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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1904)
J, CCTCEZX 10. 1 i, the nrr -.:eiit STORE" , OL C FAWOcJ I i TS r 6iLKS AMERICAN C , lh itOYAX. WOkCis.0TER in Amn PORTLAl.OS QUALITY CHOP PORTLAND'S BEST ' CARPET SALESROOMS HERS ON FOURTH FLOOR Horn of tM "CjukA MV Cooklne RufH, Detroit Oook Siovm ud Hoim Bmim Third rioot. U6ty'a IMious Cul aiaaa. THE DIFFERENT, STORE ' MAIL YOUR . ( If not convenient to come to the store, shop by malt All orders filled promptly by expert shoppers.- Leading mail order house on the coastr New Fall Catalogue free for the' asking. Write for it. j T ft S ' N Ca.A Yet? ; : ; IF THE LINEN..-.. CHEST NEEDS RE- PLENISHING W, VOU'D BETTER U " COME FIRST rv FLOOR-UNEN V AISLE.' v e 7 V Here's chance1 to fin in the gaps. This "every day store" is best fitted to fill the everyday needs of the home.' The "Linen Store here is conducted by experts, who go to the fountain heada of the LinenJ World for Linens." Every good linen country is scoured and its best products brought away for the womenfolk of Portland. The Linen Buyer of this store lands, in New York this morning on the way, to buy linens for next year. While yon are at the breakfast table he is just about starting out on his four weeks' tour of the Hnen marts, seeking all thefs best for the Thanksgiving Tables oi 1904. While he's gone 'we'll carry-out instructions for supplying your Thanksgiving Linens lor 1904. AD that's best in Linens is here headed, of course, by that beat make in- the world RICHARDSON'S BELFAST IRISH LINENS.. We offer unparal leled opportunities for buyers',., the timeliness of which ir beyond question, for .the supplying of every need, present or future, at a lower price than obtainable elsewhere. Run thro the offerings Table Cloths, Lunch Cloths, Tray Cloths, Napkins, Damasks by the yard, Doilies U at special prices. : v lxa:Specials r i V . Regular $1.75 'values of.ttMncJi DimaskV ' " Special this -week at, the yard. ......... .f 18 Regular $5 dozen Dinner Napkins to-match. ' ' Special at, dozen. $4.25 A small lot only about 75 dozen of )-size Nap ; kins the best values ever shewn or, sold in " - Portland at $3.23 dozed. Special at. ....$2.64 Plain Satin Damask Lunch Dothi, 45 inches square, ; best $3.5Q values; a small lot pnly. While - -- they last, special at, each......... .f,... $2.45 BEDSPREADSFulI , size Crochet Spreads, ;in . 'handsome Marseilles patterns ; regular $1.65 values,; Special at.. .....,....-.........$1.35 Full size Crochet. Spreads,. fully fringed and. cut -comers, especially adapted for brass beds; regu C lar $8.00 values. Special this, week " . ' ' at . . ' - . ivu 2 Annex Specials, This Week V V- - SECOND FLOOR, ; .. CKildreh's 60e Akrons. ....... .. .. f ... .V. .34 Women's $1.50 Flanaelette Gowns, .i 98e Children's Muffet Aprons of fine turkey red or blue ,. checked fine quality gingham, long sleeves, turned ; ' down collar, pearl buttons in back ; ages 8 .to years; regular price 60c. Special..... v,.34e Ladies' fancy pink or blue and white striped Flatt- . nelette Gowns, yoke and cuffs of plain flannel, "'' trimmed in fancy buttonhole stitches; scalloped V edge at collar and cuffs; regular price $1.60. -Special at .;-'' TOaJ Penny Flakes That Roll Up v . jjouar, onowoaus ' SAVINGS OF SENSE ii FIRST FLOOR DEPARTMENTS. Think of that trite old saying: "A penny saved Is A penny earned." Then glance through this list of little incidentals and see how many pennies you may earn by coming here this week;. t iVv i z;' 6c for White Pearl Buttons Worth 10c. ; White Pearl Buttons, fancy or plain, for trimmings ; ' one dozen on cardj value 10c Special, . , -." card' Vf.i t 8a :N;v 35c for White Castile Soap Worth Wc', Large Bars Imported White Castile Soap; value ; , 50c.' Specif at, bar......,..... ........35t ,v' Hard Watef Castile Soap, 4c ., Long Bars, Castile Soap; will lather freely in hard water Special at, bar.,...,.....,,... v4f v , 4c for Castile Soap Worth 10c. f h c Purest Spanish White Castile Soaphard millect 7 cakes; value 10c. 