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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1904)
THE 0"- 1 reIY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, GUM JI, AWAITING DEATH IN FLAMES "THE STORE THAT SAVES J MONEY" t- ' 7; 'AT l)Y7 Terrible Destruction for (jod of ' Evil at" Hands -of San Di LaWand San Di Gin; Who Keep : Death Watch on - From 10.00 censors la Second street Sandal punk tceeaa is burning. From 1 aa msny yellow candles tiny flame flicker tuMiMuUr trow Pine to Alder pine. From a raallitude of pious Ce- leettal kMrU arias pryrs and great . thanksgiving to the mighty deities whs ' Frenlds ever afield and rop la honor ' Of tht annual harvest iMillvai that la Bow being observed In Chinatown. - High above the jabbering prayer and weird Inoanratloea of priest and pant - tent standa the greet' flan Di Law and night wan ttt Gin. Between these lofty oar crouch ea Crura iU the god ef - evil whoa work,,jtave been futile dur tsg ths past year and who awaits the death thai Law sad Ula have mated put ta him. i - ' 1 '' In a baleeny ebove. 4 Second: street the deities of food and evil are perch 1- , BWww tr holly wreaths and myrtle bough. In the room to th rwar of tfa ode standi -a paper steed, fantastically wmoght. on which th great follower ef Confucius ahal! ride away during the night when the festivities hare ceased and the evil ama deet roved. The-tw.o gigantic figures repraaent two of ChTna'a greatest warrlota and bene factor In Ufa they war aa lame 'as the Riant ssany-colored figures, whoea ' painted grin and burnished arm present a amtesque and orieotai air t Second treat. -; ..- . - Festivities ta Theft Sstgh. , . The festivities began laet night and will continue until Wedneaday night. Three Chinese priests, whose Uvea have been conerated to the worship of th , god of orope. war Imported from Saa Franclaoo and reached th city laat ?lht. JtMompanyrng them wer a aeor r awrpllcad CMm- youtha. carrying plpaa and tom-tom. They, too, have given their Urea to th arioa ef the gt.d of eropa. . , Strange prwaaalena began to mora through the atreeta tnla morning. From the a owing plaoa of the mighty hero wbo are perched In the balcony at 4 flcond afreet a weird proceaalofi etarted at dayhraak. A youthful Chines, at. tired In flowing purpl robe, led the . proceaalon. In hi hand ha. waved an ' evergreeo bough. Cloaw on tola heel earn a, acorc of aurpllced choir tooya. chantlr.g a aolean, mournful dlrga. At one aide of t))a muatclans wtarrhed an agBd relestlal, blowing a. ahrllt. dla cfvrdaat Wast ,upon a long ancient born. 'He waa clothed tn gulden raiment, rep reawatlng a, mandarin. Behind cam th (piiata In flowing robe, on which were woven at range d lcea, Th high priest carried In out stretched arms braaea urn. wherein burned a fer fumed ttre. Th other to '- walked on ach aide of th high prleat. Following thin wm other Uhlnamen. who bore Iron drum, which beat with frightful and rapid . regularity. " Tha devhtaaa marched through Second tret to the new Masonic ball that ta being ' greeted two bloeka away. There It pro eeadad te th apartment of tha Joai and eervtf were held. At thelf eon uatoa they went back to ta baloony. th temporary home of San Di l?aw and San DI Oln. v,-r--.v . OHvo Fraiaa Saauaath xraa. ' During their- abeenoe plou Uhlnatnea pad erected a amall pine tre on Uic aide walk. Beneath had been atarted a , ttny Are and lighted taper wer burn ing. The prleat and th ether of tha party gathered around tha tree and Joined In a Joyful eharua praising th great god On tha balcony above and LUMBER BIDS FOR I 10BK IN MANILA -'.v. -. J''-" ' BTKA& ASS SUsUlil 1B VO S0 : 1 OASj QVabflaMAITU'l OFFXCaV-p- WXXA BS rOBWAUSB VO WASX- 1 xmmvom TmsFayoAT pix ( It Is very probable that tb transport - Cnx will again be sent to Portland at an . anriy date to carry a curgo of lumber r and orher Supplies to Hanlla. Bids wer opened this morning la the offlc of CoL Jleaae at. Hkr, local disbursing quar