The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 10, 1904, Image 3

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- - -
sr. &ovzs inu nr Au nou
- nun sur mi; o pot-
Governor John Hopwocd Mickey ind
) -party of Nebraaka ar th fUMMi of ttt
. CVtmmareUl Hub bare today. Tliey ar
rived in. Portland at l:o o'clock UJt
, night frwo Seattle, wtfers tby attended
: the christening of lincl Barn's UUit
addition to the navy, Ui Dig balUe
ship Nebraska. , , ,
' The main braof th party ars Ckrr
1 emor John Hop wood Mickey, Mlae B0
Natn Mickey, vBeeretwy of Btate and
! Mri. O. W. Marsh, Slate Treasurer Pe
ter MortenD., W K- Howler, Attorney
General P. W. Prout, Mlaa Pro lit. Mr.
' 1. H. MICKEY,
Governor of Nebraaka.'
1 "and Mr. T. W. McCulIough, General
and Mm. J. H. Colvar. Usut. C. C. Cul
'vw, Cel. .0. X. Jenkins, Miss Jenkins.
Ml Vamberton, Col. C. 0. Bvaus, Cot
;, and Mr. 4- H. Bbrbart, CoL J. S. Daw.
r-rtL a. M. M allele CoL and Mrs. tL P.
. Bhumajr, Col. -Q W. Kajey. Mr. Calh
era. Col. and Mrs, I W. Oarovatl. Mr.
V'. Q. Templeton, Mr. Prank B co arc
and Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Coleman.
Oa invitation of President Goods of
the Lewis and CUrii exposition, th Ne
, " braskans visited toe fair grounds this
' morn Ins. Although K was ratnlnc. the
v trip was ITsatlr enjoyed by every mem
ber of th party Tbey expressed ahefr
surprise at the beauty of the exposition
j ark and the surrounding country- and at
the siae and grandeur of the building.
-Governor Mickey stated that be was
delighted wjth the general arrangement
anl the plans of the grounds nd build
' lugs.
!- -So far as I could ee." said he. "the
! plan Indicate eompaclneae. la this
A Reduced Reproductioa
'C Makwi btfcasiastfc p. V sjT )
The Columbia Graphophone
iGaaranteed to b Perfect Talking MachitM
The Columbia Phonograph company gisrsntecs this grapho
phone to be a perfect talking machine -in fact they will allow
. a credit of $5.00 on it toward the purchase of any other
machine that they make at any time within a year, the sub
sc riber to have the full use of the grapbophbne during that
tune. '
Tii JoiaTialfsxtra Offer
By special arrangement with the Columbia Phonograph ..
company, 128 Seventh street. The Journal is enabled to
make the following extraordinary offer: . ' 1
JoamaT, Graphophone Agreement
MVmilALvB. 00.
PerTauHt. Of.f
aat)H- 1 hmtor eaberrlK, for tW Bauy ssi Baasay laamal
th regular rat of AVrWinll, In ene-tiWMtUift ef wklrk. and V. wales
rrbj pay nw a pmiiKia entitling b rh flmt rcrI. yvat ar b furitlsk BM
t hr
tiro tr at th affle at thr rnhiatMa
froia Urut. parkins, rtr.l, far ea)cilva
It la aTl fnrtbw that I fai Pat cnwwl tn parraaao any
thla (IrnnlMHiknn Ant-lti th Iffl af BUT at-hMflptlnnl but If
awn apt tor. I Mu-rhaf n atlitMloiwil
t tt.-lr anoTf ah1r-. an eNU)lta tkls
Mclaalve prof.ert)' lorrrr.
. , . OLD
Start paper (Data).....,
HVrT mtomMa rtMrnngrask 0Sisb will alVW a waalt aa aa birt
(VtninMi marMn. to lb itnonul f 5 on it anr ttm darlDg ts itar la aixftasga tar
tkia UrapiMiphuna at thlr atftp. No. IM snfa draft. .