'Special atl cake, '-s Wc for Tar Soap Worth 19c - ' V V Antiseptic Tar Soap for shampoo or bath ; value ; 19c. r Special at, cake. ...... ....12 w . 19c for Writing Paper Worth 30c ; U Magnolia Bond Writing Paper;- in- 1-pound pack ;.' ages, blue Of cream; value 30c.) Special at, -. package ......... i . . . .19a Envelopes to match J value 9c Special at, pkg. .5e - j i 85c for Popular Game Worth 00c . i i fl Choice of either of twapopular games "pit" or "Flinch" value 60c special at, each....;35f in- ff fitiU Rack Comba Worth S5c Fine, extra heavy, large size Shell Back Combs ; ,, value 85c Special, each...,. . 154 for Fashionable White Side Combs. 90c Back Combs, 12c - ; ; Shell Back Combs, roll back; value 90c, , Special, each , - ..- -12e - $1.29 for Hand Bags Worth $2.00.' , : Black Velvet Hand Bags, black seal leather J trimmings; value $9.. Special at, each. ...f 1.25 Larger size; value $3.50. Special at, each.. $1.50 , ' 10c for Stick Pins Worth I5c. Pearl and Jet Headed Stick- Pins, ohcard; ' value 15c Special at, card. .10 16c for Fancy Bar Belt Pins Worth 25c r 12c for Silver Stick Pins Worth 19c Sterling Silver Stick Pins, head designs; value 19c Special, each. v... The Home of Authoritative Fathkma ' The Home of Authoritative Fashions ,. VVe shall be pleated to open a credit account, with "suy worthy person. ' It facilitates shopping for the public and for u.-. Buy any time, pay . us once a month. You're cordially iaviid to run an account at this store.- See Credit Man, Third F&wr. A Harvest Week of Rioened Values . OPENS TOD AT AT PORTLAND'S FOREMOST STORE i; Youll find here this week savin ga that amount to something. ' Not tiny shavings, but good, big, generous Slicing off from ALREADY THE LOWEST PRICES QUOTED ON EQUAL QUALITIES IN ALL THE WEST I Every day of the week and every week of the year the Olde, Wortman ft King Store quotes the lowest prices possible ON ALL ITS MERCHANDISE, besides being pre-eminently the leader in the QUANTITY AND QUALITY of "SPECIAL SALES' offered at GREATLY RE DUCED PRICES from day to day. There can be no question there is none in fair-minded people's thoughts that this store's great Public, be it for one article, a dozen, or if they do ALL their buying here, effect the most substantial ACTUAL saving to be hadYnot only in Portland, but on the western slope. It is our business to see to this, AND WJ DO. Broad, liberal, SOUND merchandUing giving the most for the money selling absolutely RELIABLE merchandiseare the factors that are- continu ally furthering the success of this store. Proofs of our supremacy in value giving are printed all thro' ;this announcement; were listed on yesterday's full page of today's "Store News." ;y . ;j -.--' - ' : P A REMARKABLE SALE xj, ;!; New Dress Silks and Autumn Frock Fabrics ANNEX FIRST FLOOR. ' ; , , Our buyer now in New York, has had a great "run of 4uck" this trip- A week ago we received word from him of the pur chase of the entire balance of a stock of BLACK'PEAU DE SOIES and TAFFETAS from a weUJknown Swisa manufacturer at prices much below the market value. We shall offer these today, also Tuesday and Wednesday, as printed below. Truly re markable bargains that again demonstrate these fabric store the leaders, in all the west as value givers - , ... Regular $1.00 all pure Silk Black Peau de Soie, Special for 9 days . .............. ...(; .73a Regular $1.10 all pur Silk Black Peau de Soie.t- Special for 9 days. Yard ................ ........ ...........TD Regular $1.25 all pure Silk Black Peau de Soie. Special for 9 days. Yard ....... ............. . S.. ...... V.2e Regular $1.95 all pure Silk Black Peau de Soie. Special for 3 days, Yard . r. f Regular $1.50 all pure SiUc Black-Peau de Soie. Special for 9 days. Yard $1.11 Regular $1.50 yard wide black Taffeta.1 Special for 9 days only. Yard.....