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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1904)
4 c t .: .vJ, CTOLZ,- 10. i w t i a L a a 43 I rcoinoirra Aitvuram. WrrtpHtn Oread.... 'y Hiicbt f anrd" dlim,iii ,."Ae Aiii.Tlraa Cltlam" Cordi-uy's ..... ,."Burhd at Sfaa'F 'AriKil , t i-i.VaalrvlHa WJ.Hi ., Vndrlll Sur i ...... ... Vauduvill" Lrrte Vmutevllfc r - A large udtnce at Cen ten nary Metho rital church yesterday morning heard a rrmon by Dr. William H. tfeppe, who poke frm tb text: "For I Am De termined Hot to Know Anything Among You Bay Jesus Christ, and Him Crucl- fc-d." Haa4he simple gospt of Jmui Chrtat loit Ita 4 raw in poWerT u the Quaatlon suggested by the preacher, who t replied with a comparison made by a, in In la car altar flatting, two ohurchea in v K inland. At one, a faahlonable ea thedral. ne llataned to a philosophies and learned eddreas by toe paator ot a - fashionable congregation. Tba a.t tend ance whi small, there ws no spiritual ' enthusiasm and the goapei was scarcely V, touched upon. Than ha went to a service , held by tha great evangelist, Dr. barker, and found ail audience of K.000 crowded the plaoe, and listened with aarnest al bynion to a aermon that was fllled with . th Ufa and power of Christ' teachings . "Requisites (or Church Suooesa" waa ' tha topic of a aermon at Taylor-Street church, by Rev. Francis B. Bhort who haa recently taken thla paatorata. A large eudlenca heard tba new preacher, and ha cava a strong and Interacting dlacourse. At tha Sunday-school aeaaion lref. T. T. bavla took tin tha duttea of auperlnicndenl and Mr TheodofS peaaler began tha work of primary super intendent. Dr. fihort addressed a brief talk tothe newly elected cf fleer a. In tba evening there waa a, large ' audleneo to 'hfftr tha pastor's sermon on "Necessity of Prayer.' There waa a musical program by tha church qunrtrt. made up of Misses Haratow and -Hardlna;, Mr.. FargO and Vt. Cummlnus. t t .-,, rf-id tha o(ty Pti""-y. There were cruwda at both svrvi ,. . He la living at the home of Rev. H. L. Pratt la Kttat Kiglith street, until the latter port of the week, when ha win move Into tha manee. Jeaae Forrester, a boy from Eagle Ofeek. haa been mutsltfg since Baturday. He had Willi him. Robhery Is feared. The police, are tnveati gating. ,-Wa-Hoo Tonic. The great blood purl, fler. nerve tonic and liver regulator. Just what you need these days. For sale by all druggleta. Chaw Den-Tal-Oum, have pearly teeth and prevent decay. . For aala everjr- where, .:. , v- - . s FoHtlcs are getting- hot. f,s Things are bolting in the pot V, V' ' : Chafafttra era being gleaned. ' "v" "Augeua stables" must be cleaned. , fc Chlmiae men bow ta their Joss, ;-v ;'r - Meilrana adore the "boss. :' " Drops of rain anoint the earth, n ." ,3V-- Farmer men are full af mirth. . " V Union Laundry people sing. -, K ' "IM. the merry welkin ling." '. And with the Jolly spirits of contented people they go right ahead with the-op-e rat Inn of their steam-heated polishers, leaving the people and expanding busi ness every day.' Second and Columbia. TL jlalB'ltft .. ;; - i. , ..v Much street Improvement ta being done In AlWna. RuaaeU street, beween Wll Haau and 'Oantenbela aTcnuea. ta be ing paved with vitrified brick on a eon crete(oundatlon. Kfforta are now being made by the property-cwnera along Wil liams avenue between Cherry and Al Iwrta streets, a distance of nearly a mile. for a combination of crushed atone and concrete- pavement. The coat will be much more than 'a regular- macadam. pavement, but it 1 said, ta te jnuch smoother and more lasting.., Charles B- Potter Co.. 