M S -Prt d all fatara fewda ja thla eeauact. SH Bwibfsi tbey war W
rrrtta nHi. i
- F 1
a . - -ft 0r
too '
'Ine nau.l errt;"- af your
fair grounds are vary t -tful, with
the lse on one atrte and v- a mountain
covered With tows oa tn sthar. A
batter location omiid but have been se
cure. "No dmiM the Lewis and Clark expo
sition will be s great success. You have
a wonderful country and wo In which
the people of the eaet and middle west
are becoming muck Interested, Prom all
Indication Portland will have many vis
itors, next year." '
The party will leev this event ng ever
the Oregon Railroad Navigation Co. 'a
line for the east. . Whew tba train arrived
frpra Seattle last evening quite a crowd
of former Nebreskane were at th depot
to welcome the. . (
watcks sister and .
' " . " , . it'
'' (ioeraal BpaeUI servlea. , "
Chicago, Oct. 10-After clinging to an
over-turned boat all night despite tba
coldness of tbe waters, and nearly dead
from exposure. Harry Gray, II years
Jf age, was rescued Off tbe shores of
cksos park t daylight talg saornlng
by outbound Oakermen. -
In the night be bad witnessed the
succumbing to exposure and drowning
of Nells Gray, bis slater, and Walter
Kennedy and Donald Campbell, hi oom-
pan I on.
Tbe quartet went tor a sail irom ue
front yesterday afternoon, and car
ried by favorable breeses went far from
ah ore. At that time tba brecaa sub
sided and an attempt was made to beat
back In to shore. When Bight time
Mm in ukina a tack, the boat was
caught fp m- sudden puff of wind and
oapslsed., camptm succeeaea in get
tin Mlas'Orav to the support of the
lover-turned 'beat, but aa fatigue and'
exposure was protraciea, one sixer -another
yielded and slipped Into the wa
ters of the lake, while the others, en
able to asslat, watched the endT -
(perlal Maatb te The JenL -Tacoraa.
Oct, 1. Judge Wiyiam ft.
Klchardaon of Spokane, for seven years
Judge of the superior court In the Ju
dicial district comprising Spokane and
8tevna counties, baa deserted tbe Xte
publftaa party. Judge Richardson m In
Taooma. and says be Is now an advocate
of tba principles enunciated by trie So
dallat party and expressed by Its leader,
Eugene V. Debs.' . w
: nmArrBAmAjroa a mistui.
(SpeeUl Mepataa teTke Jesraan
Palouse. Wsnn., Oct 1. Them a
Hopkins, night watchman, who wasva
hlchly respeeted resident hers, left town
-yesterday, leaving net for Ma wife.
wblck said: "Whan you get this letter
X will be gene, and X wilt Dot- return."
Hs left no bad debts and bad bo do
me lio troobls. ' The case la a mys
tery. ; .- - - - . -,
: - ugnn -vwjmawo- sinr. i
' (Sptclal Uaeateb ts be jWraaL,
Sprague Waah., Oct. 1. Mlse Belle
Beegley shot herself through tbe foot
Saturday, shattering the bona and
making a serious wound. Ska 44 not
know the 'gun wsa loaded.
of the Gmphophone
PRICE $7.50
rpSTtAND, , OS.
rbeaoar! (liapaar, N.
Tmi rtrf ta.
aet artag tae tens T tkta aaiaenptM.
fnrthar (riwli to rrtala
t ary tlma sad at Sir
t tke CMaeiMi Phoaosrapk Omtptay
aebavlBttee, tba swekisa laa taaasiea mr
,Assrte J
KAY ID .l I., j LAW
4 -----
d - 4'eeraal Saedal
at . r?nlfB. Wuu.. Oct. id. Be-
eauee of the unprovoked and
t fatal ahootlnf of Tom Brown, a e
a. workingman of Oakesdale, by 4
Prank lewls. a billiard hall pro- a
4 prlator, a lynchlQg threatened O
t and the Jail here is guaraea mi w
afternoon by extra deputies who 4
:will protect the prisoner at all
basards In oasa tbe mutterlngs d
dt Of excited citlsena takes a mors ay
4. aggressive) form.
a Brown. aTd zi ysers, was e
0 shot twice, once in tn necg ana e
4 once In the abdomen on Main
street In front i of tbe commer
clal bank at l"(o ociogk oy e
a Iwls, proprietor of a pool and
4 billiard room. .-.
