR. This afternoon the new program for the coming week opens Bt the Arcade theatre, Tb moat prominent feature 4 v Write tor lnlata MeoeetUa m asMMaattM ana), and dOarted OtvMead PEiRfBCTIOlS IN ' V ' BLAiB f, aoTT S. M. WlUMill CK-ar-JCR 9t COaTK-SO OSTLA. Sl sa.oe pot day. will undaubtedly be the Helm ohUdren. two Juvenile comedians. Who hav on vulsed large audiences, in "ry city in America, Thea tots appear In & sketch which for continuous hilarity 1 bard to boat and will Without a question be coma warm favnWtfts with Portland UVS- atre-goers within 10 seconds after th curtate rises on their mirthful perform- ; . . mum Buot AOTSL , Bight performera. oomprlslng Owens A Hart's Comedy oompany, lead the new Bijou bill, which opens this afteraooiL Part of the .entertainment la a minstrel show, of tbe hlghsst order, something which few vaudeville house oan pra aent Lealle and Cecil have a refresh ingly novel sketch and Owen and La marr present their unequal ed dancing exhibition. Illustrated songs by ths BUou quartet Is a novelty. Now vita- acopac plctwrs are abowa. , f w "" AT TRH X.TSZO. - ' a Thl afteraopn and tonight 1 tb first pcrformano of tb now bill at tb Xiyrlc It Is beaded by It Gk Welch Co. te th "Flip Mr. Flop'; uurnsey, Wli bod and Ryan, refined - musical irlo; Murry K. UUL the original moaologlst; John Budaelen, tb oomlo picture artist; Harry Hoyt th swet baritone singer, te Illustrated songs; S waa and, Swan, ta a laughable a koto, and th old-time favorite, the vita scope, la new moving picture completes tho bUL ? Plan St Lull Trf Now, - : - Oa Oc obr 17. It and x the O. R. A N. will again sell very low-rat excur sion tickets te St Dsult. good nCurnlng until December tl. Particular of C W. Stinger, city ' ticket agent. Third aad Washington streets. . if-v.oaii 3 FHX Bt KBTBOMAjr, jTaeHsst - - - O. V. nOWUN KlHfM. ' 'amnaM om. bxtrofrar n ' thc kind of clothing, We-.rdLl our promise to save you. $5.00 'd to $10.0Q on your fall Suit and -A V,. ) iite Style,, Service, Satisfaction, Saving '; All Point Here . Suits and Overcoats of Today , mm nn - - - - i 65r7 THIRD STREET Cm J HFB INSURANCES RASA- B. SOTTT. Aft . " ' -" StPS.. L PomT-Mrp. OS.' RVSOFRAR FAR OVT. Seventh and WasbbMraom Stieete. KERRILL VIOLATES h HIS OWN ORDINANCE ? n Councflmas Prod T. Morrill has beenr ;l ordered by tb fir oommlaslonor to tear off tha roofing with whleb ho Is oover lng hi new building at Seventh and)' '' Oak streets. They -cam to this deel- , Ion after an invastlgatloa te which If! waa found that Mr. Merrill waa vlolat 4ng the building ordtnauo for wbteh bi : voted some time ago. . t - Under tbe ordlnano no roofing othe t than that named- In the ordinance a being strictly fireproof t can bo used - -within' th fire limit at tha city. Tho : olass of roofing. Merrill used does not , otne undar th list Fir Chief Campbell brought th teat' . ter before tho executive board laat wees) -y, and th mattef was referreoV to i fir oomraittee for Investigation. . Tbe eonunlasloa ha decided that "they cannot allow tho dans of roofing re mala on th buiidter and today they order od; MrfiU to tear tt off, . , r '-,Vv" : Stop for Colllu Hot Sprlnk. r i, A oover platform has'beea rcteoL by tb O. R. A N. Immediately oppoeltdl Collins Hot Springs for th aooommodaj v " tlou of passenger who desire to visit this rosort Tb Spokane Flyr, train , t and 4, atop at this point oa flag to) take on or lot off passenger. A oomj rood tods launch meet and carries all p Banger and baggage across tb rlv to tb botoL ... ,-, r-: No Suck thing as "summer oomplalnt' where Dr. Fowler's Xxtraot . of Wild) Strawberry is kept- handy.- Naturae) remedy for looseness of the bowels. douiot 'V''--,'-:j:: Overcoat should, at least, make ;you acquainted We warn you, : however,; that acquaintance With Cfx ;L1- v- GUARANTEED CLOTHING V.',' alwajrs i results in life ; V v lbng friendship. v 1. 1 to'5;Ju) A. froqr Hrnlh of Ctnusssr of Com t r.' 4-