-.. .Vw. v. Sll Regular $1.60 yard wide black Taffeta. Special for 9 days only. Yard. . . . . .............. . ... .v. ..$11 Our regular 126c yard wide, faat black rercalinc ihe grade others sell tor k&c and xuc per yard, special ior aays oniy Our $1.50 quality. Special for 9 days only. ; Yard. . . fl.l Our $3 00 quality.; Special for 9 days only.' Yard.;. $1.59 Our $3.2 quality. Special for 9 days only. . Yard.i $1.89, Our 2.5tTnualitv. Soecfftl for 3 davs only. YardL; $1.98 Our $3.00 quality. Special for 3 days only. Our $3.50 quality. Special for 9 days only. Our $4.00 quality.; Special for 9 days only. Our $4.90 quality. Special' for 9 days only. Yard... Yard Yard., 'Yard..-. $2.59 $2.98 $3.39 $3.79 These1 Broadcloths are without question the best values to be found anywhere at the regular price, and as Dame Fashion has decreed Broadcloths the proper-vogue, this opportunity offers one of the best chances . Portland women will have this season to save on' the -wanted cloth. ' "" " - " "' . '' - v Down ...t U rLv-; ni',4-,V Colored Dress Goods Prices are .c LOWn OIIQ VUl C ; Quantities Wfll Go This Week , rTT nooeo nrrre 1st AiTr.uTFDrn vno wrkij'nav TTTtrcr a v awn un?nNTsnAV Our regular $2.60 and $9.00 French Camelshair and Zibelines, in plain, silvered, fancy stripe and Mouchette effects, in all the , following colors; Navies, grays, moleskin Oxfords; biwns, castors, .tans, plum, purple, wine, cardinal and cham- ' ' ' pagne. For 9 days only, special, yard. .'... -' . .. . ! $ Out regular $1.90 quality French Camelshair. ' Colors, as above. '. Special for 9 days, yard ......99 Our $9.50 quality French Broadcloths, good weight with rich lustrous finish; all pure wool and yarn dye, 59 inches wide; ' -. . everv street color in the assortment. Special for 9 days, yard... $1.59 Our SlvSO auality silk and wool Poplin de Chene, Crepe 'de Paris and all-wool Voile, all evening and street colors in the " J . . r . , .1 1 , II f 1-1 J A J J I assortment; tnemost iasnionaDie xaonc snown ior awcu rostnmw. - opgciai tut q qay yar . . , .$1.19 Royal Worcester Corsets Royal Worcester SalonsAnnex V- V The Favorites at Fashion's Court Tb. Fad of America's "Smart Set. .;-:1M,.f, , U : ,V ;: V, Second Floor. ,; - '..v., f -f- x -,; : We respectfully invite an inspection of the complete line, showing the latest Inventions of high class Corsets, A most thorough test has proven their superior excellence. ), i ! ; - - '- - They combine the minimum of weight with the maximum of strength - V ' ' ' : . ; r They impart elegance of carriage so that the plainest clothes, when fitted over it, become smart ; - They develop and brinf out the best lines of the individual figure. ," i - ;J v They produce the small waist that Dame Fashion now demands. - : " ; They are leas expensive than many other high claas corsets and will wear longer. ' Their casings tor whalebone or ateei are inoestructiDie. - r . . t v - . V The new garter attachment keeps the Royal Worcester Corset alwaya in place, preventing that "riding-up" which is such disagreeable feature of most corsets. In short, the Royal Worcester Corsets are-price reasonable and full of wear durability, which, through new and practical features of design and construction, furnish so typical American models that generally they fit each and every Individual figure perfectly and permanently without alteration. - "jfr : , New fall and winter lines in these incomparable corsets arc now on exhibition. - Expert cOrsetieres will fit' them free) of charge. ' Your presence is earnestly solicited here this week. K ; 1 . j , . . - - y k ;.' ' V . i ; ' ' A 1, ' ; ; Kv SpeciaLTuesday $5.50 koyal Worcester Corset $3.971-vi Two styles of discontinued Royal Worcester Corsets, Princess hip, low bust, long over abdomen, high in back, or long over hip i - and abdomen, medium low bust, whalebone filled; adapted for a large range of figures; sizes from IS to 90; colors