4 Brovrni will die. Lewis was
4 brought te tbs coiraa Jru as e
a once, Lynching la threatened. 4
4 The men bad been enemies for 4
4 S long time. Brown having tea
4 eected from the pool room..
e Xewia walked up behind blm and . 4
4 deliberately shot him In tbe pres- 4V
v once of several persons. He then 4)
4) gave bimarlf up. Brown tans a. 4y
a wife and three children. . , . 4
In giving tbelr reasons for ttie arrest
of John Smith, the painter, on suspicion
of murdering Que Breuer, Deputy Sher
iffs Qrueel and Cordano orttlclae the po
Uoa, and especially Detective Welner, in
strong language. They declare that tbey
took no action until after the Sv Ital
ian held oiK suspicion had'-been re
luawl aad did nothlnar to nrejudlos the
ease of the polloa. but that tbe Utter
were guilty of siott Dungnng wonu ar
reating six men sad having to witness
tbs release of every one because ef lack
of evidence. -
Tba published statement that Smith
first three tamed Breuer life on account
of the dlvoros obtained by his wlf b
said to be an error. Theboy died whllb
tbs two were separated, the deputies say,
whereupon Smith said the demise was
due to his son having no home and avt
bain properly cared for. The other
threats were saaae after the divorce waa
obtained. - .
"A man called mo up on the telephone
two weeks ago," aaJd" Deputy Qruesi.
"and Informed me that ha had something
Important to tell ms. X went to see him.
He said that be believed Smith was the
real murderer, and that be could not rest
while he knew the innocent Italian to
b la iMU. Then ho told ms aH about
the threats; and 1 had him repeat hi a
statement to the sheriff. ' The police
have made no arrest In tho-eaaa of Smith
because they did not knowi who he was.
All tbey know of the threats is what
they saw In tbe papers.' - i
Deputy Cordano brands as fmlss the
statement of Detective Welner that any
of the Italian had been trying to secure
a, lasts on tba saloon conducted by
Breuer. Tbey say that no evidence can
Kb iMnnal tn emrva thla allegation.
Complalnta wrre filed In the Justice
court this morning by tne two deputies,
charging Mrs. OUen and Smith with sus
taining Improper relation. Tbey will
be held on these charge while further
Investigation is saade of the murder the-
";: ?.:-
Lads and lesaWs of the Poaell Cale
donian society will gather on. the Con
don heather for their annual masting.
October tT and It- Oarbed in their
kilts native of the lowland and tbe
highlands will com fronr far and near
to participate IS the festivities. A om
plet Scottish program hss been ar
rsnged consisting of , bsgptps music,
highland dancing, songs, recitation end
games. The danoera wlU be garbed In
full Scottish ooatume. They will be
Miss Boat Vtorbes, Miss. Myle Sharp,
Frank D'trey and ' Willi MoCormlok.
Jams S. Moon, formerly piper of the
Block Watch, tba famous Forty-second
regiment, and champion- piper of the
world, will render selecttona, assisted by
Rob Rot Bur Oeorc J. Cameron of
Portland will deliver the annual ad
dress. t Mrs. W. Du Denver and Mlas
Laullno Stanton of Portland. wUl Sing
classical Scotch songs.
' " Ssrisl MftMtefc t Tae eamal
Davenport, Wash., Oct. it, A burglar
entered the bom of Rev. Mr. Daugh
ters . Thursday morning. The noise
awakened the family wh were ordered
to throw ap their hand a.
The women screamed, wbereapnn tbs
burglar grabbed the Rev. Mr. Dsugh
tere' trouserd. eonUtnlag soma money,
and ran. Ther h no cli aa to his
Identity sad the trousers bar not bean
found. " i 1
, , ;.
adal Dlaaatek te Tbe JbeniaL) '
' sloacow. Idaho, Oct. 10. Students of
the University of Idaho mused a riot
In the midway of the ear-nival now a
her. Tbey took m the oriental dancing
girls' show, and because thsy did hot
consider that thsy had their money's
worth, refused to leav. ..