'rubber atamp works, removed to 99 Flrat atreet, near SUrk. . - ' v ( vkxmnr wmcMomAJbT Hlti Anna "Reed of, Latourell la a guest at the Perktna. , Mrs. Fred Hayne gnd' Mrs. Porter ot Roaeburg are grueata at the Perklne. . Congreaaman J. N Wllllamaoa of Prlnevllie is registered at that Imperial. W. U Brmdahaw of Tba Dalles la at tha ImperUl. v J. A. SincUlr ef Wall Walla; to reg istered at .the Portland. J. O. Allen of Seattle ta at the Par kins. - W. D. Mr A In In registered St the Perk I na from Pendleton, . Jordan O' Bryan Maxon. who came to Oregon from MUaouri with an pa team In 1M&, ta la the glty from bU home near Lewlaton, Idatio. He was on the site of Portland when It Was virgin forest and there was only one" shanty where the city now stands. Ha waa related to Jfrraon Davis, president of tha confederacy, and to 2achary Taylor. v- David Campbell, eh tef of tha Portland fire department, will atart-for Vancou ver, B. C tonljrht to attend the annual meeting ef the Pacific Coaat Fire Chlafa' aasociatlon, which '-convene In that city tomorrow. Chief Campbell will be gone aevarai days. OHIO WOMAN SEEKS t WORK IN PORTLAND FIGHTING SANATCX1 Heating of tha suit Instituted by P. fl. Hanaeu and others to have the property of tho ftanatorium company at Mount Tabor condemned as a private nulaanco and removed to a mure remote location began In the circuit court thla morning before Juts Fraser. Piatt efc Piatt ap pear for the plaintiffs and Carey ft Mays for tha company. Dr. Henry W. Cos and Dr. W. Q- Wlllama. officers of the defendant corporation, war present daring the henring The only wltneas examined this morn ing was W. D. Deaver. . He test 1 tried thai the loud cries and watllnga of the ln-matea-of the sanatorium disturbed his rest and that of his family at night. Soma ef the nolaea made were so pe culiar that be could1 not describe fhem. The members ot his family, ha said, were excited by these outcrtea and were apprehensive of harm when he waa not at home, -' Previous to placing the witness on tha stand the lawyers outlined what they ex pected to how by tha testimony to be Introduced. . STORM IS SEVERE - -ALONG THE COAST Tha rainfall which hi Tlaltmgr this city today m general throughout western Oregon and Washington bat is traveling eastward rapidly. It haa already reached the crest of the Caacede mountains and from all Indications the rain will extend to eastern Oregon. - Tha fall la many Along tha ooast the storm has bent moat aevera. There tha rain waa ao- caipaDied by hard wind a Tha United Htatee weather buaeatrhaa been mnable to communicate with the coast districts today en account of the wires being down. From all Indications tha storm will continue for several days, - ' Tha river registered at I feet today. This Is an extremely now mark. , On ac count of tha heavy rains In tha moun tains It to expected tha water will aooa J.