drab, ' white and black ; tegular price $5.50. Special at . ..... : , J. $3.97 n6 . CONNELLY TURBANS The ever4ncreasing popularity of these smart, pretty hate forced ns to send a second order thus early for the advanced shapes- Some came Saturday, on expose today. While these favorite Turbans nave a style au tneir own, stiu eacn one possesses some feature of the prevailing style at Fashion's Court without discarding that originality so distinctly with Connelly. " CONNELLY TURBANS are individual, never, but one of a model no two alike. This house holds exclusive yc selling agency, for Portland. .4.v....t. ...,.v. ... ... .... $15.00 to $25.00 Ladies', $3.00 'Cowboy Hats $1.98 Millinery Salons Second Floor A last call on these popular hats. VToday came in by express the last shipment of the season of these jaunty bits o' headgear. ' No more after these are sold. Only 900 in the lot. With characteristic wide "Cowboy" brims and low crowns, trimmed with rlirf lt. blacks, bluea: browns and tana. The regular $3.00 hats wilt be sold Tomorrow only at? each .vi $1.98 a -r. A w . WTV-m a"TT)0 A TT -V TW TM-lTTtO SECOND r LOOK BALONS OF . KA1JNUUA I O I WUiVUilN O AlHU KniLsXJSrjLH O womem s outer wear Tha aittonwtlo rortr of atoi oawS MianaUna from n of th aio raa" clam f itarva asie pMtt4ay: that bto atora tfca "aalr ooa tft tawn btmtns-aoinplrtaiiMortiaant of vobmi aa4 ahlMraas ralnooata." Thl. aUtwnuit abowad one of two thlaaa -probably bat- waatul lenoraaaa of trath-ar vbat otliar atoraa ahow. . v ' - V , s v :. f- -: -.v . y "r, THE FACTS ARK THESE f 1 ' "" ' s ' ' ;- , Tbls afora ban thorn tva fbr ana nTavarr ntneaat ladudM) tn tha ahowiiuoi af kxml atoraa-uif th mtf ara hara ta Srova tt. Vut nobadr eta foalad. Tba wrUlne atona ara quit annate to taka without- ahnitlna; both aya. atoppins tha thlnk-wAtch and taklnc Ubaral Soaa of aalta ofmlrth. Wa aaJS raetartay n4 rPat to47: HUXDRBDS OV NEW RAINCOATS CAMS BY KXPRBBS SATUROAT. Baautlful taraantaatfaptaS torn waar fa baautlfnl Sara whan aunahlaa rtna or protaotloa aeaJnat tha alamanta that atorai. Tht aaw ara fuU of aurprlalnc awacar nawhaaa. Aa aaav to set Into aa a man a fuU-draaa topcoat, ladoad. aoraa of tbam ara aaodalad aftar that gmrmaot. Priaatlar Crarantta, with a worM of ult, dl-inlflad bMutr and anart affaata. Prattr tonimra on collar and ao af bnillantljr aoiorad ralvata raa, and paatal olntha, Newaat of all laathar trim aalnaa. Thara ara doaana ot aaw. daUll tovhet ta anttruaa ovar. Soma M tba coata bava box-plaltad b"k asd front from collar ta hlpa. Tha pajatta (capa'alaava) Coat ta a favorlta la fat. raahton a lataat. - Tba ahow af aoad-loobtne trloa at froaa S15 to 2S ! notaworthy. It a Ratneoat Yaar. and thla ahowlna bara la far awar tha baat and fraataai aa tha ooaat. Wa va iwh-a aa mmy 'nr other thra local atoraa. Coata that ra nt ta evard tha avat aiaeniflaant opara sown or ball.draaa; eoaxa that aro appraorlaia for atraai. Any prica row cbooaa SI to 960 , ; Shoes and Their Wear i ; About Autumn Footwear In the Great October Ex pansion and Betterment Sale on she .First Floor. The curves of your foot follow the line made by- the t6 bones forming the bee, arch ball and toes. Shoemakers fa the peat ig nored thia and treated the sole as straight and rigid that's why you have spent days of misery "break ing lnw A new pair of shoes Per haps you -recall such an experi ence. .: V d V It remained for the Flngrees of Detroit famous American Shoe makers o construct what no man, had ever evolved before et shoe to follow the curves of the foot : An idea exclusive with the famous PI NOR KB SHOES. These shoes are constructed on an anatomical last by which the foot testa on a formed foundation ' (concealed) adjusted to nature's curves. . Far more costly m mak ing, but they guarantee instant ease the "old shoe feeling' with, ; the new shoe appearance. ". PINGREE SHOES are not the ONLY stylish shoes as they ARE the only truly anatomical. But they do combine all the latest and highest styles with real Comfort. In material and workmanship they are the envy of com petitors. .They cannot be duplicated at the price, end as good a shoe cannot be made and is not sold for less. PINGREE SHOES are made for all sort end condition of man and womankind but more es pecially for those who can appreciate a shoe which gives absolute comfort and the acme of style.