Arrests and a riot followed. Women
stmI children -fled frwuNtb grounds in
fright at the riot. - ,
': :- -
. V raprdal IHasatf Is The Jawsal) I
Colfax. Weak.. Oct. 1. A av-ys.r-old
boy, Olena, tbe Imbecile ana of Mr.
Ada bud week, tipped over lamp la the
room where bs was playing and waa
burned so Jmdly tba he cannot recover.
LHbV chest, hand,, feet and face were
burned to map, ana im nan oroppeu
off of the bones, .
The mcttier is a widow and aha new
thratene to Mow wt her bralaa.
, . , . - ."
riuj rsvosi sMmsa.
rnawMai napateh ts The JeereeM
Wilbur, Wash., Oct. 10. John Martin,
Jr., fell from a Korea jrseterday. sink
ing his bead against a rock, cutting a
Sash requiring eight stitches.
Tn th mw
, . Z
Misses Coats and Dresses. ' -Most
exclusive in Portland,
' ''''1' i ir "n'' ' i
i (, . . .
rgperlal BJasstcb Is The IisisiU '
Cugea. Or Oct. 10. aftuwn la Soo
to hav the largest and most complete
iron works te the stats south of Port
land. Gross Brothers, wh bT con
ducted a aniall foundry her for the past
save or eight years, have Just pur
chased a let M fee squar adjoining
thslr plant and will at .one commence
tbe construction thereon af the big
buildings for tbs plant. Tbe will cover
tbe entire lot. -
Modern maohtnery and appliance wtU
be installed and It kt the Intention f
the proprietors to make th .plant as
ideal on.
Th dross Brothers, thr of thera.
Robert. Wlillam and Frank, wars Jour
neymen founders until they established
tietr little plant, since which Urn they
hav don a surprisingly big business,
enough to warrant the erection of their
proposed hug factory. m
- Bwaff Farm Vans, .
' The Tlaeent Drue eompanr of Oila
city has failed, the store having been
closed Saturday upon attach meat by the
Blumauer-Frank Drug company of Port
land. This la on of th beading drug
store In th elty, and Its failure cams
as A aurprlss to th general public, -,
lYrtgaaio QnsBSsaj.
Th Waxhburne Irrigation company of
Junction City-has Sled articles of incor
poration twltb th county "clerk of Lane
county. Tba incorporators ar H. Wicks.
Thotnaa Bailey. T. J. Doroey aad.M. P.
Purkarson, with a capital stock Of
f l.tftOv- As before eta ted by The Journal,
this company will tap the waters, ef the
Long Tom river and Irrigate the many
farms lying en tbs prairls west of Junc
tion and northwest of Bugens. Work
on th dam wlU begin at one and th
main lltcb wUl be completed before th
dry season begins next summer.
V J;; .V- fv : ii r'
Lying- at the point ht death In th
Oood Saasarltan hospital la Mr. J. S.
UMimiv. Wblle nuFsaa and aklllful
physicians ar fighting against th rav
ages of dread typnoia rever, witn ins
chance hi favor f th dteaass. pel Ice
men ar engaged tn a search for th
husband, - He is drunk. He baa not
been seen for dan hy thoss who know
htm. -
rurinrAh BaKant mar not Burvrv
the day, friends of th family called at
the centrai polio station at 1 eioca
tnm a ft em oca and requeeted Acting
Captain Oulnlas so InstituU a search for
McOroty. ' .
"He has kwn drinking havHy for
days,' Bald th friend. "His wlf msv
not live through th day, and in her ce
ll rlura ah calls for him." 1 '
McOroty Is tn stranger to th nolle.
For belrfg drunk n was recently arrest
ed by Policeman Tsevin. tis m em
ployed at times by a local milling com
pany- J
1 ' rRpertsI Dfasab te Tbe Jesraat) -
Pendleton, Or.. Oct. it. Th state
circuit court- convened for th fait term
this morning'. Th first oaea called was
that ef Margaret Busoh against Ij P.
Robinson, proprietor of a laundry.