---. Take a steamboat Woe through the mountainous region, asaldat the match- , leas srehery of Oregon. View the great ",V waterfalls, canyons and glens sklrtfng ,' the Columbia. . The steamer Charles R. " Spencer tea Tea foot of Waahlngton J- atreet Mondays, Wednesday and Frl- daya on ita up-river mn to The inllea -and way landings, returning tm alter aara days. When comlnar to Portland leave the train at Tha Dalles and ride down to tho city on the vpenccr Tel. -' . Main wax. , - .. in ' -rvnry rmoyurmn cnaren,) ' snth and Chty ntreets. the synod df Ora- Kn inv rnnujtnuin cnuii:ii win Pirn Thnraday evening -at 7: o'clock. There are 1M ministers in tha synod, one elder '- from elch etiurcn and one oommlaaloner. -Thuraday evening Dr. 1. A, Townsend of Roaebunr, the rettrlng moderator, atill ' deliver an addreas, after which his sue , ceasor will be chosen. Friday evening . there will be a popular meeting In the Interest ef foreign mlaalons, , S llly B. Brook, from Hood River, ra , ported to Detectives Kerrigan and flnow t this morning that she lost her purse. containing, on the sidewalk along; '- Third street, between Oak and Alder, this mofatng. She Just arrived from her hoxaa In Hood River. ,,-.. , ' Saleswomen wanted One who la ae Miatomed to aril log women's auitaJ aklrta and all ready-to-wear gooda. Must he thoroughly experienced. ' Hone others considered. . Call at once. Q. ML Co, . Chief of Police Hunt this morning ra leaaed Sari -Alley and Beaaa Averlll, . boy who. last night wera arrested In ouestlonabl resorts In the north end by - ' Policemen Baty and Burke,- ; v Rev. T. R Bmllh, the ww pastor of the First United Bvangeltcal t church, East Tenth and Sherman streets, preached his flrM sermons In Portland yeaterday. -He Coffee; Story ; Tou want the beet "at tha. smallest prices that's 0UI- : Java Costa ' Rica Coffee A gpecelal Mend, freah roaaC ad every morning. Flnosr breakfast drink la tha market . Ones tried always used. Oar price only, . . 25cm Sold by othera -for tl ,osnts a aoJVid . . ,J ... - . HAINES' . TEA STORE 170t THIRD STREET Phone Main 1706. '. Writing; from Dayton. O.. Underdata of .October- Is, Etta Bradford aaka the "county f res employment bureau" If there Is any opportunity for an lndus- trloua youag woman to. obtain employ- r men! at fair wagea In this city. , 8h desires her letter answered as soon as convenient The article which brouaht forth tha letter was published In Tho Journal about ta days ago. -It was received by Dudley Evans, superintendent of tha county board of relief, thla morning. In reply Mr, Evans has Informed Miss Bradford that the county free employ ment bureau la not yet an accomplished fact, and that It win not be put on. a working basis until alt details relative ts fts working has bean decided upon. Thla letter shows that mnch of tha cor reapehdence coming to the off toe of the mayor and other public officiate relative to obtaining work will hereafter be re calved by the bureau. - BLOODHOUNDS CAUSE ; ROBBER TO CONFESS v.- - .-.. J fJearaal Special Serrlea.r r- Hr Moines, da., Oct. id. Tracked by bloodhounds t hii horn. Kar) Karrer today gave up 11,060 that Ira had secured by w dnyllght holdup from tha bank at Treynor. Karrer ran a saloon opnoalts the bank. Ma entered tha bank disg uised and locked Mla Flood, tha 7 stpar-oid aaslatant oaahler. In tha vault Arid made bis escape. He was not reeos nfsed. but the aotlon.of the bloodhounds led Mm toconfeaa, -4 TIDE OF WAR TURNS ' (Continued front Page Ona ) J WIFE AND SISTER TO ARRANGE FOR FUNERAL Mrs. Jacob Frits, whose husband oOra- mttted suicide here fjaturday afternoon