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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1904)
m m 10 take f f- CARGO FROM HERE euimn mr A81ATX0 pOxCPAJrT sTOT SUIT OvXtt TO TJ , ; 1 Tinal arrsngements war completed -l this morning (or tb chartering of Urn ' .oriental liner Chins Wo by tb Port- - i land A Asiatic Steauashlp, company, - word to this .fft, luvlnf been re ; Ivd by the local odtce from . San FatDdacA Th steamer U bow 'lying j at Bent Crua, and will eell either to v dv of tomorrow for Portland. j Tha deal haa bean hinRlnt Are aboift : week, and tha manner to which 11 ended Is going to prov a dlsappolnt- ment to a number of exporters. Ac- cording to tha term of tha charter tha vessel wlU only carry freight to Hong' keug. the owner poelttroly refusing .-' to permit he to lafc out any cargo : for dspanese- portai It 1 inferred from thla that 1 they did. not - care - to aesum ny risk of the steamer be " ln captured by tha wandering ftuaslan i Seat. Tha China We I owned by the China ,j Commercial ' Steesmhlp . company, oi which J. V. C Comfort I general man ager. Qt Into ha ha bean ply In be tween Hongkong and Mexican porta. Thirlng tha war the company ha re- fralned from carry Inn freight' to Japanese port. It t about tha only Una operating from tha Pacli1e coaat that baa adhered to emch a policy. By not carrylnc irooda consigned -to porta Jn tha land of tha mikado It la " thouitht to be probable that the Chin Wo will he forced to g out with cn- tiderabiy lea than full cargo, Bha . hits a dead welicht carry in capacity of 1 about 4,004 tons, but Tip to data there la not more than 1.44 ton In eight to, ba ahfpped to Hongkong. If no other 1 engagements ahould be mad for apace n the atnamer, that will bo tha full 'amount which her car will comprise. Fha la expected to reach hero about Oc tober S3, four day In advance of the time scheduled for the Aragonl to put In an appearance from Yokohama. A both "vessels will be her at practically the seme time. It la thou ah t to be prob ahle that conalderable difficulty will be ntpwrienced to get any additional cargo for her to take to China. A big por- . tlon of the Aragonla'e cargo will clao be consigned to .Hongkong. Tha local representative of H. C. Bar- - Tlaoo A Co. I of the opinion that thr, ' Russian warablp are again going 'to frove menace to commerce frora the aclflc coaat In the course of a very short time, and for.that-rnon prophe alt. that war rates are going to mate rially advance. He baae hi prediction on th belief that a part of the Port J Arthur quadron will boo aacapo, and ke says that the Battle fleet will also ' , be ahowtng up la thoae water at bo blatant data. - ' . '.' aww" psesssanw 4 "The Store Noted for the Beat PORTLANDS "STYLE SHOP,?' We never have. "Grand Openings' of the season here a great X triumph ia always at the "Style Shop" an elaborate display Z X of fine Colored and Black Jress Goods-and Stytisb Wearing X Apparel for women and children. The time is her for fash- t ionable Portland to honor her "Style Shop wUh many visits 1 of inspection and biaying."vV - y ' : f NEWEST IN DRESS GOODS - 'Tha Utest Weaves In Latest Color . . X Much could be said regarding in Dress Goods ; but you know 2 vite you to come and see them. X many beautiful fabrics in the- announcement, j. nis weca our X tractive prices should interest you. X Colored Dress floods Mien values ss tnese were never before offered in this ? Cravenettes, 56 inches wide, Tjxiorus, tan mu uiuwns. vYard ........ .....fl.5 T 4fvincn imported .lDcunca, i i Djues ana Drown. Yard ..fl.90 52-inch Tweed Tailored Suit- ing, blacks, blocs and ' browns,. Special, : yard ......... . .fl.47 62-inch Mixed Suitings, all , the new colorings, i Ysrd 81.00 46-inch Mixed . Zibelines, a '- greens, blues and brown. Yard .r. .75? - f The New Suits ; 1' We will place on sale to- 4 niorrow for selling that day, new laiior-maae duns, J in the popular blouse, Nor 4 ! folk or 30-inch jacket, or me- ; dium long tourist effects, plain or fancy mixtures, very 3 ', newest skirt, inside or box ; ; plaits, all eizes ; very exclu- ; sive styles. ', We show the largest as ; ; sort me nt of Suits at popular prices to be found in the city; every late style, all tiie pop I ular cloths, more elegance ; for the money than usually - foupd at the price. We have i t mrrr aiA aoe innn lur rwv, 7-r, o 825, f22.50t fl9.50, 818, 916.50, 815, 912.50 ami 810.' Cravenettes X; A swell line, latest styles and vat prices that will caue MM" Itlerna free with everv tl.0 atode Monthly, on year free with vavat ST&T 9xot.xrwtTm hby oosunm Tans .. THE PROGRESS N.WALLOWA COUNTY Wallowa, county flrat annual fair, held mat week at Kntarprt. wa lanal aucceaa and m likely to prove a akrong factor in advartlatng the ooun ty resource and-lndu- Oovenwr Chamberlain, who returned ro " prlae this morning, speak with enthu slssat of ha remarkable dtaplay hlblta abown at the raw ana oi progreao which 1 being mad la h development of the county. -Th Wallow county fair w In Itlated. I undaraland, with th Idea of lnt noting tha people of tha county In th Lewi and Clark exposition," th governor. "Tha purpoe la to In sure an adequate display neat year of tha county product. Thla I tha ft rat county fair ever held In Wallowa ooanty and It iumwu wa therefor all the more Burprlain-- There wr fin ex hibits of th frufta, cereal and vege table reload tn tha county, and ox aheea, nog, cattle and horses. Tnere waa a big attendance and people cam) from 10 and 0 mile my. Many of th exhibits came front distant part or the county, and there was an especially fin display of fruit from Ch Burka district, ' "The people at waiiowa w all wll off. Nearly everyone owna na own horn. The lntareta of the peopl are dlvaralfled hot all of them eem to own at let few sheep and hore. I baltev that Wallowa w rebAiy toe LOG AND LUMBER : mm IS SMALL There I lull lh th demand for log and lumber at local mil and adjacent logging camp. Portland and netghbor ma mill nolnta consume a vast amount rot log from th booms of tha logging companle that are acafterea tnrougn tne timber along th tream tributary to th Columbia and Willamette, A mill such tho Inman-Pouleen plant will reduce a boor to carload of loga Into lumber In single day. Tha big mill of the Eastern Western Lumber company at the foot of Twentieth trt haa similarly larg capacity. There are, others, including a larg mUl recently atarted at Vancouver. . Peter Connacher. manager Of .the Twin Falls LiMKlna company, one of the sub sidiary companies of the Weycrhauaer Timber company, wa in Portland toaay to confer with Secretary B. I Mc Cormlck. who cam hare from Taooma. The Twin Fall company ha logged about S9.0Oe.000 feet till season In tha neighborhood of Yacolt, Clarke county, Washington. Not nearly all of thla crop haa been sold, but tha logs are moving about as usual Into the Portland mar ket for this time of year. Tha company delivering 30 car a day to U W Vancouver eawmllL ' , took Oaamsd wood. Allan and lewt' Beat Brand. ! Goods at the Lowest Prices." these new weaves and colorings that they are here, and we m- It is impossible to describe tha limited space of a newspaper X attractive unco, wixn utcu t- 38-inch Mixed Suiting, both . - in Tweeds and, Zibelines. Special, yard ...50 ', New brands of Wool Wsist- ; ; ings, at, yard. ...... -50e ; i See Third street Windows. . Black Dress Goods ; Ko store on the coast carries J , a larger or Dcticr asnon . ment of Black Dress Goods than this store.- No store ; ; 'carries the quality and sells ' at such prices as wtf.- In ', ' ' Black Dress Goods, as well ; ; . as other lines, we excel. Our new fall goods are all j in and we are quoting .. prices from $3.50 a yard to ,50t I vou to wonder how cheap. We have ,them at , $25, X , $18.fi0, $15, $18.60 V X and U.'.fH New Tourist and Street Coats 1 , Every express tha past X week brought us the newest ideas in Street Coats cov ert, cheviots, Venetians or X broadcloths, 30 to AO inches X long, the new tourist effect, also blouse and long coats in tan. We have them from 810.50, 812.50, f 15, Z 817.50, 825 and f35 .