Busoh asks tS.frO for Injury to her right
hand in th rollers of a mangle while
working for Robinson. Tb accident C
ourrod la May, HOI.1
Th dooket contains several Important
criminal actions. Perhaps th most
a ota worthy is that of Oeorge Lamont,
who was arrested tn -fortund eeveral
weeks ago, who hi to -be tried for ob
taining money under false pretenses and
who la charged, with forgery sad lar
ceny by bailee. Lamont la said to hav
secured Iftot from C S. Irvln. a local
oonfectloeer, en a reprosentatloa that
he would buy machinery forthe tatter's
estabirshmeat. ;
(serial Masatr t Tse arat.
Porest Orove. Or., Oct. . The large
department stem of Wsttrous A Allen
ha changed hands. Mr: Pred Wattroua
has sold bis Interest te I. H. Hoffman, a
lawyer of thai place, so tbs Arm wlH be
Hofrmsn A ' Allen ri the future. Mr.
Wsttrou hss bought out Thomaa
James, who bad a large stock ef groceries
and alun timi dry good.
LkrWev Ll--'rvrMC-Tl' '
linm f$ rtjiwraYCMai
Pall Clothes, ths smartness of
young men is imparted to the lines for ages
style adapted for the age which it is intended.
the largest we have ever carried. , '.
r;v : f ' Swagger models, cut, very full on college ideas
$8.50, $10, $12.50 to $22.50
v Latng, loose garments, plain
ciAnn cicA cicnn onnn '
altV.W. J1C.JV. aBAa.V
.' '?'
(special Dtapatek s Tae learaal.1
Slm, Or.. Oct. it. The report ef
State Superintendent of Public Instruc
tion J. H. Ackermaa H a eomprehenslv
on and wlU show th prvUlng condi
tion of the educational (nautuitone of
the state.' While tha present school laws
as a whole ar considered evident, lb
following ehang are suggested:
First That tbe proceed of th annual
tax placed on corpora t Iocs bs placed la
th school fund Instead of tbe general
tf und, In order that th school fund may
to some extent be derived from aa in
direct tax. . r
Second That th school law e so
changed thai a coanty superintendent
may, at hi discretion, nss a part of th
Institute fund far holding local teachers'
meetings, which, according tn th attorvl
ney-general's opinion, oannot now a
dona. Local meetings reach th people
more directly and oloeely than doea
th regular annual mat 1 tula, bene ar
very valuable and should hen saoour
aged. "Third Th law should bs amended
that wha a vacancy occurs la tbs office
of a ohool director or school clerk the
vac nay shall bs filled by the boundary
board untU tha neat annual meeting,
when Buck yaoancy shall bs filled for the
remainder of the term by th auallfhtd
voters of th district. -
Fourth A law should be passed mak
ing it the duty of all county superintend
ents to attend annually a oounty superin
tendents' eonferenoe, a such time and
place within tha stat aa mayt be Indi
cated by th stat superintendent, and
making; rt th duty of the county sourt
to audit th traveling expenses of their
respective supsrlatndsnts to such meet
ings, th same to be paid out of the
general fund of tbe oounty.
Fifth Pas a law authorising- tha
county superintendent to appoint a
board to be known aa aa eighth-grade
examining board, whoa duty It shall be
to conduct eighth grade examinations, r.
accordance with th rules and regula
tions prescribed by the state board of
education for conducting the same. The
law should determln tbelr ompens
Uon, which shall be certified to by th
u pert tend ent and audited by tha ooun
ty court and paid out of the reneral fund
of th 'county. Thla will Insure dis
patch, efficiency and eonndenc la th
examination thai oaa b secured In no
ether way.
Sixth Amnd the act ef 1901 relating
to consolidation of school districts so
that petition from a district of tbs third
class shall require th signatures of but
five legal Vetera, Instead of It.
Seventh Amend section l2 of Bel
linger Cotton's code, so aa to make It
mandatory upon oounty courts to sftvy
th tax for library purpoees.