by drinking oaroilo acid, will arrive to morrow to take eharaMi of the body. Mrs. Annie Halan a slater of tha dead man, a-eached tha dty todays from - . Seattle. Funeral arrange men ta will bo completed when all tha relatives! gather. Coroner Fin I ay to still holding tha In fant found dead in a grip at the Union depot weak ago today. .Thinking- the body might be needed ehdhld further tn veatlgatlon be mads, he decided to poet pone the burial for a time and await do ve foptnenta. - '- 4 m i. a-. e CONTRIBUTE $70,400 i FOR MISSIONARIES thur and Uso Tung- peninsula and the Hunting up, to the'evacuation of Liao Yang waa f S.90O killed, wounded and taken prtaaners. At Port- Arthur and on tha fulao Tunc peninsula tha Russian loss la estimated at 1,009 against the Japanese army.,10.000 at Kalptng Tasch ikao and Hla Cheng 0.O0O, at Llao Tang 20.000. In' addition to J.tOO sailors drowned ami 40,000 Bailors and soldiers taken prisoners, - y. , , . . .. . OOOUTATZOV ileeraal Special Serriee.l St. .Petersburg, Oct 10.- X.lent-Ge. Sekbarofr. In a dlapatch thla morning. cnnflrma tha report of the occupation of Ben tela puts by tha - Russians, . The Japaacae retired after a sfclrmtsb. s , was turjnna Oeauma Kaxepatkla Bapmlaai Sef eas By tha Jajsaissn ; v Cfcaraal Special gerries.1 - : : St. Petersburg. Oct. 10. la hi srder announcing the readiness of hla army for a forward movement. General Kurop atkln says: '--. 'fora than seven months ago the enemy treacherously fell upon us at Fort Arthur" before warhad been de clared. Since then", by land and p Russian troops .have performed many heroic deeda of- which tha fatherland may Justly bo-'proud. "The troops of the Manchuria n army, 1 unvarying good spirits, hitherto have not been numerically strong enough to defeat tha Japanese army. . t '-it to for thla ren eon that, la spite of the- repeated repulse of Japanese attacks upon our positions at Tatcheklao, L4an dtanslan and Liac Tang, I dtd,not con sider that tha tuna bad arrived to take advantage of these suocaases and to be gin a forward movement and I there fore gava the order to retreat "After a five days' battla at Llao Tamj, you retired on new positions which had been prepared previously. After successfully defendinc H sjr vanoed and main positions, you With drew to Mukden Under most difficult conditions. " i ' "Attacked by.neneral tCurokl'a army, you marched through almost impasaabla mud, rtghtlnc throughout the- day and extricating guns and carts with your handa at night and returned to Mukden without abandoning a single gun, pris oner or ..wounded man and with tha bag gaga train entirely Intact. "The emperor baa aaslgned for- tha conflict with Japan forces sufficient to assure a victory, ''If tho regiments which already have been sent out prove Insufficient, freah troope will arrive, for the Inflexible wtah ot tha emperor that we ahould vanouleB the foe will be Inflexibly fulfilled. Here tofore the enemy. In operating, haa relied on his great forces and disponing hla armies so aa to surround us, has chosen as he deemed fit his time for attack: but now the moment to go and -meet the. enemy, for which tha whole army haa been longing, haa come, and the time haa arrived or ns to compel the Japan em to do our will, for the forces or the Manohurlan army are strong enough to begin a forward movement Neyerthar leee. yon must be mindful of