-v 27-Inch Coats Half-fitting back, in all the X new shades of tan, brown, blues, black, in-heavy and t , medium weights, in the X new mixtures and Meltons i ;' and Kerseys. Tomorrow J ' our prices will be ,$18.30, X ' tin a-a av Kt te Va ., $9 and $4.50 j nurahaae. vnry K purohsaa. ttooD rTosa nt rata crrr. . . awo c oaajwon. : OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAK O. IS MADE ; , rioheet county pt capita In the tTnfted gtataa. All of th principal towha. Jo- seuh. Bnterprtsa. Lostliie and Wallowa. are prosperous and appear ta do a big busuivea. Their trade extends back 0 and 7B mtlaa. and th cattlemen, fro it raiser and farmer com long H tanea to buy their supplies. The aaunty need, moot of all. railroad com munication. Tli aieareat railroad point I Klgln. from which all euppiWe wr sent In by freight wasnna. "The Wallowa rtvr and Wallowa iHkt furnish a magnificent, supply f wa' mr both nower and lrrtaatlo. 'I lavtl of th lak to much higher than that of tha river and the time will come when the water of th take will bo used to irrigate hillsides and other land that cannot be upplid from th river. Tha level of tha lake oao anally ba rstsed 0 or 60 feet by damming the outlet, and this would create an laex- haustibl aupply for Irrigation. 'The people of Wallowa county r deeply Interested In the construction of to Celllo canal nd th portage road. Their wool la In demand In thla valley and I am advised by one of the growers that It costs them IS hundred to ship the wool to Elgin end thence to Port land. With an open river they eouid shear their sheep over Bear th gnake river, where there t pasturage during the bearing' aeasoa, and the wool oould then be sent by boat to Portland, t much la than th present eot." BELIEVES JILTED : LOVER IS GUILTY soaiTTA wm, vow x. nun, suan suur mammo BAxan to sum anraavajrow ov rxrmm an sossv owmr vsroois roJiTaau. voaxnov ucaTTXiT. Two week ao, neeordlns to local po lite, a Jilted lover wrote to Mia lrtta Ward of Catlln, who wa attending cliool at BUenaburf, Waab.. and lned the nun of af. H. Keller, to whom the young woman wa nftn;ed to be mar ried. Th Utter was written on paper of tha Easutnd hotel of thla city, and etated that Kelley waa lit In hospital 1 Port land and deal red thai she com to e him: Th youn woman earae Immediately. With her was another youn woman, and they reached the city lata In the evenln. They went to lodina;-house, where they secured apartment and then went to dinner. On their return from dinner they were unable to find their room They bad ft cent, and apent th areater part of the night aearchln for the place for which they bad paid. 8" hey were un successful in their efforta, and finally apent the last half dollar for another room. They arose early the neat day and renewed their search. Without food they want to various lodin-houeee, but again failed. Late In th afternoon the? appealed to polloe ofnear, to wnom Mia Ward told her etory. ' A youn man bad asked her to marry him, she said, and she had refused. Sh told- him sh waa engagea to another. Then b began to torment her In various way. After visiting th vsiioo hospi tals and finding that Keller had not been confined In anr Of them, ah at ted to th police that aba believed her jntea lover had written th letter simply to de coy her to the city. She gave bl name a Baker. Kfforta to local hlxa sine that Um have been futile. Keller and the young woman war' to have been married laat Monday at Kelso. He arranged for a Means and other de tails ware completed. He started to drive to the borne of a friend In th country Sunday afternoon, and wa seen no more until Friday. HI disappearance wa a mystery, on Friday several hunters were led Into the woods bv the ttecullar actions of their doss and found Kelley bound end gagged and In an unconscious condition. He haa not yet recovered sufficiently to re cite th details of bis uperlanc, but whltecappar are said to have perpe trated tha dead. oa n aaio, wa dreesed Ilk a woman, ' Not to be thwarted uy tne worn 01 m assailants of her lover, Mia Ward went to Kalama and secured the license that had been made out for Kelley. Th