lermaeleA fur supplying 7e,o feet of lumber for shipment tq Unci Sam's taiand posaaaslons la tb orient. . On 'edneaday bids will be opened In the 4 same ofla for furnhthing an gddlttoaal - shipment of too. 6o feet Together the ' conPtgnment will comprise In tha neigh borhood of l.lvG.OeO feet, and aa It Is - hardly a surfiolent quantity to snake a full cargo for a tramp steamer of th t average carrying itpselty, th ta(a aient is ntAd by the government rep resentatives that K highly probable the govenutiant will Mend transport .. . here to hand) the btislnewa. In that event tt la Pointed out that th government will likely conclude to fill up th vacant spac on th DI. v abould she b tlie one saleotsd for the traffic, with fodder and other supplies which are constantly being sent1 to Ma- - t)lia. M ts also m.lblned that there la a1ao mora or leas dim tulty In gettfng a tramp steamer suitable In every way for the purpose reuulred if bar. According t the new lw. t vetisnl n- A COUGH, : . CONUNDRUM v'- ; -: .When ,h a cough more than ft cough? When it's a settled cold. AVhen it hangvon in xpite of all you can da ! Cough mix ture won't euro it because fhev are merely tor' a cough and this' is something more, . Scott'l Emubion cures the cough because it Cures- the something more.' Jt heals nd ' repairs - tlie : inflamed tissues where the cold has taken root and prevents its coming back. : !-::- Wrtl ewsl ee a aatpb b as nVM, ' KOfl aiUWHS, m reaal earn BewYwb. Their Crafty Enemy. i thA (thing than far ' the guoeeaa anU proaperity f all Cbinamaa during the paei year. Th prteete read la turn from a great book of hieroglyphics that waa arrlad by a boy, then chanted another aong. "The oldeat of the prleat stood In front of the large crowd that gathered and talked in Chinee Jargon, then eaat rice and oolna into the Are. Than a amall boy took- the placa of the prleat and "kow-towed" before tha lira. Thea all Joined la a aeries of low "kaw-towa ' From there they went Into tb Chls tM boapltai at II Second street. Vio lent and ghastly obMQule war ob served to drive away the arU adlriu that poasaaa tha ailing onaa, A great no is, waa made, tom-toma and drums beat loudly, home and ploea wailed mora discordantly, while tha prleeta and ail attendant kPt UP a great and howling, chant Tha alek Mongolian rushed pell-mell Into another room aa aooa aa tba priests filed into tb alao. They desired to eacap Whil th prleatiy party and the spirits fought out tha battle for supremacy. 'Ctamleg waaa All ITtgkb : Tonight eandlas win ba set at mtar rala of fire feat alone both sides of Second street from Pine to Alder. vThy will burn all ntght. Tomorrow even ing great wood Area will burn along the ntreet Instead of candles. In front of the baloony where the tiro, spirits of cood and the one of evU stationed a great ore wilt be built , In It -Ours Jl. tha evil on, will ae throws when the obasrvanees are com pleted. Two stalwart prleat will taka him from hi throne and drag him through tba nrea. HI aoas will b put Into ach bias befara a la flnaily thrown Into th nr for Anal deatraotlos, Ourn Jl 1 the avtl spirit of the Juan Wall company. That company will d tmr -him unless soma rival ton auo- ceeds la stealing tba god before b la burned. Th other tongs-wlU try to steal tha evil one and hid tt In ease they succeed tba evil spirits of the Juan Wan company will not be destroyed but will remain fof another year. Two years ago In Second street a young Chinaman waa murdered because he attempted to steal tb evil god of a rival long. - In the bans where tb gods of good sndosvll hava bean placed there-are curi ous pictures of th great benefactor dealing put Justice many years ago. There Is th picture of a woman, who talked too much. By th order ef San T1 Law bar tonga w being torn from Its plaoa. ihere is also the picture of a man wh was very aruel to his moth ey. II woultf net try or repent when the priests cautioned blm. By the will of tha great San DI Ola be baa