the victory to be fained ever our strong and gallant "-. - V ' r, IIwul kwbl Bn it i V New ork, Oct. 10. Women and men. moved to silent weeping by the eloquent appeals of Rev. ' A, -f. Sampson, heaped contributions upon tha altar of- the (Toe pel tabernacle, at Eighth avenue andi Forty-fourth street- at the annual con vention ,of tha Chrlatlan Mtaalonary al liance. Until tha enormous sum of 170, 400 had been added to tha fund In two hours and IS minutes actual collect Ion time 't -three seaalona yeaterdayt Tha smallest amount contributed was H cents and tha greatest 47,121. At the first seas Ion ta fit minutes fea.fOO was collected. In tha afternoon session T 4 minutes tha baaketa were heaped with envelopes containing cash, checks and pledgea to IH.loO, and In tha even ing fl.700 waa added to tha fund, . r CYRUS FIELD'S SON y ; ACCUSED OF THEFT ' (jmvuI Special Service.) " J New York. Oct, 10. Edward M. Field, son-of Cyrus W. Field, who laid ths first Atlantic cable, haa been arrested aa a charge of grand larceny and locked up In the polios station. It is charged that he stole an oaercoat October . 11a said 1ia was a broker. - Field has been committed to the Bellevue insane hospital on one or two occasions. At one time he was a mem ber of the brokeraare Srm of Field, Llnd- Jey. Wlechers dc Co when ft failed or 13.000,000 in 1001. Field was Indicted but tha oaae never aunt to trial. a. BEGIN NEW CHINESE - EXCLUSION TREATY -V. v',' fJenraal Special ftfrrlee.) Waahlngion. D, C, Oct IS. tary Hay and Sir Cheng Tung have be gun to lay ths foundation of a new Chinese exclusion treaty. It will be submittsd to oonareaa tha coming aea aion. It WIS contain Tjrovlalons looking ta mora considerate and liberal treat ment of tha Wghjtr claas of Chlneae who are seeking to snter . American porta.,- ; , . v STORM CAUSES HIM ;" TO COMMIT SUICIDE -r i it t Veemal SaeeUt Santo?! ''''i ' Fresno, Cel., Oct 10. O. P. Joseph- alan, a prominent and wealthy vlneyard- lat and ralaln grower, committed sulclda this morning by drinking oarbollo acid. Ha was despondent over the destruc tion of hla entire ralaln crop by last week's storm, which rutnedjilm finan cially. , BOSTON CAPTURES THE 1904 PENNANT ' 1 " " "" lr f I Jearaal BreeUl (lefvka.) ' ; New York, Oct. 10. Beaton wins tha pennant First game Boston , New Ifork (. . ', .. . - - .-v . . .i- ' B. H. B. Beaten .,....,.... .;,..- New Torn I 4 Batteries THneeu and Criger,- CBaav bora and Kletnow. '-4 . r 1 . Baa? Koaay, . ; .,. ' From the Chicago News, i Blgra li s aplty young Swift doesn't take advantage of the, many good opeer tunttls offered him. Dlaas -Yes: but I guees ha finds leaa strenuous to tak advantage Of those who offer ths opportunities, , In Our Millinery Section '; v 1. Jn. Our Suit and. CL... Department; Enthusiasm was the key note of many expressions of those 1 who ha vc vis ited our, new headgear department during last week. This week we have added many more styles of hats reflecting the masterly skill of OUR PRICES ARE ; MODERATE. 