groom was confined to hit bed a tha re sult of hi treatment at the hand of tha whltecapa. The wedding wa perform eo at tne hotel In Kalnma yesterday. Only a few Intimate frlenda were prseent. He i till nimble to give a clear account of th outraa. end by aome It Is hellsved that he fear further punishment hi case he reveal the Identity of his ,as satlnnta.' Officers of amreral counties ana cine are already working on the eaae, but ef fort r to locate Biker hav been nnavan- lna It Is thought that Kelley waa eith er rendered unconscious by hlowa on tho head, and conaetjuently doe not know the perpetrator of the need, or na neen Intimidated by threat and 1 afraid to tell all th clrcumetHnoes. MULTNOMAH COUNTY ' SCHOOLS GET MONEY Tha annual apportionment of tte chool money ha fef made by County fluoerlntendent R. F. Roblnon. There are !t.7 school children In Multnomah county. Each district receives $1.61 for each pupil In the district Th follow ing are the ' apportionments: District No- 1 (Portland;, ?3.t; district Na. S, 4T.4i diatriot No. S. $88.13; dtstrlct No. 4, I8S1.CC; dlatiict Nn. C. ll.17S.ftl: district No. f. MUi district NO. 7, 61.01; dlatctct ' "No. 1. SS.3: district No. t, 174. vfl; district Na 10. tl21.IT: district No. 11, 111.12; district Na 13. l?.U; district K. 11. I11S.4C; district No, 14. liel.04; dis trict No. 1. S74.0; district No. Is. l4t.7S; dlatrlot No. IT. I90.K; district No. IS, SRGSS9; district Na It, S40.H; district NO. f, $244.71; district No. 11, $31.14; dtstrlct No. S3. $3.7l; district No. . t:i.H; district No. 34, IST.ST; district No. 9$, 4.40; district No. Jfl. 9141.41; district No. 37, ISS.M; district No, 2ft. $.; dlatrict No. 29, $2S.H; district No. 10, trt.7fl; district No. 11. $63.13; district No. S3. $171.18; district No.- Sl.-MT.03; district No. 14, 151.10; district No. 3t, $t.i district No. is, He.OS; district No. 37. $90.1; district Na $1, SH8.Ce) district Na 11, $C01; district No. 40, 1601. wi; district No. 41. $tl.Sl; district No. 41. I1J7.1I; dlitrlct Na 43, HI 61; district No, 44. It. 16.10; district Na 4$, $83.11; district Na 4. $41.U district No. 47. $204.47; district Na 41, S77.37; district Na M. $41.31; district Na CI, 111.62. Joint districts District Na - 4. $2lS.S3; dlatrlot No. . Sil.19: district Na IB, t'Jl.JS; district No. 13. $3V.1; distriet Na 43, $107.17: district Na S3, $t.t$; district Na 43, $lS.ll; district No. 47; $.; district No. TO, SUCI't; distriet Na IS. Mil; 4itrit No, 4. -2 , AY OREGON FYTLIANS 'ARE GETIK5 BUSY ifl ii mjusmsi fob AjnruAx ooimmoi bowjt at rata m saoas-cttt sa rrnaa wmav saunni FBCaf va VTMM sTVATS. . a" if lown 'by' tk - awabor. where th wave and the rain droiw are both doing the plah act just mow, Oregon's Pyth ian will assemble thla evening. Orsnd lodge officers are gathering In full strength. Discussion 1 on relative to proposed leglsletlqo Every Indication Is that this will he on of the greatest session of th Knight of Pythias grand lodKe ever hold 1 Ui state. - ' The first election of grand lodge offi cers under tlis new rule permitting any ellsibls knight being taken Croat Ute floor to any position In th lodge will ba held dot "year, . Seniority ha pre vailed in the paat after an officer had passed th position of inner guard, beet yisir th grand lodge dacldod that the grand chancellor or any offloar under aim might be taken from th floofv Th result Will be a lively s Kir ml -fa while el set Ion is on. In the past thar wa an oDDortunltv fur but oaa eonteat that being for tb grand Inner or the grand outer guard office a all above that were merely promoted. (Irand trustees were nhosan from retiring graad chancellor rank the grand chancellor stepping down being In line for a truataushlp. Supreme representative -choaen only from the list of past grand chancellors have len a rule lctd In th order of service a first officer of the do main. ' Kick benefits and fnneral .payment will probably be taken up this year. At the last session of the supreme lodge a statute waa enacted making It op tional with grand lodge whether any alck benefit should b paid. Prior