stood through many centuries trying to weep So desperately baa ha attempted to shed tears that drops of blood are running from bis syea. Pantomime perform aneee of cats and rata roostera and other fowls are being enacted Inside the place. There are many peculiar animal forms that are worked Into llf like r pee sen tat lone by secret wires. All through tha bouse are Incense fires that will burn until the featlvltlea have been completed. In front of vry Chines shop and dwelling in th city Is huntf a red lantern. ' On red lantern signifies that the sum of U.M has bean contributed t th harvest Jose. In maor places there bang as many aa a doses lanterns. gaaina In th gavernmant trad anust of neeesalty be under American regis try. Vessels of that description are ssld to be scares on th coast. Thar are a few of them operating from Puget sound and San Francises, but they are mostly on regular runs. Of lata they hava been available an account of tba depression In business in th far eaat. but tt la said to be almost an abso lute certainty that a ffovernmant trans oort will be sent to taka aut tba shltt- ment from Portland. It ts believed that the Vix x will b chosen for th reason that ah la now about due to arrive at Seattle. She sailed, from Nagasaki. Japan, for th sound on September It. and la there fore out tS days. On her laat trip tha Dtx took a cargo of forage, horse and cattle from San Francisco to Manila, where the government ts preparing to start a breeding farm. The Dtx was her about a year ago loading lumber for tb Island. - Thar were five bids submitted this morning. The Washington gt Oregon Lumber company offered to supply th 7,0v feet of lumber for 3,I7S.4, th Portland Lumber company for If.fQt.St, Oox Barrett for l2.0St.CS, and th Eastern A Western Lumber company for S2.ftM.ll. Oeorge Alnaiay A Oo. bid only on tha doors and windows, offering to supply them for U4, Cox Bar rett also submitted a separate bid on the roofing, which the firm agreed to fur nish for tl.279. In th shipment there will be 21 windows and 116 doom. Bids will not be acted apoa until they are for warded ta Washington. MOBS XtrEB fJlimOOBMBaV ' I Four af Them at Bivnrw sicath Await' ( ' tag wboat. Four additional lumber schooners hava arrived at Aatoria, and will leave bp for Portland as soon sa tha towboats uaa get around to It to handle them. Tbey ere the Aflce Sfc Donald, the Ma 11 Gala the Robert Hind and the Andy Mahony. All of them came from - San Pedro and arrived not many mile apart. tttKbt schooner and several steamers are now In the harbor loading for south ern eoaat pert, and tha big additional Deet is a guarantee that the shipments from Portland during tit present month are going to approslmats does to 1.090, 000 feet. k on the way tip tha river the Mabel Oale will step at St. Johne and go on the drrdock to hava her hull cleaned and palntedr. It la thg first tlm for almost 14 days that th dock has bees put to any use, th longest period that It has remained Idle since its completion. Rob ert boiler baa been swarded toe eontraet for putting the vessel In ship-shape con dition. : The Mabel Gale- Is owned by Hwett A Loop f San Franclaoo. She la mi l feat long and SI.4 Jtest across the beam. . v BBBBwB VSKM la Belag Slurried aa Wsnawa at Brparta. Day Id ,B. Ogdea. aesistant UsHad Statea engineer, returned yesterday af tsrnoon from a trip ta mparts, where he went t Inquire Into the progree of the work ea the dredge Wallowa being built at that point for operation onthe Snaha Tiver, Tn construction or the hull. loabla aad propelling maaaiaary . wars ami mi iiiinl I THE DAYTON STOCK OF CRANITEWARE Consists of an extended line of Blue Aluminum. Oraait. Oalvaaised aad At Sampl obajtitb umm bavob a. 4-quart ...... . . V.SOd screw astAjrrri uouamm scbttivb. 1 t-quart sis ..46a cleaning a a o r, -nickel trimmliur. Wa have tbam la -two slieg v , . , , . . . , v .. Na 18 $5.00 No. $5.75 --.- ' ' 1.'