0471? TERMS ARE EASY. r ' " Wd show clever new styles in Women's Fall Suits. Choke fab rics and colors and designs emanating from the most noted modistes. In style, . fit, finish and all that con ttitutes an attrac tive garment thesa suits ezceL Rang ing in prices from $8 to Tourist Coats and Cravenettea pre dominate in abun dant variety, best fabrics, latest shades and new est styles. Ladles Waists P. N. Corsets 11 We show many . new styles la La dlsts Waists, dainty -creations, pretty m o d 1 a, . splendidly made. : They an very at- tractive, ' though inexpensive. . .;' - ' 'Prom : 5.00 ri-i- up - '. . t;. ' Our Terms: Easy weekly ot month ly payments, v 4. ' The Store Where .Your Credit Is Good. , a ' . i j lit ... .-.ii: 1 I ';' ' lin I for coiniort.' sImm v' jJH' I " : I B o I J.- -!.- - - . mil II I - - " v ; " iV'.'V. kmmw mwm EASTERN OUTFITTING CO We show an im mense variety ' in tha famous; P. N. ... Corsets, exclusive styles and forma. 386-90-92 WASHINGTON STREET 'A. Fortland'g Craataat Book Storo TWO MID-WEEK SPECIALS LOOK 1M TrfX WIN DOW AND SIX THEN - : loat received worn Maw ' York, a new Una of Bacht- grva Poliahed and Dntt . ' t Finished BRASS Novaity "Ink Stands Just tba thinr fcr ladies' desks, libraries and a swajl present for oar cantls-'f man frmnda. Priest ., t iJ.OO and Up., Vt Decorated Crepe Paper..... 15c Roll New and svcluelve designs 'to. beautify tha shalvea, lamp shades, ate. . , . J.K.G1LL&C0. Book Store ;-) COK. THUU AND ALDEJ, Grwat Things at Uttla Prksjs .,' I ..; . r. . -neaa Whaleaala aad 1;, . STRONGEST GRAVITY GASOLINE LAMP IN THE WORLD 300-Candle Power Llght-Llghts In 10 Secmds It Is the improved Zamerlal AatosaatJa Oasoltaa aa Mmp, mads' eapeclallr for us. Warranted perfect and co viva complete satisfaction, and 'wui Da Sent Free on 30 Days' Trial To any merchant or business man having- a commercial rating, or other peraon giving Port land referencea. and If not PERFECTLY SATISFACTORY may be returned to ua at our eXDnnsa. Thla -offer la Open to any part or uregon or was htngton In which we have no agent. and ought to be accepted Immediately by every peraon In theee eommonwealtha fond of a perfect light at tha trivial expense of operating a common oosj oil lama. lights are suitable for. ... t 1 -, ' Stores, Meat Markets', Hotels, A Saloons sad Private Residences V" Or Mber place whan a ftrst-daM light la ,",tv iW. , desired at nominal expanse ,; wmms ro OATAXootra ajto pmzon, ItV. riannin Uhlin? and SuppfyCo. 48 Third St. t PORTLAND, OR. retail sealer In wanollno UgHtlna; Apparatns, Bleetrte Ught FUwarsa, ats. Tel. Malm sail. DRISCOLL'S SCALP IS ' TORN AS HE FALLS . . , ; , .- .,' " t' ' aunBers' Dlllna- upon hleh ha was working- oauafd William Drlacoll to fall 99 feet thla morning from tha founda tion of tha Paclflo Coast Steamship com panya new eoal bunkers that. are being built at tha foot of Qujmhy street. On hts descent his bMkd struck a pile and cut a gash six Inches long In hla scalp, tha blow rendering; him senseless. The patrol wagon took him to hla home, at Fourteenth and' PettyaTOve streets, where he recovered consciousness and Dr. Watta took 11 st1tia In tha wound. He Is now resting easily and no SAorn serloun remit are expected from his In Juris. - -v . GERMAN VILLAGE AT WORLD'S FAIR BURNS I ' Uaaraal gfwelet Sr W ) St. lioula. Oct. .la. The German vil la ge at the world fair waa destroyed by nra at an early hour thla morning. Tenj occupants .In the mam building had a narrow eacspe. Thay war taken out unconscious, but rsbovsred. Columbia Theatre . omt. U BAKBR, Uanagar. MT aud WMblnatoa. Pboo 110. Tftaltiit at R:ln and HI thla wm. Mtlasa BatanUr, Cnlnmhil Taratra oct Cbsajaar Is Nat 0. aeadwla'a greaUet accaa "An Amsrloan