to that time a benefit wa compulsory. This year th Oregon lodge will have the rlsht to prescribe a compulsory Dene- fit, abollah th compulsory benefit, or leave the matter optional with eubor- dlnat lodge. This question 1 exelt- tua much interest among th members. sa it has among all fraternal order, and ft seems probable that bene fits win ot left- optional with aubordinat lodge tn all cases, they being allowed tfi pay when they desire, and In such amount as th individual eas require. There 1 aoarcely a lodge la th tt not represented. Grand Chancellor Waldman of Portland, Urand V ice-Chancel ler I. 14. Curie of Albany, Grand Pro late M. F. Davie of Union., Grand Maeter of Exchequer J. W. Ualonejr of Pendle ton. Grand Keeper of Records and Seals JU. R. 8tlnon of Salem. Qrand Master at Arms O. C. Hosier of Portland, and Grand Outer Guard D. Boynton of Baker City, wer among the early arrival Vmatllla's big delegation of champion order worker was headed by James Gwinn and B- E. Kennedy. Bskr sent her veteran, "Dad' Boynton, with minor Hs-hta. Union ba Dr. Lincoln at the head Of her stalwart a. Past Grand Chan cellor Bratiahaw of Th Dalles staaaa foremost among th Waoo knight. I R. Btlafon la tb leader of th Marion crowd. Clafaop 1 holding her delega tion at Astoria to Joint th excursion when it roll in this evening. Jackson. Jnstmhlna Linn, Lane. Douglas and other outside counties are represented In fores. Multnomah, always strongest in Knights of Pythias gathering, ha the rsnd chancellor, grand master at arms and Sunrame Representative W. M. Cake In the throne, be Idea, a host of minor Ughta . Tomorrow evening S born ing sands ot Khorasaan will b crowed by more than half a Hundred tyro. They have been gathered from ll parts of th state, tegffed and marked. The bunch of workers representing th Knight of Khorasaan promls the tyroa the event of thalr Uvea, and If they aurvive the burning sands, th Jungle and Wild of ifnknown land await them. Th big sscurston will leav at 7 o'clock thla evening, by which time most all tb delegate will hav reached Port land. , MAKING READY FOR WALLA WALLA TRIP The passenger dertment of the Ore gon Railroad Navigation Co. has taken hold of the Work ol securing a Urge delegation of Portland business men to attend the Walla Walla fair on Portland day, which occurs n Thurs day of this wek. About 1W names or probable tourist have been turned In by the ehambw of oemmero. and of the considerably more than 100 will go. It 1 hoped to awvll the crowd to fully 160, which will fill flv or six extra Pullman sleeping car. Ttfeae car will be attached to the regular train leaving portland Wedneadny even ing t 4:1 o'clock. Th travVlers should get their supper before start ing, as there will be no dining car on thla train out of Portland. Th train will arrive at Walla Walla early Thurs day morning, and the Portlanders may occupy their berths until their usual time .for arlaing. The cars will be slue racked at Walla Walla, and kept there for the return trip Thursday evening, leaving Walla Walla at 11:30 o'clock and arriving In Portland at I o'clock Friday morning. The fare wilt be $C for tb round trip. Including PuUmsa berth for th nttr trip. , NEW YORK JUSTICE : VIES WITH CHURCHES . (Joerasl Special Servlee.) New tork. Oct. 14 Justice of the fPac John C. La Fsui herlw of Belle vllle, N. J.. I probably the most enter prising man In the marriage buainess la th country. Couples who go to him are not units In a stuffy lrttle office, but In appropriately equipped quarter. A floral bell hangs sbove an alcove. The couplea enter the reofn ceremoniously through rear door from a reception room, while Miss Cora I Ffeucberle play a wodAlng march, ' whll Mia Leonora Ayre. th- 'squlr' grand daughter, act as a flower girL Constables are reaiy at all times to perform tho ofdree of ushers, and one i ready to be best nan If necessary. There is, si ways a bouQuet fur ths bride and after the ceremony 'Hquira La Kaueberl pronts th newly-married ooupl -with a gift, ofteh a handsome parlor lamp or duck. ' . - ' XUff Farnw ANOIaTTaD. i (Inornal averlal aVrrkt.) Kcha. ServU. Oct.. 10. Klny peter was anointed her yesterday. After high mass had been eetebrsted in the morning the king was forma 11 Invited to anointment rA tHe bishops. He laid airte hi royal- em We ma and a ler the ceremony wa oonducted to th sltar and partook of communion, after which he retnrned 1 AIM thron and th royal garb, , . EVEX1NG, K. . sgssBaWaVRaaaaTamsBnsffKaaRVSESSv-.. fiffp rt aru i f"'i ( - JSSi.