. , . i " Jamesf Hot Blast Coal t - a. nearer Rot blast tuba which can be regulated. service craxi in ironi. also aah alt. deep feed, full nickel trim ming a thing of beauty -as well as a serviceable itlfl We have them la I stsas- .., ; j NallO $8.50 NalSO $9.75 Na 150 $13.50 let to three separate aontractors, and ha reports that all three ef them are puan- ing tneir wura.ioucoinyienwn muwr. aa poaslb4e. JaV. Ogden sUtes that th vessel will In all probability bs ready to place fa commission aoouc novemoer . u. iM Maria a trln between BltWrm and Lewiatoa while up there ta examine the condition of the river channel ana in spect the government Improvements at th varinue noint. Hs declare that he found everything In better shape than he expMted them to DC too aaaga oc the rvmr in low. ha exDlalna but the va rious boats are aot having any particular trouble carrying full oargnes of freight (lows to R I pt Ira, the railroad terminus. air. Ogden reports that there are tnou sanda of bushels of wheat stashed at th varloua landings awaiting shipment. Bvery steamer Is loaded to her full ca pacity, and tt ta said that It will be lets tn ths season before tha entire erop 1 moved. Great quantities ef fruit are also being shipped svery day. . Ths statsment Is made that all the farmers in' that section are anxiously waiting for the time when the portage road aroud tha obstructions ta the Co lumbia river will be a reality. They be lieve H la going to prove of Inestimable vsiaa ie them. ',', ,. - JAB ABB SB VMM TO STAB AwAXB- Mrtlsnd shippers were not (fled today that alar beate af tba tflppea Xusea Ktv 1 I i CM WW (cjtUNCIlHicViJtor Baameled. Whits Enameled. Mckalad, Tiawara at .gen was f- 181 i-Qwart ....... ......f.........60 "'" BBAJTXTB attSB TfTf-m '' ' fs-duaM dVOd) ...... .....vtrow P.niTAT RAItrtA INQ IN .Heav ; -A polished stseJ.V.-V.f-.-v'' Wwng, SmtF. als - tight batr. i , ,..k . ; 1 with cast iwhii .". - '' .'v . ; , draft. Polished ttaal Mnfng. awlag top. Urge wood . feed, lew screw- ; draft; heag aarv " Soeabls stove, only ' i 0 ' I s lh v A wYgsa Cottag Jewel ? - Heater t.t . A dividing flue, neater neavy cast . j. stave, for wood only. ; J A very baadsomslF V -constructed stove, perfect In operation. J lth dam draft in . rnnt aneeulliut t ' the bottom to heat ' the center baas: a ' ' amoks damper which ' operates automatic- j-r , ally when, the feed dam is open. navs - inesa si A Na 621 $30.00 Na62S $25.00- -a.;v Cook Stoves, Casolin Stovee, Blot Flam OH Stove, Lamp and shla Seattle tin will be pleosd la tba service again about December If. They are the lyo Maru. Akl stani, Kaga Mara. Ksnagawa Maru, Shinan Maru and Tosa Mara. These hosts will furnlabT a fortnightly servloe between Hongkong, Yokohama and way porta, and Seattls. Th steamers of this Has . wer with draws from th trade at the beginning ef ths Russia-Japan war, and have been engaged In transporting Japanese soi diera betwesa Korea and Japan. , s WA1 irt. ' Loral Inspectors Bdwarda and Fuller went to Astoria this morning ta laspast th tug Samson. The steamer rfo Wonder m lying In port today to have bar boiler washed. 1 The Oerman ship Anna shifted this mo ruing from ths Greenwich dock ta Columbia dock Ma t. The Dumfriesshire shifted from tba Gas dock ta Montgom ery No, . At hhf rat she la receiving lumber H Is said that the cargo of the schoonsr Virginia will bs completed by tomorrow night. The Crescent is ea pec ted ta finish about Wednesday. Th steamer Alliance w expected ts reach port tonight from Saa Franoleoe and Coos Bay palate, BOB SK4X There will as at least on lumber cargo seat Aoraign from Peruana during; lbs Ranges and Graniteware Iron Range Similar to .nteed 1& 60c hole top. ovea 18 MX to. top itxtT; ajlum tns oven, burns wood . or coal a good, serviceable rang for every purpose; worth Sbi, ear too oa th ollar price - on th . Donar $31.20 'With detachable res ervoir ft. 6 extra. , , aasapaaFw wteafc af Bans es fJaSTsa, Ts a stearsae, ana, asm W3m aa stoca aeaw piea by tbesa. w asa ATI Steal sarns as abera, worth ' . : . v' an a asa seiuag srwr es-au ii $27.00 ale aaiaksssd froaa waa arm aa Od m be Bl.OO.v FMl asa aaaatasr awaataa Wit axtra. SoM on asa efTerteg ajaxta Payment Plan rx '- -"".