- "The PINGREE SHOE is a composite of the superlative in both. The street shoes for autumn and winter wear embrace all popular leathers, including box. gntnmetal and velour calf, enamel or dull kid and kid lined throughout double or single soles for hard service or dress wear, ail style of toes, full round, medium ronnd or wide and "comfy," military Cuban and the 1-inch flat walking beeL The upper stocks are new and plump, the soles of solid oak tan leather uen arnica to uic vxegon ciime, wncre one mun tuturla mvnir fnr amt wathr TVta maWoa 35. styles of The Pingree "Gloria" for. men or ' women ,....,,.......;'.........,. $3.50 3tt styles of The Pingree . protection for - 1 - womeo .1 i . . . . i t v , r, ...... j .$4.00 SO styles of the "Governor? iot ,men all leathers - , . . . . . .-. . Y. v. . i . . .$4.0 18 styles of the "Vogue" for men, all leathers $5.00 Exclusive styles in Pattern Shoes, bench-made, are a feature of the Shoe Store;-for dress or street wear, very dressy and only of finest selected stock : and expert hand workmanship ; in all the' dress ; leathers, newest toes and latest heels ; alt weights or thickness of soles; finest French kid, patent kid or French calf uppers ; Louis heels, toes tipped or ' plain., The smartest creations In V footwear' in the world .. .$5.00 to $8.00 A NEW DRESS SHOE Bench (hand) made throughout, button or lace styles, of beat and fin est patent kid stock, matt tops,, high arch Ias4 and military heels. The smartest . dress shoe in America, at. ............ ..,....$5.00 THE -O., W. ft K. MAN'S SHOE Great choos ing. Just think of it! 80 swell styles, Blucher or : Balmoral cut, soles single or double, for dress or , street wear, made on foot-form lasts with the new "Pota" toesj military or walking heels, me dium or full round swing lasts, Scotch edges ; tops paneled or plain; in all leathers, embracing box . and velour calf, parent colt (very dressy and dura ble), vici kid and viscol calf. The most stylish, best in points of workmanship and finish of sny . shoe made in America at a less price than $5.00. . We have had these shoes made especially to ou order, to sell to oar patrons at, per pair $3.50 Man and His Domain V Tall Fixin's From "Toggery Shop' );'''f:'-''i FIRST FLOOR.- -; V r--.' ' Our Men's Underwear Section ta full to over flowing with ood things for fall and winter wear. Our Staley line of Underwear of 30 numbers in' both t ribbed and flat is the best hr America. , -: Priced, a garment, from...... v$1.25 to $4.50 Our "Stuttgarter" Underwear, German make, stands second to none."; Comes in all sixes and weights.' ' V Our line of Dr. Deimel's Linen Underwear Is 1 the very best made. " Price, garment. .,$3.25 S3c for Men'a Cashmere Sox Worth 35c. , A Hne ot 'Men's Cashmere 'Hose in Oxford" gray, - natural and black ; extra fine ; regular 35c value. "t Special for today and balance of the week ' at, pair .........w.....23f ; $6.00 for Suit Cases Worth $8.00. :f A Hne of elegant Leather Suit Cases, in rich gun metal shade, heavy leather corner, outside straps and heavy mountings regular $8 value; Special Ior this week, at, each. i;..., .$5.00 V $1.07 for Men's Golf Shirts Worth $1.50. Men's Golf Shirts of heav Oxford cloth, all thl. . season's new goods; just the right weight for fall and winter": wear; splendid valu;; regular ' . price $1.50. Special for today at; each.. .$1.07 ft for 85c Men's Handkerchiefs Worth 25c.' A line of Men's Hemstitched Handkcr--' plain white or colored borders, .illc ' cerised cloth : regular 85c value. for-...