-- UlAjmmjBlimimBmnl'? fXlltom0mim&nmll,immE -iamBawflnpBaawwaaasBwawaawPwaswe-""- Woodard, Clarke & Company 'A ' Ca Rorh mt Hnm jm L7wu s-e How refreshing and strengthening. Our . 0 . Dnrifli SPr l CaC'Jiiw sw4l h-Jll 4- Is th pur evaporated product of th oceau don't cinftmnrt It with so called sea salt scraped from the alkali Inkus of California or the rock salt of ths middle states. FaeUto Sea Ball has the modlcinal qualities of sea ia wjt valua nulne- tsr. Without wnica U is pi no v w. lis mirifv ana sen ness. we pui n uij i "ivt stid ttoxe bearing our name. tdnall Sttcka . C pound boses ... . . .gs 1,-bn. Ky Tooth Brushes At your own prlc this week. Extra values for this week, regular 43c Iwq, 40c and 40c fur 7c I2C I6C 19C fin . BotU asT Walt' Tooth Powder with say IS Tooth rush. Wa guarantee our Tooth arcane .. and will always replace ay found defective. . t . , We Buy Toilet Paper - in Carload Lots Thaa prtoes are lower taam ma wkjffltanlt kiai efcarg 4h dealer) Speclul. per do. "NKRO," T-ouac roll .... 6AN1TAS. 4-0" nee roll- '"S "400,' 1.D00 sheets eve "YVOOIH.AWR. ive -2" "PILOT." square. 400 sheets. .. .SB TII.OT," Square, 804 sheet. .40 "DELTA." squares, 40 heets. .T3 KLONDIKR. aquax. 1.000 "heeta S AsepUc, extra floe, 1.009 This Is the Time Whan you ar ape to catch oold, and pvg, cansht one. It's apt to. stay aU winter. Kali ww 09 mi , . Woodlark Bath Cabinet Have one In rdur room and abJoy a Turkish, thermal or medicated vapor bath at any time at coat of only 3 Thla Cabinet will prevent overfat nass remove 10 pounds a month' pleasantly and without dieting. ; Varee Stylae CH Oood. ; 53, 98, 52 V Too can always aavs money and four trunk line and" ten extension. , Woodard, 9 Popular. Priqe Druggists V V: ;- ; v'c'uS '&:T-. OREGON ATTRACTS i EASTERN CAPITAL AOBsrv ttsaxx? avaurataara aaav rra arAra oosTaxDamat.a as TxaTiajjro txru. avxtaosr sats xCAjrr Wax or KOxnrr amm oosc- "Oregon ha been getting 'some good advertising la the east, but those wheat shipments did the business, sdld Col onel R. C Judaon today.' Ke ba Just returned from a trip to Chicago and other' points, on a trip combining per sonal matterstWlth business. He went to his old borne la Minnesota, and thu to Omaha to visit his son. 'He paid a visit to a slckvbrother at Chicago, who la connected with th army, and who ha arranged to com to Oregon next year to build up hi health. ' "They can't find a place on th globe that I better than Oregon for th gen eral health," 1 the verdict of Colonel Judson. - ' He wa successful in hi business mis sion, which wa to Interest some new Industries snd lnduo them to com to Oregon end locate. He found on hi trip that Oregon 1 now being noro talked about thaa ever before la tha middle states. ."There ar many of ths gnbd bualnea men '"f thoa states discussing Oregon a a place to come and live and Invest money," h says. "A few. year ago the talk was all Washington, and now It 1 Just much or mora for Oregon. Tli wheat that we sent to Duluth, Chicago, St, loufs and other points clinched th arguments that had" been aent out la th form of advertising, and ha made deep J repression. I talked with many business men tn the course of my journey, and neasly all Say that they ar coming to the Lewis and Clark exposition," . - - COURT ORDERS, HER TO VACATE PROPERTY : - ""m El lea Shepherd, falling t vacate a houae and Idt 1 UrMlllan' addition t th "city, tn accordance with a decreo of the circuit -enurt. entered July 14. confirming their aula, flogu A Wilbur applied to th court thla morning for a writ of assistance. The sliersff i Instructed In an vdr Signed by Pre siding Judge Oeorsv to plao thei plain