Cltlx an.n Kw lladrHna Laertta Krlar. rinryaV-Kr.nlns. U. SSc and 5nr: Bull aea, 10", lae and Bc. Dowatnwa tlrkft of Row a Mirtla'a irnc atora. Sixili and raahlnrftie atrMta, froai M a. Bh ta T a, sk; at taaatra, in T y, a. Nanraam Grand Theatre " Ztt Tharaday, Prtdkr. Sararday atrkta, nVtnhar U. 14, 1ft. lftOi. Bpedal price nallaaa Sstarday. The snulcal attraagaiiu. OTMB WIZARD Of OZ.H KScalrg prlca Kntwa Inrer fnen IT SO: halcoar, trat rowm. 1: Brat 1 of Ut nwi, To; last I rawa ht balcwny. Met eatlm galWy. son. ftAiae and toca. tio. BpHal SHttlna pricM Enrlra Imrsr W, ti; aalennv. flrttt t mwa, Ik) last A revs, toe. Entir gallcrT, XV. ' ' Advaar aH will epos axsatiew (Tsasday). at 10 o'ekx-k. TUB STAR THBATRE k SsrgW and West Fash I fa hla Tandevllle Theater, m BXAKOITD auurroKD in DAmx.xaaTOsr. t DtrvoM WAJiTOar. .C UOU. -Ji' ' SATTU.a AMD TAaajr. WILX. O. OTT. - m rmonoroaooFav Sam IW M . ta., T; ta 10:10 p. a. florral adatlaaloa. lOti raawiwl hoa rate. inc. iSwajpsiia L JS3 The bmaa ef pattte vaserrina. Caettaamt pwfnrniaimM tn,m I to 4:SB a. m. 9on6n nntlnaiiB te it m a. m. Ins parforaisnr fmai T te 10 S Sk aar aat Is the geatrv 19 eaaaa AJfugaaTwjrrn. Mwmiim rranrf Tfioaffa F- T. Paarle, TelBr. TacMlay Boa. fcUsagar. Hals and WpdBaBiir alrtita. popnur nrlr mntinaa We:aaiay at S:1S s' clock, i or I 'or I land a fsfwlta eetcr. ' RALPH STUART la the tbrllluur RMaaatle draaut. "BY RIOHTOPSWORD." Rtcninf vr f -a- -Jjnwat Saor, tl. TKc; balrcay, TV. 6m-; aallrrr. 85c. 9k. Fosaur matUM prloca. ad-ilta M)r. rL(fdin Me to tay part et a iBeairc. aaan are eow eciuag. Cordray's Theatre Staatfti ng-rn tUhkHl. Oardray A Maaagara. Pnrt)aa4'a papalar FtaybMoaa. only Sday. Kvryhody MaaAty. Taeasay and WmItmsoxj. October. It. 11 inn i, , - ". fNmpbray-raapuaa Co., pranHtag. ' wBURIBD AT SBA.N Taaraday, rrMay. Rtnrdjr atatlnca aod Sight. 11 a 1 Horn a graat ?niHHr(i rlay, HOM o nrnwasna. Prltea Mgbt. Kr, p. sue. k-'U1 rteerwfl erata. Boc. Mating nrhM. XSe t aay pari 01 ibv aoaae; raninrva, spaciai aaata, ioc. The Arcade Theatre... , Tim Orlgmal Family Vsndarllla Btoasa. . , Thla week. TM ttt.M CIIL9U1. ' . KOSE KXaa-FX , " atunciBX. amos, , tlI 11TD KIHQ). '. XAT1 COTLI. V TBI BxoaooFa. Bacwa l l to 4 J10 m. .. ta M: a av Admhwtntt, ioe to any aaat. . Th L-yrlo Thcttr , nil Week - N k . wiloi a 00. trmwET, ttlios snraar. bcu a nr. gn, . . - JOJtaT IUQS-!tTL SAMT 0-! T, aw AW a 8WAW, ' Ta TlTajlb.aFaU r Parforifisiwia . tn A .;. iw ts tt a. ta. AilinlKrton l rata an atchrt, 1 CONCAHT tUU- SLagTRR CON' aaoa at Ktoirf, NIGHT SCHOOL . Behnke-Walker Business College azzTac ajtd noBiuaoaT yra. meaa avoambly than by ftaamar ssarss wnm aa. aerbisptna; -...T hoars nan wee bwaeaand ....... heatrs war araak Typewrlalaaj hoars ye wwjfe Fasiaaskla ....d hanx nan wwak aTmgttah j, .S boars was ariah fislam Hllag.lH ksmxs naa waofe SpaUlaar ......m hawsn aea wwah Ajttamarla ....16 aeaus new waa amata saloalaslen.a beeae woek MIOIL J flOUE JI3.C3 M!0H5H0imi$,M OAJA ; torn rom oaTAjboovav SAVE YOU?. MONEY In lifetime wa coma arroas many a ohance to save money, and It hi unwtsa to 1ft the oirMrtuniitr pass without taking advantage of tiim. Our DHTnuHit rtan w'.iti hi and 7 mmida glva you a rhanoe to m as aatlnga evary w aiia ou.n valua for yoor aiony HTor r a Watr.h or UWtnonu r prUf. We giva t'i ' that will protf t 1 -I it lay vt Dlamotma iu t dow. 1: 1