Eighth Subdivision 11 of section Utt,
of th code should be amended so aa to
read, "Tba board of dlrectore stay, at Its
discretion, transfer to another district
xiy child," etc '
Ninth A law should b passed mak
ing It th duty of oounty superintendents
to oaU annually a school board conven
tion, and authorising th chairman of
vary school board to appoint himself of
somemmbr of tbe board, or the school
dark, aa a delegat to said convention.
and any claim for expense, at a fixed
1 rate per mil by th nearest and moat
direct route, that ah all be Incurred by
said delegate in attendance at said con
vention shall be certified to by the coun
ty superintendent and audited by the
oounty court and paid out of th geoarai
fund of th oounty.
Tenth An act should be pa need giv
ing the oounty boundary board tbs right
of eminent domain for school purposes.
Jf telegram received yesterday by
Judge Alex Swek from Frdhk Hell en
eta tea that newspaper reports of bis
financial troubles hav been greatly ex
ass rated. He declare that be left
Tuscan Springs for San Francisco, where
hs Is now located and-conduct lag hotel.
Th only debts be left st tbe springs, he
said, war on that th proprietor of the
resort agreed to pay at the cloa of th
V KMal Meesteb b The AmtssL) -1
Lawlaton, id., Oct It, The Peter
Thompson ranch, lomted on Hi Pot
latcb rldga. end consisting of l.ll acres,
has been sold te Jank Mormacfc for a
consideration of
i - m
: BAwmxaa saisTS wots, . -
1 ispprtol rssatb te The Jneroal
Klppen. Ids.. Oct. It. The Krlckson
sawmill will start up this week for a cut
of Itt.Mt feet, after which th nergto
of the erew will a devored to logging
during th winti . .
outline which k most fitting to
from 14 to 0 years--arHf each '
The present lines are much
.. ?
or belt backs. "
W V.WV .: i V
Ssersil fMssateh te Tbe JaareaL f
Bugen. Or, Oct. it. George Herton.
an eld man, was beaten over th head
In a terrible manner by three men last
nbrht e a dark street and robbed of a
gold watch and several dollar. : Harry
Olena, a hotel oierk, and a hobo whose
nam Is unknown, who were acting sus-
plcloualyt war arrested sevrat nours
. A watch which Horto identified as
hta, .was found on the hobo's person.
Th two me wet loAed up and their
examination will be held thl afternoon.
Horton's Injuries ar serious. He had
bee drinking during tbe day and waa
see with th two me.
raa'k'b nerfect health without pur
blond. Burdock Blood Bitter makea
pur blood. Too ana invigorates uw
wnoie syi"m
Laue-Davis Drug Co.
. A Bottle ot Our ( i
, and a ' " .
25c TootH BrusK
' v All For Only
We have a
large stock
of all kinds
of Crutches.
Special This Week
Crutches TT
SALE 1 1,
Owl and Export T
I . . a v
riperUI BtessKh t Tbe JmvmI)
Seattle. Wssh Oct. 10. Dan Martin,
the Portland criminal, arrested- here last
Thursday and taken there Saturday
night, will probably net be prosecuted.
Prank Madole, the prosecuting: witness
against Martin on a charge of grand
larceny. M himself in the oounty Jail
and will probably be turned over to th
federal authorities for trial on a cbarg
of procuring. ' The charge will be made
by girl 17 year of age. who says Ma
dole brought her to Seattle from her
horte In Nanatmo, B. C She said she
had deserted her husband - for Madola
and had brought her 2-month)ld baby
with bar. " -
Everybody's liable to. Itching plies.
Rich and poor, old and young terrlbl
the torture they suffer. Only one sure
cure. Dnan'a -Ointment. Absolutely
safe: can't fall.
Prescribes lor you, but the
druggist supplies the medi
cine. A correct diagnosis and
prescription avail nothing,
however, unless the medicine
is prepared properly from
pure .drugs.'- The druggist
therefore has much to do
with the iuccess or failure
of the doctor's treatment.
' We have won golden opin
ions from the physicians of
Portland on account of the
accuracy and reliability of
our prescription department
'and the recogniawd purity
and freshness of 6ur drugs.
Our policy is to boycott all
adulterations and exclude
them absolutely from our
stock. Reap the benefit by
sending sll your prescriptions
to us. Expert men give this
department of our business
their undivided sttcntion.
rBtscriPTioNS caluo fc: i '
DELIVERED wttboot tttrsfX -