tiff ln the cane. Ira, Iucy and Oscar Shattuck, In possession of thw preperty, rrra suwatm to ooaaaaaa. Th Portland chamber f eommarc will hav Ave representative in At tendance at th trans-Mississippi Con gress, which opens nsxt week at ' St Louis. The last delegate to bs ap pointed, a at. ' Mears, departed yester day for tit. Iiola Other delegates In attendants will be I It Kern, 11. Jen nings, Kdward Cannon and J. Annand. Tom Rb-hnrdaon will rprant th Com mercial lub. 1 . Jaleswomai Waptcl -On w'ho Is custored to- tseUIng women's avlt. aklru and all ready-to-wear goods., Must be thoroughly experi enced. None other considered. . Call at onoe. 0. M. ue, ' ' ' After all if a question of quality wheu buy heu buying drug or having yuur prescript!.; wormy baby foods are dear at auv pnWK promise you a saV. iNii in money on every purchass you make at our tora Every arilcla w upply. whether lr ave cents or ap som Baits or proscription Involving; ynur life and health. IS THO BKsT that the world can furnish or money buy. We haven't servey forty years In i tha drug trade for nothing, and aW"". "'U. nerrr nd "know how" are i script Ions, our dispensing case 1 "wid bpon" n secret, no substitu tion, no commisslone. no favorite , and our nrioe are right. v They aerr indicate the way we ww and hoU! our trade Bvery ar ola we Ball 1 genuine and th best. ALsortwnt Cotton, pound, rolls... .gu Dli-keiiaun's Wttrh Ilase el. pint... '.it Ttxhliiir Hrwla Knirllah. nouod ft Kpsom fialts, pound T powdered Borax Mul Tam puckage , e Powderud Busrar Milk, pound S3 fifinp Bark, package To Mtxnd Bird Bead, pound .. Carbolic Acid. H pound ?..lo Bttldijti Pow iters, box ...... .Ho Bay Rum. half pints ...... .1 faom Water, half pint 1 Wa gnsrte tb parlay f nty raaa. ' t Wm Seepl stay That - , f - rntr ?t. a nnn s?t& . f - Sroa V - They know by rorlao that oar price a lower than bargain -e oon- ar stook. Wa bay from tb uaanfaa tursrs Bare are some-ladiaetorsi Lyoni xoo in rosoer , Frontllla . . ,......,...-14o Mennen'a Tatcum ..,..,(...,.13 Pure Cod Liver Oil . I scarce and high; much offered 1 -chSD arade of fish oil. and ha no medicinal virtu. We aruaramee our cod llvor Oil to b pure NorjM "E"Uv"""J t,,i.r,.:V- certain cur for chronic dleaoa, a bullder-up of tha health. ' f'WoodiMt-V' Pure Norwegian Cd A.iver'ii, in pini iwuwi.. In stone Jug, protected from light and air TS Woidlark'r fhocolat Emulsion, rel ished by children, an, elegant prep aration, pint bottle TVoodlark Win of Cod Liver Oil. aromatic and appetising ,S5o With Peptn Manganat of Iron, for thin-blooded peopl SLw PURE UQU0R3 - Aa4 aaaTtiis Liver OIL In pint bottles., MO ""' . Quarts. Walker's Canadian Club . .:. .. Sl-Q McBrsyar's Cadarbrook (bottled In aa -bond) ................... .S1.1S r Ptsher' Ry .........,...t fl.l0 Pe war's Special BcOtcb fllS Muskingum Valley .S1.1S I Old Cabinet Blend SO Welch' Qrapa Julc (pint Mc..4M Martell 3-Htar Brandy ......... .81.73 Inolr's Cognac ...Si- California Port and Sherry.... . .S3 Crystal Rock, Tly and Tola. ., . . .SS JARDINIERES Louwalea Jardiniere, th .. ware, band decora lion. 88, SXOa, SI get Tb the best here the only drug stor with a complete only gtor receiving Canadian monsy at full valua- Clarke & JUSa SLAaTT SarVA- &IBV &ST34S nWaaSXSBB ' STY CrtTDDBaT XPOaUaVxV 088 A. smoxxaKATai.T sao.ooa -: - (Jearekl Special Serrie.)'- , Colorado Spring, Col., Oct 14. Fire early thla morning destroyed tha Norria house, an of the older hotel Of Kanltou Springs, six miles from' here, and th Barker house, another hotel adjoining It wa aaveeT only by herol effort ' - - Both hotels wer two-story structures on the pottage plan, built of wood and rendered highly inflammable by age. Th fire, whloh la supposed. to have started In tha kitchen . of th Morris bouse, spread so rapidly that th rive of 49 guest wore endangered before tney oould be aroused or carried t place of safety. Time and. again flame broke out In th Barker house, which bad a oommodation for 190 guests, but th firemen, by devoting their entire time to It, suooeeded la preventing It destruc tion. It