-;. TW stove does wicel" any .' "vjT - . :"' -' ;;-' i 4ffi oth0r if-ght heater of its s - -, ,:J z sise and style. In appear-, r ' v I b ed y. ano v baa wdbr, ' iww .- baa we . ta tws r; month of October. The schooner Hono lulu, which Is en route up th coast from San ' Franclaoo, Is tinder charter to tht Charles Nelson company to carry lumber ta Shanghai. The vessel Is capable of handling In tba neighborhood af 1,000,A fast. i . . Astoria, Oct. 19. Arrived down at :40 A m. Frenob bark Brlseux. Arrived at 10;0 A a steamer AIH anoe from Saa Franalsoo and ooaal porta - : , Astoria Ocjt I, Arrived at 10:10 a. m. sad left up at il l p. ul, steamer Acme from San Franelseo. . Arrived at 101 a- av. schooner Atoe McDonald from Saa Pedro. Sailed at 10:40 a m., stesmsr Columbia for Saa Francisco. Arrived at t:S p. au, schooner Mabel Gal from San Pedro. " a it M V . I 5 av i 'if-' . -i 'f sCtanab. ' -' ' Cures all Kidney and Cladder Dlmeaaen Guaranteed I For Sale by .WOODARO, CARKS ft . CO, and tAUB-DAVIS URUQ, CO. v if out, niatw'V '. veara. six ,x - Banaea Easy HIT ATFTf 4 ane St to grace any parlor.'' 1 : heavy polished ateel. With , I . Aptlnnal fmt llnlnv 1 ' awing top. naciia. oast rim, large swing; feed screw draft on lower 1 nlflral fwtt vail h rims and other trimming, and a great fuel seven, , Three , disss ' - - Naail $9.75 Na 123 $11.50 : Na 325 $15.50 "'J V : j leater r ine m one ov ins peat medium - priced v; beating stoves on the market attractive This is one of th i in appearance, eaaiiy operated and wiii ;. ,, give perrect satls ., faction. 1-arge swing aoor, neavy st .body, swing top full nickel trlmmln v. Ws have theee stoves la three sis as ' 'J Na ii 9f Na. 13 $6.35 Na 15 $11.00 Oil Heating Stov-At Bedrock Prices. t sa. ' a a nj . '--"'. ..: " Arrived af noon, schooner Robert K. Bind from San Pedro. Outside at e m., schooner Andy Ma son y from Saa Fed re. Saa Francisco. Oct. .Sailed at 11 a bl, steamer George W. Elder for port land. - J Ballad steamer Whlttfer and barkentraa Fullertoa for Portland. ' - Astoria, Oat. lA---No bar report; wire trouble. - f v. BBVOOmATZO FXOTirBU, Judge Alex Sweek received today a number af lithographs of Parker and Davie, the Democratic candidatea for president and vice-president. Any who desire on or more of the pictures may have them by sailing at Judge Sweek' office In , the Chamber of Commerc buildhuf. ; - . ' ' Bias-sited wteefc Oaaaad Ooods. Allan A Lewis' Beat Bran A Oa I !c-cr v Qoods sold hsra are "on honor." We . correct errors and mistakes readily and without quibbling. We prefcr .'our cue torn era to have perfect satis faction, and It's not our fault It they don't get It. Ws strive to fileass and satisfy and often at a osa of profit. Satisfied cuatomere is one pf pur hob b lea ... i, M&3 Orders This house fills all marl order promptly and with the exact nesa that we sell goods to a customer that visits our store all orders go forward aunt dag received-spanked and forwarded In the beat possible manner. Money back if yoa are not ' satisfied. .;.v You Can Hw Credit m-wJ r -l S f - i ?'w m ' : I ' 1-IdbmF At i ,;. Kxtra heavy pol j. k .lehed Steel bqdy, f v : oast top and ltd. 4a. oast base bottqm je. . and front; full ; , m. . ,-(,- ' ; ' ''- , We Import and carry in stock all the tyest Coals in this market. Wa ruarantet full weight and prompt delivery. Our Coals - are free from sulphur, clinkers and soot. Call us up for prices. " Kirsa coal co' i Front and Kearney Swa . aiasa tea. . Bot Otherwise. From the Chicago Trlbund. . '"Whet do you think of this doctrine Of non-resistance?" asked tha doctor. ' "Between friends," said the professor, lowering his voice, "It's a good rule -but don't let It go sny further." - 71 -: "1 t - i t r " 1 1 1 ) V' '. ii v i ' ''. i. ,1 -r i 1