wa considerably damaged. . Th two hotels were of the mlddKt1 class, and numbered among their guest a many invalid, some of whom ware con sumptives. A all were compelled to tske pa flight lh their night clothing "or were carried out by firemen In an un prepared slat of garb, It Is feared sev eral death will follow th attendant ex posure. Vour of the victim of the fire ar this afternoon in a preoariou condi tion. Th fire loss t approximately tKO.004, ndt including th dataag t .the Barker bouse, where considerable expenditure will b nocasaary for repair t Ko vacant house la Morn. - KSJRIS HC2SE JS v- Mmm BURNED smTsm sioTgsi AMOzarxra waa You don't bear much about sympathy in dentistry. , P6 you? People Usually speak of dentists as cruel and calloused to the pain they Inflict. That is because our methods have not been tried. We are so confident that we can operate successfully without pain Ln any instance or under any conditions that we ask for' tT close investigation of our methods. As to the durability of our worjc, we invite investigation also. Dr. B. Wright's Dentai Offices "; M&yi Washington Street, Cornet Seventh.'.:' ; "; ; Offlo Hour J a. a, to I p, nt. Sunday f a. m. to p. u. t. PHOKsl MAIN 3114. Fse aVeaaxxmaal. Branah Offla ttsualoff BuikUnf, talsm. The Perpetuated Palms never fade or dl -rocu mire no at ten- tlnn-rgr alwaya fresh and atuac- Uv. ComDsreAhese- orloes . with, th green house plant, which ad i)a' taAt car. .... Our Palm ar all potted, e , This, ; Spirt : Gas i Alcohol Lamp Will boll a pint of water In IS mln utea Burns without a wick. Uses " wood alcohol. Gives lntejis heat 1 and can be easily regulated., epe . clsi prlc this weak. .,....... JO 4slpbon xchapga. Company Established 1864 Mak Tour Horn Beautiful. a. -. .11, ' J$ '. ST j' Avv "lngth 1 . .1 . fi 1 j fff la lnchw of I ..V Vh': -If vr:. if : :i- , 1 ; ? - : g ) a 4 - ;s h I 10 14 I , .40 it 4 : 14 14 1 .79 I -IS . -76 lit i n im j? i-tji 1 aaaj .11 . ai.-V' -i-- THAT SQUARE OFFER fdenalS Oaaao tev Peovle With 3ra saaaaat ss. for If uss wsashers, . Sebeal and 8aw4kay atoawola, ' Vay K xaesnat. Tea Oeata a Say. V , fl- -a ;.. ' Square piano ar considered by om Y people aa rather "out of style." They ., are a Uttl out of data. It Is about IK 'i. yeara sine th laat aqitare planog were manufactured. But thousands of lb old-tlm elegant instruments hav re mained In usp during many years and -hav given entire satis faction. ;; Ther I a great accumulation of these square pianos at our store now. They ' are not all of them faahlunabl fnetru ments: but they are good, and possess ths sssentlal of a fine piano; that la, re-' liable action and ourltr or tone. Thar have all been cieanea aitd poi- Ished, so that thy are really very h&itd- aoma andV Will liroW a great satisfaction In families who own their own homes, 1 ; ssneclally tf there r children wh take music lessons snd do a great deal: of practicing, for there m nothing mot reliable In ton Ltban . the aubstantUM. old re a . Ws must get rid of them quick. Tha flpac Is badly needed for our fall ship ments of sletrant new Instruments now arriving. vVe are therefor offering' ' them at these little prices: Hallet Davis, light rosewood 444: worth 3100. v A very fine Jiuild. 4; worth 3115. - Stelnway, in dark roaewood, caa. 1 gplcndld tone, 349; worth 1174. f. One of the Jenneys A Son, also cased ' m handsome rosewood, CIS: worth $150. A Coll oed t'ollsrd for C64, and an other en for the ame prlc. Both are ' In One shap and worth double th price asked. . tied ler. a very pretty nt too, fox SIS. Lynch, only 140. . One of the good Old Cbtckerings In . a-Tneewood cnae. for 139., , EmerMHi. $44. . ,, ':s-t ;y . Jacob ZBCh, 349. ' 1 ' " ' And last, but not least. Stein way. CtO: -Derker, 190; Kimball, . Eaoki and all worth C300 apiece, cash. Csll early and make your e)eet)on, Tnu are aofng So gt a bargain, no tnal- t ter which you tak. To make It an ob-.-J Ject. we'll not split hairs about pny-r menta Ten cents day takes choice; ' aom will go for 49 cents a week, Rllcra Piano Mouse, 841 Washington atretl, Corner Park. V